fît lit TERMS :-$1.50 PER. ANNUM. OUR TOWN AND COU TY FIRST;'CHE W01tLD AFTERWARDS.M.AJMEdioan rpet. NEW SERIES. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, SEPTE BER 4, 1895. VOLUME XLI. No. 36. ANNUAL SALE S,-UMMER NOW COING ON ~ *-AT Ail Parasols at cost price. A lot of Dress Goods at less than cost price, A numnber of choice Dress Patterns at about haîf price. Ladies' Jackets and Capes at haîf price. Liglit Wool Delaines for 15e wTorth 30c. A lot of Prints for 5c worth 10c. Another lot for 8c worth 121c. These are ail new g-oods, and these are genhline re- ductions; everything wil be sold exýactly as advertised. BOWMANVILLE. Reuced= Ail Straw Hats reduced at and below cost, also sum- -mer gent's furnishing goods nuarked down. In fact al summer goods at a-bargain at M. -Mayer's hat store. 1 also would reniind my numerous customers and friends that now is the pî'oper time to have your furs al- tered and repaired before winter sets in, bring thenu along. M. MAYER, Bow-mANVILLE. Tic Practical Furrier. IVake No jVistake. Buy your Spices and Vinegar From 6 I N 1 TH&VISON. We have'just reeeivedl a new supply of the best spices an( exrastrong White Wine Viniegar. No1~rof pickles spoiingç or going sof t if ou' inegai' 15 s~ J. I-IGGINBOTIIAY & SON. Bow'ît ANiILLi:. That Tired Feeling Hoad's Sarsaparilia Cives the Desired Health and Strength. You often hear people complain of ,weakuicss and a tired, un doivu feel- ing. The cause et the trouble is impure or imupoveri'shed bhoed, and whenu in tbis condition it canîret carry heaith te the organs amud tissues et the body. Purify, vitalîze and eni'ich the blood -h Ilood's Sarsaparilla and Iluese tisagýreeuble feelingfs wil disappear, because the llood ivili then carry ieahl and vigor t0 every organ aoflime body. "lC. I. Heed & Ce., Loçwell, Mas.3.: IlGentlemen :-As a tenia sand blood purifier 1 believe ]lood's Sarsaparilla is thE! very be3t. My whole systemn was eutirely ru down, and il. appeare'd te me as though thera w -s but l' ttIe blood in my veins. 1 n'as se w'eak I Couric Scarcviy Cet Rrotind te do m v.,c "k. I finally began te tak , Koc~d's L'~'rian ad aft9r us4rg flue bottles 1 P'und thnt rmy strength lied returuefi andl my appetite was very macjh beu"ter, lu lact, I uow feel as strong as ever." MES. KELLEY, 9Welington Ave., Toronto,, Ontarie. Tire-c Ail Over-Could Nol. Sleop. "4It affords mielc5 pleasure te testîfy to the meit s of Ileod's Sarsaparilla. My wliele system n'as rua down. 1 feit tired ail over my body and ceuld net sleep at ulght aud muy appetite was vary pain'. I tried sevrai physiciaîîs but with poor success. I he-qrd Hood's Sarsapailîla spoken ef se hi.ghly I determined 10 try ih, whioh I'diiý- with great resuits. That tired feeling às gone, nîy appetite is geed and I feel like a new woman." MRs. EATHERLEYý, 132 'Elizabeth St., Torouto. HoodA's Sarsaparilla le the on y True Blood Purifier P-'omîueu+ly befere the publie eye tedayý Anud il la theref ore the -ideal building-up medicine. l'e sure te get Hlood's. Hood's Pili the"ftr-dluuer pill and To0 TI ho Vory Front In Sewing Machines. T. N. RICKCARD, Wateh-, maker,Jeweler and Optician, makes its possible for you to; buy the 'Laber Day was geîieraliy observed MNally of our citizens attended Salenr Harveost Home, A g;ýoed. programme ivas rendered al flth pe session ef the Sens ef Temper. anc(fýeThursdaY ci cning. Mr. G. H. Jardine is standing- a siege eti typioid fever. Otîmers hikýeiise afluiet. cd a re reg-aining sfreng th. hebeys wbe w'ent fromt bere te the Nolrth West have succeeded in getting sitiiations thluegh iniany peer teilews are salid te be walkii.g about w-itli neting te do). 'THAT TIRED FEELINC,.-Is a cemmer coim plaint aîîd it is a dauigerons symp- toi . It nîcanrs that tue system is dcl)ii tated(' because et impure 'bloed, and ir this conditionî it is especially lia bic te at- tacsetf disease. Hoed's Sarsaparilia lu the 'eunedy fer this conditien, and aiso for that'weakness ivhich prevails at fhe change et season, cEunate or lite. Hfod's Pis act uasily, yet promptly and eýflicient!y oci the bewels and liver. .ENrNISKILLEN. M ts. H. Rlogers bas returned frein vis- iting t- riends ii Brighteîî Mrs. John Martinî las enjeyed a very picasant visit at Ceurtice. M3,iss Mary Virtue anud Mr. Fred Mar- one.N are attending the Mode] at Port H-ope tiis termi. M r. C. and Miss Mabel Roger's have, arr iv\cd sately iii Maniteba and repent excellent cî'eps. V'isitors:-IMiss Hayes, Prince Albert. gue-t et Mr. N. BYers; Mr. Brookrs aud seni et Lindsay. at Mr. Geo. Presten's; Mr. F. R. Brew'n, Teronte at luis nioth- cm, _Mrs. W. Bren-n's: Mrs. Pearson aîud îNrs. A. Rex,Tor'onto, at Mr. WVesley Oke's. Tlîey ivere down frein fli citY at tbc i(,iternuent et Mrs. Rcx's youn-est chilii at Beiianvilie. Mr. Fred HeOw- ard tuest at the parsenage. STI'ln ýW ITU ienNvîu.- (ales- cribes th(, position et a b ard or sott cern ivhen Pn'tnam's Paiîuless Cerni Exfract- or is apied. It dees itswîorl,:se qtick. ly anid vithout pain tîcaf it seems magcalinaction. Triy il. Ilecellect fh lýiiiane-Pufnatm's Painlcss Cern Ex- tracter. Seld by aIl drmîggists aîud. deaiers vevîhce 2MOUNT VERNON. Mr. aný d Mrs.. Johnu Gilbert, et town , visited atL Mr. Wmf. souich's. A C'auud ,Co-ncert %w'ill le hld ion lic'l services incnectienAw ih the Sabl1)ithi Sceeh e)j n Sept. 15 w'ill be cenduce d ly 11. T. G Rouirke at 10.8Y a.m., a nd by ,Cev. 1. . Aluin, Columnbus, at 6.30 p.nu. Collctionu at ecd service. Full partic- ulars inext week. .A d1i-aistreus lire started lu Mr. Wm. Gilbemt's lieuse Satnrday afferiioon and spread te Mr. Ueo. Ar'ue's barn and thence te Mr. Henrv Aîrabiam's barn. Ailtes places w'eue tetallY destreved wifl h ncarly ail their contents ewing te the ter rifie wind. Mr. Charles Jomîess, Bowmnanille, w',ýas thc oly person about the place exept Mrs. Gilbert and Mrs. and Mý1iss Soncli i lu assisted him in saiga numiber eftfhings. Manv thaiuks te Cliarlie for hus active mnove mens ii svin wht le dd. Mr. Gil- bert'sliuse was partiaill covered with insuranice. Mr .Argue's baru cetained 12 tons liai', mucîxem uiew er, seed drill and snlkev -rake. Insurauce small. Mr. Ab)raluamn i's barn contained 150 busiiels oatsiad a plow. No insuurance. A COM.iîussuoNmmiN B. R.-GNTIEMýAN Haîini used Hagy,ýard's Pectoral1 Bal- sain for years I liai-e 1îu besitatien in say-in that it beaf s eveî'ytling use, w'e e ver tried fer couglis and coids in child1rcn as iveli as gnon-n up people. It reli-ves fliaf tiglit hindiug seisatieni n tliel ý -est. We îveuld net be ivitiiont t for !fnything, as ive have a large WILLTAM ANDIIEî- Cemînissioner in B. IL. Balmoral, Manitobia. 'i t HAMPTON. Mn. Arthun tett lias erceted an mron Mn. S. Ruse, Toronto, is visitiîg' rela- tives lucre. Miss Ella Crmdeinan is atfeuuding flue Miss G. Rogers, Toronto, is visitiîîg relatives here. ' Mn. 11. Elliotf, sr., is visitn red at ueiouuuFalls. iiu ned Mrs. Oliver and dauglifer are visiting rlati î'es iii Hastimngs, And tw'o other flrst-class Machines Sehool at P>ort Hope. 01n very easy forums anud fully guar- Mrs. A. Sainsînri', Port Hope, is anfeed. Low pî'ice on tinue. Liber- gucst at Mm. Joe. Xard's. ai discoutit for cash and xiii pay Miss Maud Clarkielias returrîcd te y oer takmng yeur Machine home. Toroyuuîo atter a pleasatit visit. Mis- Ehia Westaway is visiting lier T. . R CRA D, sister .ýlrs. C. cdma, Brookliiu. a Bc"MauvucF.Nemdi eBloc.. The Autxîliary o et liXoian's Mis- sîear Scieîy me-opeîîedT'Insday oven- Recout if xitors:-?Yrs. Beacoci, and $ 2 .U VO11O Missci3 ,-ýce, Bimksoc,ý atiNr. Jas. _____Cr5dfoninan's; 'mrs. J. Olivecm, toîvuî, ot Mrls. ( Oiver's; Mlr. J. 1Sande, W ash- Will secure von eue dozen Cabinet lnumn lu;'31d, at Mr. '. A. Joie's; Miss Photograni of thekmd TAIT &CO. L. Ie, Broklin, af rEHîtug furuu out true to lite fer a sliout-tiuiio Mmm.s. M -Lan" tewi, at li.Jehuî for cash in advanice, see sanies. Ci';M.Richamdsomu, Betihany, amid - ~~ni. uhut'linj ýs. iiliauns, Eiuuuiiskîýicei eat Pie'ture frames 0on baud te be sold Mm es ait en's. at a slighf advaumce on cost. olt fio he li ieaut, Iii'vomsness Crayon Portraits ni.de teo (rden temiegs nrvou,5 lea.auue, cc i -1 Iandiaîm foot, pauinu intOh adi, and frem inany p4tuire. i'otimer ýeruof et aknesq are elievocl O'. Samuplos af our studio, Market quae Catts Imoîuiihs, mmde s ediallv for Bowimanî ile. flc e dnerves and coenipeiouu.' STEAM'ER GîARDEN CITY. TORONTO FAIR. This popular steamer will run excursions to Toronto during the Fair as follows: Friday, Septem ber 6 Monday, dé9 Wednesday, dé, ilI F'riday, dé 13' Leave Newcastle Bowmanville 7:00 Oshawa 8:00 Whitby 8:30 a.m. a.m. a.m. Returning next week will leave Yonge St. wharf at .9 p.m., and Quieen's wharf, foot of,]Bathurst St. at 10 p.m. givi n 'g ample time to view the magnificent evening at- tractions. FARE FOR - -ROUND TRIP ce~~ G-ood to stop over. ENFIELD. Mr. Wrn. Ormniston is erecting a sild. Mr. J. NMdderv bostavlbe.o last w.eelk. tavhal e r.Fredur] butfibs to C0w en Sound]( on Ilus we Mr.-G.Cochrane ea", rented the farmi belonging to Mr. Watson IHodgsoîî. Visitors.: -Mrs. J. 'Arnot, Tauntoîî' Mrs. Edward and Miss E. Pascoe,Soliina Mr. and Miss Cochrane, Oshaw-a; Mr'. and Miss Martin, Manchester; Dr. Flinnigan, Scugog Island. A hackin ' cough keeps the bronchait tubes in a state ef constant irritation,1 which if flot speedily removed, mnay lead to chronie bronchitis. No pronîpter remedy can be founnitfan Ai er's Cherrv Pectoral. Its effect is iînediate anaà the resuit permianent. NEW HAVEN. Miss Xiiifred Tr uli is recovering froini Ty phoid fever. Mr. Thos. Power hiad a quantîcy of pork stolen recently. Mr. Alex Taylor. photographed the school Thursdavý last. Mrs. Thos. Power visited friends in Toronîto recently. Mr. E. G. Power, Master Maneîl Bell- anmy and Mr. S.Clarke are sick. Mr. 11. Martyn attended the anniver- sary at Welcome on Sunday and Mon- day last. AIr. W. UlerPeaPikeringreaissrice, Perkins, Uremue; Mn. E. Vanaîp 1Br t O ""-Otatn is', e'mx' ooreuandshe tord; Mrs. L. M. Court ice, Courtice; iNrs. defememuce, inspires hoînage. But beaufy D. Pollard, Mrs, J. D. Storie, Oshawa- t accaio st isfv unlcss thc addition- Mî's. Virtue anud son, Ar'thumrLogail rae, beauti' of teeth. adds its charnu. Sa nî; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. F an k d i7 feh, iet icfl, nppig Mr. Wiun. Usbone, tew n. agtm lresae htawasg fogeflier. lvoine imparts daýzzing- MAPLE GROVE. pcarî'lW ie u'hi'ý1nes, remeoves discoler- afioî anud turtau r eo i te tceth, and Miss Mairnie Mumdayv isited fres efl sthbea sfa-' at P ort l pe ast weeL - i u d eu îes ti l r a h a rg ra t as lo iers. Scbeel is loed ou acceunt et diplutlu- cria in ftic ueigliliood. Mml. J. W. !l-arnden has renfed iuis fanuuu te Mr. Sluampe et Stankviile. Mr. C. H. Siuowden anud MIiss Mq. J. McClellan w'heeled te I ickern-ila-t Mr. Phiiip Tyler ivas l'adly cnt a n flhc face aiud iîead in a ruuuaw av 'ast Wednesday iniglut. Visites:-MissMariyAiluii, Neon'ca -tIc; Miss Editi Goard, fewn; MissE Sheridan andi Miss MaV lHid, j 1Ç'- ýIT MAKES HOM E BRJGIITEK R iva; Mms. J. 11: Littie, Port Hope. hal dedcaoff' uvices eaator l '-ino The hast glow of sunlight at the hral oasser i-ry peanant v d close aof"ivash day, " falîs on a gd u'an eficnstweuafeprseuai a'si - cheenful home wliere Sunlight gain Dofn f li atmnou ii;rc Soap is used. Theivashiug's donc guîetfot baln'as plav cd I etix usn and at evening tie bousewîfe is 'I'vrouie anîd Solimua teans iii w-lilm tume: rs rgtadlgthat tornuen nere licaten1ly a score etf 2- rshj.ili ndlglt-ertd A scrap guuuue uts aise pla'ed h)Om'w clu because Sunlight Soap washes Harnenyauîî 'iape ~ n. 'l' clothes se easily, se quickly, wvith- H rnieu n and M aff -e G rove iii ut ruliling a nd sc rnbbing. Thec mcef l fic i nin wa, ao 6 Cente Less Labor e e bet c i n hee. i li e ~ t Twin Bar Oreater Comfort b~ h5Halca( m.t.W t For every 12 wrappers ftle solos by Miss Crang anud Messrs. jas. Books for LasePtie Ld- Goam'u atm, C. b- Brumnnî, a lit tihe vieii £a Scott St., Toronto, so lo hiv ?cr. M. J . G itemuü nw eo r e r Wrappers a useful paper-bounld n'el meidemed iideed, ouidI Mr. C weoh gai eà oui iunrter i-ugacd.ess i' 5Jprsed î l aug coa jekes. Tii c, Lse w h upred Lces siek liceâ ache r( ismueliomnîtly reuiie' c A 'iis l iant speedilv (Cmri'mi i e j doms cj thie toiînac,,lu' er, maîd 1~ ailti r'ei'e te f eecrg'aîus m'gmuuii; i q ý;1lù1uy actionu.1L s- 1 6:30 ý SALEM. ThoeIlarvest Home services were a splendid success. 11ev. G. W. MeColI, B. A., B. D., of Oshiawa preacued ex- cellent sermons on Sunday to large con - gregations. 0On Monday an lexccllent supper was scrved at Salein by the lad- ies of Bethesda, Salemn and Prox idence te which the vcry large number present did amnplejustice. The churcliwasviery prcctilv dccorated with plants and flow- crs, one i ery attractive feature was a. ,harp made et grain and fruit with the words "Harvest Home" -ii evergrcens. In the éening the chiurch %vas packedi inanv net eveni gaining standing room. 11ev. A. C. Wilson, pastor, occupied the chair, and introduced Rev. C. O. John- ston, of Toronto, who gave a mest in- teresting ai-d practical address ou "The wisdem and Foulies et Home Life. " The lecturer pertrayed verv clearly, and cencisely home lite frein flic craie te the grave, showing the effeet et wise and linwise traininîg and results iin atter lite, The lecture sparkled with ivit and hum- er which macle ut verv entertaining' as iveil as instructive. Mr. Jolinston iveli deserved the very liearty vote of thanks se cordiallv accordcd hit ni d we are sure lie ivili receive a goed lieuse and a w arn w elcome agaiu. The celebrated choir et the Methodist Chlînreli, Bowman- ville, rendered some very choice amithems in their usual -oeod style and ivere, warmlv applaudea for thè choice music. Miss Cran(, Toronto Cillege et Mi s'ýc aill assisteci themi and sauue' the solo "The Holv City" e.-y clearîx and dis- tinctly iwlÏich iwas inucli appreciatcd by those preseîut. Mr. Johiîsten aise de- liglîted tlîe audienîce w ith an lndiau seuug, previiig tiîat lie lias the powver te entert; il by son,, as wel as lectui e. roceeds about $100. The foot bail mtteli betîveon Hamp- ton anrd Salem tcams resulte I in favoi- of tlie fern r hi 2 goals teo U WHITBY. Mr. Ed. Philp lias gene te Maniteba%. Whitb,-'s rate et taxation is 26 nitils, on the .5. Miss E. Virtue, Enniskilleui. lias beean vîstin'~fieîds ere. Mr. Dew'vney, lias bou 'glit eut Mr. H. B. Ta 'vler's ceai businieSs. Miss Ada Pethick, Beivînanville, ha started a dî'essiiaking sbop bere. Mr. W. R., Howse and taluiiy have, tak]en up their resideuce in Hlamiltoni. Operater Norris, efthe Grand Trunik station, iN -rcex-ring frein typlieid f e%-- fîiî ni PeIIIbro'ke and tlue Ottau a Mi.'CCias. MNeClellan is back at the Westerni Banik again atter luelidaying in Toronto anud Bewvinanville. The block et stores in Oshiawa, in- w'hicli Mr. Mfack ie is ene of tie tenants, bias been lef t te Mr. Thos. Conliiu. The Ontario Ladies' Colleg,,e is liaving' a iiew systei fer gu inaîd lieatingý put iii. 'it w illii uw Ie ligbîied by elc- tricitv and the rnew pipe erg-au le rm by electricity. Mr. Fi cd Gibsen, a ver'y higll re- spected yeun minnfetthis tewnî, was, t1îrewn freni a w ýagg-(oni bv tire-"hersei rnuînIiuga-wav, oit Tnesdav' last, receix - ung injuries w-hicli preved'fatal. Mr. Tambl, ni, eldest son et Mr. and Mrs. WV. XV. Tainblyni, w'lo lias been. ailing frein deafiuess, luad an oeratieur perfornmed on lion aùthec luspital lu Toronto last week, liv wdiclî the bene, behind thc car 'vas reinoi d. Heclias siîîce beeîii in a critical condition, but; tiaere lis niow- hope that lie will recever, and reg-ain is i~earing.