GRATFULCOMPORTINu. BREUAKFAST-SUPPER. "By a tharaugis kuowledga of tise ustural Laws wliaih geveru tha aparattous cf digesulan and nutrition, sud by a caneal application of fne u propentias cf wnli-.aeleted Cacas. Mr, Pppa bas povidnd foreour breakfast sud supper s delicaualy lavosed beverat'e whicli nisu sava t smany besvy doctors' billhs. h le by tie Indicions usaeaofasnob articles cf dieu ibai a constitution may ba gradualtu' busht up untîl Otrong enaugli to ressti very teudaucy te iliSe, Hundreda of subte maladies are katirsg around us ready teatarsawiserever .i are se a weask point. We nîay escape mauy IN fatal abaft by keaping curselvas well fortifled wlth i a"' hn5sd a prnu"'rly nourished Cm."-fivil Servine Gaz«elle." Made imply withi liiig waier or mt, Scousiy lu Y n attais. by Groanrs, labilled ihos.: JAMEIîS EPPS i Co., MemSoepathia Chaisn-] lais, Londons.,Enland, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 4, 1895. Dit. J. C. mffilC5L1, j4 BUBER 0F COLLEGE OF P-YSICIÂN and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. office &nd Resldeuce. Enntakilien. 74. BRKE SIHP§qON, Àà]~RRISTR!t, SOLICITOR, ý,t. MORiRIS Pl 0CR, utairs, King Street, Bowruan- v ils Belicitor for the Oulari Bank k ial nesloaned ai the iowast rate% RORT. YOUJNG, V. S. 1-%FFICE IN 1TIF WEST DURIIAIv V New8 Block, wbere 'bimself or assistant ~vil! be found from Sa.m. to 9 pm. iht calis At residencedirectly opposite Lrili Shed. Catis ky telegraph or telephone will receive prompt attention 171.yr A. A. PONT, ARCHITECT. Plans and Speeffica. lions Prepared for every cisas of building, Ispecial attention given to beating by steamx OPd bot water. and to aanitary arrangements. Oilece: Gorria Block,. Whitby 43-ly FL PE'-IATE, Tailor Gentlemen's lothes Made to Order. J-Mi3IiIMACO B0 DENTIST. OFFICE -IRear Of Messrs. llîgginbotham,& Son's frug Store, (down stairs), BOWMANVILLE DENTISTROY. C. HARNDEN, L. D. 'i. 6rsdnste ofthe Rtoyal Collage of Daoutai Surgeons, Ontania. VFFICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFICE. VJTALIZED AIR. New Tailor Shop The undarsie.ned who has beau carryiug on tise tsfloring business lu connecîjon wiih Mason's Dry Goods Store for a numbarof years bas commenced business for himseaf at bis irsidence, Ring S.,wast, whare ha la praparad le make gants' anli boys' suits in ail the latesi stylas, sud at lowasl picas. For tint3e who wlsb to order suite, ha wiii carry a funl ina of Enmpes lu ail the nawast patterns. Giva hlm a cail, J. T. ALN Fashionable Tailor MONEY TO LOAN.- $100,0 00. A large sum of mouaey bas beau piaced l in y bands by a private persan fer investment, on approved boans on tarm seeurity fora terra or EivE or TEN years, FIVE AND ONE I4ALF PER CEit neresi wîh ha asked payable geai ly. satîsfactory conditions for reayment will ha arranged. D. B. SIMPSON Solicitor. Bowmauvilla. Dated Oct, let. 1891. ki-lif O R SALE' OR RENT,-Rouse aud Oj21 acres for sale or ta rcni, sitteate on ýlcugog sîreet nortb, The promises canaissioi a good bouse With avery canvenlauco, driving shed, stifble, e.te'bcgarden coulains a lt ofa thse ehoicest fruit of ail varleti, s. Immediate possession eau ha given, For particulars spPI3 W.FISHLEIGOH Bowînanville Ont III if THE ÙCANADIANSTATESMAN ESTABLISIIED 1851 81 par anuurnl advance, olberwisa $L .5). Subscriptionsalways payable ai the offi33 3f publication. Advertisin,, ratas unless by cii, raci, 10 cents par lina, noup aria jfirsti ngero eu, sud 5 cents 'per lina aacb subsequant ia- setion. Locals, 10 cents par lina. M ..A. JAMES, Publishar SOMEWHAT CURLOUS. An Antarctio iceberg bas beau seau that Was twauty miles Wîde, fortîy miles iu ieugth sud 400 feet lu height. Iu the public sebools af Gerrny the brigbî pupils are sepeated irom the stupid ones. Medical men do the sonîing. lu la estimated that the Kafirs lu the diamond minas ai Kimnberley, South AI ries, steal' $1,250,000 worth cf diamouds a year. The Japanese method of lacquering is saîd to ha ai leasi 2,000 years old. Pieces made teu centuries ago are stillaexhibitad. There are more than seventy halls lu Paris devotad to feuciug, eaeh presidad vver by a fencing master more or les lamons. Expert hydrographers say that inl its deepesi parts the oces's waters are sa dansa tbai a sunken irou.clad would neyerî raach the bottom.1E Iu the lfamons celars of the Hotai de Ville, ai Brernen, there ara a dozan casas of holy wi ne, wbich bave beau preserved for 9-50 years. Leaves af the talipat paîni lu Ceylou îomaiies attain the length of twauty feet, rhe natives sometimes use them.'iu mairing îents, It was a smal rum5seauiy iunnished witb the samne marks ai negleet sud deosu' wbicb met us at avery tur, lia walis wens huug wihi scolcuned tapnatry whihblied corna louesat ona corner, go as ta exposa the rougi siouiewark bebund. A second door, hung wutli a onruain, faced us upon Ibm other aide, Betweanlau'asquais table sten w wh dintu' disias sud the sondlid romnains ci a meal. Severai boutles ware scatterad aven il. At tise bsad cf it, sud Iscing us,thene set a linge man,wih a lien lite liead sud a great eboct af orane- coloured bain, Ris basrà waa ci the saine gtanîng bue, matted sud îsaugled sud ecrse as a barse's mane aesm a sirange faces lu mu' time,iut neyer ana mon brutal ilisu tbst,witi its emal,vicious,biu nyse, its white, crumplnd chants, sud tus tiiclt,hauging lip wbich prnimuded over bis mausinaus beard, Risaliead swau'ed sien an hie abouidens, sud ha laoked ai. us witb ths vsgue,dim gaza ai a diunuen man., Yet lia was not go drunk but thaicar unirmes annied Iliair message ta him. "lWall, mu' brave baye," lie hiccougbad. "Whaî is tise laîast news frin, Pari%, eh ? Yeu're going te free Polsusl, I bear, sud hava meaucima ail incarna slaves yaur. salves-slaves te a hiltearaistocral willi luis gînu' coat sud is ihras-eornered bat. No more citizans altier, I arn bld, sud uathîng but maousieur sud madame, Mu' faits, soe momataeade wull have to roll iilt tesaawdust basket seime cf uuee mnninDg." Dutroc advauced lunaiauce,and stood bu' the ruffiau's sida, "lJecan'Carabin," sahd lie. he Baron startnd, sud tha film of drunteuneas seened taehae learlng fram bis evea, " IJean Carabin," saîid Duroc, once moe. Hn sat up sud grssped thie arme 0f bis chair. jI" What do yen mean bu' rspsatiug ibat naine, Yunug man V'"lihasaîtd. "'Jean Carabin, Yeu are a man whem I have long whised te ment." Il Supposiug ubat I once bissci a naine hew eau.i enucera you, sinon yen muai bava beau a child wbeu I bore it 1 Il Mu'nainei Duroc." " 1Nai.the sou ai--?"> IbmThescn ai lie man you mn dre, 'lie Baron lriad ta laugis, but tiare wasj terrain lu is nu'eî. "lWa muet lai. bygoniea ha bu'ganes, Young min," lie crled, "CILt was ou ife' or ibeiro lu uhoan dey's uthearistocrate or thn people. Youm lauher was ai tha Gir- onde. Ha bell. 1 was of the tmrountaiu. Most ai mu' cîmnades fel. I was alliah fortnune ai wam We muai orgat ail tis sud Isamu te snow aacb otier hetter, yen sud L" 'Heiunid oaisrad iwitchiug baud as ha spote, lEnougi," îaid vung l)nroc, leifil ware ta pase uny sabre ilimoagi 'ou as yen- ait lu that cdiru, h sinuld nie whis ejuet sud nigbt. h diabonar mu' blada bu' cmossung i with yonri. And u'aî uou are a Fremnch- man, sud luave even heid a comumission un- der theesa fisu' as myself. Rias, tien sud daeud yonîsnib. "lTut, tui !" coued Ibm Baron. "hCit is ail varu' well bmforYu Young bod- - Duroc's-puiietice conld stand ne more. Ha swnng ha open baudia unthecentre aI the great orauge bead. I saw a uip iringed wiîh lî hhansd twe gianing bina ayes aboya il. le Yen shah dia ior that bicw." "I Tai is botter," sahd Duroc. CeMu' sabre !" cried the olisar ; 1 Iwii net taap yau waitiug, 1 gromian ynu.!" sud hae bnrrisd franc the moani, 1 bave said tbat uliere wss a amcaud doar cevered wiuh s curtain. Hardlu' bsd the Baron vsniabad wlsa tisera tan Irern baiind ils womsun,yuoung sud beautîful. So swifîlu' and nolsalesalu' dîd aite mova that aie was bet*een us lu an instant, sud it wsulu' tle shatiug cuîtains wbieh tbld ns winne sine bad coma. I b ave sen ir, ail," abeocnind. CI Oh, air, yau have carried u'ourahif spleudidly." Sia sîooped ta mu' eompauiau's lband, sud kisnd iii again aud sgaîu are lie couid dis. engage it snom liergmssp., "lNsu', madame, wiy sbould u'on tiss mu' baud !" lie enind. IlBacanîn it lathe baud wiicb sinnet hlm ou bis vile, iying monts. Bacause it may hoethn baud wbielî will avenge mu' motiser, Isîn bis step-daughrer.he wonuan wiaae beant linelitote was mu' niaiser. 1 losilue him, I lear hlm. Ah,' unire is is step 1" ho an instant ahe iad vanîsied as enddeuiu' as ase d corne. A moment isier, the Baron aîsiamsd witls a drawn îward lu hie iband, sud the fallaw whso had admsiisînd ns ai ils henis, IThis is mu' secretaru'," 89aîd lie. "l Ha wi.hl lin mu' friand i hu tuafalait. Bat wn shiah need msore albow-roorn Issu WSe n Sund hem, Perbapa gan wil i ldly corne wiih mrna amore apaciousa psrtmens." lus was evideuulu' impossible un figit in a chieniet whie was blocked bu' a greai table. We folaownd imnout, iberefore, ia unthedimly-lthll. At tie fartier end a iight was siing ibrougli su open door. IWe shah Suid wbat wn waut in hoe," sàld tle manuwiti utun 0lark heard. ih was a large, nrnpiu'nrn, wîihrows ai barrais sud cases round the waiis. A strng lanîup staod upon a sînli in thn corner. Thae faor was leval sud true, go Guet no aswotdsmau canld ast for mare. Datte drnw hus sabre ed mu' caimuesa, sud piîavailed upon Duroc la jain witb me lu examiniug tle aparumant whicih hd incarne eut dungeon. liera was onlu' oua wiudow, whlcu bsd no glass lu it and ws so narnow thas oua b eould net %c mucb as gai ona's head ihroug I was bigli np, sud Duroc bad ta stan apen a barralin ordar ta osefirom it, I' What eau yen ses ?" 1 asked, '"Fir.waods, sud au avenuseîof snaw be- D tweeu them," said ha. "Ah 1" ha gave i ery af surprise. h sepraug upon the baral beside hlm, Tiare was, as ha said, a long, dlean sîrip af suaw lu front, A man was riding down it, fiogging lus herse sud galloping litesa mad- ma.n As wa watcised,he graw emaller sud smalier, until ha was swahlowad up by the bisct shadows ai tis loresi. "Wliat dos thai mean V' ssked Durc, "«Na gaad for us," sald 1. "Ha mnay havi gous for semae brigands ta oui aur iliroats Lai ns ses if we canîsot Sund a we.y out of ibtis meusa.îîsp halons the cest eau arrive. The oue plaýce ai good fortune in aur faver was3 that bautini iamp. It was narly fill cf oil, sud woutd lasi us until mrouming. lu tisa dark our situation woald bave lien fan more dîfficuit, Bpits light we procsad- ad le examine thbe packages sud casas whieh hined the watls. lu same places ibere wae ouly a single lina af îhem, wiile la ana corner tbey wnre piled ualy ta tisa cnhliug . eaamad tiar, wnwere lunbths siorehouan ai thn Catle, for there wareaa great uumben of chasses, vegatables ai svarions kinde, bln uslnboa dried fruits, sud a lina ai wine barrais, Ona ai ibese bsd Pe lu hotii, sud as 1 iadsten lhumedusting teday, 1 was glad of s onp ai clamai sud sorne focd. As te Duroc, lia would lake nothine, but pacsd np sud dowu tie ronm ilu a lever ai auger ansd impatience. "l'il hava bim, yet 1" hae riad every now sud tien, "Tise rascal shali net escape me 1 This was ail venu' weil, but iii aaamad tu me, as I est oa grea round clinasa eatiug mu' aupper, ibat ibis yanngsîer was tilu- iug raîher tasarauchi afhie owu famniu' whicbha b ad gai me, Aller aIl,is isîbar iad been dead fourten yesrs, sud notbing could seltisi n igit ; bai libera was Etienne Gerard, the mast dasbîng lieutenantu lu the wiaie Grand Army, in imminent danger ai beiug eut off ai the vamu' ourset of lus brillians cameer, Wha wa8 avec te tnow thn lieilusato wiibhI nîlgit bave nanan if h wnme kuoclted ou ths bead lu Ibis hlhaand-comnan business, whicb lisd nouiing wiaievnr ta do witb France or the Emperor ? 1 eauld net beip tiuling wbaî a fuol 1 had beau, wlinn I bad a fine wam babora su and evnmutbîug wluiel sman cnuid desira, ta go ofd upen s iair-brained expedirion oi ibis sort, as iii wemn fmot nagi ta bava a quarter of a million Rus- siaOuta ligit agaînsi, withoni piuuging mutoalal saris of pnivata quarrais as well. "Tisai is ahi venu' weil," 1 said ai hast, as I heard Duoc mastneriug bis uisrmaîs, "'Yon may do wisat you 11km lu iim wheu you gai lie upper baud, At pmepenutishe question raîber is3, wisat is ha gaing te do te us V "'Lai him do bisi worsi l" enind the bey. III ewe a duty tu my isuiser.," "liai is mare fooisineas," aaid I. "If [yau oa sdatu'te yu'oaItint, 1 owe ona un iy mothen wiih is ta gmt oui ai ibis business sala and aaud., Mndu' marart rongbt irnta bis senies. "I bave theught ion rmach of mysslf 1' i crind, "Forguve me, Monsieuir Gemard. Giva me yenm sdvicn as to what I siuuld do., "Wniil," said I, "ut le nat ion aur bealh ibat tiey have amit us up beres mang tia cineses. Tbey mean ta malte au end ai us if îhey eau. Tiat is certain. Thîny hope tisi nauanaeltuowa that wn bave camneliera, sud ilisîsnoue whlh trace ua il we rernin. Do yonm isussans tuow winna u'ou bave gone "hI ssid naoiug." "Hum ! Il le dlean uisu wa caunot ha sterved bers. lbeu' nusticoma to usif îliey are ta lIl us. Babiud a barricade ai barrais wm couid bold aur owu agasuet ibm fiva naseals wiam wa bava seau. That is, prohablu', wisy tinu' haveasent ihat messeug. an fan assistiance." "XVa muet gai eut belana lin returua," "Pracîanly, il we are ta gai oui at aIl." "Conld we net humn dowu ibis door 7" ha criad. *'Noihingeeuhd ha asee,"eald I. "Ibere arn savaral caste ci ail in the corner. My oulu' objection is tiat wa sionid aurselves bc nicelu' toastefi, lta twa ltlle ou'sten paies." "lCen younfnot sngget somathiug ?" lie crind, lu despair. "Ah, wbaî ha ibat ?" Ibare iad beau a low saunfi ai aur littie wiudow, sud a sbadow cama baîwenrie stars aud oursnîvea. A brnali, white baud waa stretceefiinto the lamphieht. bomne- ing glittered bntwentise fungars. "'Quiet ! quick ?" cried a wornau s voice. We were au ths bannel in au instant. «' lieu'have sent bon ibm Cossalta. Your lives are ai suta. Ah, I ain lait !II arn lest ?, Tiare was tis saîd oi musbiug sîeps, a hoanse osti, s biow, sud thn stars were once mate twiultling îhrough the window. We siaod inipiass opon ur banael wiîb aur bload cold witi barman, Hall a minute aft'-rwards we l'namd a smatherad scrar, eudigng ua ciote. A greaideon slamnmd sornewE are ha theelîlnutuight. " hase ruffians bave seîzed lier. Thay wîll tililiher," 1 eried. Duroc eprsug dowu witb the inartîlnsa shsuts ai ana wiose neasan had lef t hmn. Ha atruckthe doar s80 lnuticailu' with bis uakad banda tiat ha lait a bhardi ai blood witb evnru' biow. 1 Ra Hre is itie tay !" 1 aboutad, pieking one irom lia floot. " She muet hava hahciud ité lha kny ittd, sud wl th a cru' of dalihi we saw i swing open belote -us. Witb thesa mp lu mu' baud, I equseezed my way iu, iollowed bu' mu' canpanien. 1 STûî',ý^MES 0'-'e.-? ADVENTUREO seresmirsg out lunlier deligit. Formypr Durîng the progresi ai the luneral pro- 1 wssý djisgnjsîd ta inea swaman take sncb cessian oaitun laie tsar, it was noîsicafi iat delhi l a deed ai blood, and 1 gava no theacstkuight dtaggnd l'irsali alang tiaught as itisah terrible vrongs whilcbwlîb evcr-iiucresing dîfficuiîy sud on muai hbave belalen ber bel ote she couid so reachiug the frress ha. saut to the grauud far forget'lba geutiaies ai bar sax. Ituneauseicua, sud dled socu sItar. wason y tuu ro tl ber siarply ta be Patiaps tie usw tsar wlll be content ta suient, wenna s sîrange, cioking smeii tank dia wihat exaetiug s speciseuisi victim, ihe reti irom mu' nosirils, and a suîdden wiseu iss ime sali come. Ch~~nCrY foe Pitcher's Castoria, We ,-ere lu the powder magazine ci the ynllow gl3are brought ount the fiurs pn castle-araugh, walled cellse, wîtb barrais1 the akfsde hanginge. ail round it, sud oua wîth the top stavad IlDuroc, Duroc !" 1 shoutad, tugging ai lu lu the _ceaire, The powder from h tlayin lu is s'nouldnr. "'ihCasile is on fire": ia black heap upon the floor, Beyoud ibere The boy day esls upon the groîînd, d wsan 'othar door, but it was locked. exbausted by bis wcunde. 1 rusbed outj IlWe are rio beiter ofiibau before," enîed into te, bal to sea wlience the danger Duroc. IlWa hava no key." cama,.hi was cur explosion whioh bad set "We bave a dozen," 1 eried. aligit ta the dry framework cf tbe door. "Where ?" lusîde the stars rcamn sone af the boxes a I pîtf te the line of powder barrais, ware already biaziae. I glancednla sd as "Yen would biow ibis door open?" I did sa my blod was turned te water hy V reciseI l the sigbt of the pawder barraIs beyond, lf "But yen wauld explade the magazine." sud ui the toosa beap rupou the fluor, ht 1tutwas irna, but I was uat ai the end of mîgit ha seconds, it could net ha more my resources. tibanmnutîes, bera thefarnaes wonld ha "Wa ew1-11 biow open the otore-rocm ai ibe edge cf ih. Thesa nyes will ha closad doorý, I erind. in daatb, my friands, baera tbey cesse ta 1Iran back sud saized at in box whîcb had ses tisosa cressling liuas cf fireansd the black *beau 5usld witb candice, h waesabout the beap heycad. size of my shako-large anough te bold Hollaw hus1 eau remeosher whsî iellow- serlponinds af powler. Darc fitied it 1adl.Vaguety Ienarecali how I rusiefi whsle I1 eut off' the snd cf a candis, Wban into the chambar of de'sih, how 1 aeized wa had flnisbad, t wonld have puzzîed a Duroc by oua limp baud sud draggad him r colonel ni engnuesara t malte a better dcwn the hall, the wornu eeping paca paîaîd. 1 put ibrea chaases oui the top of witb me aud pulliuig ai the other arip. eacb cîbher sud plcead lb siave tbem, san as Out of the gateway wa rusbed, sud on uta leavn againsu the lock. Then wa lit aur dewu n hsuow-covered math untîl we wnrc candia,-enfiasurau for ahalter, sbuttng ou thn fringa aithe ir forasi, h wasaba the doter et the magazine bebind us. thertmoment that I heard a crash bhind FA le> no joke, rny friands, to lie aîuoug aIl -ma, sud gianeing round,,saw a greet spont these tans af pewdaî, wiib tbe kuowledge cf te shoot up iteite wiuîry sky. An -thai if thea dama af the explosion sbould instant ltîzr thara seemned to comeas second jpene tra te tbrough ane thin door Our black- crash far lauder than the firet. I saw the ene libs oul hasho hitie thn, hefit trees sud thasars wtiiing round me, fCasîla ltaep. Who could bave believed and I teil uncienseicus acrotaisebody ai 1tisai a hall inch af candie could take,- s my comrada, 1long te humn? My easa were strsining aIl It uwa semae weaks befare 1 came ta my- 9ithetimanefor the tbudding ai the bools af salfinluthe peau-bouse ai Arensderf, sud the Coaýssewbo, were comiîsg te dsstrey langer silil bai are 1 eould ha told ah utat us. 'I had aimait made up my mmnd that ai behallen me. lu wasDnroc, alraady a'ble sthe cýandîn muai have gone ont wbeu ta ga soldiariug, whe cama tu rny badside there was a smack lîlte s burstlug boom, sud gave mesu account afi h. Re hwaa wbo aur door flew ta bits, sud places ai îold me bow s pince ai timber had Ptruck cheese, wîth- a showar of turnipa, apples, me an the bead sud bail laid me almost sud amplinters af casesa, ware abat lu among dead upen the gronud. From hlm, too, 1 us. As we rushad out we bad ta staggar lesrned bow the Palish girl bad eute through su impenetrabie smaknwt i Arenadoîf, how she ronsed aur hussars,and sorts cf debnis heneatb car lent, bi hrebw sa b afionly jusi broaght îbarn bael was a gimmuerina square wbern the dsrk lu urne ta save us from tic spears cf the 3daar had benu The patard bcd doue is1 Cosaeks who had beau suînmonud fmcm work. their bivouac hy ibat samne hisek-bnarded Iu facu, it had doua mare for us iban we ereîsîy ivhom wn bave seau gallapîng ,,, bad aven venturad ta hope. lt had abat- Swifîly ever tise suow. As te the 'brava terefi gaoiers as wall as gaol. The firai lady who had, îwice ssvnd aur livea, 1 cauld tbîng thai 1 saw as 1 cama ouit luto the i not leaf n very mueb about bier at thais hall was a man witb a bnteher's axe in bis moulant rtem Duroc, but when 1 cbauced baud, lyiug fiat upon bis baclt, wlîtî e ta ment iim lu Paris two years latar, aiter gapiug wound acreas bis fornbead, lie the campaign of Wagramn, I was net very second was a buge dag, with two aI its isuch surprisad ta fiud that 1 naeded no legs iralten, twistiug in agouy upon the introduction ta bis brida, sud ibsu by tbe loor, As it raised tsed1 up I saW the quner turus cf fortune ha badl hiinisel, had twa, broken endsa dappiug like dlail, At hae chesenu ta use it, that very rameansd the-&mninstant 1 heard a cru', sud tiera bileh of the Baron Straubeutbaî, whîch was Duroc, tlirown againsitue wall, wi ti shawed hlm ta ha the owuer oi the bleelten- the atiser bound'a tmath su bis ibroat, Ha ad ruins cf the Casîle ai Gloam. pusnaed il off wîb iiilait hanid, ivhiie (TO BE CONTINiIED.) again sud agailiehapassed i hs sabre îbrongh uts body, but it wae net untîl I law oui For the Chldren. its brama w'th my pistai that thse iroii jaws mlaxed, sud thsa fierca, blücodsbot Ail ehldreu anjny swiugiug aud à swiu nyns were glaza inli deati. n a porci or lu au outbuilding furnîishes a Thara was ne urne 1cr us te pause. d eigîtîni pastima. The sketch shows woman s soream fitem lu frat-a scrnam oadI l marial terrai tolfi ns tisai aveu uow we oue that 18 perlacty sale sud essily Oppar- might lha tun aa. Tuera vwnre twa au eran ed thenchld ilu h, Theaconstruction men lu the bail, but they cowered away is se simple sud so plainiy sbowu as to ueed 5rorn ur drawu swords anîl lurieus laces,. u i l xinîo.Teln iie The blood wassirëarnnfros L)rorc's ueok bhu id ha oftougb, tigiîgraed oodpe and dyeing the grey furofai bs pelisse, Such saol lai intncou ta cihby anedhaii,u was the iad's ire, bcwnver, that ie ha suin s o ntncoeiclu n-af n iront ai me, sud ih was only over bis sheulder tiai I cangit a glimpsn ai the senuie as wn nîshed iluote sacamber ln wbii e nhafi firsi. seen the mas' or aifithe Caýsile ai Gloaiu. Tise Baron was standing lu the middle ai L t-e r, oui, witli bis îangled nraue brisîling ILL. au angry lion. Ha was, as 1 have said,a a biuga man, wiîh enarmaus shouiders ; sud,, as hae stooil tbare,wiîh bis face flusbed wiîb rage and bis sward advanced, 1 eould no[ but tbink ibai, in aphte ofail bis vîli-anias, haeliad a propar figura for a grenadier. Tua lady lay cowaning lu a chair behiud biîv. A waal acrosane ai bier white arrns sud s dog-whip upan the daoor were enougi te show ibat our escape bad hardly beaul intirne to save bier tram t bis bruîaliîy. Ha gave a howl like a wolf as we broke lu, sud wati upou us lu an instant, ha"lting aud dniving, witli a cuise ai every blow. I bava alraady said that the romi gave n spaca for awordmanship. My youug companian was lu front ai me lu the uer- lu laeugtb ta suit the position seiected. La raw assage heîweenntbe tableansd the the top board ha six luches by two feat d i watt, so that I could oniy look an witbout theaneat board the saine lenugî sud 18 juches beiug able ta aid him. The lad kuew, wîde. sornnîbing ai bis weaiicn, sud was as fierca lu ordar ta malta h peniaectly salel bave sud active as a wild est, but in a narrow a l a matai pince, a, made irom a hall inch space the wigbt sud sîrengtb ai ibe giani j rod. This passes ovei'thn top hoard sud gave hlm the advaniage. Besicles, hae was dowu theasida pinces sud is made fast wiils au admuirable swordsrnen. Ris paradeansdi scraws. A sort ol nyaor aimilar locp is riposte wern as quiclt as ligtning. Twcea fasianed ta a jeisi or the ceiing. Near hae îauced Duroceripou the shouldar, sud the top is a eroaspiaca irom wbicb s cord thon, as the lad slipped up ou a lounge, rusfradarapneyudhgsdn ha whirled np bis sword ta finish lîm wihhn reacb ai the cbild,, wba by puiling baflaie hacoulfi recover bis lent. I was onu h oparatas the swing. quielter than lie, howavar, sud book the __________ eut upon the pommai ai my sabre. "lExcuse me." said IlI"but ycu bava A TRAGIC CUSTOMV. stilI ta deal wlth Etieuina Garard." Rn drew hack sud lnannd agaînsi the tapnsiry.covered walj, breaîbing inlutie, An Alsrd Dîgplay at Every Czar's Ficher. hoarse gasps, for bis foui living a aweates j o neMn againsi hum. ~Thenarer a nation approaes ta tbe IlTaka your braatb," ssld I. *11 wil braitegetrtalv o h awaii yoîsr canvenencea." braitegetrtelv o h "Yen have ne cause nI quaýrrai againateiciacuier, and thaeîsalner the renard for me," hae pauîed. any sacrifice ai human 111e or comiori "Iowe yo Banme utile attention," said iuvoived in the spectacle. To adoru a page. 1, "for baving shut me up~ in your store. suat, iuisad ta ha cusînrnsry in England ta roem. Besides, ilai other were wantiiig, aeIgi1ddanlsIofyu clrn 1 sec cause enoagh, ipupatailady's arrn ale idd neIl o ongîeda "Have yonr way', then 1 asald who lrequentiy diad as s rasult ai aîopping UR7ES IR.Ë.P.EPSoItsatescein n eoe pipe tthe unosal hscretions adrenive BURDOCK PILLS set gentiy t Ihoughly on the Stoniach, Lvrand Bwel'S. Slelght of Hand. We need no ring to plight our troth, hae suggested, as hae kissad lier impetiuoly. Oh, yes, we do, ratorted the maiden. None of yourý sleigbt..of-lsand tricks wiih me. A Friend In Need. Zigsby-I have put a friend cf mine on bis f eat thraa urnes in the test two years. Perksby-That's noîbîug !I put s, friand et mine on bis feet 14 times last uigbt. in Sale fiands. Whaî bas bacome of ail your fina dia- monda? Thay're stili in the fa mily, 1 hope? Oh, yas, my uncle bas thein. Dijon, France, bas a poplar tree with a record tbat eau be trae-ed ýta 722 A. D. It is 122 feet bigh and 45 fest in circuinfer. ance ai the hase. The largest mass ni pure rock sait iu the world lies undar tha-, province of Galicie, Hungary. It is knowu to ba 500 miles long, 20 miles broad, and 250 feset in ihicir. A mnatcb-cuttiog machine is quite au autometie cnriosity. ht cuis 10,000,000 sticks a day, and then arranges tpam over a vat, where the heads are put ou at a snrprising rate of spaad. Pý. hei1 Baby was sick, we gave ber tiasioria. ïTlien she was a Child, she' cried for Casioria. When she became Miss, she ciug ro Castoria. Whcu sic --ad Childreu, sic gava tbero Castoria. An Excited. Conversation. First B3ýstanda rHorrors! fbose two ara tryiug to scratch easch oher's eyes ont. Second Bystander-No, they are flot. It's a deaf and dumb mian, and bis wîfe, buarreline. fle TOUR OUTI GO O 10POT UESQUE ONE THOUSANO MILES OF LAKE RIDE AT SMALL EXPENSE. Visit this Historical Island, whicl is îthe ~ adest summer resoni on the Great f1a-ke1s. It only> costs about $13 f rom Detroit ; $15 from Toledo; $18 from, Cleveland, for the round trip, including ineals and berths, Avoid the beat and dust by traveling ou thc D. & C. floating palaces, The. attractions cf n trip to tbe Mackinac region are unsurpassed. The isianud tself le a grand rouîauîic spot, ilis climate most iuvigorating. Two new steel passauger steamers bave just beau buult for the upper lake route, costiug $300,000 eaeh. They are equiuped with every modern convenleuce, anniuniiators, bath rooms, etc., illumiuatedl throughout by electriclty, and are guarauteed te be the grandesi, lasgean ad safest steamers on fresh waten. Thwse steamers-favorably compare wvth the great ocean liners in con- struction and apeed. Four trips pen week betwaen Toledo, Detroit, AlIena, Msckt- Dac, St. Ignae, Petoskey, Chicago, "ýSoc," Marquette and Duluthi. Daily betýÇveoin Cleveiand and Detroit, aud Cleveland naul Fut-lu Baiy. l'îe, palatial equipmet;t maltes traveling on these -steamers thon- ougbly. enjoyable. Send for iilustrated descriptive pamphlet. Addrass A. A. SCHANTZ, G. P. Aà., D. & C., Detroit. MiCh., "I vr'i afdiicienl fer elgat yeata wllh Sait Massu' issedicines ublets nase buguly îec- mmseiidcd, bt isoînagave te e muet. I tas adas':seni un u ' A ve's S- rsa- p a iiL, ansd b eue 1I iisi'fsia tise fouithbhouris, my hb- ds n cie as Freefî'ornEm p~ as nier tb u' enue. My u' maes, wbich ia thl;of a chduîirenitscme ic lis oiutii cold and wet weailuer ettea v i'heut gioes'buit Cis trossble bas us'vei retn,rnenl '-TOcAA.Ju, Straiford, Oni, Adi-stsat the end'Fa 4Aec"IsPJfS Cbeaîîaoe r wcI@àfs