Apple.. Cali and see them. We have an excellent lime of Apple Pearers this season. The Little Star Parer, Corer and Slicer and the Hudson Turn Table are the latest improved and warranted to givýe entire satisfaction. Preserving Ketties. n ra rety prices. It is always a pleasure to show our goods. R d.0 BONVMÂitILLE. School *On, * *lVollday Get wrhat you wï,.nt at P. Trebilcock's SpecilITlingrs. See Them. BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. 4,1895. ~EDITORIAL CORIRESPONI)ENCE. Tînt GISEATER SîicrrTs or Lo'cnoNZ. Wolia-vu nosv spent a fu il weuk la Old London seing tise "big siglit s"',and 'could easily spenti a monts more and Ilicu leave more to sou tisan w-c iad -seen. What a vury hasîliag, bastling, jcstliiug, smoky, suffocating ily London is cau only bu realizud hy actualiy sec ing if. This is car sixtis stay hune and, -we dou't know tise city ansti nver sliah but w-e are aiways seîg somthiîig fresh. WTu always unjoy idiag timougli tise basy streets on tise top cf a London bus. If gives onu soute idea cf whiat is doing la business circles, anti cf tise axumber cf pe-iple mtoving -amont tise great Worid's Metropolis. \Ve fant(y-c liha-vu nover befere scua -0) mans- Aînunicaîms ard '-anadiansi ln Engianti. We muet tiiem la droves ,evurywliere)w-ugo. At banpten Cons-t Saturday thereseensed toe buasmanv -people frein Norths America as frein tise Test cf lime world. One w ho know-s eaa tell thoîts by tiseir druss and speech. What thousaads cf dollars tlsoy -ecu eav- ing lu London! So s env cnow- 'etiare tise hotels hure Ilsat manv flnd difliculify in secuirissg quentens. At eux-lisotl maay are taraud aw-a v daiv anti rates have advanced cerîsiderablv. iIoel k-euplng suonis t Lis te Le a veny profit- -able business, ýandthie prospects are incrcaslag yearl.y. Several istel men ane establisiiîg- branches nuar bu' their ,olti stands, w-ich confinrs car ixapres- siens. We shail acsv briev oulline a few cf tise places cf intenest w-e have vis- ited affer some ruferences te iistorieni records.- London, origiaally 'Lyn' (pool) 'din' (hili or hanhon), poeuically called "Au- gusta, bas a ueny ancicnl iistory. It is supposud te have houa fcanded by Brutus, aephew- cf ,Fiiea, cf Troy, Isence namud '"Trenovaatu -" and huti on tise bauks cf tise Thasaus, betweeu Blackfriars andthie Tow-er; defendeti by a 2 J foot wal, lasiîsg river gates, indi-1 cale I by Biing-sgaîe, Dow-gate, Waten g-ate. Thun tise Tisamus was but1 a swampy lake extcnding southw-ardt te Greenwichi andi Chamberw-ull. Tise in-1 habitants w-cru a Celtic tribu, conqucnedI Worth* Hardwar-e, Stoevs anti Tinware. Opposite Ontario Bank. by the Rom ans, whose towa was there- after nameti Lcidiiam, the ame cf w-hosu kiag, Lad. is yul preserved inl thse appelaîlosi Ludgatu. An ncient stonu built imite the xvaii cf St. Su-ithin's Church, opposite the Canon Street Station, marks the starîiag point cf tise great Roman ronds whieh branched eut therufrom ever ail the country, notabiv Watiing Street. To prctuc<hemseives from Ottack, by the Brifons, particularly froin the w-ariike feene, under Qucen Boadicea, the boumans bult London Wall, traceabie frein the Tow-er by Ald - Gate, Bisiîep-Gate, Crippie-Gate,Alders- Gate, New--Gate, Lad-Gate, te the rlver et Bleclifriars. Te this was evuîstually added fronstitse otiser side cf tue Flet whlich flowed down a Frringdon Vallcyý te thse Tîsames, the district cf Whiite- frians, the Temsple anti Gerdesîs w itii Temple Bar, cf ancaviabie îîoterioîy as the "Alsatia" deseribed in Sir Walton Scott's "Fortunes cf Nig-el." Bevcîsd tise w-ails -es the ferîress cf tise Barbi- can, tise Feus of Fiseu-',, andti îw-rds Isialous a s-ast foi-est w-hure fle, wid hoar and wilder ad-eustîurers roàeane. lIn tiseeast w-ore tise Essex swap aî Epping Forest. Gislte deparlure cf tise Rotns Lon- don becam e tihe captital cf tise Kingdomn cf Essex, and la 827, asîdur Egbert fisc Saxons, capital cf En-laad. l)ariag these tisossand'years if isas grewn te ifs present s-ast proportions, pesscssiag prcportv rateahsie as svortiî fontu- millions sterlintg, and isihabited by about five million people. Wo seuntîs e ead the iîistery cf Eng-land la ifs buildinsgs as in great bocks cf stone. Il w-as nearlv de- popalated by sovure famines la 1258, 1814 and 1817, and by thse piague in 1665 svhicli carricti off 100,000 inisabi- tants, follow-ed lus 1663 by the gruat tire whiich destroyed five sixîhîs cf the citv and tua amillions ster-ling cf proerty. la 170)3 a storm ssvept over tihe harbour andi citv, dusfroyiag £2,000,000 w-vorth cf property. By tisese repcated disasters tise olti Roman-Saxon-Norman Loadon lias prettv w-cil disappear'ed and the ruisîslie baried îsearlyV 15 fet heiow the surface cf tise modemn city. We next strive te get tise iay cf tise city. Standing hy tise beautiftni drink- ing fountain lu front cf the Royal Ex- change, facing tise Mansion bouse, wo are truiy la tise huart cf Lonîdon, frcm w-hich maîsy thoroughfares diverge like n-meat arteries ccnveving tise basy crowd as ifs biood in ail directisns. King William St., E. C., left. Tisure is aisctler streef cf tise saime naine at Ciîaring Cross. If is tise way te Loadon Bridge (183t, 928 feut long ansd costing £2,000,000), tise London, Brightton,' SeuIlh Coast and Scuth-Eastmn Rail- 'ivai- stationîs, anmd flrougi tise Boro' te thse g-reat contre cf Sentis Londons traffie, the "Elophant anti Casîle." AIse by Eastcheap )te lte Mint, tise Tcwen, the Monumnt, Billingsgate Fisi Market, and the Custeni bouse. Lombîard St., left, on Longo Beard, afler tise Itlaîs hankuns* timat la old limes traded hure. By Fenchurci St. tte i Soatheîsd, Biackw ail anmd Docks Rail«iav Station, anti east Londons. Corishtili, loft, te Leadunaah St. aad Market (cost £5 ),0)0),. thua Aldgate, M'hit x-apel, tise People's Palace, Mile Ead, Bow, tise Docks atmd Blaekwai. Thi-uadneudlu St., right, cm Tltree1 Nee-île St., leads tismougis Broad St. or or Bi.tiînps-ate St. te Liverpool St., tise1 Great Fasternanaid North Londoa Rail, Stations, tismoagisShoneditch f0 Rack- ne '-, Kingsiand, Daiston, Ciapîca and Victoria Park. Prncess St., right, te Meengate St., and affor crossing "London WVall," to the Metropolitan Undergrounsd Iaiiway- Station, anti a veny complote suries cf trains and buses g-ising ceax-eancu through Fiasuns bv tise "Angel," Is- ington, te Cannoaburv, bolloway, over Peistonviluleill t,) Rag's Cross, St. ['anceras, Euston, antd Pa-Idington Rail. Sta'bcas, passing begeunt's, Park (Zo- ological and Botanical Gardens) ani Madame Tussaud's Waxwork. BTi Princes St., then Gresham St is the vwî to the Guildhall Courts, Library ane Reading Room. The Poultry and Cheapside, righit This principal thoroughfare to the ives' is wonderful in the extent, variety anc management of its traffic.' Bow Churci or St. Mary-le Bow of Dick Whittingtor celebrity, is on the left of Cheapside anc at its extremity is Sir Robert. Peel)' statue, where the traffic divides-to left by St. Paul's, Ludgate lli, Fleet St. the Strand to Charit1g Cross; to th( right, by the Post Office, Newgate, Hl born, and Oxford St. to Bayswater. Queen Victoria St., right, opens th( shortest and finest route to the Wesi End. Crossing Cannon St. near th( Mansion House Station of the District Underg-round Rail, also Qucen St. lead- ing to Southwark Iron Bridge (708 ft. costing* £800,000, opened in 1819), it pro. ceeds past the offices of the Bible Soci- ety and the Timnes on the right to Black-ý friars Bridgre (opened in 188~9 in success-. ion to an older bridge bujit ini 1769), by the Embankment to Westminster. Walbrock and lanes on cither side ol the Mansion House, lead te Canion St., the South-Easteril and District Railway Stations. The Mansion bouse, the officiai resi- dence of the Lord Mayor, who receives £10,000 a year but expends much more in dispensing tlie lospitalities of the city. It was hut by Dance, a retired ship carpenter la 1789, and basà under- gene eonsiderable unlargement and im- provemnent. The Egyptiaa Hall is used for state banquets and balîs, also kindlv lent for charitable aud public purposes. Royal Exchange, the present build- in--of which the founidation stone was laid bv Prince Albert in 1812-was op- ened by the Qaun in 1844, whose statue is ln the quadrangle. It stands apon the site of Grcshaml's' Exchange, burait Lin 1838. Lloyd's booms se famous for its world-wide shipping intelligence, is in the east and upper floors cf the huild- in- and iiay bc partially visited. In front cf the Exchange is Chantruv's statue cf the Duke cf Wellingtcn, erct- cd in 1814 at a cost cf £12,000. Behind the Exchange, tcw-ards Threaclneedle St. is a statue cf the American philan- thrcpist, George Pcabcdy, w-ho gave a hiaîf million te prox-ide better homes for the London poor. Towards Cornhill is the statue cf Rc-wland luiI, cf Penny- Post faille. Thc Bank cf England, begua ln 1788 by John Scane, represents a, private banking business founded la 1691 bY a Scotsinaa, William Patersen. iaicorpcer- ated in l1691, and mîcw wcrth £500o0 Visitors ia see the busineseat mneats, but it requires an order front ai Govorinor te sec the collection cf co iins or the bullion a nd bank note priin iig. The Monumfe'it, erccted at a cosi cf £ 14,500 by Wrren in 1677 te commonmor- aIe the Great Firo in 16e36, whichbl-eg,)an, correspcnding te its height, 2j-2 feet from the spot whiere it stands; it is as- cendcd by 345 steps. In Thames St. on the righit are Billing,,sgate and the Cas- tomn Huse. The Mint is Tower Hill, erected la 1811, where car gold and silver monev is coinotl. It ma y be seen b y order cf the Deputy Gox ernor if applicd for some days previoasly statiag the inim- ber, naines and addresses cf, the party, and the (lav on which the visit is te ble made. Wlýe diâ net enter the building-. Triniity H case, near by on Trinity Sq.,ý is whcerc the national lighthouse, pilo and navigýation buisiness is transacted. The Towcr is the groat place cf in- terest. It stands upea the 12 acre site cf a Roman and subsequeatly a Saxon fortress. Tlie White Tower, conspica- eus by its four tarrots, with walis 13 ft. tlsick, xvas bult by William tLie Con- queror nnd coatains the historicall 'v in- îeresting- and architecturally beautiful Chapel cf St. John. It used as a paiace by Qacen Elizabeth, centains the Couacil and Baliqaeting Halls and the Herse Arinory, la which are a collection cf ancient and oriental armer, repre- the cast side the Broad Arrow, Con- stable and Jewel Towers; On the north Brick, Bowyer, Fintanad Deveraux Towers. Near the entrance f'rom Thames St., la the Lion Tower, ýwas the! royal mcnagerie, maintained for 600) years, discoritinuMd la 1834, and the anm- malas traasferred te the Zoological Gar- Idens. Iu the Jewui bouse are uxhibit- r d gold and geins valued at £3,000,000, rinciading Qucen Victoria's, StEdward's, il Prince cf Wales' and Queun Adolaidu's crowîîs; aise tihe famoas Indlian dia- moud, the "Koh-i-Noor" or "mount cf ýt light." Alas! hcw the glory cf a crcwu 1 pales before thesu darkur mumories. Ia i the Tower Aune Boleyn and Catherine ri Howard-queens cf Heary VIII, Lady 1 Jane Grey and the Earl cf Essex wcre 'buhuaded. Upea Tower Hll Lord Dudley, Earl cf Strafford,, Archbishop Laud, Sir Huai-y Vane. Sir Thomas eMoore, Algerno n Sydney, Lord Lovat -anîd umny others were execuîcd. Ounr party were ail delighted with Iheir visit ehure. b'I lie Guildhall is thse officiai hcad- ojuarturs cf the city corporation-its law tcourts and civic offices, ifs banquets and -receptions. Fouuded lu 1411, it suffered ia the tire cf 1666, w-as restorud la 1789, -and eîlarged and improved ia 1868. -The Great Hall (153 fuet la length, 48 -feef la breadth, and 55 fellan heigcht) is the sceau cf the great civic festival on Lord's Day, and accemmodates 3,500 at dianer. Whea the Alliud Soxerigais f were unturtaiaed lu 1814 $200.000 worîh cf plate was displayed. Prominent among the decorations are the arms cf the tw-elve great city companios, more conspicacus the ancoath figures Gog aad Magog (properiy Goaxagog and Cerinaeus) rcpreseaîiag twc fabulons Coraish giants, suppcsed te exercise mystie infhuence ovur the destines cf London. Arouud tise hall are statues cf Woiliugfton, Nelson, Chathsam, Pitt, and Beckford. The stained. glass east- cmn windcw- cemmenserates the assist- ance given by the city cf London te the *safferers by the "cottoa famuine" (1863-5) whilu the western wiadow is "la mnem- crians" cf the late Pilce Consort. The lilrary cf 5o,000 voluixes, includhsg 21,- 1000 volumes, iacludiag- 21,000 frcm the tDutch clsurch cf Austin Friars, nsany i-arc Hubrew- works, valuable bocks aad sMSS., is habited la a splendid hall usýed -on great occasions as a reception rocm. iTl.e reaciag rocîn, coataiîîiag îneps, diructories, and sach like, is for the fre -use cf ahl enquirers. Undernealli Ihese 1is tise museuim, contaiîiiag city relies, s-aImables,ad curiosities. Te bu cotinued. RIEGINA, N. W. T. No. 10. Regin'a, the capital cf the Ncrthw-est Turritories is 37 miles w-est cf Winni- peg. Jl w-as hoad quarters for the lreeps cf flic late reboliion and now head, quarters cf the Mounted Police, the Lieutenant Goverrior's residence, Le- isiative Ibuildiin2-, Jail, Barracks, Store- lieuses and othier iner buildings pur- taiaiag te Geveriinent business. Re- gina ils now- holding ils flrst Territorial Fair-. one mile frein the tewa. The land was presenîed te tihe town by the North- w04 lanîd cemnpany aad comprises some thirîsý or f ortv acres. The varions "rants te the exposition w'ere lilteral, the Dem- icaonGovermînt's grant heing825,0Wù, Local Goverramouit $00 andti lwi 85,000; tw-c buildings are erecfed oeu cach side cf the entrance Ticket Officei and Cominittermoinss, with tutu table1 entrance, in tihe centre cf the grounds is the Main building w-hich is a verv large twc storey building, and w-cl filied with exhibits cf every descriptioa. AlongI the drive w-ay front outrance gale te main building is a beautiful avenue cf trucs, tise Agricuitarai and Dairv Build-1 ings wore w-cil filled, the Indian build- ing w-as purhaps tise most attractive te easteru s isiters, the svork done by the Indiens w-as most remarkzahie andin-iii cluded alnsost es-ery kind cf laborý The PoultrY building was inadequate le contain the exhiblîs. Tise herse, cattie, sheup azd sWiac buildings occcpicd a1 space nearly haif a asile in leagth, and1 the display was liard f0 huaI. The race track wit h ifs covurud cgrand stand w-as xerv attractive te many. About 2000 Indians were eacamped there, r;epre- seatiag tise different frilses, and w-cru w-cil cared for hy fthe Governmeat as t he busy crecting eleïatcrs ari prcpariag te recuis-e tlise beuntifal i arvsct w-hie-h is aiow pnttv w-cil asure i. 7a n y next leten I hope tel1 ave ari'el at Vir2enu Ycurs ncsppctfull1.-. f TuîomÂs bOAls. Mcc sonsin, Ang. 14. West End HOuse Kmid Gloves And Ladies' Fal Jackets And, Capes. Iu thesu days cf kuen competitien the oid say- ing that "goeds weii beuglit, are haif soid" stili bolds gcod. We are iu a positic's te buy in the very best markets, in fact we go, straig-liýt te the manufact- urers as far as possible so as te bu able te gi-vu car custoers the yury best value for tweir mcney. We have jast openud up a shipmunt cf Ladies' Kid" Gioyes bcaght direct frein the manufacturers lu France. Yen wîll i nd thîem xvery fine gccods and wu guarante uery pair. We ha-vu aise opened up car first shipment cf Ladies German Coats and,' Capes. Perhaps it is a littie early te bay onu but we wilu bu pleasud te show you what w-e haveu. We ha-vu the cheapust andi best Gents' look at our liue cf Tweeds. We ha-vu the best assor tment cf Fail Tweeds we ever had,- Suits ail new goods, and we have marked Ilium away rro down iu price. Our $16.00 suit te order is easily worth $18.00 and we guaraaîee the fit and i-,o'the O rd er. linings and triuîmings. Business in our Boot and Shoe Department is Boots booming. We are opening up and marking new .A.n goods every day. Our Mr. Jennings informs us tlat and Sbces iin the country and, in his own words Shoestwe will knock theni ail ont." Hel means our cciii- petitors -will net bu la it with caor prices and our stock. Remeniber we are in a position te do this - tracle righ, and wc are geing te do it. We carry fiegoedsaswf as cearse la Ladies' Men's and Children's. Givu car Boot anîd Shoe Departîssent a triai. It has always been our amni te have the vcry Quarter best 25c. Tea in the country an d I thiak we bave or reputation pretty wcli cstablislîed for that line, Dollar but, la erder te keep up te tise higli stanidard set, ea. -and if possible te butter il, we have imported direct Tea. 'frein the place cf grewîhý a shipnicat cf ne-w and fresiî Japan Tua which we are retailing at 95c. pur lb. Ail we ask is a trial cf this tua and wu are con- Svinced yen wiil have ne other. %Plums Anld Pears. Bow We are pasying t11e highest price for Piums and Pears. We buy ail kîntis cf Penn Preduce, Grain.,e(tc, and aisvays gi-vu tise lighesù puice. John McMurtry.- 'MANVILLE. Coca and its Uses. We are wont te associato this new drug cf marvellous nmedicinal prop orties w 11th the grateful beverage cf the break- fast table , bat the 'y are qaite differeat in source and in proportios. Ceca is a mcst beneficial gif t te tho sick and suf- fering, as is attesfed by its rapid risc in estimation and the reliance nom, placed "pou it hy the eminoat practiticuers la Europe and America. Maltine w,,ith Coca Wino is the maost roliable form la which the full medicinal value cf coca mnav ho obtaiined and the striking reulîs derived frcm its use linorvons exh ans- tien, debiiity, weakaess, or palpitation cf lihe hart, warrant thchigli apprecia- tien cf its merits expresscd by meîdical mea w-ho have used it la thoir practice. Maltine with Coca Wine is net a p atout miedicine, but a highly spucializud phar- imacetical produet; designed te cure disease in the oniy way disease eau bu cnred, viz., by helping- nature. This il dous bv aidiug'ý digestion and assimila- tion, and by hap arting fone te the aur- vous sxstom. MIaltino with Ceca Minu is w'lorthy cf yoar confidence. Sold by ahdrugg-ists, EÂSY HOME flYEINCT It is now possihle for an iflexperienreco persen te dye cotton, wool, silk, featheis, etc.,e a black that xiii net croc, Gor x asi HAVt if yenus Diam mnd-r»F-lAE Mýý-rE M-P)oVEMENT NorFOUHD I MAKES \Vtha en ' THAT W! LL WELL REPAYA N cen pakag ~INVESIGATION of .y SyTHOSE cfe aryee astDESIRE TO SECUR,,E black dyes- TH E TS F for wuci, for c.o 1eon, ailznd c ~ ./7ALR feathers-the TORON TO SAFE WORKS- vcry firsi trial TORON TO. brings su'ces, and d itrections on 'l'r MON TAEAL VA NCOU VER package are se simple tisaI cen a child (an INIE ICOI get tise hest resusts. There are moe,-t han , ________ VICTORI ferty celors of Diamond Dyci-ai relhale - CA RH and easy te use, and their superiei iftvisun- quesîioned. We scnd sampies of dyedcicjl. 0f tise Nose,1 Throat and Ston-uc, bay and direction hock free. Fus-en, Catarrhal I)eafiiuss-A WaLlS & RICtHARDSON Ce., Montca-l. New Hlote Treatimuît. Suifferons are net guncrahly aw-are tisat these diseasus arecontagionms, or tisaI they are due te tise pre~seec f living xqECIPE-For blaking a Deliciaus.B-eautb usarasitus iintise iing inmbraîs cf ls Drink at S.al1Cost. ns n utcintbs Adams'Root Beer Extract. - - 0neBottie terieseartictchhianlies. Mroecop,*l Fleischînarnts Yeast..Half a Cake î eenihseehspo dti Sugar--------Two, Pounds Ite ho a fact, andsth ie reu sait htI a suni- Lnkewar Water Two Gallons. th o e cnely lias boums fortusulatut i isre- Dissolve the sugar and yeastin the water, add te b htiese disîressiin'- diseases are rid- extract, and bomtle; putin awarmi place for twenty"- .a four honrs util 1h ferments, tben place un ice wltea ly an-i perniais6ntly cureri. A pamnpilet it will open sparkling and deliclous. eplainingr its iesv tneatmn-iît is seuil Therootheercanheobtainedin aildrugandg-onapiatt yThMrh Bst C. l ,5 egr M to-c ~eyStores it o andi ficettues tg ak tandliaiî TseMtiaBan "ce gallons.ICc0. , 41 anti 43 East Bloor St., rmne HO!1 FOR RICE LAKE Thse Peterboro Navigation Coinpsny's large New Palatiai Side Wheel Exeursion Steamier. "CITY 0FPETERBORO", Plvinx on the waters betwîene rbeý",n!su i-1.2ce, Keeniead Hasmîîs See e charter. The Co1mpany has eempleted arrangements wiît lie Grýand Trunk and Canadian Pacifie Raýtiw-ray se dthexcursions nia',-liwe markodat Peereongh, Harweed. er lMastiîigs, tom any point on1 mite Midland Division efthte Grand Trunii ailway, atia xery low figure. Sundav Seheels, Ciiinreie s andm Socties w-ho iturpese holding a pic-nt- or excursion clutrilg lie suminter, are requesled le cemumunicame with the eemlbaity. Staunci teiamers; le ey seemery; deligittful saii; everything tirst class. Address R. S. DAVIDSeN, Secremari- î-eh,-,i S-m. ESTABLtSHED 185r, TpRE & BURGLARý eash and OnePricee 1 1 1 -~ f