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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Sep 1895, p. 7

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dentto li'O stt ofte system. sucli as tdzsness Fassa.Drosiness, Distress after e 12g Fi nth ie &0. While their most remakabe anots h. ben hown in euring Headache, YOt CnorTuEW LrrrLz Lrvsa PrWV aeqaiyvaitiable in Constipation, curiuL /,l.reventing this anmsoyinig omplaint, whsl< ~ &socoret ildiorer o te stomacis simulatb'e the liver and regulate thse bowelg Eva f hey only cure chthywpuld be almost priceiegg te those (wh-o uferfrom ibis distressing complaint' butn fortunately their goudnss does flot end Isrand tbose who once try them w,.11 find IiittIe pilla valuable in s0 ma% uys that thywill not lis wilhing te do without ihete, iut setter ail sick head la t1ie ane uf su many lires tisai iere la where u; aire caur great boasi. Our pilla cure Al wi "l others do not. U- i, TER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS are very simall r and, vs-ry easy tu talce. One or two pille mnake 5 a dose-,. -They are strictiy eegetable and do ne ýieor purge, but by their geutîs action as who use them. ln vials at 25 cents Seool1 bd everywisere, or sent by ual çOI.7T% EDICIliE CO., lFnt York. ~ TADAD B» K 0Fý C4ANADAý I e pald aps, 859eeeo.tet i55M0O' ThsBank îs preparod to do Legit.- eate Ba'ýnking in ail its branches. Far&mer's notes discounted; Deposits receved and -Interest p aid on accounts ef $ and upwards in Savingg Bank Depirtmnent. B H A 9",~ Iu'nd aaûd Collections made la EMrpe tJnled sate ansd Canada. W. J, JOI4E8 FOR TWENTï.Y.-FIVE YEARS ~HECOS B' K' E ST FRED LARqGEST SALE INCAAA ONliTARIIO BANK I sotinseatO o aGenerai Banlttng Business Dowmavlllei&geny. DE7uPOSITS Recv" 8 avîngs Bankr Departrment and on QcaihLnsl -, estallowed atourrent rates, No noticejo ni ý sdrawal necessary. All deposits ~ vs'abl on emand' EXICIJNGE r- r hiad sold and Drafisissued open Europe nldStates and Canada, alse Gold,Sl'erand Ua ted tses Gireen barlrshomrht and sold. COLLECTIONS Primsl '"y marie at carrent rates upon ail part rj C, Great Briltain. the United States and the 50 -1elIon 01Canada, Telgraph Traîîsfers M1ade for large or insali ý;ms on ail par of Canada. Tis je espoially advantgeon-1 to 'eso~living~ ta Maniloba or thse otse, imksthe fends available at onoe as the laofu paymient. Other parËiculars cali at the baak. E.L FORTT 1' EO. XicIwL, r Accountaxnt. Manger. SIR ~ JULIAN PAUNGEE1JT TIM BRITISH AMBASSADOR VERY POPULAR AT WASHLNGTON lastde ti, lâe e el te lltists 5ntobsss- nie LiOse t ofthe t5tpote5c tCorps-= Sues a Chnaiîa' Wl5e ansd Fouir Love-1 ly IaHz#àters WhoeEnueriaice Irrgely __5istîegilscatreter oet fie iMpie Tise British Embassy bs neyer besa an pupsilar with Soiety as incestise presieut Ambassador sud' hie fasaiiy have amd e their borne aibV ashingtuu, esys a XV ais- ingion oorcspoudentz Tise lavisis isupit- slity ta uhichi h ales snob ieadiag pari turing tIse Wiutcr seasun bas matie 1 tise favorite gatherhug place ut tiesenul ntra set la Washingson soity. TIse Ambassa- dur le alwavs abiy sappiemeatet inl enter- taeniug by Ladiy Paunetuote aud tiseir iangissers, ibres ut uhosa bave mate tiseir formai febut intu Society stucs cominig su Washington to reide, As a hostese Lady Pauneetute us puntet lu hec uannere, anti hec msuy charma bave hsppily heen iniseriteti by ber tiangh- tare This la a stis htisas anuut ottea bie affirmeti hy Englisis 'vmen, sut on ticS accoua tishe Britisb Embassy is ail tise more tieseevetly popular, Lady Paunos- Lfote s hdtomestie iu hec testes, bat bas lîke her huebanti, livef su long abroadt tsaie cen adapu iersît to ahi lundi ut cireurm- stances anti taIs an active intereat in everytinig goia on soiscever sise lappeas Se be taijouef. AN S/AtL-ROUND RASSI WOMANS. Seia ae vry &sceaoesbi oman ; sees every une 'vio cllesutndmaIes ihoAusfuel 'vlore wiaiover cîsy lbe tieir errant, Lady Peuncetutersesa piainly, bat itis tlîoroogisly reinut sud ertistil tasse. Sisu bas iseun ee0n su maluointauy parte ut tise 'vonitt isjaocial conversation ais e i a mesS enseetainiîeg 'vman, being ubaS So bu peuple sce--a gouti lîstsec-interesteti ati sysapathesio at ai times, MIS, Pauncotote ta su socomplisiet 'murnen 'vi ie setalent for aketching anti painting. ffer spsceaisy su tise later is in miniature, ra t isladue tn ibis glît sisat ber deski in tise second drauîîsg ruo sail decoratet 'vîti numerous portraits outlhec frientsis scisty. lunsthe firstidra'ving ceosa, t in is tisefunuhngs are li of s rccb vivi red, une coresr is given ovor ta tise teat. hichis is ilsespecial prupeesy ut Lady Peiscutot,-. Ih ceat tissdeel tisai she site every muerinu sut bas tise ac- ounuts ufthtie Embassy in tise bousekeeping ilue broagbi ;n to uer foc tisas careful inspection tisas marks hier witt ail ber social accumrpi sisment2, as tise naretulandut neesioical houeewite. MISS PAUNCRS'OTE ASSISTS HEM MiOIIER, W heu Ibis portion ufthtu ranniug gear ut tise Ernlassy is antie inspection, tise duaw- lng eo-as in most greet EFnglihbouses -is tise favorite place 'vutiste dangisturs ut tise bouse. Lady Patineote's teel lu the reti tcawiug rocunle isao neetinlucomn- piling eh ttue dînner anti invitation lista matie ont tuciag tiese asoen. Iu shie por- tion ufthtie 'von, Mise Paunefte s a mosi invaluabie assitatnt su bier mother. No invitations, even tuortise mut informai funetiona astIshe Embasey, ie evor sent ouns uitiunt firit being subrnitetos Sic Julian tue hie personal inspection. Bush tise Arn- beesadtica nt Lady Panuetute are muai panctiissnhalah maters sffecing tIsa Ambassafuchel dignisy, sud tise invitation liste, cspecially tiucee preparet for fiane parties, are eps Su ha traugis 'viti acfaursr tissu ordinary signiticauce. These liste cee caretuhiy preserveti, duly markestivth tise date uft sieir use anti are pigeuu.isoied a'vay lu Lady Pannefte's deel tue future reterence. MIsS S SYBIIA iit'SICIAN. IMisSyuilPauncefote, 'vîcumatie ber Pauciefote came su W'ashington, lias sesu ~ tise pes Winier in Dreeden puraaing the musiC'l facuity ase 'inieris from bier [j fther. She ta no'v 'visi ber mother, isav. s alss ieais .0 sv biSesoSsidiîs inSFr, ,ing juinodti iem upua tiseir arrival lu 5c SSere 5,vEpres -nirsiOfce -s.s. T. A. London, uhere tbsy aidedti S tise gaeiesi Jam uft he 8pring seasua, by tbrowuug open _______________________________thissr touli bouse anti entorsaiuig. The Sybila 'vattz le suhe name ut tise musical A Famiiy liatter. composition ut Sic Juliau, 'veisten some yeare sinosý lu bunor ut hie seond dangbser. Tise usme Sybilla comes du su %w us the tamily teum tise tisys ut the Crasaders, anti I bas alusys been borne by une ut tise talc unes nf tise tamily. -' ~~ Milas Lilliasi Pauncafote htis tetirtiaugh- tee, 'vin matiehler tiehut a year aine, anti 't t , .'t ~Mise Audirey, tise furisd 9uuec su, -~ 'vose formai enscance lestu sociecy s the eveut msrleng tie early part et the pest seasun ha Wýasbinmtee. BuSh- ut tsese girls Mca. Perkins (calmly reminiscent are Sali, dune louking 'vumen, pussesset ut Jonaithan, ue've bin marciet. tony year tie sa eai Englisis toutneas toc uaiking f uxt Tneeday an' nevar bati a cross 'vorti anti ai ont four sports. vit. A000552L15H51 IN SPORTS. Mr. Perkins . I kuo'v h. I've atouti yer , ai'pucty usil. Mcas. Peelins Jonathanu Perîhua, yuu'rs a meean, hsatetul, deositaiulti sbiuig, an' 1 wolntmsrcy you agin fer love uer M iouey 1 Prompt Exampies Neeessary. Tise tact tst must ut tise murders wiih nava recently diagraceti Canada bave besu commrittet inl rural districts dos noi ssy meoh toc the idyllia peace anti ceins ut ccuntry lite, Lt sIeno eaggestie thai mucas- tere are needeti te give more adequate police protection te rural disetricts. I is usaaiy tIse case that peuple ubo are i- lllely te om i criss ut violence are Tweli.uw in tise ueighhorhoods in 'viicis 'hiey livri, sudl tbey are ecarcely Isptinh check -r country constable. If tisse bad n)ecstlrue'v siat tbey 'vero hiable ai suy ornanitos the tescens upon tissa of memc. oers ut a tiyiug equatiron uftirsineti dtet. tive 1they 'voulti puesibiy havesa utile more regard tue buman lite, lu tise receeses ut Lise uey.ack terme these ruffians feel f toerailyat ease, anti lraquently contact ~thenie ,e in a uay tisa 'voulti not hoe tur Sa moeipermeittet inl a city. A feu jpiromtii exampies ut punîismeut for sssaîlt iisiL save as'trous somes martiere. Nothing to. Rub it With. Lissie Ciarencs-I bsarti pa salling hast iighî so a ba-by heing hun 'vîionu any 7nil ise do whien hie bas tIse stomechachoLst esWlSse' o aiIWa Ahi tour ufthtie Misses Pauncetote are fine tennis sud golf pisyes. During tise pasesWînter siey bave uddeti bicycîîng su tiseir lit uf acoomplishsmente, andt up te the tirne uftshir tispersuce, eariy in Juns, tue Engiautih'ey 'vere su bu seon every day taking a long spin aiung thetailles ut asphaist esceeta hantise West Eut anti runnuing itt the country 'viero sboy en- joyedthte ieightful soenery that abuantis in subuehan Washington. Severel sseons sînce tise Misses Pauncefots suarteti a tasse for arobsry, bus for some reassua h nevrr souk any feelietiiolti lpun tihe tasicnable laucy, aud 'vas cunaequentiy abandoueti, As tinoer givers tise famihy outshe Bni- thisAmbassador excel. Tiseir f muera lu- variably rsuk arng tise mut elegant ut tue season, anti are guneralysupplemeateti hy satiance in ublish about ditsy or a bu. fred guesis are aseet to parsicipate. During tise pasi inter ihe belonginga ut tise Em- bassy 'vere anicieti by a muai magnifosait service outeliver mateintlu tiure ut Et- 'vardth ie VI. PROI'ERTY 0F BRITISHGOuVERNSMES/T. This magaiticeni plate is tise prupeeîy ut the BishiGuverament antifis nover alhou- edteS be nseuf y any but an Embassy. lt 'vas sens tu Washington rus Spain 'viss tise Embas>s as Matiridi 'ens eut et commis. sien as sucli cuti ieosme sirnpiy a legation. This silver lsa atineti 'iti tise Britishs cout.of.arms anticonsisaoutseverai hnn- fred pieoas. t bas nuotiplicate in the 'vont ant is le ui'vrthseaeing. t 'vas used ti isavecal ufthtie dinuer parties given iastsaion astishe Embassy. Itcan ha sait ut Sic Julian Paunoolute biisaiftt bsi elaone ufthtIe mut striking reîary Birie isat a vey igh regard for eaci other aud ucre trequentlT bud togeshsr bu acial converse astishe gasier. inga etf Washington suciety. Tise Englisis Ambassadlor is nust'vhaî'aight bu .alleti a phlosophical man. Ou tise cuuseary, ho lookse as hings lrom a practicai poins ut vie'v. Ho staues affairsaocording te ths habit ot an analytical ia'vyoc. Hs intellect le pouctrtcasînsd bu graspa diplomatie sabjecte as a glauce. Iu thse cunduci ut bis office bers he bas a ireer baud thisl ueualiy alloweti diplomatie cepresontatives nowatisys. Since th.e telegrapli bas heen exteudeti dieplomatie correspoudeuce is nsually con. dactetinlutise Foreign Office uftshe home goverument, but becaîsse ufthtie greai re- gard lu ubîcb bu ta beiti by the leesofu thse Foreigu Office Sic Julian bas been able t0 set lunu:any imnportant cases ou bis u'vn reapousîbîlîsy. Ho is sattîieti 'ith bts position as Washinugton anti bas cesaineti it lu Dreference tu a trauster te otiser puinte that migise have heen consitieetinl the lina ut promotion. Ho is the mus eFsteemoti and imudontiai cepcesentstivt Gret Brisain bas ati lers sînce tise das ut Lord Lyons, uhen usa in Washingýon turing tise tivi 'ar, anti bo badthtie unticubteti eteem ot Ssoresary Stuarti. A Roaci for Tourists. Tise Siberian Raii'vay ta nuu iu complote running ecundtioln sud opeu n eOms,2,2e.l miles teom St. Petersburg, anti four tisys anti tisehait ut anutherases uceupiet inl maling tise journey. Ia vie'v ut complica- tions 'vîth Japan and -to shurougily seonro Vattvsocl as s seapors, thbe 'vor ut building s abont tisa mus vigurnus thing Rassis is engageti in this hot seasun. lu tht consruction of the line the engineara anti mon engaged inl drceniug a hug 60 miles 'vide bcd to live in hmie haut on piles, 'vicis counit hoapprosoisen n las. Thie moaquitues 'vore se plentetul tisai maeks bcd su bec'vura anti 4,000 'vere ici cheertul anti exiilacstiug une for souriiso Saved. Ohs he aiti, your condt i l eneagis to make aangel 'vaep ! I don't ses yen ehedtiing sny, tears, bu reterstid, ant ieistact saved-tie s day. His' Philosopliy. Wben h1'vas bora, I diti net bava Wisisin my mentis, tise burgiar saiti A silver spoun, andt t is e hy 've sadt u place une there instesd. Geovernesses able to cy cle will soon ho in damant in Paria, sncb is thse rage for oye- ling smung girls. Effect olî' Happiness on Heaithi. t shoulti he rememberedt tisihapucuese anti hesitis are muet ntimstely, iî net iutiissoiubly, aseccateti. Tise man 'vlo le happy, nos by transieut glearme ut epirisuai sunehins, nut by casual gay surftacs.coloring ut bis exiteece, bat by a hiessedetios al ibrougi bis budy, is nilan the pruper sense ufthtie, word, diseaseti. Tise radical idesuoftise tees disease is inconsistant 'vitb shis stase. Last us remember tisailite, biossedetnse anti Iealsis are une. Hes 'vinis nu blesmedt, 'voiste nt happy, dos nuS really live. Ha tises ns realire tise ides ut what 'vs caîl life. Tise 'visele ut lits moTs, il îbsy sauve as al> 'vitis friction anti labor anti e ors. Ail action lu the lineofut uty is an up-bill exection anti nos a apuntaneous Vivaoi ty. An aubsppy man cen not, in tise fu sense uft hesord, lho abeal thy mau. Macle uft 'vsipbysiciane tress as disease is unly s mentalunubappinosse. t toliews from this tisaitishe beet physicien is hoe uic bloees otlsers, ubo makes otise suais hsappy b3' tise tivjne ennabiLu ut bis vortis aud preseence. Tise spbere et bis ieneiceut lite is a centagions peacetulees anti anidiaturbeti tranquiliity. Hs uninsters tu mînts is tiaaic, calma5 tlireaet.ra, alisys their auxiete' es, suives their ioabtsa, quiets forebodinga, cemuves tise gluum ot desptir, supplanta theer self -condaemnation by a sanse ut pardoc, anti aima Su pluel lrom tisa beach every routeti surru'v A Gooti Disinfeetant. Tise beidiehutectant for s siol ruum 'viera patients suhfering from dipisthia, ecariet lever, messies, or sirnilar tisases are cunfinet'i, hasaidt iehoquai parsetue. pensine'anti carbolie scîi. Hallsa teaspouni. fui of ie amixture put tutu a-kettle ut hoiling 'vaser and tilps at a boiling point, 'viii give relieftoSutise suffecer, anti prevans tise Spreaà et tisecontagion. There is ,au undergrunti river near Charlotte, N. C., whicb le only 45 tees helou tise surface, htisla700 tees 'vide sud about 6 ftest lu tepie. it'vas isovereti lu 1893. Ovar 400 diamontis are Inoun tu bave been recovereti from tise ruine ut Babylun. Many are unuut, but muai are plisieti on une or t'vu sitise enly. Ont ut tIse Iardeet thilaga lu a yunng lauyer's lite lu Kenucky is tisai ha has su 'aebis psy in moonsiie whiisky for detending moonahiners.,. 1' men in Washington. Being doe ni tise Diplomatie Corps, hoe naturaily takes pro.H A L 1H cedence in tisat service, and isesteemeti for hie many excellent personal qualities. Hes cones Irunanold S'omersetshirefamuily. The Stye. original Patnuceiote, tounder of hite tamîly, Stye is an affection of the margîn oftihe came over with William the Conqueror atI the time ut the Norman Conqueet. Thenam eyelid. Witb uts irs appearance the entire it8eli, being interproetid, means Ilstrung li becomos swollen anti painful, and the thinker," sud in all hie officiai lfe Sir nn0ammaiiou may incresse unili the whoie Julien has proven himsif su be a wothy 'ieo h aebcmsivlei bear c R W O cf ti te tAmDy cuguome .This inflam m atory perioti s ally laste wAstntws uLîaTut AD JbDl/E, thcee or'four days. At thse end ot that For generatione the family bas besa a time thse inflammation nsay subside grad.- sol id but nos cunspîcuons une lu Soutisecu Engianti, Sir Julian uasa etinated as ashiy ; but ini muet cases s minute point lawyer, secureti a colonial appintment on appears near thoetidge of tihe liti uhicis has accouaI ut amiiy interesa, sud spaustishe every appearan"e ut being 'viat a stye active part ut hie ite as C rown Solicitor ral samnt ot and Jutige iu the varions colonies, incînti. rai eamnt o ing the Weet Indiea, Hong Kong, etc. Tise swelliigagsd pain cased hy a etye Hie cesurnedties Engianti as a retired are relieveti by nothing 'su well as by hast, colonial jutige on a pension, about iftten anduponthe irai appearanca nf the trouble years ago, sud 'vaa ibea made legs1 secre- wo ahouiti lay cloint wraseg ouut fhot tary te tise Colonial Office, lu tiat officu hie abilities atirso ed the attention of Lord uster or the cineet eyelid, uhetier or Salisbury, pcoeet Premier of Great Brisain, net ihere ta evîdence of uts "puinsiug." sud bu transterred hlm stiste Foreign At nightit inla eil tu appîy sun-te simple Office as tise lau Otlcerof thatteicprtnieni. ulinment, like pure vaseline along tise edge Ou the deatis ut the late Lord Tenterden, ulso ase secretary ufthtie Higi Joint Com- ut buîh lide, lu order tiai thuy may nut mission ailting ins Washingtoa lu 1871 for hecomo glued sugethor ina leep. Salt the adjastiment ut the Alabamna Claimo, lho porli sud similar nid faBhioneti ceiedies use appuînted Permnanent Under Secretary are utfn avail, sud shoolti net bu resortoti of tise Foreign Office. e APPOINTED 'lo SACKSVILLE VACANOT, te. tlyuonte peaaceo Iu tisat capacity lho maâe sncb ïsi-pointing, the -skia a te umitout tie guisbed succesthat 'vison isusa tiesireti elevation sounld b upnocsured 'vus tise te il tise Sackiville vac ancy Sir julian 'vas pointouta netdîse, or-better atili, alittle appoiuted Su the place, nthougi hoe hati t may ho made 'visis-a sharp klie. nover been in th. Dîplomatio Servico, Thavis il hou tise master, sud especially Thse dramatic way in whlch Lord Sackille- the stagnant Mloud, te escape. We mnay West rotireti from tise Unitedi States, on use pressure e s queeze ont ibis 'vaste accouint uti'lus interference ia American matorial, but oniy very gently, aine is pulisica, uasa 'eil calculated te fil te %ncsesea t tempi tn expel theu "cure,' ut American mmnd 'iti pceudice againet bis tise buil until it han ihoroughly detacisti auccessor, But Sir Julian quickly trans. itsît fcum tteconnectio wtbtheo surruanti- tormeti thia feeling uf prejesilce inoune ut ing heaiîisy parts. admiration sud respect, andti ters use When the cure bas flnslly tiely separat- gen uine juy 'viso,unuder the provisions ut eti, h oaa bu eaiiy removeti, sud frequont an Act ut Cougrees, buo'vas matie tise firet estampie shoiti be matie outil ibis bas been Ambassador to the United States. accomplisest. A uitile vaseline ie ail Sir j alian Paancefote in an accoonpiihed thaîsotl hen ho neededtiet estsblieh man ufthibo orld, about sixty-aevsn years complets cecuvscy. utge ffr-wa8usekniighted 'ville Permanent Iftisere appeara te ho a disposition tu a Under bccretatry ufthtie Foreign Office. He repetîtion of the annoyance, the family lesa mantofanusual ahility lu tise Diplomatie doctor shonif be consultoti, as internai Service, partly from hi% naturai talents tuçai-neas le calleti for. sud partly frum the advantagos hc derived erastews ftu botaty as Crown Solicitur sud Colonial Jutige. intahie tact tIsat lu soume perauns tise occur- liRANXltANDP CuIîtUyttO(ATIVE. ronce ufthtIe attack seema te establîsi a White hbuis courteoun sud lias an excel. tendency,so that utteu such a comparatively lent oommand uofaguage, ho ie siraigisi- short tisas lapses het'veen the successieo toruart inl doing business, sxceeti]ngly attadlia tal the li becomes chroulically frank sud commsunicative anti accessible inflameti. lu tbis event it cseospeisîîy su tise prese. Hie itieasaof diplomacy are ativisahîs te conuat a doctor. uftheb modern type. ils recogisizes the tact Itla ut ton possible te provenu poiuting that the newspapers gos pretsy aeariy by tonching the led 'vitis canstic. everyihenIg anti bu neyer alîctuke trom pub. A stye le nut coutracteti by simpiy liiîy. Sir ,ulian bas atiapteti bimseof te luoking as an intiameti oye, as la sumetimes tisose cisangeticounditions, anti uhile many tîsoaght. usher dîplumatiats deu su ie eoldtr sade---- tiones hat diplomatie masters are subjects Ke h ae ue unly tu be-disons eti bje weefl tbemseives epteWae ue anti tise goveramontsa, le cecognizes ihat If a plucher ot ico 'vater la set lu a rnomn tise neuspapers shonîti ho fairly tisait wib erhabitetin t a few boucs it 'viii have ini the mater ut giving oui information. absoclietithe peceapirasion gases ufthtie room, T[he mess imprant matter lu wbîcbho he aruthcb ilhveeo eprr bas been ougagedt a the Behring Ses negu.tearo hc ii aebcm ue tationgnanti as tu that, ubwicis atunetilme but the 'vat>-r anftifor use. This depeutia presentoti serions aspects, lie bas imseit ou the tact that 'vater bas the faculty etý saiti tIsaiaftees discussion ut tise question oondensing andt horoby sbsorbing nearly hy the presesud public materially oiducea i tu tise peacetul anti honorable setîmens t l egss Rne'ae issuovrt tise difficulty. lu s coom a 'ville la alwsys anftsfer use, 1 OSMOPOLITAN AS/P SYMPAT5tETIC. anti houti ofoisn removeti, 'viether it O'ing teohiesontinuons rositieucsabroad, bas beoome warm or nit. Impure 'vaser is Sir Julian bas boon unable tu exorcise thîons as injurions Su bealth as impure air, anti spurtiug pruclivities naturally lubereat te every persont shouiti pruvitie tise mensut the scoun ut an Englisis bouse. in youtb ubsaiaiug trasb pure 'vaser for ail dumestlo hie enjoTedth te tacinatinaofutshe gamte ut uses, An hoar's intelligont examination cricket, anti since eomîug su Washingtonuout he 'vaser supply ai a propusei ountsry be bas becomo quite a devotes ut la'vu ton. hume wouudinc a large majority ut cases nia. His stable i l d it us aguificent grevent th is ciefet evers anti diphtbecia. hurses, but Sir .iulian dues nut pretendte tu aks in ynnr dreasing cases au ounce pnila be mach ut a horseman. His lite abroati ut sasurateti solution ut permanganate ot bas matie hem c'smopoiian anti sympa. puias. Mix six or olgisi drupe intu a thstic te tise manners anti cussume usier tambler eftthe drinkiug 'vaser tisasta tisa those of bie owa country anti clans. supplieti. Ifii turne brown inansuheure Ha ta immensely ppular la bush officiai the uatoc la, hruadiy speaking, unft te anti social circles, in ut disiguished drink; if net, it is nut especially bariofl. appearance anti beariug, su intereaiing If a counutry botel se'vage syssem s l coain- conversation alist, anti, like bis estimable edt e cees pools, 'vithia a undreti teent o 'vite, bas remarliable tact as s isener. the bouse, anti near the 'vater snpply tale GREAT 5'RSEND OF1 SECRETARY BIAIS/E, tise nexi train. Tisse maSsera eleoulti force Sir.. T.lian .a nce .-.eand te1.-eec- 1 Itiemseives on unes personal attention. La 01on leei Thse fac-"simRle FOR SALE BY J. HIGGINBOTHAM& SON, BOWMANVLLLE Positively no bicycle that lias been placed li efore a critical wheeling public bias met with more favor or given better al -rouInd sasatisfaction tlian THE COMET. S It lias orown so rapidly in favor that Tt is now conceded to be the leader for real mnert. C. B. KENT at the iPost Office, Bowrnan- Sville, is the agent for this district and lie is Sdoing a fine business. Caîl or write to hioe before placing your order for I. NEVOS àESNENMIENSDMN T. E. GLEASON A, E. GLEASON. G. O. lROLLINS. 0. O. ROLLI? Betore ireatment. Af ter 1rüatmenu. Before Treaiment. Afier Treaiment. Emissions, Varloocele, Sommiai Weakness, Self-Abuse, Syphilis, ï Gleet, Stricture, Unnatural Discharges, Loss of Vital Fluid ln Urine. lmpotency, Sexual and Mental Weakness, Kîclney P and Biadder Diseases Positiveiy CURED OR NO PAYý 16 Vears ln Detroit. 200,000 Cured. Young ei, Midle Ton bars led a gay lite or indulged in the vices of early youth. Yen teel Aged Man. the sympburnes eaiing over Yon. Sef abuses or latreces es have broken down your syset. illes/elt.', physical/y and sexuaa//y u are notthie main yenuu usd to bc or , sbould be. Lustfni practides reap ricb harrest. Thinir of the ftutîre. Wili you heed the dangei- signals? Are you. nervons sand wsaa; deapundent and gloumy; specks befure eyes; bocki weak aud kidnay irritable; palpitation ut heari;,dreume and losses ai night; sedi- i, meut in urine; weakeneri maubmour; pin'ples un face; eyes sunsten andi cheeks blwn; pour memury; rareworn etpression; Varicocele; tirei in murrning; lifeless; disirusiful; lack en-'- ergy streiigth uad abition. Our New Meihod Tresiment 1ji positively cure l'on. t wili maliena man ouo andi lite wiil open anew. We guiran/ee sesureyuorrefueýdae/Imoneypaid.ý" K-e"'l'o names usedi ithout written consent. $1,000 paid for any case cote and cannoi curt. SNATCHED FROM THE ORAVE-A Warnlng Prom the Livingt Enisions "At i5 1 learurd a bad hbit. Lied lusses for seven years. Trieti four doctors Cured. andi nerve tonmes by th" score, wtliuct benei; I became a nervuns urecir. A friend wbo tiar been cured by Drs. Kennedy & Kerean ut a similar diseas, dvised me te try tbem. 1 did go., and in two montbe was posstively cnred. This se eigbt years agu. 1 soi now married and bave twu healtby ebîldren." C. W. LEWIS, Saginaw, Micis. Varicocele "Varicucele, the resaIt ut sariy vice, maie lite miserable. 1 was weak andi ner- Cured. vous, syes sunken, bashfnl in suciety, hair tim, dreame tond lusses ai nigisi, nu ambition. The 'Golden Monitor" opsned my eyese.'lise New Motbud Treatmeit Dra, Kennedy & liergan cureri me in s feu useka.' I. L. PETEIISON, lonia, Midi. Syphilis "This terrible blood disease was in my systemn for eigbi years. lIad taken mer- Gured. cary for two years, but the disease returneti. Eese reti, picoples and bloiches on1 the skia, uabers sn the moutb snd un tungue. boue pains, falln onut hair. ekuess, etc. My brother, who had besu cnred ut G/ect;sud S r/e/are lis'D'*s. Kfennedy & Rergan, recom- mende'I îhem. Thes' cured me in a feu useits, sud L tisanir Gud I consulteti thora. No reinrn ufthtie disuse in six years." W. P. M., Jackson, Mich. Al Minister The 1ev. W. E. Spsrks, ut Detroit, sys: "I kmof utnu disease su injurions to Speaks. the tnînd, botir sud seuaiut yonng men as ibat ut Self Abuse. I have sent msny vies me uf thia lustul habit to Drs. Kennedy & Kergan fur tresiment. 1oa heartils en- dursestheir New MetodT realmient ubicb careti them uhlen ail es t ailei." A Doctor LI kn,,w noibing iannedical science su efficient for the cure of Syphîtse andi ,Recommende Sexuat Diseasssas the 2ew Meted 'Irea/meal ut Drs. Kennedy & Iergan. Mans' ý1 il. cases wbicb had bafflediscores ut physicians were cured in a few woeks. 1 Ghave seen ti i tti my uwn oyes andi know it tuelie s tact." T. E. ALSN .D RadrHave youbbeen gnili'? lH.ey.ur B'ood been diseaeed? Are yenweak? Do yon maen t il pueltivels' cure yeon. Cures urfle or No Psy. Consutallon Free. No matter who bas treated son, write for au huanest opinion f ree ot charge. Charges roasunable. Boots Free.-"Ths Golden Monitor" (ilinstrated), ou Diseuses uf Men, En- close postage, iwo cents. Seaied. :&'No Naines sîsed withont Written Consenst. Private. No Medicine Sent C . .A No Names on Boxes or Envelopes. Everything Confidential. question List for Homse Treatment and Cost of Treatment, Free. ,,?s. Kennedy & K ra,14â hebyStrieet, Deot , Ib, for Infantg and Children. ii'IRTY yerz'observation of Castovîn witii the arnaep mîMlons of persous, permit us to spieak of it witiiout guessI~g IReunuetinelyth. et rtmedy fer Lefantea-d ChUdreig t,"a worlit hans er known. Tt is iiarmless. Children liii. t, I gives tiiem bealtle, h wMl save tiiefr lives. Ini t Mothers iiav% somâthing wiiieh is absolutely safé and gractiesll~ret~ eiiÀu smeodiene. Castoýria gestinys Wrms, Castoria aliasFvrilsos cantorla praents 'raantttng gour Cn7ca. Castoria onres Diarrboe a n4VJ Wna ol!qÏ. Castoria roeezt Teetlsing Troubles. Castoria cures COUSU Rttion ana 21aetuleney Va-.aneutralizes thaeeffects n'crbnoaoidgasor poîsonoue a&r. Casto-'ia assimiIates the. food, -Kguks'%tes is. stGmauls ana bowels, q!y!!nE healthy andinanrâal alnp, !atLwria is vpup kRn onesk, býottins osily. It Ru not Sold in bsslT Don't allow any on. to soUl youn nything .18e on the pon or poae that it !s ",just as gond "_andi', wil nwr oeypsrpcse&' S-oe tisat yen get C-A-ST-OR-1-A,

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