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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Sep 1895, p. 2

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2 Beetores natural color to the hair, ad also prevents îtfligout. Ilrs. SH. W. Fenwick, of <Digby, N. S., says. ~ Alittie more than two years ugo -i my hair Sbegan to trnl andfal VE~TARAN /~8 JN~ Buddah. "Sc msgneic wa the personality - -encees. They týravei separately through- CHINESE SECRET SOCIETIES BENT ont Peking, gatnering in mombere witb ÛN MURDERAND ?ILLAeE. wonderfui succees, -and theoy Werete meet in that city on the first rnoon of the year. -- Bebeid, they had ail bot built up a Vegeta- ]lis Miembers thse Lowest lbregs. Idolaters rian society cf great magnitude wbeo the andi Enesîsies of the Goverineisî wtîîîGovernrnent somoehow heard nf the projeot an Enermous -Mteiersllp Spread Ai 1and îrnprisoned îhem boîbý Over thse Empire They Are a Menace te! PLUNDER AND ARSON. Ail Strisugers andi the er oe f La-w andi Order. That these secret societies are exceeding- ly dangerous t(, the finterests of peae in the The Vegetarian Society, of the Chinese Chiase'~ Empire it is easy to tell fromn the Empie l at'thepreentday the most iawiess deeds that are dono by the gangs Empir je I th preenîof rnen frorn the lowor classes who make talked abc-ut bnt the least understood 1 tbein up. Iu the country districts tbey secret Society je the world. The horrible carry off persons for ransomr; tboy punoder, massacre of Enropeans by its frenzied wherover any plunder je te be hiad, they membrs te oher ay re niffa assurme the role of policemen and sail ini rneirner utueofe dahe ow a matsl ter pret.ended revenue cutters, stealiig and cf ieory Bt c te ecityiteif ~ carrying off women wherever il is aims and tenets, its history and mernber- possible. YUNG FOLKS. A Made Over Little Girl. "Corniehere_, lUbI, auùt-y ouynxe frock. " Luin carne and stood quietiy while her mother buttoned it-patting down and pulling up, settiing a bow or a ruffle. IlIties ery pretty," said aunt Lucy, Who Bat near. And aIl the tirne Loin did not sije or ook pleased. Il es, 1 think it boite very well," saîd mamma. IlI hadn't rnoch to go on except rny work, butl havenstinted that. " INo,"eaidaunt Lucy, "'when it cornes to work and gond taste, too, there is no lacit in yen."ý IDon't you like it Loin ?II asked rnarn use of eip, littho bas been known. Il bas 1 They aise have an arrangement with thse ma. one hottie of Ayer's Hair Vigor myi amrofte lciyb wihhygt hai ~vs estre toitsorginl mered Sndldenly upen the horizon 1frer ftIilealî ywbc be e Yee," said Loin, slowly, "I 1like it al hairwasresoredto ts rigial 'ers 1regubar "lindeminities" frein thern, the far. celer and ceased falling out. An eithIe civiiized world eut of hie chaos mer nnderstanding perfectly weil that if exceptthat it je a rnade river dress.", occasional application bas since kept and the social ferment in whicb the fiowesy tbey dcoct give these Ilindemnrities," the Manlius tookthIe dress off without say the liair in good coidition."-Mýrs, Kînigdom jei now bopeoesiy suhînerged. Society wifl carry off hie crnp wheo il je ing ariytbing. Skie lef t the roem with a H. F. FENwicK, Digby, N. S. The blow already strneit, unreasonahie ripe, before h li as a chance te barvest il. pained ock on bier dear face, 1 enIthecities îbey ire bonses et nîght «I have used Ayer's -Ilair Vigor n unaccountable, may be repeated. If an carry oiff prnperty and people living in I II wero a uitile girl," saiti aunt Lucy for three years, and it has res1 ored d hair, which was fast becoining gray, it be Irne that the enlormone membersbip the bouses undier the pretext of eaving 1 1 sbonld be sorry te moke my mte hack to its natural coor."-1f W. ofthIis ei'ganszed band cf assassins approves thOOl. feel sorry ai 1er ail see lias due on the HA5LHOF, ateson N.J. bKb orrr, honothr trr~bo Besides tbis tbey bave an unconiquerable frock. I thinit I shoubd be prend ni wear- HAELOFPaeso, .J.ofe le uchengbar, hnoe tril disliile fer inreigners nf every kind. The ing aolytiiog which was go fu of loving morders may be looked for. If only "anti-toreigo" and the Vegetarian elernent pistkn. YE ~ AI reellin ssnnb arie od gieat e ontat onre anidthane t heysrar vr hig. bt werlk. bethr Ilung Siutsnem, wbo edteaejfctnend the sne Teyaea "lit,aunt Lucy, I do bate tear ade FI'PAIEDBY exrnet bed ad cetr, adoluctewithin China's gales. "I sornetimes wîeh," aîdlber anot, PPRPREDBY ouvinet ahoa anda cntr, adupicaa "that ittie gis conid be aei y mde DR. J. 0. AVER & MO, LOWiELL, MASS., JJ .S. A cf that famions conflint wold ho eassby A NEW WAY TO PURIFY WATER over as dresses." _____________________- brought about. 1 ,aîtLc "lnbdLI,"at Air'sPdr ere&c. ~îehe. China je honeycnmbed wîtls secret se. Cheseeniis saisittabcsi'supeî'iop tailslbter iog over a lutile girl !We ever beard of cietie, sanme ni wbicis are entireby poitical, Boilitîg or Flierilaîu. sncb a tbing 1" TO N P O E T O A E oe religions, ame, se far as ostw rd Accordug to Dr. Duopnt, a physician nfi1 "1't n gh hboedoneoniteneraif mothersuand TOWN ROPER__ FORSALE. sugos go, purely vegelaruan, but ail have a Paris a soie aud effective rnetbod of pnrîfy. asue d the doing ni it -ablshong1h il je Three gond brck dweiiings ol s and Ils morn political linige. Tbey are societies the exact lng Water by cheminal action bias been dis. by ne means se easy a îhiog ta do as te sach With rond gardens sttu'te je gond parts chrneitc fwoeoenshpaecveei r oetottta ieromle over adrese." )f ilhe town ofniBewnanvîllie.G-oIdcllaea weli "But 1ritîs owwunen thoy doae oveeilr Dpon ntesiet httHrt m uid allher conven:enceg. Frmr 'or iet n'loewn, bot tiîey are presuinedtatebhothe metbeds of pnrifyîng drinlting woter woId yen owdo ed it, alynweeonte "o veting teauuy bomnes it tew sh'snid sec these compost d almel entirely of the lower bave been by filtration and by the action " Weil, 1 shonld lotk webi over the ile oerpert!eLs. They wiil ho se d ch, 'ep on easy classes. Aned despite the one great trait of n et itainj h letadlatgr-iendiii il o nwt e Ierrns. Apply for fnrther particulars ta Mis the Chînese, censervaîisrn, the overwheim. fbow itato sth let n estgr- h i ie il yuhowl-nette Eý WITF WelintonSt.E. owianvlle. ung di-sposition arneng these peupie is ta effective meîbnd. Even filtration througb ogis1, snîin the ts ilitbc.InthnitIehenld --.- Il gHAEEw fo tie a iipmvn tac nwcemtewysh rse i," ould be a nsed on, l ovehn 1 s way Si.TV CURE S luÊl% mprove" the Manchu GovernmentI îhey poros pornelain, the mnost effective Suh. fidal5Sonneptetty gond thioge te go on. It ASTHM A Gîvese NsghL's wonî exceptung that of drsvîng the preâent one especially ai ter the apparalus bas been long ni a pleasant disposition, the other cf a 51e'sp se that yen, neednt at up aill Malît cdean off the face ni the eartb. toithed fprethusyat gaspsng for hreatb fer fear nf auffocation. On One ef the best of the scholarly writert in use. Dr. Dupent dos net assoit tîsatstngthednprethneyht recciPtof nDame ami 11.0. ,ddressFRnethe goveroment of Chioa bas ad ebn ol edsryroîn embttrubwt o. tl ~tnIraeo vill mail "r~ial Stotie F E Uad:bilnlal adsto lxohgrmbthefirgesspoldli obs t edice." OR. TAFT BROS. MEDICINE CO., ROCHESTER, N.y. "The secret association whîchse e o eaays that il o n e aves je the water cod lrgie pa dotilngofs o heipwith Toronto Branch,--- 186 Adelaide st., W. nomerens je China boit the Goveromcîn erganin mtter tha aI vy ho dangerous leta lnnd Use Dr. Taf Lte Wbite Finle Syrup for considerahie dread of lhom, for vbnngb the neaith, and Ibat hehsg aleswoerbos î bond pc efn sreob i COSTNIE"'iO Nr. IPoitical ebjects je wbich terne etfIîsor digestible by robbinDg il nfi is gages. He tars, made by ontbreaks of bat temper orignated are nlearly forgnîten, yet these instances a cage in which water from tire and 'failnre in duties athobme ond et AWIl'l-ýïr;,M--eýIdwm,-,3ý, ý <iiamu ssonciations are consposet of tbe dregs ni Seulle lias founid aiter biing ta nontain scbool.", dýM1 M a cVey."more microbes thon before. "Oh dear t" sigbet Loin. * BELIEFS ~~~~~M. Girard, dircetor ni the Mnnicipal Ae eesnsadean etb -d baase a-f n .bionm ...t it. ny Bse anS OF THE XEtIETARIANS. Labnracory ni Paria, ant Dr. Bordas,aOIlu"ie haine wsrotsad."isletb j.fer.<v Xpres and Fois Office aesso. H. e I Tire strength nf any mnvemont of tbis pupil of Prof. Brouardel, have receîstby y Lun htberdhatrounnly ýt 'Ilid SteýtT-d.ýont isert, any enîbreait ni the Vegetarians con presente tat the Acaderny of Sciences, "Bl o khrha orfly ___________________________ best ho apprecuatet by an undersatanding ni rsrough the cheisit, Friedel, a communi-..Bu,"' said sannt Lucy, 11I should'î how the empire je divitet reliisnsly. The cation on the purification nif'saler hy epectta10fiot any ni the dreadfni stains doctrine nf Confucius, ni course, bolds first cheminai action, lite cheminais Useartunoaliranatodebrteoep pemagratee e tin rdisobetience." piace,but China bas te definuve religions. ofmîgaaec lime antdnineii f " oeot"su u Besides Conf ucian isr,Judtissmand Taoism maoganese. The permsanganate ni lime, "Weil, there is mry eîuff. I ebonîdtIry bl 1s ave thoosande of tisciples. coining je contant wth organin nieller anîd t n wyetrl h er-rmn The Vegetarians are Budthisîe ni th e moorganisme, descmoya tbern and decom.. taheut SO arofntily th toelle noulmd strictesî sort. Thoy carry ont this doctrine Potes ilseif m xgnoit imagn se5e timenu. For tais I ebonituseo a Ibread so far je Ibeir daiiy lue that net only ne and lime. Thao, te carry off the suýrplus 'toTon of patience ant eweî lemper and moat but Do init or butter ever passes theiu ni permanîganate and nomplete the po 'iua.ntsr lips. laiton aitoeoîbr tbey fortir one great tien, thre water le ponrod over bjnioxîde cf "l'Go on, auntje," O~~ VA.IIE~~~ secret Society regarting tiue memberebip ni mnangane8e. Oxygen lu the noscent 8atxe "TttonttestsIbuttyb V 1ULID whicb practically noîhing is known. je thugs freet, and it bures np auy remiaun- ied anr er'asive snap muate ni self-control lelaway the Vegelarians rnay ho cern. jing germs. fhiere romain thon je Lhe adlvn idris iayuSs Ï pareid te the Freemasos, but there i15one01appara tus el noîtho roat le doofy nuîîng eut. important point- ni tiffereece. The Masens 1 whichbabston te reoxudize themselvesaont a"WVhere wouid yeu gel your pattern, are toowsi, they weor badges et turnes, aedut oreus agate a certaun qnantity of inexiteauîe" individuels enknowietge tuaI îbey heon of a.oganeae. The water, as thug fieally Il 0, ry dearie, I woubd arriveotho bibis to the orter. Again, thore is ting purifiet, contains e littie linio in the forrn the pattern ief t hy onr Lord ant Master." polîtical je thîs enermona Occidental sere of a bicarbonate ont traces of oxygenaed "Igoeyutmt oditl ilo Soccuety, whie poltins undoulîîetly doos water. Il1 a ies"sait o b, male a ordiy, egilo cobor Vegeîerianism ta ts jemeat nore. a vrIlai unîy fpranaae "When I cbnugbt I bat it ge it isonît CURES Whetber or ne the mounisen passes yen onufnimure ss uset in tisis proces&. Net more do prelty iseil," sit aunt Lucy, smiing COLICbthe treot of a Chinese city is a Vegetarian tlhan 1.3 grains Troy tea about a quart of egaîn, "I lioult oit aftor the trim- SOE5is soneîbing that Cannentho toit. Ho, noter talten irmmthe Seine at a point near mungs.", CHAMPS, craînly, tees not say. Paris reantot in the production of perfech. "Wbat wnlt tboy ho ?" ly pore water, as wboleenme as spring ~ Ibtsret oi u hr sr OHOLERAp 14ON EATERS OF' MEAT. isater. Dr, Duont eays Ihat jr the pmecese 0,ie ruff ere t a elsanwrdTh ero DIARRHOEAp Aime there je grade aiter grade nf Vego. 0ce e mate soccespful on a large scaie the w&a anme ila cemîSles antdumpriles ont tariauisrn. Saine nithe tevoteos of Ibisqusino afygwtei etld CYGE TER 1. dctrne akioutel abtainfro aitkJ nesWten ounipring 10,00 oler e stet.swe songe. bere wore saime silten boiseç O YBE N E Y~ octine bsnnte y.ah tain imom al inte raesr ctn 00,000colniebs bnid-m ateetvery boving impulses ta ho cf animal fend permanenîly.Its eîyImucrbsprchtcnînîecnIssh wol n etryhiilt hs h HO E A MORBUSy irenh o viegeainsVuroo eî uifiet, and ime placet in nater witb pr.werost or and tdrul e" i atos HOLERA ian tbutsîsuite anys lPierr. Li rw tobl. ~ ar thei bu rnaganoto of lime is aise nuicllvsterîlizet longbreati CH L R I F Nr N of a oica ouîhreait coule, are the mon Il You't bave a very gent mate over lit. t an -n uinr oplins n Fuxsofth sho enly abslain îrom meat a portion ni SOMVEWHAT CURIQUS, ie girl, I thinit," eire sait. aBi omer Comptls aie and lues foIbm the tjrno, Onu' sont, icr OxO1pie, refuses te -- "But the trouble je, tear, that I coo't do Children or Atults, feluah eny sert of animal fond for tho iret Thore are 13,000 distinct varehies of the mailing over. Tuat non oniy ho done For Sale by ail Dealers. twonty-ordays of eacbinonth,its members postage stampe. by the littho girl beuscif -hy slow, oamneer beiog perfectly ohliiberty te eat meais the A French ailroat nompany bas orterotd etiort, hy sîrivîog w itb all fore Leart te cash romaioîog week, Anotbor su'ct beaves meat cincits piocoul on the onuteci every lono. out of berself ail Ibat isj evil, ont mailing alone rigitiy on certain days oi tho ise otintve. te grois in berself aal that is siseol ont ________________________ a nt on othor tays sele it. Ail sorts nof b Glovelyont Cbristliite, Ant istenwiej ioni grades ont ebades mako up this great ohe erman ermy la le spent 100,000 thaieo wiil have, fer tise aslting, ail the porty. Itise a perty mucb te ho feareti. mrsfrbcce, w be ~t~holp of bier groat Exampbe, ont Savionr, On e brancb of ibis soiety gays " lFor signe tat eanhbhaîtalion ber worit iormorby bois conasle fou h T O P e overy four onces of meat yenu se e Ib is docee by moonhet orderi os, RDhUC ie yen wili bave ta pay bock eigbt o'unces A seaite fourteen foot long bas, accord- Health on a. Mountain-Top Byeiw evcere-eIy iun the next. " Another way that tbey put ung ta report, heen stealing tnclts, geee A strîting indicatione of the comaatv Vegebarianssm is "s means oi rectibyîeg the frnm a farm et ('oit Spring Harbor, L. 1. freedom nif the bigher rogiens of the ah. By ne deicerecntl paentd i U.S. heart, oncumniatin g menit, aveuding calai- It isos statetsanme time ago by nuie ni the mosphero irrn flooting germs bas heen Canada by CHAS. C LUrH E jirose this lu e ont retrîhutive peine in boots ni deparîmente ni the London ant noticet je Scotiant. Dnring the pas the ooxt." Northbisten Raîlway hkat that nempany tisoive years o meteemologicol ehservatery- And yct enether nît Chinese saviog of issues yeorly five tons ni railisay ticktets,. a enmitie o h omtc o tue missitarhes rulets o a snlloiss: "A of A contestetd caim ta o yearling noîf Nevis. Membere ef the observatnry staff R UMPT U R an l he nd lf t hcesarenee i anseetJoseph Hamilton andi Clarencoeisba bave resitet on the mnnnîoun.hop bave m «-ý gl ssofanimal ChapînaD, ni Lonoite C., Art., 10taubl been emrtabiy frciroe tom iite CA N SE % - sacrifices is the sic of ooiog flash, The each other se e duel. If wasn' h the siaif atog8ie reepedh eyineen R ~~ Christian religion is clledthtle Lesu (Jeaus) se mncb s il isa the pniiple niahe tbingiseother Wî-rH NO INOONVENIENCE Chnmnh, ondtrtiose uisacqtaitedththeibo nt somehois the lais can'iu settle thal. J otcbr lbsbe ee htte IT~AIVYT se nets ast ns 'if isO Ct su,' that je, livo n Tm opedclrt ia ouetj eon l atisuifer, itombas rrlu, ot ther t! a evegetebbe tiet." Tr epniuaiyo ourn sd e ufrfo aaradohrt u0f alu these orgonizations tho Goveo visibly aflectot by tbhe raye ni the ani. on affections ni the roucoula membrane ont air.g CHEAP SY MAIL ment beartiiy dîsoppro es, for e ~very sunny day e bail monument lbas a. passages, os long as thby romain one the Your corne tous imoans comfont te you. constant tanger ont menace te il je their rglrla rmteSD hspaon oiti;btwe hyrtr alv ty A Post Card wli do it 'eormous strîngtb ad o wi per. There are enen lisdtee ro the grootest expansion ni a lois level they are eepeciobly subject ho penn CHAS. CLUINE S a miaoy of them ondt tley differ se mncb the site on wbîcb the rayas ni tho sue bal, attenckofinifloenzal caniarrh. ai in maner principies that every gaeo Buchorest is inewn t-a as the groatostu The explanation offeret je that theo n 'ro 134 KING ST. WEST feeling ont opinion je pmovidot for. Money dtnonfnisineters in the ornî. Fven tho ireot om c tsesse tnring reejtence oce0 ORONTO .. CANADA tuese sociehies seere to got in te nlmie great Amerinan crime coniters cannt boithie monlan is duo te the comparative utý qoontitios f rom senîewlsre-where ut con. a nantie te Buchareet. Il ie the exit,go absence of teleterions organisais in the air th ___________________________net ho sait. Ah ail evenhe, vlîey 1-a.vetae speat, the initiative station fer the thero, wihle the liehility te infiunzal fil -ample fuode to pusbr their pmopagoote aasd criunînale cf the Balkan sta tes, ishence tbey affections on descnrding inho the beislonts ta Said to be the First Blcyele, te gather je neis membere consîanîîy. ravel isestisard te Vienne, Berlin, Paris, arises irnm the poculiar snisceptibility ni ta One Society mnay portially die oul or Lodon, Rome ont New York. temcu ufcss ogacitmda In he oural e Pri ofJul 27 179,become ise&ter, but anether is aiways on Ie the meîuofacîure ni woîcb glossos balle teo pure air-to the attente ci the germe fe Jhee nsbeJornalte Plarie ni Jnl 7, 779,bondtate toite place amd groeistsrceger are uunaily blown te a size of abouttise that swarm atîho bettom ni tbeaîmospberio Pl occouet ci the invention by M. Bacrout ofthiis very ieatnes. foot in tianietor, ond tethIe exhibition nif ou e vi e nyfot.ouaurtfott th oroeu, ntMaorr n h vocci A very nid nisieonary story-it muet 1829 there isas sbown o bail ni cositerohly ,in esibt ut j berigeforu cimato ni st theaeriiutandMaurirof neveoCý 1noishb halfacentury nît-gees te Show, over a yard jus tuamoter, arrivot aI by aSîain gtbuintergos lmeofw pd.The bicycle, or tis-iheebet veoit. sImeisiit, bois thesengreat secret senieties Setem' in wbicb compresset] air is emu. abot o nbis elevatîo je s ufficient te hrieg ai pote, isas theinvention cf Baron von Drois of nire sVegetaruan erdor are hnîlt op. In p loyet. No lots thon 3,000 vwatcb glafises abfte sarp betinction ien toitionton of Man beima on the Rhe, under d ate of thu'înrtberir division ci Peiting a secret isere chiainet from Ibis bnbie. oftevaireys. heronti-opadC 1815. Thon it evas callet "ibhe hoby s--aeioy cahot the '"Wonderiub Association" tBhhtaieebv pno palo e vles herse.' In 1816 the Baron patontet ise isas tiscoveret, Tbo heat ef the combi. Spain sine the liltie king bas begue nGran eter ni invention, hoth i 1 London ont Paris. Tire nation sont te that city on nît mon je the mi p Te nb asrehnlhus er an s ole teremnibi East End Grain- Depoýt -The uxidersigneJ cf(esire to th.ank the tarmers of West Duirham for the liberal patronage extended to us dîîrinc, the past season, also to remind them that we are stili in the mar~ket andi prepared to pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRIGE FOR. ALL KINDS 0FlSE»'G7IN& -EED delivered at our storehouse cor, Kinor andi George streetss., or at Port Darlington. We have aiso on hand a large stock, NEW AND FRESH, of Canadian anti Liverpool Course Saît in Bags. Ro-.k Sait for ca ttle and horses, anmd Fresh Grounti Grey' Plaster in Barrels which we are prepareti to seil C HLzJ A2-- E'OER GXASEEL Ail kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEA.N SCREENEI) COAL 3always in stock, We invite inspection and guarantee satisfaction. McOLELLAN a& CO 7IVili be pIeased once in Quantity, twice in Quallt,&I and three tirnes ini Frice who inspeet the uuequailed assortrnent ot Slippers, Rubbers, Trunks, Valises, &o., Al our Store, &WýBEAVER BLOCK,-t Bowsnïauvîlle BIGGEST STORE, BIGG-EST VARIETY. BIQGEST VALUE. Everybody invited to euh aand see our uew rhotwear THE SHOE MAN In order to clear off the very large stock of Parlor, Bed and Dining REoom Suites, and other furniture, sz)ecîally, liberal bargains will be given for 630DYS This is a genuine clearance sale and large reductions will positively be made. This is a very superior lot of furniture, new, stylish, substantial, handsome. Some special Bed-room Suites-very attractive and very goo J, to be sold cheaper than ever offered here before, white this clearance sale lasts. Persons wanting one article or a suite will be liberally leait with. Cail and inspect. UN D[ERTïAKI NG Witt be conducted with special care and attention to the wvants of ail persons requiring our service. m.m~WLIAS&SN Successor to the late Mr. Prower, Bowmanville WATCH ADJUSTERS. A Heavy Burden. Mens Who Stuqdy Tlnepteces as Physteians The history of labor strikes, if f nlly Study Their Oid Paîtients. 1 written, would contain somo odd incidents Perbaps the rnost highiy skiiied and best1 Noue couid ho rnore so, perhaps, than the pait mon njetise watchmaking busine-ss are bhe watcb adjustere. One adjuetrj ýreat iactory uset to roneivo $10,000 a The adjueter's isorit is eue ni tise import ut elernenîs oi cnet in the making of e fine watch, and eaS$10,000 adjuter shonît ho impotent 10 perfect any watcb, ishatever se debicocy ontd o8t. itis the business ni se adjustor teto ta00nW watcb ontdore. slly go oer aIl its parte, flttiog tbom igetisr se that the watcb may ho regnlotet ;keep lime eccnraetoy te the fraction of minnte a montb. Regnlating is a very tif. iront precese irom atjusting anti mnnh sîm. ilor. A watnh thah anuot lie regîslatod se 6to luoeponnuraîetimo may neet the bantob soa'ijuster, ont if it is valifoble,îheonw'ner viii ho atvssedt lehave it adj Utt. There 6e wotch adj usIons je large cilles, wort ig )n their own accont and eorung vory îmioutahbe innomos. To the atfmsîter every wetcb that cemes idem hie boots gets te have a charanter nf te nise. Ho e oisevey iheel ontdsrei 6nd spintbe that houp te coostîtute the oatcb. Ho e kose seconstitustion as e lysiciar., gnois tisaI nian nid patient. l0 nan say w'ssot tho wvatcii neete aiter an ;cident, ont cous atvue as ho ishether itisj orth atjnstîng. oi e atcb con ho tepontot upon itil it bas possedthhrogh tIse bonds cf itho ijuster for bow'ever admirable the le- vîteol ports nf the oerits, their porfont alance te te ho obtaunet nnly by sncb uty and experimont as it je Ithe business d the odjuster to mate. The odjustor je bigbly stillet mnecisonic, isithwiide uowlebdgeofc hie troue, andthtie utînest efiness un ils prosenUtion, tory oi a recent etrite je Omaha amoeg theo brewory workmen. An agreement bot been mate betiseen the breevers and their omployes evbicb iss acceptable iuî evory point bot one, ont 090e thîs one point they boit eut. lthabaheen provitedthtltbeer shoult ho lornîshe thtie isoritmen to drink isithont chargo oh ine, elevon, tise, bbroe, four ont six o'loct, but tise mon insitet upon having it free et every bour ni the day ! Here us oppression ni lobor by capital witis ovengeance ! Ie peot nifonat, there aro no tiso things more et ette thon tictoeh laor ont excessive tnsclting. Abont o tbouesand million dollars o year are spent in the United State,ý for lîdliorki, iinos ont aIes. Tise pnîpertion onti bis normonssuem that' cornes tron' tise pnnkts ef the worlting people ni sesoîl means je quteoeut ni proportion le their number. Tise boss is net cîîiy direct, but indirect. Indolence ont incapacity alwoys fobicis je the traie of excees. A manufacturer bas laîoly boom qootet as eayun., that lie bacl many mon lus hie employ to ishoîn ho used te pay five dollars e day, but sba ceunît nois witb diffinulty oomn a dollar ont a quarter; ont thats8oleiy henouse tbey isonît drinit. Andthtie cirnums,'once je ont excep. tional. but typinal. Waseoant itbenese aie of the neomeet kim t0 vice ont oxcose, Wilbbng to Give Hlm His Choipe. Mutge-Seo here, ishat do yen usean by sayieg I waso'b hall .wttot ? Yalisley-What shahl I say TisaI jeu are isalf-wiîîiod!

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