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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Sep 1895, p. 4

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Apple. Parers. We have an excellent Uine of Apple Parers this season. The Little Star1 Parer, Corer and SUicer and the Hudson Turu Table are the latest improved and warranted to give entire satisfaction. ~Ca1and see them. Preserving rKettiesan t ey o prices. It is always a pleasure to show our goods. -Rd.0- Be WMÂN VILLE. T ake Note. Wall paper can now be bouglit very cheap. For kitchens and bedrooms 4 ets. Dining and sitting room 6 cts. Parlors, from 10c. Remnants your own price. Good Roller Window' iBlinds, plain or fancy, al complete, 50 ets. Will give splendid satisfaction. Picture frames, ail com- plete, for the price of the molding alone. Bring your pictures with you, and they will be fitted while yon wait. ~urprises awaityou. A lot of crinkled tissue paper, iovely colors, at 10c. per 7 foot roll. Speak quick to get any of this. P. Trebilcock, 'i 'Iý Arcade, Town Hall Block. e QXiL BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. 11, 189,5. EDITORIIL CORRESPONDENCE. Ilere 1 arn in this noterions East End @of London, near Whitechapel, and bore I must stav from 8 te 10 o'clock. The1 train 1 she'uld have gene eut coi te l Southend ef t 4 minutes befere mv train « from Greenwich came lu. I have ferty miles te go, hence it will be midnightl ere 1 can reaeh my destination. Sncb ai night, tee! Vividliîghtuing flashingt about as 1 write, and rain peuring in torrents. Tee bte te wire mY friendsi that I have inissed train. Every two or I tbree minutes a train gees thundering past, se that the rour of the thunder and the thunder cf the trains fis a stranger lu sncb strauge surroundiugs witb peculiar awe. 1 do net rememberi iu ail my traveis being the viciim cf encb nupleasant circumstances and sur- roundings. 1 stopped at Greenwich te ~get tea which sees to bave eaused this delay. But like ail other undesirable inflictiens, I arn geing te m-ake the best ýof the situation and try te liii in the time-kîlling period of fteed suspension by writing a few thenghts about Lon- -don and vicinitv, the people, their mnan- mers, customs, etc.1 How remarkably easy oee au losei himself in London, there being ne re- gularity or systemn in the arran.gement ,of streets. They run "every which -way," as Jouathan Siick wonld say. Mv misfortune seems te be te lose My liiarings everywhere 1i ro. '-Flicsun rises and sets and appears at any time ,of day ut ail peints cf the compass. But fortnnately a felew eau usuuily "ask a policeman" and I have fonnd them ver v civil and If co reallY getsi Iest but bas a shilling, a cabman can ,geuerally hc ounud wbo w-i take yen te any peint within a mile radi- n.Omnibusses rua on ail principal streets te central peints. toc. and the -,nderground railway us te the butsi- miess centres, se that eue need net long le seeking for any destination. Strange and paradoxical as it may seem that wbile it is soe easy te get lest in London it is extremely easy te find oneýs way about Loudon, there being se manY modes cf transportation. It is remarkable what a variety cf thnings oee au buy lu Lo-idon fo,- a penny. Nearly ail articles that are soid for five cents lu Canada are sold for a penun here, and many that briug ton -W orth,--- H-ardware, Stoes and Tiuware. Opposite Ontario Bank. cents go bore f or a penny. Iwent shop- ping wlth a friend ut Brentford yester- day anti she puid for a plut cf vinegur, barge box cf suce blucking anti three or four pcuuds cf table sait witb three pen- nies-O cents. Either cf tîte articles wonld bave ccst ln Canada what she paîd for the wliole three. The 'busses charge a penny fer eacb section over wbich tlîey run, the distance beiug the same as eue pays five cents lu Toronto. Last evening 1I get a railroad ticket from Kew Bridge te Brentfcrd fer a penny. I nover puiti se littie for a rail- reati ticket befere. It was worth quite as much te ciimb the stops te and frem the train witb mnv tired foot as the tare cbarged te go the mile by rail, Iu some cf the restaurants a1 retty fa*r Ilnnch without drink eau bcliati for a penîny, und a glass cf miik, or cap cf teea or cof- fee for 12d. We bave bail several excec- lent midday lunches for Oti. Fruit is pleutiful anti fairly cheap. Ripe peurs 8d. Street ventiors are ver.>' numerons anti w-re one te -go Into the heurt cf business London te bny every variety cf article te be had for a penny each hoe woulti need a raiiw-ay train te transport it home. The admnission te a thonsand places in London is 6di. This citv is ful cf beer bats anîd sa- loons yet dnring a stay cf 10 days ncw in London 1 have net seen a dunk man, yet they literal ly guzzie down beer, the 1 1 , . nlgc u uni-tmiutn. T1 "jJ'd..c seen thousuautis cf holiday seekers uaa seasitie resort, mîny cf ithem front the East Endi cf Lontion, and net eue the w-rse for liquor se far as 1 coulti jndg-e. 1 spent the day ut oeeof tlîelmest popu- lar seasido rosonts for tue common people cf Enianti. Thousands cf mon, wemeu and cýhltren sut on the santi for miles ulong the shore and teck wbat picasure they couldti ocf the pastitues ut their command. There was happi- noss anti mirth beamîng from every face anti maîîy cf thcrn werc supremelY ugly and bore evitience cf bard lino s sometime lu life. We will uew returu te car descrip- tion cf the g router siglbts cf Londion. Everycue gees te sec the fumions St. Paul's Cathodrai. Its mighty dome surmonnted by its gigantie gildeti cross peintiug upwards anti seeti afar, seenîs te sny London is more than the centre cf the worlti's wealth and intelligenîce, it isjalso the centre cf its Christiaîîitv. The groutîti bas been ceusecratet f romn the earliest tîmes, firstly as the site cf a Temple ot Diana transformeti into a Christiant charcli, but tiestroyed daring tie persecutienscf Diocletian. Restered turing the reign cf Constantitne te ho a"ai dostroyeti by the Saxotns, but re- hut in 610 by Sebert, Kingr cf Kent, and cousecrateti by _Melitas, first Bislîop cf Loudon. It suffered athird destruct- ion by fire lu 1083, te be sucesedoti by Old St. Paul's, tounteti by Bishop Maur- itius, tue scene of great evonts iii En- lî%h history ini the trying times cf the Retorination, anti destroveti in the ire cf 1"it3, se îiakitîg,, way for the prosent hnlding-the 'Ifth etiltioti" cf St. Paul. It was fouied iu 167.), coxapletetl lu 1710, tîmier the saperintendenceocf Sir Christopher Wren, who, dying in 171>-, wvas luried with bis wife in the cevpt, un 1er titis inscription: '-Reider, if yen ask for a monument, lock arcunti." The builduxtg is 2292 feet lu circnmfer- once, lengtlî 510 ft , witith28$2 f t., Iteiglît 365 ft., or from the foandation 41j4 foot, The weigbt cf the bull is 56Jo lhs., cf the cross 8860 lhs; the bell "GreatPaul'" upwurds cf 5 tous; andthte ength et the bands upon theo dock tuai is 9 foot. The peal of twelve belîs was the gift, lu 1878, cf the Corporation atîd city cern- punies, anti the Bareuess BtiettCoutts. The deme, sustaineti upon eight piors, eacb measnring.40) ft ut tho base, is cf a triple-roteti character, anti very beauti- fui. The "golden gallery" whicb eeî- circles tihe interior cf the dome, is re- markablo for its whispering peculiarity, se that the faiutest utterauce eau be dis- tinctly beard ut the fnrthest end, and the more sbuttiug cf a door sounds like the roar cf a camion. The puiutiug-s lu the cupola are ilînstrutive cf scenes lu the lîfe cf St. Pauni, and are the work cf Sir James Thoruhili. A curions and weuderful geemetricai staircuse gives access te the gallery. The church is lu the ousteru part cf the building we ut- teuded service here. The reredos sereen lately added is considered a splendid triumph cf art, and certainly is x ery beantiful. The organ is one cf the fin- est in the kingdcm, and was originully lu the Faucpticou, Leicester Square. Iu the south nave cf the choir, fermorly the Connistory Chupel, is the Wellington monument, wvhich cest £32,000. Iu the crypt, entered frem the south transept, are wany "migbtydead." Lord Nelson lu a coffn made from the wood cf the mainmast cf the French flag-ship "L'Or- lent," and restiug lu a sarcophagus -mao-forCadinl Wo1sev-ý-al-soWell iugton, Collingwoed, Picton, Johnson, Joues, Reynolds, Landseer, Turner, Crnirkshanks, West, Opie, Barry,Wren, Cooper,,etc. Buckingham Palace, upon the site cf Buckinghamn Heuse, built lu 1703 by the Duke cf Buckinghamn, and bonght by George IlI; George IV erected the pros-_ eut palace as a ccst ultegether cf about £1,000,000, is uow the London residence cf the Queen. The stute apurtments are spaciens and eleguntiy furnished. The g-ardons are very beantif ni. Visit- ors are net udmitted excep te sec the stables. Americaus and Cunadiaus ail fiud their wuy te Westminster Abbey, -which stands on ground fermerl'y surrcounded by the Thames cailed Thorney Island, and the site cf a Benedictine mcnastery erected by Sebert, King cf the East Sax- ons, and said te have been miracuionsly consecrated by St. Peter. Destrcyed by the Dunes, it was rebuilt lu 1050 as an abbey by Edward the Confessor, who ordained that the Eugiish severeigus shonld lienceforth be crowued there. Tue Abbev is lu the ferm cof a Latin cross, and contuins the tombs or mnonu- mnents te the memery ot the sovereigns cf England, members cf the Royal fum- ilv; aise cf the greatest English states- mon, genierals, admirais, explorers, peets and other notables. The Chapter House fcrnmeriy contained the Deoms- day Bock, and was the meeting place cf the lieuse cf Gommons frcm 1282 te 1547. We aise visited St. Margaret's Church, wlîich stands on the senth side cfthe square, and is the parish cehurch cf Westmîinster. The Speaker andi the Members cf the oesof tCninîns oc- casionaliy efflciaiiy attend service there. Tho Houses cf Purliament have a ter- race frentage te the river cf about 1c00l feet, und stand upon tie site cf the-old Heuises cf Parliament, dest royc ý ý b.y'tire lu 1834. The presont buildings, design- ed by Sir Chus. Berry, were 4-rected in 1810), cever un --rea cf 8 acres, and cou- tain 1100 apartments. The House cf Lords, entered through magnificent g-ilded gates, is very gorgeons lu ts deceraticus. Its twelve painted win- dew-s represent mouarchs cf England, and the ntiches betweeu contain statues cf the barons who compelleti King Johin te sigui the Magna Charter. At Temple Bar, Fleet St., au ele1ant monumnent marks where forîuerly stood the archled gateway te the city, upon which the heads cf suppcsod traitors and rebels, oftcn patriets and martyrs, were ba rbarcnsly exposeti after executicu. The Temple is a para(iise cf beautiful gardons and elegant buildings orna- menting the emban krnent. What a place cf relies is the British Museumin Gt. Russell St., the iargest and meost couiplete institution cf ts kind in the world. The present building was cpeued in 1817, and the rotuinda Readi- ing Rooni added iu 1857, where 300 readers, lnxnriously acemrmodated, have access te its store cf literature withiin a million volumes. Our readers would tire were we te attompt a de- scription cf the Roman, Grecian and, Assvrian Marbies; the Ethuological, MeiS-al, Egyptian, Angle-Saxon and Angle oRotîtan Gaileries; the jewel, mna- jolica and g-lass recms: the Lycin omm for lite like medels, actuai dresses, Na- poleonie relies and fine music. AUCTIOf6N -SALE. TuRSDAY, Sept. 24,-Mr. J. W. Hamuden, lot 22, Cen. 2 Darlinoton, wili seli al cf lbis valuabie farm stock and imple- meuts b y auction. Sale ut 1 o'clock, sharp. L. A. W. Tot.u, Auctioneer. BOWNANVILLIE FAIR. The annual West Durham and Dar- liugtonlUnion exhibition will be held on the Aoricnltural grounds ou Fridav and Saturâay, Sept 20 and 2lst. The Secret. ary, Mr. R. Windatt is uow busy issuiug prize lists aud working uip entries for the show. As the prize list has been increasing, there will doubtless be a more successful show than lias ever been held bore. Entries close on Wednesday Sept- l8th; subsequeut entries can be Maide on payment of 5 cents extra.The Grand Trunk will rua returu trips at single fare good uintil Sept 23. Our frieuds throughout the country should make no other engagement for these days, but corne lu and encourage the directors by their Y)resence. THIE PRIESBYTERY 0F WHTTBY. The Presbytory cf Whitby met atNew- castie Tuesday afternoon, Sept. .'3, for the induction of 11ev. Geo. McLeod, B. A. ,into the pastoral charge cf Newcast- le and Newtonville. There was a good rep~setatof bothiretos present. Rev.1.D.Fr-azer presided and inducted. 11ev. A. LMcAuley, preached. 11ev. S. H. Eastman addressedthe min- ister, and Mr. David Ormiston, the peo- ple. After the cerernony the congrega- tion adjourned te the lawvn cf Mr.' L.'B. Davidsou, where a ver~y pleasant social reception.,was held, concIuding with a presontatien cf an address and purse te 11ev. R. D. Fraser, M. A., who has been the M- P-iter a f Seiu driuxg-the vacancy. Mr. McLeod's prospects for a successful pasterato are goed. A caîl was aise presented te Presby- torv from Claremont ceugrogation in favýor cf Mr. John McLean, a recent graduate from Knox College. The eall w-as vory hearty and unanimous; and was acepted by Mr. McLean, who was p rosent. Presbytery agroed te meet at laremont on thie 24fth inst., at il a.m. to hear Mr. MeLeaur's trials for license, and la the afternoon for bis ordination and induction. The 11ev. J. Abraham is te preside, ordain and indnct. The 11ev. G. B. McLeod te preach; 11ev. A. McAuleY te address the minister; and 11ev. J. B. McLaren-the interim Mcd- erater cf Session-the peeple. The stipend offered is $750, and the manse, and two weeks' holidays. FAIR D""AY. M11S. DINGMAN w ishes te an- nonenc te the Ladies cf Boivmanville and vicinitv that ber Fali Mllinery Openinigs will be held on FRIDAY and SATURDAY, The stock bas been al eareful selected and comprises ail the vcry latest styles and novelties ln Hats. Bonnets, 'Velvets, Feathers, Wingas, Veiiings, Ribbons, &C., &C., &C. The Openingr,-this Faîl will un- tieubtetily fatr surpass those cf pro- Viens years, and cvery- la dy inthe district sbeuld call and ins100t. Goods The Very Best. Prices The Lowest. Corne in and see us. firs. IDingman, One deor ez".t cf Grand Central, Bowmanvtlle. Ivorine Kakes Diseolored Teeth White. Ivorine, the new dentifrice, dispiaces ail other preparatiens from use, because it dees good work. I)isceloration and renghuess are speediiy removeti and the teeth rendereti white ant i bghly polîished. lycoritie is fragrant and, re. treshijg, preservative te sound teeth anti tieay tietarding. Ivoritte remeves tartar and discolorations anti iakes the teeth lockh b-untifally white. The ieading article cf the Soptember E(ixc'rtc is: "The Origin cf Man and the Religions Sentiment," aud cornes trom the liberal thinker and poet, Pro- fesser Foir-azzaro. Follewin- this is'a lono. list of papers cf great vatriety. lu "Tfte Censervative Programme cf Social Reom"John Gorst suggests many cf ther ebetimprovements w hlch mighm be made ln the home goverment cf the people lu Englanti-ideas which are ap- p licable in general te any ether country. rm. J. E. R. Stevens gives a short bis- tory cf ".lie Origin ant i rowth oi fTrial ty jury ini Etgland." A great pro- V )rtionl cf the paPers are luin igtttrvein. ~ernou Leo's sketch "(Ald It-liant Gar- tiens," is deligbtfnl. There arc tlîree steries cf mer n uthisls inmler, 21 articles in ail. E. R. PELTO, 144 Eigb-tb Street, New York. Terms, $5 ver year; trial subseriptien for 8 îuonths, $1. Id r.§Gardsnl emod forlo NWGINNtG FMolnTlm COlt MM tif POSITIVELY a e-- çg used by the ermrs Ynd ~idl-gdor old *eIWh0< menufi~ingfromtheeffects of follies aud xcesses, rcstorcd ta health, nian- hood and vigor. Pre 1.06 boxe$ for $3.00. Sent by mail, secueiyaeaed.Write for aur book, " Slizrtling Faci,"for Ma ony, tells you how ta get well *ddm., 9 UUU M MDICINE CO@ BOX 947, m'- SBowmanville Fair, Friday and Saturday, Sept. 20 and 2 I. Do nt mis it andwhenIn twn d no misteehbtoa-a ilb eda h WETEDHuE e-r on omk Dýetsoro mis it, n whe in ton d not 13 and misthe rexiiitr hat wil al heatthe1 îf WEST EnD faoue. ae ng o make ~~W haeaomvsecian lenestoof nTatedsand Wostd innwadea -a p iesi ver resnbe egarne h i n We whvetoe dwourspe in atetso Our okof1ibor or eath ni Back nd ClorW 1 -iv tnhPlain Sati, Faie adfo l ire. Everdy 4ýM_ p etc wer-or-o e~ ubontese asannc1 Joh Icyn a- -a slit cheap.îiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiliiliii l Esih*444444w4Mm 46t"mum."muuaIm«404444444m"ItuII"MI.uIt1tttuuML:' Strength te the Ageti. As age au ancew I cuca~ pe-e t lie body deercaes atîgue cinWgs like a barrte the airoady depleteti store cf enorgy, stili tnrtbe'r -asting- antt dissiputiug it, ant inlucensequence, the eiderlv tind it very biard to keep their spirits up te the "doiug" peint. Ait anchor cf lhope anti safety is feunt iu tue energîzing actiont cf Mltine witb Ceca Witte, which inparts, aimost mag- icaliy, strength ant i vgor te the failino- pewors. andi threuagh its nutritive anýd toule properties renews those fancticuai activities upon wbich depenti lealtft cf body andtind. Maltîîîe with Ceca \Vine ra pidly restoes appetite, improvos digestion, imrparts toue andI vîger te the non-eus system; in a word is a stren-tlt givor et unequalleti excellence. Malït'ne w'tb Cee-t Wine is prescribeti anti ro- commendeti by physicians. -Ail dmag- gists soîl il. A CuRE Feu DmEÂPNErs,-There bave been manv remarkable cures et deatness muatie by tlie use cf Ha gyarti's Yeilow 011, the great beaseliold remedy for p*î*..nflammatien anti soretîess. Yel- 1w11i cures Rheumatismn Sore Tbrout anti Croup, anti is usetul interntîily andt externally for ahl pains antiinjuries. BANGEROUSCONSOLATION. &D l uglt la a Day or Two, But thse Bar Neyai caDIS,. "'Ail right lu a day or îwo" is the thougbt that Consoles every eue wbo is suffering trorn any indisposition ibat dees net pros- traie him. lu the case of a per-en beti- ritiden for montbs witb disease of tbe Kit- neys beiag asketi, " Diti you net bave any warning of ibis condition yeu are newin" " Yes, I was bethereti at first witb back- ache, witb occasional headaches, but titi net consider rnyselt sick or the necessity of mnedicine turtber tban a plaster on my back orrubbingwith inyfavorite liniment. It was monîhs hefôireII began te realize tbat ilt was useless te f urtber terce myseif te ignore my condition. The backacbe hd become a pain in the back andi sites, weak anti tireti feeling, big.h-coloreti urine witb obstructions anti stoppage, pain in tbe blatiter, palpitation et the heart, poor ap petite, indigestion, anti a duli, langidTi eeling, witb entire iack of energy."Hati tbe firsi signal etftiistress .remthe Kîdneys-Back-ache-received the assistance et Cbase's Kidney-Liver Pilîs, thé after stateoet miscry anti suifer- ing weuld bave been avoîdeti. A tew doses dispel first symptems; delay re- sulîs in liver, beari anti sîomacb becom- ing aifected.. h is useless te expecite evercome ibis complication witbout a persistent anti regular use ot Cbase's K. anti L. Pis. Price 25C., soit by al dealers. Ediansen, Bates &Co.,Toroto. ~~~~~~~~- -- - -- - -- - - -- - -- - - -- - -- - - HOl ! FORlP PIF 1IAV Tlîc Peterboro Naviiga&tion Company's large New PaitlailSide Wheel ExeurrlohM teainer. "CITY 0F PETERBORO" Jtllc PoIint,;ind Idylwild. Sunimer resorts; liarwood, Keene and Hastings, is open for chiarter. The Company' has completed arrangements iwitli the Grandà Trunk and Canadian Pi .111e Rala othat excursions may b e utarikedat etroogl, Harwood, or Hastings.frorn any point on the Midland Division of lie Grand r nIk ailway, &t a Very low figure. Sunday Sehools, Chuehes and Soecties, Nvhio inrpose holding a pic-nie or excursion durlng tbc sommer, are requested to commenicate wilh the company. Staench steam~ers; Iovely senery; delightful sili; averything lirst chies. Address R. S. DAVIDSON, Secretary, Peterharqugh. 2-m. ESTABLISHED 1855 TA XWRp HAVEM roLINMPROVEMENTS NOTFOUJNDOTHER MAKES THAT WILL WELL REPAYA N 1INVES TI1GATION l MY THOSE. WHO SEC U fý, DESIRE TOS THE BEST "SAFE d. & J TA YL OR. TORON TO SAFE WORKS, TORON TO. MON TREA4L VANCOU VER W11INPEG ViCTORIA FALL FAIRS, 1895. Torontoe.................. Sept. 2-14 Port Perry...... ............ 19-21 Cartwrigit ................." 10-17 Whitby ...................." 17-19 Bowmanville ..............." 2(-2t Clarke...................." '-)72ý8 Peterbero, ................. 2:3-2,, Orillia..................... 24-2d3 Lindsay...... ...... 4 25-27 Uni'_______......... 17-19 ]REIEFo aig ei li ealtiu London ......12-.....16 Drin atSmal Cot. ontral .......... 4"412-21 Adams' Root Beer Extract. ... One Bottle 12n-2to FislnisYeast...Haif a Cake Ki tn ............ 2-7 Sugar.................. Two Pounds Markibam,............ . 2-4 Lukewarm Water......Two Gallons. Millbrook .............*,4 Dissolve the sugar and yeast in the water, add the 3-4_____ extract, and bottle; put ln a warma place for twenty- four heurs util it firments, then place on ice whon Now see that -your boti is nr it wili open sparkling and dellelous. Godhelhfobwpueusrt -'e.> 'Me root beer ran bc obtained la ail dring and gro. Go rd e which ilos the euse gret ooti toy tores in &o and as ceat bottu e 0make two and 4arsap~aritllaWihi te0n re.b cau- Fainsur if er. 1 ý-t 1 « -1 A * 1 ma %.» i M UER M 8 i4j-&.-ALirunu- ý;-t -i-

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