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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Sep 1895, p. 5

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MANY CASES 0F RUPTUREa CAN BE PERMANENTLY CtTRED BY USINO NEW IN PRINCIPAL NEW IN DESIGN NEW IN APPLICATION Calt and sec it and have its merits ýdescribe.- Private roon' f-or-ftting-. STOTT & JURY, The Druggists and Opticians. Speeialp3rices on Wade & Butchers, Josephi Roesad Bokers razors at Stott & Jury'Is.t 'Teeare the worlds lîcît niakers and we cao- flot repeat these prices after present stock is ex- 4haustefi. Sec theui at once. INSEOT POWDER Our own importation. Best in the -market. Only 5 cents an oz., '4 oz. for 15 cents at STOTT & JURY 'S. Special prices on Wade & Butchers, Josephi Rogers and Bokers razors at Stott & Jory,s. 'Thesc are the worlds best makers and we eao- flot repeat these prices af ter liresent stock is ex- hausteci. Sec thema at once. THOSE RAZORS We are having a big run on those Razors that w-e sccnred at sacrifice prices zand if you want the best razor in the miarket at a iow price it wiil pay yoit to ,ca1l and sec thern. Shaving Mngs, 'Soap, etc., in great variety. STOTT & JURY. si1OTT & JURY. Bo,ýv~iNzv1LLE-. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAYS BOWMAN viLLE STATIONý. GOING EASTr. GOINO WixSr. 'Expreýss ... 835 a. M. 1 Express .'i. 23 a. m. Express. «10 19 )a. u.Local ..S 35 Passenger .... 3 01" passenger.. 2 25 P. Mu. 'Local.... 704 p.m. Express.. _ 7 461 Express.... 1025, STOTT & JURY 'rowil Ticke't Àgents. BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. 11, 1895. Local and Otherwise. Miss Carnie Babcock is visiting friends ciu Toronto. Miss B3. Hanter is visiting lier aunt at Smith's Falls. Mrs. J. Dickie, Toronto, is guest of Mrs. John Babcock. Miss M. Munson of Oshawa has been -visiting- friends here. Mr. Geo. Pearson has been visiting ,friends in Montreal. Mr. W. L. Coone, Toronto, is visiting uat Mn. J. Frank Osborne's. Mrs. R. B3. Andrew and Miss Louie Andrew are visiting friends in New York. Miss Edith -Hillier has with a party lfrom Toronto gone to Switzerland for a a -year. - Mr. Hlorace Wrîghlt of the Standard B3anîk, Newcastle, fias been reinoved to, Kingston. Mrs. H1. C. Brittain of Strathroy is -visiting at her f ather's, Mr. J. M. Joniess, "Retreat 1)airy. " We have soine genuine bargains for you, cail and examine oun stock. May- nard the Jeweller. We wouid advise ail who want to buv .first class goods at a small profit to cail -on Maynard the Jewellen. Mr. Robt. M. J{ood of the British American Instirance Co., Toronto, has neen visitîng Mn. J. N. Law rie ai-d ýother relatives here. Rev. W. S. Pritchard, B. A., and Mlrs. Pritchard lef t by boat Mondayv morning aind will nroceeà to Chitca2o. 1Il.- - wherec Mn. Pritchard wili take a toiIegeW course. Fairy Morgan, of the Enmeralds, who ýis;ited Bowinanville Iast winter, is now '; es R. B. J. Stanbnrv, as she w as mar- xied to Dr. Stanbury, o! Toronto, recent- ly. A beautifai sîdeboard, Dining Table. Couch and set of Dining Chairs, includ- ing- an arm and a rocking chair, a-il for ý$60).00 at Williams and Sons' Furniture Booms. The cow advertised reeently by Mr. Wmî Adams, Liberty st., north, w-as found dead in the old paint Mlhop belong- ing to the Funiture Factory. The ;animal had forced iti w ay in, baît eould ot gret. nt aindi was thusý sf_1ýred1 to Mn. F. Rlanson o! Toronto is home. Fnesh Sardines at Heal Bros', onIy 6e a cau. Mrs. Tuios. Martin, Exeter, is vîsiting relatives here. Rememben the big stock-; sale at Mn. l-larnden's Sept. 24. Indian, Ceylonand China Teas ,great valiue ai Murfd'ch's. Miss Annie Clark o! Alvinston is guest o! Mrs. T. C. Jeweil. Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, will open Monday, Sept. 16. Mn. 1D. Gilbert of Montreal bas been spending a few days ai home. Dr. J. Spencer o! Duukirk, N. Y., is visiing at Mn. D. McConachie's. Grocer's Due Bis taken as Cash ai Coucb, Jobuston & Crydermau's. Mn. R. Feilds o! Listoweil was guesi o! Thos. Spry, Esq., oven Sanday. Mn. W. Sandencock, Riverside, Cal. is renewing acquaintances in towa. Mn. John Wakely o! Lindsay bas beca visiting bis auni, Mrs. W. R. Knight, Coffees,roasted on ftîý- -enises,always fnesh and best lu to-uýî i, LMurdoch's. Thîe steamer A. J. Tvman bas been rnaing frona this pont to Toronto ibis week. The Garden City lias, compieted bier season's work and is 1103 laid up for thse s',iiîiuf. The Meibodisi Suuday School will hold anni-tersary servives on Sunday Sept. 29. Ladies' Watenproofs o! ail kinds selling off uit cosi pnice -ai, Jolînston. &- Crydermau'S. ileal Bros. have just receix-ed a ulce line o! biscuits wlsicl they anc offerng at very iow pnices, --Aii7aWbdSt.-ThdifY-lWbas cou- tributed 81,700 for a uew organ lu the Müthodisi bcb ehtlhere An Ingersoli baker bad 92 loaves o! bn ead confiscated the other day because they wene under weigbt. Rex-. W. Down of Newvtonx-îlle pneacli- ed iwo verv practical sermons lu the Meibodisi clurch Sunday. Have you iuspecied tbe Speight Wa- gons and Roseberry Caris ait le show rooms, uext to Balmnoral Hotel? Mrs Audrew McCalînna, and Mrs. Arclîle McCallum o! Kingston are guests at Mn. D. McConnacie's. Mn. J. L. Alexander will preachlu i Tninity cburch nexi Sunday moraiug and Mn. W. Johnston la the evening.. Fanîners and others w-anting some o.ood stock sbonld attend Mn. Wesley ftaruden's sale on Tueýsday, Sept. 24» Mrs. (Rlev.)H. A. Stnîke and son o! Carrying Place bas been visiting ai bier father's, Mn. John Elford, Providence. Couich, Jobîîston & Cryderman are sbow-iîg a lovely stock of higli class goods su very moderate prices. Cal and sec tlsem. If you want te sec the bi-gesi and eboicesi stock o! stnictly new liryGoods to be f ound in iliese conties caîl ai Coucb, Joliaston & Cryderniîan's. Plnms anti Peans are sellin- weii ibis year. 'The Mason Co.," are biaudling tous o! tlîein, hning tbela inte, hiberinl good onden and you will gel a good price. Wliea making your arrangements te attend Bowînanvi-lle Pair be sure and laclude the Royal Tenuplans' Concert. Come and hear "Jimmy Fax thie Funny Man. " Pensons wbo think o! crossing the Ai- lantie ilis ycar should see or write to M. A. J.A3MES, Steanislip Agent, Bow- manville. Represea.ts besi Caîadian and Ainenican Llacs. On Fair nigbi Sept. 2lst, Ja:s. Fax and other favorites will contribute te, tbe eajoyment of ail w'ho attend tbe Royal Temiplars' aniimal concert on the ahove date. Maay mca o! mnany minds wear n3any sais o! many kinds, 1mai ihose who can appreciale a good fltting, well made saitseau depead upon being suited by leavin- ibeir ordens ai Coucb, Jobaston & Crytlrmaîî 's. 3 Mn. W. R. Kuight won over f40l i prizes on poultry ai the Midiand Central t xhibition ai Kiîîgstou lasi week. Darng the neluru tri p lie ad tlhe mis- ffortune to lose Il birdis, valued at $60. by smothering ianIthe express car. Higbh Grade Watehes ai . low pniee As the as been cousidenable talk about seiliag watdies cbeap, Tbe Maso n Co. who do luot do things by halves, decided to take tbe public by stenna Sec our prices for gaananteed goods. Our gaanee is worih its fall value. e We are pleased te note thai ai the neceai exaulluations o! the Ontario Op- tical lastittîte, Johnî J. Mason o! this ton caine ont finsi o! this term'.s Gnad- y atimg class, lîaving obtaiaed tbe lîigb. cl sf numnber o!f marks and (Irloma. This speaks well for Mn. NM ason'siabilil3y Ito test the e.yes and fit spectacles proper- lyI. Iwhich she gnaduated la 1891 as B. A.. dbeing silver inedalistinlamodern btng. nages. AMtex teachuiug for iwo vear, w-dat to Connell wbere she continueâ hcî .r wonk lu the saine subjecis We joi ew-itb the voaîhg lady's mnerous f!inicu lu i congralulatiug ber on ber steAid% 5rmardÏii b saces.-Sentinel Stan.Mi th Hîghet's mny Bowmanville fniemd )are very mach p]eased to hear o! hei . kuccess. Ileal Bros.-Cash Grocers. Good Fana wauted to reat, sec a dv. Cartwnight Fair nexi Moîiday and Tniesday. Mrs. John HIellyar is visiting frieuds lu Toronto. Heal Bros are paying 13 cts a dozeii for eggs thîs week. Rex-. W. A. Banner of Minden called ou friends lîcre rccentIy. Mn. Edward Cole and Miss Edith Cole o! Geneva were la towu last week. Mn. Jamies Devitt of Lindsay, a B. HI. S. boy of '94, was in town recently. Mrs. W E. Bennett and soli Guard visîted friends lu Rochester last week. Master Arthur Legg f cil froîn a troce on Monday afternoon and broke lus a rm. Miss Amelia Knight has returned fromn a pleasaut visit with friends iii Toronto. Mn. W. Reiîwick of Ottaw-a has been visitiag his graîîdmother, Mrs.Renwick Centre St. Mns. Ephraim Coain of Tbonnbury has been visiting ber aunt Mns. Knîght, George st. Bey. S. H. Edwýards, wîfe and tliree1 childrcn o! Markdaie are visitiag lier sisten, Mrs. Tlios. Tod, Aîîyose waatiag a coînfotable home with a few acres nf land should eal n Mn. Richard Skiîner. Sec ad. Mrs. Geo. H. Joli has returned from a visit to Mn. Isaac Clarke's, North Mon-i agban, and fnicîîds la Peterboro. 1 Miss Caroline Stephens bas reliirned -to e e 11-om M - Meraw-Vle -Y.--at- er a pleasant visit with relatlive sliene. Mr. Fred Brown and daugbter, Md Madge, o! Buffalo, NY.have been Miss E. E. Haycraft was in Myrtie last weeu vlsluing ber motben wno is suffering froin severe injuries sustained by faliing on lier right aria. Horse raciug at Agicuturai fairs is2 subject te a penalty o! $50 or 30 days in goal. Speeding is, bon-ever, allowed on the part of nion-professional horses. TaE STATESMXAN invites ail is readens to coatihute ail items of a personal nature, sncb as visitons, weddîngs, etc., that ifs columus inay bie kepi interest- ing. Wc noticed a haîîdsomely decoraied wcdding cake in Mn. Thos. Tod's win- dow Tuesday iiorning whicli is anl la- dicatioîî, no doubi, o! a happy eveni close at baud.ï MîLLîxNERv OrENItsa on Fridav and Saturday Sept. 2tb anîd 2lst atC Miss Shaw's. Ail the latesi styles and colons te choose f roin. Come lai and inspect oun lîew -oods. We have been la business fourteen years and we fail to find anyto saytbaî we inisrcpresented aîîytbiîîg we seli, 'ue anc stlll goingr to stay witb you, we are not liene for a littie wliile. Mayiard the Jeweller Miss Simpsonî rcturncd last week fnomn Englaud w-bre she bas beeît spcndiîtg the sumier withlier sister, Mrs. A. A. Ex-ans. Slhe came by tice1Dominion Line S S Vsîecoîîxer nîd lîad rallier an utîpleasuint voyage. A GREAT SHOW,---$8000 in pnemiams- Whitby Fair, Sept. 17, 18, aînd 19, is go- in to be betten thaît ever this year. nGod banîd, Bicycle races and special attractions. Sec advertisemcîît lin an- other column1. Messrs. James Roopen, fonîneriy o! the Winnipeg Tribunîe staff, and also o! the London Free Press, and Mn. R. McChesuex- London, bave gone te Portage hi irairie, on ibeir uew duties as pablishers o! Ibe Portage Ikeview and -Satardas'"i" Miss Plonene M,. Crman, soprano so- loisi in the Central Me bo ii nit, Toronto, w-ho so abuv assîsted thc Bow-- manvilie Mefîsodisi Choir ai1Salena lasi w-cek, look ]partinltbbcSuday eveuing service by siuîuing very sweeiiv "The Belter Land." lInbe afternoon she deligbted the people at Mapie Grox-c by siung ";'The Roixv Cliv'" la the chancit service. Sue is cxideily\ a favorite ini iîs viciaity. 1A new w-iter, F. W. Ceron, lias a very suggestive arliclo la tho September Arcua iliniug ithe plan o! "A Laluor Exbainge," 10 Lake thie place o! the ex- isîing industniai systena o! comnpetition ainong the labonens for mere existence. Anoblien valuable article is Prof. Joseplh Rodes Bucbanau's "TIhe Marvels o! Eiecbnicitv.'" Tbis papen is especialux- intenestiagý( as sbowing bhe nexolution electricity eau produce ii te science of surgcry aîîd lbclin,,M Mr. and 1Mrs. J. W. Knighl tw-ene pleasantly snrpriscd ou Pnidax-, Aag.- 80 b va naînhen o! their friends takig possession o! ibeir home. Dnniug the exenng an approprùite address w-'as, read bx- Mn. . N. Mc)u an:d mrs. J. T, flooper and Mns. R1. Uneeper inade the presenatfion o! a pnetiy panior table on lelual! o!flie comipauy asseîîubled Mr. Kniglit niade a suiable neply ilîaîk- iu- iluein for their good wisbes and gî,f, aif ter w-icb refncsbments w-re scrt-ed and a pleasant social lime speaf.- Miss Ada Coleman o! Ibis townalbas passed successful examrinafions ilaSang,- cnt', Materia, 'Medica, Obsteînics, Phvssi- olog, R Hgicîîe, Anatomy and Pathiol- og n is non' a graduate o! Gîîelp G crai R1 ospital, traiiing -schsool for nurses. Miss Colemnan is baking charge ni bbc ,hospital during the absence o! the supeniniendenct, Miss Sheppardwhoi aiax ou lier vaction. Upon Miss Shcp wards neluru Miss Colemnanî w-i go to Sagîsawx, Mich., to joiin ber sisler Miss Anînie Coleman w-ho 18 aise a traiîîed nurse. We congmratlate Miss Colemans on ien sncess aud our haanîest good wisbcs follow- ier ilalber ciîoseîu profes- sion. T. N Rickard's temihony for New Williams, New Raxmoud aud Wbite scwiug machîines takes li hie itiag o! West Durban.c If yon wisbi to yossess a frsteclass sew-- îng mchine, fui y guarantced, hc sure you punclîase fromt T. N.' RiekartI, Watchimaken, Jewelien and Optician, Bowîna avilie. The foilowingis acopy o!a leifer te T. N. ikard froin Wili ians 30g. Co. DEuIL SIt,- Refering te our inav,,.ellers last visit ho x'ou, w-e w-iIgizarantee no nia- chine sold il'u mrou r miwr 'yvaule;sssobij by you, antigd rutecouniersigîicd by yoa. So ibat parties la your terri tory pîrcbasiig oir niachines itrouîghî othýen deaiers iusi do so ai ibeïr own risk. Yours truiy, THE WiLLIÂms Co. Montreal, Jttne 2, 1895. ChIIdrn Cyfor The Lawn Tennis match between Oshawa and Bowýmanivilie clubs played here on Friday afternioon last resalted la our local club sccuring three out of the four compieted eveiîts and they heid a decided advantage in the tw o that were unfiiîished owýing to darkness. During the heax-y raîin and tlîunder- Storum which passcl over this section on Saturdav afternoon, the barn of Mr. Thos. Jackson, tenant on the farm of Mn. John Somers, north east of town, was struck bv Iightning aaad totaliy des troyed. Ris loss wlll be heavv as the ban contained the season's crop and the insurance wiil only cover about half the ioss. Contents inisured in Waterloo ald Mnltnai for $700 - ban in the Phoenix for $ 0 A horse owned by Mr. John Cienience, Shaw's School House. was kilied by liohtnino. wýhile standing in the stable at ýonch'S miii. Hot Ilinner. The Women's Christian T emperance Union wili pitchi their tent on the Fair ground the 2Oth and 21st inst. and w iii serve luntcheon and dinner on both d axs of the Fair. They cordially invite their inyfrielids to patronize tliem as in fomr years. Proceeds for charitable purposes. M. J. CRVIJElMAN, Pres. Cor. Fair Nighit. Remember the annual -'rai-d concert of Excelsior Coancil, R. '. of T. on Sat- urday Sept. 21 in the ton-n hall, Bow- mnanîlle. A flrst class programn will be given i)y the following bnilliant array cftalent -lMr. ae--aTooto comie vocalist and impersonator; Miss Emnilv Lick, of Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby; Miss Gýiover, the finest Soprano cast of Toronto, vocaiist; Mr. H. J. choir' Bowmanviiie, vocahisi ; Miss Mabel 'Fait. of '1Toronto Coilege o! Music, accomanis Ify ou desire a iboroag-li- iy enjoyable cening aîîd the worih o! yoar mnoueye sure and come. Admis- sion .2 cents 10 ahl parts o! the hall. Doons openî ai 7.80; concert aI 8 o'ciock. Âround the World. Canada's popula %haîiinorisi Mn. W. E. Rauîsay w-ili present bis îîew elitertain- ment, "'A Tri p Aroand the World"' lu the Music Halli Pain nigbt under the auspices o! the Orchestra. Speakiug of tîe enterfalameat the Ottawa Free Precss says:-To say tbat Mn. W. E. Ram isay iscleven isto put ilmiidly. To say that lie is a lecturer, an ententainer, an acoîupiished vociist, a bit o! a bistenian, aînd an encyclopedia uden one huit is to begia to descnibe hlm. lu Granl's Rail lasi uigbt lhe took an Ot- tawa audieace arounid the w-orld by tbe aid o! a stereoptican. conined witb a ealianed manner o! descriptiveuess, lu a way that was once happy, intercstiug and étducative. Tbrougiout the enter- tainuient _Mn. Ranasav 'sustalas a mnost deiihfai and usefai conversation, and intnerses thie lecture w itb kappy ap- popýriat bits iii the shape o! topical Eogad hsaving- a splendid robasi tenon voice, tbat latter part o! thec pro- gramme is higîly a preciated. He lias the memory o! an almaaac and nouis off dates anti figures like water fron a tap, anud ai the same uinie, correct in ahi bis ste temdnts. Fils geognapiiell ant i s- tenical data are truc, anîd as lue pals theai, pat and alîpropniate, tue.y are oif iuteresl to the studemt o! facis anud sta- tisties. It is a w-ouderful enfertaiament and piasses tw-o such Isours timat one i av- inur scen if wouild 13e sorry to bav-c miss- cd il. The plan o! the Rahlis1 now open ai the Big 2o. Admisin5, Reserved sealts 85, Childrea 15C. BORN. Mr. A. L. Psoe, of a damîgluter. BÂuf.m. Oui Scîf'r 2od aI :0 B swi A setiue, Toronto, flue zife of B. hall, of a daugl to'. Fussm..:cîu li 1o,'uîamvjleouiSepit. luth, iSainuel Fishieigh, avcd fI ycars. Sw-Aw-lo Torontîo. oui Sept, 6th, Georgius Luets, 1îelove(l wife of Fred U. Swaui, andut riily uiaughter of 'Vin. tilc, C. E,,. mgefi 27 veirs. totei rod ut Bowuiiaiii uIconî Mouîds', Itb îuust. Whitby's Great Fair. SEPT'R 17, 18 and 19. $3,000 IN PRIZES. The finesi grounds and bîuildings o! auîy Connty Pair ini fli Province. Re- duced nates ou al tains per G. T. R. and Midiand Uaiway on 15f b and l9th. Any penson wishing to cîjoy a dav's uîlcasniiie, ai flic sanie flne sece he ýst exhibition outside o!ftiec cules, sbould visif Ibis Fair, situafod as if is lu tac x-cmy garden o! Canada, as is il as bci ng ln ibie finesi stock section i Anîcica. The inanageinent lut cnd tlis t-car to cx- ci ili former efforts ini iaking Ilîlis the 1>enîier Couisîx-Fair of Ontanrio. Good stahbliîg, beaut ,iful gnonnds aud increas- eu eries shîold mnake Ibis Pair an in- stitution wonîhîv of!ouîr 5suport. Ex- hibitionis o! trotting salioasfast drivers and sadddle boises for bi.-lprives. Good band o!fnmusic. Blet-cie races and spec- il attractions in frout o! grand stand cacb afiennoosi. Sec progranulîmes and privelilsîs for prticulars. J. D. Rtnz J. R. LOxa, J. WuIITE,l Pres. Trea. Sec. ALLAN_«LINEQI LIVERPOOL, LONDNDER~fRY AND MONHIA[ ROYAL MAIL SERV 10E. Frosu Froru Erosu Liverpiool. S'EAMSHIPS. Monritt. Queble PARSIA 31Alîg. 1 qrt. MONGOLIAN 7 Sep~t. 7 S(I lt. NUMIDIAN 34 . 153 SAhIDINIAN 1-1 22 'LAURENTIAN 28 " 28 RATES OF PASSAGE. CABIN Singie frossu 15, upuards. hefur- froun tiO, upwards. SECOND CAnIN. To or front Liverpool, Londonîderry, Belfast or Glasgow........................... .530o.00) Rettirui Tickets, s hou e por ts.............. . .00 To or froso London ......... .......... .... .00 Clîlîdreis beîween 1 amîd 12 years...IHlf Fare.ý tufaxit8, free bof h ways. Steerage at lowest r ates. For furtiier particulars apply fe m. A. JÂNES, Allait LimBe Agent, BowmanivIlle. Pltobors Casotorlea Its Alu Talîk...t Much of the Bargain Advertisements of the time is pure sham. You -will save far more money in a year by dealing With a reliable house that studies your needs, than by investing in catch penny mark down. that our system of doing business is appreciated from the fact that our trade lias steadily increased. We buy the best goods the market affords, for cash, and can therefore save you money by dealing with us. WTe are siowino' a fine line of canned goods. Camp ers will make a note of this. Telephone connection. Goods deliveredl promptly to any part of the town. c A WKEBf R & T AIT. ýM/[ARRIAGE LICENSES issued. by .L.LW. BiNGHANM, Esiuiskillcn. 2-Smr RPESSMAKING donc by Miss. Maniba Af eate, cor. Kinig amieuOtario street. jR 00F SLATING.-C. L. Munson. -JWBow-maoî'ilie, Siater, Fedf sudGravel Eoot- ci. 3-lyr. MT IR WO -.Ladies wisiling bain AtZoneOeR, eaai MitS. DICKIN-SON, Ring D--% YOU WANT ARHOME.-If vou do apply 10 T. BINoîsAirý for a îice solÇdick( cottage cheap and oui easy tersus. 31-tf, _LUSIC-MISS MABEL TAIT 15 pre- .LYLpared f0 feachu Music on Organ, Pianîo or Violin at lier own or pupil', resideuice. 28-tf. SU'HEP ASTRAY.-Came oute lot 16 co 7 arlîogeitoiî early inî July one ewe anid fwo lausbs.O ïîr s reqnested f0 cahl sud prove propcrty anidlay expeuuses. Jus. McLAUt.cLeIN, Fitniskillei P. 0 O .' 36--3w* T- -n EPrep are for it by 7getting your sup- i w-plies at do- "BIG 20" oe- A f-uil assortment --S du- of ail requisites. CANADIAN PAC1FIC R.Y, See Manitoba and Northwest Exhibit when at Toronto Exhibition. T. E. HIGGINBOTHAM, Agent, Bowmanville MRS.. A. V E&S Wishes to direct the atten- tion of the ladies of West Dur'ham to lier stock of fancy and staple ctry mios, em- brodiery silks, crochet-, -,ilks, spools, î-ope silks, etc. Press linings, cottons, prints, tick- ings andfuli uines of corsets and hosiery at close pî'ices AIl parcels of five dollars and over, tel per cent off on cash sales. Thanking you for pat- ronage in the past 1 solicit a share for the present and 1future. Mrs. A. A. Ives, Oppos-'c. S. A. Barraeks. BOWVMAN'VILLE. w TANTED. 200 tons of nags, bolles, '"I amI 1(1 ron alsil straiglit fo1t('eti news a- peLrs and other other olfi books fakei a raKga. JON îtn, Tras allîîîg Merchaut, 3 na~ lit., Bowila iville. 1-. F OR SALE OR TO RENT.-11 acres miore or less beig lot m0 con 3, Darlipgtou, aiso .5 acres iii lot il,' good dwveiiug, alo ot- btildhmîrs wjth spî1cnîhd orchlarci. Apply k) RCRîc.îN Sassza, on1fthc prentîses, Bowinani ville P. O. 3 1 - w SDble barrelbr. loader,$S. Grecncr Boit be. loader, $25. Winchester GU S ,,,l$2. Revolvers, $1. Towest V~ices for reliable goods; seud for catalogue. W.BYD & SON, MoNrREAL. FARM WANTED.-To roui a 50 acre Ffani.Must lie ini a gond s515h of cultiva tien andi buildings ini gond repair. Suita bIc for stock or grain raisiiig. Beqt of relerenec acli be given. Apl 'y ilIMeiliately atS AfMN OFFICE, BoWnasil lle. 35-3w* F Â,IRM TO RENT For a term of vears. -r l4'.0 acres 2 mlotes from NWtby, gondl buildings asud soli; iaduirable, for stoc k or dairy.' Chance for goîn g- exteîisively imb To- ronto niilk lîusiuess or stock raising f or Anacri- eaul market. Men w li capital only need appiy. J. 1H. Dow, whntby. IIANTED-Good, reliable incan W fidipermarnenciiit coNomeiît for Ma tic Grove Nurseries of WtîoN Y. Good Sal- .r nuitd exjelises paidiweekl%. L1Àrliidc mîcots to bergiiiîcrs. Outlit free. Previons ex- feîic lot reqiiired. Estabiis)ied o' er 20 vrs. Al goods lirsti ilasq. NWrite at onîce for terni. Aildresq, J. W. MACKAY. Geli. Manager, St. TIhomias, Onît. Olid Stand, tliniks tlie citizeus for ilîcir 1lberaI patronlage ini the pist. andi, by pronilîit attentionî to business and gond workmoaiisliip, iiores f0 sf1 nient a siîare of thteir ivork. Al kn, of boots avd shoes neatly and promlitly înided. Give tuttii a triai anîd le will coriinec yon flint îvliat lie says is truc. Rinz St.. llowuîanville. zo if. * ANTED HELP-mneu or women W f il every localîty (local or travelling) to ,iîtrodnie, a Ifew diseoi cry, sud keeîs ont show- crsfi atked lt)ionltroes, Ifonces suri bridges !il town sud country. Sti'sdv emiloyrmeult. Coi- missionî or salary 563 per qinoîtl and expenses, For p:îI-tjcular iý Titi: jÎý,MEDVLosEetyui C~o., P.tO.lbox a221 Lnîiin. Ont., Usu. 37-tf. F ARM FOR SALE A ftIe ass farm -!of 125 acres or 143 acr1el;S tU.atcîl il) the Towvnship of Enst MWhiitthy, ist con. lots la anti 16 on tfli Base Une, abiol 3 miles froni Osbalva statin, 2 mîiles fronnVhiitb.y ai if> rods fro!u flic sclîool liouse. Laurge roomy iiîbildings, main iîr x-NlfI iint ' nf lritit, sîsil lay onin, ai- togetufer elle of tii, iîst grain farmss ou he Lak e sliore; 110 his asdclrnîîîs. About 10 acres of wo~od, 75 scies ini îasfîiie sud Iresh soeided. Ternis ensv; lirst ilowiiig dioîîe. For furtiher piarticulars appiiy f0 A ANNus, Oshawa. s7i -f. BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. Coî.rected byJ.MeMlui-ry every Tuesday FiouR, P 100 Ilbs ........$2 O0to -2 C 7 WiiV-AaT, Faîl, old P~ busl. O 00 fi O 60 îîow V buslî. O0 (X) O 0pi> 'i Wbite Fife . . ..O 00- 0' O(0- il Red fr ...00M, 0O65 il 0 O00 'i 0O 55. BALYPbuish, N.1 .00" l0 40 fi Il 2X.. 00o e0,'08 I il2.. . . 0 00>il (O 35 ? Two ron-edO 35 fi 0 40 OATS, White il.......O()00 fi'() 25 il inixcd f.............0 00"l0 24 RYE '..........100 'i 0 45 .......A Il ...O0 00r'l il00 PEAS, Blackeye, P ~bush.. 0O0 i' O 5.5 ilMiimmey "I 0 0 fiO055 il Sinall, r' 000 0 o5-0 fiBlue,r, 0 00 '0 55 BcnTi'zî, 1I st table, P lb.. 0 00 fi o 15 P Ooz.. «.......... 0 > if O 18 POTATOE5. bush .........O00 il O125 Ayen s bain Vigor tones np file w-eak hair-roots, stiîntiates the vessels and tissues wvhich supply the hair w-iib nu- trition, strengthený the hair itseif, and adds the oil which keeps the shafts soft, lusirous, and silky. Thîe niosi popUlan anîd valuable toilet piepai atioxi in thc world. ;

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