tliat spocial sectin cf the Eastern Toiin-'[ips. Prefessicîmal îîîesî, bn-siiuess ien, and farîuers, haie discussed tise ..ulject, and Pciio's Clon- Coin- peîîîîd has a rcpîsîaticu aîîd a faîie iii the district that no other suedicine ox Oi possessed. Mus. Parscns -rites very briefly, but to the poilnt; sîte says: "i ans deligliteci to seîîdii-itcstiîîîony regurdiîsg yosîr mcst i-luablo utedicino Paiies Celery Compound. "'Sortie tlime lige Iliad Gripp)e,'ýw-hielt left iie so laine aînd weak, thuit for six îiicîiths I could not get up -withsoisi elp. I told iuv lîusbind tîsat uctliiîg else hint Paine's ielery Comîpound could help sue after otiieriedicines cati docers lied failed. "Atter talçing() several botties cf Pciîîc's Celer ' \ Coîipclisid, I feel thtat I ciii curod; I eau sio- walk ansd go up and dcxvi staîrs w itîs case, anîd do all îîir lieuse- n'enk. Linder' the 10 ssing' cf (led andI vour Peine's eeyCnpoud i nomimwedl. - ec' oieid B-.ounsall's flarbie, Works, EBOWMJ:NVILLW, ONT. A large stock ofl Finished Monuments lu Swcdish, Scotch and Americau Granites and Marbies constantly Qil baud, imptç)-ed direct froin the different Quarries and M1anuat -l Lrerl i e Cali and sec what you are bnying. Prices lo-v and good m7ork guarantecd. E. R. BOUJNSALL, Proprietor. BoWMAN VILLE. BOWMANVILLE, SEPT, i1, 1895. E NISILL E: Mi'r. F. W Lee, stest Sabbaili lu Port Htope. Mi',,. Bt îjiicimm aundi cli ii, 'i-htOiî, bai-o becit guets oflier sdoter, Mis. IH. Ecgcno -. Žii. Ftis Gtyott, Yetcri 'sntario, has beetu aeest ce usaii Mis. jaus. 1'ye, siý Miss Viola "'~ asnd Mi'. C. H. Mitell i re auc-es iîsg' l tasi ic Hliglu SeIce' - Mr. (hi c-w-c B m,, 15 isloan fî'oîîtise citii mw-eýliee lians bheeli treet caîtincter tes- sanie weedliS. Mu. anid Mc.,. T. T. Ja;diiie cmi sous, Oshanvt, visit-ed I i.e oreuîts I. asla lon î'-ucuîiuiii Satcisda, tri WEAKNES$ OFMENt quickly, Thoro.ghlyg Foreuer Curod lya new perfected scientifleiniethod thst cannot fail unless the case hi beyond human aid. Yen feel improved ti e st day, feel a beneft every day, soon know yoursef aking 1 amaong men inbody, md and heart. Drains and lasses ended. Every obstacle to happy married life removed. Ner-ve force, wil, energy, brain power, when failing or lost, are restored by this treatment. Ail smnall and weak portions of the body eniarged andi strengtliened. Victims of abuses and excess- es, reclaim your manhood ! Sufferers froa folly,overwork,early errors, il health, regain your vigor! Don' t despair, even if in the ast 16tages. Don't be diîlieartemied if quacks lhave robbed yon. Let us show you that mei- dlical science and business honor still exist; bere go haud hn hand. Write for our book~ with explanathons and proofs. Sent sealed, fr'ee Over 2,000 references. ERIE MEOICAL CD.,y uffaIoi 111, HAIMPTON. Mus. Fred anud Miss AukeC1 KerslakeP arc i-isitig - naýsia-nc toTt-,).o M i'. lii Beccotk, Toresnto, îisited frieîîdshlere recesîtlv. Mir. and-Miss Bult 1irlbîg. -,are isit- iusg Mi'. Fueîih- Parr.' Mrs. E. Ts'esoutli and Mme. J. I-. Dur- rcws uare usder tic dcc oi"stae Mrs Fr'an uiEse, Exeter, is g'uest et Ml-js Wýjes iet1n ïii.bierSunclav Scisc01e' ass ut hIci' ite M,' Ioulay uic. Mi'. H. Llliott, Jr , gai-e asu et homue te the îoe'uherssof thîe isoir. Mr. T. B. Hoidge aut)l1n f Mf tont- real are g-ue,,st- of Mi'. Johni Cowliuug. Mi'. F L EMlhis ilci -uîMr. E. Huast- ings' e1iaiti1ion 123 oz toilt sto, prcdiiciuug cise 0-' 7u,'3 . N strek fe heu~ ~ aid ucryj The aimîal i t' ~cff auxiliary uertlî frite heme deoing eîtly sli,.,'l, ftacî li'auuh- cfýýo ie\Vtm Iii \tsîaryý Soci-- augc to honi-. broke, a crocik ti et ci a held ou Tulwsday euug and stoî e pip~ e 01 spIIt oeile a ce'. dci'de the follc'vn e' chic " w e'e elected: fiask ancd îuall se üct a atua Miss Ped'tMs.Hov ' : 1," vice-Miss Cherry, iieiee et i. Checrry! vwi -was Anniie, Aslhtoi: 2'hnd vict l'îli. E. iRob- l tie r'oen, w-a, stume cci t1 Cie sItock. bils-; Secretarî'-, Miss MNary J. Elliett; Mri. and Mrs'. J. W. 1L71i, Àlpeita, Treas-Mi'.s Martha Qi -i:Ci.Sec.- M\icb., are VÉS'ig Mrs. C . Vri itMSJlMi i' Mis. twa', S7, and àl:s rj The, folloxinuiv fi of the Junior Hiall is a ceusin of Mr. Itob 1-ju,.Hil, LeaQýl gu' wie lco Ge.and Hou-. u'Jtmasnd was fs)rcîi" à re-si "lit Pl'e Xii'.. (Rev.)h 1-1o7-.-), S.n'retaryv eit hi, ucigltborhcc t. ho klesîcre- w tt ia Cit fe 4fe res" Les hîthter in the year 184à~ we th at t'his, M. 1,;ojle,, di i u is. se counîtry nii'fscsne to hiisu. 1le iNlson Brenu, Prieln issGri lias neot been. over hero le 1847. Csr. WHAT THINK YE AL 0F IT? WolI anld Strong aller ilf a Coeltlry ofvSurixigr The Cure is a Wonderful one. Wrought by Paine's Celery Compound The Great Strength and Health-Giver. r wm en ail CUJTICUPA Seto- purifies and beaulifies th kun, scalp, andfir h ly uestcring ta, au thy adi-th e C CCOGt7"tu.I'slLcuIMD, hOsu'eTATEtu, SttxiC -ýý, or OiE-rwO.5ED DUnu a Casaâ. Gîtai., Soit lroch., Bumnn, 1. S. . Th ise m'uîy cf tue greut cdiscoveres' cf Pairîe's Celer i Ccinpousid hill ever ho sacred te hlie tkousassds w ho haie beuon -w cîdOrfnllî delix ercd froîs disease ansd sufferiiig. Thce îsîteci efforts cf titis s i eîtdical meuî ic n iîeî ci'equal the work, tic iglîiy h aîiîresults, thai lui-cý coîne te suifferers thrcugli tise virtucu, cf Paise',, Ceery Compousnd. Thse uicst diffict, icst distressiî, ansd tiseseaiîl liard ansd incurable cases, aie stacccssfully cui'ed by thie gret iediclse. Tiscre is ne reasen whîy a mîyuans cirw ssîn ould despair and gis -up hiope, w hile thoy cati pro- cure tlic inediiîc that drives away dis- case' Stsoîîg'anîd îucostroî-ertible proof- testimioii\ frointcite eho sstffcred for over tiity y ours ivill giN e ope anîdin- spirotatiLtoianîy cf Caîsadas sufferers whc, np ici cic presemt, bees it 1suces- fnl n itit luiysiciaiis and thse comînesi ad- vertised niedicines cf the dax. The usarveliessand speedy cureocf Mus. A. R4. Parsonîs, cf Sutten, P. Q., lias cî'cated a wociderful senssatiot ini DISTRICT NOTES. D Lebowitz was flued £10 aud cests ii Beeton last week for peddling withou: a license. R. R. Mowbray sold a x-aluablc lhors( te Richardsonî Bros., Columabus, a feuý davs since fer a goed round sum, con sidering the low value now put or herses. Thu!iizens-of-B il---E-ure11m'" less oxcited over the roturu cf the cattlh trouble whichi was s0 prevelent lier( last sumîner, five suileli cows have beer strichlen, Mr. Robt. McKnight Port Perî'y't constable, lias returned from a trip t( Scotland. While Rex-. J. H. Mallett and Mr. Geo. Crozier were duck- shooting ai Scugog ast weck thoir boat upset ami but for timely assistance they wýouIld have been drowned. The lateRenv. Dr. Gould cf Coîborne whli diod a short tiinie ag'o bequeathed $400 te the Ontario 1 aàis' Colleg-e, Wliitby. The Whitbv Gazette cclcbrated its thirté-flfth biiday last weck. Mr'. Peter Randal, cf Port Hope, says lic hias $40,000 stock auready s-abscribed for an electrie railwav between that ton n anîd Cobourg. Mr. Joli Or' cf thse Madoc Review, seored only tn o points lcss than Prîvate Hayhurst, at the Dominion Elfe Associ- ation match at Ottaw a. Mr'. Willian Potter, cf Brighton, whio seri ed iu the Aniericau Navy, lias re- ceived a lpensiou cf $8 per îuonth and about three years back pay. The Official Board cf the Coîborne Mothodist church, voted their pastor, the Rey. J. P. Wilson, B. 'A., a salary cf eue theoîîsand. dollars for the ensuing year, an increase cf oee lundred dollars. Fire destroved tue Brunswick Hotel Stables, Coîboruie, sevN ciherses, a pat- eut medicine wagonbg , etc., be- sides doiîîg damiage te the Prcsbyterian churcli and soiuc other buildings. Loss anieunts te several thousands cf dollars witli sîtîcîl ilsurauce. Rei. W. C. Beer aud wife cf Asliburn- hin eelclîrated tueur sihi er n edding î'ecentlv and Nvcre the recipiciîts cf mny beantiful presetîts, Wlîile geing te the' Ea'st Whitbov Chris- tien Endeai orcrs' pic'iic at (sîwa a'uaav teck place, frt'oiîwhiclî.Ms. Sanil. Žic'bols' cf Columibnslisaîl lier slîoiiledcrtisjoiiuted and Miss Lizzie Stocks recejivcd bad lruises. Mr. Robt. Pope, Peteeroughî-lis street inispecter, died Smîidax week, aged 630 yecars. Mr- M. iii. Lockhiart, New castle and w-ife. w-holiav e beeii isitiîî.1' îric'uds iu Charlotte, w nie iiiton ni esterdai-. Thîe.7caine oer on ciihcNorth King andi lied a inest pleasaiit tintie arriong- their Yanklee cousiiîs. 110ïnf Ie 'Gvîde. Wliile Mi'. Jas. eid, sr'., cf Wliitby ,%as eugag-.ted lu htauliitg lus uachiîi*e ont cf Mi'. Cousiuis barin, lie slipped and feil, thotie strilsiiîg lis side, bruis- iug it considei'ablv. Mr. Jeu. Porter cf Pickes'iîg iliteuds ineving to eiligaîi te take claru ocf his farin lucre tliis faîl. Mi'. Marciss Lent, cf Cobourg, vi',ited tlîe Sili or Lake Tempeî'ance csseiîibly last utnil ciîad lîerd Woolley. He was grc t,1, deligh-ted witli tue greuit Pro- liiinpropliet, and tiikwcosgt t~~~hik hoa' iniluCanda iMr.- A. Allisi, M. A., Pli. D., Port Perv agraduatae cf Victoria Uiniversit.,- liasjîîs rened froi a thrce ci'fu vear's sojouru abread lîaviiîg gradnated ut Berlin iJîivei'sit , in C-es'îiiaiiy', last Mardi,' aftcr haviîso' studied et Heidel- ber-, and Breslausiversities. Mr. H. Grahnai, cf Port Pr', lbas invcnted a simple contrivaiice ccîîsist- ing cf a spiral spriiîg and tu c blockis cf w-ccd so ariiged and fasteiîed itai it is aduuiitted te le the meet etfectiv-e and eflicieiit car couple y et livcîîted. Mr'.il. Laîi'd lias accepted a eall to flie Presbvteiisi Cîturcli Cainpbellford ut a salarv cf $1000 uud free îuaîîse. Port Hope Model Sclîool opeîîed lust week w'ith twii t- ee piipils iii attensd- aiice-twelvc boys aud îiîîie girls~. Mus. A Fiudiv, Pickeriug, is visitiug lier sou, Mi'. L. A. Fiîidluy, edultor cf the Gazette, Mildriiay. The PresbX teriaîîs and -Metiiodists cf LiitdsaN-, plax cd a gaine cf bail a few davs a go, flic Presby teriaîîs w iniig. Oms Wedsiesday lest Miss Ida Masîd Pratt cf Coboî'gaîîDi'. daines Prit- chat'd, cf Northî akeiield, Ont., w-ere uniteu iiiithe itue helv bonds cf n cdlock, Rey. W. J. Jollfia of ficiatiiîg. Major Preston,' cf Meuvers iow-îshlip, died et Vancuver. B. C., Snday wcek aged 8)'ý,eais. Ma *jor Preston was thei founider cf the lar'ge andc influeittial fanîl i cf Presteiîs w-li lii e iii Maîîvers tomnslip. Thiere aie 42 teachicis iii traîniîig et Cobcsir- Model, as a-ainst 30) hast ycar. 13a tÉ. BEY. J. J. RARE, Phîdi., Principal. To Farmers. Barley, Oats, Peas, Rye, and Buckw-heat wanted at Caledonia 3Milîs. llighest1 price given. JOHN MACKA-Y. The JCEeller Is off eriug rare baî'gains lu WATCIIES,-watches that you cau rely on to give you good finie. A watch is a thing you want if it is a good que, but don't buy trash be- cause it is cbeap, and when you waut your wa tel repair- ed. give it iîîto ou' hîauds anti you will have good tinie cver af teci. Wedding Rings and Marri- age Licenses foi' sale. Cahi 0o1 MAYNARD, Dive si M ILLF. THE JEWVELLER SOFALA POLISH. LDIS, use Hcok's Sofula Shce Pot 1 ish for Ladies aiid Clildie'cu'5flue Bootîs anid Sîmees; the finiesite preserve tiXe leather and kcop it reliable. It wilJ. leave a eC like sattin. Fori sale by Boot alid Shoedealers.A PSYHINE Wl weCONSUMPTION, wgadTwo4tDýý Sa. î l fýt - lfý .Gv .eïand The T. A. Si cmChemca Co.LM.,Toro,'o Cap MOUJNT VERNON. Anniv ersary services in connection with Mt. Vernon Sabbath School i] be held on Sunday, Sept. i5th. Sermons will be preaehed by Rey. S. G. Rorke at 10.30 a. m., and at.6.30 p. nu., by Rev. H. I. Aluin, Columbus. C ollection at the close of each service. Enîîiskilleîî choir will singin theeveni. On Monda Sept. 6th, a grand cou- cert wll be gîven by the best talent in the district. Miss McDowell, elocution- ist, who lias excelled herseif on farmer occasions; Mr. damnes Goard, the young Eiilih tnr' andMr--Lutlicr-CQourtjce of fiowmanvilie have consented to take part; also Mr'. C. E. Brown, Hampton, jolins andl Miss P. Worden, Courtice Miss Thomas, Misses Lander, Taunton; Mr'. Mackey, Enfield; M~r. E.G.Pascoe, Solina; Instrumnental iusic will b( furnished by Oshawa 's fanions quartette under the leadershiýp of Professor Gib- son, assisted by Mr. I .W. Heatlie coîîsist- in ftwo violins, cornet and piano. D1ors open at 7.30; Concert at 8. Ad- mission 20e and 10c. Proceeds in aid of sehool funds. Come early and sccure seats. Visitors.: Mr. Chas. Pearn; Mr,. A. A. Bryant, Port Perî'y, ut Mr. John Py e's- Mrs. John Elford and Mrs. H. A. Strik:e and son at Mr. Win. Souch's ; Miss Editi Argue is visiting in Toronto. lffiipality of Darlîngton. NOTICE 0F BY-LAW. a il It Le Ir ie The new goods for thie faîl trade are now arriving; thonsands and thousands of dolli.rsworth. Another The grocery man speaks of extra Car value in sugars. A new car load is to Sugar. arrive soon and the balance of the old. car must be cleared off at once. Extra value in teas and Wl staple groceries. Dozen of The Boot and Shoe man has placeci Cases of in stock a very large liue of new goods Boots& Shoes. ri'EQ'ved from eastern markets and our values will still lead. New The Dress Goods man is plcascd with Dress the prospects the new g'oods are taking and ullike bot cakes, as they say" our facili- Coat Materials. ties ensure some choice lines not showu elcwhcre. New The Ordcrcd Clothing Depaî'tment, Worsted includiug geuts' firnislîiugs, is under th&ý Coatings management of oui' 3i'. L. T. Courtice. antig Orders a re comino' in f rey n utm Pnw cs rs can rely 011 new and nobby furnish- Collars ings selccted carefully front'tie îuost and Ties. extensive assortment. New Our keady Made Clothing Depart- Bosand meut lias always been a leading' feature Boy's and e hîtend to niaintain our undatint- Men's Suits ed lead in this. Wre carry a sto ck of' and Overcoats. $4000 in Rcady Made Clothing and our sales in this hune are hcavy, buying iu large quantities for cash wc gct barg-- ains that small dealers neyer sec. Eyes Ouri ifi. J. J. Mason having passcd Tested the recent examinations of the Ontario Free Optical Institute; bcing first iu a class, A Large of eightcen spcaks well foi' lis ability Assortment lu that hune, the standard having becu of Newest recently raised so high that soîne of the, and most formeri'gî'aduates failed to obtain a suf- Improved ficent percentage to pass at ail. H1e is, Spectacles. without a doubt the most up to date Optician lu this vicinity. W"e Many people are delighted with our Take systemf of paying for produce. Oui' count-- Produce er chccks are convenicut, and save mis- takes. Thcy also buy Hardware, Drugs, Milincî'y, etc. BoWýmANviL,. Fail - - W H-aving lîad our wareroonm renovatcd and repainted and added to our stock a nice hune of New Designs lu fuî'nitnî'e. We would be glad to have the public caîl and sec our goods. Dining Rooni Suites, comprising Table, Sideboard, an~d C) chaiî's, frinî $19.00. Pa1'loi' Suites 6 picces f rom $25.00 up. Bed Roonm Suites 3 picces from $10.00 up. In fact we have everytliing lu the furnilture hune and take great pleasure iu shîowiug oui' stock wýýheflîcr yo u Our unidertaking ,,,depaî'tmeîxt is coiupletc iii evcryway and any calîs w iII have our inmiiediatc attention Day. or Don't forget flic place Pro-wcrs Bloelk. Bo iXMAXTý ILLE, MuasonCo, BIGU EST STOREý public notice is lîcreby gtvei thai ait te mcti iog cf tie Mnicipat Couîîcil of the, townsistp cf Darlimigomu te bc lîildiliHantoin iii said 1%,tuntctpality on Saiurday the 28tdî day cf Sept- eniber, lS5saittheur cf eteven o'clock iii tite fereDîoît1 or se soon tlicrcafiir on saici dav as the said couicit sitaîl mcci ttre will b c itrddue- cil a By Law providiiig for, the stoppinig np anid seltinig thti allowasicc for roaci between lois 34 anîd 35iii te 7tlî ili ind iliiconicessionis cf tc saidlii townsthip cf Darlingtoti. OpîîOî'oitntiity v-,Il îc affordeci uo anycue in per- soIt or l'y Consel co' Solicitor n-ttse land i nîgît be rejnuticiýtallyaecucO by thc by-la ndwi peticicits to ttc hearîl iti opposition ulierce. ny ortier RlICHiARDnWINDATT, Ton îship Ctcrk. Bonm-îviltî July Cird, 189,5. Ontarîo Ladies' College, WTHTBY, ONT. lias aircady aa(the ibiest e-locatîott.lire, oiC cf -îity Ladies' Cclccin ie tDoumintiooicfCatii atl,. Witli faitti iin Gout ad iii the hfuturiet our cooni titieDirictors liaivc îitert' tlion a., seîtînte of extnsion anti im,îrox-încti tt.ît mairks ami crainii te lih-licstiticu cf votin latdies. Tvo tîîs lniittii rciniproesscf erîcetitn, li,*3 i t ., auîltOxi h..witlt ttiw stoatît heaîtiiig,, itîctrie EIi-itiîig-, andi tue miis tic, Cocert lialli h to Le îro ikî titha ita- niificitipetttcors-att -driven biy ecitmiciîy, andc ai ailtimie for sractice ihi ait wèatltir. &i The iiiit-'rîsicd fini'itthe itto f tili tians-lters art' rcuuîcciflt7 retqucstedtu timîalce cii-tv apliction for -allAdar, "r for r"atu, t,,i iNew Goods. L-ý