Iglek Hleadache and relieve ail tihe troubles mOli- dent to e billons state cf thse systenIsuch as Dizies asa wsines firs a er etig Pta h Id. s ide .While their most remirbeUisuccess has heen shown in curng ffeadache, yet CÀRe"sLITTLEs LvE Pitti are equaly valu abie Ie Constipation, curin& and preventiog iis ennoying compliant, sehil they aiso correct ail disorders of tise stornach timute thse «Iver and regulate the bowei Even If they oniy cured AcheZtey wonid b. ainsos pricelees tises.» %Yho sufer from liis disiressing cospaint but fortunately their goodnsssdOes not en nere, and those who once try thens will llnd these littie pis valuable t in sany wssys thea# iewilt be wiling to do without thenk Bl e r al sick heed Is the liane of so nsany Ilves tht here le where we make our great boast. Our pis cure it while others do not. CÂRTER's LITTmLEîVEn PILLe are vry email and very easy to take. One ort iwolp ie smat-a a dose. They are strlctiy vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentie action leese ail who0use tisem. In visis et 25 cets; fis-e for $1. Soid everywhere, or sert by nsail. OÂTlMDCIllE 00., irsw oth a I I TIE ]PARMA Fail Seedlng for Pasture. Tise early drougisi that lias prevailed over mnany sections aud thse failure of ciover and grass sesd sown bas pleced many farmers in serîousiy close places as regards pasture. Permanent pastures show failing spots and bave net yielded their usuel amount of forage. Now the fermer who is short in emount of pasture and bas failed to get a stand fron-i lest feul and spriog's seeding is doing some solid tbinking and planning as to how bo shaîl prevent e oirmi- 1er occurrence next year and cone out without oo serions a loss. Ia many sec- tions Timotby le sown as the pasture and hay crop, other grasses being indigenous to some extent, bine grass and red top, Wbere bhtse latter do net come ln naturel. ly, Timothy is oiten ths wnole d ependence. Witboni, speciai care, top drssig with manure or other fertilizers, is wili get poorer every year. If clever is sown wtbin the period of usefuiness of the Timotby wiil be 1,rolouged as iur feedm on tise nitrogee depusited by tihe clover. Fields that Vthe frmer intsnded te plow next spring wili bave to be beld another year for pesture. Possâibly tbey wer poor this year, and will be less valuabie nsxt yearwitbout belp of nome kind Vo improve theni. And many fields used as permanent pestures under dry wether conditions bave shown sparse plats wbere it is naturally expected to flnd the best pasture. These pestures enu be mucb improvsd by cutting up tisese pots wbere the grass bas faiied or is very thin wîtb a dise mach ine of semes pattern, working till a good secd b.d is secured with the use of a drag berrow ori rouler, Wben the land is in prime order a light. Aoodinc, nf rv, three ocs or one The Embden, with its white feathers, and the Toulouse, with its gray, rep-1 haps the best breeds of geese. Thse former wil often dress et frein tweive to fourteen pounds, whiie a pair of the Toulouse have now and then reecbed the enormons weight of sixty pounds. These are rether ton heavy for market. Geese are more hardy and muoh les@ trouble than chickens and turlreys, and the profits are very muen larger. Dnring thse Ruminer &Il they need is a good pasture. Tbey begin laying when a ys er oid andi iay froni thirty to forty eggs in thse seasun. Three geese are enough for the company of one gander. A SECLUDED AFRICAN CITY, Capt. fletieges Accesent or semi-civilized Iughla n SmaliRanÏd. Capt. Vittoria Bottego of Vise Italian army in Africa has published an account of the city of Lugh in Somaliland. Tise oty was known previously by name only to the civilized world. The name signifies a place that mev be entered trom only one direc- tion. It lies on the 1sf t bank of the Gan- ana, or (fluba, Europeans oeil that river of Somalilend, and occupies a long tongue of land, and fis surrounded by a wal, There le but one gate in the wall and that is clos- ed and barricaded at night. 'ihe honses are made of pickels and tbatched with palm leaves. There are frequent fires lu the principal street of the city. Many sorte of merchandise are soid. Other notable places are thse markets for beasts, the mosques, and a echool. The inhabitants, save part of the slaves, are ail Mohamimedans. The cirnate le excellent. r VILLAGE SETTLEYENTS, AUSTRALIAN EXPERINENTS WITH THE HOMESTEAD SYSTER. Feas T at They Wl iNet Prove a gueo cegg-Twessty Acres I.le the mîl for One Mess-Clerks lsn Adelaîde Travel fletweese These N~ew Homes and, Thels' Place of Business. Tisat most ourlons Govertiment public&. tion, the NewZeaiand Journal of the Dspartment of Lebor, has compiled nome information as to features of the Australian houseead system. An officiai of the New South Wales Lands 1)epartment, being ln South Australia, sought Vo learn what success hed attended the policy of settie- mente on susali holdings, known as worlt- ingmen's blocks, or homestead blocks, as compared witis the South Australian village settîsment systeus. Thers are twelvo sncb settlements, now oniy about twe years oid,on Vhs Murrav IRiver, betwsen the so-called raiiway township of Morgan and Cbeffey's irrigating colony on the boundary between Victoria and South Australie. Tbey are above 100 miles frous Adelaide but are regarded as favorably situated, îheving frontege on the railway terminus. Fish and gemne are pientiful and fruit and evegetebles may be grown for homne consump- tien. Nevertbeless, thse settlemnente appear Vob languisis. IV is estimated that above $50,000 bas already been spent upon tbem, and the settiers have incurred liebilities for large emounts over and ebove the Government suhsidy, mn the hope tisastise Governusent will eventually pey Vhe in- debtednss. The most thriving settlement Asc Eqs,%werd Mealets Won w eîinown a I -- -,.,-- . -.1. - for Infants and ChiIdren. B-t--W-DrO-, -ffef O0ordial, -aY ocliled Eoothlng SYrupsand Mnost red orChidren amcomposed ofopium or morphine 1 D O nIII xO ta pu n morphine amstupefying narcotic poisonsr w ithuabeling tempoisons? »0Ton Know that you sol o permit any niedicine to lie given yens' ohl smlessiyou or ycur physician know of what lt is composed ? Do Iou Know that Castoria le a purely vegetable preperation, and that a 1151 of Its Ingredients Ie published with every bottie P DO Ton K»ow that Castoria le the prescA ption of the famous Dre. Samuel Pitcher. That it lias been ini use for nearly thirty years, and that more Castorie is now soid than of ail other reniedies for children combined P »0o Ton Hxsow that' thse Patent Office Department of thse'Unitedi Stites, and of ether countries, have issued exclusive riglit Vo Dr. Pitcher and hie assigns to use the Word "ÎCastoria"1 and île formule, and that to imitate them is a stete prison offense i Do TYeu Know that one of thse reasous for granting this government protection wuf beceuse Castoria had been proven to be absolutely harmiess? Mo Ton Know that 35 average doses of Castoria are furnishedi for 35 Ceit or one cent a dose? Do Ton Rnow thet when possessedi of this perfect, preparation, your obuîdren anay