13Y TAX7ING C 1' was troubled - leng timewith siclc hleaSache. I tr, ed 1a ..d tmauyremedias Ireoeueded or tbis cornplajnt; but àt wag net until 1 Oegan taking Ayer's Pis that 1 recelveci permanent benefit. A gingle box of iliese pilla freed nme fromn legdaches, and I arn now a well mail." -C. H. 11UTCHINGS, East Auburn, Me. Awarcled Medal at World's Fair dager'.s SarsaDcrria U is eRs TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. Three troocibrick i aelings o! 8 andi 9 roomz tach wth cood gardens atuiate in gond parte il the town of Bowmaille 0.1d cellare, -Wells PaS other cooveuhcne. Fa.umers or others wantic g to buy hoines lu tono hnuld see the r Ifrlporties. Tbey wîll be colS cheap on eaay me5rn. App.r for fur, br purtkulars to -cHas ~.WssuE Se E. îou o -maville. -4 DR.TH 'SUTMA GEuNU EE tleep Fa fhat yoiineed rnot it rp aH ý*lgi gtepiufor reath for fear oifrsfocation. On reciptot' nam'e and P.O. adciresF 1,TAFT 8111,3 MEDICINE CO., ROCflHESTER. N-Y. loronro Trnh- 186 Adelaide . W UFc.DD". Whi eFPi,,Srupfor I 0MITàTT 2-- DI affla COLIO, fi ~tIlarCos~ n4 PlFuires cf the o ais tis fa anS ceabla for caor Adults. -!ers. -op A By a e eierecetly paàten U. S. and CA N BE,ýý-i WITH NO INCONVENI'LNCE W ITflOUTAT'RU5 CHEAP BY MAIL Your Daane to sus oeans com1frt to you. A Post CarS will do st. Agefpesonr- CHAS. CLUTHEf caseimmsseral. 134 Kima ST, WEST TORONTO --- -CANADA Onle of the Wonders of Physies An experienced meclianic who was aeked' what he regarded as the trost wonderfnl thing fer general utility, repiied: "The tracking of a car wheel is the most wonderfnl thing to me in the whole range ofý science and invention. Here are tWo rails, up hlI and down hli, around sharp curves and along false tangents, and upon tham flics at more than a mile a minute, withont jar or jostie, a dczen hQavy cares drawn by an engine wegning sixty tons, Paccengers realize n o danger, yet there la ouly the uitile fiange of ýa whael between thern and eternity. An inch and a udlf of steel turued up on the inner side of the wheel tiolds up thai, whoie train assedoureiy tir the rails as if it were boltedthere ia grooves." Not a Bombarciment. Kissam-llas her papa evar firad you? llîggirs-He has never rascrted te bom. bardint. His tactica ire more-in the na- ture of a passive blockade. 11mw is thaîl Wihen i1 call te see his daughter, lie remains lu tle parlor during the whole of the interview, NUWETER 81UN8, EH? NOT EVEN A WET IMOON LEFT BY AV ENGLISH INVESTIGATOR. VOssasn ei alis Aboumt ethé tISi m.ieetl o n the Ieatt by Ieiere tete, eresieuical Stndly-Amimals, Pimnts, andi Pt'evertss Ait Sailast Be 'Waaisiss laî Forecasilng. Supem'ticus anS proverbial lare about île weatiser were cnully ceai in île icono- clastie addrasa on Weatlier Fallacias" its recent annual meetin g in London by the Presideni, R. Inwardo. Ia early times, when tle weather had te be studied frnm cloud, 5ky, and ses, and from the behavior of animals and planta, inen were pardouable for doing what la silîl ci tez a cans of error fore-telling what tliey most wished for and pnrîing dowu as a universai law wbat was only a colacidence of independeni avents. One clasa of prophecies connecta the weather with certain someastof the year,particnlariy days in the week,or tbe d ays of certain.saints, which was a convanient way cf fixing a date, ana aven with particular urnes of teday. We ofien bear sncb aayings as IlFine on Friday, fine on Suaday," or "Friday la the besi and the worst day cf the weak,îe and proverba like "Iramn at seven,fiue at eleven" When these sayinga corne true they are fairbftilly rernembered, when they f ail ihey are forgotten. TIare is ne kind cf founda- tien for sud miues, which NIir,. Inwards signa ci ramn than the adage which credits Pp with seeing the wind. Tihe leech is believed to be a weatber prophet and ti>o books have beeü wristan about its behavior. The author of one d8vised an ins.trument by whicli leeches could give audible etorm warnings. lt consisted cof twelve botudas of waîer, each containing a leech and a metal tube too amaîl for iii te enter eagily, but inro whicb it wouid try to squeeze wheu a thuaderstorm came ou, according to its nature. In thse tube waa a piace of whalehone, attached te a dham from whicn hung a bel], which rang wben the whlebone was toqched. Twalve leecles were used so as to niake sure that ab least one would do bis duty. Plants are also used as weaher indicaîjors a as ssuey act in sympatny wîttn te tanp- ims gloom. and chillinescf the air, sud thase are conditions that, generaliy precede tain, their indications canuot le called aitogether fallacious. Tue pinîperuel and thse marigold close their petals before rain, because the air ls gaîîing damper, and for the saine reason the poplar and the mapla show the under surface of their leavas, An artificiai leaf cf paper wili do the sama. If bard, thin paper ta used for the upper side and thicker unsized paper for the lowar, ihe leaf wîll curl up in sympathy with the con- dit ioncf the air. Se will aFslip ef ordinary photogrsphîc paper. And the slacknees that noisture produces lu plants applies te insecis, semns cf whicli can fiy only in the sunahine. Iu 1892 attention was directedicoapiant, the Abr'us precatnrins, a beauriful slrub cf th. mimosa kind, whioh bas tle proerty cf beiug sensitive lu a higli degrea, se that its pînnate leaflets go tîrougli many curions movemenîs, aud it was claimed thaîthese forma guide cfunaerriug certainty te fore'rhow thee ooinDg weat'ner. Even eartlquakes ware saîd te ha predicted by THIS WONTEIFUL ÉLANT, HOUSEH-OLD.j Bags of Ail KlndIs. lothas pin bagas!l Nasny veybd ban ue on. MIAe out cf ti;k' ing cf (cOurse. A place ibrae-quariers cf a yard long aud tee inches wide ScelleS for twelve incises to fcrn a sack anS wth atriagaf to île acouafi île walet. Ihi k mach immproved in leeka, in casa tIare is ne place to han., it asie wliene i will be seau, Iy cnttiug île îicking, arrangiug ih se uhat only île right Bmde slows, aSd wanlîag île white strips The uhdersigned hdesire to thank thte farruers of West DiurhalV for the liberal patronage extendndjc to us durîng. the past seascu. aitto to remind themi thuit we are stili in the market and prepared to pay the HIGIIEST MARKET PRICIE with faIittred atbo'restorehonstucor. znadnonGeorgefs-r lLi il cOW Vio9 liningCoton. Oua mbra. A novaity ti i ue. 'Na raad aomewhere, the ethler day,tbat a simahi piace of ice wonld keep a week if confinad lu a woolen bag, anclesed wituiu a second woolan bag a good two 'inclas larger the space batween thaîn leiug evaniy filied wlth teathers. Stich a bag wouid lie wortli laving ia case cf sickness. llaviug given se mucli pace te the purely usaful aud walil euewn mamuers of the fami. ly f will have to limit my introductions among the omnamental as weil as useful whnse naine is legion. Light green or bine satin cembiued with piuk sitk makes a pretty fancy.work bag. A round piece of card-board covered one aide piak and ona green forma the boitom. A par. fectly straîght place cf the satin lined wiili theaîlkgatheredvery full ocuoe edge,which should lie felled te tha bottom aud praîtiy shirred with a ribbon draw string aitisae othar completes the hag. Smalier eues cf the same pattern are fouud ou gentlaeman's bureaus for soiled collars and cuIfs, the &ift cf some lady friand. flarlington. We hava alson on hand a large stock NEWANFEH of Canadian and Liverpool CJoar0-e Sait in Ba-is. Ro3k Salt, 'oc -ci ttI. and horses, and Fresh Ground Grey Piaster in Barrels whiâch we are prepared to sell A11 kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEAN SOREENEI> CO il aeways in stock. We invite inspection and guarantee satisfaction. MOCLELL.AN é & CO4,J cai lsaefr.axpîecinag," or for the neliet If it closed isa leaflaîs upward, afier hole --A handy bag fr cle handkerchiefs WiIi be pieased once in Quantlty, twice in 'h~ly ihat if it raina ou St. Swîhin's day, Jnly nanner cf a buîterdly about teaee, fiaîr aisase f ound in a cervenîenî place in 15, is will raiu for fcrîy days after. Thar, weather was shown ; wbea îe laflts is rocm. tsla mde of abrilliaut Tucisial and three tiiues lu Frîce who luMpeclt ihe data to very near a well known bati perid, remaîued flat, changeable and gloemy towel Bewa mriea iack, île frîngas in eiear, a th tema St.Marare'sweaailer wasa iudcaîed ; while thunder ai pullaS up ilirough an encbroidery honp, varions distances was te ha foretoid by the ttîrued down ovar it naariy hall way, andun q ald a srne to flood,"r July 20, and I"Lammas flood," Aug, curling cf île leafies, an d tle nearer the securely fastaued. Threa gay bowaS ecom- 1, slow thîe faci that Pemae heavy ralina ibunder île greater the aur], until wlen aiei, two where île ribbcu lcep, by wbicb : bega ouJniy15 aa ncu teasiatii îe pints of île leeflets crcased, iha than. it la hung, are sewu tate ls p and one E s the l lw,"whic evry ne kowslis der Storm waa indicated as behng overhead. directly ovar the nail from which ih bangs. tue" lw,"whib earyeuekuos ~ Changes cf wind, hurricantes, sud otîter Othera are only probacted aud ornamaent- urions and beautful moverents of îe crheed rings poitîug pward. If an al Ds1e s R b e sT u s Vlises, &.,, Equshly mnfounded are île scientîflo leadiers and sisîka. These movements black hand-bag is tae sombre, delicate roae superstitionp,,prasanad uder the shheld undoubîedly teckr place, but île hotanisteCacler or lavender silk gieamiug uhrough île Ai our Store, eW-BEALVE Il IL0CK,eýff l oWnîai lle cf asîronomy, which hase infallible raies ai Kew wera unabla te find any conuaction cîrcles efthîe black rings are elegaut and for the weailer ou îile relative position of betweeu thoera and île weatler, sud found beautiful. mT -G E ST ST O R E:, île meonu,unsd plaues. Ilese appeal that moat cf tlem were due te île ageeucy .L l, I ~ k ¶ te anaaicy, te reasac, sud te coeno f light sud ucosture. At île meteoaro. aso evIgPahs mares'. The lrnown acion of sIn sud moue legmeal office tle mcv-meure werc. foond teaaso evlgPahs ou ocean tidea ta generaliy the starîiing lave noîlug to do witl aitler cyclones or Wlensîmply slicer,înbeeatenwith sugar B GE T VR EY poin of oca leeessu ditih cear to[ carihliea. Met til sensitive Plant sud creamn, peacules sanouid ne set on ice for T ~ ce-f T T T ~ commun aea ethat whea île earil is lad bean made the scbjeco f au Fugi s hotuibtnyr wece aoe l~~. V ~ ~ I llearer te tle tua or île maori te tue esrth, patent. asoùtna u ee weee aea I G E T VL ort loISun sud moou are ptiling togetler, Inu tae country a large crop cf lips, laws, baud,astndgmuuardîmy ei tIare cughiteahe tiSe of atmosplere imi- and hliy barries ta naiS te nes a sigu that a delicate flavor. Everybody lîivited to cal[anid sce oti' iet otvear lac a e eride cf oceawfîîcl ibese influ-. severe winier ha comiag, andti iat nature Baked peaclea are nice, audifis la an1 auces undonbtedly poduce. But île facis tisus provîdes wmuzer food for île birda. ecletwa eueîoa liar e -~ T 7 " do net bear île îleory eut îlte simca- But his net se. Neitiser ha it truc a greenu Il J wyt' b toe htar età iI . phre tiSes do nt ebb sud flow, axceptinl Chilsmas makes a fat churctmyard, as M. quite ripa. Pare simd halva île fruit. V an infênitesimai degree. Again, île sun Dmua's statistics lava slown. I ha ef tan Ramove île stonesansd in ec cavity left R RO 1L anS meonamove n planes ilat are ai an satsed ita île mioise of canonwil produce pu a iecSnibuter ud ove gaeco_4 angle taeach otler, Se tisai aitiimes their min, and ie Anairian Tyrol île cilurcliwt na.Stec bi ecso on atrcinacta le widely divergingliues, ai halls are ruug te avert thuader, lui île wt ua.Stec afp ho on cîners almncat in île saine plane. Rare ia a notion is a fallcy. The experiments made c f butîered toast, sprinkle wiîb more augar, clear case-. Wben île angle i8 greatstwl'eu in Amrnerca ta test wlerlîer raie tiotîldcil lemen jmica and a very lîtie nuîmag. Bake the meon imaIlou lier back,"tuera muai produced by expludfing a large quauity ocf lu tiseoveu Ifor 20 minutes sud serve lot, lae atumeesplerie Sisturnanca, Unfertunâte- gunpowder in île air reîulted iu notÂt ng witl cream. ly lestomn dono crne ad w mstbut amoke and noise, Feach I ide is a daîuîy dessert, concocteS finS semae other cause for emmm weatler. Only a seisciion las lare beau made cfor flceiy peeldaSaie ecms tp Hamly a year goas by withcuî a uew mon the va8i catalogue of faîlacies ibat lave of milk, 4 tablespeoninîs of augar, 3 eggs îbeory teacoa t for it. M. Flarguerguas, gcowu up about the keather. Tisera are sud a ainall stala spouge cakle. Maire a as the reanît cf îwenty years cf obServa. atill people, Mr. Inwards remarked in cou-. boiled cutard cf île mu k, île yolks of the tions, las found filat wheu île moon was clusîca, who balieva ilai île saints 'àIys ieggs aud hlf île augar. Slce thsa cake, iay I re to clear of tevr large stok of I TP'ý furibestifron.thîe esmîl tle barerneter raie île weatler, tîsi île sue purs out irc, l itmn île bottat o f a glass Siel andi covar l re f h eyso ~ a5 averaved 755 millimmare8, sud wleun ear. anS tlat wsrm water ireezes sonner ibsu witl île opacies well sweeîeued. Beai île B ed and iDining iRoom Suites, ancd other furniture, specially est, 764 millimeires, a dliference ai naiy colS. whites of-tle eRgs, wtb île reaîiug 2 erlb oe mîîîimeîre. apoumuls cf cugar, te a sif meringue aud lbrlbran ilb ie o Saieapopleta have built ulair faih loun H ARHT TECTIS eap ligltly on top. Ail the ingredieuts giswl b ie o cycles. prediccing ibat weailexî changes alH ACHT H CTE. soulS be very coin baera thay are mixad, would repeai ileincelswuen suni and sud île costard la poured over île 'trifieee meon got oeck iite tne seain earive peai- Winsr'd tien, wbîol tley So te ninctean yeecs, wiîl A WoveiflSMt or I'Piiil tentWliciî tasiss1 Peach roll las a ratIer midi suait rust an errer cf cnly au leur sud a laif. (liers b h lieed. eleS eut n a l 1ong sheet. Oui up île This is a genuine clearance sale and large reductions advccate a cycle ou fiii y-fonr yaars, but al LaI 1790 tle percentage oi urban popula Speèac les rallier fine aud apread îbickiy on wîll positively be made. île cycle Systeuis bava brokren dowu wlen tien inutîlean tire opiulation of île UalteS h atlsrlkig ieal ihsgr tesied, sud as fac as we know, tIare ia ne States waa 335 par cent.; inm 1850 12.49 par îol p ande, spmten dsolibrl wih gr This is a very superior lot of furnture, new, stylîsh, parieS withiu whicb weaîler chang ea e- enliup suPbld le ana eva. Fla wrapi 1. peatîbhemselves. Ibece are pienîy oi orner cent. of île population ci île country was in a strei)g clh iclecleeely aud tearm u >auai a~~o e faliacies liiithea chies. Ia 1860 the parceutage was fer iwo leurs n a steamer. hIt aeten Sonie special Bed-room Suites-very attractive and very ABOUIT vUE MOON, 16. 13 per cent,; je 180, 20.93 ; lu 1880, wtl atIer a lard or soit sauce. 1go to esl hae than ever offered here eo ,wht sncb s tha île nîl mde cîats acy 2257 lu1892 920 JCt-up peacles are s Oeliilousaddition go, besl(heprb4oe anbSa, ilat the afuld oow leso e tallong eg île7Spring18e0, 29ass.>ite lard pudding sauce cf butter sud sugar hs clearance sale lasts. trees on île ;warieof ina meonu ; iat i Si M hhcnfaaedm aw ae1rndl cresnetigetmer, sud iransform aven a Personswanting one article or a suite will be liberally lad igu if the tcon changes on 'teturdey or j owa~rd ural !lie, anS coucgratuiae t li atrpdigmearylvad deait with.. Caîl and inspect. Sunda ; tbai two fulil nms, ea lOtljcountry upon a promiseS reversal i fta Peael poîpia a mereîy a plein pie-emuat wmll brîug a flood ».tuait sec île od noon jconiumous tîsu. lave sent the -noysansd igirls filied witb a deep layer ni liced peachea, in tle arma cf île aew bImage ou rein. M,j of île farmte tl uddle in tue great 'ims, i hen s layer ai augar aSd nuimeg. CoverI Flammarionsasys ilat "meens influance, Uetortunately île isets new ai hanSdo e: atrut sd bke iowy fr -oco on îl weeb r i ueûigm îe. le h at ntJtî t iy tle hope, aud thîs is e'pacially irabus U~1k- cenmîeg front iîîwonld affect our tamperatura jtroc m, ite n ateie i lasacusett. ith ers. lor preservîng te e es itt be couducted with speciai care andi attention to the by twelxa utmtlonila oi a degree, aud île Early in tha sprng île commonwealth qualmuy of peacles sheulS le selecied audwat ofilpr ns eq rigorsrce atmospleric rides anesaS vit would onlv uuriertook a îtew cemnu. fIe retu1uaieave îleyfcbtuld eever ha emîler oser onruice. affect tua barometric pressure a fe beupirilefosearnaSîe rie heiretesrelees.ik lunredls i o mc, fr l oai0 en l rv lS u ac e a cittus silîl gocaed ther large fruits, toc, îhey abouS ai wayai r coîtaiietsalways taking plate frei tler ouubid.Nar iîe counntry towns eeidwî île um n îawu May chage togîber; ow ua i ate couNîy lrîkm hwa ctuî el eelpeacwh aS remve îlie andtoehowaIL I A n i ~~~m d5lea sn tricr have suffered for trele E iehi tmedietalyite cold water te prevent T he M on and thec eat e c of îe Omîes. iteen f ',l e tw enLy .ix L Lor n . W e i i a do c d v S Bunt île change nfithl eabss u u euslv em laiîyprcli al, aeaa1p i1bc Successor to the late iMr. Prower, Bowmanville iDoes net change île wetLher, dnaiucdr a ltugit h veems uoueale sugreln ud 1 iOt 0 wetaerpofeveryîsofd__ Even the halo roundtle moonla discredit. j iId liog i em nocialesgrad1pn f ae e vr on aS; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'a hibsbatonhyobevr liii~iein pure air asdS areains etould bc oflisuit, Drap in île haîveeauî iil'et nUNAPY OFLHES. Iestiug. HeaedSby ileir clergy, îîëy are ma~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ foCwdb iewabma iu~b esre e l oieaaScodn f- boil for 20 minutes. Titan Sîp out anti lay cryiug out for Goveruimeut aid aud bittemly is flloedby ineweater s otenas y le factory towns. - on alarge dîsl. Boil uown îleisynuputil erahgtip ernaivdnPrl. rama. Boston gainieS 20.29 per cent, la popuie it ia quite îîick, wlen rcomm île peaclas The seasesa catch orth Se Gassa Flilher- meptfroaomngilîcmr renprotaivsslu Pearls About île sua itene are manuy failacSis, tien bette en 1885 aud 1895. Fail River teaisud cock gently util îley appear mtiait1 a Failire. t ulcwrsc eesc lroa' anS avec mince île diacovery ilat thc spots gaineS 54.77 per cent.; New Bdforion, 1ransparent. Put up in glass jars sud A sadStaory of famine and desîtitiontapbi okofancsryhnee. on ita surface appean with gracier or lacs 65.47 ; Chicopea, 42 ; Holyoka, 43 ; Wor- screw on île coveca aecurely. frequeney, teoitineolhaeredtcester, 4t30 ul veet,28.94 percent.,1-1- cornes frein île distant dosai of Gaspe. Thts prove tisaitley rnua om weainer, It oas 1 while île gain ai thce etime state was 28.48J yeam île acloola of ceS bave liertfraquentad Rats and Gendarmes. beau proveS that île ireqoeucy of sa spots prent i Hints for Housewives. tbase dosais, anS île Gaspe fislarînen, whoe Tesîtacîmeat of tle French tofamiliar sud tua variations cffîlecnîaguetic usedie This i8 a diacouragieg showing, but I a h ihtrtn ooto h al ara iuîimnauely connecteS, sdan itcat edou aot ? ec aypcîrtheeihtr u70,c n-lewlO f Iave notîiug but flaîiiug te live aipen, sac inignis, costumes euS Seroraumons bas aunera appears sud disappearn sainoe Sort thealinremonîs of lie on the arm, but J îeui'omîe lcriiillgî ill.îteastr In nîe ae nyU beau ehwu lstaiy in many picturasquso of sympx wit wmthîe sou spot variations, île facts remaîn ilai trie rarmers' sous wîlnqura .sfew jamated cases bave îIeyr eken t lu waya. It bas beesamiopocod te bouIshîle lutthsisasfans aca gtioihpreeuhava noue of isushendry, wtile tha urlamt 'For gceaaing pans for IncaS and cake tdaim average aummen caieh. A clergyman rau peuialeets çihrh ave beau the dis as ihese changes seem te lave ne defiuita populaihon taboornîy refuses 'tsile di-'per- Iakîug, blia aece of mîîslia on île santof citmesa liehalias Seau semae of, île bl3st tDusigmr fFec ll o relation te our weetlmar. Mc. Scott las s i tîrougu tue agrmcultiircl omarîcîs. isastick. ficharmen of île Coast rature witn a catch tiniîi sg ak uf F rovesoldiersfer prvS fhierlaeare ne equmîocîial gales. JWe saw ibis tiesrly demonoarted tOtntmr ea ieonfu ln ayas îtwoiisms up roe tsta sfe prota ht of cinatementnsc ilsolebviortof ommaisofI Dptrmorone acercmîy ni orîleeney jcolimpieuous inufracuetrot osie Comiug Sowu tae ascI, we finS a lonmg eara age when a mol cryîng for Ilbread kWlen fiai irons becorne ofusty, bbackbavesaberger fatalitey tîsu trompia d in scler leuSo pla t ofvihg a suppoS oniaci ndeuSwork paradeS tle sîreeta of ChîcaIo tIens wihlsteve polisasn ulwei wiîl bean ucsnc cessmons cf suormna aitsurougie 1bine.' andl le ant aîlnac E. J. ed n lasctiobywhlbe île cropa of île wesi wore roîrmug n i a dry bnustm. tides ilu ihe golf ilat ofien île mIermen jBut tise attachatent i ofmile French people exaine s umbr c wlb uow aius,îl fiidsforIac cfinu u gecerthan. Sceel keives anS îomka oct in dsiiy use couid net gai rIcin linea down to tha lot- te ulese paudy germants ma se greai ihat île exmndanme fwl nw ini AnS tîma ma hiarory. itwss true ni Itsly tom cf île waîer. TIen whcle ficoîs of! anS aIl taons to break down completeby. Heamnaer Rouma rnis, sud it la t ise îof î>taly ay ba preserved frein ruai by kepmug fialia bosîs hava remaîned idIS for days milhîary administraimon les baen nemore teckth Sinle f ci s lbais bou about to-amnIttaheucof ranetrucof eo-fhtruc aia. offGar-loralaor gtemaj aballeneforeageotliinidneces iîilele aiet in ftuem hBrtheBriis sv ingnytaapa fiyig i.a.Fectsml a ifenl faultemd iaun o ak a.Oars awan office lhm ban able tearîubeittute avuigrneybaa ppanagaisusamauy, and iruc ni England net lasathîau o!filike a gbove, wiîl a separate compartmeai recenSeS ha wlîchaves men setorsîxiesu net great quantifies cf saaila, fis ais asîg te Amerida. ih ja tnuotunsie, ceplorab1e, for ecu kuhue. ai nîgît for lait, and mu the uormeg ad Jaolnclnurîesalim uc l thea surface, bices busy, crowds cf locosîs, aveu meuaciug, but lu is neverîbelasa mmce- onl a suad tîrea îherring in thenau restiesa caitle,landrails clamorous, flies aianS eiad. aeiJga Saatasmantny aqt rsbiuatra ae fuh o oetsa geais ircehlesame, maty inisacta, cnowa ulibe ae usan eatr a ctis was te lait ticorcmtwelve boats wmîb c er an atilh.erba ba _____________________cleaused Iy filling about uwo.îlirds mul of îmt nftc us e aeuie ~ Mr eouysb uodrlsba flocking and neîay, spider webe titck on Iiltntbîigwîrnwllta a f Sougit mucs. îe emavue ittîlhe issed deprix iug île Frenchi gendarmerie- grass, a sort miMyneworan asmilmîary police force-of île bIl îl te speindder h augn rn se air kl. eidom glr"y wognssnumber cf pla c fhrown paper. Aitar ceatoiensd they wîbl finduS mtig 1, do uni wh'i as bri la a sj'oy aS ndhrde, su n îlerevangu uss ud a I aligsse ay wet e n"Te s erer- -"Wly Son'i letiing stand for s few boura, anake wel nazt i wmuer u lt amer usual occupation c îuio noflaeaslersdmr fine whan no ain was esrdi l a~ Yen use 'are nce nwhmle V' anS insa wiil calS water. Toma dlown makiag cak, for tsfiaae bvecettngintsla e a. Tha, toc, ad mrme gauge, le bouoS le 361 observations of sncb "1hhave beau simost a harmit," sighed over s 5oldeS îowab ced wleu it las draineS beau uneble te ebtaiti flan te film ilnse madea aaio. o ppstin signa ihaitlahy were followed 213 urnes bythsccaulmn"Nwiaim c'în perfectly dry, poliah onfaide sud in as lest wiuîer. Dealers sud flaI peokens unay jda wtlcim fl'psiteen gigîecnd île fiua weaaier snd ouîy 148 by ain. Evea la maSe, and ilevae a lîttl tine of my owu,j weil as yen cao.j make thein 5mai1 sOvaulma on accoint of jOf rile French press whitlt teprastents île SWAILOWS FLYIN(I LOW 1 finS it impossible t e gainluranch with île ___________It noir nexi s asscatch, lut wlee thale s ate of the publiceteinS ou ilis aubieci. world." Il Yeu cught te cet a bicycle,'" are extausted, wlich wili net take long, "lTo sîclîsî île gendarmes' bat-" ax. Cannetulhe dapended opon, as especially ila sîggested lia friand. -Good for theDoctors. atarvatimo wmlStrsvsîlmng itefacea. 'cîehmsaunindignant citizen,. "Haw stupîd 1 samminer aud auiumn they almoat suvariably IH-" 1This la île last seasea I sasl o a Wiw Ta coamwy dd ta îe i a cf heypbedlaer are g retSslu eie Baîter lease the bats anS abolial tise lend- kialgîegrnS Au aapraîyayht' îe ufetdOa"WIy,j medical jouneais are begiaeîng te taire an cf île parialea, anS the psîor wecles who armes beel tle dampueor n akaess precedîug 1M. Saylem, I iboughi yen wana perfecîîy interestin hoîe improvemaur cf couny ai as----nta---e----eisene-F weî wetler, anS this makrestIens uneaay, in lcve with saiirng" I"So h amn, lut ju's roas. agriculture upon ibis dasolate shore lave Laîaly, near Bamin, a Young rady feul but net more tIen it affecta man bitmaiac temtch work te gai my friands ta go wîîlî Bikin-h Son'î kncw, bati1 lave heard had narly ail thair cropas estroyed hy 5fo neprs riaumi uevrn As te cQws araichinxte irca, anS geats me. Tbey aay tbey have te gîve np mcc tiat hcyciiag as poue.hl oe ucsino fo nepestanwù nevrn uuîerog cras, îey ar no iera rne a mmcllu onin t do h.r t ew Sieaco. pmeuced au a ozen îmccsschnof ren atomi wîclosave aou toclosea wmdow. Ie wii proaabl uttering cries, thiyare no more truceasnach in ordr3ta doir. i.nrw diseaseie Chilren ry fer PItoher's Castorias --4-rea4-to,-the eoyal ïN!eteoroloL,:eai -n ---r 1 permitted them a Ringle ary clay Yov liarv- j