-J------ MANY CASES 0F RUi10üPTURE CAN BE PERMANENTLY OURED BY USING Heal Bros.--Cash Grocers. Mr. Major Bounsal lias been visiting A CKA1IKE WEJJDIING. Good Whips fromn 10e Up at The Fair. fredsa amry Tea poos fom 1e adozUp at the Mr. J ohn Batcbart lias returned homne RER. C. ADAMS TAXES iFoit LiFE PAtRT- 1A iT ak. Fa So rm10 dfrom Georgetown. NER tONE 0F CLARRE TowTsHip Leather Laces, 2 pair for 5c, at the Miss R. Forbes is in Brantford attend- Fair. ing the wedding of a cousnl. . . On the afternoon of Septemnber 11th a Mc fteBr~i cvrieet ftet'ei Fresh Sardines at Rleal Bros', onl 6c Mrs. W. Y.Brittain, Toronto, is visit- very unique wedding took place at the uho teBagiAd rismn ftetm î a Cani. îng lier father, Mr. Levi. Morris. residenceeof Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cobblediek, pure sham. You will save f ar more money in a year by 6 Doz. Clothes Pins for 10e at The Mr. T. H. Brentoni, Trenton, was Sunitvside, Clarke, wliei their eldest guet o Mr Jon Hllyr, unda.dealing with a reliable house fliat studios your needs, than Fair. ueto rJonelaSndY. daughter Alberta May was United in Heal Bros are paying 13 ets a dozen Miss May Sparling, Model Scliool the liolv bands of matrimnony to 11ev. by investinD' in catchpen mark down. for eggs this week. port Hope, spent Sunday at home. Charles Adaus of Flinton. 'The cere pnn miony took place on the lawn under an Lead Pencils from Sec a doz up at The Mr. WM. Ielli or and Master S. Bart- arcli of Arbor Vitie, the iarriage ritual Fair. leiýt of CoboUrg n Yere in con n over Sun- b erad 1by 1e-v. j. 11, Ra fOoo A THEi STATESMAN and Weckiy Globe dy The bride -was attended by hier sister, ~~ for balance of 1895 for 25c. 11ev. A. De Barritü illii take charge Miss Flora and Miss Lottie Brimnacomnbe The Fair. month. snpported by Mr. S. J. Courtice of Bow- aiManho ne ine Ae. Ol and combe of Toronto were gnests at Mr. bride and bridesmaids ivere very taste- htors te ofSn si ap cae rmte allkins o nedle fo sae.Richard Brimacorube's ov er Sunday. fully attired in ereainanafd 'arried fact tha.t our trade ha s steadily increasod. WTO buy the BestSpern ewi,-, achne il c abouquets of creata roses and crysanthe- TBestFprm. eig ahn O ea Thc ionisav entertainnient ithec mums. After receciving the cono-ratu- bet oods the market affords, forcah an nterfe TUE STATESMAN and Weekly Globe Music Hall Saturday niglit was vel! at- lations of numerous gnests the tbridai etcsad a hrfr balance of 1805 for 25e. tended and the auÏdieuice was highýlly party repaired to the dinig-rooniw-here saVe You money by dealing with us. Envelopes Se to 5e per buncli ai The pleased with thc lecture, a sumptnous supper an aited their def al- Fair. LOCAL UNION MEETING.-The L. U. cation. The table was perfect lu ail its Weare hwn a fine lino of canned gos a pr IndanCe, an Chna eas grat f C E.Pubie eetngM-iWeb showing goodetsbutthevCampersoll vaueaiMr h'.St. Paul's Cbnr0h nexc MNonday evenino' bridescake and exquisite bouquets will make a note of this. Se t 30;ai to'cock.Subect:Prooes desrve special mention. While stili tu uccrîsclan Luetalzeeter itL Ca ilireriin arocind tLhe, ospitsioeOai wU1 mnIU1IIII M TI(i'ieutiii Couch, Johuston & Cryvderntaii s.tic 'aIL falnnncc iidc happy NE NPICPLCoffees,roa stedi ýlth'premîses,alwIays A smnall franie bouse and stables be- couple took ther deparcureaomid show- Goods delivered promptli NEW I PRINIPALfresh and best il Ilw, at Murdc'du's. loiiging toi a man nallItl \XTittdai'tl, crs of riec, te spelid a short tinte ini te For latest iovelties in Jeelr.norch of ton-Ilno destroyed by tire o1 Queca City before a'oiun- to their ow-n NEW JINeDESIGN Saturday evcîinig. Most of the contents home. Mrs. Adamas wîll le iiucli missed E INDSINStickpins, Etc. and Clocks, eati at Rý,,ký ;werc saved. causé of tire aL dfecive in churi and social circles, h'ivino'AM fK NEW IN APPLICATION ard's. chimney. promdthe onerons duty f cllmrci, off at cosc price ai Couch, Jolitn ~ TcRylTmpasgv hî n nual concert iin tic town hall fait' nb-h,, mambar of tic Epworth Leagne aitd a BowATILLE. deseibad. Privata, roota for fitting. Cry darînan's. and ht tas cmitently successful. Théi faor Oite ivitî old ond ou-,as tlie STOTT & JURY, Heal Bros. have jnst received a nice hall1 n as crowdedfl te te doors with, au numerons presents sic rcceived testif y. lina of biscuits which t-hey are offering etîtithusiostie audience, and the progralla R .M.Adamsi also 'vas higll t11 r /A IG LIE.E isne b Tic Drugoists and Opticianis. at very low priées, nas ouathatpleased. The honte tlent, spectad during- bis résidenice luiin th i. W. BixHANi, Eniikillen. 28-6m' 17 The Mason Co. buy as few kîtow how Miss Effa Gi;overtîand Mr. H. J. Kuiigîti, county, and is acikon ladg-cd te lie one Special piiceS rit Wade & Bnccisers, Joseph- te buy, and sali as few ara n'illing tO owiavlsfvrts are aM3sp-of the risiîîg yoîîng nî of te Mlýechod- ;clBownImese meiaeandll's aorciteo n as o exRESSMAKING doîta by Miss Martia Rnogers and Bokers razors ai SIocI & jury's. sai -New --oods atrivuin imne rcae n ii cainna *t *~ it ittiiistry. Wc wîsh flic pop-ir Peie Cor. Rinig and Ontario Street. Tiseatr these prîc est ciers and -sent qualittities. Ieptioti. Thev sang the fluel, "Excel- couple Uîany long, happy , prosperous hanisted. Seee hm aIonce,. Couci, Jolînston & Crydermnt arc sion, " anîd each *cou tnibuted a solo, Es-years of mýarital l)liss. 'The présent,, OFSAIG.C .Mnos oIng a lovely stock-: of Ihigli class cotes were te order of thte evenntg.te olwi-uefiad ra g-oods ai very modarate prices. Cali Miss Lick, loeentoti teacîter ot tic mental artcles. owinanville, Siater, FeIt and Gravel Roof- I NS ECT POW DE R and sec them. Ontario Ladies' Collega, reciled several lite GrOooni-10. er. t lyr. If you ivant to sea the biggest and sclcctions itt o vect' pleasing anld taking cetss FIlr Co0,cdc CanarR birdLaie anClin Cap- Ouro-vi .imorttio. Bstin he eiaIý1jie i "T eMis flrinia(-oije-Fattey cul), sairt lt e atide or AIRl WORK Lais viiiNg Kin Our own importation. Besi iii tic cl~~~~ehicesi stock of strictly tien Dry Goods rîtnnr antd wos cspecol feii"Tc Souvenir sitooli. LoeoeeuaIMs IKNo, Kn market. Only 5 centts an oz., 4 pz. for to lie fonnd in tiese counties eaul at Hoîtor cf tic Woods." Mi'. Joies Fax Mr. s.t. w-itiaîLotýilov sîreet,M Bonnile28 Lf Couci, Johuscoît & Crydcrîîîan's. in bis inilmicable charocter SOng"S ap- MnRý~ A. W\ailiPair slilr, akn ins 15 cents ai STOTT & JURY'S. eared at his best atn os liaortîIy at- Mr. Rd. Cobbllctk- sv. -UWA16 ~~ceredcëvcry ime.--Mauv) et ais pececs FMs.EdtiolnciR1 )ntîtiV tll 'r 1r -)7AE~~eod9itpIiiggy FAIR and sac n liat A. Nieholîs lias to e or-nl MssM lTi Mr,. WasîE IgaiMarseile Toilet inilîe. _U aîtat canllî îae Y1-fai nie. onWade & Bntetiers, Joseli show You. Will find hlm ulext deon rcoiinl î5 aciTt pet'- B-.aîd is TncieOrnoBattnLan1ti. Apials iAt Nofc. 3 f Ro~rs azos a Slti Juys.te ic enferned l~e diutias of aecouîpanist lu Rfev. j. R. aîdM.Ral, Oo-Bollcnti..ats ,atT noh'es and it iociei tkers ands tStt & e-s caothExrsOfie admirable styla. Sic is a brilliaut Glasis Lensonade Set. Tseanetie Bors Expres Office. an ect-M.d M . Ciirenaîtfiive not repear tibese plrices afler ttrcsencstoclc is ex- Tno o yung couplas frot New Yorkpai.Tc R. T. cf T. are descrviîg.A .Bckit OYUW~ H M-fynd lianited. Sec tilera at Once. the ladies weariitg tic se callcd nationîal ef o-reat crédit for tic cxcellentce of the Mi-. aîtd Mri. J. iglih Oak cabne ,ok jî oI itnAîfranc oi r cstuni-bloenirs-, itasscd throuc-h elliertainniect provided. cathtedra[ gontg, anti pair nf piltnws. cotage citeali anti oin easy terni. Il cf. town Tliursday on thc way te Toronto. Mr. and Mrc J._M. Cobbiedick, ýNcwcastlo-_____ THO E R ZOR Thy ecitd mci eînrk.Mr- a Ei c. 1 mcli- Majoilet Citecdisji. MUSIC-MISS MABEL TAIT is pre- Weae iviga i rnontos ev. R. Douglas. Fraser is ai Braut- PRIZE WINNERS, ATTENTION! Mr. and Mci. Ri. Moon-Dantiask tablle c(ii ad aced te icacl Music on Orgaît, Piano or fodatnig h rvnilCivi-doz. ttaplclns Violin it ber ownl or uils rosidlene 28 cf. Razors tltat wcsecured ai sacr-ifice prices cieti of tlie ChristiaitîEndeavorSociatics. Complaluts a-oitîst thie Prize List, te iMisdan Eli, Tof ýVPclor Lanti.iesa- aîdir von watt tic besi razor lu thc Hi on flie ProIretin for, lte Presivier- racauve attenltiont, inuLst bc, adoe te tlitaÀrc.*andt Mci. J. Cobtledick. x-- 0 AKTLSBt a e tati Rally on Tltunsday monn. Seectarin,~ lit nuiî net haler thti Ais. 11. vasî rniit trtpt n t:e Dcil i ovtlîc altpot ulot mnarket ai a low price it wili pay yeut 1 Tise Moson Ce. Grecerydprmn Wedicsay, Oct. 2n,17 Tite Diractors cnreY.~cî pite aîdf-ii.Ooo1icCcttfusCCebaîct itc 'l ote tI o -cai ad sa lsaa. iavng ugi ges e te mut vih arus, b.vig'in tae CoLnucil Chaîtîb en le coisiden suci Mr. aîîid Mri. Jewt il, owatit ieni astie Pos Office. 35-1w1 sugor bv the cor load aise ceai oil b1- - arrel. .Seap, etc., lu g-mat varielty. tuec cate 1lead aîtd ail fer spot cash, ri. cettupiaits, cf wýviich lte Directors n-i Mci. D. P. Wa-ýlslt PIinslt Foot-ceai. STOTT & JURY. worndcr tlîcy cou offerd te sali cieaply. picase take notice nitent fietiter it- Mr- and Mi. Att-oi Coibldek-Pair Notiitg- OR SALE OR EXCHANGE 2 colts tintiatieti. lnt:n lac,- eUrtailts. F fi ti t- --r IiiI iaclta A question itla te lieusakeapers, that The treasuren, W. F". Allenu, F17c., nil Mr. C. Gý. Aciielroig, 0ono-cI-te a feu- icil si-t. 1 voar-oIC an tîirý weeîorkliîr Iorsîs. Aiiy of 1)l . i cI . A. ýialsît, Pertwf Li-ioliade nu- alto e i-eap or excttaiig-r fotr caiii-. t-t. "1 TTT-r- of Do.inestie Service," is discnssed by lic at tic Police Office ont Wednesday - LSc. Atit, Sdtî.. 3 J (~~T1' ~~ac' C. Iuitgcrfctrd. Minnîie J. Cciou- Terdy c.9tîaî Ûh te pay Mr. andî Mirs. 1. Cttldk Pairi-ain jar- poits nt"len sy Dffe"i. .,tite Prizes. R. WîîNDTI', Secretary' ts l-EnriectCtcu IE TAE) nmlt7 men andI wien, iii the Oclober itumber Y* litos-tirocee Centre- Izirnîs SRYE,-r ot7 Bo0v1-î A,,VILLE. of Lippincotîs. PJiLI* con). i. Darltinî-oîi, abo'ut Sept. (eîb. a î cd M-iss \B ilsiii Datîtu ik table -clotit nid doz. N -t atd irbite bieifor, iviti w itito face aîtd icniîlitl __________________________________ Tise MN.asoît Ce. hiad a very buisy day Kis ii'he-voi U-rj~locîts, 15 îîoitîti obi. Inîformtion leailtit1 ont Fait- Day. Their large store cren ded hI .lssi I.& .liri-loy I twmi îaflly ewrte GRAND TRUNK RAI LWAY. muidxlng us a; seti pepl di ecoI. Ionaivl-1,ets îîix SLihwraiit- 31 e i-gel wvailed on. tev hava decidt- te co-V XIr. W. -S oil-ikPi Pclttt- antd am BO-NIi-i.VLL Jas.u Broîît bagi it hOwe Sc1TR SALE OR TO RENT-il act'es Bon-IANILL SI'rîV. înu tiairbaraiî lu tîîs ea Je ilaks. Bo l' air L.c-Plilc SIoiiitt l nmoeot los beiig- lot 10. c-oit t, Darliîîglott, GoîNG EASr. GOING WELST. Mislttj okrlPen, u ,.as ~.citii lot tt, good îiwoieling, andc ont- Erxtresi-......8t35a. ini. 1Expres-..5 23 a. mu. Mr. aud Mrs. H. Heeper asud fautily Mt"E oieik-artcticaiSd bkinIiteiil ~îilc c-tci îîtr Express. 3 '1 ta î.Lcl 5 and Mn. and Mrs. Jaumes Woo and~ Mitss vïll Pt nî ScsO-:t ýe ~ lîîî .Loaltr.'. 7.040lt Eprsis.e. 7 463it u fnmily, Orono, Miss Milis, Funiskilleii Miii.E IlooÎjit lajolieit lritikî-t Irax - lowtî Tieket Arctis. Gee. Joli's over Sundav.*.i Boit bc. loader, $25. Winchester W haebein-usnes forte nUS eecatin Rifles, $14. Flobecl fotlaiAi tuera seei te lie soute iitisappre-Rieows years aîîd ,fve foit te fitîd autyte say tint I îlet its te cîatues mtade 'by te ipces for ccliiable goods; seîîd for catalogue. iva n' n' aeî ennins u oinit-I iï W. Bovu & SON, MON-IREAL. D earat41t-e siieirsnte iî'ihln be slwré ef Réuainti-oloiiI*It ties--oin te slay n ithi you, we ara tutebcroeit BOWMANVILLE, SEPT, 25, 1895. n et haee fer% a itce n-hile. Mayîtard A-O A 1a. Frnt scùk, Es-q. B. A. Ct T11AYEI). jit tic Itreunses cf lte te Jewelleil il,- -Û 13e;seoilc t, tdocsie-înîd, loît 12, eoîî 1, Darlilintoît, ont Or Miss McTavisi désires le tiank ail baer ~e ~ DFAII Slut, Ir nut irecced b flic t afile oane bit prlit g w itit, pli i- ccpii lci .d custmners for chair libéral pattroniagYe ~' Minister of Edîîcatieî toc state chaÎt ALT, aiî,i îaiti a-tria F.t-t AYItittt Loc l a d O her ise inth pàt ad ivits temwit as A W31ýr Jvu-,su(cr-ssp'Us candidates for' the Prirrnary .i, li Locl a d O hewis. ~ hepa.t o~l~h t~ wmn ih ~ ~ or Junior Leaviiîi lit 1011naie - R atîf soit; uForterno f vtt r F'alI and Wiitcer stock of Millinery n'ih ~ ~ ~ J. of 1895 or tint of auy, 'îîs'esions, Veaar A UNr atnao eas Mrs. Bankweii of Porl Hope is visiting is about complété and ivilili ready for .i îuay write fer a Junior Leavisg- certiti Gin lmn" 3ito acres 2imilets front WIIltby, -t Mr. James MeCielatt's. inspectioni dîtiinu- Fair iveak. 3i-Sn'. ente imî 189 i or 1897 Linuder tise old tleg' c la ngs tiadsfot amiras l fotrîici stec To- Miss Mval-el Davey, (iniS, bas iteco Teîvcwe îsicsf l halions. :2. The Aî'itiîîetic and Gralin1 i-olio îsilkç blîtesis or stock raisiig foc Ameni visiing Miss Allia Souci. The disuing toe Rece friSietetior n___________________ sier paliers for junior Leas iug -il lie catiniankol. Mleii uittheipital oiilÏiieecd i;iy. Mn. W. Whiite of Onkwood lins been show's ttu te Libli reservé n'as BORN. tie saine as fotr 'riniani. 3. A Publicj .Dw iilv visilitîg his isters itere. reatly exng'-gerated, larg'eiy becanse of SNs co(imos s .AI t ls( Olii Couirtllotise CobourgSholaniîgcmtctgisne x MALF MTO ET. itie thegr ,ls~ I1i lît- wi-ut of c lt vuOo Jn. illge loi Hi.aton, 36ai la, -lîoîeî fi-tili-, Miss Prower, of Bowîuamîville, m-a eiares that lte dafeat of thue Libérais -as mn J,10NN.-IMiiiiTign, 0faSot. Toronto,)vl>eo SJpt. MLLE, 1895. MIIStrý !1ah11s lmedîset fosesiton t-cr (10 fa wr. tt iu oa"hneo od not aitu chan If mss matito Sept. ofth s895t wf1, titt. foc il f rnti aitp IL eltis.t' ,guesl cf Mrs. C. E. Ewn g, Cobourg'. eu te 3"hage f îod ntachunilît-, st ,lite iife of.î.-tî il, ts., Haorinoormti 10 p yîs rîo. Ti. -is. Mrs H. Campbell and dangliter, Jessie of priîîeîple." 4n. W. C. Kinîg, ofut ticîtgiiiîr. ______l"r Bx.7 Ews S., 1-lToin. (fi' toMC. 3wIT .I of Milieu, are î'isitig frietîds ln Bow- Potrensef tic Publie Library -qriil ne- manvihie. gi-el te learu that tie Board is about te MARRIED. 1 Before the finisheti Miss Dnisy S. Wnlbridge lias liccu lese tic services of is able and ohlino DczîItja jCoorl-ci: At fle resileîtc of t'le 0 fi-uit corne bcmd andi IIANTED-Good, relialile meîn eau viii-fiends iin Oshiawa tite pasi Liliramian, Miss Helytir, ApptitsctatioCns,,os eui.ud.tî ii-~ lssm Bnd gro% srie of Wanîiit erlio, N.uY. fod Muiîle visili. piatot Uci-. . f A. eiit-R-t, B., A., Ir. Varrt-tDîi,ur jno biossoin and "m"Ove N'i seis ti atcoo . .eC week. ~~~~fer liser positien ilih lie received ou or Parytwnd mi Miss Ica, ltiesltltltt . bIo-ssoi into fruit, ar'asiexlmsspitit fretkej. Lrýitou ijse- liefore Fniclav, Oct. 4thî. I)uties te liein Win. Cioîtî-c, Esti - nd s grooi nu-ts 10 l,îgiîîîmets. iitrc.Psiosx Mr. Geo. P'orter, Torontto, n-os in toN-i n egrb 1taiellee nuloit uilce EtiseCover ai ici Salnrdav, guest 'fM.Ce eii Oct. lt. Fer furtier panticulars In- BOYI)'m, lxot AIMA1- Port Route, on si-itt. 18, - merges int wonîan- hgoî it1ls rt i mc o cts U ialteîîdimg applicanis iîhintquine at the lty, ro-. ii Ceit iitirt-w Leîisa, g Y.ood and lte woîlanl Adtiress, J. W. MACKAY. Gi-is. Maniager, St. tnario Bau. LilirarZ. Iri .îtoî AN--l lx c.tnsre into motherhood. lThomsas, Ont. 'Ne have somne genuina bargains for or *\ iîstîae', Green- r he two muost cru-. .you, cil and examine our stocK;. May- Fair Day Satnm'da 1ecT N. n'iYi .ait-of Carra rigliîc,utîMisEibeVi ical tintes ini a wo- n trhie Jeweller. ani 'atelimaker, Bowmanville, keeps tatiof Hp-'ouiîl.muan's life are lte [ 1AU-LM FORt SALE-A finit cia'ss farmi insoka ag éeto f firsî -ass _________________________ imites -whiih niake Aof t25 aîcres or 145 ac-es s1iatet liti tht, Oit O _______________________________________thegirl__alTownshipî of Eauý WiIity, 1st cmoi. lots ir anti 'N neud d-is al ht wuttelu u tcke as lnoe ail 'teleein 'sus't lie ir woinan, ii' on fle Basc Lisî, aitoj f nî iles front Oshiawa first lass goods ai a smnîî profit te m nstres as yhen Dmnionîb fin lut ortw DIED. and lte womn1an a stîtioi 2 tuiles frotîl iViit' anti 6J rmts froin ,,Maynad aîtd i-, prices n ili suit i-on. T'o peints cel iînm, gt1ot-atles,Dr. Pierce' hansh t1.rc3lii, se.ts ilîb t-i ît t.a Tic sniary cf Dr. Oraunlaekba, Sup- bacc 10 lie reincmlsered. li ocsael______ aoie Pcci-ttele teo b Bui-st frit if far fa111 t- Lk reteCiif ane c I0. F., lias beau firsi ciass. is piices for this quality cf t ion s of incalcula. Shoit- f0 lillis and stoues. About1t) acesof iurese $,tOOa clritn'auoUtitggoods tic more titan mnatis' ask for hon-e ble valute. Il tut-us loitit ccii-: first ffmoviig C1otte. For fiîrtluer 10 10,00.g'otls. hin'acie fhhygnnaneedTHA AHIN HED.danger into safety and pain iudo ease. il is 1,a'cîlelans'apîtly to A Ais. Osmîcîa. 137 If. to $0,00. gades Al wathesfull guranted HAT CHIG HED.t medicine whieh bas but one objeccl. Il is r Up te datr tiere have beau 601216- lv hiîmself. gond for but one lbing. Il sîrengîbens aînd head of catîhe shiiuped f.romî Metreal te "CiFILDIlEÇ'S DA"'vl b bevd "'CuesI n lo lroe invigorales lte organs dislinetly féminitne, N tc o C e ios ticî saie penid has ofear. nex Ciinrci. 'Sept. 9tî, lu St Pail'is Flow often lte remark, IlOh, my head il promnotes regularity of lte fondtions, -4000j for Georg sa.n MeLacîl B.At acevadca-eae5amnraie.s alîays irritation and inflammiation, chîecks A tîcw papen wiii soeî bce issned lis mIels iîtduced le New'castle and' NW aches'and pains lie head is sulject to ail mnnalural, exhausling drains, and pIts lte [il thte inatefr of the' Est-de 0f 'amp.s01î ,fie, atrns f ldusrv alld Te E.Ï.a eY -e aongthefin fro the~ dulad wvhole delicale organismu int perfect condi-f thi PtrutscfIuusly nled icEn. ouvihia wilih pramci ai il n. Ili. At the aln i uenmlietadîev ion. Alinoit ail of lte ilis of womankind 1,i/"y' late 0e.ffi Tetcîishî) Of Mnr. Wrigley, thc prescîti edilon of flic es'auiîîg service lie scioci 3'ilassertilii and oppressed feeling over lie eyes 10 art îcaceableto Soule formnof wiat isknown fii-k e.-S e SunIl, wvll lie tic edicor o efticeitenpapei'. it chutici, liigiitg t cfferng- of fruit the persistent, racking and lotturing as "female complaint." And titis genet-- Clre ?nt/e sty of Durh/am, A beautiful sideboard, Duîing Table', to teli sent toe ititoor eîilreîî ut Hospi- mnîsery of Sick Headacite. The cause is alîy liegins cititer aI lte timie of putbety or fts(-, decce.l îtucs ad sel of Diuiug,, Chairs, iîîcluîd- tails ansd Fentes lu Torontlo, atîd te In most cases the saine, the os'etflosv cf childitirct, or al the "Inrun of life." ;1ng-,at onUr anc a rocisg iti, ai foi- exercise pi-ciai-ad for lie ia)' en- poîsonous ut-le acîd is nol exîracted from Titere at-e not ltree cases in a itundrrd of Puini to 'tic'i of Chlimîer 130 Rt-i Is-î * ,îa~ 'ilh and t-o Sonts' Furuicumia titheel "The Ieus cf Tiîy YenlIl" ii li hle lilood by te Kidneys, ai-d accumu- womian's peculiar dîseases ltat Dr. Pierce' ltes of Ooitgio5aminettttsiecu. - Favortle Prescription wil.i mie cutr. IToil- ttie ,cis l m lc i ctio ut Recuis. ~reisdaee d s, r diessg-a igi lebod asshgiadl-e s'nds of grateful ivomen bave bren t-eu- otit-h -iit rIainiu ae-iîlitle ismt,-t or thei (leweicotne Mn. Titos. Smithi and Tb oieiot of tie dIV il bcli for lteé Kuha pus, headaches, mental depres- dered iteaity and itappy ity ils uise, and itx~wî 4uitSi RT 'tddo -ttnily f Oronotleou te)nu. 'rhtev îîc Sabt Acrilnvtio sSion and nausea. Chase's K. & L. Pilis lte experiemuce and te4tinicony of raatiy cf Or ath ie dh-a-tii i of S-ii mîlt, ý I), ri!uriel, reciteel. An cordial uvate t a and restoe tie Kidneys, exerele thit bas licen inicluded lu Dr. Picc's ire eitt ,tiintt t-t teii-,rLit aiti offi--e sioi cxendd t th pulie Rlg st wî-t- at l i-th uc. 0It. or smod ti in t euy h rici asdt onCnaîoi eddt lepbi.poisonous malter from the biood,.sending Collaion Sense Medical Adviser. t ctî,tîd to th(' nwil.utgt. ixh eS for~r - sI.letmt'lycectîseulbyRas. W. 8. The peeple cf 'Nesi Dur-htam n'il do t on ils way pore and itealh-giving, cOt- Wiiets Dr. Pierre piiblished lte fit-st etitîton eSl bî iy tttuotiiknllt xctn -i. n-eh t'enteunler tint T. N. Rickanti. ing Headache, and removing ail lie aI- his work, lite Peopme's Coimîmots Sense Uetilcal tif the- L-. WIl fu-îtî li-s-uitqt ttfsiil dt-ccased '-rie1 kileben atîd iios of 'lia content ,owt,a1,-illeý Opticiatm lias now beaut iii tending sy tpors fromt ils wake. Mrs. Adviser, he antoounced ibat alter 68o,coo copies -inittt- î,ietc'tt-Sxi a -fSx ha been soid at the regular ptie,$.opro eui-t-qr 'A. D .1. IS -iets-tniltl î u lihuigte Mn. NaiMaeNacitmmu's business ln uit Iown utfe- about Itree G. Bird, Harriston, Ont., while aîtending "iý> prfi on wht, wout ""da imtt on1e 9ui th prosfit- oni -fic teul reii- il fo tteheii résidetnca, Ceboui-,-I, il ad deîtreyed b' i yanst anti cause at liai lthefoec lie thî894 Fail Exitibition aI Tûonto, was greal amcutof ahor andî mioucyexpende im Os ti Of tIti-cr qi-iutttt- il at5)I itii th,îîîî an lire oui Stnrday Septi. il. Loss about I nitlu naiîs îeans cf stuCsv cf tuc avean mtaken very ill li Sick Headache and P dîîi . n il, lie wonidgive awaythue îiext haîf 'ii--s mert,- flsîî- vcý ikt foitie sa i- 93;iusured fer $5,25. tins'vmn xeiuau ettg i' izns i ia uje eceea 111hiO il t et is ..,V distribumýtii. abîchîtel sxt J,-tvV v --i,-i'A. D., lS)- to tus-o. -free, 5o00oo of ctis tiost ceniplcte. iitesimcziîg e'tio'swt , teibictett-as-to tIf Thie~~~~~ M-1els -nta Scîoo +!i,, 1-tii lu eue cf- t'îe -ags Opko tack fo, __1hin h1 ; o ta1Le ý- 10 1nC _ahIubl -onmt __is -m a wo es-e mi itiO ti-;i-i ctii,,-,,, flit-u isriil C0hildren Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. yto any part of tho town. ER & TAIT. OR-- dip- --« 0»- a>-- du- do- m-Op fll srillh do- a o Prepare for iteby ;g etig orsu-Z ap- w- . p ies [i" at-a 93- w-ANfuIartNet- w--E WI LUIFM LAKE IWEINLLLIUN M- 0_ D CANADJANY WEEK 0SATU RDAY, lipoît arrivai cf SS. Exptess ho s mut- Torouto 10.45 a. ni. on liose days. T. E. HIGGJNBOTUAM, Agent, BowmanviIIep AUCTION SALE -OF A- VAMLUABLE FARM In the Township of Cartwright, in the Couinty oî'Durl-ar. ITtoeewiul iteoffecril foi-sale lty Puic ttle utio'î Ilitstls tte Villouio FRIDA Octobor 4tà, 1895î -' t-ue oicloik!iitheaflcrr.woti, liser fohhomriný Lot îîîs"'lter î- ýliîtvee,î in tte i- ticslcumet-sîbot of teý cuti 'Iowiv,1itlt of Curtwis s1uit,utîaîig20 c Mceûiire or lois Iis atîntiis ictoN-ius u.Il e N .W A's'C F 1h51.asuisia-i andtît îîîîîIo tButrke- totind1 mîsit.îulesi fiom Bowtiauilti-i, c lite liii landtiis tteacit a Il uî'r 'î,tî.x ' a-ndt -- l i tti' cutit cuit si cli t - s '-t . 1,5 (ii us; Lui-g-e 1t i - - 14 t, 7 rt Pnti-Stil hsi l; citsg- i -u:tio, t t TI-,is tloîtfilfarnîti l e th e tt- ti-ti-i tîof itflit , uîîîîuc hîsî c .s -s 'tfl -cct 'i enttt oit Ca,,tof -,, u tir s)e Itîadtloblix wih ut lai- îpo ît,î tt' I a iy rt-it uto-t cgage il a losrî, îttet F.,c ftin-t' er hactsiira tuî ouiuit s of sais4 ;",,,ayh Guelpht &0MCitiro fivicilu iinti v.. ig S -eJti-e ',V utiî. tehtt IHOMAIS RiNGHAM, BRt us naivili,,