irqq&i bush Oate, black, Anson Taylor, Jas. Parr'. 1 bush Barley, six-rowed, E. F a 1am Fitze, N. Marlow. 1 bush Potatoes, 'white, R. Green, Jas. Bradburn. bush toe5 imd, R GrýWean, ___ Milne. D.,zen Turnips, W. Barton, Hl Poý,llon. Peck White Beans, S. Shphrd, F. Monott. Dozen Table îl 0 Garrots, A. Kinsman, W. C. Fierguson. Dozen Garrots, E. Wheeler, W. C. Havio' hd . Ferguson. 3 beads Cabbaze. James Havin hadour wareroomn renovated and repainte d P.,p âit. 2 Squasbes, E Wheeler, and dde toOur toc a ice hune of Newr Designs in Jas Bailey. PLrnpkins, Jas Rowan, and dde toourstok aJas Bradburn,. Beets, J. lundie, furniture. We would be glad to have the publieceall and W.0 Ferguson. Onions, white. A Boa. cock. P. Hlol. On-Ions, red, P. Hoit. see our goocis. A Kinsunan. Mangold Wurtzles, J Rundie, G L McLaughlin. Winter Diniug iRooîui Suites, comprising Table, Sideboard, Appfles, A Taylor, L 0 Taylor. l'ail and 6 chairs, from *19.00- Apples, Mrs A Metean, Jas iradburn. Applea, Russets, Jos. Campbell, Jas Parlor Suites 6 pieces from $25.00 up. Rowan. Snow Appies, J. Rundie, S Shepherd. Apples, Northern Spies. J. Bed Ronim Suites 3 pieces from $10.00 np. OampbelJ, .J Rundle. Fail Pears, T &. Wright, A Beacock. Winter Pears, L Ili fact we have everything in the furuiture hune and C Ferguson. A Beacock. Grapes, P h~o'ouî'stoc wheher o ot, 1 and 2. Tornatoes, P Boit, S take great pleasure in showlfl oursoc hteryu epuerd. Water Melons, A Taylor, buy or not. Jas Parr. Citrons. R Green, Jas Brad- lun.Idian Corn, J Engiiah, J Our undertakiugy deparîment is complete in everyway Campbell. collection of veqetabies c named, P Hoil, Jas Parr'. Collection anîd auy calîs will have our imimediate attention Day or of Fruits, named, P Boit, Jas Ouates. Niglit. LADIES' ERTN. Don' f rgettheplac Prwer' Blck.Ton yds home-made loth, Mrs. A Don' foret te pace rowes Blck.MeLean. 10 yds home-made Flannel, ail wool, Mrs A McLean 1 and 2. 10 ,sr yds home made Flannal, oixed, Mrsi A McLean 1 and 2. 10 yda home-made Wooien Carpet, Mrs A McLean. 10 McLen, rs.JohnRunle. Pair BOWMANVILLE. Woe lu sMsMMGlMrs C Lattimer. Home made Cotton (jover- lot, Mrs J Y Mcbaughlii. Homemade 11 ~ i 1-~1Woolen Coverlet, Mra A eokMi nouosalls î arbe UXo r sS Shepherd. Home made Gentleman's vvorK s, Plaid, Mrs CLattmer. Home-m ade Mrs J Y McLaughlin, Miss L Parks. Home-niade riain Quilitig, Mrs J A large stock of Finished Monuments in Swedish, Scotch Parr, Mrs J Y McLaughlin. Home. and American Granites and Marbles constantly on hand, ruade Gentleman's Shirt, Miss F. Parr', 1 and 2. Home-made Patch Quît, impoi'ted direct froni the different Quarries and Manufact- Miss F Parr', 1re J Y McLaugblin. Home-nmade specimen Patch Work, ureî's. Mrs J Y McLauQhlii, Miss F Parr. Caîl and see what y ou are buyino' Home-made Kuit Qit, Miss L Parka, 1 and 2. Homne made Yarn Mat, Mise Prices low and good work guaranteed. M McGill, Mrs J Y bMcLtizhlin. Hume made Rag Mat, Miss M McGill, E. R. BOUNSALL, Proprietor. Mrs J Y MciLaughlin. Home-mada BOWMANVILLE. six akeins Stockiug Yarn, Mrs J Parr, Mrs S Shepherd. Home made pair ___Wooleu Socke, Mrs A McLean, Mrs J Parr'. Home-made pair Wooieu Stock- Sings, 1Mror, A. MoLeau 1 sud 2. Homne- Timade pair Woolen Mittens, Mrs. Jas Feahebon S ir Bo e jfParr, Ms F Parr. Berlin Wool or Peth ron SçrtBo e W'orôted okrisd isMce ______________________________________________________ ?1GfflBerlin, Wool o Worsted Work, FOR GIVING A light, pliable, elastie bone \Jflat,' Miss M ltarlow. Mra F Munet. made froin quilis. it is soft and Specimen Embroidered Braid Work, coifoiîûh~ cadly r s J. Y. ?MvLaugliln, Specimetni i tol frfli dlngo Croçhçt Work. MLF Parr, Mrs P ~TYL~ ad SHAPE o s, yet giving proper shaptïe tQ Vý ii ---nc Nttng ýy'LË and SHAPÉ ~Skirt or Dress. iAïo,§eiý Fue etnMl Th tl kitÊn hatsPri, rs J Y McLiughlin. Sei vr OTo 1ît oett e ac Kuitting, Mes F Monet, may bo wet without iniury. Miss L Parka. Specimen Embroidery The Celebrated Featherbone on Mualin, Mrs J Me0regor. 1 and 2ý Ladis' resses Corsets are corded with th is ~8 Specimen Beai1 Work, Miss L. Park-. materlal. Specimen Painting in OOu, Mise F Parr' 4i. 1 and 2. Specimen Painting in Water For sale by leaffmuîg Dry Gouds Dcalers. ý; Colora, Miss F Parr'. i and 2. SPeci- men PLncil Drawing-, Mrs A Beacock. ________________________Speciuuen Monochrornatic Drawing, I Mies F Parr', rers W C Fergusoît. s I eason, T. A. Wright, .los. Campbell. Specimen Chair Scarf, Miss F Pari', ~ri~ n~ut~n~tar~n~u Two Shearling Ewesi, Jus. Campbell, Miss 1 Pari'. Specimen Paper Flowers, T. A. Wright. Two Ewe Lambe, W. Mri R McNally, 1 and 2. Spaciunen BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. 25, 1895. Ferguson, John Wright. home nmade Cotton Stockiîîgs, MiesaL FINE Woor,. Aged Ram, L. ýSkinner, Parks, 1 and 2. Specimen home made Jos. Camipbel. Yearling Ram, L. Cotton Socks, Mrs J Pari'. 1 sud 2. CARTWRIGHT FAIR- Skinner, Jos. Campbell. Ram Lamb, Specimen Sufa Piliuw, Mes E Wheeler, L. Skinner lasnd 2. Two Ewtîs that Miss L Parka. Specîmen Log Cabîn The annluai exhibition fCartwrig-ht have raised lamba this season, L. Skin- Quile, Miss M McGill, Miss L Parks. tow nship -was held in Backstock 01, ner, Joq. Campbell. Two Sbearling Specimen Tuit Quiit, Miss M McGill, Mond-ay and Tuesday of last week. Ewes, L. Skinner, Jos. Campbell. Mr& J Y Mcbaughlii. Lareet Col- The weather -%as fine hýoth days and lection Crochet Patterus, Mrs F Moneot, the exhibition highriy sucecessf-IIl.- WINE. Miss L Parka. Specimen Crszy Patch Followuxg' is the p'ize lhst BERKSHIRE. Sow that bas raised Work. Misa I Parr', Mrs C Lattimer. HORES.pigs this season, Frank. Sauderson. Pair Piliow Shanis, Mr8 E Wheeler, C JM1 SO ICI EOPI* ~~RE OVE mEAS *'êybSd la'vuo gte , 1b. «M 1Jý *dbhu ufl4fiiweThe »Wa.M4soWC. '1 19 KID&D M QUMffi * 4~asm,14 ~-P e!ro w 'e L iv4ore" la medica) -e.m Ail day Fair Day. As many coLuld flot do trading that ~ ~day, wýe have decided to continue this lisi for this week. We have orders'for 0. K. eggs, bring in ail yo i eau at P ' ~rg ~once. Just think how convenient our store is, we take ~&U~O, BAEH &M - your produce and gîve you almost any kind of goods you, SSOT'U KINSOA~OUA r ay require-Dry (4oods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Carpets, Oent's Furnishings, Hats, Caps,. Jewelry, MRnÎcÎpaIity of Darlington. Watches, Clocks, Siiverware, Spectacles, and any goods we do flot keep, the other stores will take our produce checks as cash. Our produce checks are practically as NOTICE 0F BY-LAW. good as cash. Publlic, notice is lie, elby grveli that at the Ineet- in=of tule iipal Counl utthe townshiip ofSGR3 lsLgi elo 1.0 al 11,onluie hld at Hamîpton in said SG R3 b ih elw$.0 MuuIicilality ou Saturday the St=(ayof. Se t, einber, 189,, t the hour of eleven o'lkiu 2he a new car load on Friday last extra. the said concil shail meet tiiere wvill tic introdu-Gocrcflr+(4 ed a By Law jiroviding for the stopping uip ai Goer et.Cnd outr selling the allowanee fur road betwcen lots 34 sud 35 lu the Mdi, $Éh, a 'Illi concessions uf ftic For Fair Day 25c tea for 200. Mixed Candies 7c. said townuship uf Darlington. OppIotuniity wnli be afforded f0 anvune in ppr 3 lbs Currantsi Buils Eyes and Gumdrops !Oc. Son or)y Counsel or Solieitor wlîos( liinS miglît 3 lbs Sago Chocolates 11c be pr:e udlîcallY affecteil by hlie by-law and wlo3 b ,eti3on0tobcheard in opposition tîterefu. Carlbsamelsfo 15clb By order 3 lbs Tapicoa Caramels 15b. RICHARD WINDATT, 3 lbs Prunes Bowîoaoville July 23rS, 1895 oni)lr. 3 botties Pickles for 25c. Lades'Dongola tip, New York style, T ~ $1.25 worth $1.65. -1-à Ladies' Kangora, waterproof, butt. Youth's Dong. Butt. 95e worth $1.25.- OF A $1.35 worth $1.60. Children's Kangora 75e worth $1. Misses Dong. ]3utt. $l.25 worth $1.50 Men's Work Boots 6, 9, 10 for $1. Misses Dong. Butt. $1 worth $1.50. Boy's " 44i to 6 for 90c. Ladies' Don g. Butt. pîceadlly toe lcn's Dong., Congress $ 1.75 worth $2 worth $2.50. $2.25. Misses polishi caif, butt. $1.50 Worth Meu's Cordoven, Congress $2.25, $1.75. worth $2.75. Misses dong'. $1.20 worth $1.50. Men's IRubbers. 18 FOND IN100 OVERCOATS liglit and mediumn weight $5.00. Men's Suits fine Tweed $5 worth Men's Melntoshes $2.50. $7.50. Men's Worsted Pants, neat strips. Men's Suits Can. Tweed $3.75 worth $2.50 $5.50. Men's Tweed Pants lined $2.K0 S NBoy's Sailor Suits $1. (our own make.) USld throllghant the woAd 11iteh depot P. NEW. Boy's Ileavy Tweed $1,75. Cottonade Pa uts and Smocks 50c, 1ET&S K5 i Kng b ar-s odon. PO'TSE DEUG &ifi îi i oo Sole Flepé, Bouon, W1vS.A&. Men's Strip Worstedt Suits $6. 75c, 90e, nice assortmnent ot ____M1n's Waterproofs 811. patterns. lr% Men's Pants ail wool serge $1.50 Blue Drill Pants with apron 50c. worth $2. 1IAYNARDl New Arrivais in Menfs and Boy's Hats lie eweler Men's ail wool Shirts and Drawers, Braces heavy 19e Worth 80e. T u speelal 50e. New and nobby Neckwear 15e, 50c. Men's ail wool shirts and drawers Newest styles in Collars 2 in. to 2Q. Is off ering r'are bargains in 60c Worth 75e. Speelal value ini Black Cash. Sox, Meu's ail wool Scotch 60c, 75c, $1. Remuants tweed at low prices. WATCR-ES,-watches that Top Shirts very special 56e. Ilalif ax tweed for boys suits 30e up. you an rly n togiveyouBraces heavy 15e Worth 25e. 1 yo eureyont gv yuChoice ieodubefl o'ood tirne. A watcli is a LinM-o4doube --A