t, t n/-i TERMS :-$1.50 PER A Num. OUR TOWN AN~D COUNTY FIRST; TRE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor. NEW SERLIES. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1895. VOLUME XLI. No. 42. Coats! Ha11ve received from the., Sanford Manufacturing Co'mpany, a big stock of Men's and Boys" Over ~as in ail sizes and qualities. We guarantee thesei Coats to be the best goods and the best value in the trade. Grocers' Due Bills taken as cash. Bow MANVILLE. Fl] Frs llaving received a fine lot of Choice Furs, we would say to those desiring to purchase-give us a eall, as we are deteripined to seli cheap for cash. .We also carry a fulll une of Gent's Furnishings, at the very lowvest prices. Now is the time to bring in your Fuis for repairilg. M. MAYER, B,)WMA-,VILLE. The Practical Furrier.1 Sm"to-ve Pipe Varni*sh Preserve and beautify your Stove Pipes with Brunswick Black, the best in use sold by Ask for No. 301 for Coughs and Colds. Creamn of Witch Hazel is soothing and healing, will cure chapped hands, chafing, sunburn, etc., etc. J. IIIGGINBOTIIAM & SON. BOWYMANVILLE. Permaniently Cured orp Constitutional Scrofuia -. Hood's Sarsaparilla M;8Z Olive S. Cart The cure of Olive Carl by Hootl'a Sarsapar--'. haa; few equals in niedical history. '!'Le z.ctimeon;al wag fist pbi Iwod voears ago, and a letter lately rece'ved 'ficm lier mother say? Olive cor."thieg in geod health and - eare satIstied her rcmarlzable cure of cnnstitu.tionai ecrofula by lIood'a Sarsaparilla ýwas permanent."~ flriei5 stated the case was this: 1"When Olive was 8 years cid she hiad the whoop- ing cough and mensies, followed by in- tense pais if n every joint la ber body, hike rheu m ati3im. Physicians w vere puz- zlod, but a ller a consniltatlon , proueounced the disease some form cof - Conzlitutional Scrofule. fiWhen .ve be.-an to use Hlood'a Sarsa- pqrilia, she could no, be moved without crying out with pain, and we were comn- pelled te cut ber haïr, as she could not bear the we! ght of l. At ferst the change for the better was very graduai; the pains seemned tbc l ess frequent and the sweii- ing in esnxe of the joints subsided n'ter tising about one bottie. Thau :.,rove- ruent iras ibore rapid and 1une Lt.ntas surprised us by tel :ng us t_.at v7e rioed i Nt Prop mer Up In Eed as we lied done fcr monlbs, and ne=t ilight she surprised. us stb! more by roll-, Ing ove? across thaeda. Frum that tiMe Gu the improvernent iras very rapid and phe eon began ta creep about the houEr ud then te wak on crutches. Now aile Hoû4.d9&Q, srsa- I parifla generally usesbot eue crutcli, ti dis- esse hRving ieft one leg crood, and Cue fear it w4111 remain se. We feel that ta Elod's Sarsaparilla ire owe our.child's 111e. 1I enclose the photogralh of my daugli- ter and I think il 15 a picture off perfect heaith. When 1 think hoir near she iras to death's door 1 cannot feel thankfut e-iough for ber recovery." MrEs. J. A. CXEL, BRevnoldsrille, Pa. plSthe after-dlnuer pill andl Hood's Pls amily cathartic. 25c. Five Vearsl' Experience Ilu tosting the oye in a City m1-enus something. T. Ný. IICKARD sbautod bu siness three years Cge xith just tflue x- perieuîce, and also liolds a Dipionua won in 1892, covering as many cor more -stubjects tisan held by auy Optician in Caneadn. Ho is tully eqnipped wibh oveîry imod- en appliance for testissg tise evoesigît. No xî-lere ces 'u onave'your ceemore scentificaiiy or caeefnllv tested thaus Riekard caus do lb fer von.- Thse ex e shonuld bie vory cearcînîll- ftted xvheikit Is îsocossary te xsear e glass and if yen willi celi on Richard lie n ill guar- auîtee satisfactions lotis in tise fit and peiceof cfonr Spectaclos. Gold goeds ais ny dcxvii lus price. Ne charge for testing. T. N. RICRARD, Svatchmakes-, Jeweiler aud Opticiais, BOxvMANVIymLaax Nead's Buock. $2.O0O W'ili socure yen one deis Cabinet Photo.-arms cf the kînd TAIT & CO. buru eut true to life for e short-timuie for cash us advamsce, sec samisies. Picture fraunes on hasd tf0 le sold et a sliglst advance on cost. Crayon Portraits made to orden frini asuy pictuire. Samples at eue studio, Market square Bowmnaisx le. Over SALEM. Report of S. S. No. 9Ï Darlington for September:-V,-H. Logan; Sr. IV, I. Hfuteinison, N. Symons, E. Wilkinss S. llocken, M. Colacutt; Jr. IV,--A. ùut- ledge, J. Hutchinseni, I. Wilkins; Sr. III -E. Collacntt, H. Heeken, I. Travelle, J. Wigýht; Jr. II1,-L. Burgess, W. WVerrv; Si..' Il, C. Collacutt, L. Gaud, c. Huitchinson,' M. Darcli, M. Wilk-ins, 1. Hoev Sr. Pt. 11,-M. Colwell, J. Buj-rgýess, E.* Wilkins- Jr. Pt.II,-W. Heeloken, H. Gaud; Sr. 1.-E*. Parler, S.Rutledge, _M. Parkier, L. Hendersen, S. Higgins, A. Honex', N. Hendu.rson, W. Chalice. E. M.'FIELDINU, teacher. Is BiCYCLE PîDINo- INuiuuous?- There is, a pessibilîty tint thé fervor exhibited 1) y ail classes fer the bicycle carrieswitls lb ais element off canger. Exercise is essential te x igerens healtli, but ln dis- case or ini those cases where fisc iuscular force is greably recluced tic uise cf tbe ieel sliouid be einploved cantieusly Ther preprietors of le very wellknewn renîiiedy, Pntn' h îs Corn Extractor, aýttrib4te th e iargeness of their sales no t te tihe use efthte bieYcle by the people oif Caniada, butte tbieabsolute certaintv cf their pioparatien te remnove fihe mest palinful and obstina te cerssil twentv- fenr heurs- Putinan's Cerns Extractor isý always certain, safe, aîsd paiîsless. TrY if. COURTICE. Miss Fie. Annis is attendisîg Demili ColgOshawa. Mliss Bear, Toronto, is vsiting lier Mlr. and Mrs. R. E. Osborne are visit- îssg,, relatives ini Detroit. Ceuncnillor and Mrs. A. E. (binons, Tvýrone, visited friends liere recently. Miss Bessie Hall and Miss Editîs Pat- tersoîs havec returned home te Camip- beliferd. C._Dotssîelly, preop. off bbc popular and well-lný:w Windsor Hotel, Alliston, Ont., was rroubled for vears -%itb Iteli- igPls. Ho was peýrsnaded lix Jas. ý1MGareýy,Alisten, livery man, te use Clsase's Ointment, which ho did, uvas cnred, bas lad ne retura off theins nd ligh-l y recoînnsends tîsis Ontînent as a sou eureigu cure for Piles. BROOIILIN. MýJiss Batty left fer Toronto cin \ed- nesdaV week. Miss eGreg,,of f Oshawa, is visitiîsg Mss hinu, sr., and Miss Ida Chinn, are, iiting ini Michigan. Mu is. Wm. Bon les bas gene te St. Jobans, 'Midi., te visit lier son Fred. Miss Battys sale of lsensehold furnii- turc on Friday last was well attended. Mr. Franki Scott lias bouglit Miss Battv's lieuse for $3i25, and after cxor- hanling it, n'ill occupy it. Rcv. F. B. Stratton, off Napance, thc president off tbe Bay off Quinto conter- once, pneaclsed in the Metliedist ciurcli Snnday ex ening. Mr. Ricli. Hochan again ,got lis foot cauglit in the haY press, and it teck tlsree mon te pry him froc. His injury, lsoneer is net serions. I11e. Mr. Smith, cf Asliburn, preadied ins tbe Presbvterian cburcli, Snnday altterneen. 11ev. Mr. McLaren was at As hînen preaching the pulpit vacant. Iveorine for the Teotli Asks oîsly for a trial. Boastîug will net xvliteu teeth; Ivorine for tbe'teeth does, Extrav agant cdainis xill isot rende1r the breatb sxveet and fragrant; Iverine nos ce fails te de this. Ivorine fer tise teebli asks -ou, for ais epportunity te demoustrate its vaIne. Dentistsliav'e affiirmed it assd tic public corrobcrate prfesýsiesal opinions, but do you linon as -ixo-ery -tootîs lox ing' sean or xxomnaîs euglit te linon , Ivorîne for the teeth is the bes1? HAMPT ON. Miss Hendee cf Brighuton is visiting at the parsenage. Miss Mand Elliott, tewn, lias lees visiting friends bere. Rex-. T. W. Leggeýtt off Brooiuin wîll eccupy the pulpit next Sundax-. Rex'. J. Whitloelk and Miss Anînie ivere gnests cf Mir. H. Elliitt Sundax-. Mr. John Elliott is x isiting frionds at Beax'erton and Port Hope this xveek Mr. Johin Elford, Dakota,is bore visit- in- his tather xvhe continsues verv l10w. Mr. C. MonntjoY, Havdon, anu Miss B. Bvers, Enîîiskullen, n cr0 guests cf Mr. Alx lu Peter s. We leel sad te relate the deafis cf Mrs. E. B. Cryderuîuaî xxho passed un- cxpectedly away on Saturday mernisîg, after a x civ briet illness. Tîse relatives have tise leart felt svlil)atlisy cf tIheîn- tire conmmuulit. TYRONE. Mr. F. McMilian lias roturîîed from a senson lu Western Ontario. Miss Etta Emmerson wlielhas abiy as- sisted lu Mr. J. Virtue's store for some tume, lis accepted a position lu Mr. F. A. Cole's store, Hamupton. 11ev. D. C. McDowell, Bowmanvîlle, filhed 11ev. A. C. Wilsoms's appointments on Sabbatb lie being absent at Peter- boro. Mrs. Wilson is stili quite ill. HEED TRE WARN-çING-Tise common and ever-prescut warning cf kidney trouble, bnci-ache and Wcakness lu the baci, are qnickly neleived by Dr.Cliase's PuIs. When ail others remedies fail, they cure. KENDALL. Mr. Robt. Fowler lias pnrchased the R. T. Loxvery farm, southlîf lot il, in the 7tb con., 100 acres. Moiiday nigit last about Il o'eloclî, the barus and stables on tise farm lot 11, 5tli cons., oxvued liy Mr. John WVaddel of Orone, xvere dostiroyed b'5 ire. Mr James Henry, xhe lias xvorked tbc farm during flic past ycar,liad net yct tbrcsh- ed and ll i is grain, witi the exception cf a few ioads cf buckwlieat -vwhicb se- msains lu the field, xvas cosssusned togetli or xifi farna implements, etc. Tic enigin cf thc tire is uinkssexvn. Mr. Hensry wili bc a benvY loser. Mr. Pattoni, wlio lias tise farm tenanted foe the ceming year anîd lad coinnsenced feul plongbiÏn, Isadis wnggon burned. THîSEATIERED WITH PNEUMONIA, Gentblemencî, - Last spriug I lsad a veny- hcavy, cold asd n-as blreatened xxibli punonia. I used tue liottle, off Nor~- n ay Pisse Syrup assd lb completely curedl me. it is fe lest preparatien for a ceugli I ever Lused. J. K. MecDonald, Wliycocoinagbi, Cape Breton B3LACKSTOCK. Mr. aud Mrs. Wood have rebns'ncd frosu their houevmoon. Moore Bros. and Mr. D. Mimne are packisg apples fer expert. Mr. Lott, station agenst, Burlieben, lias l)een rensoved te Ssnibbb Falls ansd Mr. Simîpsons cf Peberboro lias takoîs lis place. Tise soîîg serx-ice lu tise Metbodist churcîs xvas xveil attessded lest SundaY evenino- Clildren's day n-as observed lu the I'reslyterinss clitrcb Oct. 13. Soîne kind neiglibors lest xveek caui- vassiug tIse towxnshiip ashing aid fer Wsn. Hooci.Mr. ilooe t xx 111 bce- ineissbered, lest lis biarn' and crop dur ing oeeof the g-cat lgtigstonuns lu September. We arc glad te know that tîsese friends were meeting- xxitli msuci ssuceess. It is Mn. Hoovs tam uow, it snay ise any persons's sext. Tîsis disposition te give eue a lit np, is ver 'y credibable te anY people. The people cf Cartn riglst seens te deservo tîsis credit. C SoiiussFRoixî BAD BLOOn. I)ear Sirs.- For q uite a lonug tisue sus' biood xvas venv lsad, large sor-es xvonld break; ont on me frei a smsali scratch. I stared te taie your B, B. B. xvbicli completels- cnred mie. I neecoiend Burdock Bloedl Bitters te ail suffcing fnom lad blood. OLiVE Cous, LYsseseci, Ont. STARKVILLE. The "Everg-ieecus" thse residence cf Mr. Jamtes Starli. 5tls iine,was tise sceue. off a veryv interesting ex-cut lastNVediies- day, 2nd insb., the occasion bein-g the maàrniage cf bis second dangîster A7nnie, te Mr. Wlisti Lochbart,of Newton- ville. The office off greonsmnaîs n as ably filied bv Mr. Aruhsur Lockhant, brother cf tiseg-roome, n hile tbc bride's sister Miss Voua Starki, perfonmed a sinilar service for tise lunde. The Rex-. Mr. McLeod, pester cf thec nited c n- gregaties o f 'iuxtcnville a ndNexv-astle perforsncd tbe ccreasonv, alter wlicb a sumptuons wedidiîsg supp)er xas partakený off bY cx or sixtv gnesbs. 'Music and ganses forîned ffiseamusement cf bbc evenincr. Later thse bride and groom letfor ulseir nexv lieue amidst shoxu ers cf niec and old sisces tbroxxn after tsesis by tbe yenngor unenbers cf thc gather- iî,as us tokoîs cf ail tîseir frîends'hliar- ty xislies for theîr future n clare. Tise respect-lun whieu bobli parties were liîld n'as sisown by tise snunereus preseusus. To Ctu CëRUve Donc Sirs, -I liase e sedl Rag-s sse('s Ycloxv 011 xitis aIl m sii chidreo~r ci-ouls, and I :hiük it is tisebost iicedicisse C'e-c made. 1 ans îsex'er xxitbont lb in tbelieuse. Mis. T. H. Jackson, Hilt on, Mlass Ail IIsu Down This is tise condition cf thonsands. Squnîdeeers bave the ' becus cf s'cep, rest ansd inalîs' cf hbalth. 'Thiismsd pursuit cf place, power, auss pch i ax-es MAPLE GROVE. Miss Hlester Power hias been visiting, at Oshawa. 11ev. Dr. Marvin preached sermon to, children Sunday. Mr. Samiuel Forsyth lias been nurs- ing a felon on bis hand. Mr. Geo. Pascoe, Toronto, lias beert visiting at Mr. S. Cole's. Master Ebcr Foley n as thrown froni a horse on Monday -badlv fracturinog lis, arrn. To BE FRIE PROAI S510K HEADACHE~,b- iousness, constipation, etc.,use Carter's Little Liver Pis. Strictly vegetable, Tbey gently stiniulate theý liver and« free the steînach from bile. ENNISKILLEN.' Mrs. C. C. Merrili, Hampton, is gnest of Mrs. T. Elford. Mrs. S. J. Bambridge anîd dauglitor, DeKalb,,Ill.,. Mrs. Paul and daugliter, Lindsay, and Mrs. S. Thoînpsoîî, New Park, ha %e been gucsts off Mr. N. Byers. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Meth- odist churcli hav e- decid&i to hiold their annual chicken pie supper on Friday Nov. 8th instead of Tbanksoeivino. P' in order to socuro the services a7 Re'vÇ C. O. Johuston as the lecturer of the evening. A grand time expected; par- ticulars inter. YOU HARDLY REALIZE TRAT IT ES MEDICINE.When taking7 Carter',, Little Lix or Pilis: they are vewrv snial1; ne b3ad offeets; ail troub)les froin'torpid liv er are- roliex ed bY their use. Mr. Geo. Curtis is at bis office af ter an illness of four woeks. 1-ev. Chas. Breîut ef Boston, Mass., visited his brother here recenti). Dr W. Brent lias gene to Denver,, Col., to start practice of medficinie. Mr. Asa Wilînot is at Wiarton gatli- erin-- flsh eggs for- the hatcherv here. Mr. Hugh Gibson's son Asa fell front the fonce breaking lits telt thigli bono, 11ev. Geo. McLood eccupies the dwel- ling vacateci b.v Dr. Olx or, Chanldier- block. Mr. Win. Mclntoslu ha-, been to Mon- treal and Qnebec at the ticket agentsI convention. A wedding took place here Fridav week-Mr. William Boundxr and Mis Winnifred Iinyck, l)otl of Cobour4. THEYMiARE ONE FEEL as tbeIugb'I life' xxas worth living. Talke one cf tarter's Little Lix-er Pis aftereabg it wili re- lieve dlyspepsia, aid (liEe stion, gix e toile, and vig-or te tiie sxsemI. WHE1IE CA~NADA LEÂBS THE W 01111. Canada is beginning in some thint'sý te set the pace for the werld. One of the things ini which she has forged te tihe front is iii the publishing business; for the greatest weel newspaper in. the worid is the product ef Canadiani brains and enterprise. This is ofe ourse: the FAIMILY HER XLD AND WEEKLY STAE, off Mentreal. This marx ellous paper eau bie fomndjji every corner off Canada,' howe ver remote; and every week thonsands of copies go froni Canada in- te ail parts cf the world. It is a news- paper, an illustrated magazine, ahliuse- held~ guide, a practical agý)ricutltural jeurnal rolleci into one. It is a mnee miker for the farnier, dail-yman and, steck--breeder; lb is tice deligýht off theý inothers; lt educates the voung; it an- swers qnestions free ou ail possible 9-ab- jeets from diseases et the body te per- plexities off tbe immid. Lateli- enlarged te sixteen pages off ciglit columuns oach, malcing one hnndicred and twcntv-eig-htý columns a n ceki earlv, seven thousancI cohnnnls a year-, equaàl te abouit one, hundred large volumes. It is safe to& say there is ne value equal te the FAiýLY- HER XLD -AND WEEKLY STAR te day. Thc FA31tLY HEu ALD bias )VOI a werlâ& -vide reputatien fer the miag-nificent7 picture3, it eceasisillv g1ves te its sub- scribers. We hear froin' these w%ýhe have- liad a view cf it, taan t i as ene tuis vear for, yearlY subseribers entitlect '" Littlee Qneeiîie," that is simplv super Ex erv subscrilber te the FAMtULv ERA. is insured for l'ive Hundred Dellei agahist railway accidents free off cost. -K5 Io