The ehild that cannotl digest milk ean digest Coddliver Oil as it is pre- pareci in Scott's Emnul- sion. C areful scientiflo tests have proven it to be more easily digested than miik, butter, or any other fat That is the reason why puny, sickly chli- dren, and thin, emaciated and anSmic persons grow fieshy so rapidly on Seott's Emulsion of - Cod-liver 011 and Hypophosphites when their ordinary food does not nourish them. Doe't te pe3readed Ïe accept ae deliffsts/ Scott & gowne BelIsyIl. 50C. and $1. Richelieu & Ontaîjo 1Naviegaion Co. lonltrel-Toronto- Steamers leave Bcwmanvthle goieg Est daihy, excepti Sunday, at 5,20 p.m Ging Wast daily. axcepti Tuesday at 3.3D a.fll. To Montreal, Single IReturu To Toronto, Single - Return $8.75 $15,50 $1.25 $2.5 0 Mteais andI berths ara jntiudtd jn botis directions uni il Jïu'-e SOus, afiar whjch measieand berths are extra gieg lEst Steamer '"HamiltOu" leaves Bewmau- ville geing East every Monday at 9.30 pm. fer ivotreaa,aud going Wet every Suturday at 6.00 pam; fer Toronto and Hamilîton. To Mj\ontreal, Single iReturn To TCronto, Single iReturn To Hiljton, Single $7.25 14.00 1.2ô 2.50 1.75 lieturn 3,5 0 MeasieandI berthe are jucluced un both directions. For information andi tickets apply to J. MeClellan, Agent. BOWMANVILLE, ONT. ALEX. MILLOY, Traîneo Manager. 0. F. GILDERSLEEVEI, Gen. Manager 228 St. Peuh St, Montreet, P.Q, 27-3m Win ca eCONS U MPTIO-N, tsi, asdt lt-reasrîes. Sampýte straent free to ýe- fet- ote eE. Eses-t andi PosiOffice Atdreis. lie T. A. Slocum Clemial Co. L., Toronto, Can. ')kId rG 0rd on' 'qBRe e il i Î "N~G MNt 111 iifrîgf.I u f -1~ Y... nty rid,-e o P.eldeca, QU EFNIUFD'~lICN Ce., 3Fox Eehoes. If you let liaMiities mun You may learn to vour cost by ainh Thas. the echo of debi is a cdan,<d y And thfe eclho of waste is a sigh. Yeu may smile on the venturesoine shake Ttiat hait won a great fortune by dre; But-'w ,ti a lothe venorüouý snake tVihaludes inthe bosom Of vice. TI! W (muil) the red wine ami believe ' hatM a waýnton can muil(iply pain; But iseda'h o a lagu hbrief, Or r otfraiarve4t in heat, Doobsretisai the celiae j golfi -And tif co of labo i8s weet. -A. J. RAMsÂY. A few drops of oil wiil set the peliical machine ai work, when a ton of vinegar would oly corrode the wel and canker the movenentLe.-CoIton.1 i~~~~ m -ais.x M I A YOUJNG TRIALS. A schoolinarin lu Masillion, O., who bas been teachiog the rising generation ever since tht year 1845, was eeceuîly givetua pension of $350 par yeer. 1Miss Coleman, of Masen, O., proteste againsi tht pulished report thai she made a sensation by weariog red bloomners su church. They were bluie. C. E. Bradford a banker cf Augusta, Wis., bas contractedl blood peieoning Item tht habit of weîtiug bis fingers On lis lips wbeu euniing bank bills,, Tht doors cf the Califomnia penitentiary have closed upon Deacon Oldhsam, tht preminent antd pions liaptist whc held up a stage and robbed a cf $1,000. Tht Rev. Dr. John Hall, patter cf tht Fil ib avenue Presbyterian church, bas been bequeaihed an annuity cf $3,000 isy tht laie Mlrs. John H, Ford, of New Yomrk. A snake fourteis ltilong bas, according te report, batu sttslinig ducies, egg, chickecos, peacociet, and other delicacies frmma farm ai Celd Springs Harbour, L. 1, Edible soasîs te tht anmuni ef 230,000 pounds are aunually shipped te tht Unied States from Firance. At the place cf ex- portation they aie wrîh about $4.50 a thousaud. Tht laie G. H. P. Bonham, tht Boston bookieller, who condncted bis business for years iu tht bassient of the Olfi South churcîs, lef t uearly $400,000 te varient charities. It is esîimîated ihat tht New Yomrk city electises thisi year will ccst $450,000. Thera are 1,380 tiecioral distr-icýts in tht ciiy and the service of 11,0)40 ofiscers will ho reqeired. Mm. Henry Moore, of Akron, O., 36 yeams old, bas jusi givan îrth te bier six- îeenth child tu 18 years. Thay were ail single birihs, and foumîcen cf the bidran are living sud iealthy. h le s aîitisatinluthe pasi teu years the iîy cf Nashville lest $10,000,000 lu varions hoomntchemtsanad wld specui ation veutures, and of ibis vatsineoct ten per cent. was speut ai home, J. Pierpoot Morgan, tht chief cf tht syndicate wbich supplîed the United States wiih gold iu exehange fer bonds, begau lii e as a deie witff tht New Yomie baokîng firm of Duncan, Shermn & Ce, The uew fithi hatchery, but on oe eoc tht eiands in tht Sauît rapide, in Michigan, will he tht fret in tht world when cern- pleted. It will have a capacîy cf 45,000,- 000 whitefish aud 5,000,000 iront. Miss Elle Ewing, ci Price, Mo., is said te ha ighî test and iwe juches in heighî and weighs 290 pound-3. She takes up tht collection every Snuday iluoeeof tht eburcises cf Price, and attracîs more attetion ihan tht mînister. Ex-MalEyor O'Bien,-cf Boston, who died Lthe othar day, was tht cunly citizen cf for. eigri birîb wlîo ever occupied the highesi muiocipal office in tht gif i of Bostoîn ciii- zens. With two ex-,eptiins l'e hald the office longer than any ether Mayor tinte the incorporationu citht esîy. A San Fraucisco photographer dlaims te have conspleted a device hy wlsichs every railroad ticket may ho smade te bear tht, photegraph cf the original purchaser, as a preveutive cf scaiping.- Tht whole proces of taking tht . ictnre, developing tise negative, and prtntiug tht portrait on a portion of tht ticket eau be doue, hlie sys, wbile tht nurchaser s payîug for bhis ticket, or in eue minute ai tise loogebt. John C. Hancocie, ci Hancecie, Md., Who bas oîly bis let armte t shoot witb, tht rigbî having bec lest lu a cerriage acci- dent, bas killed tiis seapcu wiib bis shot-, gun 209 squirréls, 125 rahbiis, 217 per- rîdge, 69- pheai-ants, 28 wild turkeys sand 35 woodcock, 0f wild ducks lie bas shet 23 mallae ansd 7 redîseade. . John Fiske, the scisciar aud historien wbo raad Latin while yet in pinafores sud Greek before he bail lait off knickerbockers bas an infantile rival iu Rielîrnond Benn,ef Wichita, Kans., wisc is not yei five yeara oId, Richard edsetlei-setary French and Latin wlth este, aud lias a familiarty wlth etathernaties thai would do credit te a boy of14. . A quter iradeis followed by balf a dozen sidewalk merchanis outeide tise Philadel- phia House c f Correction,, Every person discisargoil from tht institutiou receives on ieavingae ew pair ni shoes. Tradere lie in wiî for tise discisargeil prusouers sud offer îhami a pair cf odl and cornortabît shas aund tweuty-five or fi(îy cents for their nets pair. In a greai majority cf casesth trade is maIe. Tht Rente of Correction effets ara well made aud streug, sud ibef traders gai a gocil price for ihem rcm workiugmien. Fise-tract came cf Sacramanie City le Califomnia are uow mu by eteoi'riciiygegn. eraiel by the f&1a8hi ftise Ainericen rives su Foisem' 24 miles away. Tle river hiait heen dammal, reatitir s ressrvoir ibree mihles long, witi e fiow cof 85.000 cubie fat a minute. Af tir îuruîug the turbine sehecls at tise dam the vwateite ont allowed tte eteape futher services, bui is useci for irrigation. Sscri ausanto City oxisects soe te 'a warmed sed ligitel by uhe river. Great pots of mlten maral go leily skimmiog sang tise Fric Railmoal irons lie Clavelamnd Rolling Milla Censeeny's central biasi fumîsso taîothe Newhung miihs as peeîatehy as if ibis traffic was 0f long stand- ing, esys s Cleveland I-item. Tht plan is s p2rfeci succees. lu takas just 15 minutas for tise meisi stit l lapoal loito tisa big laîla carisearachsthe dixarin se m-ilîsi, soea bye miles sway. A-bout 500 tos t-this hou mpisi are tisus ciiriel wvryda ver tisaIou, aime'ronI meote. 1Childreni Oryfor, "A FîCTiJRE OF itiALTIT ANDi ACTIVITY." heen sufering for ieerlv e year wîîh troubles incden tic girîhoofi. She suffered frein severe sud ainst constant h>edaclît, Iizzlîîese, heari palpitation, sud leas paie andt bloodîtti, suis evenîuaily hecaîne go weak sud emacite l ihai hem parente thoughî ihat ehe wae u onomtin sud had aIl1 but gîven Up hope cf hem ecvery. Hem father, Mr. Richsard Warman, who is a -farmer, sparel ne expense to procure relief' for tht peor sufjeter. The besi avaîlabie madîcel edvics was eroployed, but ne relief canse, aud lthough tht parente were airnostinl leepsir, they estisrove te fid tht meane of reeîoring their lovel ont te healtis. Mm., Warmn, lîke everybody else who read s tise utwspapems, bidread of the many marveilous cures effctel by tht use of Dr. Williams' Pliek Pille, but lika soeaoihert, icokad upon these teries as "'mare patent medicina advertisamets." Hewever,as everyîhing tise badleid ho determinerd that Pick Pille should ha given a trial, with a resul nic lagits marvellous than ihai ci îuany other cases relataI Ihrou gistise prass. Dr. Williamns' Pink Pille have cein- pleteiy curel tisa youug lady se that in s îa w mouise, fromea helplessud eupposadly dying girl, shc bas hecorne a pîctîsme of istaitis and activiiy. The Warmn farnily is go well kuown lu ibis paritci tht country tisai ne eue would thiie of dispuîiug guy staiemeot made by auy ofi us matuhee, Mm. H..ILWammau, cn eccoeniof'his business as slesmben for agricultural ma- chinary, le personally acqîîaintad wiil uearly evaybody in the îounty, sed wî fee! assuraI thtia any toqiliries made cf hirn cueriug tisastataînants rnadt above wili be eadiiy auewered, Thteîgratifyine rasulis iollowiug tht ute cf Dr. WNilliamns' Pinke Pille, in tise casa of Miss Warman, prove tisai îhey are ucequal- lod as a blood builder sud nerve tente. In tise case ci youug girls who are pale or sallow, lisilese, troublaI witb a fiuttering or palpitation ci the beari, weak sud tasily tiraI, ne tiere shonlhe lest in îalringa course oi Dr. Williams' Pink Pille, wbicl will speedily enrici tise bleod sud riuga rosy glow ci hea]ih te tht checkes. Tise ara a specifie for troublas peculiar ie females, sncb as suppresîcus, irragulamitie aud ail forme of weaainess, Iu men tise effcci a radical cure in all cases arîingifrom mental wormy, cvamwork, or exceeses of whaievti' nature. Dr. Wiiiams' Plie Pulsaeamantîfactored by thte Dr. Williams' Medicine Ce., Brocieville, (tt,, sud Schenectady, N. Y., and are sod inl boxas (never lu icose forso by tisa dozen, or hudred) ai 50 ceaute a box, or six boxes fer $2.50, and may haoisad of ail duggieîe or direct by miail frein Di. Williams' Medicine Coînpsny a i tbei adîmese. A WONDERFUL MEMORY. Ecesaritabie Case ef a IBlisnd ans tMetit Esergy and Rittive Peower. A correspondent cf île Scientific Amas'i cao telle cf a ramarkahle case cf tht devel opmneae cf tise memory lu a bliud persor Professer ,John A. Simpson, cf Raleighs liracior cf music in tise Noth Gamlle ntitutien for thtelucation cf tise blinde tisougis blinI frein childhoed. is oct cf use hast educated men inte tate. He is e graduat citise institution he 00W serves, as alto ci Triuiy Collage, Norh Carolina, frern whîch ha ecivcd reguiarly the degeeas ci A.B.and A.M,, neterîthstandiug ihere were ai tisai ure, soe twanîy-bve 1or more yaars ago, no ambossal iext bocks icf auy value: and hence ho was compellad etber te, bave tht prescribeti course ci studiosrmatI te hie, or to copy tisa books laborioosly by tise use cf au embossed al phabet. H ie studios tisransd since wttE of ne-cessiiy carried ou largely witisouî uhs help cftacisers, sud lhe was tiess brcil tc compare oee autisority witis anotiser and ctberwise test hie cwu work at every staj. Iu ibis tisorougli maunerhlfias gene ovei tise whcle biell cf pure mathemaîlce, fmcir ralgebra te quarteruieios, onîîtsng nothîng soln working eut evemy prohlerim rntaily. 7 Intise semae way lie hait masîered severi 9enciant aud modemn languages, sud bas bj b is ewn work accumulaiel a very valuais) f manuscripi librery lu Latiî,Greak, French, r eman, Italien sud Spanish. Hie 111e him been davotall meinly, bowcvar, te music 1hie tasie heing te train lis blinI popise:t -become teaches eof the sighted, and lu ti: r eo bas beau amînenily tiictstful. 8 As pianisi ef'a local philhsarmneitciety, hali bas accornpanied entire cantates, matse b sud oratorios witbont, arrors sud wift t finsiel precision. Once, wlsee a schooc *bey, lhe multipliaI rntally. wvithout tiE raid of any apparatîs iatever, s nuobei 1 î'onittieg of twenty figuras by e.uothui tiumberaqsiaily large. At anioher imebE *comîniîîad to rnamory tise wiso'e of ilieuot' "Paralise Lest." lHe bas frao uenîiy esý vary difficult pieces of nmusic while sitrine ai tise bretideansd tiien gons to tht piar( sud performed iisam without laavieig eut I note . Bîe eaui readily detect, locate seç rectiiy set' eminary lafaci in e pipe orgae ; take tisa lar est solrreoti ccmpli . 1 1 y If y y la e la Pr Ig y a la a ýy Jo 8, ty m Df m KI 'If 1. er le lg 7e la U of la ýd re le to id P. er m ig ai )y ýle la, as to y; es th A- rie er er he l'a id âg 110 ; a ad pe ii. ý,4 t 3s; 6h j _ fs rer WIIAI UJ~UJ.UiHer Parents I{ac Almost GiVen iUp ITEMS OF INTEREST ABOUT TV{ Hope of Rer Reeovery. BUSY YANKEE. paier asit Eiseelateli, sobjeet te seveIre ieiltieSise Mag Tiseesgtte île mijabigietY hserest la tit91% t5- t oing iste a Itecdtîe-Now tise PIC" f~emlItsBathItetrd.From thteItichibucbo, -N. B., Revitw, Au oewspaper called the Empty Bott.le 'here are very few people, especially bas4 fOW beau foîndtd lu Houston, Texas. amerig tht agriculturiets of Kent CouuiY, The Texas Live Stock Journal tiinhs N. BU, wh. do net know M. H. H. War. there are 1,500,000 fewer cattle inthtdnte popular agent for agiculth a state tban there were ai ibis trne twe acineryc oo River. A Reviewi years ago. rrenttvt was in conversatiou wtt Wmn. Fredericks, a desperado, wiîo 1h M. Warman re ently, wben the subjeet cf andkiledCelier lori, c ttan Dr. Wtlliarns' Ptîsk Pille was incîdetally Franciscco Savinesi Union Bank, was hanged toucefiupon'.;i Mr, Wermn sald bie was there Fmday. aseclblever iu iheir curative pro- proîibîio adlteatins u uise, ad t jsstfy bis opinion lie Tht il obibt reîleatos n ated tise c u iis sister, Miss Jessie buttesr and cheese bas been sîgnefi hy tise Warrnan, aged la, whom lie said had been Govemuer of Missouri, and le theretore a ,almost wresîed fromn the grave by Dr. law cf that state. Williamns, Plik Piis,"1 Misa Vi had Tht laie John Thomas Tabot, au ohd and wealtby citizen of Cleveland, was tht owner cf a peeket kie which Geo. Wash- ing ton gave bis father. <. There are twe smnall Jewish agricultural colonies in Caliiorute, tht firstinl Orange r, Vale, opposite Folsoin, and the cîher inV Porterîvilleuer Fresuno. arn Europe i oprtvl rfig bt M.Tleh elr onRdodte, fapin naBiihhqia evemy observer cf consmen intelligence adterrsetv ecmnaei epaohrrs ,iràdtwsctmý-7 ougisite ohave ienown tisai tisepleasure cf ad iaîr fmapi D va ihsta eofarefefaep;atheer mataxp enat wa ateptd-d saaîng ecîr larme stocka wih il worlîdstesfmidovrtssttcfffrs tiaeevlfbtsugar.i u-eI. larm yard hirils would bha athousan firnes muclis iesund risetomic bas bhean sed ever Tise patient it upen bhis fcea again sud ouiwaighed by tise ucisinessud lestrut- tisa biaruey-bribemy poiicy tisai le goînon livaly as lie evar was sud tu e h siell îîvauass cf et tise ca stît; but tise peuple continue ic tise jugular bas, uc'w ne ierrors for hlm. FEATIIERE 0VAOtANTS, aetegosteodprveanlt tisai multiply fissier ,san fbell mite sud take tse godeîle god previl sel la comineah iseebjctinabt qalîtescithe leaders rail, Dolerons Dublin h ACreyKid0fSethat tiiving tais sud yelpiug care, In tise bagun te live, traIe bas nover heen as rn roiyiwucmsuescya course of tise last fifty Yaars tise wieged brisluilu-tisernmcry cf tise preseuIt gener. a girl Who bas lest by leatis tiree men to, irais bava Irivan eway teneor twelve speitt ation, social lit presenteupracedleutel wbom tse wse. succeseively engaged. In cf or nalive bide tisai maIe a spacialityth isinaceheyu ewo se ot îasîreyîng noxieuas inseacs-especîally possibilitias snl tise cliik cf coin le heard ttfriIsac ieyuht io h tise bairy cterpillars tisait haw or park ibrongisout tise land. No wonîer tisaitishe hal been beisoheil for a yeasî and a hall irees jute brocmsimaws. Tise Ameitan sigisi of tis gigatit Tory machina lubri- expiraI on the vemy ave oi the' wtdding. cucieco, or "raîucrew," feaste ou ibose leaf Ie tht stdooI,auethem yonng man,to whom lavures wes~vtmbe ee inItism, udcaiel by uuimted Cadogan capital makes.1 she iad beau angagel sono sitar tise melan. aNaldes tht pursuitof tise hawk by hsuuting theqoonlans Irishs leaders waep for the choiy levant, lied a few laye'baiettise tise lensesi f oiige,but le ýtoc fbocf pet5edtepartel laye ci poverty, potatoesansd mrrsige, and hie eucctssor ilihanaffections te stay in a neiglisorbeel infesteI by the nintehoiisipl.ias eew sharel e similar- fate, h seome quarralsome littia wreiches thaîs make up Tisa Irishs peope seemeil ticbave malet istsundry ancientfemales ofte neigsbor. tise lacie cf inilividual sirangris hy the up thair mindis peity tisomouihiy te take bonde, attmsbuiing tis taries cf calamnities tactileci their co.operative a'tackt. tht comfrnI ocf tise uew administration, te tht faci that tise young womsn isas Tnt New Zealanil farmars hiave trial te even isoeatise arrivai ni tise Cadlogans. ,tise "avil eye," bave calmaly euggsteî tisai exîerrnîse their rodant tormenters by TEEF STATE EJ5TRY tisa enly emedy ia te hb ondinl bumieg expenssa thoiods. Wisele counnues hava bar aliva. Ou tisai score tse natil bave ne contentaI te absudoîs grain-culture for s cf tise Lord Lieutenant and the Counteae - ear, ofconnse', but tise general opinion in nember cf years te starve the evasive uitile was greaiel wîtb tisa heartiast enthnsiasm; tisatieha chances of meeting wlîh a ionrth rabis thet have leemneil te comitl their inleel, ne sncb ramankabît pageant bas touter are ncw inbinitasïmal. Tht unluecy depredations ai ter lare and pais tis ava. batu witnetsellu Dublin for yers. When girl le ltetrilsed as haiog of au amsiable sud iigbt heurs uindergrouund. Deep lutches tht procession tvas about hall way ibroueli sympathetit .lispositio, sud as being, wl-h tun-luIndpi-f ails have heen Iug Nassau tStreet tomte seven on tiglit hulrel - moreoer, cf very attractive appeaace. aroùnî square mites cf grunud stccrnmuuty cf tise people Intarvenal bsiwean tise lasi expausa,,sand as a lest rmitdy formser ofe i tuasatarriag,3s snd tise esceri sel 'Tht Pnincescf Wales, le eue of tisee -graînîsols have beau piaue wlth au m athel tise et citise way te tise Caste, ladies wise neyer taiet sny repose af ter innuiiticut weal kniown asahroons-fern Tbhis unpettîant eddeiuoostrstletiof loyal.- ihey are up sud dressaI for tisa day, sud ibsi wlli gt ase dry as tinder lu mil. ty teaa n lcemitig Lord Lieutenant, bleuI. who alwsys travel in s' boit uprigisi pesi. f somamer, sud wisan brel wîhl scoreis tise il wiîh tise cry cf IlCatI mille failibe" 50 tien, wih bonnet ce, no maîter isow long sgreunui 4 incissdeep, prtcluding tise beprtiiy claeral to 'or new kieng" sud tise journey. htislea ihait the Pnincea possbiliîy of tisai special ares afferdîng hie family, coul net but be regarde1 by acqusel as s girl,whn sieeasd lhem sisters sustenauce îo any suinsateil creature for thea Home Rule pariy witiste mestis.tit wera not allowel te becemfertahle fer fear ftise nexi îwelve mouise. tem fo'{olingt. ihay inigitsi poil their cloteilan sd make DESRUCIOL OFFIED MCE.The Earl cf Cadogan it lu hisealemaut in tisemeelves unnidy. Ecuomy of tise Most IiETRiOTtN C FELt itOL tht roetof gracieus severeigu, sol in ibis igil sort prevailel u inteÎamiîy, aveu tic 1 Guupowlar arguments avail but ittle, particular use Co.untets readily fcilowe positive licemior, but ont woull imagine seln experienco has proveil that ferrais, heer bushanîsa leal. Heretofere Lord a future qoatu coulil drop ie luxury 9 isowevar efftcaciout luea dry,rotky oountry, Lieutenants sud tîseir farnîltes bave net witheut tisa leasi effort, Tht Princees' Flislike te follow tht wiudingt cf a ceney. been lu tht habit cf patrcniztng home matn- lsIy-ie.waitisg isas a isard time cf it, as- tburrow in s waî, peaay scîl, lîke-tisai cf, ulactumars or Irisis tradesmen. i was ihein atiquette cornesands lher te asaiseet boit itise New Zealanl ferubrakes. Tise f armers cnetomi, as it le with tise weaitbi'ir tIses of uprighi snl keap lhem bonnet on, ne mattor EL have aise triail wholesae poisoniug and Irish gauarally, te de ail tiseir shopping iu bovs match tise seal under it may ache irons r aIvertised axienssveiy for au avaîlal h London. But tise Earl cf Cadoganando is hie s long jouneny. 0suggastioe,iu tise hope tisi ene inventive famiiy bave ileparied fmcm i ise mle, andl 4genios migisi bit upen a plan like Prof. îisey ara actuelly tpendieg thonsanîs of &"-or Over Fifty Years." YHirte raecîpe for tise destruction offbil pounîs iu Dublin lu ail sorts cf >useles i mica. Tisai receipt wass iundel upon tisethilug. And thare is ne teiling te wisat dliscovery cf a metisol for propagating a laugitistein enthusiasm for Irishs work aud For ovar fbfty yeas Mecs WINSLOW'S howal litase, hammlese te dogs and worksîsen îoay eventually leal îhem. SooTnneNG Svsuus' as beau usaI by mil. CI dornetit poultry, but promptly fatal tic l'Tis a Emilias ievestal large autos cf liens cf meti6ser for their chilîrtu whlle sil rodeisis. Like M. Pasteur in hie rnoney lu Irîis herses, tise Ceeue bhas been ueîisiug. If iisturbel ai Dnight sud hydrophobia nursery Prof, H. kepi a dont ovar by Irish woniemen, decoratel 1bY broken cf gour rosi by as ick chilI suf- i number cf îsice on haul 1cr tise purpese ef Inish artiste and fornnisald by Irishs uplîcîs- îeriug sud> crying Wîth pain of Cutîing :a voiving tht de iraI virus, which haittan tarare. Nor, satisfiel wiîb ibis, LodTtiselioneelgisb lec f Ihutl lti wteranl purl eertistiCadogan, sud hie eon-in'lsw, Lordl Lurgani, &"Mme Wieslow's Soothing Syrup'" for suices cf breail. Af tam being ihorouighly Whoo liechargest tIeluties cf Stat StewardCile etig h ilrlv h nr imprtguaied wlth tise microbe lIil tise have gene utheugti cf, paironizing a Ssck. Cide etig twl eiv h slces were driel and redutiel te sacamea ville treet, taîlon. Lordl Lungae, îamilismly poor uitile suffamer immediataiy. Depoud pewler, wbicn tht axperimeter acatitiednown in London as "Biily" Lurgan, ie a ipon itl,motisers, thoma e ic no staka about lu use neghhboelci oftisemousa Scies, lunJgreat pet withielic royal f amily. Indeal, h. It cures Dîarrhoeeragulatee the Stons. semas felle w hera thettuItrelents coun' no ont ever tîjinîrs cf entertainiug royalty scis sud Buswels, cures WîuI Colic, sof lent kgragatil like their larger relatives ie a wiîisouîaeking "Biîiy" and hie wiia, Lady thse (;umis, maInes Inflammation, sud ...prairie dog towii," tisa crmbs genaraily Tlny, te meot isem.' givos zone sud onergy te tht whole systens. i.s'uppearail within au heur, and the noxi At the Loulou clubs when lu hecarna " Mme. Winssicw't Sootbing, Syup ,',for morning tht grounil coul ho seau covenail known that tise fastidieus "Billy" Lurgan ciilîran îeething les pleeseut toe tasat wiîli tisa coptes sel micea tisu al been wae getting hie cloîhos in Sackeville stintansldeisa prescription of oua of tisa olleat Latiacietl wlth tise epilemit in the course ibane was mnc'h speculation aste wbeihe c f the nigisu, snl lef stteir bur"ews in tht hie would go tht laugih of carnying a, *r sel bnd berneais physicians sud nurses it asgony cf burcing thirsi. Ausiralis coul llahb, sud liscard brandy snd sels for tiseUntel Stas. Frite tweuty-.bva cents afodte psy $500,000 forsa spacific of tisait en a boutle. Sel by al Iruggieta ibrougisout e fsotnul h iea rzeofrsilge oen, H JUTS IDGNtht worll. Bo sure sol aek for leMRs, s o r ,b o ti s e r gh r l r i o d eisi i e e T Ei a l.sO A C SW I N S I O W 'S S o o v iTII I I o G S v cu p . " > 1, anagn. - -~--------'sd ler augiser are eqaly sacniilh _________ Progresof the Flying Machinie. Tisey have orderéti Irishs poplin dresses- 'lM inor d oes n t stata w eheî' h y tent Itlrdet'fUs Pr t 9cation. e Great srIdes have beau taietu witisi thethtie lirit ci Beleatig shales cf green-and 1'm very peaceîuîîy lesîgnal 9 lasi iwc yaans lu tise levaiopmaunt cf tisa tunnel ihemselves oter to tht mendies cf AnlIsdmraetepi 8pcweme cf uhe fbying machina. Hiram- Dublin Ireesmakers. Tbey bave alto pur. Yet somehîow always ar n lclinel clMxmmaintal ins atihe tan ucw lift 128 ciasel sud iproliglotsqusutitiers cf Irish Te shoot tise iheater issu. I Maximlace sud lintu tissutisera le mach specu. If pounds par horse-power ; but tisai wiiis latien as to wisai ihey intenî te do wiib s improvernants selon te ba maturaInea icoke lu. d te raîse ibis figure te 50 or 60 pounds, Mr, Gerahl Balfour, Lord Calogan's te Titis wonld enable a machine te take a chiaI secratamy, bas been tiouring tise se fl'gisi of 500 or 600 miles. In using bis country wiîh hie titiel wife, ecatiering 0 Fermictel machine Mm. Maxl.m will dispense- money ase hogeas. Hle alvocace tise i Baby was sick, we gave hem Casionsa, à witl' use nailwsy iracie ai prescrit used,anl erection cof publie buildings sud a lavisis 17 en isc vas aChild, sfe cried for Castoria. )a tsortnmo ver sa oderaialy lavel fbell expenlitore ce putble wenies fomtht pur. \ý- te n c .secaemties, t-ht clung teo ustomia. ýr wii gîve cîtougis vlecity te give uhe poea .ocigiviog employmant te Irits Wetesdhlrneitaebmatra -u macinîe is start. -As Ian et lanîing le wonkman. This, and tisa axtension ofWhuscadClreh gvtoaCsoi. 9 concernaI, very litile shecie will ho fait, parochiaI telf gevemumeni, woold, in hie 1as tîte striaI navigetor wili touci tise grounil opinio, prove s formidable enemy te homo il wiîile mcving fonward, sud the macitne ule.I ,y wîll ha bneught te mastiby lidi-unestithe Tisaneis mucis tslk of Iaveiopinga diffenant ae grounî for a short distance. %m, .fx.mpitoresque plia"s inthie EmeralIlehansd 1regards thie ai use only way te make a ctlariug tliarnte the Britishs tenrîst. Wiîh s succesef nI leeceni. If tht machine ware greater facilitias for travelling sud moe ;stoppadinb the air anl aliowtd te faîl comfori lu tiseisotels the Cadogan pariy io diretly tue arÈsnh wthcut advancirsg, hope te brîng loto the contry ae utile cof s8 tise shocie, as ha quiaîtly says, "iffough tieh mneytsiy-ryfntlews ,rs nctsîrong teugis te be langerons telle or Ncrwsy and tht Couîsoaîs'in urotit of 7lîmb, miglit bcE soicieut tedilearrange or pleasone. ts injure tise macioery." Stub Ends or TI'oUght. A report ircm tise baadquarters cf tised Th1 Cohen tusurgents et Pue rie Principe says rhe superlative egotiet le the indivilual tisai s specîilcomissieion hast draftel rh ivisobos fanît witis everyibing axcopi ceustitotîcem, that tisa Coban Bapublic bas e biseali. if an proclaimed, anl the Pratiden,. and Prosperîîy is onse of tise hinge we îon't bis Cabinet îuly elactel. , thinie we lave ut l e st h. Ed-ward, tise Saxon King of England, ýtissu -s desîgnatel uhe Confesser ou accounu e A man neyer tiiuis but once ihtao bis parsouial piaîy. Afian bis leatis lit r a weman's tempoen isn't loalel. wacaenzsolhessiajtaemu A eiu freshow gladliho was te star Abbey le stilli an jbject ci mveronco. C t set tise doctor, R-heu use lutter comaesOnce s yeam, cri the leasi day cf tht saint, ,, around wh a bill, star ha is wetise Cardinal aud Roman Caubolit preasose A fouiman in a noblaîssa's house 1in sud clergcf nlu r omtielte 1 ; E tt l s oid a ï s te s îfi ed in c o u ru ýI t ia i w h le ' a e a t i n i r A b y in p r o c e s i e n hbis uay was S2.50 hae recaiveil1 $3,000 a yaar solndbafîsme tise shrine ci St. Edwamd te - inl 'eps frein g_ýuelte cf tise famlliiy. hol ascsrvide of silant prayer. I ea er ne kirt eone RUIN -THEIR IMPORTERS. A fight,'pliable, elastic bone made *FOR GIVING from quills. If is soft andyieldi- llhtke-tetel'1tC tese&les-E5gitisanuconforming readily te folds, yet giving Th ugrlil naiitPageAFatal STYLE and S AP proper shape te Skirt or I)ress. Sparrows-Fetheiired ypsej4 The ooly Skirt Bone t&a aa s A few weeks ago the farmers of Weili ig. OwT h Celeburtd Fateb. ton, New Zeaiand, held a mnass meeting te Owtwthu nuy dev iee meaus for abating the rallbii plagllt Ladies' D resses res are corded-wi-ttîiIi and a ih cosecfaneffctai ebte For sale by lcading Dry Iloofis Deaiers. vented their disappointinent, by baruing 'len effigie" the fool who ruued 10,000,000t__________________________________________ acres cf good fat ming iands by introducîng theirrepressible rodenîts. The total damvage ~ R R8~~g3 ~ ~ l A Darlng Operation. cassed by the ravages cf the burrowiug S R RS SF RIE A D The firsi operatien fer the removal of "coules," as the colonists eau i hem, bas - the jugular was performed in India by an been estimated ai a sons far exceeding the LORD LIEUTENANT AND WIFE English surgeon, a Dr. Smith, on an East aggregate of al the Go5 erumneut and mu- SPENDING MONEY LIKE WATER. Indian, who had such a bad tuinor on bis nicipal taxes, yet it migbt be questiined if - neck ihai deaib was certain. To oui dowa the folly of iînporîing the litile Pe8s is 5Tisy,,,a;re 'uýeilalug frses. Laces. Sik and take out a piece cf the famous- cM velu was ïsimply a rasbi experimeut in which net exceeded by thai ni the emigrants who and tsio55s-Ttai~l tteiotitii5lit bib-i5 Dr. Smith himself had liitle confidence. saddled North America with the nuisance lini. ati4ltise New Tory PoliCy le tise As soon as the ces f is success was cf the English spaýrrw. Iu Great Britain, 1 ensatn or lise ltay.- distributed through ihe iniedical werld tise whee cule wee iredy ondby he The sagacious Esmi cf Cadogan bas seized vein immediately lest tome of ius great first Sýxon settlers, thei vrmlipia t opporiuuity, when the leaders cf the prestige aud the turlner of-the neck much lHrme Ruxon settierse hei ovemmUltimplica Hof its horror. Yen mray be sure ihat Dr. tieou is preveuted by the activity of foxes o8eRl atywr lnig lesle mîrh did nouitel1 luIdian what ha was and uawks, andi wouid have required ail bY the dus't cf political squabhling, te lu- about te do or thu peor fellow would the sagacity of a naturalist like Darwin te snuate bis peiicy in is most attractive prohably have died cf frighî on the po foresee the ceusequeuces of carrying the fomm.- Tbe Tory pil1whlch bas always ftheugnrar a tve seao f ail he Bu pets oi sporî..lovieg youegsters te a land sul nIihirat a ils odatht prestige of tht jugular bas received where the onîy native mammals wrrasplatable sugar-coating in tht thouauds cf even a greaier hblew. A few weeks ago in aud ires opossums. Tise mtscblief casdputds which the new Lord Lieutenant a case cf inflammatiou cf both sides eft he bv, ý± sma.l relatves of the hare in West, and bie staff are squandering lu Ireland. 'wails cf the necle aud the resultiig diseas e -- - f d 1-t ,aâr itsJg4 n cltetgseaôn