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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Oct 1895, p. 5

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DElTROIT, = 1890. CHICAGO, = 1892. New York, = 1892. OUR OPTICIAN HIolds Diplomas from the above three leading Optical Colleges of America dated as above and we would respect- fuly remind the public that our experience in fitting sDectacles for large dealers Hiamilton, Peterborough, 0Owen Sound, and other towns and cities in Canada during the past five years, has given uis an exp erience that could not be gained in a life time in a town the size of Bow- mnanville. This Experience Costs You Nothing. If your eyes trouble you we will be pleased to testý your siglit free of charge ,and as we have a larger stock of Spectacles than all other dealers in town combined, we are in a position to give bargains ini ail hues and gularantee satisfaction. There is 'OnIy One 'Optician in this County who is a post ,graduate. Consuit hirn free Ao charge at 31 OTT & JURYS. Bow-i\IAI VILLE. BOV,,"NVILLE, OCT. 16, 1895. Local and Otherwise. Warins uvercuats'foi tld wtather. Read the big-gest adv't on frst page. W~e will malete ierce reductions for ~cash. Ellison & Co. Some goods wil bc sold at auction :prices. Ellson & Co. G. T. R. agents îîîust cease taking Amnerican silver at par. W e a re f o rcing sales at d esperately low pricesELlisn & Co. THE STATESMAN and Weekly Globe for balance of 1895 for 25c. We have had xery beautiful Autumn weather the past fortnight. Our ready made clothing %vîll be solet ut aýny sacrifice. Ellison & Co. Dress Goods, Clothing, Cloakings, and 11ianiîels will be offered especially cheap. Ellison & Co. We have some genuine bargains for you, cati and examine our stock. May- -nard the Jewelier. We would advise ail who want to buy -rirstclass goocis at a small profit to eall oni Maynard the Jeweller. Leave your orders for stove repairs and ail repairs for Happy Thought Range kept on bnnd a t Dustan & Hoars. Grain c rusher ýroilers reCul and put iii order, crushers for sale, straw cutters Tepaircd ut East Enîd Foandrv, Bow- llanville. 41-2w. A beautiful sideboard, Dining Table, 66 . O.0. F. las-t Wednesday nigt Br.A. Mthlgave a verycompreh---- -,ive anmi interesting report of thse pro- eeiosof the anniual meeting of the Gr-andodl at ilamilton, sup;ploînent ed( b)\ Bro(. G eo. E. MaYnard, co-delegate f or 1--which tlsev -were gîven a very hearty vote of thanýks. Full attendance re- qluies tet at to-night's meeting. Heal Bros.--Cash Grocers. Fresis Sardines at Heal Bros', only 6c a can. The welcoma dollars will be apprec- iateti. Ellison & Co. The verv newest goods wiil bo siauglit- ered. Ellison & CO. Heal Bros are paying 13 cts a dozen for eggs this week. Indian, Ceyion and China Tous, great va iue at Mnrdoch's. THE STATESMAX and Weekly Globe balance of 1895 for 25c. Several new bonnets were ln evidence at the churches Sunduy. Pears, Butter and Eggs waîsteti. Sea The Mason Co's adv't. Grocer's Due Bills takon as Cash at Couch, Johuston & Cryderman's. The Presbyterian churcli at Baltimo- re is to be.repaired anti renovateti. Coffeos roasteti on the promises,always fresh anti hast lu town, ut Murdoch's. We ask our olti customers to mention the sale to their friands. Ellison & Ce. The very newest gootis will be subjeet to 20/, discount for cash. Ellison & Co. Ladies' Waterproofs of ail kiuds sellinlg off ut cost price at Couch, Johuston & Crvderman's. Steamer Norths King wili make lier last trip to Charlotte for this seuson on Saturdav, Oct. 19. Heul Bros. have just received a nice uine of biscuits which they are offering ut very lIow prices, AIl orders for stove pipiîsg and fur- nace work attentiedti by compatent men at Dustan & lloar's. Concis, Jolinston & Cryderman are showing a iovely stock of high class goods ut very moderate prices. Cal and sece them. A reward of $10.00 will be paid for in- formation tisat wiil leati to the conviction of tise party that poisoneti H. Wiicox's Round. J. B. MARTYsN. The Willing workers of, St. John's Church will give a grand concert Than- ksgivinoe iloht, Nov 21, lu tise Town Hall. Parti'cui'ars later, If you want 1 sece the bio.oest and choîcest stock of strictiy new 15r Goods to be found ln tisese counties eall ut Couch, Johuston & Cryderman's. We have been lu business fourteen years and we fail te find any to say that we miisrepresented anything ive seli, we are stili going to stay with you we are not here for a litIle wiile. Ïlaylnard the Jeweller EXCURSION ToO joTO.-Tîse Ladies Aid of St Pau's churcis, Bowinanville, will rua a chaap excursion by G. T. R. 10 Toronîto from al stations between Cobourg anti Whitby, lîslusive,' on Thursdayv nd Friday Nov. 7 andt 8. Particulars later. Tihe people of this siciîitywill do well to reunember tisat T. N. Riekard, Bow- mianvilie's experienceti Opticiaîs, bas bees ins businsess lu that town for about three years anti came before tise pusblie ut tisat time witls five vears' experieisce in a large city is testing tise eye. Think wiat tht ineans. Court Pride of Ontario No. 6000 uili o'e- a swiial evening la the Foresters' h5all this Wednesday eveniag from 8 to 10 o'clockiý. Admission is by inv itation. Ais efficient committea have the program is chargee onîposeti of Bros. Jno. Bab- cock, C.R., T. H. Spry, W. Painton, Geo. E. Maynard, andJý. N. MeDougali. Wednesday and Suturdny the Sami- WeeklY Spectator is publis ised. To most post offices this is isearis- as gooti as a D aily Papar while the puice is only $1. per year. If you subscribe NOW for- 189") wî'will coud the b alante' of this year FREE OF CHARGE. Tise enriier vois subseribe the more yen gel for vour $1.00. Sampie copies frýe on application. Address: SECATOR PsRs-rNG oRm ilton, Canada.1 42-3w. It is net generally known tisat ut last session of the Legisiature an net was passeti,which is now lu force provid-, ing tisat where the husband dies witis- ont a will with property wortis less tîsan $1,000 everytliing, goes te bis widow. 'Wiere ho dies with more tisan 81,000,, in the administration ,thie widow wil get $1,000 anyw-ay. Thus a widow will no loneer be made te sufer througls ber iýsband's carelessness in net muking a ivili. Mr. R. D. Stanley, Toronto, Inspeet- or cf agents, for theé United States Life Insurance Ce., was in town on Mendav is tise interest of lus eosnpany. Under the "extension clause" of tise. United Sta tes Life policies, tise full risk is car- ried by the cempanýy during as ]ong- a period us tIse 'Reserve Value" of the policy will suffice for. If a dcatli occurs durinïg this periodth ie famils- is indem- nified bs- the Company. Mr. GeorIge Sisurtîciff is agenît for' Durham. See ativt. on inside page. Tise annual lection of officers of Curling Club w-as held lu tise Couceil Cisamber Friday night and 1 resulteti as follows: Patron-R. Beitis, M._P, Put- be liroacisoti li.v Res. T. B. Hy de, cf Nortisera Con-re.gational clîsrcis Toronto, after wfiicl tise oficors will l'o electeti for the comiug -year, lu tise nflerîsooss, com]meucing aI 2 o'clock -ýro- ilert3 wl ho givoîs as to tise state cf bue work, antiatidrosses will ho delivereti by Bey. E. E. Braithwuite, cf St Louis anti Res-. W. Joisuston, of Toronto. Ins thse evaning ut 7:3ais address will ho delivereti by the retiriss Pr-esident,, 1ev. Dr. Sýims cf Toronto. Ilara insiteti. CU'hlldren Cry for Soem nportant now adtvs. in this issue. Mr. Finkia wants a few car-loatis of apples. See udvt. Our prime objeet is to rmise money qnickly. Ellisen & Ce. Goods loft from lust seuson wili go ut huif price. Ellison & Ce. Ladies Jackets and Maîsties ut speciai reductions. Ellisen & Ce. Our clseap sale ýricés will be the low- est in 20 yeurs. Ellison & Ce. Winter wiil soosi ho upon us. Gel your furs reatiy. Sec Mayer's udvt., Present prices cf Tweeds anti Cloths wiil astoiis our custoîners. Ellison & Co. Ras-. J. Dinnick, of Toronto will preacis in Trinity churcis ou Sunday next. Produce- taken ut The Muson Co's. Prices are atisancing. Sea ads-t. is this pupor. If yen have a nice lot cf fresis eggs sali thom 10 Tise Muson Co anti gel very top prica. The big' cern crop in tise West seenîs te have knockad down perk te s-ery low prices. Reliabie, huntiy mai10 rent house neur centre et towa will ho gis-en werk for rant. Sec advt. Hay lias beais seling ut C. P. R. anti G. T. R. stations ut $8. to $10; anti olti hay anti clos-or ut $7 te 87.50. The lutest prices raportid for cheese ut Broeks-ille w as 81, to 81. lu some parts us higis as 81 . lhas been paid. 20 Boy's Suits cearing ut $1 .00 par su- it; tisese wsli fit ho ys trous 4 10 10 yrs. Coine quick. See Tise Masoîs Co's ativ't. Dustan & Hoar lhas-e fis-e tilferent vaieties of Ranges te select from n - clnding the celebruted Happy Tisongit Range. Nais-Gôoots, New Goods, New Goods, New Ulsters, New Suits, New Manties. Cali anti aiiow us te show -oodis. TIse Mason Ce. Master Xiiie Wilson sang twe Tosengs aise encores, ansd lhamust ank umong tise first boy singers of Canada, his higîs register being particularly sw cet-To- roato Globe. Tise United States will have a large surplus cf Wirsler upples te sisip luis season. About 9000 bbis. of applas ivare shippeti from -Moitreal le Eisgiand last week ais th ie samne aumber loft New Y ork tise pros-ions week. Ras-. J. W. Cooiay anti bride speat tise week-anti ut Mr. R. H. Tnrner's on their returin from Quebee. Tise SI. Gooecorrespenuce is tise Brant- Cfor d ~positor sus-s: "ies-. J. W. Cool- ay, tihe able pastor of tise Metisodist clîsrcis, was miarrieti oa Tuosdny cf lat week 10 Miss Borland of Boinans-ilie, tise eeremnons'cbeing pertorîsietiby 1ev. Mr. Purkzer. Il isati been rumereti for saveralsi w odes tliaItishe res-erenti dis-lne -%vas about to leati seme fuir one 1tisah atur, y et lus issesi inîlînute friands titi isot appeur ta know hs-' le ts forîrînate lady wsas ur wiensutise hnppy es-eut wouid taise place. It w as muost oppor- tune tisen Ihaltishe Ladies' Aid Society shouid have seen filleo put lte lînsoîs age in sacis excellent order at tîsis time with new pantsing, paperiîsg, carpetisg anti adding uis- furaiture aise. Mr. Cooley anti his bride, wlic aren iows speuidirug tiseir lionevimoon ut Montreul andt poinîts efst, wili recels-a a is-urm woicesne frein lus mns- triisinl tise churcli andi ouI of it 055 leir refurn, wis-isil is expe ted in a fois-dus-s. " Mrs.- Cooiey's mniiy tfrientis is Bo-wimanville anti sicinity wisis lier es-dry pleasure anti iappiîîess ilier nais-spisere. Bicycle Roail Rate. Tise most excitiîsg local es-ent to wlîeeîîsîaî cause off isere Moisday os-en- in- betwes 4 and'i5 o'cieck, beiug a 1-asile hiandilcap roati race, fronstise intersection cf Kin.- anti Temperaîsce- streets,' hore, le tise Windsor Hotel ceor- ner, Newcastlie, ansd roînun. Tise coin- mnittea cf arrangements -onsisteti of R. D. Daitison, presitesil of tise Boi-ai- ville Bics-cle CIul,starler; -zCari B. Kent" captaiui; F. Masoîs, handicapper, anti E. M. Byrne, tiluekeeper; Alii Williamîs, refereeaaItishe Windsor turîs. Tiseorder iu wiiistIse coeptitors finisîseti ias as foilows, tise figures indilcute the lime in minsutes anti seconds:- Albert Concis, 87.08; Manley R. Cr.,'- dermaîî. 89.05; Oliseila Muson, 46.50; Garnet Troi-, 40.55; Ncrman S. B. James 48.50; RoisI Beitis, 88.5u; Malcolm Galbraiths, 81.110; JohnîsHorn, 42.01; G. MclClelian,40.14;,John Rice, 42.00; Frank Garrett, 41.10; M. Adams, 40.50; Fred W. Concis, 47.20; Franks C. Petlslck, 86.35; dcliii Yaiiowiees, 41.35; Fred Osborne, 41.20); J. Howard MeMurtry, 89.110; Morley Cuis-er, 48.11; Fred Kydd, 41.15; Norma Plumber,48.30; Tise tw'o speciai prives fer tise hast time were w on bv Malcolm Galbsraith anti F. C. Petiik. Two of tise prize winnors, Otiso Masen anti Nornian Jaîsses, are onlly 13 yeurs of ugo. Tise ronds wera isot lu very goti condition., cf Aiit:îiracite coul, on aîiid aller Nos-. IsI tise undersi-iselI iili sicoul t tisa fios I"sifiuret: At b1arber, $1.5) îper bois; teivseredt teMIl1 partsof Town$ý,1.9j pare'l ton. Up t' hi t itte ail ordard ae- coropunieti by (J-ssi isili ha fille I ut cur- roit lîrices, nit a rebute cf 25e per ton Nove-nebr rates wili hea sloi-ed ou al stccousf seîlled i duriisg ('utober. ' Nerc[,r,AN & CO. Bowsmanvilie, Oct. 8, 1895. PItclier's Castoria. COLD- DAY COAT t0 keep you warn. Whlate it good for but to warm you? Ours lias good appýearance, too. LA srac au fur bias more thau doub)led lu prie the last few moiulus -stili dauîg It l iug searce-soou Le a novelty. Best ladies of Europe wear if-lu States, too. We offer a fiue coar with ful sleeves and flowiug4sklfrt, large eollar and revers, for, $55. Sme lowV as t5 Gauntlets, Gloves and Muifs to match, W. & D. DINEEN, COR. KING AND YONGE STS.,TORONTO. Âpp1es Wanted I wil huy a quantity of apples suitable for evaporating and also tels carloads of eider aules if promnply delivered at G. T. R. Station, Bowinvilie. 42-2w. . R. FINKLE. Manitoba Flour. The undersigîîed kecp constantlv on hand for sale, cash onl.v.1 pure Manitoba No. 1 ilard Wheat Flour; also best pastry flour. Barrel Sait for sale. 42-tf LOCKHART BROS. Bowmanville and i Newcastle. PERSONALS. Its Ail Talk.., Mluch of the Bargain Advertisements of the time is pure sham. You wilh save far more money in a year by dealing wit.h a reliable house that studies your needs, than by investing in catch penny mark doWn. We Believe that our system of doing business is appreciated from the fact that our trade has steadily increased. We buy the best goods the market affords, for cash, and cau therefore save you money by dealing with us. We are showing a fin e hue of canuedl goods. Campers will 1-ake a note of this. Telephone connection, Goods delivered promptly to any part of the tcuwn. CAWKER & TAIT. BomWMANVILLE. Es-ery mais anti boy neading- an o-arc- cent sisouiti not fail to reati Concis Johuston & Crytierman's advt. on flrst page. At tise Bowmaus-ilie Gun Clnb's week- ly shunot ou Saturday ut 30 yards lise followin- score was matie ut 12 lis-e nia-ons each : Jas. Manrn 1, l*iex Mr. s-boa. Patersoon iîs returned Irons a vslit Cisilie, 10; A. Bennett, 9;' W. Mors- at Toronto. Mfiss Anuie Belunsait uias returîseihionie Irons baud, 9 ; W. H. Dustaîs 7 - E. Osbornse, Bayonneî, N. J. 6. Tise Hanîlitons ules'gos-enset. Mca. M. Porterîlbas returnedfifons visiting Attise Free Methotiist burvastTisaîks- friciids at Peferlîcro. giving- ut Stratloa, Cornwall, Mr. J. B. Miss Harvey of Hamniltonî, lias beeri gucat lutBigtofHss-rsypaceilalro Mr. B1. Allons Horsey sf. fig' fHlwrh rahdt ag Mrs. M. Bock lias returned from Detroit, Mieus., cosîg,,reg-atien. Tise cisapel ivus beauti- where she was visibîîîg anunit. f uiiy tecomateti isitis choîce fruit, s-ega- Mes. Graî'ely oI Cornwvall, Ont., lias beeîî tables, cern (grains) anti flowers unser guest cf Mes. J. Medlaiid, Liberfy st. tise superntandence ot Miss M. Traieen Mcr. anid Mes. Jas. Kiuiglît aud Miss Jeasie -Exeter Western Tusses, Oct. 4. Riiiglit are visitiiîg Iieiics at Barrie. Me. J. I. Allun of Oroîîo la tresident cf btie Ilpon "Sosîse Problaîns efthbie An-e" Medical Soeiety cf Trlîîity Medtcal College. tiesdyke.FW arr enc 11ev. C. Parker was ut Cobourg yeaterday ut- Canterbusry, lu tise North Aimerican Re- tendîg a ïneefing cf the Missioît Coinm-ittce. iqfo Ocbe bstw ca fu an 11ev. W. Linibeetnt i wle cf Lakofiold hlas-e cu o coe eli- aeu î lîesi gucats cf Mr. John tOsbornîe, Lauke Siew. tisoughtfrsl freatîssest. 'A peculiar inter Mr. J. Ifigglinhîothi lias lîeintot Milton snd est attachsos itslsatole bis nrliclait heisîg preachîcd iii tIe Mefiiodist citiecli, Suuday Oct, tise f;irst isiittoîs hy his for publication 6th., sinco lus ols-ulion te lis new diguity. Mfr. Thios. Jeffeey cf The Globie staff ivît oiLs been s îsiting Air. JluiînBiisseus gaie iii a caul laf wcek. Durhsam Teachers. Mr. S. Washtington ias scizes-wi hi a fit on Sulida jmorjiing week wuiehi prostrafed hlm 10or Tise anuîn meeting of thes Dssrhsam Mfr. M. W. ila, proprietor etfflic Cjuoueg,, Teacisers' Associatioîn wili ho helt iun tise -\or-Id, favoreciTîîESrArEsiiAN wifia frateeniialHigis Sciseel building, Bow'mans-iiie, on caSh ast weele. -Fridas- nd ast racoer2 6 Ml e. eici Gale, pliblishter cf thse Couuorne StriyObbr2 ut 6 Elîferprise. ueeoiianicîl by lls ie, apeîît sii dlay wîtlî liis înotlier, Mes. 51ev.) Jacob soitinEtrtiiet 3f n. (1,',v.) Jouhn Johnîs cf New Yoek wh lilasTeasrsAsoitnEtetnse . lieei gueatcf 3rs.J. Pin chi, let t for, ioie Frlt-la' g'eatly ple,,ased îith lier short visif iii Bowliiian_ On Friday es-dniîsg, Oclober 25fb, NMT. v1ille. Grenville P. Klier wlii gis-e ais enter- Mtc. Jolin 3lasoiî cf Devoîipert, U i.,ssited lisi îaimnu t is e Toss-nHall, eoissisliin- niotier, Ma.S. 3as -i, Kiîîg St., lait week on Iliii way hoe roili Bostonî, Mass., whiere ili a, of persenation cf cisaracters frein IDasid placetS lis daugiter ut college. Copperfiait. Master Wiilie Wilsosn,thic Felendas 1ieoof fr. Kiin 3lorrsonî iiuli b.e de r seusris- vsoprano, lias beau an- pleaed tb lcariui tb e lias sectîred aalîhiendid - ounedtotesin"- u t tise ee- etran sifustinl s rajîcoad Clerk oii fue L. and -N. ung neri- Eaihsvay, Flonîatouî, Alabausia. ment. Aissisons te uny part ofthtie 51ev. C. Parker preaeuued for Rev. J. Kiîîes, in hall, 25c. Doors epen ut 7:30; prograi Simcoe sf., M1etbodisft huurclu, Oshawa, oui suis- te beglîs ut 8 oci ock. dav nIorug. i(ev. W. . Jouliue uueuthîe c sthod- ist pulpit bere 'witb miuoliaceeptauce. Mr. Tlios. 5-bar is home f rom is long touîr to Califorula aund otiier parts uf' the Great West, after au absence of about eigit inouilis. Ho lad a deliglif fi f ripasud enjoyed tle Iîos1,taljty of mauy 01(1 aequaiitauces. Messrs. E. G. Downve, W. Carin, andl Noriau Hall lias gone to Chîcago College of Dentfal Surgery. MrDomviey is 011 is sýeco]d yar. Wie wisi licîiii suecess andt shail expeet tliern iahl t0 mnako tieir mark lu Ibeir ebosen professin. Rex-. C. Parker preacheil ou "Noali andthe li Floodi" 10 a large ooigregatioiî Suîiday iiiglif. Next Suiiday lie gues to Burketon bis work liere iîeiig liertormed by 1ev, J. S. Clarke of Oshiawa lu thîe moruiiîg anîd 5ev. S. G. Rorke of Eîîuis- killeîi St iiglit. We liait a eall froin Mr. C. If. Kîipp, mnager of tLe Guy Bi-os' Misti-els oit Friday. H1e as- sures us thai (the eîtertaiîîuîout fuis seasoita lî'igliter andI bettor tIbm ever. The animial visit 0fOeGyBros' is always weleoiiie and iliir loîula=fy aîlîot laiS f0 ouîmaîîd a full bouse to-uiorrow, (Tlîursday) niglit. Mr. T. M. Faiibairiî,scooiid soin of Posluiast,'î' Fairbairii, wlio lias been rustieafiiîg iii Muskoka for lus lîcalili bas gone to Los Anîgeles Cal, lor the wintei ili the hotte of buildinîg i hîs stroi.gtli. Mr. Clareuce Burk, son outhfli late E. G. Bark. Esq., aeooinpaieis liiuîi. Tlîey m,111 visit MeIs. Cuwitt at Minnueapolis, 3&iiii, ou the way. RAM LA-iMBS.-A fais very chioea pure lîrcd Cotswold Rai ambs insi ud slîearl- inga foc sale chiea5i. Gio. GuAi. Noistonvilue, BORN. EWLLoui.-III Clarke oui Oct. 8, the ivife nI Mr. Ws. E. Jeveui of a datîgltec. QiLŽ-iîNewcastue, Oct. 3ed, thie wife of Thuos. Quiiilaii, of a daughter. SLL CF,,.-Iii Bý'iîvmauvhhivle, ou Oct. 9th thte sife cf Mr. Harry Siote cf a seul. MARRiED. FAunes- JACKsON*- Jo Belluuny, Sept. 2.5thî, ai the rusideiiýe offlihe brife's luthier, Thuomas Farice and Riza, yoîuuîgest dauglifer of Mr. John Jaeksoîî, alof Manvers. LoCKHAirT STARIL-At flic resideîceocf fhie brithos fatuier, >Strkvilb.>, Oct. 2uud, by 51ev. Mr. McLeno, aMr. Weluigtct Lockhart, cf New- souiîlue anid Annie, seconud daughtcr cf Jas. Stark, Estq. iiLBur î-Qi Av.-At St. Geor-ges Anuglican chîurthî, Toronuto, oui tle9fthluof Oct., l'y thé eRc- toc, 5ev. John li. Cayley, Heleui J.Qîyol dauglîfer of Wiîi. Quay, Esq.. of PortHoesut FrankkHow ard Kilbcsîruu, eiof euiSounîd îs-rannyBA-els-. At Crown Hill Fions, fluhe Wall Papen. We have just receiv- ed our Fai Stock of Wall Papers and they are very cheap and pretty. Cati and see themn if you intend paperi ng. Boi-,v-iÂVILLE.- JA4RIAGE LICENSES issueti by D~RESSMAKING toue b iss Murlsa. I.~Peste, Cor. Kinîg anîdOf cstc. pl 00F SLATING.-C. L. Munisen, tL Bowmani ue, 5151er, Fect anCd(,ravcl 5Roof- uic. I syr. 1?OR SALE CHEAP.-An eutrnd Lîide bar fop uyinuiir uOt v sSs i1der, Apply te J. Pinzcy, Bow'nsuiiltle. 42-tf. M AN WANTED.-Reliabie w'orking inLii n o relit amahl lîouse ner cecntre cf tnw n. Cao îîay relit mnstly lus worlk. Apply to The 15f soui Co. 41 tf. TIARWORK.-Ladies îvishing isair ..L duoscuhuMi.Dî'eszKing steet, W., Bow maîîvîlle. 28-tf. _T-ýO OU WANT ARHOME-If vcu do 'J..,Fapply te T. BIzNG AM foc a isice solfd brick cottage cltoap and on csasy ferais. 35 If. M/ USIC-MJSS MABEL TAIT is pre- pJLîared f0 beachlifusie on OrgaîtPiano or W\ho tees not rciie ofe n fie urîcbiri iuue'iis t'uuIiî-itay--'---'---' ' -- oet. 211(., 1895, by 11ev. H. I Alu f Colt Iuils, o' ile w rppv eieie knew wemen aud Mr. H. Fletelier Werey o ni uîyside Facuis, young girls who are Eastf init aîdMitsRose Gruc te edlBs E I D beI ,,1I .1oadIle r$, Cre en er continually lu tears? daiîgîter-of NMc.\i-iani Bafty, Foie. G Ni.laer, $2,5. Wlihester Who always see the URipeg2.R eles, $14. lbest taris site? Who DIED. U fr rela oodR efrcat.logues, -~ have frequent fila Mire'uat,î.-At Brocez Roud îshithîy, tc wife W OYD & SON, MONTRUAL. of meanchly wth- 'f N\m. 'Mitchell, in iber lOtît ycae. of melnchoiywills- F)sw.-Iii Haciwoui, Sepît. refui, Lewis Hanl- ront any apparent soifi Drus-, aged 6u yCyu S. ARM FOR SALE-A fbst class furm cause? Bultîshere MtCalti.fu usassq seul. 211h, Jau's Lofi123 mires or 15.îacres situatef il)i the is a cause. It is le Josepli McCoimcaft 4'yeais.s-wihiotRaWufysfcnlts5uit bc founti by thisl- Cn-uuî. t13Cw Avenue,'s-croîit', 16 ,OithfiscBase Line, abouts? i fles fmoin si îaîva telligent physician in semne decangement' Oct. nid, Jaile C.11ni3bell, leloved itie c, joli ' station, 2 nileîs frein \\Wbithîy anud 6G ioda ieoui Aiudiîs.iî, tornueruy of \s-ittiy. tlie sohocu iolsi. Larei-rociy builiîiii. in of tise complîcaleti and tiehlEcch, ctfSti une Hrj, iebaris )5x3idfi. -ieti'cfrusohu Cuay Soain, ah- ofgneaie.Tiewea wo HoatN.- aurla , t tAnncCe33 ornc-tozether Oob6ftlieo Sîcît grain farms on bbc Lake organs o eeatolTe onnw os-1,,,dî'îl of Wîi ris, 8 er. Shîore; no histansd Stones. About 10 acres cf half untieralantis herseif, fées that she nu uusuc.T- Icar Lononî, Onst., Jauîe Duhop, Wood, 75 csocinla hasture anti Ireshi selcîil. canuot always be complaining; se eau- -licoleiioas11-uat, andC foriteruvrecusitcf s-crnis cauîy; flrat; puoscî-cdoue. For loi ther net always lias-e tise doclor in lise bouse. s-hoîtas Colons, Pickerinig, iii lier 845th - ieiars pphy 10 A ANNis. OSliVsu'a371tf. Thse yng girl sufers, botiuly ant i en- SL'ut.IiClueke, oui Oet. 5thiluearra_______ tahy, in silence. Tise trouble usuaily MMlaiieoxe -Ic lia-dSevsi g coules se gratiually il is attrîbutedti eo 1i. L lîuîoiNi~~- IautnOct. 12, JanletIVL', semai oulside cause. Tisane la untue puîsuîîî, bhîon-d iie cf 3fr. E. B. Crydeetuisu, i sute o C edto s weariuess, uniexpectet pain, unreusen- lier 5fthi yer. able leurs anti fils o e laper. Ail tisese PxYlusof.l Por-t Hopie, on, Oct. l2fli, s'eS oimnes are simply pretests cf tish~ e a2)YcIsaandIio tusî, S. %V. l'otesoui, cucîct lit ftie matter of t/i Estcte ofsanpson nerve. Tis trou l of otStanleoy Patersoni, Es(I., cfflute Midan( lFrayl lai>' (f t cthl - fc sunt ong-suifecing nre.Te rul rs-ut CO. shows luntiark circles helew lise eyes, a Clarkce, zîute icutnt y cf Duiant, downwact cnrs-e oethlie monlis, a suliow, 1'iuîr e1 .el brownisis-yelew neck. I anedeesd Unregartiedthlie trouble grows. A -BOWMANVILLE MARRETS. Piý1,lto;ýtoVflýpfllnRvs few years of tortured inivalidismr, prohuhly PussîiîoScin1 n hatr 1 eîe insanily, before nmerciful deathi counes. cireebjMNrreeyuan Saue fCsal 57ailîcidîmensoîîsfbreto, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription itise îiîe t shcecby gis aonlthat a'lie u'dfthe fruit cf years cf study. lit is tise protutF.da 0 h....2O1 7 ~ îaîi .O "unitu,'i al o i ue ofan iavesîigaîing mind uniled i wju a \\'sî AT, Faîl, old I> bush. 0 00 il Irl r inn lu hoiîi> dyf e A .ler AD., Il new biLsh. 0 00 O 60 i55.13 are hsi'rel)y re 'iiuîiec o deiveratchilicfe., generous nature. \Vhieu aunintelligent --- ) ii" treit , Boss nîî,iviulo, ont;., or senlt'y s .5 persea gis-es years of slutiy te a subject (le1)., rpshf fs ~ueituohsh s csjo o there mnuat be sorte gootiresuit. Tise î 0,uO6 uuiiFayiu--jiilRt-ad he x'i Favorite Prescription "is acomrponust eoî "ni ii' i us-ilaidtesixth it f aoidcîa of extrada cof hîerbs tisatiniaises a BARtEs, P bh, 1No. 1 .0 O>O 0 eýîu""e"' 'tl. 1..selenut cf t'i'îlîeb strengusening, sooîingmeticîuse. îî acta fi l t'l2X.. 1)or>Wluo "SiiaCrs-saiiuîineii'iol-iesciî directly upon tise distîuctly femianine 2 -. 10 5 î'e 18 îrt e s' an.s7Ilatarlîy iel sid orgas. Il stops drains from îiaîusg i o is- e e-0e OSu rI) 13ixtit uS -s cf Nos , A. lD., ]5f,5 theî' 'ai1 membranes by bealing diseuseti parts, OATS-,i iiite .......0)j tO 1es.ecut ires wili )e sce i t, iStslrilite the a'cýts nO tisereby curing as h lfinaatien ' laixet i oo 'O 2nlc suCc ard ui ,iflic fiiteia eiilof ahso tise ,~~~~~~~ iSîreto 5liq,îîîg renad ouy f lu hiii0 tisat is alxvays present. 'l E 0........O0 0 O45 svhhehî uneIc shlî I ciivegi s i i o lo t '1 wassilua eriical condi tion. OdIeu 1 was 1linBU"cWEAsT i .. O0 0 0 M3reiiýuee îDîý,d f1îe ecooutniocf satd di' casefl wIsli despair. Iexpecielefiagreat inipeovement tuy [EAS,, Bi>sckeye, P5-busis . Q00 0 O57 îlothelaîefrluisfsoraylîffirc u takingonue bottle of Dr. Pierce'i Favorite Pro- fi MLuissines- fi 00 0 55o . st i-C ibY thiin to any lesr oceersoiua cf sciption. I1 bave takon six hottles, sud t amn Il sali, t 0 O00 fi O 5-J baC uîofio sure that it wiih not uniy cure uiceration but a> h diseuses cf feunahes." s-ours îruhy, '0Bia, l 0 t O55 J. K. GALB11AÎTH, BP-riaie ,le'.t table, P 111. 0 12' il o 18 Sihhlcltoi- for Exeeutoi*a, '(u. to------- JOr IDtf I ouaJsuelh Bosvinaiivihue Ont. Neapolis, Virginiha. POs-AsonS, bush.. ......0J00Oif 15ber A.!'P.,te1t9,5.

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