Sick Readache and relieve ail the troubleti meI. dlent to a blijons state of the systemn, such as lflzziness, Nauisea. Drows1ness, fiLîsress after ealing Pai'n M the Bide, &c. While their most r..narkbl success bas been shown in curmng Hjeadacbs yet CARTER ss LITTLII LivEEa PIaI rt equaliy valuable in Constipation, curiný an ipreveating tis annoying comlaint, ,vhil< thsy also corret ail disordeî s of the stomacli stinulate the hyver and regulate the bowels LTIven it ibey only cured Ache tbey would be almnOFs-i piceleffl te thOSe who suifer from this distPessing comnpaint' b4t fortueately tbeir 9Qcodness does flot end berse, and those who cqnce try them wi find these little pis valuable in soo many w.iys tha ~iU lo ne wil ng to do vithout theun. teail sicl< eAd 15 the bane cf semany lives tbat here lewhiere we make cur great boast. Our pille cure t w4ile others do flot. CÀarau's LTTLE LivEra PILLS are VerY SM11I atnd very easy to take. One or two pis ioake a5 dose. They are rtrictly vegetable and do net gripe or purge, but by their gentle action Z [oase a l --ho use them. In vials ai 25 cents; ve or '4. Sold everywbere, or sent by Mail. CÂIIMZ3 MlDICISli CO., liuw York. 0F CANADA. taIsltal pald UV. si,OeO,ooo.aest, $60),000 This B3ank is preparod to de Legliti- mate Banking in ail its branches. l3armer's notes dîscounted ; Depesits received andi Interest paiti on accounits, of $5 and upwards in SaviùgFi Bank Departinent. DUne Aa DRAFrS lec adColleoiens madie in Europe Unitedi States, and Canada. W. J. JON-ES, FOR TWENTY-FIVE VEARS TI.IE.OKSBEST FRIEND -LAROEST SALE IN CANADA. ONTARIO BANK continues te do a Generai Banlcing Business Bo>wnianville.Ageacy. DEPOSITS reeleilc in Savings Bank Department and on cal Ian tiinterest allowed ai encrent rates, Ne notice et withdramal necessary. Ail deposits xwryable on demand, EXCIIiNGE B ugb tend soiti andi Drafts issueti npon Europe Uniied States sud Canada, aseGold,SivAerand lie teitates Green bactshouzht andi solti. COLLECTIONS Pr tnptly madie ai crentirates upon ail part of 9reai Brittain. the United States anti the V)o rninion offOanada. Tegeraph Tratisrers M1adle for large or small snms on ail pari of Canada. This [a especialiy advantigeoui ta per..ols living in Maniloba or the Northiwest1, itnilakes the f antis availablo at; once au the place of paynient. Other p irticulars cali ai the banik. L. . FORTT, GEO. McGIL4 Accountant Managr MODERN ARMOR. QURte a leot of it Existe, la Spite of thse Tisue. The experimente with bullet proof coatis and material whioh have been cenduoted sbroad, bave cslled attention te the faci F théât mail, protection did flot entirely pass away witb the shelving of the sbield and cnirsss. Many English officers stili wear a partial armeor when serving on foreign stations. The contiljânest andi most usual type of tbese protectiones consista of fine but besuti- suily tempered singie chains, inciosed inj foft iesther,whicb mun alone the shoalders, down the outer side of the-arms, andi ocer rcertain parts of the body. These can eitber be sewn into a particîsiar tunie, or ffiey can' be adjnsted separately anti put on ite harness. Hunidretis upon huadreds of these sets are soiti. The rmost valuable of ail chains ini connection wjth accoutrements are those which guard the head ', andtinj cases wbere the regulation cap or beirnet is not safficiently protectet iun ibis way, specually mnade cbains are sewn inside the saine and covered hy the lining. Oly those who have been in actual con. flici know bow vainahie ail tbe ebains menticned are je minuunizing the effeats of sword outs. As regards protection both f rom sword andi bullet the generai belief ewadsys seems te he in thoroughly tanneti leether, and great quantities are matie for oiBcers, the favorite psttern-said te be the invention of the laie Sir Richard Burton- being ibat wbicb forms a net tue prominent À-l dv ý do-wn the center of the ohesi. Many leo Js are2 toid by offcers ef builets wbicb. inavýe beau averted i n aome tiegree by these leather tunica, soine of wbuoh are lined witb woven steel wire. 0f course, nons ot th ese ihings are suipposeti te be an absoluis protection, but oniy a sert o1 palliative. A London gunismith, wbo selle a great uuny ohain body proiecters, wiuicb fit alinost like an erdinary vesi, andi are very expensive, selse a large number of them to army men, anti lie not long ago sent a gress, te Japan, where tbey were quickiy soiti. He has matie for individuel officers who bave thensel 'es tirawni the design,a variety of different patiterns of armer. Fine flexible ch aine and leather have entered into nearly ail of them. (overnor Morrili helieves thai the oid. fasbýioned temper...ce pletige wiil do more te ,.cure prohibition in Kansas than ail TIIE1~I~ BEGE B NRI ~4gelti, anti hy refusinm4 te discountih THE F B NIIG. rdmasry amount of bis tlîey sesit te lesjsen the amount of ibeir own liabilities, MONEY EX-11, case a ru upon îhem shoulti arise they ECONOMIZING 0F OUR MNYE-seit te leseen the amounte upon whicb t'né PANDS CANADIAN COMMERCE. rien cao bc matie. The very means whicb -- they take te prevent a run, produces a iileefury IISalîiuîlilsiewilis etuse te mun, When the commercial community Diseesiesilies'asiite Bis I't Pupes cf fintis that it i impossible for thsm te gel TF'esst'le Draw Upciu flscrnelves a Buis uhir bis dîscounnedt hey caîl up every for Depesmt. dollar of their tiepesits. W'heu they can- Withinthflot get meuey in one way they muet get il Wibniepaste twenty years, mai53 in another. The géneral public, catching changesý have taken place in tbe manufac- infection, join in the rue on the hanks, turing anti farming industries. "Wase notiig" le tic motte, anti the word .,refuse" je knowe no mere. lb is uow seen that everyibing is ai use if baken te ibe right place, or put tao us right purpese. The rnsking of usany ernail gains is new considereti a aster anti more profitable mode of business than aim[eg ai a few large eues. The snccessfnh operaber je stocks or options je grain is thbe oeswbo isî content wiîli amali gains. The econemizing et our money as mucli as anyuhing cisc je tbc agency wbich is giviug te Canadien commerce its enermous expansion. The appliauces of bankiug bave a simuler effeot on the country. The liatsbave ecenomizeti enommonsiy tbe weah ofe every ceuuntry in wbioch, likcenr ewn, tise3'bave been weli developeti. Privats baulte,'ie severai waye, arcs bece- ftt teb country, especially if the proprio. tors arc weaibhy muen, for Ibis ie requisite to esuersconfidence ; bu,, tbe introduction cf the joint stock systeni gave the priva' a institutions their deatî l iw. Thisesysuenu gave tealianting su immense expsnsion,anti also INIJIIiASED THE AVAILABLE CAPITAL of ths country. lu in te Scotiandti tai eeonemy ot capital is in [fe mosi perfect orun, aud Canada je ciosely foilowing in ite footetepa. Here evemy lutIle town bas île batikt, branches of the parent institutions je tue capital. Esch et these branches becomes a reserveir fer tbe spame mousy et the snrrounting district, sud farmers,farm laborors sud country storekeepere tiepesît uhseir mousy je the liatik. Thc managers et tusse branches, living ie the midst oet heir costomers, anti lnowiug weithbbcharacter anti circuimatances of those bhey tisai witb, leeti aid te any et their cliente who arc in neetiofet i anti wbo are leserving of confi- dence. In tbis way tihetiepeaitor, ineteati of keepiog bis money in a strong box or s stecting as formeriy, receives intemeet on bis savîngs, sud is se mmncli icher, andtihbb inustry of the country is beineti aiong by the ativauces whicb the liant managers make on moderate terme. Thbe greaber part of the surplus rnoncy in ea'ib district je trausterredta te ccentral lianking institutions, wbere it is employed in bic discounul etmercantile bileant inj many othier waye whieh tieveiep ietiusBry anti expanti commerce, The spare money efthe counntry is tanesterredta te cchuel places et [ntiusiry,and aide rnanntscturiug, whicb gives employaient te rny men. This, il i8 ciaimeti in Scotiand,ig uhe reasor that the country bas matie emîcl rapiu. stivances. BANK DutreSITS. The essentiai equ irsiîenu tgootibanking 3is secnrity fer îleti epeaitors. Individusi tratiers, wbose tailure or endoess only affTects thuereelves, may emcpley their money in "any way they huke, but s bank t rades with "other psopie's rnoney anti the cousiticration e" ch publie, who 'place their meney ina liant as secmnity. The science je hanking consiste net in employing mouey au the "highest rates, but in the safeet mauuem,auc àin Canada ibis je generaiiy donc. The expiseation ai the large dividende paiti h3 succesfni bankiug institutions us that liey telitain a profit ou thîsir tiepositors' mous) as welî as ou tisir owu. 'The capital, et a abank may lie twe or tiree million dollars. that amount lieing hialle tealie caileti np, if necessary ta meet engagements, but oniya paru of tbat saim s paidutip. Tise larger the capital the greater je the eecmrity fer depositors, sud the grealer theseenrity the grester is lmkely tealie the amoeunt intmusteul te tue.bant's keepieg. On the otier. bandtibcesmalier bue amomnt of dapilae paiti up the greater will lie the perccnrag ot profitstte cshareboidera. The soie oliject anti advantagc of papsu moniey te that it economizes golti. lu or. d inary rimes it ig faunti that an ainunt of 5specie, oee -third or one-fomntb ef tbe issue ot notes is more than sufl'lejenite maielain the eouvsr'.ihility of these isses. The aabmiiy et banike te redeenu their notes jn goîti in lime et pailei a myth. The batik et Englaut i heif coulti oet ai any urne redeenu ail us notes in guiti. Lu tact, paper money wonld bce of ne use at ai if an equal ameunt et golti were tealbe kept in bbc liants. The wboe ayem s baseti upon the mnaintenance utf the urd'inary rehations et credit ant i wthîomt the masintenance et creduuîno amoutaigeldti iat the baultecen commandi wilI ever suflice to secure the CONVERTIBILITY OF TISE NOTE. le limes of panic the demanti ien bist ts a serions ans, Ths rue la for tieposute, anti ne banit eau psy ils tieposits ai once, whetbm er ngoiti or mn notes. But it is easy te sec bew thue rue for depesits us occasuon. 1eti. Tise ortiinary business of liankieg 3consisteaitlie discount ai commercial bills, 1in the iuichase oethbbccurment debue et cormmce. A manufacturer supplies a merobani wiîb $5,000 wortb et goode anti receives frenu biî (or tiraws upon for) tbe saine anoannî,and as the merchant'e mouey is eeariy ail invested inj hie liusiness, the bill is net matie payable until thc lapas of sncb birne, tires menthe gsneraîly, as may lie requimeti by biiim te ssii ai heast a portion of bbc geede wiebbli aspurciaseti, The manufacturer je like mauner, baviug bis capital invesieti in bis business, anti net lieing able te wait bih ithe tbrec menthe tiens continue te refuse discounts, that the banits, ai ter a feverisb scramble among r themsei ves for the possession of the email stock of golti, stop oesal ter another or by agreement simultaneously, as waa the case wiîb the New York banks several limes. DISCOUINTS IN CANADA, Canadian batiks are ever ready te lendti aid te deserviug merohants, sud tbreugb their help many flrtnsi have been carrieti trrugh a trenhlesome perioti. Acrosà the lune at present there us a cry againat the witbdrawal of golti from the ireasury. This le useti as a bear f acter mn the specula- tre share marktet, anti ou it the value of many secorities take a big &orp. The banks, inibeir eagernees te get golti, ferget that the public are watcbing uieir depLsits anti will make a ron as eoeu as tbey refuse te discount the bis of solveot busines men. SOME NEW TRfCK ELEPHANTS. They Iluiuerstasd English and MeepWiîeu KeiirImastied. Some iraineti elephants are now being 1 exhibi e i in New York by a Scotch traveler nameti Lockhar, wo bas educatedti ien himself, anti unlike many trainers, sys that affection anti confidence are the secrets tof eontrolling tbis mesi iniereaîing ef tbeasts. Locithari us a tiapper litie man; bas large anti kindly black eyes anti dresses in tbe phainest manner possible. He dees net carry a golti-beadeti cane, uer dees he fwear a dismonti cross. But as an elephant tramner he [s a genins of the first water. f "The secret eofrny suecese, I believe," rsaiti Mr. Lockbart, "lies in constant rattention, kiudness, anti when uecessary, absolute firmness. On arriving at a uew town 1 invamiahiy see my siephants corn- ifertabiy stowed away anti led before 1 go ate rny own botei. Excepi for the, early ibreakfast 1 am aiwaye prescrnt ai their emeals. 1 bring tbem sweeîmeats, bons, yknots of sugar, anti when tbey are sick 1 ,attend te Lhem carefnliy, Thien they look te me kfor everything. They knew nevery word 1 say, anti do everythiug I Lwisb, se far as tbey ean. I treat tbern insju as I woulti chiltiren. Indes 1, I arn nmuch more careful efthIenu than I amn of ymy own chultiren, because whie I bave te ýysupport uny abiltiren,1 tbc elephants in peint et o faci support me.". "Wbat is your mode of punishioueni?" 1. 'Weii, eaiiv. the animais are se fond eto me anti se tractable, that beyond a siemu i look aud an occasienai barsb word, litile is needeti. 0f course, 1 can aiways ont off supplies-ibat is, redue their foodi, anti ibis tbey f el very stroughy. A few eigbts 19 ago Moliy was semewhat slow atlier tricks %I on the stage, anti as 1 passet iber oeeLime tg I gave ber a ierce scewl, anti growleti In between rny teeth, 'This is very bad, I Ishall not be frientis with yen.' Moliy is bhe most tentier-hearteti of thbe three, anti a was very muunt op. Whou the curtain ýfell she foiioweti me te the stable witb le great tsars rolling down ber cheeks, antii t id waa net until 1 hati matie frientis, anti toiti beler that she was forgiven, that shte became 'Yherself again." cy "IHow lon gédos h takre Leteacli tbem a ý'trick,' or a point in the -performance, awhatevem yen may terni it V" 8 " Weil, that ail depentis. 0f course, iiBoney is the oieverest, anti picits up thsinga aquiciter than lime others, anti, in faet, abe 3rielps te teacb thein. Seins brifiing rnove- )rments wbicb yeu have seen on the stage te bave ceai me twe years' assidîsous ishor. d A single movemeni I bave matie thenu te. ri peat tramn 50 te 200 urnes a day. But, once ie tbey bave il, I cani rely upen thenu. I bave eniy te give the sigu andtiuhey are there. One cf the mesi dîfiionit thinge was te get -Boney te undersatidtrial she must keep l- ime, regular turne, je playing tbe organ. ÀBut, aow she undeistandaS it, ber urne- ie keepiug is thal of a born mosician. As for *the tricycle5 it was more difficul te diesign *a machine than te Leach Boney te ride. * She Loeok te it wiîhout any great difficuity, kant inj spite' of some accidents, she has eaiways sbown wonderf ni intelligence in ýrsteering.» LI u"Vhat were the accidents ?" e "WVell, on oe occasion, on a soemewbat selali anti slopiug stage when we were in eFrance, Boney couiti net make the tum je lf ime, anti ran iet the orchestra. The fplayers fortunately feresaw the 'avalanche aanti gel eut of the way, but the machine was muiineti On anether occasion, on s sunalliuiiî stage at Buda.Pestb, Moihy everbalanceti berseif wbile standing en lier 8heati on a barrel, andti tppleti over on the big drum, tioing damage wbich cosn me $30 te repaîr. As a mule, bewever, tbey are weedertul. The muarner je wbicb their bumsiness is carrieti on on the stage proves bew thorougmly tbey are ie toucb witb me. 1 have eiy te give thenu the word andtihte tbung is tioue." THE FAMOUS ALERT. Aullirie SIulpa Tisas 55 Joist Jlieu Sols cor tise lissai la Heu'. liescea upon the Beaupori sheais, near Qnsbec, lies the elti steamsbip Alert,wbicb ABOUT ESE BOUSE. A Wonian's Tim e. Heusewives are alwas cornplining about havirug "ne urne"' for this or tbai pleasure orrecreation. They have no time formreati. eng, ne urne for visiting, ne, time te play uith tbc ohiltiren ; in fant, ne lime for aey- 1-ing but the saine olti timndgery day in and day ont. Wby shoulti a wornan be nething but a domestie timutge? It je net neeessamY, tior dnes il foehio sea eonsqeuenceiliatsbc mnusib ule dm1,owdy, anti oitifashieneti. It neyer was inteudeti that abs shouiti esu hem entire if e te caring only for botiuly wants, uiisrly negiecting the neede of the higbem nature. To keep in tonci wilmttie werid b1' reading gotipapers, te gsi better thougbts anti purer purposes by reading gonot'oks, te ksep np the olti acquaint. ances, both bly vieitieg anti latter writing, anti, best ot ail, te keep berself ieokiug welh, shonîti bc the tinty as weil as the pisasure of every bousewife. If the wamk coultibc se armangedti al an boum a day at'leasi conîilieb secumet foir reading, for a walk or a drive, the uscd-uip energies woulti bc recruiteti, anti both boedy anti spirit lienefiteti. There ie ne gain jei tbis constant werk,work ail ei the trne. A woman ages acon enou gl witbout that aid. It is net a waste of time te stop !or a wbiie, To chut herseif up f rou ail society andti e make a slave et beresîf on the pies of "ne limie" is a sacrifice that few wemeen are calieti on te malte for their familues, Mmch of the drudgery of womae is due te their weak indulgence et chiltiren je idieness. They wiil slave tbat their ci'ildren rnay bave pleasures anti atvantages tbey neyer bai. Let methers teacl tihe yenng te share hiem work, antileellber balete ure te enjoyI sometbieg of Goti's gooti world. In the Kitehen. Mien cleaning trne comaes, j ast the riiury svery day cieauing lime, net the siemi-aneusi, dreatiet, generai oieanieg time, ilien the bonsekesper neetis a carpet sweeper for use al ever the bouse. Shie aise neetis an esbricb feaiber dusi brusb, a double dusl bruali, a flat sud dusi limusis, a floor brnsb, a wali brusb, a window brusi, a pinsis fureiture brueli, a hamuster bmueli, andtihbbcnsw dustiug milIenou sweeping day. About bier siok she neetis a wure soap rackt, for it wiil save soap anti keep [n dlean anti dry -, a soap siaver, for seap dos net baste weii, anti a ceoking kuife if useti for tb's purpose je apt te carry bbc disagres- able flavor; a botule of bqusebold ammeuia for two iousanti uses ; a box of puiverizeti borax for almosu an many. Chamois skies, for îhey are thbesct pelihhers ; sponges, foer îhey do thc werk liciter than cleti ; a cake of aapoiio for seourngpui'poses ; insýeol oWtef 1n beiiows or tmhe eradicatien of ppete*, a timsh mop, fer soînetimes one wiebes. te use waîer botter tbaiý thc hantis wiiilicar orý for other reasen may net wish te immerse bb tehantis. A'botie cicaner anti ewab, for ebot or fpatate dice whiie effective are slow; poli 1chaina, fer lhsy ecrape a pot lioltto efic- 3tivcly anti wear nejîber fingers nom ncrvcs; 4preper steve brushes, for îhey save eibew 1grease. 1 A box ef nails cf assorteti sizes for use 1wlisn wanted ; tack lii terp, for tbey save patience anti other bousehoiti uteneils lack hammers, for tbey save thumb nails. A lucather aink ecrui, for the cieaeing up place muet lic cleancdti te ; disi pans, dieu timainers, disi towels, for tbese arc a mai. ter of coure ; anti accidentaily it occurs teo me Ilial theu fumnishing et a modemn kitchen arc boîli numemous send expeusîve. An Aid in SweepIng. Sweepîeg is nsually part et the beaviet werlt in the caurse et the week, anti we giatiiy welceme auy hunt wbich wenlti tend te case erir lalier. The truc science et swsepieg bbc most untidy rerna is te do îî witb a atout parier lirceun anti raise net se mncb as I"a eneeze et dtist." Nu malter wbctber a campen or mattingeor a nice wooti messie je the fleur covering, the work ose bc accempieheti witb absolute neatnees anti despalc by lavinga lbanti et well-uiamspencti wbeat or sawtiusi along one aide af the fleor anti sweepieg iii over anti ever chear acrese the apamîment. The sawtiusBtqumeuiy lieke up every mote anti bit et uni wbich the brooin sets stirring bet ore it bas toue te float off jute bbc air, anti se proteots f ureilure andtiîe eweper as weii. Sncb a procesE eau lic carricti on in a siet roem witbout the icasl ineonvenjeece te tbe .nvalid, ant inj thia event, or wbere nurseries or scbooi reorne are cicaneti, il je wie te aprinthe as utile disinfectant in bbc sawdtiu. Wbers the whcat is useti il can lie washued anti drieti ie the wied, anti se useti intiefiniteiy. MilIkRising Bread. Ou 1 oupf ni et freeli miik, I labiespeon- fui ef sali, a lump of soda as large as a pea pour 1 quart of bli[ling watsr. Let cool Castoria. «ICastenia Is an excelent medicine for chul- dren. Iloihens have epeatediy tbld me of ts Cooti effeci upon tbsir cilîdren."1 DRa. G. C. OsceOO, Loecll, Massa. Castoria ta lie best rmmdy for cidren of whîch I arn ac.qîainted. 1 hope tie day [s net far dstant when motheme wilconsier bie real Interest of iheur chiltiren, anti use Casioria in- stenti of lie various qnaelrnostrusaw hici are destroying their loveti ones, by forcing opium, moerphine, soothing syrnp anti other hurtful agente dewn bisir tiroais, thereliY sending tern te premabure graves." Du. J. F. Kiwexmom, Conway, Ark. Castoria. "Casionsa is se welI edaptetito cbildrcn that Irecomment i[t asemuperior tesny prescription. known te me." H. 'A. AacsEa, M. D., 111 se. Oxford St., ilrooklyn, N. Y.. "Our physiciane [n the chldrcn's depart- ment have spoken lihly of their enperf- enco in their oniside practice witbCh bna anti alihongi wc only bave amoegou medical supplies what le knowu as egutar products, yet 'ie arc fmee te confess thal bihe mais of Casoins bS won us tb look wilh favor upon [t."1 UsuvrF' LeOPITAL ANID DusPmusAutT, Botn1as ALLEN C. SMITHm, PI'eS., The Cestaur Company, 77 Muray Street, New Yrorh C0117. FOR SALE BX J. HIGGINBOTHIA.M & SON, BOWMANMVILLE 8TARTLING FACTS FOR DISýEASED VICTIMS. l CUESGUARANTEED OR NO PAYI f yOUJ 9 i'er ons end despondent; weak or debilitate3d, tired mornlng;nar. tion llssa eor or ail atge artbl- arf1i IritbI., eyssn ee a inrpored; iles on i eed reams a ntni, "M iA n E~~'e wune ek ack; ueain'hl os;uces ue1b. iesgses; restless; haggerd lookin -a; ak oj areamol eoi ýuiI l('iau tsýl iofru wniccee epst nhrie CUt RaisE tol i5strustf.1; 'want of.cootieýnce; ase .nerg andsîrength-WE CAAICREYU RE.SToRED -To MANHOOD EV DRS, K. & PK. JOHN A. MANLIN. JOHN A. MANLIN. 0 CHAS. POWERS. CHA S. POWEIIS. ]3E7ORE rnTEErMENT. AF iLS 'IL4TMEîÇT. B"sORE TaLEATSnSNT. AZTZu TREÂTRET'. NO NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS IJSED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. John A. Manlin s3as:-I was one cf the coniless Tic-. VARICO CELE tiras of erir ignorance commenceil ut 15 years of Fge. 1 S trieti seven medicai firmes and speatnt 00wthout avail. E'MISSIONS AMb 1gave up in despeir. Thie drains on my syst ni were weakening Miy intellect âs well as my sexuel and physicai I M POTENCY lite. My brother ativiset me as satest resorito cousnIt Ir.POTNCYDrs.Ke-nnedy &Kergani. ]. oomenced iheir New Method OU R E . Treatont nd ina few weeks was a new man, wiih new arn merrieti and happy. 1 recomnmen.d 5fbese reliable specialisis te alit yafflicteti fellowmn." &% Ir CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY.-CONFIDENTAL. "Thie-vices of early hoyhood laid the fonindation of m min. Later on a "ga lite" anti expasure te blooti di- vhIs msin seases completed the wreclt. 1 had ail the symptoms of j Nervous Debiity-sunkeneryes, emiesions, drain in nrine, yhi, msin nervousees, vreak back, etc. Syphilis causeti my ha rie Varic le Curd fait ont, hune pains, nîcers in mouth anti on tangue cIO Id blotches on body, etc. I thank GodlItried Drs. Kennedy &Kergan. They rsstored nie ta hsnlth, vigor ant ihappinese," CHAS. POWEII8. SWe treat and cure Varicocela, Emissions, Nee vous Debility,Se na Weanes, Geeg StictreSy1h ilis, Unnatural Discizarges, Se/f Abue, Kidney and B/adrder Diseases. _____ 17 YEARS IN DETROIT. 200,000 CURED. NO RISK. R EA Efl~Are on avîctni? flave yon leit ho e? Are ron eontemplatiïw 5r BEAD R 1 Airagel li'as ryoueBlood Weudisease lave yen ans weakne's New tethod Tralment will cure yen. 'Wbat 't bas done for others it wil doéfor .voa. 1CQNHJI1,TATIO N FREE. No matier wbo lias treaitd yoO, Write for an honest ovinion F, ee of Chlarge, Charges reasonable. BOOKS FREE -"Thie Golden MUonitor' (illustrateti), oR Diseases of Men. Inclose postage, 2 cents. Sealeti. ~NNAMSES U8ED WITHOUT W RITTEN CONSENT. PR!.. VATýeNo i'tedI1cine s'-rt C. 0 0. D No names on boxes or enve!-. Everythliffig confîciential. Question Ilit andcocet of Treat'- menvt, PRE ___ DRS NE ER oi48~HELW Bj Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pltcheies prescription for infaunts, and Children. It contalus neither OpIum, Morphine nor ether INarcotle substance. It is a hari'mess substitut. for Paregorie, Drops, Soothing- Symupa, and Castor 0O1, It la Pleasant. Its guarantee Is thirty years' use by Millions o£Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and alIa.ys feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind ColLe. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.. Castoria assimiiates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Casm toria Is the Children's Panacea-the Mother's Friend. Pare anti dors a dozen firm, seur appies. Put them nue an emîen tiisb sud fil ail the boies with sugar, usîng 2 cupe. Peur a pint et celti water over thenu, cever, sud batte in a quiet oven until the apples arc tender. Take the apples eut efthbe syrup carfm.ÀyIo iob çskthio, anti put nienu [e s glas dish. W bile you are preparng tle apples have à cup of gelatine soaking un a litle celti waEem. Wbou 'the appiesj are doue dissolve the geistIne lu a pÏ iof boiîing water. Atdit to tec apple syrup anti pour all over the apples. Wbee bbcl jelly bas hardenet beau the whieeof the eggs vemy stiffatiti4 cnp of powdcreti sugar anti a fcw drops et lemon extract. Pile i,, on a plats anti celer a golden lirown in the aven. Slip off the plate aond cover the gises dis'h witb it. 'Serve with whppsd eream, swestened anti fiavoreti wiîh vanilîs,. 1