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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Oct 1895, p. 1

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TERMS :-$1.50 PER A,-,NNum. OUJR TOWN AND COUINTY FIRST; THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor andi Proprietor. NEW SEMIES. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1895. 'VOLUME XLI. No'. 43. NOver fil i eý, lit GOGLJUNTN&GRDRA Have received from the Sanford Manufacturing Company, a bigstock of Men's and Boys', in ail sizes and qualities. We guarantee these Coats to be the best goods and the' best value in the trade. Grocers' Due Bis taken as cash. Purs! Pur s! Having received a fine lot of Choice Furs, we would ayto those desiring to purchase-give us a eall, as we arletermined to seil cheap for cash. We also carry a fulil lino of Gent's Furnishings, at the veylowest prices. Now is the time to bring in your Furs for repairing. M. MAYER,' BOWm A-,V\iLLE. The Practical Furrier. Stove ipe Varnish Preserve and beautify your Stove Pipes with Brunswick Black, the best 'in use sold by lir. flom .s feett He Couki Not Live Was what frlnuds said, but Hoods Pif8oily Cuîed Oranarful Case o? Chrii~ie Eczemna. Snch a testimonial as we give below few medicines cau produce. It is one of thons. ands possessed by Ilood's Sarsaparilla, and proves the neit of thie inedicine. Reliabie, houes.', in dustrions, is what al isay of Mr. Bennett. He has been engaged as gas-fittez in Boston for 35 years, with Tarbeli, 111 Washington'street, and Me. Kinney, 'W air gton st., opp. Boylston. 0C. 1. Hood & Co., Loweli, Mess.: "Gcentlemen : -i amn -=lY doin g what i just when 1 tell voluntarlly what Hïood'a SarsapaziIla bas doue forme. I know t Savcd M~yLiJfe. "Ayear ago last wn'er, after exposure to sternis, I caugit a severe cold, aftez whlch clizon:o eczema appeared on the calf of rny leý't Lcg and spread ail over my' lower 11mb from knee to ankie, and the itching and buruing was son ething aw. fui. Added to t±iis was a severe pain, secraingly hu the boue. Aý last it beca;ne mo that 1 had ta g ive Up work and waz unabie ta Na%-. Ihad te havc My icg bandaged ail t te t-me and frequei't chang- es of the cloths. 'For nine mouths 1 sat with My leg resting iu a chair. Oh,. 1: Was Dreadful! Friends said I could notlilve long. In aU [ had seven different physicians, ail te no purpose w1istever. 1 krew the menit of Ilood'a Sarsa armile as I had, sorne years beare, taken it with benefit and decided ta try il for My apousrexntîy Lopeîess case. In two.or three days a fter I began n.y apý- ~ Ae-vas beter and my courage revivcd,. 0makze a loug $tory short theoeruptioli ent'reiy disappeared, and 4le flesh on My leg resumed periectly healthy appearan ce. 1 was soon able ta wal-k about. 1 cannot tell how amazed my r aighbors and frlends were. I can now waik wîithout any lame- ood'sBarga- ness,-aw wefl ae ever.f Have flot the slightest ures eruptIon or itching or %M(0%t burnIng, or any sort of trouble whatev er with my.leg. The gratitude I owe Hood'a i3arsaparilla 18 simply unspeakabie." 1THoïs. B-rxneTr 172> Sycamore St., Rosliludale, Boston, îlss. Try HOO0D'S. liood's PUIS are ta steless, niiid, effeco. Fiive Years' Experience lI testiug the oye iu a City means sometbing. T. N. 1ICKA11D startet business, lbnee, yenrs ugo with just It ex penience, anti also lsolds aDpom wan iu 1892, covering as many ori more subjecîs tisan helti by any! Optician in Canada. Ho is fuliy oquipped svîth ever-y îoti ern appliance fan îestîxsg the eyýesigisî. No w ehre eau yon bave youn ovýe mono scientiflcaliy or carefully testod than Rickanti can do it ton you. The oye shoulti bo veny caretully fitteti whoss il is xecssary to wean a glass andt if you will cailaonI'icknî-d ho svill guar-, nimbee satisfaction bothx in tlie fit and priceof af'our Secetaçies. f4ol o-oH asv ay down In price. IBLACKSTOCK. ~o car~ fo tetî1 EDITOR STATESMANlý-Ixi a necent issue of "The Statesman" we noticet a rather T., .R C interesting item iii which the townîship oif Cartwrig-ht was neferredt t as a veg- Watelimalker, Jc-weller and Opitie.iaîi etabile gardon.Ta prove the assertion BOWMANVILLF.. Nead's B loc-kantialso ta empbasize mare strOîxgiy _________________________w-etakethe liberty la bore mntiaxn thatt Mn. John Wright of this place raiseti this ycar 10 busixels (goot i nasure) of Wil 'ff .eO romfour quarts of szd ______ 1 pýaoeisa -oaatsample. We Wilsecuro 'cou one tiozen Cabinet lbink von, reation?-WVm. GEoTIASE CowLE,. Photograms of the kînti TAIT & Gý O. WHAT! LimpiNG YET? Wby shaxîlt lurn out truie to life for a siort-tii11e van ga linimg round -wheîs Putînaîx s for cash lna atvauce, sec saisîples. Paînless Corn Extracton will rnmove Pcrofr.ames auoan dta be sold va ur carns lu a few tinys? it Isili giv almnost instant relief antii a guaranteeti aI a sligbl ativauce ou cas.t. cuire in the enti. Be suire -o el ken Crayon Portraits miatie ta anden nine Putinan'g Corn Extractor. imd fnom auy piclune. by Poison & Ca0,Kmsosfo ay from, an vpicturic.substitutes are ibeiuïg a4fferet1,iauti ïýiis Samiplies -;atour studlio, Mankot squlareiwavs botter ta get im-e1.Sae BowmaiUe - Isure and paù1les1S. M.A. Washington is doing qui te an upebusiness. Mi.A. L. Pascoe had a corn husking i-o- ek peeling- over 100 bushels. 1e.T. W. Lezgott of Br-ook.lin praheiserg acceptaubiy ut Eldad esr.Baker, Ilogarth and M. Rob- bins hve been North bLisiag cattie for MseS.S. and M. A. Werrv ihave rrndhomie after a s ury pieasaiît vÈii with frieads in Cartwright and Be\y. S. G. Ilorke preaches at Eldati Suindav u t 2.30 P. M. anîdi 1ev Jas. ThomIil[son of Newinarket at the Advent hucimorang and evening. SOSsFuos BAD BLOOD. D)ear Sirs.- For, (ile a long tirne my blood was very bad, it rge sores NI oulti break out'ou me frma small scrat-i. 1I sturîed to take, j"ur,. B. B., w! Y eh1completelv cured me1 recomen<c;1 Burdock Biood Bitters tai uerigfrom bad biood. OLivE CoLE, Lyne docli Ont. iENNISKILLEN. 11ev. E. E. Hloward of ilampton will prahhere next Sundav. MMrtin Lee, Pickering was guest ofMrP. Rogers lasI week. Thie E. L. C. E is re-orgauized for awntier term witil new affilcers. il-r lu mid the Chieken Pie social h(ro Frida *v, Nov. 8, and arrange 10 Mr-. Ge(org'e Power, Ma le Grove peceiin lie Methodist churcli bre 1e.S. J. Rorke is a delegate to Pro- silciai S. S. convention. Mrs. Rorkd lias ccompuniieti him to the cîtv. Mrs. W. Wadge and chiidren after a ple-1ant visit of tbree months bere re- tiirnedto0their home iin Winnipeg this Alarge numnber frour here atteuded teMethodist Clîurch Anniversary ser- vies ut Burketou last Sabbath anxd al spe(ak výery highlv of the sermons de- lhvered by 1ev. C. Parker, Bowrnanviile. A Il the friends andi acquaintenances of tuýe Ru-v. D. S. llouck exlend tlieir waretsympathy 10 themn and Miss Ethel Tuskev lu their bereavemeut. iÀttie Menit Teskey was- a universai favýorite ou Ibis circuit. Tihe news of bisde;- after such a bnief ilîness came ;iý a sock 1r0every (eue. 15 YERS O ITCING.Wu11. Gli cosirercaltravelier, 180 Eîhe st, Toirouto, suss: For 1-5 years Isufe ,uu1told miiser yfroin tebiug Piles,.oe limies ca;ilet pin wormns. Maniv andi insanY weeks have I bati to i av off the roati from ithis trouble. 1Itrieti eigbt o0her pile ointmeuits anti so caileti re- idj-,with uo permanent relief to the intenise itciing anti stiugiug' , whicis [rtaeiby scratcbiug wouid bleed and ulceraýte. Orme haif a box of Chase's (ntetcured me compieteiv. HAMPTON. MUiss Jeunie Ward spent Suuday lu the- City, )Mýrs. Avery, Toronto sgetaMr F". L. Ellis'. o sgetu r Mr. Chas. Rogers is home again froux Virden, Man. Mi,4ss lerrngtou, Belleville, is visit- iugl<, Mrs. C. N. Ruse. Miss Ada Hlastings is visiting ut 1Markham andi Toronto. Tise E. L. of C. E. wili holti their au- nual social anti concert Thanksgiviug ovening. Mr. William Scott, town,' bas beon assistiu Mr. F. A. Cole arrange bis 'stock of grocories. M r- W. W. Price, F. S., Mason. Mrs. J. Trewiu and Mn. T. Pascoe speut Suuiday in tise village. Giad to'have the hanses ail occupied again. We weicome Mr. and Mrs. J. T.' Wiliams oï Solina ta aur village. Several from here attendedth Ie Dis- trict convention of the Epw ortîs League oif Christian Endeavor at Newcastle an Friday. 11ev. T. W. Leggott occupierd the p 1ulpit an Sabbath, lHe may expect a larvweicome if ever lie bias charge of the -services aguin. Agoain death bias entered our- village, Ibis t lne taking. Mr. William Elford an aid aîîd higiyv esteeîned resident who lias speut a great number of vears lu the village and viciuity. He passec,- peacefuly 10 rest ou Suisday afternoon aftei a utifle over a uîouth'sllaess . n-j ternseut ii tise oid B. C. cemetery. Ilis« pew in the, cburchi was draped duriîîg tIeSnday eveniug service as a token of respect. Truly-itmaybe saitiofliini, a good mnan anti a k!iÏd lusbanddlius passed to bis reward, ENFIELD. Measelsai-e pres aieîmt lere. Mr. Benj. Powell is repairing bis bouse. Mr. John Hobbs bas reîsted Thomnas Ev-uis' fusrn. Mr. J. E. Dyerls bouse is receiving a coul of paint. A turkev thief s isited J. McCulioch's flock. Ris foot pints g-ave ii away. Mr. Arthur Ot-miston lisadci very large huskiiagbee lasI n eek, iuskiîg abutu 150 busisels et corrs. Visitors.-Mr. assd Mrs. I. L. Pascoe, Taunton; Mr. and Mrs. E. Virtue, Man- chester; Mr. L. T. and Miss Mabel Pas- coe, Solina. Visitons: Miss L. Rogers, Kinsale; Miss Wiîsnie Fletcher, Cedax- Dale;_ Misses Aninie aîsd Lelia llogartb anîd Master J. Hogarth, Sauina.c A very plesant event took place t the residence of Mr.W.Knupp,î-cn' y being the inarriage of bis eldest dauught- er, Miss Eliza Kîsapwp ta Mr. Collins of Scugog- Islandt. rbe happy couple spenttisein honeymoou on a trip 10 Woodstock. The Epwortlî Le'tgue bas been ne- organized witb tue tollowing officers:- Presitient,-Mrs. John Ormistoîs; lst. Vice,-Mr. C. L. Macke Y; 2xst. Vice,- Mrs. Alex. McCulloch; ýeQnetary,-Miss E. Campbell: Treasurer,-rl J F ilurîbut. r. .F To Cussu CRouie Dear Sirs, - I have used Hag-vard's Yellomw Oil vitii aIl my eilîdren "for croup, anti I tiik it isthe best unetiine ever nadu x neyer without it ia the bouse. Mrs. T. H. Jackson. Ililtois. Mais NEWCASTLE. The S. O. E. Grand officers wiil visil Ibis lotige bere on 'ruesduy, 29t1s inst Misses Carnie and Aisule Grose are attentiing Wlîitbv Colegiate Imstitute. The tireige bas been calied awa *y, euoug-hlbas been doue to permait sclsoon- ers 10 enter. Sportsmen louve for Muskoka, dccx buntixsg, on the 281.11ixîst.: Messrs George Warren, Fred Chandler, Georg e Eiibeck andl Herb. Hanuing. Mr. Benjamin Movse, tenant on Mrs. Steen's tarîîm, is to mo6ve up ta the village where liselbas purchaseti a residesse e.' "TUIE Commo-; PLm," as Abram Lincoln calieti thexa, do not cure 10 ageabouits their ailmeîsits; whut the waul is a mdletîsat wili cr ihein. bbst aouet-atso f Ibis mii dune, andud is1iii tiixy tîsousautis voluutariy Say. COURTICE. Mr. Arthur Anuis lias been visiting frieutis in Scarboro. Mr. anti Mrs. Cornelius Osborne, visiteti triends bore rocentiy. Mr. and Mrs. Woltz, Toronto, have been visiting aIt lie parsanage. Mr. andi Mrs. John Rundie, Brock, visited Jas. Rundie, Esq., tbis week. Rev. Dr. Marvin is a delegate ta the Provincial S. S. Convenîjoîx iiiToronto. Mnr. John Gibson, Landan, is visitiug relatives Iere, anti gave a very intenest- in.- address in Ebenezer Sabbath School Susmtiay. -Big auction sale of horses, cows, car- niages, macbiîsarv, implements, etc .l Ibis village Thurstiay Ihis week. Farnm- ors, attend. We observe in the Exeter (En-e) Western Times of Oct. 11, tisat Miss I A. Courtice of Ibis section is îuakin.- berseif useful in church svork in the Old Coutry xvbere she is spendiug the Win- ter. At lise harvosltbanksgiving anti aîîuîversany of the Bible Christian Chupel at Bnatiworthiy tse tiecoralons were Miss Courtice of Canada, Mr. J. Ashton, Landon, Eîsgianti, anti Mr. Maynarti ennings, Swansea, Wales. Tle ere biglsly complimonteti on tise artistierraîgement. Mr. T. Rutitle, 13 A., beadmaster of Sbebbear College, Who preachled lu Bowmunviile a few years ugo, preaclxed two able sermons la crowdeti congregations an Suutiay. Miss A. Trick 'sang a solo accomnpanied by Master Beîsj. Ashxton of Lake, and Miss E. A. Banfett presided ut tbe or gan. - ev. XV. Lee, thepastor,delivored un address andt Mr. S. J. Ashtoni rend the report. Mrs. Eiijab Westaway, of the Temperane Hotel, provided ais excellent tea. [Ail of tiese persans are kuow-tx to nxauy STATESMAN rendrs.- Ed. C. S-] Do You Tire Quickly? Fatigue is the nalurai sequcuce of labor. If lowever, it follow s moderate or sli-ht exention il is a sigîx anîd evitience thaItIshe nervous svstenm lias nO TIME TO LOSE8 Variable AltufnfiWeathe r oteil Seals the Fate of Rhellnatic ,Suiffrers, Yi ctiins of RlieumatÎsffl llnd a cure in Paine) 8 Colery Compoulld, Nothing like it for ban- _ ibtvvng -th Awîu--i- d iseases. Old and Chronie Sufferers-are Ivade Hale and .Strong. Mr. William MeWilliains, of Brant- ford, Ont., writes as follows about bis. case:- "UnISoiicitedl, 1 forsvard this testi- mionial as to the value of Paine's teierv COmipound. 1 ain well up lu years anci, was sorel *v affiicted with rheumiatism. 1 purchase I and used six botiesof y,)ur î.~ii~ and amrnGuowperfectiy weii. 1 ha ve no rheunatisîn left." The above is just an ordinarv 'sa, pie of the proof that cured people furnis every week. Let us utter a few words of warnin- to ail who f-ut the- paaigs of diseaseý that make life a niisery and burden,. The miost (langerous scason ofth vyear is now withi us; tlsere b, no neces-A sitx to enlargeupon t h)s facet. Chiillnoeý winds, daimp Nweather and heavvy impure atmnosp'here, agg,ýravates everv condýýit- suIff(er rtu the rae Takecurg alvitmso rernt andý the ordiînary mnedicinies of the d (aY, reinember, you have isot yetg-e Pain&s Ceiery Compound a triai ThjIs inarvelions necicine lias made- new% men andl wornen of thousands who w cre Trouounced incurable bv physiciaus. iteau and wiii, the saine good wvork for you, if you- fairiv and hionestir use it for a tiîne. MIE. McWiiiiams' case w&s, one that baffied aul other inedicînes but Paine's ir ompound, which proved xictor;ious a1.t every point , giviug himia new and better lite. Go thiou and fot- low bis exainj)le. TYRO.NE. Masons are at work on Mr. R. A., Phiip's residence. Mrs. Cook and son Albert, George- towu, are visiting a.t Mr. O. Stock's.c Mrs. S. Bond has returned froin visit- ing hier daughter, Mrs. Geo. Blair, Taunton. Miss Maggie MeFeeters and Miss Rhoda Walters atteuded the funeral of Mrs. John Hooper, Mariposa, iast week >' Messrs. Scott & Manning recentlv filled au important order of haruess, boots, etc., for Doue*v Bros. Manitou, Manitoba, old customers of the samne firms. The box-s report excellent crops. this year, liavîu i 'J bushiels of vheat- TuuEATPENED WITI{ lPNE1jM0'IA. Gentlemen,- Last spring I had a ver- hewvy coid ani was tisreatened witïi pueumonia. I used two botties of Nor- way Plîje S vrup aud it completely cured me. it is tie beýIb preparatiIoni for % cough I ever usci. J. K. MiýacDonialdl Whycocoînag4, Cape Bret i. A SUNLIGHT EFFECT. The dlean morning sunlight brings wîth xtl gadness andi renewed en- ' ergy, andi Sunflight Twin arwS a drives Into thebeckronnd like a drk shadow,1 that old bugbear 1 wash Ïiy," aud dues its workquickly, easily, perfectly. 1Fs Snlight Soap, snd jon wil- realige that "Sunlighit" bas Corne into jour ilfe. kt Maies Home BTîgister. For every 10 wrappers Sooki for tvRBo.Ld, 23 Scott St,, Toronto, Wra1operaa usefuli paper-bouad Ibook wili boe et.

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