Ofor a Purse 4e,50may ýbe miore than some care to Spay bu t "'W- have them at tha 'it price f or those who ap- , preciate a really first-class aIrticle, and then we have th)em as low as 5 cents eaich, ,for the prettiest littie CH,;ILD'S PURSE we haveever seen. We also haive them at ail prices be- 'ý,tween these two -extremes, but our- grand leader is our 50u. PUùR SE' Shchis of the latest design and extra good value. STOTT & JURY. ITHE ONLY OPTICIAN ini this country who has made a speei-alty of optes and lias grad- Suâtied from the three leading ICoillege-s of 'America is J. H. H. No cargefor consultation. Eý_yes tested free. Larger stock than ail other elers combined. STOTT &JURY, .;STOTT & JURY buy their ]?urfies irc from the manufacturers. They haýveý the newest designls 'Flhe iowvest prices. 'The best vhlnue. SThe best Stove Pipe En- ~amel on the m--trket is that iïsold( by Stott & Jury. Proteet your Stove Pipes -\ithi the Enamel sold at Stott & Jury's.- 1;5ca bottle will buy the best a1rticle in the market for pr1es"erving and beautify- ing stove pipes.-Stott & Jury. BOWMi<VILE.OCT. 23.-1895. Local, and Otherwise. Warm1î overcoatsjfor cold weather. _ied the biggest adv't on Iirst page. We will make tierce reductions for cýash. Ellison & Co. Soe-oods will be sold at auction p ric e 'llison & Co. We, aire forcing sales at desperately Mow prices. Ellison & Co. THE STATES-MAN and Weekly Globe for balance of 1895, for 25c. Ou)irready made clothiîîg will be sold ~t ny acifie.Ellison & Co. 5 ,-allons Canadian Oil for 8) cents or j 6 cents a gallon -at the Mason Co's. Dress Goods, Clothing, Cloakings, and F lanniels will be off ered cspecially cheap. Vilison & Co. COAL O)IL.-5 gallons high grade Ain- enrcan-i Coal O11 for $1.00 at The Mason Co's. See advt. We have some genuine bargains for vaoit, eall and examine our stock. May- Sadthke Jeweller.- Weý would advise ail who want to buy 'first class goods at a small profit to cal [on Myadthe Jeweller. Leaýive, - our ordý,rs for stove irepairs ~and ail repairs fior Hlappy Though-lt U aniie k ept on hand at Dustan & Hoar's. Gra-;in crusher rollers, recut and put ~ii ni rer, crushers for sale, straw cutters roepaired at East End Foundry, Bow- illanville. 41-2w. A b)eautiful sideboard, Dinin- Table, Cou chi and set of Dining Chairs, includ- ,ïian aria and a rocking chair, ail for 6.()u at Williams and Sons' Furniture kYour evesight is precious, and T. N. YRicard liltest it very carefuliyv, free ofc areand fit both your pocke t and vour eye in sucli a manner that you will neyerv 'regret having called upon him. fWest endý( Bleakley's Block, Bowman- ville. The, verY latest styles and prettiest oosthe ,iarket affords at Rsckard 's, 'Bowanvileand1 no better value for volur mîoney in any jeweilrv store la tie bJominion.' Every care, taken to, be able1 to truthfully makethis statament. <Cal and - tlsfy yourself. At the 4 i Brothers Concert Thurs- dlay iht thýe hall was packed. to flic S o ursal everyone seemed to enjov the mus1isin iii dancing, etc. The song 11w LOV,11sung bv Mr Thos. v,. er v well rcndered indeed. He hias ai fie bess voice. Prefessor Ktnpla.yed niicel v, "Home Sweet j Hme"wih vritioson the banjo Jand"Anei' Seenae" erysweetly on the mandi!4olin. The statuary by three Heal Bros.--Cash Grocers. Fresb Sardinies at Iledl Bros', only 6c a can. Mn. Perey bas a good buggy to seli very cheap. Msr. Gray adventises choice ltreeding lanbs for sale. 1IHeel Bi-os arc paying 13 ets a dozen for eggs this week. Indien, Ccylon and China Tees, great va9 lue at Mnrdoeh's. The weleomc dollars will bc apprece ieted. Ellson & Co. The very newest goods m iii be slautght- ened. Elison & Co. Tan, STA5TESIMAN and Weekly Globe balance of 1895 for 25e. Pears, Butter and Eggs waated. Sec The Meson Co's adv't. Mr. Lnxton's sale on the Bates Farna cornes off on Friday ncxt. Messrs. M. D. Williams & Sons new business sigu is vory Dntty. Grocers Due Bills takea as Cash et Coueh, Jolinston & Cr vderman's. A speelel invitation is g-iven to ail to read the biggcst advt. on lst page. Coffesroastcd on the premises,always fresh and best lu toava, at Murdoch's. Wc ask our old enstomers to mention the sale to their friends, Ellison & Co. The very inewest goods will be subjeet to 20'/ discount for- cash. Eiii.scn & Co. Miss Emma MeCiellan has rcturncd from visiting Mrs. B. Bittain ' Toronto. Dr. Oiver bas nemovýed from New- castle to Newtoavillc where lie formerly praetised. The lodgo room la the third stoney of the STATESSIAN Block has been fitted up again. Paleare for winter by getting warm elothino- blenkets, flannels, &c., et The Mason U's. Ladies' Weterproofs of ail kinds seling off et cost price et Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. Dustan & boar have a vory fine dis- play of coal and wood stoves, ranges and beatons. Heal Bros. have just received a nice lino of biscuits which they are offering et very low pnices, For frosh oggs, rough dressed poultry and good butter best pricos enu ho had et the Mason Co's. Mn. Sherna as becn painting the Prower Block and the improved appeer- anco is vcry marked. Ail orders for stove pipiag and fur- nace work attended to by competent mca et Dustan & Hoar'se Durbam Teachers' Assoiation meets la High Sehool, Bowmenville, Friday and Saturdey this weck. 11ev. R. Douglas Fraser avas one of the speakers ai a young peoplc's meet- ing in Toronto Monda y aighi. Remember the ontetainînent la the Town aleuFriday night under auspices of Durham Ca. Teachonrs' Association. The enterteament on'Fniday next under auspices of Teachers will no doubt ho one of the best of the season. Concis, Johnstoq & Cryderman are sbowing a lovely stock of iigli class goods et vos-y moderate pnices. Cal and sec them. Tise Wiliing workers of St. John's Church wil give e grand concert Than- ksgivlnoe nb-ht Nov 21, in tise Towna Hall. Part'cnl'ans later. If you aant to see the bi--est and choicesi stock of strictlyy new Ury Goods to ho fouad in these counnues calet Coueh, Johaston & Crydermen's. Because of a shortage in tise crop, sugars are advanciag. The Mason Co. have a big stock ln, bongbt before the advance. Sec their sugars. Miss B. Oke and Miss A. Easteoti, Weieomc, spent a very enjovable time ia Bowmianviile iast'week, gnosts o! Mrs. J. Carseedden, Becbh Avenue Our roaders who enu go ta Enniskul- len on Fidey evening- Nov. 8 shonld attend the chieken pie social and lec- ture. Tho ladies ont ibere make very appetizable chieken pics. Mr. Wm. Fieldiag. of Mindenf, wtso bas held the position of eroava land agent ilu thet district, bas been appoint- cd police magistrato for Halibanton county, et e salary of $800. Peight1ev. R. A. O'Connor, bisliop of eeboro, as started for Rame to make the visit ad limina, Le,, the visit paid by evcrv bishop to the holy fathen afte 1eonseeration. Mn. James MeLean, tex colecetor, lias been busy distributing the usuel dunîners to the taxpayers ansd rcqnest- iîsg thet the sum stated thereon ho peid fortlswith. Tise rate is osly 18 mîlîs this vear. 11ev. C. Xatcb, of Brighton, Ont., for- merly of Oshawa, preeched la Beiti- more Md. ,Sunday weck and Tucsday read a paper treating of "Social Pnnitv Work in Canada,"'before the Amenican Purity Congress. Mnti. W. F.Tembnly7nB. ., sn of Mr Wedniesday ad Sa turday tbe Semi- Weeklyý Spectator is published. Ta înost p ast offices ibis is aeariy as gaod as a iaily Paper, wbile the pnrice is onir $,1. per ycar. If you subsenibe NOVV fan 189,1 we wili send the balance o! ibis %,car FREE 0F CHARGE. Tiesecarlier you snh'cribe the more van get fan Your $i.O ,'tample copies fro na pphcation.1 Address: SiEc-A'roa Paîx.ýTîNt Co ,Hem- ilton, Canada. 42-3Bw. To Toronto and neturn Nov. 7 and 8 fori$15 Miss M-ileckay is visiting frien,1qs;et Chicago, 111. Miss Hattie Dana of Toronto bas been home an e visit. Our primae objeet is ta s aise mnoneur qniekly., Ellison L, Ca. Lange quaistities of eppies aee beîng evaparatcd ibis season. No-n e ane% ocupatiaa lias arisen for blisad persans-nmassage - Goods lof t fnoirn lest season aili go ai half price. Ellison & Ca. Ladies Jaekets eand Maiiles ai speeil reduciions. Ellisan & Ca. Osur eheap sale pnices aili bc tise Io-- est ta 20 a cens. Ellison & Ca. Miss Jeekson, Linsdsay, avas e recesît gnest ai Lawr)er M. C. G albraiths. Winter aili soon be -upon ns. Get yonn fans nead. .Sec MAa) erýs cdvi. * 11ev. J. Wlitloek eand daaghien, Pont Perny, calied on friends here neceestiy. Present pnices aI Taweeds and Cloths aili astanisb aur enstomers, Elliso & Co. 1ev. R. D. Fraser aiteuded thcelasser- ai of iis wife's bi-aiher et Bannie lest areck. Mn. Levi Skinsner, Tyrone, avas a suceessfal exhibiton of Shsropshsire sheep et Bethany fair. Mn. S. and Miss Herrinq-ton aI Belle- ville bave been guesis at Mn. M. Cryder- man's, Beechs Ave. Ta ho a rood eook and housekeeper is anc of th-, most desirable oI femissine acconiplis sasents, Reliable, handy man ta rent hanse near centre of town will ho gîvea wonk for reat. Sec advt., Miss Emma Tahb bas none ta Rochester, N. Y., arlîre she nwill spond the ainter aitis relatives. Mn. M. Mayer bad a very bcd feul from a stand laniis shop lest weekz and bas since heen disahied from service. Every man and boy ncoding an oven- coat sbouid not feu 10o read Couch Jobaston & Crydennîan's advt. on tirsi page. Dusian & Iloar have five different vaniotios o! Ranges ta select from la- cludiag tise celebrated Happy Tiought Range. Dr. Robt. Young,' V. S. waes ibroava fnom a load of apples (bernois) an Mon- day susiaiaing a compound fracture of a collarbone. Mr F. Riggýns bed bis noigi arm toru frons bis body lbyva belt is Pedlen's Mtel Roofing W orks, Oshawa, Monday. He may die. Mn. James Jarvis, Duluth, MLina., vis- ied lus brother Mn. R., Jarvis, Chief of Police, lest week.. The brothers liad nai mset for 14 veens. Mn. D. B. Simpson attended tise Pro- vincial Curlens' Association nmeeting in Toronto lest aveck and aras eiectcd on tbe Executive Board. Tise Toronto Globe says. TînE CANAD- UAN STATESIMAN lies published an enter- taiîîing sketch bvy M. Mosote James o! pleasat trip ibrongîs Eîsgland. ,Mn and Mrs. T. E. H-iiibtbuiîaane- turcd home lest areeknisaving b ad a most enjoable tri p t Qncbec, Mont- real, Ottaava, Pembrokeë and Toronto. Godericb bcd a big fine Saturday nighi wisea Mn. W. CÛ. Goode's drug store was burned; insured for $830. Mn. Goade is son of Mn. W. Goode, Base Line, Darlingion. Ia tise lisi o! officers of the Presbyter- il Society o! tise Presbvtery o! Whiitby o-vnlest week, the nsame'o! Mr. Wm. Pnrveýs aras accidenîally omitted(. Miss J. Pasîton, Oshawa, is correspoading secretarv. A handicap road race aili ho beld on tise Cobourg noad on Friday nexi et four o'clock. Startins-from tie Traders' Bank corners, Port ia pe ta Post Office, Cobourg, and back ta Port Hope. Op- on ta, Port Hope anid Newtonville. The pran-ram for Fridav cveniag meeting wii h o entributed hY Mn. Grenville Kicisen in bis inim itable sketches from David C-,opperfieid and by ïMaster Wiilie Wilson, thc celebrated boy Soprano, assisted by the Boavîan- ville Orchestra. The Feul annoancement o! Messrs: Williams & Son, f arnitare douions and fanerai direciors, aili be louati cisc- whiene. Tisey kcep e sapera stock o! furnituî-e ta suit evor yhodv anîd are sel]- ing tasutit the urnes. Cal ishn avant- ig an ythiag la thein une. Tisev aim, to please. "Feasi o! Mondamin".--Uader liais someavbat novel and pocticai nsane tise E. L. of C. E. ariji l a social in tise lecture noons and parlons of tise Methad- ist Chanch an Thassksgiaing evaiîîg.* Besides a slndid bill of fane, a choice program aÏMII,Ùsie, neadingv, etc., is lie ing pnepared. Adaissioný 15 cents. Messrs. W. T. Osborne and John Os- borne, iwo brothers wba bave been liv- ing aNvti ssine o! tise besi fermens la in ibis district for sonse years, started prsded et a metn oralnize a Connshs ssocatio si i iis abo!ject to theSasoEnld in Canada. thec miin oom set in ad~emn pnîcest are l-e1ing ý-pid(. For ;a sinil coutage cn 1inî rnmasantia itehi e.11 with sma I ,;aan t I.ihe entbatd vanced from Ë£9 aad £10 ta £1 an £1 per monili. Near isouses are ýgoing up ai the raie o! 2 10 8 ) a wcek in nthat town. ChIIdr.n Cry for Pitcher'. Castorla. "Master.Willie Wilsonî sang sevenai sangs, nceeiving aveu mierited eneanes. Master Wilson possesses a saveet, cieun, flexible sopresso v u ,oice, esnd gives prom- ise of becoingiý1 a favorite sonýgster.'- TorontoMil Apples Wented I aili bav a 4qLaustity of epples saitable fon ea-aporatiatcandi elso tes a ealoads af eider apples if prnsïply delivened et G. T. R. Stationi,Bauseabi. 42-2aa. J. R. FINaLE. Mlanitoba Flour. The undes sigssled keep eonistantlv a n baud for sale, cash ass ire uscMasnitoba No. 1 11usd Wbeai Floan; also bost pastry fiaun. Baird SaIt for salea 42-if 1 LOCKIIART BROS. Bon maville and Neawcastle. Ciîeap Passages ta England. The steerage rates of ihe Allen Lino bave not vet been iriereased; $922.30 is the lare rmus Baava ic eta Liverpool, Denbv Belfast, Landaos or GFlasgoarv ever.uling bud. Sandiniesi ibis Satandav et daylight: the Mon golieni on1 6ti \Nov. le*st fmoanMoatrealib is seeson. Price of Coal. Owing ta utse laie advaîsee la tihe pnice of Anthsracite coal, on and alter Nov. ist the uadensigaed will seli eoai ai the following figur-es: 'Ai Harborn$14.50 per ton; delivercd ta ail parts o! ±lowa$4.90 per ton. Up ta iliet date ali arders ae- eompanbed by Cashsaril be filied eb car- rosit prices, and a rebate ai 25e per ion Noveraber raies ailiho allonred on al accouais seitled during Ociohen. MCCLELLAN & CO. Bowmanvilc, Oct. 8, 1895. Teachers' Association lEitertainnment. On ]Friday evoning, Ocuober 251h, Mn. Grenv'ille P. Klebser avwiIl i ve an enter- talament lui ibe Taora Hall, consistiag of pensonation o! chanaciers froîn David Copperfleld. Master Willie Wilson, the doen yaýung boy soprano, bas been on- gaged 10 sisg et itae evening entertein- ment. Admission uo any part aiflice ball, 25c. Doors epenata 7:80; pragnens ta beginaet 8'o'ciock. Iaeaving Town. Having decided ta go inta business la flic progressia-e toava o! Campbellfond, 1 desire ta ihank tbe people o! Bowmen- ville and vicinity for their liboral pîatronage, and ta sa y that ay wank li for repeins eau ho had ai nesidene Division st., noxita B. C. Churcîs, (New Music Hall. ') Any person oaitîg ae- cousuts ta the firm n-ilpiease ccail ai once and pay saine ai nesideace. 43-12w. MAYNARD THE JEwELLE1I. WhO won Prizes. By an overs'ight lu giiag flic paritie- niars of tise bicycle roedi race lest week ave omitted ta speeify n hairan the pnizes and aývisai the pnizes arere: 1 Ai- bort Candui, gold watch; 2 ManleY R. Cryderman, parior concis; 8 Othe, Masan, sil v aeii; 4 Garnet Trearia, bicycle se(ddle; 5 Naorman S. B3. James, China uceese dishz ; 6 Rob. Beiih, box, cigars; 7 Malcoitîs Galbraith (alsa isi fan speed)', suit o! clauses; 8 Johns Hans, pair images; 91 George McClelan, pair tennis sIippors; 10 Norman Plumaier, handy cbair; F. C. Petiîbe, 2nd piize for speed, gold ring. A Way to Milake Money. Farmers iose manoYby îaat kccping ebreasi o! tise merci of agricuiiurai pro.gress. Fariner Sinush, avio appuies ibis vear flac metlsods tisai Fermer J osse used aitis suceess tavelve montliss =eoe is jissi thai machs beliiîîd bis usiior ili bis baak accoui, lan uisese bard times it docs nat pe 'y ta lag- behind thoelsead of thse procession. "Baitisoa" asks tise fermer, "4Cai1 keep posted on ail tise noir îsprove- monts anîd ideas and decîde, aithout testiig theas avîichiIs good and wlsich is not?" Quite simple. By-heing cane- fui avhere lho gets bis information. He needs to look ta mcaavsaknaw arîsat ihey are taliking about for~ advice and stsggostious:ý andi tiseavay ta do ihis is ta road tise farm depanimeats inthtie Fumir l Herald and WeelIv Stan o! Mout-eai. TIsemast sacessîn faili- ens, deirvnaen ansd breeders in tise eau- tinent contribute ta h ',-givilg adr iCe froc and telliug tise secrets aIf thein prasperitur. Tiisdepartînent a0 tise Family fieneld ansd Weely Stan is arn ulsndne,'ds ai dollars eveny year ta a aidean-ake fanaser. Ili additionî tu tîis. lte Faiiiy1-1 aid and Weeliy Star avbichis or aven twni eers bas been tise necognized famhy n'eklyo! Canada, n6v ailtis DIED0. STOTr.-At Port n1t;te, uit Sunday, Oct. 20th, 5.kî5, i-i tise St h yer otir ag, MýNar-y Elsle,oiy daugliter otflMr.-and ira. 11i'ýl. tott. Wnmzcitxa--tPstI-oe ýStrsy Oct. 1.il, Sfae tyaM.ritAtuIc son, fef . .utci. McL îruiiîîz-Is Obae.omsn sdOt i.4v iSA, Fatîc HataIt~id wite' nilJîo. 1. u-agii, gd32 VVe'rs. Much of the Bai-gain Advertiseuients of the time is pure sham. Yon will save far moi-e uîoey iu a year by dealiug with-l a reliable house that studies your ueeds, than by investiug in catch penny miark dow n. VI that our system of doiug business is appreciated frein the fact that our trade has steadily increased. We buy the best goods the market affords, f'or cash, aud eau theî-efore save yon mouey by dealiug with us, We are shlowiug a flue hune of cauued go.ods. will niake a note of this. Camp ers Telephone connection. Goods delivered promptly to any part of the town. CAW'KER &TAIT BowmàNviLLE. Metliodist Missions. The meeting of the Missîonarv Coin- mittee of the Bay of Quinte Methodist Conference took place lu Cobourg last week. The followino- ministors and laymen were present; flev. E. Roberts and Mr. J. A. Iolgate, Belleville District; Rev. F. B. Stratton' and Mr. W. F, Hall, Napanee District; Rev. Win. Johaston; Brighton District- Rev; W. J. Crothors and Mr. Geo. Wilson, Cobourg District, Rev. Caleb Par ker, Bowmaaville Dis- trict, Mr. J. L. Smith. Whitby District; Rev. B. Gree-trix, Cannington District; 11ev. S. J. Shorey and Dr. Thompson, Distic; ev. W. R. Young and Mr- JhfliPeterboro District; 11ev. W. T. Jolliffe'and Dr. Ford Campbeiifordl District; Re 'v. J. C. Wilson and Mr. James Clare, Madoc, District- 11ev, J J. ice and Mr. J. R, Fraser, i? mworth District. The divisioni of the funds et the dis- posai of the conîmittele, was distributed pro rata amnong the different domestie laissions i the Conference. In tise evening a public meetinge was heid ia the Division street lietýodist church, the president of the Conference, 11ev. F. B. Stratton, presiding. 11ev. J. J. Rice, chairman of the Tamn- worth District, hield the audience for nearly an isour with his cloquent and appropniate remnarks. 11e was foilo-wed by the 11ev. S. J. Shorey, ex-President of the Conference, who for a haîf an hour mado, as lie always does, a inost excellent address. MXU1KET JOTT [NGS. Whoat in Manitoba lias sold down to 45c. and 46c. Caiiadian eggs are coming- more into favor la Engiend. The io'w prices of potatoos is likely to keep Ilour checaper. Pork took a furihor drop ia the Eng- lish market lest week. Broekville cheese markethlas advanced 91c hiaviîîg been paid. Buekwheat is livelier and 413 to 4411c. have been paid at Montreai for car lots. Butter is booming once more and lîigher prices are likely to bc maintain- cd. Hay lias ads anced $1 per ton since last wýeck at Moatreal. $11l to $12 now beiîîg paid. Lest seek 380 horses, 2173 cattle ad 9568 shecp were slsipped fromn Moatreel to England. English apples have becu selling thiere for Id. per 11b.. while Canadien frtuit bring,ýs 4d. to 6d. At the large centres pnices for potato- es have advanced a trille. As low as 25e a bad of 90 ibs. prevailedat Toronto. Anstretlitn nmarkets at this season are banc of truit and Canadian apples are bein- shipped there as an expeniment. D)ronght lan Eîglend the past uaonth bas caased farmers there to selI off their ettie la store conîdition for want of keep. As au evidence of values of mutton in English markets, lest wvcek English matton sold at 5s, lld; Canadiani 4s. 4d; an-I Amnenican B3s. 10d. Some 10,000 bushels peas were sold one dla y last week nt Montreai 654c per (631bs. About 15,000 bushels sold at Stratford at. 48ý2 to 49 per 60 lbs. Barle v is more activ e-and sales have been nmade at advance pnices, sales of 100,Ooo )bushelset from 4Oeto 45e. Feedl hurleur selîs at Moatreal at 4uc. Messrs. J. N.Meogi and William Peintoa have lsresented a hantlsomclv framned gronp por mait of tise 1-1gb Court offiens and delegates for 1895 to Court Pnide of Ontario, No. 6000, An- cient Order of Foresters. BOWMANVILLE MAR]KETS. Corrected by.J.McMlurtry saveryTesa FLouR, I1, 100 lbs. .......82 O to 8 2 67 WHEAT, Faîl, oid 3P bush. O 0 0 O 60 sîemw bush. 00n O 60 n White Fife ...O00 W O62 Red " ..0 00 0 65 GOOSE .... 000 0 55 BARLE Y, P bush, No. 1 .. O 00 O 40 n.......0 00 0 88 8.'.. 0 00)n0 35 i nTwo rowed O 0 n O35 OATs, white n............O 00t O24 il mixed ............O0 00 0 23 RYE t'..........0 00" 045 BucKWI'A,,ýT t......O0 00 0 O88 PUAS, BltckeVe, P bush.. 0 00 0 57 nMttmmey O 0 00 O55 nSmall, n 0 00 n0 50 Bie, 't O t)nO 055 BUT-Rý l 3est table, 1 lb.. il 12n 0 18 Effls.4Pdoz ............. 000 '0 14 PoTAToius, bush ......_..<000 0 O15 W~a11 Paper. We have just receiw- ed our Fali Stock of' Wall Papers and they are very cheap and pretty. Cal! and see them if you intend paperi ng. W.cTm ALLENU 1BowMANVILfLt. c APETWEAVINGT done by Mrs. R.'VASnlsNOTIa, Haydoul. XARRIAGE LICENSES issued by .LLW. BiNGesî, Einiskillcu. 28-OSm DRESSMAKING donc byMisskiNartha IfPeate, Cor. King and Oiieario street. ROFSLATING.-C. L. Munson5 RBowmanvjlle, Siater, Feit asîd Gravel Roof. er. 3lr F0OR SALE CHEAP. At end sprn A.side bar top buggy tsi iirst ciass order,21 Apply to J. Pl"IZCy, Bowmaniville. 42 if. JAM LAMBS-A feW vcrvy choice- ,,,g.fptrc bred Cotswold Rani Lamibsand siseeni- Orig frSale elteap). GEQ. GRIAY, NentouVille, M AN WANTED.-Reliaible-%workino muan f0 rent snmati house near centre J to.* Cai4,ayi refit ns sIy iii wojrk. Applyto TiseMasonl Co. 411 tf. lITAIR O K-Ladies -wishiing hair ..doeover, a it iss. D CKsINSON, King street, W., Bo anvilie. 28-tf, T--10 YOU WANT A ROME.-Ifyvoudo J" apply to T. îHA for a sice soltîd brick cottage cbeap and on easy ternis. 31 if. MUSIC-MISS MABEL TAIT is pro- M paedbteac Muie o Oran, ~~~f*o TifOUSE TO LET.-Thet desirableý ILbrick residlence knowsi as thse B. C. Par- souag-e, Division St., very cosivenient to busi- nless paritof toxvu ai i gondciond(itioni. A ppIy to M. A. JAMES. 43-4w. G uN Lblbarrlbr. Ioader,$5. Greener ~B r. loader, $25. \s inchiester G SR'-l1',"" eatinig Rifles, $14. Flobert Ri es, $2. -Revolvers, $i. Lowest prcsfor reliable goods; send for catalogue, r. W.BOYD & SON, MONTRIEAL. FARM FOR SALE-A flrst eiass fanii FOf 125 acres or 145 aecs sittstedi Li thse 'r,ý s, in -f Et ii stb, î st c tIn. lots 15 and il, ou the Base tut.. astIl miles trous Osbawa station, 2toiles front Vbitby au it m ods roin thse seblool bouse. Large roomy ootldiugs, main tariu 9a, tft, pleuiy of fruit, so aH day boain, a1. tOgether oitî oi t., lii at grain farms on the Lakia ýSeore; noo huis a.nd siso s. Ai), ut Io acres of wood, 75 acres lut pasture and iresti ,a.uî Temseay;lrgt plowtung doue. For fuirtth5r paîrt cis ply to A Aýx's. Oa1îawa. 87-tf. Two Farms for- Sale in Clarke. Two god ferma, one rear of lot 20, ((C. 3, be. inn 5 acres and 4part of lot 2, con .3,; ..Re. ,,0 aes on whicl are good framne bouse, barn s;table-s ant 1ýidnsug snselfented, twýNo ood wells. ,good orclîar<l; aout ttree smiles iront Ne w ". f,c. For fin tier particulaenffcsaly te T. I. SmiiH, Box 148, Whitlty. 13-10m% GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. BOWMANVILLE STATION". GoING EAST. 'GG ~WEST. Express.-8 S. a. i. Expresi.5 23 e. m. Express..10 19e. a. L-cal . .8M-, Passeuigei. 'i;t045 "I Passesîgr .2 25 p,ti.i STOTT & -JJRY Town iTvet ients.