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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Oct 1895, p. 6

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OPRATEFUL-OOMFORTING. BREAKFAST-SUPPER. "ye titrongit knOwledÇge uf the naturel lawe whl eh gvrnte peretions of digestiont 'a4ntIn a ri y acareful application of V s leproparVed; 0f wIllseetdCu, Eupp bas pro'sided for ont breakfaest and supper a deietely flavorud baverace wbirbmayseve ne enyievy ductom' bille. 1t is by te Indiionsyl usa of surit artictes of dnet that a constituion neay ha gradnally built nu uxti toug auougb tu raet Vevery tendaucy ta isease. Hundrede f subîla maladies are foatng &round ne raad'y Iu attacie wberaear tera la a waak point. We max escape maux e fatal skiais by kaeping onreelve well lutifiat '.ithb pursblon~d and a pnrperly nounrjsed trame-"- civil Service Gazette." Madie simply wirt hiliug water or milIr, Sold only lu peekets. by Groens. lolelud thas: JAMES Erpe & Ce., Henssîepatlise Cisela- LesXonsdonis Enns, WEDNESDAY, OCT. 23, 1895. V BU EBER 0OF COLLEGE 0OP PHY8iciÂN tiari urgeuus, Ontario, Coroner, tc, Ofiesri edence, Enntskillen, 74. D BUR'KE 8SflIPs«.r D A RISFRSOLICITOR, tý0. MOPItVIS1 P »OCN. upsralrs, Kin? Stuait Bow'na- ville. Soiciter fer te Ontrni Bank, 'iEvate Men01eVe -loane t.the lhttwaei rates BiOUT. YOUING, 'V. §» O FFICE IN THE WEST DURHAM News Blecie, -niera bimaif or assistant et >-befound rinma.m. ru 9 pm. Nigbr celle ercsideea,druecrîy opposite CiiiSbed, Celle 1 telegrepit or tlaphone will teceiva promept âtenttuar a1y-, A, A. POST, ARCHITEOT, Plans and Specifica- 4tiens prepareri fon every clase of building. 51ps-isl attention gven roa eting hy eam sari het watrî. and toe anitemy arrangem"ents. c:GoTrie Blocke, WblVhy 43-ly R. PATE, Tailor Gentlemen's lothes Made to Order. J.M, BIIMACOMBE, DENTIST. OFFICE :-liear Of Messrs. Iliiggi nbotham & Son's Drug1 Store, (down stairs), BOWMANVILLIS C. HARNDEN, L. D. S. Gled nee oltite Royal Collage a£ Deutal Surgeons. Ontario.1 OFFICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFICE. VITALIZED AIR, New T1ailor Shïop The undarsiguafi wit bas beau earryiug on the teiloriug 'business lu cunnection with Masan 8 Dry Gonds Store forea nunehetof yean las cemmaucari business futriimaeaifaet hi> residence, Ring S.,west, wbare b lepreare te makre gants' auriboys' suite n elI latasi stlsanri et lowast prices. For tituse wbc Wleit 0 order suite, bu will carry a fuît lina ut amples iu al ite ne west patterus. Gi va but J. T. A L N Fasiouabie Taîlor MONEY TO LOAN,' $100,0 00, A large uum oey bas been placariinmy bande hy a. pivate persan for' luverment, on epprOvat b0ans on terne secnrity for a terneor s'tVs r oTlEX yeare, FîvE AND ONE )EALE PPER ûFNT ictereet cil, bca aked payable yuarly. SatiefaetorY conditions for repaymnet will bo arranguri. D, B. SIMPSON, Solicitr.nBovmen ville. Deteri Oct. 1e, 1894. 411 V. F OR SALE OR RENT.-Huusa 'and IL'làecrefor sale u or tant, situaero eengcg street uorth. Thte ire;aises consitatof a good boutse with every ooovenienoe, driving ited, stable, etc. The gerduncountaineaalot ci lihoteceut fruit of ail venietie. Imumadiate possession eau ha given. For partlculars apply W.FreSHEerxesaBowmauville Ont Zelapplication tfon calendror for roo ' '0V 30-tf Picpl VfiterfJoues \,a011home riteuer igh t fis if'er wratheput, Sat i.tuexcua issorypigt; Idtu 1snuwsite wasà loated. dear rine" e;"rhey are Y0111.titie ro n'lit."1e epoke ýlutatof re- S TORIES 0F AD VENT UR'--'E, Pl - - tongue souud so pretty as the Emperor,and no one couud make it more harah and er. EXPLOITS OF A BRIGADIER GENERATa rible. ________________________"I believehle would have kilied me,"cried Berthier, etill rolling hie head about. WÂS'1~?'EDBY "I muet ask yen, before 1 go farther, to "Tut, tut !I1ehould have cumne te your 110W TH1E BIGADIER WSTNPU Y promise me, urion yonr hunor as a gentIe- help had these officers not heard your cries. DEVIL. man and a eoldîaer, that what je about te But I trust that you are nlot really hurt 1" The spring je at baud, my friendb. 1 ean pase batween us shall neyer hoe mentiuued 1He epuke with earuestuess, for be wae iu sels the the littia green spearbeads breakîug te any rbird pereun." trutb very fond 'of Berthier-more "o then ouronc moe uon iteehetun rreeud My word, thie wae a flue begiuning of any man, unlees it were of pour Duroc. out onc more ailu eetutmoveesd t had nuoboice but tu give the promiee re- Berthier laughed, thougb flot in a very the cafe tables haveal enmvdit quired. good graca. the eunehine, Iii je more pleaer Vo ait IlYeu muet know, then, that it je ail " It je uew for me ru recaive my injuries there, and yet 1 do flot wish to tell my lit. over witb tue Emprir," said be, lookiug from French bands," seid hie. tle @tories tu the wboie town. You have dowu at the table and speaking very slow- l'And yar jr was in the cause of France" bear mydoige s alietenntas eqa. y, as if he had a bard taskin îu etting out retreteEmar.Tnunigu head y dins s aliutean, s aaqa-the wurds. IlJaurdian et Rouen and e i okol rma yth a.I h dron officer, as a colonel, as the eliief of a Marmont et Paris bave buth monnted te us, be ti nId r, amlea lu eerone Af brigade. But nuw I suddenly becoma white cookade, and jr je rumnored theri Eytangei e, o were y e t Talleyratid bas alkad Ney juro do- aduce f oortMr ing the sauie. Ir je evident thateng.1rneb vivrywlm od become hisitury. fîrtber resistance je useless,and that it enu mgon. Si raembe rue re netl yguex- If you bave read of those losing years ouly bring misery rupon our country. 1 wish fiueud !S rTeyohd iresrenet yet cx-o of tha ife of te EmpaerrwFihjewere ru asi e Vn, therafore, whetîîer you are pre- tîuink hed ITh Empatrer hum up wenyuud pareil te juin me iu layiug bande upon the yu )lnlDsiue o oh o spaur iu the Island of st, Helena, yen wih1 Emperor's persun, and brîngiug the war teyeClnlD8inyn odnt reniember that, agahu and again, he impior- a conclusion by dalivering hîm over V rte Gaerard, yuurte the tl swor jeeyen, ed permission te send ont une single latter alieas."ead or atflsod eeeob wbic shuldbu nopxiei bythoe wo Iassre ou tat benI bardthi inbetween me and my eneries. Weili, well, I aosropyositoat orw bard ythe man I bave had soeatraiturs about me, but whl im. Mald n ties e made ths e whamus ha posibea u t eretrid o the nnow et lest we are begînnng r et u heldhim.Man tims li mae ths re'wh hadbeentheearlest ried oftheare tbe true men."0SeWh quest, and even went su fer as ru promise Empaer, and wbu had received greatar Ye cn înny rl.friands, the trirli of that bu would provide for bis uwn waur faveurs from him than any of bis folowere, i', wichif Lan~ve us when the greateeât man enf cese o b anexpnsate iteBriIsh cou~flld ouiy stand and stare at hini juin ite whola world spoke te us in tii andceae t hoau xpeiiete he ritshamazamaur, For bis part lha tapped bis Peu fashion. Tremeeu ehonie uutjl 1 thought Guverument ifje j were greuted ru bim- bandle agaiust bis teetb, and looked et me ha wonld have fallan, and the tears rau But hie guerdians knew that bue was a with a slanting bead. onhegatimusce.Iyuhd terrible man, titis pale, fat gentleman ini "Weill honeaskaddowuethsetitigaur oustachve. If en adth the istraw bat, aud tbey dared nVgrant "dyI alttee afepsor ne i, eajd hc 1'ifluence wbjch the Emperor had ripou wondredcolhy, Thae ae soe tîng whlb ~ri-ose voarase-grained, sevage uld verraus. bîm what lbu askad. Mauy have wnee carinut bear. I beg tat you wiii permit "lWavll, My faithful friands," sai", ha, wbu it was te whom bue Cound have eny- me e ru rn te My duties," " if yen wîhh folow me jute this roumi, I thing se secret ru say. Soeahave suppos. "«Na, but yon muet not be baadIstrrug," wili expiain tu yenu the meaning ot this ecitha i wa he wfuan sua hatjtsaid ha, rjsing np and layiug is hend upitn ifle farce whieit wa hava beau acting. 1 ed ' at t ws he ife an rime hatitmyshouldar. "lYouareawaretbattheSenare bag, Berthier, tl'at yon wilh remn inj this was bis fatber-.n-law; some that it was rts bas dechared agatuer Napoleon,and that te chemrber, and su make sure that nu une ths Emupaer Alexander, and soein rut Emperor Alexander refuses ru treat wjtb nerpau. MaSir," ISculed, witb passion, I wouof 1V was uew for ns te bu doiug business, Il ir, 1 rie, wth assonIl woldwitb e Marebal uf France as seurry et te me, my friande, wben I rail yen 1V w.s te have yen knuwý thar Ido net cere th? dregs door. However, we felluwai the Empaerr me-to mue, the Brigadier Gerard-that 'te of a wine.glaiss for the Senate or for the aswe wera ordered, and ha led ns jutu tha Emperorwisbedtowrirg! Yes'hu mbleasyon Emparer Alexander aither." recesuf te wiudow, gathering us aronnd see me, wittb uly my.100 francs a Menthr of Then for wbat du. you care ?" . adsiinhevicasb edrse bewae meaudunuarjr e nue For my nwn hunour and for te serlu tee Us. te less true thar I was alweye iu the em- ci My glerione miaster, te Emperor 111 have picked yen ont of the wbola parur'e mjnd, and tat hae would have Napoiaun."1 army," eajd ha, l"as bamng noV unly the muer givan bie laft baud for fiva minutes' talk Il That je ail very welll"sifi Berthier, formidable but 'aiso the Most fejitlnl uof with me. 1 will tell yen ru-night how tii peeviehly, shruggîng bise boulýdere. "Faots mv soldiea. I wae cunvjncad titat yen came bout.are facre, and as men of ite world, we wýe ail threa men who wuuld neyer wavar Ir was airer te Bethe of Fare-Champa. muet look them in te lc.Are wa Vo ûu ieit em. fIhvevnue noise, where thte coneerîpre u intoir bleues stand egarnet te wiii of tbenatjon ?Are tn putur fidity ttme, IIbava andured aud tiroir sabote maea scb a fiue stand, we tVuhave civiwerar o h op ofei unrmis. watch you whjher arrempte were et my thet wa, the mure long-haadad of ne, bagan fortues IlAnd, besjdas, wa are thsjuuing orders madea upen your boueour, jr svas ouly te understand ther jr wae ail uver wirb ne. away. Everybhour comas rte ne--we uf reshbebcause, in the deys wheu I bava louihZ Ontrasa 'rvea anmunirjon bail beau taken in daserrione. Wa hava etill ti tt make thebleekeer rraasuu ameuger my osvn flash te barrie, and we wera lait with iteintguusounr peac e, and iudeed, te earul the bigheet and blood, ir je uacassary that 1 ehuuld ha and empty caissons.' Our ravalry, toc, was reward, by giving up te Empieror-." 1 doubly circumspect. Suffice if thet I am in a deplorabie condition, and mny ewn I ehuuk su witb passion rithar my sabra weîî euonviucad uow thet I eau raly upon1 brigade bad beau destroyed in te'great catared againsr my titig'.iit yuur valour"1 chage t Ceoa. hencam rie nws " Sir,'" 1 criad, "I neye r tbuugbt Vo "Toete deat, sire 1"criad Tramean, titat te suamy bad taken Paris, tbttbe hava seauirte day witen a Marehal of and wa butit repeaaed ît airter hjm. cîrîzans had mounted te white cockade ; Fiance would have so ittr dagradad himseal Napoean draw us ail yet a liVrie edoser and fiually, muet terrible of ail, that Mer- as ru put forwerd snob a proposai. 1 leava Vo hirt and sank ie svuicae'ill iowar. ment and bis corps itad, gone uvar ru the yon to your own conscience; but as "ýWba 1 eay Vu you now I bava said tu Bourbone. We, iouked eteaech other sud -for me, unril I have tie Emperor's uwunu u-e um iao ybuhr eeked itow meny more uf unr ganereis wera order, titerae ali ahway e b te sword o ouîy ru yeti. IL is ail up witb ns, my guing tru mm ageinet us. A-ready titere Etienue Gererd betwean lis anamias andi friauul. We hava come teo ur lest rahly. were Jourdan, Marmont, Murat, Bernadotte, hitmseaf." The gamins efiuished, and we muet maka sud Jumnini-ihougit uobody minded mucit I was su movad by my uwn words and by provision eccorriugîy." about Jornîni, for bis pan wee ehweys tefbue position whîcb I bad taen np, My haartEaemad Vua have ehauged Voe a Ilharpar titan hie mword., Weaila beau that my voice brokre, and 1 eunid bardly nina-pounder bail as i1 istenad Vu bim. ready Vo figitt Eurupe, but jV looked nuw refrain fromn ears. 1 ehouil bava ikad W, baid hopad egeinut itupa, but nuw as tongi we. wara Vo fight Eurupe and hall te whole army te have seau m-e ilasI stood when he, the maxi whu wae eai ays serons France as weih. with my head su proudhy ereet and My and who always bail raservee-wben bue, iu We had coma te Fontahubleen by e lun h aud ripou my heastr prociLoming my, de- that quiet, impassiva vuica of bis, saidthartr forced match, and thara wa ware assemble , votjou ru the Emperor in bis eversîty.1 evaryVbuýg was erer, we reahîzai htisrte the pour remnauts or ns, te corps of Ney, was nue outhVie supre momets olMy Ilue. edonnebadl siut for avar,aud rte las, gieami te corps of my cousin Gerard, and te corpse Il Very goed, ajd Bertitiefr inging a goure. Traîneau a nded grippedet hie of Macdonald ; tweuty-five tboueeud in ail, balfut tisa hckýey. "Yuu wtillsh the sabra, Daspiaune grounid bis reetit, and for with saven Vouseud nifte guard. But we Chiai of Brigade Gead nu thle salon." îny own part I titrew ont my cheet and had our prestige, wsicb wes worth fil ty The fuetman lad me into an tuet roum, luica yheeV ns Vt mao ia rhouuead, and ont Enspuror, wbo was worth wbere ha desirud me ru bu eatned. Fut my thara weîa sessujrjte wih wonid tisa Vo fi y tboueand more. H1e wee always amena uwn part, my only dejru wes te, gar eway, adversitv. us, satanas, smilling, confident, aking hie and I cound net nndersrand wiy they "My 'papers and nsy fortune muet bu enuff and playing wirb bhitle riding.wbip. shonld wish Vo derahu me ,-Whau une bas secrd,' wisprred the Empèrer. "The INaver inte days of hie grearast victorias bed nu change of îsiform dnrinnz e whole whle course of the futLure may depeud upoun Ibava I admirad hjm as much as I dhd during winter'e cempaign, oua dues nurt feel et My aigte aa hyaeotbs the Campaign of France. home in a palace. for rira nexr attempt-îor 1 am very sure n Oua evening 1 wes witb e few of My I bad beau thare about a quarter of au titat titase peur Bourbons would fiud rtar s officers driuktng e glass of wtne of Sures- iturt wbeu the foorman oeed te door my fooistool je ou large Vu make a throne nu Ls. 1 mention, that jt was wiua uf agaîn, and in came Colonel Daspienua. lortremt. Wbera amni ru kaap tese pre. 1 uresnes just Vu show yen fiit. Vjmas wara odievnwa the was He eous thîngs? My belonginge wil ha seaetced tnot vary good witb ns. Suddeuly 1 wes lace wes as white as a gaetclman'Il gaiters, -so wjlh thea bouses of my supporters. distnrbed hy a message from Bertier tar bis yes projectiug, teý veine swollan upon They muer ha securad sud couceaed by hoa wjshed ru sea me. Wita UI peak of bie forahead, and every hait of hie mous- men wbum 1 eau trust wîth ttrwicb je aMy old comraea-in-atme, I wîil, wrth tacite brirs Vhng like thuse of an augry cet. more pracious ruina titan my 111e. Ont of yonr pet-mission, leava ont eairte fu awsne uryr pakadcui nyte whoîe of France, 'on ara those witum foeigu bidies witicb they badl picked up sitake bis bande at te eeiling and maka a I bave chosan for tiissacrad trust. during, the ware. Tbey ara excellent for gurgliug initie titruat. "lParricide! Viper! " In te first placq, i will teil yon what aCourt, but yen navet heard tremrieieu seweeVieindsVtathel cth stitesa papers ara., Youn shall net say thet camp, for we cuuild net alford tu du Ray hi tsaîped up and down te ruom. I have made yon bliud agents lunte wjrt unr Ney, eut Rapp, or ont Solt- 0f course it waseavident te me taha matrer. They are te officia] proof of my naines wbich warease erîrring tuentr eare as bad bean suitjacred ta-rte saine mianus divorce Item .osepbiuu, of My lagal mar. rte blare o u otrtumpe blewîog te proposaIs as 1 had,aud that ho bcd reaîvad rnage tu Mare aLruise, and of te birtit of revajlle. IL was Bertiera, theu, wbo sent thaîn in te semae spirit. Hie I;ge weta uîy son and hait, rte King of Rome. Il we y o teay that lia wjited tu ses me. seaheit te me, as mina wana te hlm, by the caunor prove eac uofrtaesa, te future n ahdasieo tuee ieedn promise wbich we ited taken,but 1 contant,. daiim of my famiiy V2 rite thrunre of France R te gehlary of Francis te Fîrsr, net very cd mysehi wirh mntrering Il Atrocioe !falle r te geoued. Then thara are fat f rom thora of te Emperur. lunte Unepeakeble !"-so tat bu mighr know scuritite te value uf îorry millions of lanre-chaînbcr wsra waiting rwu men whom thet i was in agreement witit hlm. francs-an immense eum, my friandsi, but I knaw wall: Colonel ])espiena, of the ,t, we werae sjl there, ha strrding of. nu mere valua titan titis ridiug switch ô7th of tae linanedtCeprain Tramnean, ut lnrîonsiy up and down, arîd 1 seatad in te comparerl ru Vie orber papere of wbich 1 te Voltigeurs. Tney wera butoid corker,wheu enddanlya muet exrraordiuery bavae pokan. 1 tell you hee thinge rtar sodies-Tremeau bcd carriad a muset ar lie*P. iteromwih ehdyotiuMay ruai ize te enurmorîs importance in Egypr-eud tbey were aiso bot jusrqnirrd. Therewasaesnarling,worrYling of te Vasie wiicb I am commirriug ru lamions runte army lurt titir courage antl grewl, lika titat of a fierce, dog whjch bas yu ae itn owie1ifr tier osill with waapons. Tirumeau itad got bis grip. Titan came e crash aud a your Gare Liaes ettanwwheslapimfrm, f blacor e alirle stif in te wrst, vorce celliug for naîp. lu we ruseea, tua and wber you are ru do with thaîn. bu'epan a aal t h t wuol us, and, my faitit, we ware tin outo Il"They were banded ever Vo my rusry hast of meking mu exerr mysaîf' H we SOn,.,_A__ friand, rte Counte',s Walawskj, et Paris, campeign, and tî-rit grey astrekitan te hooked et us esoit in tîîrn,,witit a emila e heuwaeite t o'sdrcicsn naxt. Ou hie clean.sbaven, cumely lace upen bhis lsce-tbetlrightlni susiha lu whicb giv-en wiit suis n a suncyadmiua -thare wae an expr.ession of trouble, and ha neitbar avas nun brow' jonad-anid acc i innaseof detil sictas ne un e but bim.ealf looked et mu as 1I antarat bis chambat in j utu bad, I belmava, a pringhing oýn hie e3kin I oouidpur jute ar >-an.Wbhe ha ta a way wblcli had la jr somsthiug furtive i on tImer was tisa affect whiciýht Vie HEmý ror s lnii e, man e swaar to keap hjl- ansd dispieasrng. j gaze aid upon muet of ne, Titan h,-a walied scre1aslon asha vd, octias long as', "Chiai of Beigada i rrd ,g aid ha. acýrosaVo Berttier and put heiauo hpie iste papr hnttrci ujt gi "Ar your s4rvice, Nyout HigitLes 1" I ehieuldur. ad1 au utae es nir baieh anssaared."onnntnVqrrlwtblwm dimssdulemlsremca Colonel Daspieuna bcd quatters et te "Sigu of te PI-easet,' eut it was titane that we soppedtorgarbar. Vu wura ahi ttre man whu bat beau trainadteV taku te strengeerttusecifortmueas part onI unr daily hife eut business, yat wu wete al flutbhed eut movat by te axtmaordiuary inrer"iuw ahicit we bcd bat, aud by Vhs honghrt of tîte greer et' unrure whichs ley before une, Forimy own part, it bcd been my fate several rimes Vo tata my ordure' fron rte lips of te Empaerritineuhibut nbahr rte incident of tise Ajaccio murder. i ens nomrtelacions ride wblch I madeta Vu Parie apyearedtaVoofietsucb opportuniries as titis new and muet intimaeaconmission. "aýIf tinge go rigitr with rteEmperor," sit Despiaunie, -1we shah cllli lve ru ha marebele yet," Wa draut withitbtne u r f uture coctet bers adcuri nrbaVons.* It wcsagreed bersveen nestat we sitonît mate ont pey saparataly te ur reudezvone, Wbhicb was Vo bu te flret milastene pieu rte Par e roat. lu titis way we sitouit avujt te gussip wticb migitt geV about if trea nmen wbo ere a suwllh kuuwuwere ru bu seau riîling Cont rogartaer. My lunbe Violette bat a't a eioe tat nerniug, eutd te larriar was et womk upun ber witen I ratunnaedso titet my cunrate wsrue lmedy there when I arrivdate t rysting-pic. I badtaken wîit me net uuly ney sa bra, but. alvo my naw paimr of Engliels riflet pistole, witb a r'allet for knncting in rue charges. Tnay bat ceet mu a buntred eut fllry frettes et Trouvaisa in te Rueate Rivoli, but rriey wouid carry fer furtitrat nt straitten ttanite othars. It wae witit onu of ttae tat I bat savat oit Bouvet's ljfe et Leipzig. lita night we clounlese, andi thura wae a brilliant meuteiixrius, sa that weaelways badt tireblack hitrsaman riding dowu rte witet roat in frunt of us, lThe country me su Vbtethy wootat, itowever, tîsat we conît ner seau vry fer. TIhe great palace dlock bat areaty struck e tn, but there wes nu sigu uofte Countase. We bagan ru feer tiret seumaring migirr bave preveuret bai' frune tentiug. Andt Vien suttunly we huard bar lunte distance. Very feint et firer ware te birr or wheel eudthVit atý-Ver-rat of te herses' feur. TietaVey gnaw lbuter an clearer eut bouter yut, until e pair of yallew lau. terne ewung round te curve, sud in titeir iglît we saw te twu big hrow horers tcaring along wit thVie higit, bIne canniage et rthe ci of titae. Thte position pullat tteae p pautiug eut femiug witbîin e iew yards of ne. Iu e moment wa wure et te wiutow eut bat reiset ont bauds in a sainte Va rte beautiful paeaface wiîh luokat ont ett ns. , Wa are te trea offcears of te Emper- o)r, moadaume," sait Iin e low vuie, leanmug ney faee twn ruate epen wiuduw. "You have airaady beau svaruud titet we situnît weiV upon yon." Tisa conures bat a vety beautifl, cream.iuted complexion of e sort wiiebI parricnlarhy edmiret, but site grew wbtur eut whiiet as site ooket np et mu. iai eh lines deapanut aoen bar face nVil situ saumat, aveu as I luokut et bar, Vu tutu item youtit intoe ga . IV meinevmdeteuVtVume," site sait, "tiat yun araetrea imposture. " If site bat strucie meaceruse te lace witb ber talîcete b-sud she conît noV have starrlet me mute. It wes net ber worte ouly, but the bittarns wit whicit bu bissedthine ont, (T0 BE CONTINUED I CURIOSITIES 0F DREANS, SemaneSclintlie uExplassaias ott1isa 4 use Thtigs e Do andi Sea Wlile Captivas ot morpiseus. lTae causes eut classification of treane lea subject titet, altituegi it bas beau disetsat from time inememoriel, ilemeta ha as little unteretoot, beyund a certain point, as jr wes agas ego. Atte Hypuotie Congruse, hait in Paris recenrly, mucit tinte wae spantin consiterîng titis question, andt titugit sunia tresting titeortes wera brougitt botithtet savants were but little wiser aten te discussion andadt tian witen it itagan. A comparriot of Ibsen, Dr. Mourley Volt, professer lunte University of Chinstjania, gave te recuit of numerus expeniruents mate upun itimeeli endut iets whmu bat lent themselvea u ite cause of science lu ryiog te ascertain te tividing lina bet ween thte noie playat in treeme by the cutaneuneaeutmuscular seuses eut batween te trua iimages uf teday and te itautos oltite gitt. Yenaey treane, titis savanVtsys, titat ycîs are Iyiug town, but ganereliy titat yon are standing on ittîug ru a wcy correspund- ing tuarte position of te mneher wbicit mates ire impression upen te tmmd. For, exanîple, il ona treams that ha is standing ou tipoea,-it wiIh ha foundt Vitt is toesara pressing hart elgainst te fuurboard of te bat. Dreame of walking, rumng, dancing eudthtie ljka are always protueut by te position of te faut. Anotuer of titis doctur's titeonîas je hat witen au dreenecont nmute Vaecertain axtaut, becoma as titay were witen wa wera ebiltrun. l In spprt ofttisi8 e s.iys tit wvitn a dreemer, witit ialf-awakeuet sause, secs bis.haut itefoma htelmirainistinctively iteglue ta couttbe flugers. Ti is because te dormant sanse reduce te seepers mmnd ru a citildisit stete ni leeblensse, eut jr je in iuraucy thâtV unr first lassons in computation begin upon ont imugene. muate f or the seeson by ite Amer jean canai, eut itance canuorttaetiteCenadUian route3. '[bey have aise mhiaitsupply bue ute [Initat Statesite,eta uengdb te Amarican canal ru ubraju supplias. For next gseeso,ýn mny of LtitnjtendtoVu trans. fer teir bueinese Vo Canada. eut maka te Caaie Enîlt titeir basis ci supplies. Tiis Ihl buan imr,ýrtadditoute trweuoul tha ocýAirty, adeut cannerlu o ha ofl atvRntage Vo rte eOnnc:trY. nmay be enret. V-0 dams of men, Feur- out of ive wito auffar t nc ) . onaaus mniai wurr- <r s ~ atracl s5 o.f"elitebIas- arc but peying lte peu. aiui7 cf early excae.z Thse aerîne timpofeucylitaans - ay b.eCLGUREDF: Z in e' l .tici'cnyde at Seut for unr free sealcrd book, 4'PEFECT tslANNOGD."P RAIL WAY STATISïTICS. 1>11rig thea libtreeausî tise Ertitweys (et ialsîeSsellaied Less Thiau rThise t tise UssîlesiStates. Sone iuterestîng figuras have beau cone-. pilet by Mr. Geo. Johnuson, te Govemu. ment Steristician, regatding tite railwiay husies os f Centa dmurng te lare depre. sien. Tie yuar 1894 wae e vury trying yer for thte railwey interets of rtif continent, but te factesushw that thit railways of Canada hava snffatad he propotionateiy titan didt Vtse of te United State, as indeat tjt naarly ail rite othur inteess The analysis of Vie figuras shows titat, while te United Sra'ras bat an incruase .o! ouiy 1.2 par cenm te nunber of miles in operation in 18934, mumped wiit 1893, Canai Ja'ei ineruasu wae. 4 par cent.; that iunrte nuner of paestung uts ostriedthVie IJitet Staterailweys experiaucut a very censîturebLive tucuae, andthrie Canadien raiiwey e substantiel increse; rhtat wbîle te uý:itut state3 raiiways racalvet fut paseengu-re calriet Il 1-2 pur cent, lues, mouey in 1894 titan they diti in 1893', CanaIdîienrewy raceivet more muney hy 2.4 pet r àja 1894 titan rbey dit in 1893. T , l!d by rte number of paseengers camni-iet pur mni-a of raiiwav, Canadien railwaysi show a gain f '2 pur cent., wbile te Un--itat Sttue railwaye shuw a cse f 8.3 pceý,nt. Wbuna ,te racempte par train mile mun are cen. siterat, ît lesbowuteat-rta Canad'ien relway lusV grounute uthue aiVnt ef LS par cent., but te United State ramýlwaýys dacreasedter te uxtaur of more than four timas the lueis sîrstaiued by rte GCanadieýn raiiwsvs. Iunte metter of freigbt carniet te Unitat Stateraiiways blu 1894L uearly onu-uinth of te business of183 while te Canadien rcihways lest, about euee sevanteanrt. Theu earuings frune freigiitr decreeset in boti cases, but more iu pro- portion lunrte casae ofte Unirt Sttu reîlways tItan in rte case of the Jnda raihweys. Al rte fauVe point Vtate sema ganerai conclusion, viz., ta6 te Unitet Stas raiiwaye enffared muretfitan ite Canadien railwaye. Prîttug te two inte stetistical fortu, if 100 neprusunit tite de-. cresu lu 1nie United Statereiiwy s C64..5,) wauld raprusent te tecrease in te (Cana. tien tailways, judged by gross ercuipte. A Great Snowstorm. A currespondent dtave attention Vu Vite lact tit Chanersinulbis "Bout of Daye" givas, e lew particalare ut an awiul 2enuw century cge lest January. Inro surte u& te itolows uofte ujîls of that 1795 " bliz. zard " rhe Snow triftadtVo te deptit of 100 feat. On te auttority oflameHgb "-Bout of Days" b teer Lrt hit nu iewer titan sevanteen a'e ~pherds pemisitat in the soutiterri dituritofnIScorlt alone witile about thirty mre lied Vo bu arja home lu an imsensile condition, antwu-;re brougit round with rte gluaresît iffiCulry 'Motiter's Pies." We noue uf ns realmzeVuat jr je onreelves whn citange, an noV Vite foot that dulîgtit u ns mnouni'youthî. Sait a crsty,hant-to-pluasa, hushaut :r "Wiue, 1wish yoir woult ak pies titat would teiste as goot sm mothet'e usadtVo do," "Weil, neyden yon run eutn bring me in a peilful uf,ý watcr, a itoîhul ut coal aumi an amii f woot, jmet as you nseeto u de foUr yuur usotiter, eunecybe yon will liita ype as wall." Ha coucludat te pies wult duO juet as rtey were. A Compromise Wif-lhen we are noV gomig u Eutm'epe aIrteraili? Husitnt-No. Nu 'tour rtrougit Switzuniant ? " Nu, nu. Nu cruesing tae Alps? Weil, ba% a >u u y )ubjeDCriOante bny ing me a new bat wj Lh anAlpýine eown Always an Excepition. Bannuy BcnbuprPaa heu vyea eay rtere are n fiee un auyvilhîg, 'yen meau te htiig ijentry gut tyen? Mni. BrubmpnNtawyBny Thu muile Irsti xaron.Sp osey 'iraeai'orfyppr'b otu-î ýt 1 1 1ý i r-

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