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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Nov 1895, p. 8

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==Imperi"al Range - = Sold On their ment flot on their antiqniity. ]Bread Baked on Pearl Stoves and Ranges juust awarded first prize at Great Eastern Exhibition, Sherbrooke, P. Q. Dustn & 0Ià r, Telephone eonneceîin, BOWMANVILLE. Wellington Buildinsg. This week of China& Crockery. We nover had a larger stock, we neyer had a botter assortmeîît, and most important we nover had botter vaine. Each week brings nis sonîething new front the potteries of England, France, Gerinany, Anstria, Japan, Lnited States or Canada. A lar ge stock of Lamps front 15c. complote. We are clearing ont odds and ends at haif price and sorne at even less. We want to inake rooni for our Holi- day Goods next înonth. Yon are invited to call and sec ou display even if yon do not want to bny. We will take pleasure iii showing you throngh onr store. Everything in G'ýroceries, We take pride in the quality of onir Groceries, and we say jnst houe that no honse can bny to botter advantage and no where w iilyout get better vaine for- your molrey. Make no nîistake you will flnd our prices right and every day a Bargain Day in this department. Poultry, Eggs, and Butter taken as cash at lîighest mîarket pricos. BowmstNv iLLE. Bounsall's flarbie Works, EOVVMARNVILLE, ONT. A large stock of Finished Monuments in Swedish, Scotch and Amei ican Granites and Mlarbios constantly on hand, imported direct front the different Qnarries and Manufact- Cali and see what you are buying. Pricos low and good work guarantoed. Ei.v. R. BOUNSALL, Proprietor. BONVMANVILLý, BOWMANVILLE, NOV. 20,1895. AVAST DIF- FERENCE. 110W TO DISTINGUISH THE GENUINE FROM IMITATIONS AT-A GxLANCE. PAINE'S CELERY GOIVPOBND "4KSPEOPLE WELL.95 Otlier PreparationslsIislead anld Dceive. There is truly a w onderful difference wlhen the pure, solid, heavy andi legal golti coin is compareti with the miser- able imitation. The genuine coin is passed with Con- fidence from one person to another; ail people believe in it .lHo w is it with the imitation-that spurious coin made and issued by dark and criminal bands? lt is made lu dark places; it is issued steaithiiv to deceive and defraud: and ail w ho are connected with the work of deception are ever fearful of the hands of justice. The genuine gold coin has music and crispuess lu itsring; the base coin sonnds dead and harsh to the ear. , As thic genuine gold coin and the imitation diff er so vastly, so ais o is there a world of diff erence between Paine's Celery Comapound and the imitations of Celery that people are f requently deceiv- cd by. Paiu e's Clery Conpound is universa lîr popular oiuig to its great ecfhcacy; it is hlaileti cverywhere as the great healer of disease; it is recomended byF profess- louai meni ail oves this continent; it is gelunine, reliable andi honest, a-id "nakcs qeople well." The imitations, and al the cured preparations, arc miade te sdil with- ont regard to the resut, Dcceivcd buvers are uaturally indignant at tihe loss of mnoucy and the aggý,ravationi of their troubles. Whlen such imitations arc used, lije is posiî'ivciy cudangereti. Tihe gein-iie Paiue's Celersy Coin- pound-the kTiud that cures-is casily distin uishet the ficwords 'ýPaisie's Celcr.Conpod," 1and itihe "stalk" of clrfonnd ou the bottie and' outer cartoon. L ol: for these special f ea tre s and von always get just w bat ivili suet vour case. TYROIZE. Report o1 S. S. No. 13, Darlil igt on, for october: V, Mary Ilooper, Lila Virtite; Sr. IV, Victor ilooper, Wilbur Woodiey; Jr. I\ M-ýaud HEdg- son, Mauti Virtue, Ethel Wood ly, Florence Edgerton;1 Sr. 111, Clarenc Smsith, I-arrvY Staples; Jr. III, Mbe Wrighît; Sr. 1[, Aiie Tape, Lily Hooc Ethel Hooper, Lizzic Tape,, Chso Edgerton; Jr, 11,-Effie Etigerton, Allie Rice, Violet Rie, Effie Hooper, Ethel Byers, Luther ilcoper, Elgin Smith; Pt. Il, Ethel Sproule, Williic Stapies, Sheldon Ilice; P t. 1,-Emima Etigerton, Allie Rlobinsons, Ross Hodgc, Li3 X Irtue, Girtie Riee, MarilY fiee, Frauk Rev- nolds, Bertie Robinsons, Fred Hotie. A. J.M N Gtah. KIIow Wiat You fcliew Ifs free from injurlous coloring. The more you use of It the better you like it. THE GEO. 9. TUCI<ETT & SONS CO.. Le HAMISujoN. ONT. rive xkperience Iu testîng bhe eye in a City ineans scusethiug. T. N. RICKARD startecI business bhree years ago witlî just that cx- pcrieiuce, anid. cisc lolds a Diplômsa won ius 1892, eovering as masîy or sucre subjeets than lseld by any Opticien liCanada. Hie is fuail * equiippeti with everYusoti cru appiance for testiusg the ciresighît No w here ca-uyen have ycnr eye more scientificalhy or carefully testeti than iRiekard eau de it for-yen. The eye shoniihal eycrfll itt svheu it is neeessary te ivearia glass anti if yon willil uhou ifliekard he wvi) g'uar- autee satisfactions boli luntCe fit -and price cf yonr Spectacles. Gohd gootis cway down lu price. Ne. charge for testing. T. N. RICRARD, BOMANuILLE. . Nead's Bleck, ORONO. (Coadensed from the Newts.) Miss Alice Coad was at home, OJshawa. Misss Ida Allin, Cameroîs, visiteti at Mr. Wuî. Boddy's. Mr~. Wnî. Nookces, Boston, Mass., was ln towis recently. Mr, aud Mrs. W Seymour, Coîborne, visited hier lier fatiser Mr. Wîn. McLeod. Milburn's Ccd Lis er Oil Enulsion witiî Wild Cherry aind Hypopisospîsites is the snrest anti best cure for conghs, coltis. hoarseness, bronchitis a nd ashusa. Price 50c. andi $1.00 pet bottie. Mr. anti Mrs. Gco. Stevenîs, Darling- ton, vîsiteti Mr. F. W. Williamson. Mr. Joint Waddell has purcisaseti the Irving milis at Pont3 pool. Mr. Wmn. Boddy and daugliter Zella, w cre lu Toronto recently. Couinties' Councîl will be calledti t- gether about Dec. i2th. Metlsodist choir are iuaking big pre- paration fcr Thankçsgiving evcuing. Mrs. Dav id McCullough fell ou the slippery si(lewalk hreakiîsg lier armi jîîst ab'oie the -%rist. DO Nov SUFFER PROM SICK HEADACHE, a moment longer. It is not neessary. Cartcr's Little Liver Pilis vwill cure yon. Dose oiiepill. Smallyricc. Sîsiali dose. Small Pili. The trustees of our sehool have suc- ceedet inl re-engagiug the present staff cf teachers for another ycar. Mr. Fred Arnoldi, Toronto, was lu town recently calling on frientis. Mrs. Miller bas solt iber farm near Kendall te Mr. Washingtonî Soper. COULo HARDLY sPEAK;-Sirs;-Last winter îuy father hati such a cougbhle coniti harply speak. Hie was persuadeti te try Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam at last, anti was completcly cureti. by half cf oee ottie. Miss A.,M. Crittenden, Baldwiu, Ont. Mr. Harry Milîson lias been engageti as assistant clerk at the corner store. Mr. anti Mrs.Blake Crawford, Toronto, visiteti ut Mr. Ithel Walter's. Mrs. (Dr.) Spencer. Dnkirk,N. Y., 'vas lu town reccntly calling on frieisds. MOREcASE S OF sic K HEADACIIE, billio LS- ness,coustipation eau be enret inluless with lcss medicine, anti for lcss moues' hy nsing Carteî 's Little Liver milsý, than by aîîy other useans. Mr. James MoConnachie gathereti 24.000 doz. eggs lu the village tbis sca- soi, a slgit faliiîg off froni 1894. Mr. Fransk Audrus lias returnetihonie from tise cite. Mr. Harry Best lias been laid tup witb an abseess ou bis rigbt baud since bie returued troin Manitoba. Mrs. A. R. Ganisbv was caliedti t Millhrook last wýeek by the deatb cf lber fathcrMr. Kenuedy. Mr. Patrick Cox bas leaseti Mrs. Arnîitagýe's six acres cf lansd. Mr.' A. Leig,' Miss Et tic Kirk, Mrs. Real anti Miss Ettie Batteis assisteti at a Metlsodist Cbnrcb concert ini Poîsty- pool. WORE GREASEI) GLOYES SE YEN YEAIS; John Sirosi, iason, Aultsville, Oht., had sait risenî so ses e t at for ses cu ycars lie -w ore grec seti glovcs. , c writes ' 'Iused a quater cf a box of Cisasc's Ointment. It cureti se. No trace of Sait Rlieîîm now." Dr. Cliase's Oint- meu(,t cures every irritant diseuse cf the slkii, alias-s it'ebing isîstautis, and is a sterling renîety fo~r piles. 'Avoduii tations. 60c. pet box. Rey. Dr. Moment of Brooklyn, N. Y. wbo bas been on a tnip aront the world,assd Mr. Alf. Moment, cf Limoges, France, sois cf R. Moment, Esq., of our tcsvî, arrivetibere ou Tnesdav on a visit. STRiUCa WINTHI liGJIITiING, Neatlv des- eribes tise positions of a liard or soit corni whcîi Pîîtsal's Painless Cb)rr Ex- tiactor is applieti. It dees is w ork se quieklY anti withonit pain that it secîs magical lu action, Tiry it. Receileet tise naine-Pntnian's Paiulcss Corni Ex- trycter. Solid d*y ail druoo4sts anîd dealers ~eerywhere. Mr. NormniaRsdie, assistant lu Mr. John Gilfdhhan'w drug store, lias heen succeedeti hy master Leslic Hall, son of Mr. 0. R. Hall, Bowîuanville. A GR{EAT DEAL IN A FEW' WPRDS;-"I paid a Toronto spccialist eos catarrb a largýr suisi cf money but £rot ne belîcfit. 1 trict tisemsiail but finally, almsost lu des pair anti assuredly wýitliout any laith, 1 trieti Chase's Cutarrh cure It is ail that it is recosumeti, whicb is say- isîg a great deal lu a few w-ords. " Joýel Rogers,' cicrl, Division Court, Beeton. Impros cd biower lu eacb 25c. box. Fi-ee chlldren of Mr. John Burgess near Kirby, w-etc taken snddenly iii cisc goiu'in uto convulîsionis. Dr. Rutiirford fons syinptins of poison. Hlosvtlsey caine te partake of anythîng poisoiosus is a mystery. Tbey are now recoveriug. cATAnulu 19 THE IIEAD; Is due to im- p sre blooti anti cannot be cureti with locga aplicatioiis.Hotsarprla To w-cmaîî is beauty. Beauty, the key that Lnlocks every door, demnantis deference, inspires hoina'e. But bcanty of the tace cannet satisÎs' unless the aditioîsal' grace, beanty 'of teetb atits to its charus. Fine teetb' swect, hreath, rippling iaughter thrcee gra.ces that always go together. Ivorine im- pat_,zhn pearly whiteness, re- rtioves discloration anti tartar frein the teetb, 'anti renders tbe breath as sw cet as the flowers. TheM IT PAYS ARflSOý%A -N Got TO RE.-D OURI AIVERTJSEMENTS with so many stocks here and each stock composed of so many diff'er- eut varieties of goods, it often happons that some of our reguii- lar customers miss some of ou best values or bargains simpy because they did not read our adv. aud did not happen t,ý-?Y brought aware of it being on sale. Our idea in advertisni,,fs to help people In purchasing. Sometirnes wo mention having receivc d something novel in style or cadsmeinidesigu, but the buik of our talk tends to show you jubt how you can save money ou things you are'sure ho need. O urs is au every-day the same,sort of place, our values are always good, no matter when you corne. Our tremiendous output explains ou ability ho soul so cheap. We bu -y by the car load and place immense orders for anything you are apt ho need that tells iu the prices and pricos is after ail the true test of a business like this. We sell cheap because its our business policy. Others seil cheaper than they would because we set the prices. I-ts really surprising what excuses they offer their pa.tri'ýý!s for not selling at our prices. For instance, we seîl Lauterui chimuileys ah 10c or -' for 15c. A wideawake lady, last week, was asked 15c fi r the same kind precisely and was f ld thie samne old lie "Ours is botter." It didn't go hhough. People are not ail fools and those who will continue ho pay the old tinte prices, simply for the sake of dealing at the old timne place, pay dear for their whishle. StyiihO1hig - - We want you to kruow fhat we sel1 clothiug that is better than is usually offered, Our $1,7.0 Black Venetian Worsted Suit with faney stripe pants is equal to whiit scîne ask $20 to $23 for. See our boy's suit reaidy made for $1.50. A cleaîirig line-Youth's long pants. Suits for $3 95 were $6 50; 10 suits only. Men's Halifax Suits, odd sizes. soie of thew. were $6 00 anid over ; stili sel1 at $4ý95. A new lUne of Men's Worsted Fautçe, very ehioice, $2 50. Meui's lined Tweed Pants, hair line stripe, $1.50. Our lJnderwear, ilats, and Gî-nt's Furuishing& Depts. are doing a rushing trade and as tise season advanccs we expect big crowds iu the aftei uoons, the test tîme to buy is in the mo-niulgs. G aroccries Oheape m m This Department is doing a splendid trade. Our teas are a~ special feature-no betteir value ever shown. You eau save enough on your groceries to buy your wiuter's supply of coal. Çlover Leaf Salmon 14e pr tinY White Beans 5 lbs for 10e. Pearl Sago 3 lbs fer 12ýc. Dry Goodas m m A special purebase of Ladies Manties, new styles at about half' price. A gocd Coat for about $3 50. If you care at ail about saving- money don't buy tili you see this lot. Watches, Olocks, Jewelry & Spe-ctac1es. Have you seen our stoek lateIy ? It is tise Iarget and best as. mort-ed we have ever shown WVe have altogether tise lar1gest stock of any firm in tl'is section of country.1c PI{ICES.-Since the nitiing of our buiness uneder thfe departmentLal systern, prices of Watches, Jeweliy, etc., are îïigured the saine as Dry Goocis and Groceries. its alil the samev to us -whether Watches, Sugar or Fac, ory Cotton. No exluiveJwe1.-y store ean possibly mneet our prices without puttin.g in iïferio;r quality. We oniy seil good goods and out priceýs canuot be equalled. I~rî lolofas Made Theni Renowep.d: Tlhe Art CoURtess Donulb l late. Tiîousandsý and giviug,-ý satisfaction---. in use perf e See Our long Eist of, testintonals froint çt- izens using the Art Coutoss. Wihh or wihhot oven. For sale -ttý Rd* Hardware, Stoves and BowMANVILLE. Tinwaro in groat variety'. Dblbareib. lade,4$. roeeFRt~t Boi b. ladr,$25. W,nchea9ter prce for reliable goods; ed forcaaou.meiu.BranCt1glr O.oeorp '. .W.BYD & $ON, MONTRBeAL. R6.ISEOL R. 5 CORTLMIDT S7. , IY

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