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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Nov 1895, p. 5

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ImportantNotice. 0-o «M ýny Cases of RUPTURE can be CURED. A truss must bcecarefully and scientiflcally fitted in order to Sgive satisfaction and effect a permanent cure. *As tiiere are several 2 severe and critical cases in our County whieh have so far been un- 2 able to secure satisfactory resu1ts,wve haàve arranged with a specialist t who will visit Bowmanville 2 ImMoi Noïmtý 26M,*f 1M il HNiE I a>- where we have secnred two private rooms for his accommodation. 2 : On. this occasion the Smith Sîlver Truss will be the one, princi- 2 »ý pally nsed, as it has heen found to have very great advantages : .- over ail others in the majority of cases. In fact, so great is the 2 confidence we have in this wonderful'invention, that we positively - Sguarantee to ruturn the monev to every enstomer who is not per- Setl satisfied, 2 W e make no charge whatever for these services. We have also «ý made arrangements %vith our town physicians, so that any who Sprefer doing so can be fitted in the Snrgery of their Family Physie- 2- ian, but in such cases notice nmst be given us the day previous 7: 19ý either personally or by letter, so that an hour may be appointed. : STOTT & JURY, The Chemists. 2 Plant Food. Those desiring a luxurions pro- duction cf bloonu on their planfts during fIlic Winter, should use our Plant Food. The resuit wili sur- prise and pieuse yon. STOTT & JURY, The Dnnggis ts. Hyaci nths, Chinese Lîlies, TuIips, Golden Lily of Japan, Easter Lilies, etc. Leave 'onr ou'ders for above titis week, as our hast consignînent for, this seasen xiii be received xifhhn flic sext 10 days. "uT have soute chtoice bnl-bs on baud cf 80 14r cent hess than catalogue pnices. STOTT & JURY. XIIe WeddingPres-nt -ýýbýnId hrismas o -ds Fro- TusI- Nv 6t Tedy ee eer Thec oos onis o te0ftstnWede ding rsts2 elean dsins ad a schau-lbad Chistras (loods. 2: nt rone Tunev Nov.n2tolage T toes, Dec. 'tlie 2 (q,)to sltvour sivtock fl o theloitg holdiansson, ai 2: :~~~~SOT f&roJURiYtoThae ourseletion. TN.hesne oods cois of the frn last toestieves nd noftz ui!-egandsiarr, ad argsck oanelopctacldspian s d oin 2 i miista oîlc thee en ,Ii n the recutv tornedw tk te 2 To res Barley, Oats, Peas, Rye, -ard Bn--ckwheat want rd at Caledonia Milis. H iZghes t price given. JOHN 3MACK 117. ICANADIAN PAC1Fle vRY. A T H RO0uGH UPHOLSTERED CARI O THE pACPIFIC 1 COAST Pasnesfron Bowiunan -vile stoid l2:1ve ait 8:1)5 T.~~~ E'â 1IfNB AM, Agent, Bowniianiville Wli.cua-otils; eut flan crs cail ai Thoîmis Tels lue xî'll hax-e ftîet fresis ce xx meelc. St. Puis Sabbatli Sehoal itttend hold- inîg oînecf ifs celelîratesi cîieriainnitser o.. Friday igiit D1ee. 2 -i. Catlunh emn hi'succes-4flly' trea ted omli' l uxepiifiig' lth lood, anîd thc one'fu'uie loîl îiutniier is Hood's Sarsali arilla. "Cire te bwoxcf sautsp and iik li hîîîîe's ture bennirsoureel", sItid MI W'lu ier. If vtau-ec xx eith Iisiîtîattenîd 10e Cent Sociaîl ao'Feasi cf Moîsdmuiii ite Meflisdlu cOcu-hTiankiýs-iing iliiti - Adatissicis15e. Auteteverr siielden dcatii occur'e' hîcte last xi'ek. ,Mr. 'I'loruas Colxieli. a hsîgllirî'sîeecd î-esidenf cf Ihis toxvu. iras i'î'urtmug to bislitoutia ait Moiidatý ee cîigicltui 7.3,), ixIscite sudcîl drohîleti outi xx oe arnic' fV)lIds homeî lu sautaiof it th e iiiior8 le 'euim- btst Coi tli s umflil aceiyai t ) îu'u' Iii't sut rIttofieik s i iî.'ià. AisolaleXa was t.îie couse. Tise btinc-ml Thiraca ax aicgeis a't -'sel ansd lus pîîat'îî'r lies- .I re.coniicte 1 flcherve' Tue'.imml-lt.iers xx cc McS'sý. '\V. I-i h'louîbur, ,lJohut!l-eil '-ar. 'Pliai.-et 'Pi -.S i'emutlJohltti 1 th. . etuiele, uheo utîau en tPi cxi fttmîil r",tut înonrmîei 'eno Ohie tai ,o 'istel-s, 'ut-S Ilr o' me îau f Lsttdsa. >2ô RobentPhilipN, Drugg'lst, 'erguÊL This la ts certify tbat I have sufiered frois Ui"es for a long time a nd led seaeral articles ré- commended for th!s cern- lu1tînt, but none of themn neil edme tili 1 tried Claase's Ointnaent, uhici lias compleiely cured me Mats. JOHN GERRIE. S R. pllilps, jr., ]JrngglsI Witnez. 'Myst;x-year-old deughter Bella,wafflleted wltls eczerma for 24 mouths, lse Principal seat of ruption leiisg behiud lier ears. I tried aimost every remedy I saw aeivertised, bouglit Inuîm. rable mediemes sud stiapa, and took tise clud tua medical s1claliait 1in ikin diseascs, but lattis out resit. inally, a îveek agt, 1 purcaSed a box of Dr. Clsase'istmeut. and tise itst apillit caton showed tise curative effet of thte ernedy. We havé uaed only one-sixtis of the box, bol tts change la very imarked; tise erupion bas MI1 dis- appeared, and I ecusconhldently su'ui rclild l waUed. fSigxsed) MAXWE LL 1OliN"TON. US Amie St., Toronto 861td by al deler, or on reeipt of pries, o.o Amdrua.EDMANSONJ DATES & CO., TUaNT. Children Cry foi BOWMANVILLE, NOV. 20,-1895. Local and Otherwise. Sec The Muson Co's new ad.this xvcak Canudian bay continues te sali weii lu En-lantd. Cheese valLed ut 1$55,000 wus sold hast weck ut 941e. Indian, Ccyiouî and China Teus, grauf va lue ut Mnndoch's. About 25,090 bbla apples wre shippcd te Great Bnîfaun hast wcek. TEiE STATESMAN u nd Weekly Globe for balance of 1895 for 25e. Given uwy-a beauttiful siI,ýer feu.. saetin Cawker & Tait's window. Gnocan's Due Bils takan as Cash ut Couch, Johuston & Cnyderman's. Scec thutsihx'en feuacfetto ha givemi axvuy in Cawker & Tait's xindow. Wintcn will soon be upon us. Gel youn fans rcudy. Sec Mayer's udrt. Tisera bas heetu a serions 'drop ln drcsaed hoga oarimg te niid neather. Coffecaroasted on thiepncmiaes,aiways frash and basf in town, ut Murdoch's. One firm bas isonghf 500,000 bushels Maniftoba irbeuf for shipment te Eng- land. Heavy shipmcnf'i of Canudian ponhfry te Eusgand xiii baumude for Chistmna mark-et. CREAM SoDAS-In _tilt u,-ckýaocs thc fiuîcat cf their kind, ut Hca 1 Bros'. Bow- munvihie. Dustan & Hoar hava a very fine dis- play of coul and xvood stoves, rangea anud Ocaters. Ladies' Waterproofs cf aIl k-lads salua;ý2 off ut ceaI pniceaut Couch, Jobuston & Crvdaninan'a. Canudian beaf and malIen bave htad reacrx-cs la Englaad and exporfers are feeling blue. Shipspers cf Canadian hlionacarancad- viaed itot te scnd uuuy more te Enghad fi Spring ' Rev. J A MeKeca, Onono, visifed Graffton ast n'eek ii t ha interests of flue Bible Society. Rer. W.C. MeCormack cf Coid-Sprng's srecced txxo finse sernons in Trnilî chnrch Sunday. Ahi ordars fan stove pipiti; atd fun- nace xrork utlended te by cotapeteuif men ut Dustan & Houn's. Creasstny iutter ha faihen te 22e te 20,12e in Monfreal. 1'rbcre has beau a daclina li the Eng iaui markect. Rex-.IH. E. Balev, B. A., B. P., of BritihiiColnuiio, aî'il prends uat bethu services in Trdir clînn Lieli exl Saîsday. 1Mille maids' (dr illinla earueter hîy 21 Yount; latiie ï. )oîutt fail f0 sec if, fan îî hait, Tsnisgiitil-tilit. Secbis. Leave youn ordleîs fan store nepaint. amni alicliairs for Happîy "hou,,hit Range kepi ou fisnaîut Dusban & Hour's. Mtr. J. B. Fairiîairnîttcnded fthc fuît- erah of at gc nlatîrn at Peterboro Safurdur <Lttispelît hanclly ii tisai Doetors reeomnsend Nc-rn'ay Fie Syu nîtx îausýe if l telcbcst for couglis ahd colds. 1"nhee 25e. amui 5,tcut al Coach, ~Johtsston & Crx'derînar arc shoios;a loi vstck (cf Iig l eas goodsaut x'ery modenafe hices. (Cal and scc f hein. Mni. W'.IR. (siorne anîd M. ea. W. AIiiu huveretnetmsd frint fic N orths Wel xx itere tiser aspent a few xiotuhs diirhm iC iirx et. Evýauo';elist M. S. Butes is cf ihi at n crk inth fle rîti.nit re Mýet.tudisf (Ourdi. fv1we scrvices ai'r e, l'iptî- iand cf iuneasino inleresi. Txîo I'l isio Metodist div*a -,lircî s. WV. 1Y. 'Wi'-oti au J. F. Gernantu, 1). P) dimedi x i'i[îireiideîfLiexcn inlu \X'tus~iu n tinvxittiooth-fisi>resi- deant' Uhgest Pîice's paiti fa"'hI)Iffor wîtýii ei IJ 1 îmu'hti amni tî1nli rulit. -N t ralii aLrge uLîutbs i pmil s mt 1'hu Maii Ca'ssto're, Boaxx'ii'ki'. I Üeittiisr at bioss. The iaxa'lsaist't fao utc 'ud fa udo sîltat t!e kîioNi'si, lest forisc hO, exeit tuill'i'peso 0riclu fiai lise unîtii tutun -tiil î'l'ikes maid people ic llcii,' cunit -ADIES, SrPitxmîAL.-If YOU arc inter- et( a 11 iitîlite, uîcoratfion, mîî,t t i tis laid5'lune hpa'rc ig'powdeer crll atfi etl Bro.,' CaslitGnýc(ni' BcîxmainixilIe, ana scecbath ftant'sd- aruge '11ansimt -'litBttkin". Puixuiet. g-.11iln itot eqiumil tfa u'Yon "rls I ri u ts03 utî mîtI'ait.: cl B,'ros(_ '1Cs Jru-- tisaiflueîusctis ieu c ufi ansl 1quir Ex ervpersanisoesifcti i ta ulIen a wif t,! p' sPI1n-ra te -fui Ieolino's ti " <ime.)e Mere ditO for the neiiuaka cics in hiý chiarge on tiec Darin cauys t-( mo 'e b negî1iuliire iee sscuh ridicule. or ba hanrassad beyond audut unca lunaan'ay that reeifte oceur ocîi cf tOe court noom wxould suhaîi a lia iatan tu ei'romijulelmmuic fou *' ros ~ WJ. & D Dineen ~Late correspondence crowded ont. L i W . & D. D neen ý1 Mr. Robt. Rowe hias rheumatic f ever. Cor.Kin andYone Ss., oroto. Miss Ilornibrook is staying in Toron- __ ~ :to. SNovelties Mr. R. B. Andrew is back from New A. In Short York.a e SMr. A. W. Foley visited in Port Hope Fur Capes. ~ teso lastweek. Mr. Jas. Scott of Toronto was oies Tire prevailing styles iFur Capes of Mr. T. Paterson last week. es worn in ail tire- continental ieso ti rope are shrt m >_yfu eahn Mr. T. J. Cole, Maple Grove ,got a ~i arey t te wisr May tyls 0 ~bad kick fromn a strano'e horse last short Coliarettes arc also n oru and lookm e4vr tlihvrhav itrcostumes. weeîc. We have just receiv- lu eal th ost fasitionabviety for s oe > Hay is being bouglît and sold at ai$13. ut vreyo hs eagdsoe f o d ur FlISo k o Sare triiînned on tire coilar ami down tire , Soine lots are bigdsoe f o-e u alSo k o front ivith nlack Thiliet, and others wlth ie ever, at $12. Alaska Sable, which i istery effective, M.J .Mlmye ca gn and tire prices are ver.v reasoniabiecosi rt.D cloye-nca g lng from tt25 too75, accortiing to lenglt. >1 the York CounityLoan auJ Savings Co.,' VaII1 Papers and they Long Capes. Toronto, is in town. Muric sn-in-,, tableaux, declamat- : Frcold iweather there is nothlng very chea aMU ý1 Those we have in Seal. Persian Lamîb, Hall, Thnrsday night. e41 Sable, Mlnk, Beaver, Greenland Seal, Mr. J. Davey, D. D. G. M., will offici- -,N, and Grcy Lambe, and ail fashionable iV. edi kinda at'icîs than you you eau buy aiov- ally visit Bowmanville lodge A.' O.'U. Swhere else. i W. Friday night .this week. Orono rty Cal nd-e 12 brethren are coming, too. ~ .& D. in een, cool arnet for thnisien and tem if you i ntend COR. KING, & YONGE STS.. from the great array of talent tlie meet- ~ ing shonld be a fine success. Mr. S. G. Brown, Principal of Wat- paUtJriIng. ford public school, lias purchascd the Belleville hias a dcbot of $10 for every Winghami Times and will quît teaching ia, womnan, child and infant. anîd enter journalism at New Years. Flowers, Flowers, Flowers. Cnt flow- "Come! Oh come ta the feast of Mon- ers ut.the Big 20, on Wednesday, Nov. damin, hot corn cakes and a littie de- T L E 20th. claimin"' in the Methodist church, Bowg Ladies' Aid of Trinity ChuLrehi purpose manville, on Thanksgiving eveningl. giving a Corn Sapper on Wedîîesday Admission 15c. 1 BO'WSÂNYILLE. Nov. 27th. Oceun steamiships hiave ceased comntî Weather 50 years a go was just like to Montreal for this seuson; passengers GADTUKRIWY titis month. Pleasant througlîout the and mails will now go via Ha ifux or enfire month. a. Portland. English mnai13 close here BWAVLESAIN Miss Mave Biekeli and Mrs. Frank Thursduy night at 7 o'clock drîing tacBueNtL SAIN Brimucombeé, Rochester, N. Y., carne winter. GouIc EAST. GomIN WaS'r. home to their's funerai. West Durham farmers should llot Express. 08 Lrn. Earea . 8 3 M, Mrs. John HIelîx-ar was called to Pet- complain of the -%eather fuis autumn, Psegr t3" Psegr.2 25 p. M erboro, last week fto attestd the fusieral of the flue weathcr of this month ha vin. Local. ...704i p.m. i Exp ress.. 7 46a hier brother, Mr. Thtomas Breitton. favored the work In a superlative de- Express...025 ',I Evcry inan and boy uieediît n oer ree. Ahi woîk should be fiîîished up STOTT & JURY coat should not fail to read Couch this year. Tw tky.gns Johnton& Crdereîa's ad .on first Friday, Nov. 29tlt, Aproti sale and F OLTND.-A Carniage robe.Apy page. tea un-ilder auspices of'Ladies' Aid of St.-rt-i Geo. 13cicr î,, DUke St. Dustn &loa hae fve dffeentPaunis chnrclî in the school-room. Sale variefies of Ranges to select from in-a .0 e fo .) disinfe.VARRJAGE LICENSES îssucd by cluding the celebruted Ilappy Thult Collection at feu table. Public cordial- 'ÂN.W. BuINGAIr, Eni!kÏllen. 28-6m Range. o ily ~invited. If you waitt to sec thc bi,,-gcst and Mudeat trude is good down in the SAIG .Mno chocet tok f tritl nw ryGodslittie town with the long naine where SLeAmTI, iatr, e L.ntiGrael onf chocet soc ofstictv ew.grý, oos or ormr worfliy towusfnan Mavnard 0 !anýl Ste etad ae oï f0 be found lu these courities, caîl at - Jewforer bias g;orle, 18 barrels having e.3tr Couc, Jhustît 5. been sipped from Campbcllford one day Uniont Thankýst.iviîo services will be lasf week.XARI ELCNS .Isadb ut iln TrnityAm _A. J. LotueseAn , Btw inanvtilc. 0012~. lîmýcld iii Tniîîity t tîîrl' Nov ilt Toronto mercluants are loaditîg lte 47t a.n m., addrfef byR A. burriipa olt- gcitv îiapers with advertising so lseavily jou fo por o chretespariciatig.that they htave been issiig extra pages Thanko'i rx-sn' eie in tl Congr'e-'atryplis wert'-' full. De' TT[AIR WORK.-Ladies wishiug hair the atnrmiy upus tOt ~ qtime ovei,. <'ah ai Mrs. Dici(csSON, King gatiosual cîtîrels ouîrox,1hasax a'mststores àhecworking a rex olu- et reet, MT., Bowîtauîviîîe. tf at 11 a. m. conducted by Rex. R. A. tion lui Toronto store. Buti. Collection la aid of the puoor Trinif v Ladies' Aid itfend YOU WANT AIHOMNE.-If ondo fund. Cort. Supp'er on WXeduesday ex'eliuuîg.Iapt to T. Bintic- fore i ie aulfO brick The mebr of î:se adulÉ bible clats Nov. l7ts.* Supper. oun the.Enropean cottage die-qan.d onùeasy terrnis. 31 if. cf t eIio lisi tt e tsyîye I a plan, er'ved at 5 o'clociîý tili aIl are serv- pleasant social lime at tOuir tfeacher's ei-1ho coine. Programme, at8 oclock. IIUC IS AELT T resideace, MNr. P. Trebilecck's, on Wed Ad,,Jiýsin 10 cent . You are învîted. NX ScOlo r, ehMosheet OT-AIT îs'anor iîesday cveitsig Rex-. C. E. Meinfyre iiow~ of Chathami Violin ai uer owvi or pttpl's Scîkc.2 f Et crbodx Iý, sivtod to attendthdelicand Rex-. E. N,,. Bak-er of B3elleville are---- Corni social"ii t1ite (,hodisti- cOr,1, ikiýy faexclhange 1astorates if ti:u- DC RFRSEcifn hr - e hsre on Tltaukýsgivimî g' cx cuiu Afers eau beeffeced-,. Rex-. Mr. fu .> is i oel tlt uîeo oi novel bill of fae: leî hd î itit. tas a formier sucCCesga1l)paStor cf thee n . .Dam in.qeou. Ttettus '1or -50 foi- 2. A,. D. M. Totl, Cateî'cr anîd Florist, of The Wiiling Woi'ke' Guild of St SBY aveo o 8 Oshiaa, xiii tic att,ie Bi,> , oi 'ed oh's nch arc tîakýilir great pro- w ya'oISPc.twe nesdav, Nov. 2)th, wuîn dèît Roses aud parations for tîteir, graîîtlconcei'îTlîr ii- 0 c Itpitttiî C;l5e Chn"sanýý1tiseMîm. Hle iitends visîittg' 1day ni-lit iii tuc Towisi Hall, The Mîlk îE'YCle it a0)-.4 I. it un. flic iîneet-we k, 50 gIre the oldil l)i'ill is oua of the aftruefon. owsa'illc 0cr a bioomn. Admiis-i su 2Me. toalal parts of hall. TalauMa"Queen tof Scots, lu Cobourg, knoxxiî in Port i-ope as îTFER SIRAYED Stayed from to-oscoies la i i mct, tst 1 xe Hog tavai. is discstssîng' mt public mcc i 4ttîk .iW ce i e tiO17 0ýjý>jj'S a ilo 1 iý I1iS eI sni.i i0il,î r'-t t Ifî, lie viLi 1 be flts aui O'lltti sd:îîii aa r -li ne c( di-i-abiit f e ùiioiî xthelcI ~ s .J. -.ivîvOmto lrii anÀ tilt i PI lit' lc talîeatîx., ýire1i cstnties. \X'hat a"farce iot existe ti r. ~ik ,s of St.' rohn'S I bt'it .ý'a Couîllt> tfo i n i la,îiyn chltsrc, inîk, iugit 'îa i cownsi -eiicacîîtv afai a 1 Sepami tc' fte Týti'R FOR 81LRY (E.-A Tclamud hall. Admnission t2 'c. ciusics eandmiii ake Bîmnalîville a Ik~ii'Bn riîs kttfai, ce titio lot 2, conu, MNIrE. E. i-)i'iu-rcf Ht 1cO-Itbv toan s'd %we -wîll gladly piayIl - ;,prvc, be-ai-sa il s i'for sue. 'Wi. J, el t-o eai'eftLl - pi'--'e ie oicloî Ia' o Cosny expen"Ses. C; vsxs 'or tlw serions niiLt te ;seO lieltsîc umîtav- (1e Ceauhardix ecceieix o f suchi a t)i large co0g'eci [i ielttie bocýy thsiiugtl' ing place ii titis age cf the fA FOR SERV E.Trobc hein ~iake o h s pdr hot-0,' ike t1-r I, but if is an actuai tact thaf a c .ttsei W'î'tî-Bùa-'a ,ete'ivicu ou ci seruirii lo'tcuiiî.rpcl:t Torontto merchaîît gencroîîsiy offered Mis lfa'ts Fa, >ý,t.ttr, .,Mr. W . î0 'Cee ived wuts ikýe tflic ietîhi t v vSudk.. LIS $2 fa lînseut a 'yiîî mdeîsmeî tit S ttlo',iiiet, 1 . "Iiit 1). M. Toi is an cid Bowmtaitx ile B xx, xxi teeklr eltittgeýs for- oiic year anti 46~~ iist.' 'ta 5 i~ - antulic cavs if lie cocs asiv wtrax- l 1î 1 il s'id ihtO Nx iS~'T05 s as ma well, lie rwill sapp.V tise ton)-1 cil t i iivouclîei'. We inte- iltl feal at lis lplace ~AO sT lai part tof lot flowers for thce witîteu'-,a,îs.nhiei w-HïI, cf busis, ies n in imtfie iv xi tl1ia Iu,uî,LaC,- .t iu-itas sthe ive are sure, Le qîlite al 01 ata, onfnOgî '~1ltti si -la to t'tr-t i lsd trt r' îthclr a -ila. î'.Sî a e iuua tt'etle[ap. We shah 1r 10 intince F ' .litt t)î , f 13'i-21 uex tc lica-.hut t igo on exhibiticot as a hîhhîîiîît. p .' .~.wî v t j Tho ýFoutaIl atî,erîcnt e r. Cob)oîsrg' eituttitare gil;ta ask of1l lss r (rosi1îcil t t se isîce tte nuîter cot' APL diSL. "t'llati &Su-~ fo iitrede tiers anud t 1lcesîs, tu tfe-L. XVit a f lot co, 1 ,,lt- ttreet t c ~.d'iwi futerai iets'. îIIl"foutîhi cilsc-f w.îie.'. Te,, i19ý - ', f îtad ret cr ss-t iiflc aitiiof- i 1 _rrtîe ai l tttdi.'c. or fîtruifore fo Lsîsit exelu.rt'veiOeils-I auJ are sccli on i dn aklo eaut iti.i L i'.I i T Iii tut f sut e in ~ ii ~ tf ceas! Wfltv, B oiusiail us hlia f'ew it ý ln U't; ill. i; L1ýt 'l tl ( ll l it îundre'd lif-i i psulattii-O uîu miit't~u' ini Ieir lie .it,' liim lîtels afford iamle fatiities for ii 'thLEAeRY î~aci cr la plemise. t1s'hîskuuîfldlio puilie assîtosie could casilv (Io j 1pte iiuct.ttmMy~.1 Thîc peuple cf ut.iiîtîxa liido weil i t ail. 1'r11( there it firt hotel ait l' 't l iiiltt.ttar' tik i. fo resiiemitu)r ft!l T. N. PIci.aril ,t- .y Staiton lî Iisiit Oîut of ~~~:~r-.f i tîîi t -wSetu Ju ule.3 e\ t er;e,'a hnIti aa "'),tm J f Co)0liri-e ilexxoîtd asIc f B .îîîhi 4 > w u t Ili:il i l' liuut1w t t'it iuiiufr ý)o t i efte inambier r uu el fa ive, xxe...... tuu" cr-ttii tatî liei sreflice pufiliuc 0111uCali fiscuiSsensibtle. 1AlBtFOR SAT E-A f c.t las arm tut 1 eî&e0îi-u ii 'en'tfttc Biihe Socet .' iiiF l j2.itet ci 'r 1l'5,,n re itî t tire Iý hilk. . rt ti timî 'os ' ' S imii eurîs 'Ihîîrda' x-iius in jtir 1xt 1mttin ivîeîîîesc atotu, t iieofrons Wi t c atulotitos îu an teheîeOcseeia ttr'actionts ua, eitn tEie-d alî,bn Tv ovdO8 t98 -Thte AscouCo's stores on ui ercav ansd o0 ne-'îîa atnu.-Nos-.mmitha he -'eit OA's, xhî e t.... .....0 0 2 18 IVeli nondav Nov. 19 and'2)l' aftthe , l 'yiv 1e Ct. S. G. Rik AS dt 5~ ~ ~ ~~~~, _esedrNv 9ua 2.E r cI~, uîs.îi tî f Et.flda es cîîil . umixed il........... 0tO2 Oprretis icîde r'Gcod','(t loty ca gîts ,It nësitii, ERatp, cf Rîtîsis RXE Il .... .ut 9 5 cariesý,,; Cothing. (lea-t's Fuinsilno', k lel.BUCKWEAT i...........o 90 u 9il Boosiad Sîtees Wt-hcClocks, J2xPEAS, Biackeyev4, V bush.. Ow0 il (3 0 r, ivewre îicaccetc. Bip' OIED. il Musnmey i 9 9,0 ut,) il - titee fr faraji le Cu u hsisc e -s î- e lt 'inltoi. o 18 iS ililippa uil mal()() 0 t O "uTc 'itehi Ils-cira. 7FlIneral o YIWciîusda) I l at 9 9 ut 5 xx'iiiete orneMifUifdon out u151 5 2o'iî, - 1 Anîtout eisel'y.BUTTER, basf talble, Pel'.. O 12 uO7 illnosscy. TItis is not [on poi mtm uiumi-tit btîlasQji, MidyNv.1,10Eaos, P doz,....,.ý.......O 0 W 1 Thukagvim; Jbile.'JohnH. oril a 'd11years. POTATORS, bush.........u 00 O15

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