tfa srnT rran Li îr i p~ W -119 7% m ci il - -,~ adteSurgeonki of St ate1 e'a 1ng tiaed. No qui 'ke wa of supply- powera of the naew exp]oj,- and oni liosita, altitOxnc vaaadmnjsera in eat -for the farmrQ able can be Friday Mr. Grant wiii lecture %, and mrhn waa injeeted hpdr suggested than for hlm to hatoli out a on the subject. The matterix bex1) ici1.The spasms soon abae n large. lot of duekluga, mud he cmn get gone ito very thoroughly by th cde- Sur,day the doctor had hopes of the a good price for al l etmay seli. Roast artment, whlch- is 'deterininod lb t boys recovzery. duck la a better disb than sait pork, 1 whatever article Canada adoptashýAl and can be bad just as cheaply, as the be the best. duck can be raised on the same food The t~,te of the English Nattonal that is required for producing pork. Art Galery bave juan acquired a pîc-- L, W. Palmer, ýof LnoFnioofd, th,_, i'e n 88- muger on Sait for Choked Cows. had one room of bis bu~paperu xx th'; lil o't"-bDY Julius Caesar Jb- eneid nIlnya ma. hto beta ~~~u V. C. Crosbi xx rites-"t ovas 70,000 to compiete the job.ý rgo to nia olciesL great-gra ove Ie w iii, and the oid"s- g rons reccived about the L~il Davis, a facetious res ,rn, lim, ft a lad,-y fi'VeS iiiet for ber to get druni V Lakt Slo reoked a sonu h -si fnrom pari, 2o~L m. - mn. Iyl. ajyesas a iîd i, t gx3 Enouage. i~jt;in faots. fHe collecta, themn as An a baoya collects postagre stamîpa. ie My cake is dougli. compiained the d, (e- other niglit ha laid doxvn bis pa p er, ident ofî jecte i husband.i was silent a moment, and then said: shillings,1 W e'il , respooded ha eënergetie xife, ail That's odd. kfortb cake las more or lesa dough. Al yo What la it f asked bis wife. need Ls to braca upand cook it I Wby, here is a man who says that it 1be'questi would tuke tweive million years to n osk pump: the sea dry 'at the rate of a lie k me will 1 si r e ms 1Lt thousand gallo~ns a second. A 1 ' fol";Id-- ') 10ScîrïIit. The wife sat thinkîng the matter Whoxx ddotsh a lot like ;Jis over. .'l'on she said; 1, ith a hrown-stnemagns, o<n 'k? Where xvould they ne a te îvatez; LSbing m l 1 lý ILU a UIUIVIU-b""O U" ib Q