~i- / BREÂKFAST-SUPPEP. *By a t}sorongh 1knwledtfe or the naturai laws wttith goverp the operations of digesttot and ntutrition, ad by a Caref et appicltion Of feine po Grieso well-melecled Cocona, Mr, rvps h provided for otr breakfast andousppet' a dalcately fiavored bevera2e which may eave 115 sai)ybcavydeetr~' blle. lte htha 1, htoe ts aucb rtile of8dietthe contitrio ma tt grdnalybu, i ntil Ilen eoubdres b t eve. denc to Ibsel awkpe. cW9elml ,y pemat a fatal ihaht by keeping ouraeý ewttf ortillef. with pura blood anSd a prouerly nourishtsd trame," "Civil Service Cande,". Mai8"e Sirnpty ih boiiin. water or milk. Scté tnlyi n pacteets. by Groccrs, Iabniled thias: JAI'S FS FPPS k (s. flesnooatite Ciens Ists, 1-ondoîs. lngiasid, WEDNESDAY, NOYV. 27, 1895. DR. J. C. IUIIEILL, RIO BER OF CùTTLE<OFPHYISICIAa. and urgeon$, Ontario, coroner, etc. Offit antSed eneEnniskillen. 74 243 Yonge St., TOIIONTO. $ia-is 10 Set of Teath for 14. "eiFltiTR SOLICITOR, &c. MOFRIQ B FI Cçjg, opstaln, King Srree,. flw'nar.- ville. Folicitor for the Ontari Banik iik lvate Nev@ loanaed at thes lowa3l rates9 BOtT. YOUNG, V. S., O FFICE 1NTEFTH WEST DURHAM Necws Bloc,rw bre Iimsecifor ass'istanlt ,wtt be round frein Sa.m. te 9 pm. Night calta at sesidencneedireeliy opposite Driti Shecd. Catis 13 tcEkgraph or telephone will receive prompt atteo17 1yr A. A. rosir, AROIITEOT. Plansaiaid Srueeifica' tiens Prcpared for every ota, cf ibuilding. APEciat attention given t0 heating by steam J End bot water, and te saeitary arrangements. VtIbre: Gorrie Block, Whitby 43-ly ].PEATE, Tallor Gentlemen's Clothes Made to Order. J3IMOBRIMA COMB E OFFICE :-Rear of Messrs. fliuggnbotharn & Son's Dru" Store, (down stairs), -BOWMVANVILLE DENTISTRy,1 C. [JARNPELN, L, D. S. Grelduare eftte Royal College of Daatit Surgeons, Ontario. VFFICÉ OPPOSIT9 EXPRESS OFFlIE. VITALIZED AIR New Tailor-Shop-v, The undersigned W-ho bas been carryiug or, the tailerinigbusinees je colenectio with Etason'e Dry Goos Store for a nuimber cf yer Iae columeniceS business for hitneif at lite rc'ideece, King Sr. w est, whre e sprepare.i te sunke pent' anJ beys' suit,3inalltthe lteee sty les, aed et towest price.Fo0. îho.qe wtt, W'811 te order suitF, he w-i1d carry a fuît hune of airPles inal tbe ne il'est p!tteraoc. G as hlm a Cali, J. T. A L N Fashionable Talle: MONEY TO LOAN. $100,000. A. large sum et1 mney Sas bren pteced in my bande hy a Priva e person for investinenst. on applre-dlîtans on ans üeccurity foi a lerni Go gîva or TaN Ycars, JIVE AND ONE IIALF tl 0 MsN11iterct t li bc î este Sp-,yale verentt satisfecocry conditions fur repayaient beIltc arrarged. Soicitor, t3owimeî't le. Date I Oct. Iet, 1891. 40-tf, -V ! AEOR R .Bos n wthnew -team tteating, -stectrie t-ighting, anS the Most Pet fecct aiuj iry arrangements tttrougttout. icbs new Concert Hat is te ttc providcd wittt a isagiificent pipe organ, driven tty elcctrtcity, and. avallabte for prac- tice in ehl weattîer. T'hose interested tinte edîîcttion 0of their dauglters arc es pectfrt'ly requLested -to make early application tor caleedar, or fo)r ree e, te, REV,. J. J. RARtE, Ph fl 3etfPro' riîtcîal t- 'a THE VILAR'SGOV)ERNES-iS Iy "It ta wrm-very," sie saYs, ealm- abose e er, She bas ne Irîcude, ne Ly, rit ndifeteaiy.metiser, ne 555er, te love anS sympa- ly, ut idiferenly.thize with bier." O'0 1cali jt-svetty 'et," returne "ýMy Seat Arthsur, bow yen Se agon- ise, meking. bis quelatien b" geuialiT ize yoarselI!1" says DorLen. "Sisehec as theugi s seunudereteed it, anS, 'ber latiser, anS about as comfertatale a plucking a uitie rose-buS frein a treo ties ntogetiser as 1 kuese'of." usa- ihupreced teadou lis entI She remiada me cf anme low-iivw-ey- neaxhim prcees teadon bs c a ide floe-r," goes ou tisee lS man, mus- w-us t. inigly, iseedîesas eftlie brilliant inter- "it ceorne a joug tussesinces I ha* eudo, " raisiuîg ttc itile lieS sedty seen yeu," hos gose on, presently; anS arnessg gay irsrden plants tiset cars net i fr ie- -vhistbeond tise bedge tbat, ase epeake. bis cesc seek bers. Soe- beunda bier gardea sc cean wachb ler thing lunlier facs tenchisesomnecherS 0w-n eecies grosseanS fieurishinLuwilS In lis raretees kLndly nature, luxuriance. Met Ifsecan ecarcely ho "How- pale yen are!" ' licenys abrupt- called happy. Iliere muet aiw-ays bc a w-eut, a eteving for w-bat cen neyer ly. bie obtained. Sureiy tise oestist centS " Arn If The ieat, ne Serit."l-w-itis ring cerrnw- te ihat pure iheurt, or a feint enie, teas t t iose gsntle eyes, ebouid bie-" «'Ashyxited" pu inDorian, iSly. "But tisin, tee, are Yeunont ? AndS Me yaw-as lan.gudlîr anS puls fthe bead -anS-" lie pauses. " Auylbing wroag 0off a tati Sandeton, tiset adoras tise wltb yen, Rutst" wayside, in a somew-iat Sesuitery lasis- "Wrong ? Neol Mw siseuid there jeu. Tise coter in flic eider mnan's checeks grow-c a sisade depar, anS ttce?" reterted se. in e curions toue, geture, as fuîl of impatience as ef dis- iu w-iicis lent euS auuoyace figlit for pleasure, escapes liim. masiery. Tissu the siorm dies aw-ny, w,,,!thceli severity, "tisat if w-euId ho and he sarted lok fdesfront lier welt te place iseyend fie, reaci of ridi- anS ise tarleS lsk fdescule." tOretty face. "Am I eue of f hem t?" enys Dorien, "Wiysy houtd Yen tlinrk me unhappy ligitty. Tisen, glaneiag et biLs uuct's becatise T arn e littie pale?'" cie neks face, be checkes limusel, anS gees ou eu ickly. «'I beg yonr pardon. l'eu cure. sullenly. hE ave been sayiug semetliing unnircky, Branscembe tecks surpriseS. as usuel. 0f course I agres witb yen "Yeu altogetiser mistake me," lie on ait poimts, Artur, anS tbink flic eays genl."TI neyer associateS yen man w-be cariS wtiflly hring a hirisis eays, ently.te Ruths Annerstey'se cke neit ber more ny uiind uili uniseppinens. I mere- uo e ba iha a hlackgunrd pur et atm- -menai, baS yen a licadatule, or any p le. By tise by, tisat lest litte borne- of thsesmll!Itiht-s -femrole flecli ly ph rase cernes lu hedly ibere, dcesn'f - ift? Ratier ont of keepîng w tli fli is iseir tet i teg yenr pardon, l'mn vif uperative noun, eh!"- sure, if 1 have offenSeS yen." "htather," returns Serteris, nliortty. Me bas Jumped off fie wail, and S je Mc Sops bis nephew's arui. anS watks now taningbefoe lerwif bonuiytfl ic cnLusilence. As a ruis, Dorîan'n care- ncw-stadingbefre br, ese humer cuits hlm: if amuses anS ltte gate betwec tiseui. 1Mer face je ads a piquency te a life f bat witb- 1tit cotortese, andSee L gazing up et eut if (uow- thaf Doriens soccety bas ise witb parteS lips, as thougi shcischorme iudispensabsle te heu) w'ould wonld fain say somslbîng iffLen t prove "fief, samie, anduS rprofitabie." t But te-day, lie hardly kuow-s why,-et, forrn lite saiislaefory speechi. Af tija Perbaps, liardly dates te kuow- w-iy,- :noent, Lord Sarteris, cerng suidden- bis ucpbew"ý,s easy light-heertedncss jers ly round ftbe angle of the rond, cees upon biui, vexing frira erely. As lisey tutu tise corner olf tbe rond tben, euS go don-thfe bill, ticy meef Mer- Ruh tcw-rs ber eyes andScorne ac,' cerng tow-ard t hem et a raptS light trans'ont cler creepe inte lier Pance. As hoe secs thern, hliaackens cheeks. Sartonis, cornes qujcktly up te bis speed anS apprenehes more slew-iy. tisor, mekes cerne convent jouet speechi "ulaswotI a e,". ns te bier, anS then tutus te bis aiephesy. evîti an airy laugi, "as my flicugis "Wb<se ar yengeingt" b. ace ee rnnning aw-ay w-.hi me. anS Phoce- cotdl aey, go- ',li aksbus Apotloie tti tise'ascendant:-.vort- "w-es going te Mythe." rtlurneS abiy bie 'rutes tise rot.' '[his uphili tiso Young man, easily. ' Juet as w-eu -r sf y uf emg. 1 didn't, eh? Sh"Wbet have fon hr aeyen heen ?" acts Dot- o u't h iolSbv oa yen ian. jnst becanse lhe bas nefhîag sise me et-ye." r~ent~~~ te say, anS t is sncb a bore te tlijnk. uincle. lîîoking et bieu nlrangsly. , "tGssan long-boev long if takes te ftuS ont Ah! in gosng tiscre new-. 'Yen sew ceeue penople, orsw-hem ont very bette Carrisa, tison t" seys Sartoris, quIkly ar 1e.~ air going te tise viltage." "5isehen oyen retura te twii, lMer- "Tis ara1,- neya _Brais combe. 05t Tisougis 1 should think te i outd rua "To--rnrrow- I thinte,-li hope says tse original 'Odeserted' oe close on Morace; and, eitis a littlie noS on bots sucb a day as Ibis. GeeS hy, Ruths." sidea, -tbey part. But w-heu fie bond Ms botds eut bis baud; anS tise girl, ia the rond again hiSes hiui Item visas siîently rot urning hie watm pressure, it w outd eccur te a casuel on-looker tint nsakes afeint ceurteny -te Lord Set- Morace Branscombe'c tisoughts muet tori.s. Thee is ne nervîîîîy, btnt neeOnce more bava taken bts pisysicel pus' uervonnnesa, in tiese eigist salutation. crs iliste captivity, as his pece quiekeris, "Io syour fatiser, Rutis t" acesunutitL t grow-s even swifter f baut evas ho. Sstaining bier isy a quick mevemeuf belote. of lise baud. SartorLe gees tesurely Sow-n tise hlt.j "Quite w cill, tisenk yen. my tord." w-ýlils Dorien beside heu. viiefirg "ncy Les," in a mennuet bjgily st5 Sons timidit y is ieernbie in ber iarythjslebmelneob, toue, canneS b ytise uneistakable te- laut tryt y culf o inue W uSener 1 m ganlsato sa ni. T'is cen hear tissmusical f reat ne loniger, "Iau la t ser Tro e sne bc breaks hurriedly into speech cf a worthier man tenîl tise parias tian descriptiontitreursa anse. John Anuerstey, I hope nefthing wilt "XViatarty ir Clatisn ~ yo everoeccur te grieve or seddenthtia ii ot ayenthy irle c t" a -i good OlS man." i WbeDorieyu nsbougstMie c "I hope rnet, rny lord," roturus se, to a triripisaut finish w-ifs Lou cteadily, altueugisbis vojce bas meare--thsf fudbaerineshmurdercus() long-h ige . l nejermmetaiew-s igs iu tise breast of Stepisen Adams, gene. syurfamng1hosanys, wilbout undue eut busiaýsrn ' Mu'e ocs yLor armrig go on, Do- i"-Yess.sleietaabout tise hest-lockiug roingt"mneka Lor arra, preseutty, -cnIknow." vruing brei Ie uziu e " AnS as unaffectel as se is beaufiful. verte i h odlln, sy o i ThisLeler principal cisarm. Se thor- "Quil ce i tc edl in,"sa e-ougbly bred, tee, ta every tisengit anS vLa, leeruhy." Tiat Sewyer ta an 'action. 1 -nover met ce levebîs, a crea- invatuebte felinse. Dosa ailtishe work, ifie you kncs-v'teich emoal satisfectnry. 'Wbi py hecn'tber"e Looka alfter the men, pays thelr usages,-enys Brascomies, Tbngtheriape if anS takes ait trouble off ny sisouldera. i5 as estias c et. " Adhulate'iobs in Issercotd ndraandw-etaperfeect baS eflecI ou soetepeople." iretse tlii1Igot bLeu. Every ena "Shis eton ernent, totee iorog enys 1 arn uiast fortunate in my cheicelebupehyLnir.Isntis of a stew-ard." tenb'îe f bere atreuy.tIke be tif ie I 1datesaey. Il le arnazing tise wonr i hr aeayliele"k i amount cf informinîtea people possse ol. aboutloter eo ple's servante. Butt -Very few-, T tiinte," says Dorien, Yen look after lisinge oursoîf, cf genjelly. coursef Mow-sver ait hfl anS trust- Anof ber pause somevciaf longer iban w-rusy one s ircinge euay bc, oue'e tise taet, anS tisen Sartorje says, with ow-n sye sautS aise lia in tise uiaîîr." sons beiltion, "Do yen nover f blut "Oh, ef course," acqpuiesces Dorien. cf,,merrying, Dorien t" cierfuly, "Nef hieg like persenal su- "Oîten," scys Branscombe, with an pervinion, anS s'a-an. Every ncw- anS amusedSemits. t henu, y n rie, TISedo ok ver lise ac- "Yet bowss'sldent yoûbnuci ounftle ceuies, anS este a few- questions, , nuSmalter!1 Why, w-len T w-ns leur age, show- mY"if vscy learued la drainage, T baS senaett"-asttlwenty wcrntenTI aSd se forfis, But TSent ses tînt 1 aboutS bave marrieS, baS tbay sisew-uau gain mucli bv if. lottiS sLupid work, ansSeing regard for me." to,"-'cifh a yawa. " Luckily, Saiw'- j" Wiat e htessing tbey idn't 1"sanys yet Le ens of lise mont tenowiag fellosss Branscombe. "'Faut-y, tw-enty cf ta the wortS, or 1 esupposa I sisould go tisoui Yon'S bave feund if ew-kw-rd le smash. Me le up te everyîbiug, La tise long rn, ssouidn'f yen t AnS I euS tlka like nahbook. Quite n pîsa- den't thi-al they'S have tiked t, yen suie, 1 gis's yen my w-a.rd,-elnennt e know-, in Ibis ilibt-tai country. Se prîviîege,-în isear bleu converse on glaS yoýu rlongist better cf iLt." sbort-b.arns and somareeccentric reef "T1 wisbhI couhd once cee yen as boa- lis"Y Cati manrues." est ly -seiti s nigist, almaf unucen- "hI is Possible, te le kueîving, ' anys scieus, stress on the sotd-"in love as 1bis uncle, Sepreciatingly. T bave iseere scores cf tjmes." "Eht ci, ne; Saw-yer is neot tisai sort -"Wiat a melancbely time yen muet cf poreon. le je pute straight ail ha've Cul lu1 Wlien n feltow- is ie love iltirngis. AnS bestevo -- r ni-sme hsgoee te nkin anS bouc. dloeen'f is t Asutypretty girl," returus De- tisan aIltris'amuemns tossn lti- cen ria, canelesely. lalLerS. She evoulS miakes Yeu haippy "Yes,"-grevely,-' very pefty; anS anS induce yen te lente moescrtu 1 tbnk-I hope-uprigbt, as sise ishbean- te your osen itersts--aud-- tiflt Pont chuSd, bers seuis te be a " Yen mean u e sould like me te very Sssotatc lot. Par tee weli elu- marry Clarisse Peyton,"sanys Dorien, enteS te asen-ite withtt tst of lier good-humorcdly. " Wsli, it je a, c11,air -- cevu ciess, as e eslit utoff luy tise ing echeuis, 100 tnow ; but 1I St Uirhtt laws of caseIte rm ixiug wuthti hose t uit ceeus off.InTtise fita pi-c ChHidren ry t'or PicheSCatovîý a atuont te Éelrglrutenoicett daydies, and tiese na gees Sow-, euns -Yss,-so tike your mothet." e rnut- liapp ily conte noise Ln tiselieuse-a stop, tors, semewliat tliickty, ciritchinc aite- n veice-arerises ber, and, sfartiug as lesny ettisequlî, "Fot Aîce -per tisengi Item noms ugty Srearn, aie fakle girl! It w'as tisat day on tise beach, rip ber peu again, enS writes cagerly. w'len tht'w-aves w-cm dancing, anS tise anSd withorit prerneditatien, to tlie one 'sun--or w-as it f--DiS tise - ciSman'frieud lu w-irseui ciscsf11pute faitb.. ever forgiv--?" <To e cCoutinued.) Clarissa would not have ma, and ini thel naext, 1 dont want te m'rry at al A tvie fsw nuiS hore ume ta death; <ouldtt Lau01 a greater nuisance. I like wens very trech, in fact, 1 may Say, 1 arn de-i e Cidedly fond of a gond many Of th ni. but te have oe always looking afterI mi e you style t> aud Showing wp MY pc! d'Aquanùies would drive ma eut of ICI ny milnd. Don't look so elisgusted 1 1 feel J'm a miserable sinncr; but I re ll1Y c'<n't hein t. I exîrcet there jessouteS- d" thing radcaiiy sroug evith Mt," f t "Do yeu meanute telte-wjth 0 " some natural indignation-- tbat riP toe ,i this yen have ncier, duriug ail yeur ~ s ttanderings, beth at hom-e and abroaS., i. ~ Seen any weman yen seuldS incercly -3 admiret" "Nýumbers. my dear Arthur-any 0 ta a eri fic prepe rationin the form of a1 ameuint-but net oes1 should cure te 8 es t n uîLeslïon, tares n too'eh cent into marry. YoÙ sec, that makes snob a dif- 'e aninmal "i-s condition." fle then bas Il Le ronce. I remembar once befre-Inet bcad and i;tL-g icbs ftd. seasen-yen "-peke te me in tbis straies, i and, simply te oblige Len, I tbought I V LC he CoWS ar eigrethee wonld make np My m md te try mstrit- 4: .acdgotv rae cgsrnt meny. Se I -went in heevily, heurt and <> food and the flow cf inilk iocrcascd. -seul, for Lady Fesîny Ilezlett. Youn le Bick's Blood Purifier witl pay f( havesesen Lady Fenay 0" 0 Fer sale by druggists, se gencral stores or sent pos Yes, e geed deal cf ber." Ton e knew bow rcally pretty ,,he Le. Well, 1 spent three wees a t it, rognear bard work the eut ire tinte, yers know, ne breatbiug-spaee alîowed, Fo e swendening, dreemtng hies letis- as she neyer refuses au invitation, drean cf beppiar deys, geiug back, aven thinks nothing cf tbree balle lu oe as ho sinke jute everlasting sicep, te the night, and insisteS oun y dancing at- gilded heurs cf yenth. tendance ou ber everywbere. 1 neyer Tht' girl presses hie baud te roue hii.I suffered se mucb in my life; end w-heu -"Ttiak cf nme now,- she enti'eat e. at last I gave lu frem sheer exheustien, desparingly; "it will ouly be for a lit- I found my clothesene longer fjtted me. tic whie.-such a littie while,and th5 1 was w-rn te a sksleten frora loss cf ycu w-ut be witb ber ferever. Oh, papal sep, the lieavy strein on my mental rny deer. my dear; smiloeut me ence posa crs, anuS the mesk endurance cf lier egain. Tiik cf me bappily; lot me feel ladyshîp's lii tempers. w-heu yon are gene that ycur -last heurs "Lady Fanny je oeswemen, Ciarissa -ith mcevwere peacefut." Peyten je cuitse nether. How couid Hisesyes meet hers, and. le emîles ten- yes.tfailt te beihappy wsth Cinrisea f derly. Gcntly sise slips ber arme I-Lr s-u ,et tisse, ber grecs ef mind and rctund hlm, anud, lnying ber golden bestd bodl, ber beauty, îvould-kGep yen cap- upon tise piliew, close te him, prese seber tive ýeven agaînet ycur w-utl." lips te his,-the soft warm lips, tiset con- Dorian pauses fer a moment et twe, treet se paiufuily witis those pals coid anS then enys, very gently, as theugli otiser cnes they teucli.,Se she remaine serry te spoil the elS man's cherîsised fer a long tiose, kisslng hiui softly every plan,- new- and agaju, anS thinking hopelesslY Serterie is sulent. A vague suspicion of ths sud. cf w-bat new- appeers a certainty bas fer She neither sigis, uer wesps, uer some time oppresseS and hannted hi.- makes any ontw-erd sigu cf enguish. Un- At tisis moment be le sadly r-ealizinig thse like meet people, she bas realizedi te its emtînescf al bis dreamaing. Present- fuliet tise au fuinese of this tlijng that ly, Pe says Slowly- te about te befall ber. And tise kncw- "Are you quite sure cf -this t" ledge bas paralyzed ber senss, render- As certain as I eau Se sitbont cx- iug ber duul wiris uissry, and tearlese. ectly hearing it frem ber osvu lips." P:s"ntly the whbite lids, w-cary ivitis - e it Horace?7" nigts cf watching, dreep. lier btsath -Yss; t se Horace," says Branscomise, conmes more evsnly. Mier liedSsinkeS quietty. mors heavliy againet thse pillow-, and, like a chuS w cru ont witb grief anS pain, she sîsepe. CHAPTER VI Wb"n next sc wakcs. gray dawu Le sverywhere. The w-luS still means unt-' Tread sftly; bew- thelie,- eesengly. Cîillthtie rain-Stops patter Iu reverent silence bew, agninet tise panes. She raiss ler bond Ne passing bell detis tell, affrigbtediy, and, epringing te ber feet, 'Yct an imseortat seul bondas vili bats j breatli aisovatise quiet Ie paesing uow-." fcrui tyiug on ths bed. -Caroinue Senthbey. Aies! aies! w-bat change'is bers f Me A lit tie ro, scantily -but neatly fur- bas not meved; ne fainiteet elteration nishsd. A lcw- bcd. A Sying mari. A enu be traccd in the celui pose of thse kueiing- gi-b--bal chilS, bal -seeman fignre that liesejnst as she lest saws it, -witb n levely, miserable face, anS w tsrn slssp 'ercame ber. The syes arc pretty yelîow bair. csossil; the tender smile-tbe lest fend It is aIment drink, anS tise sonud cf seuls stili lingers ou hie lips, yct, ho the moaning sea without, rieing bigher je d"ad! aud hoarser ae the tide rushes lu, ceeues 'the peer child stands gazîng 50w-n like a wvail cf passionate agouy jute tise upon hji with parteS lips and ciaspedi sulent reem. bais, euS a face almeeti as ashen as Tise rein patters dismaliy againet the that marble oeste w-iicb ber cyes grow wjndosv-panes. Tise w-jaS-tbat ail dqy witt botterunuspeakable. He lookese long lias becn uen aneu subdued-ie paacefnt se ranch as tbnngtt he merciy breaking forth jute a fury long sup- leesp-thet for oesmeSi moment sce presseS. anS, Sashing through the littie tries net te believe tise truth. Yst she town, ou its w<ay te tise angry sea, mnakes kueus t les eeth, unmistekabte and te- the casements rattie nnisily euS the tait lentiss, npen wisicis for tise firet time trees sway euS baud beneatis its toucis h" tooks. Aiseve, in the Sarkeuing heeveus, grey MeHe sgene, forever! witbont anotiser denuSe are scurrying mediy te and Ire. kiss, or emile, ûr tarewell word. beyoud "Gees gis,ý" ss'ispers n feint voies front these lest nttered. Hoelied set eut upon ont the gatlieriug gloom, "are yeti still bis .icney atone, ised passed lie otise tisere ?" ôther beugalatnd, ln tise cold silence cf "Yes, dear, 1 an bore, quite near te tise nigbt, even whilee si tpt,-lied yeu. Wbat le it ?" beau tomn front ber, whiist yct ber fond -Sit w'ierc 1 casec enO, chu,- arme encirciea i be. w-bore 1 enu catch yonr face. 1 have Imnpelied hy noms indefinable desire. cornet bing ta say te yen. I canuet dte she laye ber fingers softiy ou the baud witis this weigist upen rny heurt." Chtites outsidetise ceveriet. T1he aw-- -What weight. papea?" fui cit tisai meers ber touch sesete "Theb uncsrtinty about yenr future,"~ reach even te lier heurt. Threwing enys tise dying maen, witi sosma excite- ber au-me above lier lieSd, witb a wilS ment. "Mow cati I teave yen. MY little pessienete cry. sise feus forw-erd, anS eue, te fight thie cruel w-erldi ahane ?" lies sensotese acrose tise ljfeless body. "De net tisink cf me," seys tise girl, # 1 * ia a voicesose nnatnrally celui as te be- Missry burte, but it rnrely kilîn; and trny the fact that sise le making e sa-~ brekea iheurts are eut cf fashion. Al preme effort te astsel hersesf egainet tbe tisis unhappinees came te Georgie betrayel cf smotjen cf any kind. "iY Brougisten about a yeer ege, and thoul and by, sili tisere net ho long yeers inl brain-fever fellow-eS upea it, attackiug w býicis te make ber men, anS w-csp, and ber with vicions force. andd almeet baud- tiset grandgint Despir w holy ton"ng ber ever as a victim te tise greedy etcf yrtisugit Ds elogtr. --P sham grave, yet sise baS surviveS, anS ever- ont f yur hought aitgeter.1 sailcons deatis, anS returned frou tise tend1 do very, vory W-ll. 1 shaîl manage te cf shadows, weekducd, indeed, but witb live ne etisers bave livel before me.l" ebeotmbr "Yonr Auint Elizabeth sv'll take yeniibeoehr Lu for a littie w'hlle, euS theu--tsu MntepssSbfeesoroî tns -nes. shllnon up sufficient energy te plan o Iî siaît go eut as a gavari s issî thiuk about -i possible futurs. Ail this myan i me ber aunt Elizabeth baS clethed and got jute sons kjud, pleesant fam Sad e anS siseltere liber, but unwillîugty. every eue wilttc very geed te me," saysIdesegrgugyaSliSatot tis gil, tjl i a esontly heefutbo measure cf "hrotiseriy love" that toute. It will just suit me. 1 shait t ho girl writissd beneath it,.anS pined like L. Do yen nuderstand me papea? usitis a pasejonate -loaging. fer tise day 1 shall like it better then nnythjng, htis clt sec ber freed from a depend- becansecbjîdrea are aiways fond cf me." suce tisat liaS become unspeekably bit- Tise fatiser's face grew- saSSer, -eveu ter te ber.- grayer, as sise speake. He sighinlua tveubled fashion and strekes fcebiy the To-day, sitting Lu Bher littIe roeu,- littie fragile baud tisat cliags so Ses- au apertmeut higis up luAunut Eljza- peratsly te bis, w-hile tise dempe of Seetis hetb's liouse,-sbe tells eisrsîf she w-itl lie tisick upnnbis brow. isestate ne lenger, ibat abs is streng "A geveruesse." ha murmure wit s cere uc-e, puits streug, anS able te face tise Sifticutty. "While yen are euly a cOriS. Sse boidS rp lier Seticete littie cuilS yonrself. What a lierd hiard hand betw-een ber cýyeseenStise window-, fate! Is thaeo nerionS teaiseip anS as a test af ber rtlurutng sttttngtis, cemfrt ~~,, nly te fLuS thet sise can almeet sec "l bave a frionS," replies sc ,stead- tise ight threnghis t.-so thin, soIrg ity. "Yen bave efteu hourd m menj- ils, bas it grew-n. But se wittnet ha tien ber. Yen rememiser tise nemne, dshartened: and, Srawing peunanS ucw,-Cliae yten ? She w-s paper teevatd ber, she tries te write. 1e-1fian e-scso-,AS IV1_kuow- s But t ila adifficuit teck, anS ber boaS Or. TAFT'S AST4MA1LENE Our SI HU hiugt gaspliffor breatli fer suffocation. send yeuraaite anS F address, we will mail tris h boittleF ' on. TAFT ORO$., 186 AOELAIJDE ST-.... TORONmTO. ONT, by a new perfect :jd ienlifie jnthod c-not fait unless the cate is bayonS hustt, al iS, e fotimproved th irsttday, ee brceitevey ay,sceu know ycnrselfetj -il ongm-nasi bdy; mmnd eqaend .Dr aloess cd. Eseyesj ýt ekppy tearried life ramoe. W Ner~ ocw ngybaie power, w-heu failing or lest m~e rastoved hy Ibis t'atment. Ali-il a1 "oS W-calepetrtions of the body enlarge'd .,. sis-ergtliened. Victis sOf abtuses anSdxes es, rectale yonr manioc( S uSfferers fresý £ellY,Overwetk',Carly envers, lI beailth,regaig_ yenr s r1ge IDon' t daspair, cran if liîntesat4 stages. Don't lie di-thaarteued if quacke, hiave rolibed yeu. Lai -as show>you thatmeap dical science anS business houer stitl exist litre go liand ia hanS. Write for our book1 w-itli explanations anS proofs. Sent sealed, fice CIrer 2,000 references. PO atîssu, Sciatica, Faraly, S.Vta boss of Power, Female Wegkncs a sudrreewab-IL snd att BissasscauseS by Bd ÀilooS. 'an Net-ces. Skia Beauiftcr. nea trIal p v 1OI1 lreboxes,notta, 6 fer 111.5û. The g] liev~ mte, ie Ce., Brockv.le, Oui, aud t4oirisIoe.T BABY'S OWN TABLETS cure ryer. Woa Teetutug, Diarseato. 5abc,2Nô ta8tê. ESTABLISHED 855 HAVE MN' -,1EDRVME NOTFOUNDIN NOTFUNEOTH EH 1MAKES THAT WILL WELL REPAY AN INVESTI%'GATïON E3y THOSE WHO -f £EU\1i THE BEST SAFE: J & J TA YL OR. TORON TO SAPE W019KS, TORON TO. MONTREAL VANCOU VER W/A/N/IPEG V/C TODRfA 1WE MAKE.- Sewer and Culvert Pipes Ail Sizeis frou 4 lai. to 24 Ms. AU-l Cosanectlona. a1- WRITE FOR pRIoE$.TUE ONTARIO SEW[R PIPE CrL Coi ADIELAIDIE ST, E.. PAOMOYArtuAMIl Y ORONTOm cannothe rna(ie outof bhorses that are out of co±tdâ<on. Merety to fed plenit>ofoatsisnotenough. Atorse gets run down the came as a mian and needs a generaai lomng Up. Blood Puriflejr Lpowder. Tt ypurifies the blood, tmgh > oo h e" nd floss oe holdngsth moot eand I gle odang p s 4tted by it. The wliole asystem is toned lued, more nutrimuent is drawrn from the for itself ten tintes over. D pa*d on rz rtpt of8V <ts;.Î Dicte & Ce,, P. 0. IBox 42Monrra-