tI tIi of i, a pinch of sait, a littie Pepper, e- small onion minced fine, one egg BUFFER AWEUL TORTURES sliced or chopped, and a lttie mustard ï ÏFairy Toast.-Take stale sponge cake P r o e k r n Ho 'sehoid Ilints. eut in slîces hali'an inch thiek. Lay HOW SPAIN TREATS HEP, POLITI -_-_______________________________________ prescribe' Scottý's Emulsion of OU-..' rshvemn ue n on plat ters on which yon, wish te serve CAL PRISON ERS. Cod-liver Oil and Hypophos- the ýhousehold. They are excellent for: it. Beat the whites of three eggs te FOR GIVINO ihpibe eatcbnmd *htsbcuete idter Plhn idwmrý and al a stiff froth, then continue with the Te r ire from qoilis. It is soft and yielding, phies ecase lhe fld tei poishng înos, îrr1,egg beater te beat jute it one small TI r Brr live lu Big Chalng la conforming readily te foidg., yet giviu paint 4-i fra kinds of glassware. Several thicknessei glass of genuine jielly, leaving out ene The old -i Dus lngeons opposiSTYLE an Ç CTIA sap t Slt r r$s plcdunder acarpet ep it freiii tablespoonful te put ontop of slices. , inrVctm re Fastened te heooy kit Mn taIma b long time, as it does not upset wearing eut and keeps thle cold wind A. y yen preter can lbe nsed. ]Rocks sand walled lufflth Masenry. TO wet without iojury. the stomach nor derange te foof c u hoghtecacs1Hak te untl itfrosting on each slice the dftm cemng tg the cracks H ofcea ilitisail used up, andlin It seems almest incredible that un-i The Celebrated Feathey>rboc aedarond he aseoars.The nma- tecnr fec u upe elydrrud dnen u otr digstin ike the plin u, jerity cf heusokeepers cever the shelves on the frostî,g Weeasttcsadcabr tl xs Yet tbey de,!0 ff es Dresses Corsets are corded wt II chamersstil exst.Materlal. Scott's Emu-lsion is as muoli cf pn and cupboard wlth theru, 1cf the three yolks cf' eggs, cee plut cf aud je Ceuta, Africa, survive in their pantry ~~~~~ rilk made by using oe-equarter cf a Fr~1 ylaigDyGoaDaes casier to digest than the plain w hich gives theni a neat appearanceci cfFoirBrsaleagl Brad Co- WrstDrry GIt s hosDthalmotsc ou s il i esir o igst be changed for tîesh eues wltbout plntot f ater, and eue tablespeonful here aise that mauy premninent Cubais than butter. Besides, thse fish- scouring the shelves. An illustrated cf cern staruli, flavored with vaijili upct"ae en diy sprti Pae iyb orc fejyet )heu coeoked pour the custard supecs "ar beng aiy v jeed fat taste is taken out of the oul, PPi easuc fejycta t ronthcaebut do net peur it ou Thiese - suspects" have really committ- i»,.ij 5Y . )i J and t isalmst platale.'I'h chidre if heyaie allowed taeuct the frcsting. As you serve each suice cd no crime and there is actually c*ALTEM AZNSION. eut the pictres sud paste theni le a take s spocnu niof- custard with it, specfU chrge MaAGAZIheES.NINwONE."~ way sickly-children, emnaciated, scrapfboekhthges keeping them aonused aneemic and consumiptive aduits, wiemmap~FES QDFED.lOns areoudithrpsesonsd gineyrmral.ere orrie uune a i used oTlitts En iSt FE~, SH OrsLD uFELDSe. rthey are net guilly et inflammatorY ~lt ga n l sh o S ot' E u si n Tooth brushes that have been dis- - p e he rTtHgt e r b ll o . T e Don't teper8uaded te accept ae sltitetel inu'the kitchen for cloaning lamp humn- 4u1 leeus R is le 5anthAfrica. are merely preninent ritizels wbom l _15 Sct owe oleil.50.ad$1 r,1SPain suspects as secrotly alding the~ Edited by ALBEIRT SHiAW. $cot &Boae, olisiie.50c an$1 os slverîvare, sud îany other thiugs Most cf the speculation in South cue She caneot execure thein, for Aa ____________________________ that a clolh faits te dlean properly. African miuiug stocks, which has bie- te aecmitdn rmbtte RYE~E1V fH EIW 0 W7;hsk broomes aud t ber brccins may cerne such s wild craze ie Europe smalepuetcfhe ayndeths Oo n iIWS asis rv Th iite Sats ieclane b dppegthniupaud coufined te thse mines and prospectsmet t ar Put utiftewayato this ol Th ntdSae ' end. they r prtdawyt h oi name implies, gives in QT4 down in a psu ofcf ean, bot suds, then tise Witwaters Rand, in the south par t tcFdog Pitfîtls0ddm eaal enitebs rinsing je dlean water. and haeging of the South African Repulic. The ia ugosthArclaeddw rýratapeafrsin theother Lif Io ~iraiith'-luupinthe sunshine ta dry. They gre:t golfields te the uorth of this thahthainssud troinethethee liv an Ilstreubi- owv-, av bngreat magazines al over L'lpeuhuic, hookwever,, ehave beenapetaken i-Ceuta is an old Moorish seapert tewn , ~ te'rd eeal ntesnedt htt~ lo g r f r a c a i n l w s i g a a c u t i h e e t e s tim a te a f je M o o c o, O p o s te Gthretr. Ti e r u ui d , W ithyo n t h ec ien t e itr aord i ,; A lm ost every housew ife as conter- the future produ tivity ef the nr y. in wu o n th opp si e Gcfrate a nciT entl c e s o o1yp4i dcl, t s atn cespa y nd oilies - sd o th er n ie ta b le lin - T h ese' n o th er e fi elds a re je M a ta b ele- I o n ai n A b y a, ic o h ter n ci ee ofare vî ib sew, u m m are d - couipn-y. nthat requires troquent w ashing. o- 111eya hchfri n o 1î%ieraeo o Det scnd thora te the washerwooiau land and Mashenaiand, the firat eoiaf,. ds with the other clethes, for if they are 1 hicli waa rcial cridngon the Pillars et Hercules, the Rock et Gis- ~~qoaiogvn h NU HedO ~~-teatedin tis wSy tlsir beauty 50011 te ail white meu until tise reanîts cf ratrbigtechr ll lot~gîst of periodical litera. SUCITO In.e okOt a ubn etybteetethe recent Matabole war epened the vast lrlrgabeaj t ph ihtS-___t~" ure, are alone worffi P ands, nover ou tise washlioard. Use country toe uropean unterprise. Tise that it is ovon more horrible. The~ the -suliscription price. $ ,0 vory soap, and ut ter they are thot- se coud region, which adjoins Matabele- 41 $ . . -- ughly cleansed, rinso ie clear water ladoute atw trI rvesds huilt by, Moors about95 Aside freni these departirients, the editorialL1 te whjch a little bluiug has licou added. ln nteeswsfrttaesdand il is probable that thoro is re ti- nticnrbtdfaue tteReîw0 EIW r hnsle &'C Inuiang ,lLLII-- Popre tie tarh nd lp hepieeaby ilontagu Kerr about teui yeas r eeplae unhe erd her 0 ade entri te famaaie, ofthe REitwOfr's "Prog ressothe Wrsl s in it. Rang theni smoerhly rupou the He told the writer, lator, tisat lho did euli xett1amgzn.TedmtrsPorsso h ol"1 li,803,517dry, dampeneandejrouaonaththing in ia h- an invaluable chronicle et the happenings cf the thirty days just past, In 88.,...$ ,80,~17 wrong sîde; this shows the needîework e eiv hr a u hn iMs DEVILISH DEVICES OF TORTURE 4 iiipcurso eey aeofteme n 1892..,,.10,00,605 the rigitsl ide. If the piocos are frîug- wisich illustratea the tact that the pieu n-- c camorhhih h a ve aWd hesys: of Vth reepl1 A. TH E'i In 82...c1,0>9 d, combliout the fringo wisle ii s cor explorera are uow sud thon deceir 1d-L'tïa- ordsys ýW red5.ý RCN still damp. itise fleodisis Moors could imagine were 2-.SMPE In 1894. . .. 14,880,333 A pad or a smaîl tablet, and a iead cd as te the read value cf a counmtry. gvntcpaybrsdmy r- :irepresseti frorn mnonth te, month with the value MPE poncil, huug up je the kitchen or din- A few cf the lateat tacts about theo vnfreply eead et e-o the 1'REVIEW oC PEVIEWS,' which is a seort 25 cents. mnain te this day. Spain acquired, -il W Local Agents wanted in ail neirepre- ngr"" is jivalualile te the liusy goid djscoveries je these nortisemu re- 1640, but hardly an improvemont bas d- of Eiffel Tewer for the survey of the whole sente disticts Addrss thnga eeed aiorshe eten thinks cf gicus are given in thas article. ever lisen made in ils merderons pri- ç fedetproiclllrîue ndyti hsamd o ocee t senedditrct. ddes tins eeedabout the house, sud if If tise miuieg daimia tisIhave heen sons since tbcy were buiît. With the fieln d fpeoias ierut it ecienAnd e sni nd aildpubice oficse they are Cet wrrtten down ut theexetoofocsoal eovnth wadsekou ihdcsoansneonl pbeipc f r ~~te, they are aprtetalbe torgotten Pegged eut in Matabeleland and Msah- seeton of occsionally rov wiegh theI sasnglrcminto fth ot mgzn n R. 1). STA.NLEY, 9when she gees shopping. This savea enaland, up te asat Sopreosber, were slthe nes fprscere wbo r o away lu t1.thher Ilsasngarcmntontthmntymgzieai Inspector of Agents, eronau retrda trpof w lb0 ,ardutice is be Je siethywoud o nmany cases even this is net donc, ÇC.,th5, il newspaper. It is daîly in its freshness; ofenanexratrpi te rtcl I sutad lides tise pitchy darkness the îti is monthly in ils methed. It is the world Aet bdi ~ Boomns 6 sud 7, Quebec Bank Building eue'lie canuler gel alng witisout.1,0MIE LOG1 tnhiterb.Ocehsdugo A nsfn î Atbie tastened tate eide of tise 160MIE OG.Isoni aterbe.Oc heedugcsunder a field glass." terot .. walin the kilehen with hingesa, il This gives sieides of tise exteu tte wup o r mC ola ote r o ad Soldon ail News Stands, Single Copy, 25 cents,.rî~î Geo, Shîar1f lfBo-wranvillc, eau bclet1e dowe when net in Use, is a the gold fields, lisons-h nbodY Yet1 release hlm. sud tisese pardons are sel- Pro~RVEWrEV Sftable General Agent for Duihamo great cenvonience cspocially when kneowa how fart tiey strelch, away te 1dom granled. Jr js said there areMazie t her n ext a nimouet cf cookingte nertis. Nearly'60,000 dlaims have, mon nonv laeguisiig in tisese colis' 13 Aster Place, New York. p ~ Ç Ii IN E e d, ordnrig te canin seaen. thus far, heen located. Net a grear whose ideetity is absolntely forgot- ~~' 5 - E '0d, --doal et developmeur wôrk bas yet been tee. They bave net seen tise ligist eofa~ ~ ~ donc, ery fw ahata hav lico day for 20 yoars, and whe they are and YYYY'.YJ.YJYJ .J JJY.% IVr ueCe %SUMPTION, u9ýThotDîe. donc._________________________have________ 5S.-lcbte .-tenie t., e eerce Gv.e.spreî and For Femninne Fîngers. sunk. Tisheisof thee minera, tisere- what they werc are abaolutey un- pot Once dd7 s foere are lrl based uponth very kon tise known. CONSUMPTIToronto, Con. A fore2 0ihy addrensnng themar. ofl1 litenouagn iA.Sen.kornoCa Aiveyp-choecnlemdetpromise et the surface Tise occasional ciaekieg et the chains CrtPTONCOQUR.T'IED o $,0 y drsTs h D.Wl thrbrclaga, cacis four incises bigh; oee ccratchhags. Tisere la net a particle as the peer w retches crawl fromonee ama' Medicine Ce., iBrockvile, Ont,, er OIdr.Crdo'sle~e frM f liac ;eveî ee c eîgod sd eeof deit of tise groat extent et tise an- te another is tise elyevidence thal t .EIln Ld etrdto Sheriectady, N. Y. Sec that tise re- 8f anlclrd evl an r i trn ledges or recta, as they are thOy are stjll alive.- But once a yoar Healtis.e ar s nai pcags 12odra7pa lwe- nes- r.have gene ta Matableeand froinaIbis çvhen the masonry la tom open tu - __for______ l2b-s '11 Tise tops et the baga are iined witis country and Anstralia say they nover tise keepers te inspecl the wosr of Attsneil dWith a Rae1ling CourSe, Loss of A GNTSVDHS IH. bright-celered silk or satie. Tise thre sws ui vsbegl a sfudthieir caies' sd eessilily te put addi- Appeille sud l ecerkil Feeling orLassl- hrgtrbieaou eicste ietlesrchnesa et tise surface quartz. Cota ila avery small place sud the Ale ieesFaieS,- WsSrw ro. Wnb ie brigt rbbo abot a inh frin he Butowhalt is tise reai vaine of tise reets ? Moors coestrncted a cisain etf tertreas- aDal;FoaMu-1Tp ptop, letting il tiare like a sacis. Bluff Will they pinch cul or' will tbey pan es areund jitle guard against aey pesý- Froni lie Charlottetown Paîriot. Afwdy goa ieNwYr P.ý. --7 SCNPl ïf with ctton sud add satchel pewder; on. wail1 far bteeatis the surface? Tise sible attadk. It is in lise cellars et Tmes withoul nuniher bave we rcad Eye aud Esttr mary, a ualPeee eau lic huug aI windows wbere tise ~c xprssyuee nurhi-metu these anciet sud decayiug fortresses cf the wenderful cures effected hy Dr. k q u est ion, thal il is moat improbable tisaItishe durigoons are located. They Williams' Pink Pilla, -but generaily the steel rneasnring 3-8 hy 1-4 iuchs, tisat cf s reing chairs, tc. onldhemakes tisaIthe auriterens quartz lies oniy on oarewoiv ut cf lise solid rock, and are testjmonials lelling th(, tale had laid tise was lmedded in a patienl's eye, was POSTIEL ~, siîabo irtda gf fo afren ~ hesufae. Il would lie neprecedent- ie)tiers tea adeplis et 50 or 60 leet. scene i soinecf tise other provinces. rernoved, by meaus oet ýnpowertnl nag- To mae auunilroil stad ta ecd if ail the a recta were le pinch ont, Ts approach te tisera is made thrcugisTsshte oects atri ZestPeweFereus iebuîtyfjvo-gleer- an hn o n c-sd if a amal fraction fuît il thoir wo- narew epeigs lu tisestone f loorS cf lrougbr direcrly 'berne, sud tbile bah- nt okieo lsrsria seailio aeîd7 tecros alonja;-ait hie r ny Al drful Poise the '-- sper -'-of the fortressea and whee tise horrible mony cornes tren a much respected sud strument was ised. -L was said at asdëes eeseduythe. thrrera it, ndpusabaassuglred.E -, sopnd te ouedor o t iltis Chritanwma.MrsSarah Str'ck- tehsia htIh prto a dol n fy er edtisidand pantaite oin. 7yusth nsnîen tsefoi t ms anwoau ia.th bsptaltiaItie peatenos 'ud Îxesso'eî., 1 ts de u, u ado g u ntreertbugse"'Scncurging. iand decomnesition is everpowerieg. band, noix residing in tise sls cfbeen succestul sud tsaItishe patieut, Vcug.midie geeoroor - p Ifwn ecretsetopaedliotor. fd irds evleuentworabs ben aroedonChaarlto twttbasheewnrréd iSC s kibedbelweret weld rohbl 9u l~feingfesshes ested topant t rantora bncsman.hwywjlh Cuncis enerydnring tise past auna- THE DESCENT IS MADE years, and blesaed witis a large taruly hof fodLies udexerss etmdtehatna.f bonors, or a stork, etc., ou tiese ide. mer and tise reanita thus fat seeni1mriît. tsoeatisan bliucnve uey omIleabile te returu ta bis duties witi Aoo su ier malier jar, decorated je Ibis way, co.eailom tisehthfgiseat toxpedtaliensd et tise h5 a long îg aO pbus Prices$1.00, 6 boxes for $5.00. Senthynnail, nmakes a pretty uewsaper helder. cmpira we iso euît eptran ov terte long damip alicys, tisat wind in sud constitution had, nutil a year age iseen lbree weeka. Fecuis fe ledWrtellsr cor bow o "ti-/Zin Prett y hairpin receivers can lie made ts ia pep'I.aound lise base et each fortress. Along in dempsratively geed health. About About a week ago Joseph Brown, 35 ad/s," fe eelytiye owt gtw f tise smali weedon kega i wiich t b. a orsos act tauMtlil-tise walls et escis of theso aileys are tisat rime she gan ta tel "run dcwn," yasode PsniiN..1ada A anit acircar odabildtcf sui r vl- lan avecyitorignal prospec Mtgbas amalhioes abocut a foot trena tiselier blced lecame tin sud a gonomai er lo lifed .. ald *ddreme QA siEll CINEar ushnn ofsi7kor yel n ylit dogsudlvery few dg-as gound, sud these are tise sole epen- feelinget lassitude took possession cf a Plaiefield cculisî's office te ho treat- QUE N T CREAl an le l ed on lse1pa d a v b eelnonpegged ut o u virgin eefs. ings into tie dungeons. b th lerm md sd lbody. er family 1d for severe inflammation oethtie lftt ofTEAe narew lace added if desired. Noîîcdy kniowa who tise aecieet minets When a prisener is tealie cast laIe sud friends viewed wit l r5nitisee.An xaito s1owd ht wcrethateovrod bis ounmy aea aeoee, a hele sufficient le admit tise pas- graduai developmeut cf lhem ilînesa, andoy. A exriaie hodtsI Not ecesar. Kepin th Ovn dan. wir tis erdiscout lsre la sîlîlsage et his body, is bru epen ine lie when s cougi-at first incpieul, but somne foreige substance isa'. mliedded in plenîy et trace cf thoir work. ,It was maaenry, sud hois ja queezed lu, fol- afterwards almoat constant, cspecial iecciî,tsIts onrwa al Marnma-Your peu-wiper bas net Wheu suytiig boils over in tise ivo-y imperfecb. TisoI secured only a lowedhby armed keepers and a biladk- aI nigit,-sel un, doctors wemc stini- iniflamed, the iris lerii, snd tisa tise been used ut ail. eveu t should lie aliowed te hum letapart cf tise onlcep gold, snd lise minets 8s.illish. Ho is tison lisrewn ce his ack mened sud evemytising tisaI lovig, ton- PPlhdbcieoau.Atr(as J2ck-Don'l nced il, rny new panîs are a, a hn naai ofiy cmpd tto-day bave siply pitcbed uponand cisains welded fron i bs ankies 1a dem came and imedjcai skill couid de was pplbdleoeesn. Alrqo black. chr sittois leesl srpdtese sucient workiega upon wisich teatise solid teck. Beaides 'Ibis a besvy rescmted te je order ta save tise attec- honing Brown, tise pisysician came te Off and brusised eut. Afrer tisis tise exorcise tisnit iursîy. Inu is ws imon biands i' ot ten lime'. rivcted around lise conclusion tisaI s pieetofstop1 ovei ssoud le torogisy ared it ise ~ î g~his wsist sud welded te s chain sud n, \? y, ,1was tise cause of tise trouble. Tistee in tise aide et the walI. o Iccks. It tdaysnheforewholeeaIowo kinuaagfacber s s greal mitake te hake s dolicte hurn fer tise modermimnem. ring i h ieo h al olcsdy eoe ht twr n atr dessert or ~~Tise work is furt ber advanced lu Ma- cm keys are used. Evorythieg is donc inPanilBon p etasde desr mcake or pie lunlise sainieaven iaad eas iecutbslcu liy actuai wldiug. Tisus shackled sud -, l lifed rw a elasde -he~u ilaysic, we aebrCnei. wthi a diis ot meut whjch bas been opened lteo or tisre2 ycars linger. The losded dewu witb chiajs, bis keepers ,' sotbslfIye 1e habh was a chu, sho gavedber Castoia. favorcd witi onions et treng spilis. SR C NDCTOSlouve bim. Tise epeiug in tise due-n- ws engaged ilioing titougi a lisin WSe sh esameMis, he e mre nvrisby ar abuttis saie n blsrogieus, ind trom 'tiat lime forth tise prison- steel plate, aud il is supposed tisaI one eug atra. affect tisoe delicale disises. Tise but lin lssionaland qunte s number etofr la dead ta ail living Ihinga. A ne-oftecispredhevbal Te "lesvteiCsO isallcw cbosetledetish ige v innhes bave beou considomsbly developed, îlice liearig bis namne sud sentence is 'Ipiece cf steel wassa sedeeplyinde cemeul c bed tis heating closet, adil is found that tise ricisuesa et tise 1posted upou tise wall, lut thja u im ine att use tise kuifo le removing il wamafe he r coe, hu and I d a blwth ufae swas te dodstroy lise oye. -JBrowvn was wbedihe my ieteposIb etc etn. a biwts urae snolds sud decays, and tison even tise ýetas dlean as tiesee vn t yet, hcwever, tise output bas boon vcumumstsuces of bis enîembment are- theretore laton letiste Eye and Est crnystryedslagre avlendsmabl, and tor au excellent esie. It Iforgetten. Tistougi tise sainiebisle tear n e orwhr i a I hiae seen a Young girl rnarry a, bard jeob te deean a steve ivien it bas co seucrufeusly tealirieg anything in- tise lois r part et bis ivali l vdocided le try tise magnet. you ng man ctislb ais u e en eicebti saai a te secountry. Nearly ail gonds and saine spare acrapa et food ecdisday, sud Thrusel oarticles et isu see rei of dssoutehabtsandre-bee negectd, ut t i a mal ma- maciemy bave tisus fat heen Irans- listouF tise sanie openieg tise eccu- salprilso nadselfo perit o£ il as long as sbe lires. ter te keco s stove dlean if yen liegin ported nearly a tisensand miles by exptn x petdt ui iedrh froni tise eye la net arc, but tise procs aIi dtise beginuiege.an raw tfollowed heretore issd ieen ho place wagon. yThise treigisr c ashon uar-hiunenwcnvr oca ralhe surface of tise muguet le contact 'i]"or Over Fîfty Years." b vrîiî atnmeMseasdareued and.ciesn it. Iu tisis durIt dis- Some Oood Recipes. are ou tise average about Ihmee times ease-infested isole, ,vit ban entirýreae Jokiug their Motiser en Rer Appelite. wilb the oftendiug substance,'maison Ferovr ifryyerîMa WNacwS arlad er Bes.-is godtise vaine cf lise articles. Only oeeoetbut eigbt square teet, lise utofrtun- tieuse wite and mether, wisose days dre a teu r own's e isone> wter Soor Oxer Svatu r'asensed by W ilSl- o rldasind Corny e akin h go large quartz crushlng rnilb bas yôt been are victini must slowly met awv. Tiseappeared hoaoe nmliered. H1 Romappo e- acl sent et tis rubcae ld etr SooTaiNa SyRp has been ued by mil-gocernshtaken bY te tisencountry, sud il cost $50,- vemin un tisose dungeens is th ick,and tire was amical cempbfetoly geone. Fodd tetsa fttroubl~ e cded linsetmeier fr isi cîlre wslcbsea ~ h hvegee u e syî~00 t gt ltrniCae on 0 is Ii adîioalhrcreorenadawa prakn f lcsutmosi, u ooctetahepsîiae lirosqikyi adn.more type-writiug, dcmnands ttve set- 1acenesa îitnessed iisen Ibese liatches & frItempeverty cf lise blod or sbiahtered sltrr sta fteRniac vanta tWtikeedte et br, snd isiqtspriseners are boing trsnsferred Item nettes, sud wisers gÎven s tait tria Euoe Bbyoinctsiadl- youia~dess; f moey.W hle ohae Blsd-Tute irebol viaI MY ncxt-lypeîvriler ihallha a ise hrrible Mette Casîle oet Ravana they neyer fai in cases like tisaI absee aries tison, seme cf tise 6,000 years The Rual New-Vo'1 er, ed ptarees sud cultisoni in tisit:eo' -an, altisongismon 'ranI larger saavr- ,otesedungeous ot Centa, isaudcuttcd elated. Beld by ail dealers, or sent ld, sud whien Abraham was bhem a .c-'s PeaI St eet, Ne- York. iIlix, one tableapenfief 0"e vines-sm cuî,- es- su oladed doive with chains. Poalpaid at 50 cents s box, os- 6 boxes Cadepo vsedn ogpre I n, ~ý -et verse by wrlting a poeeii12ee. L,~A a ý 7% in u 12 books.~torw J » J i . e* btCherle castoriau chisciren cry-for,