1831 THE CULTIVÂTOIR 1896 COU NTRY GENTLEMAN THE BEST 0F THE AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES. DEVOTED TO Farm Crops and Processes, Horticulture & Fruit-Growing, .Live-Stock and Dairying, -Wbile it aise ineindes ail minor departmients of Rtural interest, such as the Poltry Yard, Ento- molagy, Bee-Reeping, Greenhouse and Grapery, Veterinary Replies, Earm Questions and Answ- ers, Fireside- Reading. Donestie Economy,4 and a summary of1 the Ne-ws of te Week. Its MARK- ET REPORTS are nnnIsnally eomplete. and machi attention is paid-to th,, Prospects of the Cropsas throwing liglit upon one uf the most important 'Of ail qUeStiunS--WM:EN TO Buy AND V EN -0 SELL. It is liberalit, Illustrated, and contains more reading matter than ever before. The ,enbscriptton Price is 1ý2.5O per year, but wa offer a SPECIAL REDUCTION in our Two Subscriptions, in oneremnitanee$ 4, Six Subscriptions. do do 10. Ten Subscr!ptions, do do 15, de' To ail New Subseribers for 1896 paying in advance flow, WR WJLL SEND THE PAPER WEEKLY from unrECEIPT uf the remittance, to January lst, 1896,WITIIOUT CHARGE. Éý SPECIMEN COPIES FREE. Address LUTHER TUOKER & SON, Publishers. Albany, N. Y, TLa ke Wall, paper can 110W be bouglit very eheap. For kitchens and bedrooms 4 cts. Dining and sitting room 6 ets. Parlors, from '10c. kemnants your ow~n price. Good IRoller Window Blinds, plain or fancy, ail ýomplete, 50 ets. Will give splendid satisfacion. 100 seats alreadv booked for Scotch concert Saturday night. Mr. James Gale of the News attend- ed an important meeting in Toronto Monday. When wanting eut flowers eall at Thomas Tod's hie will have them fresh every week. HAVE NO EQUAL AS A PROMPT and positive cure for sick headache, bilions- ness, constipation, pain iu the side, and ail liver troubles. Carter's Lit tle Liver pis. Try them. Some person signing himself 'IRate- payer" deals a blow at our town in the INews. H1e bas flot faitit enoughin la is prjc to sgn his namne. He's talking truh his bat, anyway. It is flot often that Bowmanville treats itself to such a concert as we are p rom- ised next Saturday night. Miss Munro charges $100 for a part program. Site is tite most expensive artist travelling in Canada. The first of thte series of Star concerts annonced for this winter was given Tuesday evening to a fairly large aud- ience in the Town Hall. rite program was of a higit order and was appreciat- ed by ail. Tnie WELL KNOWN STRENGTHENING pro- perties of Iron, combined with other tonics and a most perfect nervine, are fonnd in Carter's.Little lt-on Puis, whicit streno'then the net-ves and body, and improve blood and complexion.-' The daring of the Sons of Scotland In procuring sueit expensive talent as Miss Munro for a concert in titis town is to be admired. We trust titat our readers will appreciate their efforts by going' lu large numbers to titeir concert, on Sat- nrday nigbt. COULD IiARDLY 5PEAK-Sirs-Last winter my father had sucit a cough lbe could harply speak. H1e tas persuaded to try Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam at last, and ivas completely=curedby aîf of one bottle. Miss A. M. rttuen, Baldwxin, Ont. We are pleased to see Mr. Wm, Scott beitind the counter of the grocery de- prtment in The Mason Co's store. Dnring bis long experience in the gro- cer business in Bowmanville, Williamî lias made a itost of frieuds who will ap- preciate the bargainis constantly being given by titis fbrui ahl the more because William is assisting in putting up tite goods. Birthday Souvenirs. On the 21st of October Melrose G. V. Gould celebrated bis 21st birthday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Gonld, Oshawa, (5nt. At the dinner table which ivas decorated for tite occasion, itis mother presented hlm with $100 in gdfor his having honorably and faithfully kept bis promise made lier when a small boy, never to make use of tobacco, or spirituons liquors, in any form or shape until that finie. Also witit an iliustrated Familv Bible, and 20 volumes of History, as a pleasant remembrance titrougit life of his having read their contents previons t0 bis sixth birtitday. And at twelve the Bible six times, and the New Testament 42 tintes, witile eommitting to memorv several books of the Testa- ment, 1'salrns, Proverbs, etc. An unique plusit album, as a memento of bis baving finished bis four years' Chautanqua Course at twelve Years of age, in connection with bis daiiy routine of studios taught by his mother .being the youngest -of fifty thousand Chautau- quans who had received their diplomas. A large portrait of bis motiter, for bis haviug since then captured two scbolar- ships and itis educational success gener- allv. WVith fokens of remembrance Fresent- ed froni the other members of the familv, Meirose left on bis bicycle for Toronfo, f0 resume bis fourtit year's studies at thte University. 11e learned upon ithis arriyal there, that lu bis absence, be had been elected Orator of the class '96, and president of thte Political Science Association--the first instance in twentv years of the President beînz elected by acclamation. Could flot get Insured. Bejected bu Straight Line and Mutuael Conpanfies. Buit now Insu red iIn both. "Should I die whule 1 am lu a position te pay my nisuratict premiurns, rny family will owe their support to Scott's Sarsaparilla. Two years ago 1 applied to two companies for insurance, $1000 in each, My face waes a mass of pimply bletcites and y urine did not stand the 1Proebel, the great promotor of thte kin. dergarten systemt of teaching chidren said- "I.et parents flot livefor their children, but wiik themn." The mother w-ho understands titis sentiment lives witli, even lier tinborn child. She studies to be wise about lierseif and the little life site is fost@ring. Site does ail she cant t give hier chiid a fair start in life, by giving it a strong well deveioped body. Ail tlirougli babyliood, clildhood anid youth site lives wit/hlier son or lier daugliter. Especially lier daugliter site will keep near lier. Site will allow ne false inodesty te stand i the way of that daugli- ter's knowledge of herself, of lier possibili- ties, of lier petils. Site wtll teacli lier titat hiappy, itealliful tnotlierlood is an honor, a blessing. rThat sickness is a mistake, a breaking of naturels law. But titere are times of unavoidable overdoing wlien tlie system becoines run-down. F~or over thirty years Dr. Pierce lias used his "F1avorite Prescription"' as a strengili- etier, a purifier, a regniator. It works directly upon the delicate, distinctly femi- tiine organs, in a natural, sootliing way, It searclies out the weak spots; and builds titeni up. It is beneficial in any state of the system. A woman 'stho would understand lierself will find an able assistant by send- ing 31 cents to the World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y., for Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adriser. It is a book that bias reaclied its 68oth thon- sand. It contains in its ioo8 pages an im- mense store of information in plain words that any person will readily understand. Ma. O. G. SPEAR, of Sand Bank, Oswego Co., !iew Yrk, testifies in this wise:" Our fit-st child wasshoru hefore my w ife wss sixteen years old. ýAfterwardhler bealth was very poor. She tried Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. She gained fiesh andi strength by using two botties. Xuring the lsst few weeks of lier second pt-cg- mncy she again used the ' Prescription." fier confinement was a rapid and casy one, and she got up strong and wel1 West End House. ibowmanville. Special in Dress Goods Iu order to clean ont some heavy lines of Dress Goods quickly, we have reduced the price. WTe have a few fancy tweed dress lengths in (4erman goods that were 60 and 75e pr yard. The price 110w is 40e and O c. Heavy Serge Dress Goods that was 60e for 49e. We are satisfied that we eau give you better value in Dress Goods than you eau get elsewhere and 110W 15 your time to buy. eold NW.eather Meaus heavier elothing, means that you waut I3lau- kets, means that you have to get flaunels, meaus that last year's underwTear is not warm euough. We are iu a position to supply your wauts in all the above hunes at ridieulously low prices. Gentlemen We have placed into stock a splendid range of uew Ties at 25e; some of these are a job hune worth 35 to 40c,,> We sehi nice flue Uuderwear for $1.00 pr suit, a4l wool, worth 75e each. We seîl extra quality Uuderwear for $1.00 eaehi, usually sold for $1.25 and $1.35 eaeh. Our stock of lined Oloves and M-àitts is large and the prices are right. Also a splendid assortmeut of Wooleu Oloves and ]Vitts for Boys and Men. Bo3ots & Shc -~~~~~~ ---------sitv-d ------------- ~ 4. 1 ady' 25zr 1ýU A - ~ .~--sni~-~~ -