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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Nov 1895, p. 5

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News letters crowded ont. __Millinery pca.I I _______________________ Snow, sleet, rain-Monday's weather. Spcalim K ~~A~~L A~~ ~~Je .E~~~ Merchants are opening holiday wares. W .& D. Dinen > 3ran tMs iga' r ______rida_'Nov.____________ g A11n1 front BO MAVILE OV 2, 89. Miss Sarah Bickell of Toronto is visit- KigadYneSsTino~ FiaNv 9 eln.Trinie ;M Cor. KigadYneSsTrno Millinery at cost. Ail le ileaclin The pi'etc uf ehein in>tM.H J at..1T styles. Special attention to orders.1, H 1, u 1 tobaco isinjurous o the Loca and ther ise. Don't fail to hear "The Scottish Night- - LADI SF R S R.DNiIA, wavle nebcc s s an uîu as theZ~ DLoicl animi toewie ingale" Saturday night. -M l~ oPom s o assriaes llogarthn afPr ryst Z tes 2IG an il, ~ andes obe keep Progmite T Inet osse and as epusv o Avriesryaiasnw udya r.Hbets We ianvit thnuleti kt x i-sadwiethe smoking' Mr. Geo. Sherin of Essex was home Mr, J. S. Somers, of Toronto, spent CawClaets ekm N o: l ilard Wheat Flour; also best ~hnw nieyut u tr;a over Thanksgivng thPekedalr .Smr' Nviisi hirn us pastr flour. Barrel Sait for sale. as~~t Sehra citzen inend gon o bn Mr. J. S.ansryo Pr' Hop was ices wili be 1put at the .iowest pos - 42-tf LOCKIIART BROS. better welcome goes with it'wlhetlier I bti o asojcinb ezSera u iesd nigtn Thk'o", do Ebn r .S anbr fPr lp sibe poinit,aid t le sales w iineeessariiy Bowmanville and Newcastle. you are a customer or not Cou:. ezer Tuesday night. one of Tanks-,iving day visitors. Pefoc cash. tostetnn sacre v n, some respects,yet any man Mr. Fred. Quick of Lindsay was home Mr. yot et o fD.Bilî mineO aina for Thanksgîv>ng.louabie shape, imm nee ffl__ caller, flot as an experiment,bu frTakgvn.home fromn Toronto, over Sunday. leves, 28 in. ion g ...... $18.00 but_ ho hs beomea slve t it Mr. John Hellyar, sr., spent Thauks- Neil Halford, 3 year old, Welcme, feu l rsa Lamb, Jackets- 000 dMr. Thomas Hoar will give an ad-bcîs eaegldt rv o ~w11halwih eigt n gvigDa i obur.into a trough and drowned Saturday. saine style as Seai. ....dress next Saturday, Nov. BOth, at 7.30 friend and straliger alike that otur Miss Hamley of Toronto is visiting Misses Joness, Jennie Fraser and D -ark Raceoon Jackets 30 , .. in thc S. A. Barracks, on his trip business is condueted on a liberal :remedy which will free him hier sister Mrs. Fred. Heal. Mrs. Bailey were iu Toronto last week. -Gey stLam Jckh tog't tne ul. SoTh. roeed forl lihbsse The roads were in a rough condition Msr.HbetadornT Il eu-ry ..a..............ght 50.00. ç, ul h bn ilb in attend- ro he habit; for ail sueh for Thanksgiving driving. Torto sHentber t aD.ndenin Seama Jackets 500 ane Bey. C. Parker has kindly con-Yu yj Frd James ofel To..onto. Un-r .ilys ...lp.s to take the chair. Alare Yo ilFind raz hti sadecided it shome over Sunday. EeyScotcîman ln thecountyshould .. ..arge.. 1iî e o 26-00 5 cents. initdote.,, AmssOn. atoand injuy tohealh an a geat Bowmanville merchants are making attend tic St Andrcw's concert Satur- ' GenadSeai Capes 30 250 e-ATINLi, soe preparation for holiday trade. day night. I ong *__Il__00 YOU Will Find tax on the pocket book.English mails are now closedinBw r.JhGatofTotoasbe' -eyLmCps,2i. in ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ og Bo_ Mrs.0 Joh GrnAfTrnohsbe o m Thankful. arlal n eial tc manville-at 7 p. m., Thursdays. visitino. friends in town o.ues~t of Mrg..........pes 1 ....Saeibe n eial tc F. . Iaon.e, Mr - Black Coî-iey Capes, 30 un 1 MI, of goods. Miss M. Fairbairn assisted the orcies- F-H &sn long ........... .uu0 That Parker's dyed my suit so 'well.NjIF d -0 tra as violinist Thursday nigit. Mr. Lucius Vanstone, of Toronto, -Mn Nee Rfs, natnial 2 A~ It was so nicely that now I do not need YOU ilFn Gîven away-a beautiful silver tea- spent Thanksgiving with his father, Mr. 2.5 ~rîgled I~~ e n cspite tiese lîardtimes Ican prices on whicbl there us rio, set un Cawker & Tait's window. S.ra Vason.ring La Rs at 8 ..0 z dress up well. I ain gcttrng ail Muy guswokatohirbn' Grocer's DueBills takén s Cash at > -Alaska Sable friers natu n'rn thi lie t cce Couch, Jolinston & Cryderman's. Manager of the Gr'and. Trunk, will take Rufs ait". 8pr50 Peads and dyed at Parker's Dye Works, tekn htwn id. c , 2 Goe' ueBi ae sCs t Mr hs .HyIi e Geea 9 li sprilg leads Try... e.o Toronto sedtebr clthes to be an- tiNidthtwn Sec tint silver tea set to be given hold of the roadat New Years. ~lOt of-town-orlerS, aceomnîpm oroto Rrebrte ago ilî YOU WVi11 Find awyi Cwe Ti' wno. Miss Monro, who sings in tic Town - h m~ioi.y, wil be serv ed aIs weil Ïnylé be liere this wcek to secure" orders. cordial attention froin people e Wntr ~îîson e uon~ etHall Saturday nigit is without a living -NI__ ~ Aec tKes aey proud of an establishment that your furs ready. Sec Mayer's advt. peer as a singer of Scotch. Ballads.-Anvrrya. kefinsoft prn. Cof esoate o te reisslwys Every a and boy needing a vr . .D n e ,DntIisPyn Trobacco) Cofesoatc s h an not futil to read Cuch PlD~ niesr a.mke rcd fisptos Trs hn ass inr iiin Pers Muroc's R.T W. Jolliffe, of C::npbeflford, aDon't to th Baing 2 n frei ndbet n own a Mrdchs. Johnston & Cryderman's advt. on flrst CO.KING & YO\GESTS Miss Lottie Brimnacombe recited at a Dupane W Horhv iedfeet~Mto glrl et na.M. orX as Display whethcr yo-u ~. a *concert in Orono Thanksgiving niigit. page. o i ra h : nniear sermons Mnre watt.u o o Mr. Orlando Jolliffe of Toronto Uni- varicties of Ranges to select MrGoh.Feln satn ius choir and e.xpect5 to give tic fincst peauetshwgos C a nversity bas been visiting- friends lu cluding tic cclebrated Happy Thought Mrr.t Busines. Foee. musca servicen yctsr give lho tic urh Range TootmuiesClee uia srieytgvni h hr town Rane. Rcv CParker last Sabbati askcd for ECREAM SODAS-In tin packages tic Mr. and Mrs. B. Brittaînand Masters Mr. John Chaplin has been on a busi- $8150 on tic collection plates-tic Beflncst of their kinid, at Heal Bros'. Boiv- Harold and Geore of0rnohv estl oRcetr .Y arnount given last ycar. Given finc manville. been visiting Miss MeClellan and otier Mr, S. H. Reynolds spcnt Suniday at weather and tic chirci -%ill be crowd- C .u re d. anista: & Hoar have a very fine dis- fricnds here. Lindsay with Mr. Jos. Maunider. cd to icar tic former popular pastor play of coland wood stoves, ranges Sons of Scotland concert Town Hall Mr. John Hughes, Blackstock, is visit- and tic following singling:BOvAILE St Adrw' (atrdy)nigiht. Sec iuug bis son, Mr. J. L. Hughes, Toronto. MORtsN. Ant.hcm, wih soprano solo - Tt was wmth some hesita- Ladies'Waterproofs of all kinds sclling programs. Plau of Hall opens Thurs- Mr. and Mrs. D B. Simpson and Miss by Miss Glover, "Lcad Kind y Ligit ________________ iinhoff at cost price at Couci, Jolînston &ý day morning at"Big 20." Simpson were rcgistcred at tic Rossin by Schneckcr. Solo, 4 &Galilce." b'y to tat we accepted the Cryderman's. If you ivant to sec thc bio'-cst and Honse, Toronto, Saturday. M.H .Kii."hfracoé RN RU A WY 1aec fr nce ausT-Mr. John Darci, late host o f tlic Bal- choiccst stock of strictly ncwl'ry Goods "Songs and stories of tic Hig'hlands" walk witli God," Foster; soprano solo :,g'yfrU ceSam1 o '.ad chorus. Bomm.ýtNIçvîu STATION. i ý mls las petty well recovered fromt to bc found in these counties caîl at by tic greatest living Scotch Artist. EVENING.-Authcm, "Rejoice iu tic GOING EAST. GOINc WEST. acoCure, as there are so hs l lnes Couci, J oinston & Crydcrman's. Town Hall. Satnrday nigit. Lord, O ye RighteouLs," by Arthur Page; Express ...835 a. m. Exiiress .... 5 23 a. im, J Sowremained on tic groiind rwo or Messrs J. Craso, N. H. Cowdry, Dr. Mr. and Mrs. John McDougall of solo, duet and chorus by Miss Glover, Express..10 19 a. &.Loal., 85 3ý ma11ny worthless treatrnentS ýhree days last weck, a cold speli hav- Simpson and D. Burke Simpson, barris- Brussels, Ont., have been visitlng their Mr. Kni'ght and choir. " The Radiant Passenger,.... 3 O" Fseer.2 25 P.rni. ing set lu Wcdncsday. ter, of Bowinauîvillc,have arrived front son Mr. J. N. MeDougali, George St. Morn," by Woodward; choir. Solo a .xpress.7046 on the market; but ujion Ail orders for stove piping anud fur- hunting camp ini Harvey.-Linidsay Miss Jackson of Lindsay, after a vry "With Verdure Cîad " from Haydn' STT F tGe.lcaLDk JURY nace work atterîded to by comupetent Warder. pîcasant visit with Missý Cassie Gai- Sublime Oratorio tic Creafuon, by Miss ow TCeÀgns haicofwa twas mon en at Dustani & Hoar's. Marriagc notices cost 50 cenits caci braith at Meadow bank lias retuirned Effa Giover. Miss Mabel Tait, Organ- ________TwiTce gns Dr. W. E. Tilley, M. A., attcnded a for inîsertion la THN STATESmAN. A ho mne. ist; Mr. H. J. Kuigit, Choir Master. OUND.-A Carniage robe. Apply iu Peterboro and other places nmeetinîg of flie Oitanlo Educafiotîal As- 'lia',î who is too mean to pay for bis New Dates and Figs at Cawlkcr & F OGO IULDk t sociation inToronto Nv2., arentcei not worthy O l ait's. Anotier shipunent of SaaaHO ! FOR ATLANTA 1were it has cured înany of Hon. John Dryden is attcnding womiau he maies is wifc. Ica. Loyers of soîncetîing good will AN ySo-.OOF SLATING.-C. L. Munson, te abt ftr avn usdmeeting- of thc American Shiropsfirca Mr. T. J. Medlarî.d, tic EniglIshtown use it. Cawker & Tait. ADTESUNNY SOT.-nownarn'iile, Siater, Feit and rvl of thete Assciaio atte New York merchant, speut Thanksgiving lu Bo-w- Tlic Mason Co. have soîd nmore suits he Penrisvlvania îRailroad Companîy e.3i tobaco or forn25 t 40 r. Johi Darci bas unoved infotemnil.1lie asfa oehu and overcoats this scason than ever be- hiave recenl placcd on sale tourist brick resideuce by tic Music Hall ne- lîutcrcsting will result froinile gentle- fore. A large repeat cnder of special tickets ncading via Washington D. C., MAIRIAGE LICENSES.-Jssued by tlvvactedbv NIr Manar. ieuis i isits tiere-Port Hope Guidc. value Ulsters just to band. f0 aIl tic popular healfi and'picasure A. J. LoCîuiART, BOWîulaniie. Offly ~.o y-ears,we at once secured the, ccul eaac bTM.Myad he Salvation Army is ail alive and Don't forget fiat fie 20th of Dccm- winfer resorts tlîroliglout flic South; ai- 47U tae las> Leave your orders for stove repaîrs annual elf elale i Weepn orichtas beauiu the st l t ue a okr & ha TfsSo special excursionu tickets to Atlanta fiaty a, o ak la WORK.-Ladies wvishing liair Rgnya .nwangd aikepi fo r an appysý& Tiouglîs. actimavelf eîadla pepawig for is beruiu isiv hst-i aye o gnessfo Ga., anud refîrn, oui accouaf of thc Cot- J1I OvR 1aMi.DIKNOin ure u oferno'it t ou cut- angekcp onhan at usmn &Hoa' mirotîgîout- Canada from Nov. wiadow. 'Ahliunonthly accouats euititled ton States Exposition. Ouly one change streec, Wv., B o,î11.2-f -e n oferng t t OU CUt-,Thc West End House Bargain Day 30ti f0 Dec. 7ti, inclusive. lic total to gucss. of sîcepers betwveen Suspension Bridge a le 8-f wit a ostiv gur-brouifi au immense cro-%vd f0 towa hast amount aimed at is $25,000. Ti ais i nîiycrrî îîand Atlanta, Niew Orienis, Jacksonville WN RMI'od flic resuif. . . .M.W, c or lampa by fhls popular route pito T YOU cx focT A nMEI o doc omers ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h Tuesa a eglrBtn uhws Mr onDvcD .G.M . e serve a corn supper, fis Wýýeducesda.y Souti. For tickefs, S ace li slccpers, ctaeeap sud Ou eIG a es rickf a eeCociJnsocompanied bv Mr. A. W Cu'rveth J p v N ov. 27 in tic school roouîî, at ctaecepado aytra. 3-f Cuh ontn&Cryderman arc Past Master Wonkmun gf 27,o o address B. P. Fraser, assengen Agent, _____ showiîg-a loively sfock of hg cluss visited Bowmaville lO r ono 99g, ook scp oanEroea Buffalo, N. Y. gods ut very mQdcratc pnices. Cali U. W.,,Friday nigit aodgsen ao 99 A O a n. Prograîn af 8 o'clock. MU_____ ~ ~SIC-MISS MABEL TA IT is pre - Epwrt League CfSmo t hrciV0,,a to teach Miusic on 01"-;]n, liano or batndu Epw onflu Leagu cfin Sinîco Shbehe.cîucî If looked lue a Fuir Day in Bowman- bTO T A debat on "Blomrs saîuc TcFaersAoctofLdoof Osiawa yullfurnisi a pnognamu Of ville lust Tuesday and Wednesdayviuietbronrppi'rsdnc.8tf iss d ut Florence Ni-itino.alc lodge, I. O. On. a evaporavhic-i litcrury and musical interest lu wien crowds of people swaunued tie The Druo-o'ts On Fboagt 'it~spaesasd pcas rec aitio of e made th Mcthodist sehool room, Bolian- stncets, the centre of attraction bcing- OAR FOR SE RVICE.-A tiono-brcd hae b n ch-u a aishausiuî vlenx odvceîu e.2 the Masouî Co's Tiunksglviuîg Celebr- Berkshuire iaoar us kept fcr sereî on <i lot ,. havbee chsen Da initsNovember 15ti issue. As Cordial invitation exteuîded to alI. t.o sale. hemr bio stores w" d cou .3, Darlington. Ter'iîs 4,ic or for . A. _____ _____Mr Sidney Barclay,- fatier of Mns. us-Lai, it is f ull cf good pructicul tings ion i wcne -iW V.auPoceo.4 w (Rv)G. H. Copeland, Newcastle, dlied for farinons anîd breedens; iui fuct, ap - Thue newhy elecfcd officens cf flic cd coîîstatly both days, fie sales on________ (Bs ey . .tDl.ýhnabylepastogo etra tgosod Bible Sociefy arc: Presidlent. Mnr. Jus. Wedncsduy biiig langer iuî aeariv a il has vei u Due. heu a oy e pursf0 rewboter s i gnws ide. Glfilan viedpesteatTlos. Paterson; departients. Wc wisti f0 draw affdn- ki E cu4,CaSkeaY.wCaye o lot 3,e Seewha th u.s. eaîh ived ln Dunlinzton. The Ontfario Go ernnient should pass sctanyH at îaueP .fo tv clci -e rdefsmn la f lui iruc. 4, Clre alcpcy ay s e ses ,,-'e wa te .S.Halh A Thanksgiving special nuanber of an act f0 reduce flic numben of Couaty Tnbaok ouitt, IuIcssr . oC.papn.t lleyrn auînunegrand Crit an ais equse iîi awaox. J. , Ha uo ex Orc Phv tosyaotTic 'Mail aiid Empire was issucd Satan- Councihlons f0 eue fnomn ecd municipal- Td, Geo. E. Muynard aîud J. M. Briun mas Fuira it fo days' a fwvo daFs speci- 473w ýheports haeToaco ou day-for adventising revenue ratier -itv. If co man froînt ecc niding cau acombe. ah event-Dec. 23nd and 24t1î. Dou't EFED tuxcfon fhin litcnany excellence. dischîarge flic duty of prvnilep- miss it. Sec advt. EIER STRAYED-tae ri UnlSmsTbcoCr: Stra' lb otiidavrsentative, sureîv ouîc competent nman Tic concert f0 lue givea by Iss u lot -93, CO". 4, Cla ike, a two year oiC red Uncle~~~~( nt Cue sitnday' Globeplit contuuîe af Edenyrg on iîeife,. Ifonac rgrdgbr iib infenrestiiiuý illustnufed article ou tic could represcu a igemucplt or fEihrio uudy ,igî cteuiniaT cehebration of Burton Lodge la flic couafies' purliamcaf. will, doubthess, ho one of fthe fincst cicr BORN. thnkfuiiv rcceîved. i. H. QuiNNSA', Oronoi. of Free Musons, Hamilton, Tic Fall announent of Messrs. givea in thîls fowui. Sic bas appca-eed fle{ife..A of Ier Holit, ofas Wiigitbyo.1,_____________ ____ Mn JhnManud am u fom Wihims& on farifredehes udth gnetsto Euccean the ncr al ofteicc -cr îi faouhe.EFR ASTRAY.-Came on lot 4, CCmbclfod udremvc asfdniy fneol inctrswii h fun cic ic uptus o Erop ad ic niîciahMARI D.0w erwii povcprpety PC epeuesan OFFIIAL NDOREMEN. and effects a few days ugo. Sev- wiene. They kcep a superb stock of ciisl mnc.Sm'ccu rxsît nNv o t itaelerway. T..J. T C'oany , ehesad OFIILEDREET ral cîtizens were aut tic statio'n to suy furniture to suit cverybody anud anc sel]- Af meeting cf tic Curling Club Friday îî'side,îce cf Mr. Jos. Reynoclds, Coiborne st., Tyroue, P. O. 48-3w,. good-bye. ing to suif fie times.' Caîl when wauîf- niutfe skips wono eiected: J. Rue- s'epfciiber cf flic bride, b)y Rev. Jas. Kiuies_____________________ ni~~i 01tte r. E. Sanders anC Mrs. Sta,î]jck, hotu oi t June 19, 189.5. Page io, Mn. and Mrs. R. D. Davidson, Miss W unfigl hirhe hyum otm .B Mthl . Spon, Oshawca. T> OAR FOR SERVICE. A Polaad, Zeiha niunucmbe, Mss Tlîmpsonf0 piese. W.C. WigX. McKav, Dr. Beith, R. Mxi 'scýve.c ,Wdnesdav, Ncv >China Boas' is c'ý,ut for service on lot,->, con. Mis MbchCoclu M. W S Meovn Tvacoucilor sîoud ropnefhîîrD. Davids.-on. Vice skips: Jas. Beith, 0tbii, et 'St. P'auls Manse, Bownisvilie, by 1, Darlingtcn. Terin.*i 5L. Aise socoe voun an M. re. .Couci spent Thîanks- s eccies la f ime for nomination day. W.J Ùcyînan M, Mc'ravlsi Feorie tank- and Miss Alice Louisa Baskervulie, beti CIF.ENC»,c, Prcprietci'. 47-6w' TheTobacco Haiiued n n. Fred. Hop. J Jes, MV. Jonîis. Feoran: Riof 'iowichip cf Clarke. ýThc~~gîiu Daycc inbi Portd Hope. ch chaininan of enci dopartment ____on________Mesrs_______in Tirougi tic assistance of fie Toron- should discuss before tic ehectors fie S.d copttc esn.ReotnOAR FOR SERVIC'E.-Thoobred' lufi itecs f icmase of Type Foundry tic Gordon press tiat affairs over which. lic bas had confrol. Simpsoni,, r. and D. Beith. DIED. Chester White Loar us keîit for service oui laa the budlyes smofc twe weeses ugforhcelisbe cx xedt Note T. N. Rickard's adv't in anoher CeAi','.-Iii Houpe, oni Nov. 20th aged 85 yeas Mrq. Rogu'Frmw-îcM.W.S klie ýwlîom tiese reports are compiled, wTa STATESMAN job roomns has been put f us year. Wlîaf bas tic ton n in lienu coinînu. Ris pnices eau net bie beaeu Conielius Crauîp. ' atmle eist cf tom niine, B.,F., Darlington. thereof? and fthc w,,ortliîs stere as weil. Muny Bi,;S-tEiaelvilo AlyNv 2 prietor. 46-4w. heUntd tae HatiReotesin good running order again. lu tîsiinyaccryigaehst- ed 17 yeaî's, I. J. Edgertou Bcggs. LADIES, SPECAL-If you aeinter- Tie Wihhiag Workers of St. Joh' ar B00 L ~. u tise Tcwissiiîof Hamilton, Nov hnsdïv fiat they havo paud othen's $14O Hîîî, age 70uycea's andC7 mositls, Sidney' Bar:(AIE SRY tnydfo 'ýave exaînincd anud invostigatod csted lu home decoration, and un abso- church have good neason for feeling ua 1 owic ihr eî foi- a.VIcT 4co. Eas ASTRY.utr1z w ark eC 'fr iany prcparatidns iaving for their lufchy, pure baking powdcr euhl af Heal pieased over tic resuit of themr Thaaks- to $7.50, mnaie no mistake but buy vour SCxAEîFT'. -At CoI)cnrg, oui NOV. 19, Edivard ers one ias ]auge white nierk c l s shouulder, abjet tc cre f th toacc haitBros' Cash Groccrv Bovinanville, and giving Day concert içeause if wvas an Christmas -vatcics, dlocks, Gohd àpec- .Saetl1 iuj Sciio iInspector, aged 7S.5 oi av ht spot lu~5 f~ae, andin goo rer.' pb(c h ueo h oac aisec boti to your advuntuge. unuaiedscssl erprtul. taches, silver nlovelties, spoons, kiiives years. 2,, aoymsssie onFiay o. eedd. C.or A. io LANuxe, Ta to 48 2w' ~abt a dsgufig a iis osmonan beut. lu addition fluere are ex- precision cf ata reinitr cii j%~n thir u~sualgo te is1 ý,for onily $1.00), beaco we eamnesfly collent articles, beaufifîuily illustrufed, mander. Tic final iauiubcn nus 4m odsil;Ms . AUCTION SALE. hiuu a trial and lue wili eU01iîce Yen tuai îvbst onFuncy Dness. Christmas Giffs and cialk, milkcuns3 and punîp, rcpresented Jone'ýs gave a spleauhod ae'olint cf a lie ssys us troc. iîs Sit- Bcîmanville. 20o4f. ,(Ivisp you to wrjte them for full ()il ~"A New-E-adCr os-wii E-4-ila dvic oub .wit temfo filHon' ho'make fhem, Presonts for the Mr. F. Garrett as ciahil, six lit tic muids as EgudCcRot"wieîWLNDAD.4-ilam J011, wslisterîed to vwifh a greaf doal cf in Hampton, Lot 18, Con 5, Dariingon ARM FO AEA is lass fanunl Qaicua Little Ones, Leutier Work, Ceokcry as cans, and Mnr. F. Buýrd1on as Puayu. herest; Mn. WV. C. Kinge salig' a soho in Wii !cia s halefr tol- AR'o FOS acSArLs acresstuae b anC tiqef e. tis geuiîe feat th fahîe ad fi ee i le sds a ci ood vie, and Mn. W. AI'aîdrd illlen ns and os i uni' Tonsi ine East lbut i ulots 15ha0,d by b ab e f0 pourte. sa inesig a mg-liiilaghtn.Tîy 'oe cîîd sc hc-hedhi adinc vii vilneiBafse.Sae h iococ. cobiis. sitaund2mils0no Wity asd60ros ra For sale azin fo fiee sudaenc sumh cfý%end fouii- cets andel rrefu lcaf.Bsdsfus YYT ~ zin ford hey oma wh sies of be cen,, an rpeart theDr le and Mr. E. cd isesolo. AH fogoher flic socialL .W OE Auctiouîeer. ieshclîueLngroybidngmain barri 9S5x3if't, uîleusty of fruit, soi clay loauîî, ai. n'as a splendedt forsucce. s and NOTTý'-)l ý 'NONSDtbor oue cf the' lest grains fuunms ou he Iake ,to fie fimies vili fiîd real hehp iii flue R. Boumîsali deev mc cei focc k iairmui cf tic social dcparthunnît M1 .Tý counuon atîant o purgtive the15 togde 75ariii andStne.Ao1 anCres oefd BOWANVLLE vrios dpataints 32 W'es ltiutusexellent ententaiument. Procceds udriseapceflcoil vsCarter 's Liff i i r purgaune enily enscs);lnipcwn oi. o uie BWAVL, St., New York. $~deserves credif. Net prococds about $18. nuuhuike the-ri lu every respect. luantucularst apply to A ANIS, Oshuawa. 37-tf, F Chlldren Cry for Pitcher's Castorla.

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