Mk eadas , e lv sa's Lthea troubls PTLL( 'i'e equally valuable in Constipation, eurint and preventing this annoying compiaint, whilf , lhey aie, correct ail disord.ers of tLestoumaci mirulate thse liver and regulate thse bowelg eifthey only cured âçlte th-y - iu-d bc almost prIceless to those ;,Who suifer from this dîstressinà comnplaint* Iilt fortunêtly their goodasess oes not end Miu, &i.( those who ence try themn wil find tbage little pilla valuable lu g~o mnany ways tisat ee1 11 nel rt le willlug 10 do without themn. Maf r .auisioidbc_,_ Stihe bane of so many lu-ces that bore tg wbere te malre our great boast. Our pilla cure it é whiie others do nlot. Ckara'e LITTLE LivEa PiLLs are very email and very easy to talos. One or twe pilIs malte Sdose. They are strictly vegetabie and do et gripe or purge, but by their gentie action ~le ase ail who use themn. In vIal ai. 25 centsý Éefor $1. Sold everywhare, or sent by mal. ThisBan laprepared to, de Legiti- moate Bankizg in ail its branches. Farmer'a notes dfiscounted ; DepOsits ftceived and lînterest paid on accountS zf 85 and upwards in Savinge Bank ::P:tnD R AFTS tued and CoI1eotbaus made In Europe FOR TWENTY-FIVE VEARS THECOOI(SB- EST FRiEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. O!ý4TARIO BANK enntirnsea 'o do a General Banlcîug Business nownranvsii Ageuoy. 1>EPOSITS Rtecel-ced In Savinigs Bank Dûopartmeni and on cal lan dlnterest aliowed atourrent rates, No aotlce of withdrawaî uecessFary. AUl daposits V1ýyable en demnand, EXCUNGE B~ ngbtanÈ1 eoid and Dratitssued uponEuropo Unted8tateeand Canada, aiseoGoid,Stlver and V, Ited8ta. ýýs ureeýi buckstuouvht and soid. I COLLECTIONS Pr u7rrtly madeo a, curreat ratas upon ail pait et Gree.t Brî tain, vise United States andi zbe Dû) rivlon of Canada. Telegrapli Trauîsfers Made for large or sinallquias on ail part ot Canada. This is esp aoiaiiy datg i to persori living in Mfaniioba or thse Nortissest, tMîlîos the fonds availabie ai. onco a" tise place of pay muent. Outhor ptrticulars eaU. at fti bank. I.l. FOlu 1r, GEO. MoGILL,< Âoecountant 4anagcr. C URRENT NO TES. Tise effecl of tise Britisis demaud for thse deg'radaliou of tise vicocoy of Sze- :Jhuou, respousible for tise nurder ot missionaries lu tisat province, sud Of tise prompt sud complote subissiOu Of China, bas uot becu luet upon tise offi-I cial classeloson home. Tise antisonitie lu Fu-Kien who isad boon blocking in- vestigation into tise Kuciscug massacre, have igreed to continue tise iistuiry sud to execule tise guiity, sud aveu the vice- roy of Nankin, a fierca isatol' of for- eignors, miso refused te seB Admirai -Bullec outise prctext utfîll-lealts, lias rocalied his declunarlon. Tise mandar- ins have evidently couciuded to suait at ouce ratiser tissu risk tise puissimcut inflictod ou tise vlceroy of Szo Cisuen, tise soverest, ities sid, aven extorted from Pekin, sud mnicis, those 'ivi i SOW Chinese weil assoirt, viii -couder foreigu life, tiere sale for tise ne-cc score Of yoars. Tise completonos 'iitis mmcli Pekin yieided, 100 lias disclosed to tise pomere tise hast melisod of ,tealug mitis China, sud tise argument whmcl appoals nost directly sud mis tise moat grati- tyiug resuits ta the ChuSese iutellect- f huiat ofpiysical force. Engiand lias isitiseuto beau slow vtoa soit to it, ho- lieviug tisat tiseempire nigllho e re formed fnom witisin, tisougis France aud Russa have for sone tima beon ne- îug it for tiscir own profit; but uoW tisai G-cent Britaiu lias awsakened to tht tiuts, il may ho expected tisat force wiii generally ho sppiied lu future com- plications w itis China. The fact la tisai no improveent of tise goverumncdat come f nom withiu,nt that tise-ces-ci nut posathilities'of roform lu tise Cii- osa race, but tisat tisa people accepi. un- isitatingiy tisa mis-cule of tise mndar- ius as sonotiig tisat canuot b hanig- ed, sud tisat tise mandarins s-ce opposed to ail reforn. Tise En-copeau pou are do not deal, therefore, witis a goverumount o-c a us- tion, for tise formec exorcises no tsor ougis coutrol ove tise higser~ officia] cisass save mian tisat ciasa lsanlarmed. and tisa peuple are stolid aud mou-t; but 'tisey doal aoiely iritis au exclusive gov- ernig clase, ignorant of sud inseusihiE ta everyutiig outsideof thtie corrupt sys- tarr under 'iviicis tiey tisnivo. At tis .presaut tine tisis clans. is siscnad hy ;tise dafeat of Cisina by Japsu sud tis complications whicis have grown ont ol it, fearing lest lisair powe an d profit, may ho lhreateued, sud this aaicm S fondetise powars au excellent lover sud tise ouly oua, by whiicis to brin@ about desirable reforma, W\eaitis aut poxveu arc tisa oniy tisingse saiigis of fi cilie ane about, sud il is tise effeci of the Eutxapeau ideas diffused by th( missions-clos ou thein pusit ion and ornol. umeuls tisaI nakea missiunariaes lb speciai objacts ut thisaic iostiiity. Tis latter livo anung tise peuple, lut inc tiseirlives aud apcread Western ides or 1tisinga un gene-cal, sud lu pirupu-ction a tisey du sa tise peuple becomen disin chinec to accepitisae corruption sud mis-cule oi 1tise mandarins as an imnutable ondei nIo thinga. Ilence tise constant efforl nIo tise governiug class lu stir up tisepeo. ple againat tise nissionaries, au et fori not due to hatrad ofthisa- cread, a sis oîvu lutise tact that tise invention empioy"d tu incite tise peopl4e aiayý turu ta seculai' thinga, but luta es-clesi reo oa w ii lis-coanstise system nde wiitiypope.It is Ibis officia" clasa, and uts biller' opposition lu an3 improvenent, mitis iricis tisaEut openu poirers have lu deal, sud lu break domr w-hichis lisa-care eeting lualise argu- ment ut physicai torc, as tise only on( lu wircistise Cisinese ufficiai mmnd xvii lhearken. Ls is fS y t t a- Tais il lw-'ys-Tica n nhueinObeying Jriters. 1 Tise laIe Profesur Huxley nsed lu en- For Goug11S anxd Cola orce open Young mon tieese onoftdat- 6 ~~ insîcussa by tellirg tisona stury out is orvu oxPerionce. Hairas atlendiug a Re meeting ufthtie Briltis Association for Gray sSp]r C itise Advautemcut' ut Science at Belfast, Irelaud. of Ail iii savants lu tise tumu asonhbled i-egniarl i.scertainî bail. Pr-ofesser SJIupO Huxley, baving hp-en up late uneav,,_ 9sr, rose late in lise ncdfing, sud tes-ced 'ho ahoid ha laIe ai tis eneott.Cn THEIl OLD STANDARD REMEDY kg unut b is ludgings, lie iailed une ut lheIr iis vehicles irnoîvuas aun utaido ORCOThURS, COLDS, ASTHHMA car, sud muunted il. san_(il Alfections outhe 1,1Lungs. iNom drivefasat, in aaidlu lise drivai-, i for I an in a g-ceai. bu-ciy. De sure VOU got Gas-cI Syro1P. 'fisOrays Off went tise driven aI a muid pare, llt i'it CtS, 25c. sud 5)Qt. a btile, sold ixiicis simost li-crowtise prutessur uft eVeryW hero. hiesonct, sud bean sclargiuug alang tise roa d ln a sumn-isat indofinile vs-y. ICERRy WATSON & Co., pnoptgogasPreseutlyiy h ccrred lu Huxley lu say, Uà MONas ho helcl un tu-c bis liFe: 121 idO TREALMY guod man, du yon knusv niere I ivant in got CANADIANS AT CHI IRAL. Nu, yer auner, anssvored tise drivai-, cooll. You dido'îl lten iviere lu go, Th re Wetit . er -- srvcebut annu ms,,y, I an driving tast! Nana recoîtiy -e -eU'aed tram Iodla in- How Sise Looked. tii atas tisai aven in lhe fa-c castaru os-Tiiene arc those whn irs-tise maurlia sessions utfiser-Majesty Canaclianneara ut pruspmity nis grace sud case asuer well tothefrot ia lita ut Priiati n and hard n orS, sud mai l tie t-nl theso erviceofuthlie ls-ese _L)r a uessuiah omapire. Evenyune has heard ufthtie 1is nul qniickly sdjîîsied. Ciitrai expedtion anti Sou sistuile utf -,Westerninan wsvisu ld eenunusue- romauicadvntue, ut o oe hs -!cess.ulnol ne ventn-cc allen a raisonta ronnti ad'anur" hu nounehasde- ilasi. madý- M0ney in a mine, sud suorîly rived grestan hunor t-un il tissuIssuO fts-c bisiie anud dangisten na-ca seau Canadisu graduates ufthtie Kingaton i ig is a handsoune camiage behind MiliaryColelg. Wll now tonary 1a cuacirman. MîfhiTroil and'eKinson lu aoy A iperson pasi mthu ie pair 'is-ro butslu onono n I Kng 1on, apli ven nliced tise bouS ut paintul self- 'o"ge Moirai Duft sud Captain H-Ie-u nacoosuese tisaI overspi-ead tlisetant- n Nantun lisse he"u salecelounifut nes outhlie minet"aa ita e ai sesat huit 45 ofttficere nviso accumpaniet tisa Chitral uprîglî,l, ooking stnsigist beture be-c. axpedilion lu ta1ge cisargeut tise tu-cii Nom, -ns, came in lear toises frson lied Irit fCisskdara sud Malakand, lisedaugister, misosa ien uface w-es al;ve ou tisa Englisis fonîler, sud bave beaun 11h uenjynent Ion stc'uug luo ecou- loft in anti-ec harge of tise 'iorkSnI cealed; nom, ns, ranI youu bu bacS, tisese points, iavng beau aeiected for~ and nutliooS as if tise svtei- mas h ii' tis post by Gene-cal Luire, issu 'ias ln ove-c? chiaI command ufthtisaxpeditiuu, sud Colonel Leitois, cumsnding tisa corps ut Royal Euglueer-a n-iicisaccunpaniad At thse Bail. sud touS ps-ct lu it. Thiic nrk bas Firal Artiet (adniringly)-'"Whal a alnaady beau conmended by Si-cGeorge taultiessiy beautitul face Mise Hoahie Witie. Il is nansl compliment lu ha.%! Cana la /4 bat Ihosa tîvu Canadians Second A-chIst (euîissiasticaliy)- sisonid intvo sco elected tu-c suris a «"Ys, indeeti. Its as perfecl ns s ne- puel onut fsui any cumpetilure. Cap- - 'edpistograph,-~ tain Nauton la tise sun ut su ld Toron- tonian sud ivol kuownu lu mny bono. 17 plai Dff te sonoufutLieu.-Coi. At -Bolin a fine m elI of mate-c bas ut t Kingston amd a uapisa'ivou Si-c beon strunk aI a depuis of 172 foot, tisa iyrMoa. nator beoing impregniated i uiti nhsur. Th lie iret tbing lu ho dune is tu adopt anme Plan of uporalloor that miii naSel tis- e vgolable gardon ornusmoulai u moul as usaînl ; sud tise-ce jeno rso misy il sisuld nutliebo s. Tisie e oo sirnb noce ornamontal tissu a dur-' ron uI hinlufui! bearîng, sud no an-' unif lomeining plant mono pleasiug tissu lie tumato, iriti is large clueters of crinsu t-cuit. Tise gau'deu as coin- moiiyseen, overrn- u Is moodesuad planted mithrout regard 10onodec or tasto, is not pleaing. But Ilisi is nol a g-don, but natiser tise neglected s9pot 'iherelise gardon ehonld hoe. Tise linos lu tise vogetahbe gardon muet ut tletd'iity lie reetaugular, but a straigist lino caunlho as heautitul as a cnrved lino; ail depande ounisowir iis Sept. Vege- table plants wonld nutl ook ireli otiser tissu in sînaigst linos, sud tisese can ho arrauged 50 tisaI perfect issrmouy eau hoe prserved, sud bosnuty as moul. Farmers' Pork Barrel. Sait pork isas bocome une ofthls ead- ing articles of diol lunlise farrmers' fan- iiy. This la maiuly becauso it le nul! possible 10 gelt resi moe 'i-chou they are wan Led dnriug tise hot ses- son, ad the uly coure le lu sait down sncb supplies smay ho oreoded dnning tieseoaumuer monîhe. îEveuy fariner should put np s hiheal supply, sud tise tirai essential is a suitable bar- roi. Il sisould hoe ot good maerial, bonnd mlîi hext-ca isavy iunshoupe. Sncbi a une, wvien used for salting pork only miii hast for yeau'e. Tise barrel sisould hoe placed lu tise coldest pa-t ut the collai-, sud nsised ou blockesus as 10 Soep il at loset f-con four lu six incises fi-ontisa botton ufthtie collac. A taIse top sisuuld ho placad ou sud this moigis od - nis a guud-sizod alune. ut le c ,ainied by tisose wvio have put up meat in this mannec for a înmhei- of yesrs lirati mdinn-sized isoge maSo tise beet purS tu-c tamily use. Tise hogessonld bang ontutofdoo-s, or aI leasi. bang lu a coul place for tiroivo houce hefne tisa usent is cutulnsd packed. Tise hans sud sbuld-s sisuild hae neilltrimnied, aud if the ribe si-o enlii-ely renioved, tisa meat can lha cnt np linmuis ucat- er sirces. Tise clos-c sides asould ho cnt into striipe ut ueuily unifori -width, placing tise s=oalrpieces on tisa lu- ne-c aide sud lyu ialanger stripe on tise ouieaide mitis th isend uxt lu lise harrel. Tise boulon ufthtisabar- -col sisonld ire cuverod wuts sait, Keep Stock off Nemly Seeded Land Whien tiseetabliished pasturo fields durng flu presaut a buned appoar- once, it takes ronsidex-able mill power lu resiat tise temptation lo u n stock ou lu lise novly saededf lolds lu mnich tise y:oung choyer sud timothy prosont an înviting appoarsorco, but tise pastun- ing off uft tiis uosv grurtis close lu tise ground mil cause tise w iole plant lu peish if drontis prevaile. Tise pastur- ing off ufthIis fine top growth sisonld hoe avoided, as il le jusî thie mal tisaI us neqnired lu prolecltishe ruaIs during tise severa cuid of minIer, sud misen frozeor soiid this gromiti of louves sud staîks pressed close 10 tise gronnd pro- vents tise dsily sprng tbsmiug sud Iroezing, sucis as mould ha lise case more Ihis cuverng pastnned off. Thsis top gromîb le nI bl, but as tisa spring gurowtis progresses il. decays sud is added to tise foîrtility ufthtie land. ýProteeting Trees from Sun Scald. More f-cuit and sisade t-cees a-ca ho. iieved 10 hie kiiiedI by suis scald tissu f-con ail otiser ijre.Cornntaîke fncusi asimiple noine t(ifsade and THE MiAN AT THE LEVER. lew saI.ecinmeive Iagiueer Ate iThen ltusgsng a Very Fast Train. Tise locomotive engineer le a romanS- ahly placiti falloir, mitis s habit u ofusli- orale puecisiou lu hie louS sud notions. Ho occasionaliy turne a caîn oye lu bis geugo sud tison rasumas hie quiet irîcis aisead. Tise tirea le-ors mnich ie haiss 10 manipuinte are under isis issorou in- stant use, sud ilion liey sre used il is quietly sud luni-rdou, as su organult pulls ont hie stops. Tisa nuise lu tise cab iukes conversation difficuit, but nul ns bad ase tiat heard lu tise ca-c iran pase- ing anostieir train, nitis or mitisunt tise inîtoirs open, sud lu looking onutftise angine rab tise objecte ai-o npproacisod gradunily, nul i-usised past ns iran une los- aterslly ont ut a ps-clu-c car min- dn.Tise tact is tisaI tise nginoour dos nutloouS aI the sida-be is iuuking aheat -and tisoretore tiese pead soone lacss, as tisa objecte ai-o spproachiug graduai- ly. Tisose inn have rlddeu at niuety miles au isour ou a locomotive nir tisaI unsa guud- rond (and lise-ces-ce msny sncb) tisa englue e snut sisaken sud smayad lu a terrifie msuner, but ut ile mIser rom- foutable, sud tispeed le notlse, apparent ns whviron ue ileriding lu s parior car, mise-ceonly a lateuni via i lead. Tise enginear dan hao-cry contorLabla if ho le quito su-ce outhtis rack aiaad, sud il la only lu rounng curves or in ap- proschiug ci-ossinge tbtsliho feois neur- vous, sud il la doubtîstî if jt les ny more aIrain lu i-un a locomotive at higis specd tissu lu nide n bicycle Ibrougis croird- ed itho-congsf ares. Judging by tise counulnanre outhtie bicycle rider andi tisa engineer, tise ouginoar bas ratisar the best ut il. SHE KEPT HER WORD. IValies for Ilie Detcve,,lier 4'l>îtor,litl île iiiu~ei A dotoctive -wns brngiug a muman, 'ivis o iehsd snrestcd at Boulogne-sur- Saeine, Paris, upon a steamer lu tise Pro- facture,'misen at tise Concorde Bridge s mou -dressod man threxv isaf into tise iver sud 'i-as dnowning. Tise detoc- live is an excellent swimner, and ti l ost hisi a iainful sti-nggle lusece a feiloir creatnre lusa bis lite. IflIwiere aluna," ho saîd tlu iseprisouer, '"I moult iurrap into tise mater te sa-ce im.' Tise morn- su whisu hd been senteured lu tilteen dnys' imprisoneul for assanits upon tise polira, at oce ropliot: '"Do su; 1 I %vi at for you at tisa pic-c sud mil not runu away." Tise detective tisane- upon pîunugottub lise strean sud aciz- od tise uroiruing man by isis clos, miscu s buaI sti-uck agninat hlm violent- ly sud made hlm loso isis grip. Ho dived agnîn, but un valu, sud, quite ex- issustoTie hwias puliod ou huard a smal skiff,.mnicis ias uesrly sinasiscd by a steamer comiug fi-ontise opposite di- mrellion. Capisumout, asetisa brave fallowi s called, iras eutisusiassically ciseered by tise ouiookers. Tisa body outhtis mais ho hadtIriod lu sa-ce mas recovered a teir isoune latter. Ouniser part, tise wiunu miso sat been is cnslody acted quito as conragenusiy, for, Irnue ermmd, se mailt for tise detective at -tise Pont Neuf sud isanded lu hlm hie coat lu tisa porket of w'iicis ias tisa marrant upon u-ic s aie isad beau arrested. Ili lasat- isfnctory to add tisaI iran tise Chiot tof tisa Departmneut xvs apprised of hiem couduct hoe 'immediately ordered the wmnu lu haset at liberty lu ecogus- lion of -erdeooion. also prolteot from rabbits. Split each TH E PAR Acornstaik in two and place the fiat-sida Tri ~ kA Ragainst tise truork, usiug two or three ~~ loosely woveor ties when thse tc'uuk is surrouuded. Prof. Samuel B. Green D oes Summer Butter Pay ? believes tisat tise treos are soalded in 0f ail tise thaukless tsek attemptad early spring as well as in tise summier aud fal, so tise protection sisouid ne- by tise fanme's wife, makiug sommer main on'tise trees througis the year. butter for market le tise most discour- He recommeuds iocliiug fruit trees to aging. Possibly tisey f ael compelladitise sottiwest wiseor panted. Tise t. o i bca 1truksmay bc sisaded by isoards,woveis use he owsareon he atisa, close wire soreen, burlap or tisick fam and must yield a divideud be 't paper, and tise crotches covered with evetr 50 amail. But le it not mîstakon iay nope. A buncis of corn fodder may oconomy, tisis making of aeigli n e be tied around tise tree. cent butter ? Iluudreds of tisousantis of pounds are dumped ou tise market escis TEN WONERS 0F LABOB. summer, aud bring but a mare pit- tance. It ontails a lot of isard woîrk, Iteinaekabie werkiîtg~asesry ansd Engin.- aud tise retunns are meager. Most ees-ilg. fanuiers attcmp)t too mueis, conse-~ 1. Tise pyramide of Egypt, tise largest quently tise cowe are not well kept, of- wisc, 'near Cairo, knowu as tisa and tise wif e bas to do tise milkiug sud gi-est pyramid, built by Ciseope, King cliurniuig. A littie fnrm well tllled o xvii. probably nover be the ruinlutiis f gy,,took 350,000 meu twouty ycalre great far west. Iu tise goneral rusis toeiuild, sud isurry, butter mnaking le a sido le- 2. Tise artificisi reservoir-Lake sue. Mei-ul yAeeho h 1 Makiug butter for private custom-Mersbit y Amomsa ofie ers, iow ever, doos pay, sud many far- twelftis dyuasty, wisicis serves to store mers' wlves are doing nicely iu tisis lina up tise waters of tise NUle duriug tise 1of iudustry. But to tise producer of season of f loods and distribute tisem 3farm butter for mar'ket, we ssy, kaap1 over tise land duriug tise dry season. -foirer coirs sud vaise more ciikeus duriug tiseisot weather. Make but-1 Its circumference 7a 5,600 furlouge, tcr during tise wiutsir, as it tison ai- I sud ou its beiug allowed to taljuta *muet iovariahly briugs a good price. If min tise fertiiity ofthtes region bacamO -you do not live suflicieutly near sa *creamery to ,wniuis you eau1 seud youer to a serions axteut a tiig of tise mils in summer, feed it te growiug past. pige, ciikeus sud -sying hoe. By tisis 3. Tis a Tj Maisal, s tomis erectad at use it wiii pay a larger dividend'tissu Aga, iu Hindoostan, by SisarToisais, taifdcnveîted into a soIt, unpalatabie. adalmuet unsiable butter. - over his queu Noor Jeissu. It le bulit Many farme are supportiugunuprofit- lof tise purest iwrite marbie sud yet eable cowe. Weed theni ont, sud givo seeme so airy tisat whisc seen trom a -thior feed sud cane lu a feir good nues.1ditnet sikafbcofmtad Breed for btter milk sud butter pro-1 dsac tl ieatbi fme u tduciug animais. Lesmr isoir te make sunheame witis its great dune soaring * tise best butter. Plan to bave tise up, a siivory bubisie about to burat cor *coirs fresis duriug tise laIe fali, wiu- Its usdeerstryubv ocs -ter, or earîy spring, wiseu prices are ed it sud climed to its summib you ai- good, tise labor of butter makiug lbas most doubt ite reulity. It cost ove-c -w onrisomo, sud irien tise mou eau £3,000,000. - ielp at tise cisurn. Make ail tise but- 4. Tise temple of Baalbec, lu tise erec- -te-c possible aitishat seson. Put it ou tion of wisici satones sixty-two foot long, tise market lu au attractive form, sud twenty feet broad and fitteen foot tisick d by keeping eacis mako up to a higis bave been used-more p rodiglous masses standard, you will soon have a reputa- tissu bave eveîr elsewhiere been moved tion for good butter, irnicis mli aiabie sy isuman power sud mucis exceediug yon, to get more tissutise regular in sizo tise stoues usod lu tise pyramida. market price. 5. Tise temple of Kai-ukak, described by Fergussoor as tise noblest wirofu architecturai. magnificence ever pro- -The Vegetable Gardlen in November.dnced by tise isad of man. It coyers LI Te mst mpotan wotwîce tise ares of St. Peter'e at Romo Tiemotimotatmrk to be and uudonbtedly leonue of tise finest _doue lu tise gardon at tisis sesson le, buildings lu tise world, to propane for nexî spriog-to get lu 6.Tise g-ceai. iali of Ciina, 1,230 miles roadinese tise soit for tise seedesuad j lu lengtis. It le, 20 foot luniseigist and plans tsaIare o h pu lu o i. 1 in thiekuese 25 foot at tise base sud 15 plants tha ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fot aret epti ei.I ettishe tnp. tise sou le iseavy dlay, or clayey loan, 7. Tise Eifel toirer, erected lu tise Le put ou s liberai quntity of compostod grounds of 1889 Parie exhibition, 984 ymanure, tisrow tise land op luniigis footiigis. Leuariow ridges, and lot tisese ha ln 8. The Suez canal, itis 88 miles ot snbapstontsifie ufc ae waterway counecting tise Meditrrsn- miii mn a offfit . i satte su rewn eau aud tise Red scas, sud furming tise Ê_ illrunofffrely. Th sol trow upprincipal route to India. It cost mure inl tis manne-c xiii, misen plantin than 17>000,00, and 172,602 ont of 399,- lime comes round again, be as friable long to tise Briish guveruiment. gas ligisi. ban. Tisen ail tisaI neede to I9. Tise rafilway bridge (tise largeet ho dune le to level down, sud il xviii cantileveur bridge lu tise world) over - h ready for tise seeds. tise Forth, witis two spaus escis of 1,- ýt Tise ntis shall find ail root crops, 700 foot, erected at tise cost of nearly Leas well as cabbage and canitiower,p-o-. £41000,000. Operly cared for, an tisat tisec iiiho10.Ts euu orro ia ii -nothing in tise may to pro-cent tisecleviates thi-tecu foot fron tise perpen- o prposd work for tisecomiug Tear. dclr 1Castoria. "Osetorls 15 an excellent medicine for chil. dren. Ilothae have ropeutedîy tbld meo et is good affect upon tiroir cildren.1" DR. G. C. Oseooou, Lowali, luss. "CasIorls us tise hast remody foi- children ut ,wiicis Iarna quainted. I hope tiredayilanul fa-c distant whan niotisars mili consider tise rosi iuterest uft tieir childreu, sud use Cnetous in- stend of tise varions qusck ncstrums misicis ara destroying thoir Ioved onas, by forcing opiLm, morphine, eootising synip aud othor isurtfuî agents down tiei- throats, thereby sendiug tirem 10 pxemture graves." Dit.. . IN IscLLEss, Conway, Ark. Castoria. "Cuitons la sowmou adapted to childran tiral 1 reconrrnond ihas suponior IîO any prescription kuo oa me."1 Il. A. ARczRa, M.t D., 111 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "Our pisysîciane lu tise chili-enls dapart- ment have epoken higisly of their experS- once lu tisoîr outside practico mus Oeustou la, sud altisougis me only ha-ce auuong on! medical supplies isai. is kowumas5 regular produets, yot ste aeere to contais Ihut thre menUt f Castoria Iras mou us te look wmur favor upon t." UTEDuroHOSPITAL ND isu DîeusARv, Boston, Mas&, ALLEN C. SITHrCE~S., The Contaur Company, 77 Msrray Street, New yorU Cît3v, FOR SALE B! 3. IIIGGINBOTHAM & SON, BOWMANVILLM L A T ER EXGES--$SE IN MANJHOOr.D MAKE INERVOUS, DISEAS=ED MEN Loglgerane a dtRyl Outh, vreetionnlîn,4 tod cofls an te 2 us aueiposureM o t1z ha ne5 ti suslruîir ongmn omecte au tw a R&S 1,1= f u oQ ,Whiie otistre are ý.nforoed taefàonita waary @0,'a meiuucisoiy eîisteýce. otisere reacis ratrimony but ftod poolâOeorQ3fr victimeare fid ]Ln ail stations of lifâ.-The farm, thse ofo iewrtbp ie~ pt e thetvdee uandteprofessions. SRESTORED TO MANHOOD BV DRS. mal K eWru. A. WAL .Wuu. A. WALREB. US. CHAS. F'EBBX. CHIAS.-FERYB'.u BEFREWIITEAT=IIT ATRTREA TarriEini Divorced but united nagil týErNO NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS USED WITIIOUT' WRITTEN CONSENT.ýS Wm. A. Waiker of lSth Street suy:-'f have sufferedý' S__YPHILIS unnold agoies for mn3 "gay life." lwneidisreptthe E ISONS 1Élvtdsaes EMIuI outis and throat, boue paine, hair loe, pimp asai STRICTURE fc,1-g,-ll, éaetin a,aB CUREDPotacis, etc. Tbey heiped nie but could net cure me, Tlioir Newr Mctho~d Treatusout cored min aiiifow eckW WOl5itS tir trntin tIis end erf ýyou fP, yourself gaiuing every day. 1 have noever hourd of their failiig to cure-.miaxogl îýVCURES GUARANTEED OR MON EV REFUNDED e Kav141 Ciaerry ay"11 rn ylilfo te Drs. IK.aà K. TNO of lieminal Waaknese und Sp-srm'itorrhoea, E,:,ions readraining and wenkenilng muy vitaiity. 1 marrnied ut V RC O L sui3d c expre ,lu cightbnt hs irewere divorcei '1 E ISSION S then cousuited IDrs. R. & R., 'ivio rnstoncd me to manniood 'iytor ss lirluclTeave~ll felta newrlite thrill throngis Ç RE D my neuymrves. We oenuitcd ugaed uýre isuppi. Tisse____________ sixyeae go.Dr. K &R. re cintilospela e nI eartily rëcommend thamî.T ~'We treat and cure Varicocele, -Emirsions, '6Vérous Debi'zty, &ia oWeakness, Gket, Stricture, Syphiiis. Unnatarral Déschaeges, SeyfAbuse1 sKidney and Bladder Diseases._____ 17 VEARS IN DETROIT, 200,000 CURED. NO RISIC 1 ý Areyaua voths? ava youlost heArayou coutempletin88 r R EAD[)ERI tixeffl? ue avlyonmrBiood beon diseas ? Hava yon anny mraknese c Nw CI aTreaut lil cure Ton. Nhat itlibus doua for otisere il miii do for i'o"iý SltATIONFREE. No mutterwmio hae trente& yon,'irrite for- an isct opinion Frecc '100 Chae. Chrges reseomble. BOO< RE"ie~l au nto"(11iatrated), or.i opes 1~yhlfgOOffldntîs._,ueston at aci of ~Tre&t-ý SLBV 8T,_ Castoria la Dr. Samuel Pltcher'S prel;cription for Infants and Cbildren. It contaîns neither opium, Morphine nor other Narcotie substance. It lsa a harmless substitute for Paregorie, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor 0O1. It ls Pleasant. Its guarantee 19 thirty ycars' use by Millions of M'others. Castoria, destroys Worms and ailays feverishncss. Castoria prevents vomting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colle. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and, flatuiency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy ani natural sieep. Casa toria is the Chîldren's Panacea-the Mother's Friend.