Poarê*3*4 Store,,s A N S MONEY SAVED FOR us. VIEANIIONEY SAYED FOR YOIJ1 IJTnless yý ou eall and see our wonderfully low prices yout cannot f ully appreciate the difference we are able to inake in the price of Xmnas Goods by purchasing in such large qatte as we do in order to stock our three stores in Bowmanville, and and1( see foriousef LMARG EST ATEST1 WMEST1 STE) BOWMV-\1AtV ILLEF. Iii Solid Gold Fi.rames wc have a largel. stock than il o1ther dealers in towrn eomblued and1 ail bouglif et manleeures'prices'. Our prices aelower tian othes ad -we test STOTT & JU-liY. Kpong-es worirom 5eý fo 15e cdi wiehll wce alýoffrm et 3, fr 10e. This is' a snaýp selamseurecd. Gef your (h4('u liciore f'lic lar'ge ones are il goneM. STOTT & JURY. Treyeaýrs aga $40.0O would not buy a ha soincr iieCombinationsToilef Set thaý weare nexv- off ering for $14.00 (ýspeelal pice direct f romi STOTT & JURY. BOWMANVILLE, DEC. 11, 1895, Local and, Otherwise. La ies' Heait Brand Vests scliag off cf exeetiy h Iall priee at Candi, Join. West 'U'd Han lose Bangulu Dayis ta- Giv-ý ee-a beautfiul silver tee Secý( fiat sfilver tee set ta be giren maa luii Cawm-ke' &- Taif's window. Winfcr w-ili sooni be upon us, Get younr fansý neady-1. Sec Mlayer's adr-t. Coffce,raasted on fiirmssawy fncs11 li d best "il taxra, et Mrohs 'Mn. Tios. Jeýffcry.,1 Tar-onto, cfte:ndeýd fl ofuea ai. iucIe, Joua1 Busse,I[ l~c uPiper. fonemean ai Scîtinel- Sta Cooug, isiedbis brofiser Frank whAo i, iii. CREAM SOA- tin packages thc -,cf ai fi ind at Heai Bras'. Boxv- off et c-ost price et Coud, Joinstan& Crydernmaui's. Nesw 1elpiones havbeai ut lus falows Ce.H i ki7;Ta. Tod, Mn, and Mr.Hii avery ai Tyronle and Mn. C. W. aald Miss Eva ýýoucIi wene gosf a Mn. J1. C. Vanstone, Cedanl Clf aven Sulnday. ttenid iiietluuntl Town Hall, Eidanglt ec. 1 3. u\rr 122 gransd, spcifua and sïtpeinlycoloredviewito ilistrat(ýecvcry, tage ai flic lecture. LADIE, -,-L I ou are inter- ested lui lam dcoton and an abso- lut ely, pure 'bakiag"' posvdcn cail at Heaý1l Se boti ta yauIr avne Rcsautiîusof olce sceps 1ry1- i Beli onl def aIbis soun anld Br.W.MClo, Plrestoîs, on i deti ai Ili-; mlotiln. Tic anirersavvrices aiSt Paulsý ff. . . Momnent, D. D) , N;ewm Y 'ý t on - n les been1 travelingi) fan, tic lesttw y son tice conltinent a.nd lu fileEst wivj1peaci et balthl serviîces. and an1 eg11 Bkn Powdcr. guenr- not equa t envyou ev-'er use, al and s0e flieým at ut Êfla Bros' Cashi Groccry, Bowmanville. 1Lindsay. 1price list this week buit ealu' Assortment Designs Prices LT &IJURYf Tie Druggists. PRESENTS FOR OENT'S. We are shawing a veniy nicee variefy of fisese goods et uvosf excellent value boug hf direct from flic faefory. STOTT & JURY, Thc Druggisf s. Wiliamns Runciman dicd inColiourg au tic 23tfh uit., lu lis 75fli ycar: Thc Home ionrflice ged and pon lias beca apcned in Cobourg, and M ns. Jas. Barr is flic inafron. Yaung mn's Ulsters, sizes 33, 34 and 35 ladies, are being sold by thc Masoa Ca. et $379 and $1.79. A lot ai new Tweed Drcss Goods seli- ing aif cf about hmu price et Coudh, Jalinsfon & Cryderrman's. 1Canadien apples have iaund fayon la England, tic cabie telliug ai e sfronsg dcmeud for flic inuit and goad pnices. A. G. Boswell ai Cobourg, son aiflich laie Jundlle Basweil, died rcccufiy egeri 65 ycnns. He wes cienk aifie Division RxR.T. Courtice lies been flie ne- ofpie th lre presenfatiaus fna is i pplit Seymuour casf ansd fieinds ini Caîpi 1Iand,tfils fail. NerDates and Figs et Ca wker & Ti'.Anothen shipient ai Salade Tea. iLoyers ai soaitiing good xril use if. Cawkcn & Tait. liev. A. C. Cnews, Genenoal Seerefarv ai Epxrorth Leagues ai Canada, is eomi- ing fa toxr n ou Dec. 18t1 and wiil gire his nsost popualan lecture, '"Tliougi fli Mensmnot h Case witb 2106 Leaguens." Ererybody siould lear hlm. lisuem- ber the date e-Dec. 18it1 CniJinsfou &CrderIcslv jusi ceic main tic Sanford ,Mg.Ca anatlien lot of fliose Men's and Boys' ULsiens. Tley anc slioxrýing tîseai now in liI ailizes maiÏn 24 fo 44. ýTley gu'aran- tee fliceeCoats ta be the bcst gaods and bcst value lu fie trade. 1A coincideuce: lier. H. MeQuade, of Harelock preecied fonrlier. T. W. Joli- iffe ai Caaipbèilford an Sunday xveek and did what ail aiiuisfers sioid' do. fisc same as oflen people, dropped ito flic office aifie local papen aad paid lis subscipfian wheu in tawu. lier. T. W. Joliffe dîdliîkewisc af Tint STATE- MAN office. Bath aoflihese rcveread gentlemen are truc frieads aifIe pon printer and will receire au abuad cnt rewand. Note T. Ni. liiekard's edv't inanoýthLen columiîs.- Hi, prices cen Bat be beatea iand( the svar'tb is fliene as weii. Many' lufl v[ieinityanc cenig xatelies ta- dlýr tnt lhey iaý vc peidother's $14,06 cnd 18 in, wîeiliiekard selis fraai $ ta iY ake no mistake but buy yaur Clinistaes watehcs, docks, Gold pc tacle"' s, lven ovliespoans, kulives and forks lu faer any\thing ýtliiat you ,Ila wenli sls une from hlmii. Tiic oiyý diiillt«V fliat lie lis expcnienced since sfatinlg Ibusiness is filat peopie ancfo wiliiing eat iflst ta elev feff eyce liuy goods i , flrsf qualliif yfor so litie mloncyý. But nlow if, ias become-la well knro wn ifact fthat ickard selîs yolau i g,ood Larticle with a very ailproufi. Gîve hilmIai ftio Christmas eheen Voit eau and you -will do well for your6el. Two full mous this maufli. ReTf.senre Eiday niglit Dec. 20) for St. Pauil'sý S. S. entertalament. N',omiination day cames ou Dec. 3Otli and election, Januarv tb. C. A. Coanon, jeweiler, Whitby, lias assigned fa Sheniff Paxton. Cobourg caricd ftise by-law ta unite with fliccunuties by 118 majority. Miss Lick of Cedan Dale school lias been rc-engagcd forn uext ycan.' Stcam power wili be used ta, haul frciglit aven Oshanwa elecfric rond. Mr. Levi Ellus, Columbus, lias mav- cd ta flic Grass farn, vacated by Gea. lier. J. Whiflm k, Port Penny, onet- lybrk a nib by slipping off thle step of his buggy. p ý MW-heu ou ed wedding an funenal cards neatly prnted patrouize TEE, STATESMAN. Mr. Wn.Hill, formenly wifh _Mn. C. M. Cawken, is engagedin a large butteli- or shop in Ton)onto. Mrs. M.V~orferi lias gaone ta speud l ic wiufntelai Vi-inia, fU. S., and willvii thie Atlanta l&pasitiona. 1Tbeperople of Geaakacpuing dowa te village hotel p),epara tot enectinfg a fine churcli an fic site. Officers and teacliers were reý-(eecfed at flic annual tenchers' meeting af fthc Metliodist chuncli Friday nîglif. Mn. Williamii Stone is dcad, lu bis 68th rue. e was- one ai the oldest menm in thli ha iraretrade lu Part*Hopc. n. IH. J. [agi treaf cd flic chair ta a sleigh ridIe Fniday n iglwen a very enjayalie and nioisy týime owas pet Miss EV. Fullen and iss B'. G 4dno filic Ontania ais olee hty spentL Suniday wltli Miss Nellie ilim Q-ucen st. Tukrscabinet facfory damadfi shasflrocdwitls anlistnawbcrry- and othien extracf s,lmake tflic aiccst cbe iaggum an record. Miss; AddicMcowll e aknga post u.naduetecourse a Eloution fnom "Mn. -en i' . K ofser i teCnsrto1 of Muisic l Tioi o Hlonl.John DIryden, inis fer of An cu11lure, lias boeenuaam syre-cect- cd PreJde t1 he Sort lRor igisn Associafiaus for ficfi liyen Onftario is 5o fuil a ecsr ci cannloft scliolsCompetition iskeea,î enld nueatosolow valua l e and wamcn aý-re qifftLiiag fli roesin TunS1T,1Awcudnss ficstaf e mnenit itat Sing Dfli J audryian sfead ai!sen itlii"linen uf ai town( Candli,JbsonadCu.\yderman iarc selling lanrge,.fine allýd-wool blankets ion' $3.25. Tisese Baefsanc good valveu for at least $4.125. Secure a pair at onace. Dou'f fonget that tise 20hofaDce- lier is fhe lasf day fa guess ion thiat beautiful silven set in Cawkvlen & 7Tait's, xindoîr. Almonfhly acecount s entiiticd(- Andrw's oncet af fic'cty o Guepli iasi xvpek and tb Mq.1rY rr urs: (ti( beautifl airs were ice i lý1as eil as, Osaadont ýappreciate Drigo people wlso ,ýare paon. A family rovd info, fliartwufnom Taunfon iciit a le ifthcnacil lias th('pown fhe wîll scud Jtheni liack. Mrs. E. J. Manning and daugliten1 lihea bave rcturned inamn a very enjoy- able visif f0 Mrs. J. A. Steýwart a i Exeter and oflien friends at Landaui, Strafford and Toronto. The Central Telephone office bas nre- ceutly been fit ted in a maniner fiati tdocs tic local usallager, Mn. H. L. Simp)soni, very greaf credif. If is anc of fie lux- uriaus offices ai Ihis foxvn. Perfect harmouy obteins aaang Panr- ham couaty journalists but wnr-to-the- knife reigas in Ont 'aria cauafy. Port Penny Observer and Whitby Clinosicle are liaving round aiten round. A very pleasant eveaiagwas spet a the nesideisce ai Mn. CornelinsOsone Front lioad, Wednesday, Nv.27th, whca fli Misses Osbonue gave an "At Haine" fa about 25 ofair fiiinds. Parents, pi avide at lcnst $10 wortli of readsng ion yonr chlidreu everYycyaïr, diridcd as foliows: The best local pa pe-, your own chanci paper, a good inaga- zinc, a city weekly, and flic balance lai books. Tbe Osliawa Epworth Leaguens en ail deligbfcd iwitlî thc kindhopaly af flch oweuiiepeop, sas is Vliîsdicaton, anld witihflceut n cctmiont ai tlise splcîsdid apantmcut aiio flic League. Candi, Johnstoa '& Crydermawn are' showing venv fine Fur Capes.u Sble Gneenlaud Seal, ne amb),Bcc Pensian Lamb, lnack Martin, et[c. yýoui waaf a fay-on agala. Tiiak a,, mom- ent. Tl'le so C.will fake am- quanfity ai poulltr-y et bighcst Imankef pniesý wlea ,iidry pickedl, but xvi ly «vpar saiilpniesfor paulfry toucbc"d with svater cuifler ]lit or cold. T Iunkye s. svaafcd rouli drcssd, geseelkn and ducks drsadept inlu arge lots, and thnrougl resd Pcs flo above directions elosely and sec, that x-ur fowls are picked penfectly dleani. *Midr.n @rylr sapaillIa, and a4fter takiag ftmur boties I amn now eliag9 as I formuenly did years ago, and I Wanît ta say for the benefit of those suffening from indigestion and feel- ing, ta nie slanxg phrase, ' compleîely krocked out,' don't despair unt il you give- Scott's' Sarsaparilla a fair trial." Suots Sarsaparilla is a blood food, it s-tiwsýkiate al vtal organà ta healtliy noI*mzI action, enablinp '-th-eqn ta throw o~ ail olionau sd blizatinglihumoie. Sold by 4n i Stix, but there i1* enly #e@Icteî,re Cadt*rls. Next Monday ail municipal Counicils M rs. Donnelly of Toronto was here last week. Ne(xt 1Satada is the last dayý for p ay- mentt of tax\es. ,mr. Tr. H. MIcMuItrtry. is atCoor on PulcSchool mieetings will be beld onThursday Deoc. 26. 11M,% Ch as. B. Simpson, Brooklu,' was jtowa vnyesterday. Mr. John G rigg9 is the new president of Lodge Wellington. Mfrs. R. Armour who lias been-i very Why anniot Bowmianville undertakeo its înuigaga1iast ine? Tisrtan offeingý_ of the Methodist iurchivv!InouW exceeýds $950. )Ir. J. B. WandeBi and Mn.,,W. Thick- sont haivereturned from M ýanîtoba. Gldto welcume Mr. Heny, tise art- ist; back to TÏLL iTAnTES3IAN Block.- Bavers of presenfs shoufld read The Arcade advertisemenit iluthiis paper. Fntidayv Dec. 20 High and iPubllic Scis ools close for Cbistmnas hliliay\s. Mr-- J. S. Bond is vice-presidenlt of Taroiito R!,etail Grocers' Assoiation. Miss Eva Moore, Broak<iïa, wa.s gucst of Jr. E.- Rutledge, Salemii, last week. Mr. Chianles Christiani, af Glenanm, ba;sbee visiting Mr. W. Mdlleynolds. Th ]e follv of putting gravel, on the evidIence o n Kîng ,St. Mr. Hl. L,.,Siyipson visited Lindsay last week and tc ot1w says l rceived Mr. ad?, B B.Croula nreturned tTo ont io M1ondaa iffen a ipleasant Whateantly seý is a man iu the council witideaS")o aarnow that they wol e ost la the floor crack? "Trog teMiao' apyEm- ire, Ton a Hfall, Dec 1.Plant now open at Bi 2;22 eeatIlînie lig-ht viwsseveta illustr1ate this great rlcu- Wilas& Sonave imany tingis la thle furniiture une the aould make ver'î suiita bleChitmsprsnt.A lot dIý new bins. ou' shouIýld c lise Prof.Jhi ui. B. A.,lisee apoitelcairmlanil of the ord lfof !Ex- ainiers for, 1896 f or IHigli Schaol ILeav- il]ng- and Uiest ancltoxam- maIýtion1s. iîrv'sPooGalriopaaau ila Taii STS, A lkanld lie isý ready to "takýe"'the pupblic of ail ageýs anld mlake Ltiem look youwng aadhadoe M.L. Moriiss easeýd double the floor space hewpreviously occicd ia the Bon'al Blckand bas even cornaer filed wif h everýcvthing of the latest and bestinfrtre Sec lis advt Mrs.- ( e v.) TP. W. Jolliffe and son ne- fned lhomet toCampbellfond Monday isithavian- speat ten daiys very plaaîywit lier manxr frieads whao -were de1lig-hted ta meet lierin. Re.James Hughrles died at bi resi- dene,"Thie Hrmtge1ooneo babti ec. lst, aged 89. He wa bora il JreIan1dfla 80,conivertcd andl nntdwith the111 thodistchrch iila 128 emorted tamanadalu 1830 aadbegan Scliool dren will b ditdt "Thouh te i ad's Happy Empire" foir 15e,. Thlis a iii be tise opporfunll'itv ai o the, seaýson. Thle' Iýcture, vie'ws alîd subjec i eialt,tsiy intenesîln'. lie- asemben;i, the date-Town Hallý, Î'riday', Ain article xvhicli will interest every ptitis anc in The Canadian Maga- aine, ou "Canada's National Song;: ifs Autihor and Orîgia" by the editlor, Mn JonA. _Cooper. The sfory, "Adele Betien," ilnsfrated by E. IH. Brigden, L8 alýoo worthv af specialnotice. Wý hile the Thse Canadian 31agazine hias distiaguished itseif with ahigli class Ch,,niýsnsumber, if announces better thng t folloxv. The Januany ihua- ber wii ontain the finst half of a stony by, C. C-,. Earr, with illustrations by A. Hi. Heming, one af the leadisîg antists ouHrpens'. Teprogýram ai the South Ward Sun- dayv -choI) musical entertaiamenit next 1Tuesd(ay ex ening Dec. 17 is befone us asîd is tnuly au interestiag anc. Be- sides a iiusuber oi solos, choruses and necý1itatio-,is thene, is ta lie a tableau a i fici tex irgins. Silver collectioni. D oons open at 7.30; ta ei at 8 o'clocký shr.Cnowd thetaenc. Dr. Jobni Hoskia, Q. CmtwithIla mos upieasaat misadvewnure asit Wednsdain sToronto. He was iii a detsechair, aad clîlonoform ivwas giv-j eoui lisii i order ta facilitate the openai,ý-i tion on his teefli. 1He dlid not revive l I\ heu the anoesfietic was remov d dts miedicali mca preseat experiessced FAR1WERS' INSTITUTE. Tic amnual meeting aiflih( West 'Dur- hem Fres'Isitt xill be ibeld in flic Couanci Cisamber,Boîavle SaudyPec. 2Lsfcoileîsing e. t 2 p., in. The xecuive re rque t fameet et 1 o')ciock. A fuil attendal.nce ai faraiers and pen- sons inferesfed is desired. Wis. \Vunnr, 1 President. Hl. C. OAR,ý Secretary. F OUND.-A Carniage robe. pl 47 -if. ~f AIR WORK.Lieswishinglhaitn LL don overeau aiMRs. DICKINSON, King D1)0 ?g, WANT A HOME.-If voit do cottage chieap and on easy.terms. 31-t4f. M US10 MISS MABEL TAIT is pre- xX pred to, ieacli Musie on Organ, Piano or Violinpai ler owýn or pupils residencec. 28-tf.- Q HEEP STRAYED.--A haif bred "J shropshire Lamb camie on lot 33, Con 6, Dar- lington. Owner will pl case prove property, psy expcniiscs and tako lier a way. ALBER T Hhl.LIS, Taunton. 49-3wý EESASTRAY.-Came on lot 21, S n, 9 arlin Fton, two y earling steers. Th wc sreques ed to i)rovc propcrty, pay eteasadtakle tlleM&aay. CIIAS. WILLIA3IS, Eni sklleo.. 0-3w JIJEIFER STRAYED.-Fnom lot -21, nloteli up 1dcr rigt car, close to uth ad. Ru lý ivard fo.r rtur1n owner. CITAS, WILLhIi,, 1 OACRES 0OF LAND for sale with "comifor i t rame 1bouse %and stabie,good oicrd, gdai-den, niï small fruit, good wcil. Will el cheap11. Appiy to RîCUAnu JE.NNGs on the prmsslot 11. on 2. Dar1-llngton, manveîa Rond Boroavile P 0.50--2w. B O)(AR FOR SERVICE.-A Poland Chn oris kptfor service on lot _', con. 1, arlngtn. erm $10.AiseoSanme youn, thr Ibrd, boaa adso, for saie. W. CLE1MEý, CE, Poreo.47-6w* JON HALI. owman ville,del Dont plaeyorore utl youhave ýseen ime. None blut th!1W s os tock wllield Aill FAiRM TO lE ENT For a terni of yean s, "Glendlhu"- 30 ares2 miles fronti Whutby, gond buildings an su; :Airale for stock1 or dairy. Chanee for gnng enaively iota To routo iik busnessor tock raising f orAnmeri- eýau mairlket. Men with Caipital only nc pply. J. Il. DowIVitv c AýTTLE AS'1 RAY.--Strayed from lot 6, con. 3 Darlington, aboutMAiy 2o, 1895, .trc vearling camte. two licifers andi a steer. mostiy red. Information of timeir wliercs lbouts will le suitably rewarded. AnEX. Wilur, Bowmanviilc. 47-if. CHEQUE LOST.-On Novembeýr P9th C bctwecn lot î, con, 1; Darlingti, and Tyrone village a clicque. maýde b octH OoIatt, in niyfvor.The public arc hercb, forbiddenoeotaethleSame. Hcw,ýard for re111tro t JAMEýS 1CO1L.-ACUTT, Ty rone P. O. ild(tad tlwilnks the citizenis for thir libeiral and slosn atlnd promjpt1YIy mcnded.Gv him a tria sud li wiil conv Neyuth at whi lie s, ys la truc. KrSt.. Bomavile 2-i. _FAUM FOR SALE-A first class fiarm "facesor14ire 7"saituaýted 1in t theý T,,oi na lij"'ni Enast Wliitby, aIo,1 lot 15 sud- at 16 on t:].c Base LnabotutImilesfrom Osil aa stati, 2mlesfront Whitliy a'111(l rodafrou,, the a lV1bose.Lagro ybulisan h aril 131>t, ieny '0f fruit, sou da loama toehrueof ithe beat grai fanais on flic Lke Sho l.;nukhu and tones About; 10 jacres uf wd,75 acrslah pasure andfrs sed Tenus ý3easy; ursS p iig done.Fo nte particulazrs apply to À. ANsNIS, Oslîawa 57-i.. rW.& D. Dineen  ~Grey Lamib, G BorufdSel,'in ~the New- Shapes for Young 1 - SLadie. *PRICES IN$2. sea 8, $00anld [Lamb, $5 10 15 maeup and are cranythe motuseful Chiristmasi- presents SW.& D. Dineen, ~ 41 COU. KING & lONG(-E STS. BOWMANVILLE MRES Àorrevted byJ.McMurtvy e very Tnesday Fbou,-P4 I 00Ibs ........$ý2 tto$s2 4o Fal new bPshoOwOr 0 70 WVhite Elfe .. 0"O7 n ooe .. 0 00 in 065o BAREY ~buhNo. 1 .. O00 1O 5 Il n n2x .000 t)04o nl 1 n2....jOn 35 nTwo rowed O 30 1) O35 OAswhte-...........O(0) O2,1 nmixed _........)6 nO23 ..... 00 0 45 BUC(ýKWEAT'...... 0Ol60il O 32 PEAS, Blackeye, rbuh. 0n O 62 nnumey O66nO0 nBlue, Il000" 106 BUJTTERbesýlt tbe b.O12 n1O 16 EGs, Pdoz .............0U18 U 02 1 POTATOES. bhT-S........O0 0 O151 Sale - - our, Stock isunsay large anid must be redueed b)y New Years. To do so we will seli thie -whole stock aIt prices that wlgive youi a gramnd opportunlity of lay- inginYU hyorXmaws Sipply aàt prices thatWillsupieyu Th is Week's Specials are: G6h lbs ew Currants 2,5e, 6 lbs niew O. iiRisinis 257e. 6 lb goci ookng igs25c" i Citron Peel 2e ilb)rag Peel 20e.ý 6lbs P'ear I Tapioca 2e 6 lb)s Rice 2c Watch Our next Week's Specialis., N. B.Cashpaid for a-ill WC. proffîeY l Rîglit .Troatifio.Pnt, wlien wc invite you fa our store; a. better wecomc goos wifh if whefher(,j you arc a customer or not. Cur. feous treatment is aeeorded every caller, not as au expeniment, but because we are giad f0 prove_ for friend and stranger alike the t aur business is condueted au a liberel. syst cm. o0 You WiIl Find a comiortable and coirmodiou store. You Will Find a reilable- and desirableý stock ai goads. You WiII Find pnices on iei fire usn gssWork as fo flicirbeg You WiiIFind cordal ttenionfrom lpeopki proud i a etblsi t fhet inks fieids afi is patronis. Don't FL îiss Payi ng aur Xms ispiaywehrv u wanlt ta buIIv or flot asif .s fii Two Farms for Sale iii Clarke. Two gnod farms, oanc rear ut lot 2o, coln. 3, 1,e- 11u- 30 acq1ressimd paît t o t 21, cou. 3,Clrc 5- ars; ou which are fgond trame bsb sable ad dnivig shed, wcll teniced, tvo gon weiia, good orcird; ab iouthemjies ihemï Ncwcaa:'tlc.Foi' frtiier artIiulars ap-Yta T'. 11. tismPIuBox 148, WhultbyI. 31w NVESTM EINTS OOFe uniFTORONO, lofe,..-ilfurtber notice, its 6 per- cent. Coupon Stock. CeriRctesredeemilable citer thrc years zet parl. Tus Ca-n('xompanv1's. flunds ae oaucd ony on l rst mort- gages. &-AIT'Sý 1 1