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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Dec 1895, p. 5

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Ntabyet CavsLirrcs LIvER PlUi unc equal* y valiaffle iu Constipation, curirie slat tihe livsr aud regle . bowelt1 etc rtum thiZ; dlatresslnig comiplulnt' usati tar goýodîues does Dot OuJ fere, and those whs ne tr.y thens' wtl i nd ~ es utie plla aluisîn Su này' waya thai eýywvll ho li tolig1 do w-ithc ut them" sitfe iack heýad ta tse bease Mf ar iaii ile ta r l ier ws usage, ),Ir gra oa.Our pilla cure Il LiT5'5 LIT'rLj ivFr iLL are veryiaali anid vreaytu take.- 1O)! or to pila-ae E- dose. Theyaresrctyvgeal add ge ripeF or- pug, ut by thir gentie action Elase il ,vio u 0e ine. luvialIs at 25 cents; tv. for.$1. vo,, evrwee, or sent, by rail. Â IE I~IIiT M., iksw York. Farer' noesdiscounted; Ieposits ~f$5an uwadsin S igaBank DRA gTS Vetw ~ W Jo-t , ".7O flta2 üleann LBeautity tsn FORTWTYFEYER THE~~ COKSET FREZ PH E 0T ' S L -ài îCRAA D rctn ies to dof- a. Generai Baukiug Buisine3ss DETPSITS Feclvd is - ein a ak Depariueut aud on e2alIan d neetalic-wed vatourrent rates No noic ofwî'dra wai uecessary. AUl depo;lta EXXIIANGE .Bughtaýndsold and Dratisiasaed 1.1?onEuropo Unied States and Oauada,alsoGoîdS11eerand UleSaesGreenbacksbouctht and sold. Prapty mad e nt carrent ee upou ail part et Grea Britau the United, States and tihe Do esirlonofCada T'elegrýaPh Transrers' Made for large or amali suins ou ail part ot Canada. Tis la e8peciaily advaultgeoug ta persons- living in Maniloba or the Northwest, itmawkes the fonds available at once ai lte place et paymient, Oier particulars oeil ettise ba. E.FORTT, GItO. McGILL,- AcuositanitManager. A PERFECT CURE FOR s ______________ n THEHO e Useful snd Ornamental. No. i shiows edgiug suitahie for tis- miug rmauy articles ufthtie wardrobje sud( La speuîstiy suiiable for ciildreu s No. 1, "- ip w i tise oint oeo r aingtise- tInue lu eld. Second now. cisain 6, loup into conter Uttise lest row, thon cisain No. 2. 14,' loup lxx-,g7U1onto- tise same, sud contlinlue tisus ttse end. By Using une row ut braidld d eoain rochet to corsodwith ise oison ide, makeýs s flue insertion, sud tius s pn 1ý retty edging and Insrti n b n ho mae te mcoany aacis te.No avemy simpe sund a no expAiaain T îrl!ty Hiusecw lves.3 Tisere la every omnaio uts world for an ec(_onmical omi, u asatinigy une bas nu one'asymaiy Ecoovuysla svirtue wiseu not ridden asý a hob,[by. Wheu ail tise waastk-,tisai exL-sablataken luto consideraqilon2, seema stmauge tisai housakeepers sud mutisera do nut, or will not, exorcise tiseir ingeuuity to prevent ht, or rats- or. make ail tisinga go as f ar as5 pos- si1ble, sud ihus cave tise surplus sud assi tthose lxx needi. Ouaeiouseker-per wo have lunmdi, keepa isouse tôr tive persuns on lesa tissu any une we know ut. 'Chere La not asaigu ut stingynesa lu auiisiuig about her -wurk, sud lier taliasiwaysidien witb good fsn Vt La rehdentso tisehaýst ti market prudinces, but tise %,y se coansd takes cere out wisat se is la tise uuly secret. We have nover knowu her to tisrow away or humn anythiug tisai could ha- utilized again. MVany isonsewives do not came to take tise trouble ut seving or fixing over tisinga, especially wisere tise table ta conceruedi. Tise waste lu some homes iï s simply deplorable. We have seL a trieudi ut ours wison clearing up tisýý erains ut a meal, take. twu or tirepotatoos, nmeat, hread-food se ~ ~ ~~,-L iscsrainvrhe emovcd froin tisedisiea o *wiicis isey were brougisi tisle tbe-u um remoustrat- e-d wii iewudase"Oh, psisaw, isun u tue 01, muai genierous sonis svhu eveýr liveýd, but La improvideut sud 1ev- lis wser ler table la cuncerned. Suie muiîhoceltiser very ludittereut or laz, sud as a consequence -tise waste in ber bouse would positively make an econumical prson augry. So-called economy miay ho carried to sucis an extreme as to amiount tu tm - gynes.suad la somretimes luacous. One womau waasu remarkahly caretul tisai over iser uew narpet se tirai tac'ked s muslilucuver sud tison pieu.. ed newespapers wiserever se thougisi il. wonld bave tiseisardesi wear. Again mnauy peuple waut to ho au econumical tisai comapany is altugethe onut 'tise question wiih thons. They nover can afford to give saieggar a bit to est whlen he ones to tiseir doun. Tisey can- nt go bore aur there becauae i; may cosi sumehiag. Tbey shut tiseniseices oui from s au ucisut thse plessaut sud heautiful lxxtise world tisai lite to tisonsmuai ho a hurden, A xrîter ni long alne saidofuthtie tisrifty bouse- wite: Sise takes note ufthtie kitchen tire sud closes u1stise dampers wheu aise la ni uaiug i f, sud makes une tire do ah tise work i will ai once. Sire savea iser aine " dnippinga"" sud makes ihem serve lu conklng iustead ut butter. Sise saves ah tise odd.s sud ends' ut hread sud ment loti uver trommeais sumd works ihemn up luto appetiziug suid inutritions disis, inatend out tirow- ing isein sway. Hem clothing se keeý1pa dAean hy tise use, ut aprons; se bas enia utf cluihes suitahia for dimiy ,work. Sire " turna " ier sheets wiseu tisey grow timlu tise middle . Hem .worn tableclotisa are eut up intu uap- kîns for every-day use. Sise keepa muga spread oyer places lu tise carpet tisai are suhjected to tise hardesi wesr. Sise caretully dnies iser tinware so0 h wili not rusi oui. Sise keepa nid brootus for rougis use, sud su prolonga thse ierm utofservice ut ber hast broum. She uses up ber woru garments in making quilis sud constonta or lnumgs sud rag carpets, and su lu s thîousaud waya se saveswisat la wasted would ho pure bass, sud do nnhody any gond, "lTisnl< You." OO SA NO COLOD S Tust s simple litile " thauk you," I oasaes, shme.BecstsSr hot but how cheerful sud igisi a duty may Croup sud a'IItOAT, BRONCHIAL and L UNýG DIS ASS. Obstinais coughswbxchb eh made to appear or how pleasaa» au resit ther emdies Yleld promuptly to this aci ut kinduosa or chivalry will soem if FRICE 250. ANO 50~ 0, "L?àsTLe. only rewarded hy a gracions"1 tisauk sets~y LS. '~,a'sITs.yo." Poliienes Lanover hayond tise reacis ut auyuno, sud il. ais e iruoat R~r WW~ W~ igu ut gond hroeding. Ih is nul. more * 'L yfA Î,DI ' i tissu rigst, sud ih shouud ho expeeied teveryoae to- iisank peule for any kli nesa iho'y migh(si show us, Wisther ic may htoir dnt oirnit. Flow tjUncis mIfure illiuIg we ae to (dofor seud suy iilo tukn utlovn a. to isatcmmunseusa if u i d- ~ ldgen, etierverbal or wrîtten, J.. mtius Sca e arlyisSt Vbt' ians, Supoefor instance, you would! and ail DIsasee eusadby Bsd luodsu an(, re waistosuprise afnind.Yuu bu ~~~~~~il esvs kaBesle.Otriairoes1tl l sM11e eqiierue u miel n $iè boxes 65e. 6 for h ie tir. HOwaidtinraionut_ Teebtu, ~, soe, Ec.xîcNo ast. oxatiteon their beauty sud (;,frag- ________________________ racesudahtiai. Vbat ,would hai mur dicuuag nsd paintu l tiss haeho eceive ihens wii Islutsog oft isnkor aenyuw'i)ii an n-. W-e, i.,se y iAeld " einerestlg s.tie renie"W 5s~ir 5,55, oldtkolirroe a i,, W Carern yfO r Do we ever tik ut thanking ihose abiout us for services tisey perform for us t ?We become su acustoînea to have tuis sud tisai doue for us that we look for ;kt as our due. We nover tisink ot thIang tise utle unzes wvose tiuy foot, run su many errauds. "0 ," you say, "-tsey have uuthing olse te do." Periaps not, but- surprise tieus ' nce m ith sa"tiank- you dear," and thýc af- fect La tuagical. No doubi they arel williug euough now to do for you, but politeness la cheap, and, like charity, it sisould commence at home. It le sad to see isow impolitely membera ut a fai treat eacis other. One takea from tise other ever au) mauy kindnesses wtuteven a iouh of tisanka. Beprofuse iu yuur than.-ka ratser tiu notý say euuugh, 1but ho sincere. UsentulReelpes Oys.ýtar Saute,-Tl'ioroughly drain the juico, from. s dozen large oya4ters. But- ter tLhe shallow cutiet dissaisud visen very hot lay the oysters inx, lu single layera. When hrown on une aide,tuirn and fry tise other, and whuLile cooking keep1 adding a litile buitter. TLis Nwlth the juice utf the oysters f orro3 a brojwu akin th iat shuuld ho aer-ved wii.h the smkn hot seli-fii. Sesson witis pe[pper ïand sait, JRosýsi utonCiauffe.-This la tthe aiceat w ýay utftraing up cold lamb or maution. Csîttisa meat lu a-mail slices about hait au lacih 1ick1_. Put atable- spoonful af butteri lu the cisafing diish and wisen meî ted ,ad(d 3S'tablespoonfuis ut currant jell, a das ofcaerne pep- per and a !littîýcs sait. 1Tin lay lutise suices of muiLttun, Lheat trogansd serve 'lot. ITÉ wiil taste very îmuchl like veuison., Moat 'roqette.-Ciop ey coldi cooed eaivery1 fine, add a tiid as mulvold maised 1 puta-to, a raw egg1 sud s'ablsont oufmle bte ro A cupa tmaeia.Pepr u salit fo taste. WsutsoogsY ixý- ed four isehandaisud,! omCI ut roun udd.Then meit a litl dipin o>r la rd lu the chafiu)g 1dih, lay Ir, thse croquettes sud try a fine crîap browu. Cihkeu or Veal FVrittera.-Boni 2 eggs to a liglit fr otis, add] 1-2 cup milk sud pour tisemitue)ver 1 cup ot flour intu iilsaaspiý-oonful utfiak- tng powd,îer has beien wl sitted. Beat I lisrouisy.Cnt cold cisicken or veai into thin'slice and sasnwltissait aud ppe.Dlp these lu itise batter udry lu tise cisafing disis., CeseFondu.-This re.iuires itbe spountul ut butter, 1 cup freshs milk, i cup fine breadi crumýba, 2. cups rao ciseese, 2 eggs:-, a sali sploontul of mustard sa ivery lutiep- r. Wison tise butter la aledin tsecilet, diash over tise lamp, put luqincL[y tise mjik, bread crumba, cseeasd imustard, seasoued witis a litile pepper. Stir constautly asud just isefore serving add tise 2 eggs, boston very, ligisi, OUR WOBBLY EARTH. luis PFed 2elleately and! Slghtest Wart- sulons axeNelela Tis dicovrythisÏ tie axis of thse earts lnotfixo latise direction, but tiset h swings ouný1d liisncbLs way as, tn caUse tise !nons pfo'lo itýselt to ro- round sa circl ton ýyardjs ; in diaeLep la uow- generally ac,-cepted as anl estais llised tact. ILt laevidont tisat such s wobbliug ot tise eartis's axis of, rotation, amal tisougis it ho, must produce some off oct upun tise levai ufthtie ocean at its abores aud au examination ufthtie vory caretul records, wisicis have been kept for more tissu forty yeara, ut tise heigisi ut tise tide lu tise canal ai- Helder, lu Hollaud, was receutly made for tise purpose ut determining wisetiser sucis su effete4conld ho perceived. Tise resuit outhtie examinationsays tise Pittsburg Dispatcis, showed tisai tise average level ufthtie water isad vanied wîtis great regularity, lu s ro- curring period ut fourtten montiss,ever alne tise tide records were hegun lu 1851. Tise interence la that tisa regular change ut level must be due te tise awmlgiug round ufthtie ax;s ut tiseeartis. Tise amount by wisici tise level changes -s uitil lbas tissu tive-elgistis utan incis-also corresponds te tise calculat- cd change tisat-sisouid resuit tros tise suppused cause. Su we are gradualiy learuiu g te ap- preciate how delicateiy tise pondes-oua earthis lapoised as it swings luin tsvasi orisit round tise sua, sud isow even tise, mighty ocean responda ,te tiese aigist,- est tipping tis way sud tisaiut tise great aaxis outhtie globe, DANLGEROUS RESULTS SURE' TO FOLLOW Negieci of Rldney Troubile-South American Ridney Cure la a Remiedy tisat Quickiy Eradicatea Ebdney Trouble lu Any ot ifs Stages. It ilan unfortunate blunder teo show lisease ufthtie kidueys te obtain saisold ia tise sysiem. Tise' disease la uftata cisaracter tisai leads to many serions complications wisicis tonottea end fat- slly. Tisa stroug point ut Souths Amer- ican Kidney Cure 's tisati drivas tis disease out ufthtie system, wbethe-r tk coups tat, reisursx-'orsetertai tise tliret dos I was re trons piu, tise useutcsfew ioIeVroLnit a J. Frdesu.St.LabrPQ Hip Dîsease. Hpdîsease occurs muai frequeuily i chiildisodi sudeasrly youtis. its causes are otten npparentiy very slîght, local injuries sud exposure to cuid bing amnog tise mure commun, In cildren tise pnedisposing causaensay ha scrotula. sud emong olden pensons mieumnafas. iofuttise iip-jo;,iut la easily rocog- nizedi. IBotore tise signas ut actual lu- tlnnaiacan be distingussed, thora is sppsne idegree ut stiffuesa ut tise joint. W 'elitis person lies on hia back tise1ee la bonti pwnrd, sud any ai VesItoSiraiîgisen If oiy ,recuits lxxU isuluiuglutiese mali ut tiseback, ba- CSisot1,(,isip-bono mures wih th ie leg.] Watig ttise 11mb on tiseatacted ad.som!etimes to s manked. degmee. 15 naly an eamly manifestation ot trou- ble lu. tisehpjo.Tise pain, isowav8r, )y a fricS isi ienaraes sosetiites play, ib oten rteredi&ntisa luner side ut tise knee, atisitise tLrouble seemes to unîgînite ai tlisai poin.Tisepain 15 muasevrowisen tse disace gins ini As tise disese tadvauces, terideuice ut an activa disturbýauce la mono ,plainly ecug- nizable. Abcse ors, wisicbh may open ai s-nst any point un tisa surface, of tise tisigis.'Tiso destructive prucos mey go,, on until tise entire upper endi ut tis tiigi-bone la eaieu sway. Bei. c'overy usnmaîîy recuits lu a tittaned jonwthetsa eg siigistly flexed un tise abdoný. hti5la;iffircuft oxactly' tou oreecaitise oftone t ip diseass. If taken inl baud lu insÉ.3earieist stages, sud if tise na ural r e s stabnceutf tise penson la guodi. tise dîes s succumb stu persistent ironise m.nt. No( maay constituions will statifý!r1ý1- _s ,c at'ey d r ainLutfa chnoruic bu)ne sure. AiLanmr aie t1is e expotaut fors utf tresnse i s flacaldmetandi gen- oral ouins-is coduclr_ to tise Seatne- Aisslut 3roiniubed is ademauded inl tise tiret stagesq of tise disease. If tise ciild la mu t)oyouug on mu wesk to Se con- ,tiined,,e spî'itt ay ho adjustedi whicis lIi admit ut somo sovemeut outhtis No c of t iip diseuse sisuuld remain ati auy iusei durni s course ouintftise Sanda, of a competent pssnawiso will h ble to judge wn tise patient is uit danger, or wheu isie diseasse assust ic;a imure serjou- s sect. ints foi, tise Table. Auisrortwn ut resi shoui otS ou atter tise secai. Me grat'ification ut tise appetite la veryiey to sisortea lite. Dinuen ehouldi h ofutanligisior nature luiun e thiss nlxwinier.. A pquart ut wieat contains mrenutri- meu tis - ian abusisel ut nucumbors. Tisane îLa ahiappy seau hotweeu ent- ing eerytiug ud biug qunrisis. oc is n i god to dine win luasiate siucis nutnrisent fas 1titen po Odfu Lightsoup. liuit essetsisd ligisi meats shold is b3etise reerence in Abue thtieson acisaidianer ili be rea w onner or laier by ibsi pun- issathtia comsa to tise ginitua. For Dyspepýtbos. "Nover est a meai when you are tlred1. Eh sait dowu or lie duwn ton or f ifteen minutes to et before eatîug. if yuu have beau walking or doiug auy- thing ut en exciting nature. Haîf et tise cases ut dyspepsia aie due t0 narr- uns debiity. Eggs, if estea ibree tises s day ton suy ieagtis ut tise, will pro- dune biliouenessansd ofttn dyspepsia. Nover go to bedi witb nolèU foot. Gentie exemnise hetfore ratirnil couducive tu sweei sinuber sud a henitisy digestion. Exercice a littie hetone breakfast sud nover est oatmeai wiiis soun cre55. Avuidi stimulats, for they ouly give a taise appetite sud uo relief, Do ni swallow bastily lue wster. Boiter not use lue wnter ai ail. Nover est ilaa isurry. Avoid quink lunches. Exorcise nsudenateiy every day in tise open air sud isealtisy digestion wîli drive away dyspepsia. PHYSICIANS OF CORNWALL, 'ONT RECOMMEND kJR. AGNEW'S CURE FOR THE HEART. MIr. Gec, Cries, a Governmnenf officiai, Used tise Remiecy and la Cured. George Crutes, Esq., Cucioma a ffluer, Cornwall, Ont. "I hava heen irouhied sithisecvera heant conpîint fur caverai x ears. Tise aigitesi excitemeut pr6ved very fniig- ning sud necessitatedi tskiug resi, su tisai I was euciraiy .innapacitsted tor buisiness. I waa under a dotrs came for uver six mouihse and aut receiv-iug tise henatit I lad huped tur,and ier iug muisu Dr. Aguets 's C'ure for ise Heami, I asked my pisysicýisu abou t ta-,] ing t h. iiis ha eadvised rme itu do. Tise use ut tise rensedy brougiiresuiI i, Ou and Hlypophosphites when their ordinary food does flot nourish them. .Don't lis pes'aunded lu aasqt c aa5stîlssta~ $cett & Sawjss, SetIesiIIe, hOu. ssd $1, 11fo InfantS and ChIIdzem OTHE RB, Do Yeu Know"Vt2i l,,erc BaamQIJO84Gdfrey's cordialg n ocadSobng P'spsa.î lfltremedies for cilidren are comaporied of opi=mGet morphine e YO Ton now tiat opium ani morphine are sueyn acioploa Do0 Ye KROw that tu rmat cousmiea drugists are not permtted ksonarc =otîee Wthout labeling themn poisons 2 ])o'Ton Know that vou ahould nfotpermit amy medicino tok-b. ea yor chil tuniss.ou or your phyésicien kuow of what it la consposel 7 DO VMon Rnèw tht Castoûr!a Is a purely vegetetble preoparatIon, ami thaft a lisz o2 ItS Ingredients la pWublshed wlth every bottle ? Do0 Ton Knw 7 that Caxoria la the prescîrItion ft the fainous Dr. Samsuel PFtchien That It bas been iLx use for niearly thiiiy year,- a nd that more Castora 5 owsold thon or ail o ther remedies for children comb ined# Do To70now t Isi thee Paent Office 'DepartMmet of the ITnted States, arnd O! Other cc-,Mtries, 1havo issued exclusive rlght to D3r. Pitcher and h$s assigna to use ithe word "Cst rad its formula, and tai to linitate them lý,aaste prison off.ense!ý Do TonK* ow hat one of the reasons for grant iug tii oenet rtcin because Catoria h-ad been proven Dtoe a.boiut y iarmies? Do Tïon rn'ïow Usai 0 5 aea ose o Castoria arefrnsa for 35 onts, or one cenit a dose te Do MTon Rnet tat hs passaof tiis perfeCt rprtoyorcude a be kepbi veJI, and that you minay hiave iunliroken rtes, FOR SALE Iby-J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, BOWIMANVILLV at bos oi xA KIïhssl0 1yï KmV qElachil eIsene.O et tL9e0trades ami tIse rot"eSax'ontG. RETO&~DTo mi', ODBY 0RG85 K e K. a WM. A LKE&m Wup.A. WLi0. 1i5CES 2II CA. Y te-au LIS un atulepas -- sul' gar lt." l adI t.5, Solit eýî .ý iYCU -ES GUARANTEEO OR VOfYRPN~ us,-"ove ylteto pro-. K. -- ai Wmkua A tpdlprcerhe.E~o lu--r drîigLdte~ha eyvtit.I~~iiI I Q E 1 s e c dieu yfal~deobtl ~ 5 as era.W vr itn lusudaru r.T ava sp apei c l g~ ouhase wr dts -i cSIO sietssucunîlte tir. ~ WisOresuredme o maisc p hIe trvis atu t 1110,rlrcsclois oon, eres! e»Iczty,~m Weaknss, la arcé îyn! , naualDwaa S~fAu a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ poc Zldin ndBadeiDieae. _____ k_2 7'zINDTOI,20,0 URD O II L'levelm aeolstbaAeynceepat~sn '

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