Mr and ýMrm Joues, Toronfo:guests ai Mn Bcr';Miss Clara Polih,rd Orono.ý M i -es,)oAiea ndMabel Lockhaât Mr F Trebilcoc k,Bowmaiiville; Mr XV truf b- ers,Clinitoa; Mn J HI Ellioti, Hampton , 9giests et Dr Mitcel,l; MnrXWesley Bob- bias,WeshalXî snai-u'im;is vîsitiug is niumerous frientis bore. Mn anti Mns N E Goulti anti family, Bon nialuville; s'uests of Mr G L Sieveiis .... Miss Ronko u s rnsiting ha Torontro anti Grey Ccumty ..Mn James Ps e is attem-idiug -tire fins- erai cf bis bu ofluor us Prince Edîvauc Uouty .... Our eiumongebie teacen'ierMI Siseii,is sîsean(liar i'ocatmeruoj at hom'nnoear Orangevihe. Scirool eopensJan.Orim,.' ïIr F Rogers is tbe aesv sciool trustece.. Bhe lecture by Rev C O Jomnîstons -%vas gaia postponnod tbil hefli sathrer is mnie favorable ... Grîat New Years' Pestisal lut Preshytenian Chuiss iniere to-dan. ESEREacIN KING*8Co.-EVer5 body ùïKing-'s Ce., N. B, kan'-ýs Mr. Gco. S. Dryden, et Mitcmhell & Drydenm, Susse'., ,B Hoeay , "oi SPine Syrup ftise estcoumîr n 'mcdx(l lihasve over c.Ms yi ife d a s ëmy h mci Coumgli f w \ýas rnost ditressing for toms dax s. tricdt lue NonsPin-,lu i p apmndnionue bUile crmroi dlior n I me r toruni il, ua. Gee. S. Dry.den. istn:Mn B hîeys, Toronto, muid ,Ur MXV Pascoe, TÏJiitv University tToronuto, cf SMr R Pascoees; Dr W Jî raDetroit, ar Mr S Brmy,s; Mn H Eradien, C'cbrinlnýe, an'd Mnr. J Mciii loch, Kmnsame, at hline. ... SMr J1E iyer hýeui, ous ý'lena ruste2,,. ..Ais eov- aile A t.afuJ Stark', FrblnIy nmglsîI mmRampiscln ho liras becai ili is ci bbhe isenti. (1ATTLE ASI RI. '-Sfrayed frocs fl, umncen ilanmor, irerMc, . S Bowm 147-L ChoceiQa1îýty Practîcal&ood Choice in Pflce Nobby &Styiish 1 1 Sn'îps 111 GVe1' une froîi n Isseef Foc cmii Frienms .xxirIsillustra- MAil day ail,to SatIl r- heurs bim dagueI amntemmu 3fr, W/V.D. dayre.îî, u ~ïs-4iiy audBcadîn, Mn. T. E. B, boryn, Bows n day .;ý.,e-eyy dayandville. every Xeek, sainîe price l'aniions' Pc-itiomr Mn. J. J. Fergu- to t1li. sou,;5fr. Miltion J XVcnmî, nou-e. ORONO, XXîDNSDVI, l .8 iobetter 'assorted stock Ri'nalIpe5f, .Mc'>nno, M. thle city. Joli 1)ave oj, esknni. Airple Omelard, site, soil, îneiuamaticur na..i'5 1>SYteli for $5. cf firoumi, s'l"ctiuusof lices, îlamti-, 30 ' 14. c-uiii tidu mi pnuusng rc dc j t 8 " '14 n itiueiiain, Mfr- W. J. Bas'Providenice. n Lady's 2,5 41 12. Fomiden Ctrûrmmad Selecticus 'and Carc 35 ~ 15. cf Dairy Cosm- 'r. J. J. Fecn"'smn, mn. A. Tànib T!inOnonso. Eight D'v, lIaltf lioni'strîike 1iN'G uo- clock for $2.00 Conmi rIees1.MCe. i.J. SterhIîjO, SiSuer Tea Spoons siemynrîr for h alf dloz. Apules for Fonreigns MXarkets,, uci $3.50 frbl o.paîking ant inramreiugPmcf. Beadie, Tliese are genuilîe goods. Josephu 1-ol'mmd. 'liecu y anS Prar tice; cr i'an mnrý SoIÎdcTI G-ldSpectacles at Iîiflt'Pcsition, Prouýnit andsio ncmpcfnve Mn. thre regîulnur pîlce. J.. ergnus, Mm. Arthurîr Brent. Sfeu1~~~~~~~ 1105lf5 En nrm nen, fi, tainsîl and tire pub-s Sterling Silver NoXClEin1. lic geîîmi-tr nu' ae eorciaim-misiteni bat Lady's long (Iiins ad, tndond muid a ihoerdiscrussionss C-Iards, C-ent's Cluains, W:-. X'smaIL.C.,oa IJî'ocles Lge osi Premiert. Scnîotamy. Boeea very large ucDe. 23, 185«> stock, anîd ahi jkinds of Jexxrery seiling at thceXXestcna Aiverfises nosi in tis 3.ird Lxa,-ulas rîunnug as even, isn ormf tire sainîeîa t e. ast rigfine~isVcehi' nuces1 Kuives,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~aýV oohs pos a-palse m mn f thue C iti es c iuai 'ýrks Soos -a-ci nitainminsmr xteus ages- evemi'imte er's-~ ;etsBrca Tra- ~Nosy is thue ince to smbseite cmly l nromn rîs ojamnî. 1, 1897. Spot-iiate Cake -Baskets, Bob Bous, 1tc clmus.(oc0udirducemxn clisîtîu s Tea Se'ts, in fact eSîeri, - crs. Aîiîiîss ahiccmm ,unîncnticuis- XVn t s'ruI Aildnfsr thiîîg found in a XGI- - 23vLondoneu, ut. sorte j ewele=rs.' stock. Ail benght r-ciel tluat tlîey mnay ire sold svell. EYesiglit ScîientîftllIy Tested, Belote Silbsuî-bing for a Magazine SEE THE BEST Glas es operly FIed' ý YI II Tlre knd o SXvngMî- AN UNEQULLED"!.!ý, OF['ERI. chines foi' sale, Bîîiiy lîcre mar"n"npnpVomef-AO al lyon XSill ire weil pleas- ~mmsn.tttOtnr sm-i .'l~rr.n ed . rc0 v.umrnm.Ii s reursoh,îxthe i ~ marîr ke', ses 'ru' -ptic'al i ri - "t s. ,plr br sjtm iirm -sn-m nr.mi i u,-t r-' i'.OxOs -' Il'.D m rsM gznFe lui.î-oss C 'm mmdu utlu î r XSu AuOTi4 ns rti-mn dtmminx"ir ucts th cLsifmi rL, nir )wll o'mcxiilollim ritat oïli a m nd naw-i fi_,_ ii , n'itci t3 -tll Ii I l ii ~tm iimsisc îmm emut mi i ciBewimamn lii our soiri t s, .m iesim" n.m iu io ar n. l -ie ILeMdIJan iuatel oftil e mur fî1,est in-te i r b -ne m in ci g i. tm.umi utaleOithe ibmmlanruef in r 'sie mniii tir - til i- 9 m1 ii.00 thirt c ay nim- ti-ie raft rwitthut ' i Ar- s mii Oîn mi'Wi)t. ...r r i m mun .im- nt ar mm. ' .tv mu s o-,'. .s. nmnnieu s a imn-maconi tis aiu l irtm'n- 1"iýr,.ýati cr- e -ro n-lion-b-h. ce nriîanîsmîî-m n rîlnix nedii-sa. plicatioiitl s. u cm^ a4c.n-imhmiSlulern-piwif5 muruund . ~ to TtOrMnAS îcîrc s AM ,lofi m' i mm i e .Ot. attetrcuonris't;mf"or admi10c.'n rm M E S S . G T E I , % A T G T R',D M O RE'l, . S T î Uî'î m . - Snr ' n r î I N i h1t, - h ,' 5- 5w. rnVsmsnmi emminn-î. 'Tai liil s,-suaen-en i rdia1-.m 110rî nFCipi Avnîsiueby, - N e n-oun Day of Prayer. Womaa's Christian TeMperaur Union day cf praver wiihue lield in tii Disciples churcis, lan. 3, 1896, fnrom 2.1 te 5 o'clock p. m. Openinug hymr "Hosv flrm a touudatioa." Prayer fo our svrk anti ssori.ers. B-espoai readiaga: Leader-Ps. 147, 1; Al-Pý 10,5, 5; Leader 97, il; Al Ps. 97, lI Leader-Ps. 96, S; AlilPs. 96, 1-i 11virss,"All hiai tiepon'er Jesîus name' Aâddnss cn, Tho svcrk ofthflicwenid's XX C. T. U., basoti on bbc report cf th Xorît's conventionu ieldin isLomîden Eng. Hynsus, "Christ for fthé nvorldi-n sii'Puai or for cli oumn suonken blrouglioni tiere vnd that n'e cli mn, be one i Christ. Hvimn, 'Ouusian Chrnistians Soîniens." Atdmesou tii plesent ontil onfo the cause cf tempen ance iii Canamda, anddn lit osîr socieîy n doîng or popsiug t-o do for lifs fun thenanice lunflic coinung ycar. Hyrsîr 'Tîre sisali be Shoivers of Biossirîgo. Scripbume mcadiumg-2 Chrons. 5, 13 asi Act" 4, 31 by leader; Luke 11: 13 by aE mn c.nîor. Clcsing praver andf benen dii ,thons. lie pubiic aie corliallhi i cd te atfendt. M. J. CEVDEEBSiAN, Presý con. W. C. T. U. Ivorlie for thre Teethi. is oninse is a dcertifrice as deliightftr anmii frg a s mmifis eceiiusiug-. Il sfmongtmscas .rZtis1e gumns, n hltecu anti pol isises bise feelh, ant i ipants a fragrani sseetnsess te fine breatis. l nevei hrjues the teîlm, arîd his rencis-eti thu bi-best ccsieuudatieus frerus nrofésslou anti public. Druuggists liasve l. 2.5 coiur per hoîlie. Farmr erýs' Institute. A purbic muetinrg fer ifiscussieuroo mmiijen'ms cf speciai importnanmce amduilu teresit tarissns,' fruit grosiens, nairv- iesn amnd otiscms uîulu Ie lelti in tus Tosiw -le TeL, Bousxicanuvilie, crun'I CES- DA-Y, dAN.'7, 1890, cemssî'enoinmo af 2 P. ri., tremipriy«. PILOGBAMSE. Gar Bcst Grasses anti Clovor Cultuure .5fr. lîrsid MeCnme, Gu-elIMrXl. Tis Applie Oic-lard-Mn. 1D.XW. Pendue, M. A., Teorno; Mn. E. C. Biemnîs, Nonwcastle. Focdden Corni, ifs Valure anti Methods of Hanuduing MXI. -I. J.I'rrgun, B. S. A, Sisif'ss 1ails; Mm. Jassuos A. '1Ver0m Soliiulr. Lurusîso- Su'SSslsN. Cimsiuueiiug aIt7.3,,i o'cici, sharp. Counfn-y bHuies ausd Farsnunife,l M. ste, -.o1o1.hC. -ar. tannusors in tîmis îdistr'ict n iii'attnd te o'cdIsila in 'the fau neiO iao ievrîc ,criaecne'J o ~ f0 be sery itcreýstiag. ne t iitnnly. VisnL4 vr'rrail a Happy ishe [alton- if ach cisnrch wîli pm'e. NwYean-. Reaîectfriiv v onrs,. ant, ai mae"rue in bis own thumis. A I E Coucb, Johrîrsion & Crs-deemsaii have jua no-os-o f-n-n ilm SanfmnliSt Co anotier lo of tose em9s cl!i 0ovs, Ulsions. Thucy are sliowina' tisem now. in alsizesfrtnm24 te44. They guanan-ý tee these coats 10 be tise besi goc"aanti best value in the trade.i bVANCAMP. XiIi be founti an excellent ici- edy ton idIT headache. Carter's Little River Pilîs. Thousantis of lefiers trous people w',i hvused fhcm prove t'r*s tact, I3hops t t -ltissseries cf meeit. -rSi.ABLtCtED 1830.) n n as w llhot-ne i l s' "'rded. Volume CXXXII begins Ja]Ïuary,189ra Niibarrelb-. oader,$a. Greeer A W "SBor1tba. e der $25 Wiacýheît-'er GOmN RpaiaRÊs'$14. Fleît -P~C frrelabe good; sendfor catalogue. B WR SN, a m. Revolvr. I.New L £yotto -v r A. O. U. W. A FÂRRIS Y1EW. F e EnnToi STATFS.MIN.-IFaVOr nme with ý iCEAPST 01THE MUTUAL LIrn INSUR- sýaCe foi a feW Hiles coneernig theo ANCE SOCIETIES. Iarmrers' Institute meetings t bÀhl n, ii Bowranville, Thursdav, Jan. 7th as or announced in THÉE STATESIUAN. Vn It will be iiiteresting to ail society I %vish to remind mnv fellow farmers ýs ina f read carefully prepared andti e- of the importance of meetinrg together 2; liable coniparisons of av eragte assess for the discussion of our interests, and We want this year to be a record breaker. We want to start 3. ments made by severai leading societies therefore advise embracing, the privileg-e ta i eto inxiib od h 1 in Canada baseti on animal cost Of a offeréd us by the Gox cramenit of listcn- riglit out with htienon Oraiwl b t d te V. $1,'00ul certificate,' mrade by Bro. B. J. ing, to able speakcers ou iportanit mb- most business we possibly caai aven if thic profits have to be le Leniîsdorf, of St. Cathariines, Supremne jects and of exchianginig our own nsciieit tanted rdrsis Reccorder of the Select Ki3lits. Hei7e sctlie. t ntanth dsieireu.s Sis ftic average: Iara forced f0 the opiniou thaf a us Aiicient Order Foresters. 8 .._14.31 ing is iiot a gaine of chance or of random AllVv terQodswj1 be acri:Ecod now ýy Independent Order Forester s..,12.95ýz operation but a callig of diligence. .d Sons of Scotland.............. 10.0-4 ecorîomy, careful planiîng aîîd studyý ie Maccabees ........... ........ 10.00 As I sec if, wc cannot largely effcct the Fur Coats and Robes, Overcoats and Ulsters, Ladies' -Selc Canainhome Crcie9.37 i.t four different imarlçetablc r0 Selet Kiigîts......... ~ ~ ut e my b abe fte, Manties and Mantie uîoths, Flannîel Blankets aïîid ilanucl rRoyal \rcariini............ 4. each othcr ia the sciencc of lcssenng Sheetings, in fact anything and everything that mnay be class- r, Chosui Friîîds.............8.21 fli cost of production. Tihis nîay be da wiero Anîcieiit Order United Workrmeii 8.0v donc by firce or more imîportant cou-- os. W wilpt th picsdw to ae O Coiîîmentrng on fhe5e figures Tue sideratiois. First, in regard to live thlem move Out quick. We wa nt to keep our large staff of LCariadiraî Worknianï says: "If these stockc, breeti for a purpose, wliatever hands on the jump ail the time for "Satan finds some mis- rates arc doubled f0 represent 82,()()) i thaf puirpose be ; second, culfivate the suranco, thon the menîibers of the' A. o. sifrg's roho rp e'sf e he tl for idlc hands to do,"' ycs, an idie tongue 'too for 5s lj.Wý. iii sec for theinselves wliat a the i ~ possible resulr5 ; third, the lbosf hatmte igedl a osiir ogtorbsns mari -eosly,,good, n cli maniagcd, cîiap possible use of food sappliod f0 stock, atr ter Asnedîida dosm etogtorb ies and efticinmt svsfemou-i Order ýj trie býe,,t nav of usng' ail otir poduct- systernout of order than a score of busydays. Do business we nfce'.aninîhei bn ia ons for tu 'o a rri and the paurse. mnust, and to (Io a bi tratie in a dinu lscason the rcsm t T fiersadie . r f ona- Bear inu aulrthe flic netimrgýs at 0rono, îglpcerns v1ille Lodge o. 99>~, are-)MasterWXorIý- Jan. Sth and ütuher speakýnrs at Blac- be slashed. Corne right along and geL thue bargains, a very Inf IiiTex r loris; Past Mastef Lork- stock Jari. luth, I aslk foi aIl thos' ee or mari I'lios. Jncl Foreman-Li.on I5 hmssalag attendance, as a full honse litlue money Wiii go a ln way. Thre cold cruel winter is r acin o hnMMrw ; RecordrGer er; .n adds mlucir b the gerieral irîteroîf of al. yet to corne, prepare for it WTthout a doubt thre bes t time alicir-johl -Peorde su Feef disceusn on iead fromrv Keifli; Ovs -er-Jas. G'ale; Guide-S. uI'eteiscusrsin on vedrn eilto buy winter goocus is after Xrnas, and this wîll be emphat- n WX. Mnîsoniý Iiîside WatfclT'i-rJas. farirnens, nhether mienibers or not. icaliy truc tis ycar, buy now while the stocks are ams Ls llmott; C ntside acruîu a.Saund- W.... Y Y' Y aîmostit esPM. W rand Lodge RIfpreseent- .WEIYresce. conîcete in w inter goods. Couic and sec our cr1s ad e ative M. A. James; Aifernate W. Solina, Dec. 80, 1809..b0~> n e irer;T1-c or3var1hs our prices. Ounr clerlks are at your service; wýhetlicr yen buy, Jiýel, Autiitors-_R. Xonoe' V. V S., A. MNCPLE"OS or not we shall be picascd to have yon carefaîl y iook through J. Hook; Orgarîisf J J Mitchîi. INamnesg cf *tlie iiremers:- Goo Allin, Robert Tîree nul likely bo a contest 'u Dar- our stocks, compare our vaincs with others; we are wiiing te Beith, M 1-P, Dr A Beitîs, Dr J M Brini-naJIT.gio. Ih, evuridVafesare: Boû ep abide by ycnur judgemcnt. 1combe, Wri Bnock. Tisos Bunrden, W Il u« -re]?oliock, Le, S im s;ep Baniburv, J Beith, Bey R A Bilkey. LR ufv-neek oue T. Pascofoeher S.ensie.paVilliams;hav Corlli, 1W\ui jCarnu F W Crydrerniaii. 2mb Depsîty-reeeL. M. Counfico c W(eal-ca utoarefr h-&etnsv ptoag;wehv Winî H ,Dustan, JaIs Elliktt, li If T) Dectoti hv mcc.); Comînscrlors-A. E. f lero done our bcst tw plcase and have cv,-rv C-efl nto believe that we shall in 'Fraser, M A, M M Fnrk M A, Robf cis, i-R. Foster, C. Osborne. Mri. J. future ire able to do evern better. YOUî patrobag0e Lias eniabled ris to place Fi iuî, XG Glover, Jas Ciltillan. Pomrfonidae, omrna"tdbutscinesin e ou ornirand thre Most con venient and best cqurpeu prenuses that Jacob Gand, S F HilI, A J Hookl(, (LIt' a andit the ino nm e i siîî Ba ouravlehsee en n ih orcniudcnip n bai, S J Hall, MNIA Jamues, J M Joness g monn m fh uioseiGeoofBwm vilbseerenad itîyucnimed ondnead S -1v JOi, Tlio 5 hsJewell, Lewis' J ohmo,, lias ing to looký affer a n ard iiiflic a st- support we shall be always up tir date, We fuiiy nndersfand tire foll C 1? Jouies, CGlaýs K t, ni.Ly 1e, D)jernpart cf tis, towiiship, if ëictel. Y Motfrt, L Siuuso, Lsi brnisj W Oc od runoi haLe îsn tr ciiof triug to stick to the rÀd rut, a sharp siaî iuingcarsh business is what Moris.J Maty, JC am ru~ j bhst of satisfaction, so tar as ne havý thre people w.arrt. 'The old.Fogies flght ' ar to mnaintaintire high. prices Mitc'el, J B Miteliel, John Mcutnle'md , antnigtnswlhaebealard Edenonuce us ',r oui' innovations, but our svstc i rtinOs the big Dr J W XfLanghrii; T A Si M rrr eturuied l byacelamtion fuis viacanîd DJn MCeallan, T A M cMtr- a c h ow'nsliip flieexpense of isoîci trade to the town, anîd ofteu they get tire benefit. Our policy is te Oshorne, Jos Fîtison, John Perc'i Geo rn ueetioui rho5c lîrd timos, as friik etire pi ces b. inug the trade, togieteesomriebietvan Pecarson, D B Shnpýsous, Q C, Jrs -, d Boin-auxili" lias miome, The, elettors lie c 'i get fer hir, morey, and iniether you N-ant a gali. of coul oil or' a ers, Jas Sta nicv.T. H. Sprv, Tîms Sisort, xiino ueikl 0muk mnl rlaioSi of Clothes, a Larnp Chinuoney or au. Oveî coat, a pound of Stugar or R Trnoith, Chas Tod, H C Tait, Dr WV n hors tlroy have been so xvell served. a Gold Wat rsi iifndLi aeultra e cnsv E Tille5 , XX mssTrwsin, XW R Thicek5au, Affen tire spleindid speechin îade lsy, ou nato, n b creuconiparson ta ecns J MT icie J C Vanstmie, RtWOI Rtiheeveo follock riiwu ltir te affairs yunoney ci ery tÎie. We %wauit every sale to picase, se that it May Robt Yosiing,'V S, J S Boin, j XV Bal,' of the roswniship for the ycar anti tis e v inake a customer, and every custonier to ire pleased,that tlney Mnay send (Ic KitsJormiJ iles NS Icuu'ideuit satisfaction mnUfsted b h e XX ieO Bunir, T o rn t. eo B _N ', Wdt r rmutieecr -ý.leanother. We irely on iow pnuces brinogino' iumease csales, and bic, sell WiIurs 8 Go ai(7crWecembtrsribi 1t-csr5s, Xm nB-Tc tr un fbi H CouIdex ery îgmas i ing amd in buyiuig big rie iuy eireap, and gvn u Jollifle, D îueidu, XV S Bo'nd, XVJ Bo5 ,111nn 0ff tesu by-oversuliiing nijcistomieris the benefit every time keeps them -'orniaig. ,Tis year, 1896, Roy E I-tYo uin-, J ohn MacKay, Jas ci'riries ifa n testssitl i is atteundanut ex- will see somne woaderfnl retailingf anttiepolwioviiseth Gaie, S XV Sic ocu, F A Hadd5, pense is f îrccd ipomu thc electons. M r.tMs iny-il ete otoi"n utr so l5ollock's tltress nas one cf the bestms oe iireteprnsadctmeso Aie hsntiN'iet dolivereci by a innsicip alctincillour for Î- N o uiscaisof nineiona titig t cr tisea se. 1DAZTtiYGMN ELLITONS. Ccd lix or oh l5ackicacdg'd cre Of the Erac-ýO RSoi o DAîrcscNGT-,.-f hav e nsosf vaînabie reme ries ii uhuicnary ag~ainx accepted iinationi for thc posi- ccmciplaiits. Tlint, isox aven, ir hoe cm -tiors cf Coulicillor fcr 189o. I ais a jîloytO u ni s aforns ms ni be e uv qtrj,i . adi-ocare cf cocO ronds sud iîax: O V O ý~ diges-rod us irrip erative. If G n î lrene i cidtof x, lexi s on tisiquestion xx hili -1 that tise erîtire '.upo-'iority cf uialtirie flîi.xi ieuie#îet tlire boss nlsip. If ss its Ccd I ivon Outandc ysîiopare ni- acsînr;y io, 'ntss h _____________________________________________________ rss 'nI ts -f Marisibse il Ifpo sOso tiiie . TImers sm-lcre trio lanid ishboas- surit iive x CitîO t'rfai te co er cnmil.hnn tliey shouiri hoguanoi igl, ad ,DiLNT~IONI mioue isprsrfm'uit te c n ffeumc li ere therois rusclitr i tîi ey at 1leas .It LI __________ IL.MUNICIPAL ELErJTIOI. linonclotis, cis, ccn1susnipntroni, iStiese Ao'ui lire 1 ft xire oui tîp. Ai)îrl if eioct- ro-a IIalHam pton,Dec, 28, ,1895. lire nerrinaticas iere On Monday grer niestix c pos"r cf nstirie uni osc ialfx rtretoslniby1 ail fooctis of ar tencliy mature. ilimnse Connîcîl, of the bast ai ailafrie formation Rglrmeig ubrsalpa 1 eetseqrt.fw aeee scili Cd Lx rr mii nti 1vp~iI'ssîlces f rorN.1n%,smcuiis ooasinîmd it tel'ent. Minutes recl ad conbiimed. knrown, an(! foir the first rime ha the is, fi isfef, a food cf vrauite in the patlmmnsrs. 1t cail cur attenutioni APtta 1m sneitrn r n Ory of thse town. tisa entire Couný ea-iaenaitri nurd ixa ise d ases ; a ro rime facr tisatius car Irongîs itic MItcbianrd 24 thers for aid te Mas.i. swseetdbyalnai nnmed~~~~icurpomsii rinGdeiai erixs-en efforts cf tire Cosmucil, il.) rerîmnrs fl Ma'oe. S 'a ladt ir rci aaeioedh aa are cf roI liii r o i ieag"eiscof' aIx ci.doncrsnut tc fisc Clerk, Fie Ibeeve w"m iritrutcd te grant )With but rwo cXOc tiens, - arrtise pcrecr sae nstor fru bili-i lion as 1891, tiere x i' rl- 4 u' re. o i nsne s elw : Xnrs. Pattursonanad P-roy, tise per-. tated. Trvi t foru lv e is. ii tises' liard tirces I mdx ecate tire The Iteave, service on commuttees and I turnIette 3lr r0he1mea propr eurvlic Ou th sttue atnimberinceincuorc,,$38 50; l'irà 1mît sear, Mr.I', I r,pnetiritix front cL aus O'mtr Dpy R-ru e, P aoc. le 112S 0; , sc od rthc XVc rWarnr ansd M.M. r enica, I heiexo I ca rendi- fetter ser-Do1sy .ifeee, Cou 'O'c-, do $18,60; I .i o fi. R b otlIr tai n Kua e qod s6r. XXe lirait' o 'nstoc u',s f0 giçi0c11,i1sirýe ilie futaie ans I I sk frocs Ml Couseine lon-o do $20. 40; Coc.- Viii! niltheio Burý,, ,but pmrîeredto cirîmn brs rintoli for finsiss'ue. Ai- 1ther' Lic toes tIri insuppsort ansd rtirum.cilior Ff.iter, do $10 70; Edwin Anini I drp oct this yea.-' Iliîestiey ware crss'm eiiahre mc-stsed andti n- Voîrs roere rfohuv, aheep danuagas, $4,00; Elrîin, Au , b A nininatnl d . 8sy b i 'mi nomr- mifîos at :S lL~t',cml ~.c1 Bos"uiaiiilo, D . 21, 19. ajuny te foneo, Sf00 r r-d, wirhonrt his Coi e, o' Dp Doc lAESNfý, 0 1v L-0.[ndîgenti.,-Beti. Wilson, tirs. \Vil- Bnnrtie r vi'c nJa jSST.5X ai )Wockhv Gloe'cr Mail F'Ïo . îmor Iainber Poil, Mairs dat, Ihios. XV.rd and mes. Jufftey, uho fll h is pao li ai anîci1 E'insîro"150.S'Aî ii' uduoruluaroteor' Councîilor 1i rosïrectfuil stacey, 8$:00 cmch; Mes Maliet 84; ya.Tiefllw iib l St 7 Sn,.ununvunI uxrdiai olicntyr vot eanmd inidaee0. iMn-, Stap'ias and Mai. Lire 83 ean-' ili foi 189:- l'rioSTAdie1 are G . f-mayni s ni ui neoulf il j tmr.Canc ip cc ed linos. \Viicox $ Mu tyenR. IRI os r,rbe. Fansili 1-eaiti 51.83. S'ÏA'rE-irxs ais3_Be, C.89i5,ou eacb; Kerr-?[; MGai Sîonczr, tenap nan-y BIjeD~ $ ,fihI or. Toronto Toeils' Stas .Ail acnit Itrral xa'nslo ec 1 85 -reif$2. î Bs . fr j uissa r.bacot. iOiie'roeni aantie 5sn"T.-iLEL-5 JameaXXrlumistove aîpai, fl0'.,;j Cou .-lona e'-X aMer. nas Srî~ciprom o r~5>m s .f.5 IAiiLiSM)GE, Lut.- tIaaini ne- Dr, Mitchl î, alrduc d c.(r.IJ. B a lhnlJ rl ntymd ,J. Adflres Cil I "s h M A JA2flS. ý trl5'oiitins saudiinfiri- iigen't act.). $5; Jiha Marris, grasvai, B'h-. utXXd Xi-ie.J.K. Losriams ntc, ecfr e v e io iLanriroiai nfr TC.;-,Board or,$15; A. E. G barhJlat uo nsd en -ytan. [s official nets se 'i b lhaxe iil 5Cienerce, servrces in coirnection with rin, 5 'cru WaYd_.i' . .J. Rfe Fnrnerl Isfiute "ors' oune1 lsatisfctioni lui rlepat anrd 'anntr. Fau'mrc? huutiînto xxmrîîtueexpei 're iliB-c1gineî, et ie, 89; Artbur Avery, T H1. Spry armP,. W mmrr. 1,t 'e îîîsheù'oýIS > J.f nu e'nua, jan. 20t3, aiit l ar.i the t q n y, ,Fi s- htir e r e o c'o Fr inla s Dec'. 2r mistise Goumiel ch j F'nsisiMens e.31 33- .1O. ~Af0o ieliD~c beh ors o Mm'. W. Sneru ;, Pno,îet it, u.imiE '-1x rPLY '.beahle lisus xn rm nin.Vagai boen i ousîlîated ftorConn r' uer Au fo"m'yy - -n enwyea- liev-v J. T. Polock, L.VanCanp. 1101-slcnu f tr ýise meet v"er ' uti", M-a.onnr le m uicip ftopnf fiwnn 1 snf~~~olren et' eu tuirr i u R om