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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jan 1896, p. 4

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N -' f-' RATEI3'UL-COMFORTING. THE VICAR~S GVERNESS, Literary Notes. 'L PS S OC AGodey'a gazine for January -Godoy AvMagazn a broughlt out another novait BREKFÂT-UppR. HATERxmback, and wa were together again et for the January issue, in the shape ot BREAKAST-UPPE. CHPTERXIIIMadame Blrochet's. Oh, baow bappy 1 Vý ornan'a Number, Ail the articles, stariei ZByethorongh knowledge .of the naturel "Is she net passing fair?1" wasthen 1 And now--now-" ' and poems ini it are Éither by or aboi Iaw hhgvrni ths operati ofa digestion -Two Gentlemen of Verona. The big tears in lier pathetic ayes women. If anyone thinks, however, thE elanutlriti.onnd by afar' "ni aplication of wan trembli te their fail; eh. cavers lier temgzn .ls neetn nti ~h iepoeti af well1-selected Cocoa. Mr. The day at lengtb dawns hna Ms face with baer tee§i oibs, Epps ha. provded for our breakfast andsupper Broughton chooscesto Put in an appeati- "eim vrybnn as lra ounit, let hieu read iu Joseph Dane Miller a dlicately fievared beverae which may save "elm vrtig"sy lrsa TeNvWmni tiepo o r ns many heavy doctors' bis. hIs l by the ance at Piilliflgham. It la ThursdaY tender'y reNwWîîninOfc, fhwM IC'ostiu fsoyb grticles o buttha a uffi ng on which ahe arrivea, and as elle ."What la thera to teli?-except tbat Blackmau, Secretary off the Police Board4 tton eoug t reisivraly b tu ndec , a letdtag ath 1arg irc, am alone iu the world, and very desa- Leevenwortb, handled a Coxey 'army, sease. eundteremet af subtenldes tare inste oftogo t the vicarag disredt, late. It la more 'than a year ago naw and the experienca of Mrs. Amas as daput diseuse.Hundred of subte malades are nstead o te go enche--cincge--papadlaft me.nce--taseemft sheriffemn shllinoinsIl oroio; thof ihganiouso ecacco 1loatiog arouend us ready Io atteck wherever -A is a lsmnso oetl n«Wmni there is a weak point. We may escape many notbing la left ta the latter but to 90 like a long century. AtirtI aspshesofwmntodn"omnf a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves weli faortifiefi down on Friday to the Redmonds' ta apathetic; it was despair I felt, 1 eup- ventera"; or Mns. Martihn McCulloc Wqith pasre blood and a pnoperly nouished Pose; indeed, 1 was hardily conscians Wlio'chrfgpee f îta franie.ý-**civi1 Service Gazette." o lrwalcome lber. thelliaes' wa leading whenwitf Wf "Pyre Msdeeimply Wihbiin h. (Olarissa) bad taken It rather aunt. Afterward the reaction set in; u n hse;o rnî y Iod niylupakets. by Grocer,. labelied thus ntcm hncm h u'ndsr o hne ahw'" eodo elte, _V9îf EPr5 .& Co., 11emSoeatisie Cheui badly that pretty Georgie WUntcm hncm b ududsr oreagMte, ARcr fRaiis ýâàt@. Idnds.Eln. tai ber for a waek or so befora the intense longing for work af any covar, illustrations, fashion 'departmenl ___________________________ n erdutas yt l br ecet otl hekind; and then-" aud ail the familier fMatures, the customar canoertie elp inaier s tecgrt'seplucir, "Then you thought of me 1, eays Clar- standard la maintainad. Tenl cent, a copy il1 dlirngth ir'sPlck sfa, brsigler, baud. Godey's Magazine announceaeprize of it and bier determination ta let natbinin l- 4That la tr'tie. Tben I tbought ofdolrfrth e srtaoyinwc h aitreetibtebsiesta muteo1 onpudhw raady yonr eympathy h dolrforheassor trInhchI __________teusnes____mut__O 1yei.abeh bicycle plays an important part. Mes lie fu ur___________fe. Te st y ever been. W hen-when le id le iio d be dted, sre ndfo r houîdn th uurpeet br, f. o eta lt me a bundred pourrds. It was alahtentreadfu hus WFDNESDAY, JAN. se 1896. at Gowran,-to fai, as it were, into tha bie had ta leave.'l Sbe says this hastily, wrd, long,'ý nd muet bc e eivad by Fa) - --- arma of luxury,-to -b. treatati, -as shte tnssiouately, -as thougb it must ha -gone muary ll, 1leGodey--Cnnpauy,_-Ne Du. . C XIICHEL]w newsho oul hoby larisa. asan thraugb, no matter baw severe the pait. York, will furnisti further particularso DR.j. . rTcKLLkne sh wold e, y Cari5a. ae that accompaules tha telîing of lt., Clar- the competition. The Godey Company, M "'IR 0F COLLEGE 0OF PH-YS9IXN equai, even iu worldly mattera, would bc jasa, understandiug, draws aveu dloser 54 Lafayette Place, N'ew Y'ork. 14-agdSurgeons, Ontario, Croer, etc. auîy ta uni it lier for the routine tbat ta bler. This gentle movemant is Ofce ,a i eofldence, EnnIskillen. 74. 0f uecessity must follaw. Saehele ab- euough. A beart, taa full, breaks ha- stais, ad flngs or ram ber ail'> uvath sffetian's toucb. Georgie bursts The Jsnuany numben of St, Nichoa A. MoLAREN DENTIS tate niffg frit er.camies talits readar, just at the heighto 243 yonge St., TORONTO.- tbought ai a bappinesa that would in- "lIt was ail au aarth hae had ta give," the holiday seasaa, and se it appropriateli Mort'claas $10 Set af Teeth for 84 deeti ha mal, as Clarissa badl beau dean she sobs bitterly; "anti 1 think hae must heans messages cf' cheer and gond wil. tealber two years aga; andteta h dear ta have starved hümaali ta leave me aven The frontispiece isaeai ull-page picture hy that I Oh, shahl I erer forget 1"11 hrsm it D » BURE l IEPSON, Georgie once would mean ta be dear tae lnt , baer îrsa etyFredericit Deiman, Crta8igt ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, &o. MOPITS lber farever. "Be patient: wait." Then, with a sigh Fd wy" RbriLusSaaso IPI 00K, upstelrs, King Street, Bowusan. The vicar bimsalf opens tha door tfar "How sati for saine ibis sweet world cou "Latter, ta, a Boy" have an in tenasting a ville. Soliolior for the Otari Bank ban itrehidigaP.enxlethn àrvate»lienos s oaned e heOes aîe Clariasa, anti tells ber Mise Broughton elcthao tebiligOfte2"eit' os lowastrate"I gave my §bunt tarty pounds," goas in Samoas, anti a description ai the strange BORT. YON,V.S bas arrived, anti will no doubt ha aven- on tire fair-haired beauty, glad ta finti ways af hi, savage netainua-,. Alhari joyadtet se. bier. somrebady lu whom shae au siely con- S earns, au' hor of'the successful I"Chnik O FFICE IN THE WEST DURHAM "Wbat a iairy yen bave given us II' fide anti ta wbom bler troubles may ha and the Wouderful Lfmp," hegins e nem ' ý%Zewsi Block, where imsalf or assistant h as ' "n bebwiltier- matie knawn. "I gave it ta ber,.-hecauaa saniala aiso foundeti au the l'Arehiar will be fonnd front 8a.m. to 9 p.m. Night oal&eils aylauighïng. IIuca1 had hived with baer saine tima, and sleNilt. Ils aed-îddSnh si residsuceo.directîyopposite Onu Shed. Celle îng chillt; ail golden bair, anti eweet was net kiud te me.- and su I fait INgt, lt ,a1e SidaSn tle legraph or taiepne wili recaivepop eyes, and maurning rainants. We ara shoulti pay bier somethiug. Anti then I Co.," anti tell, off e partuership hatwe Itton171.yr ' rlxdined a ay azeti- P ut a litile white cross on hie grava ba- the great navigatar anti e wiie-awskE perlexti-ndetiIl iaysay "' fore, 1 lait hlm, lest hae shouiti thinir Amenican boy. F . H, ngnan ha, e star' A. A. PONT, at bier appearauce; bacausa we hava ana himseli quit. torgottan. it ivas ail 1 af the Puabia Indian, and their legends, ROHITEOT, Plans ~ and at ail falaen in lave with her,-boPa- coulti do for hlm," cancludesaie, with "TheMai rqnse"A acuto A liTe eardPoransoies, Specîfica. lessly, irratrîevably,-anti hardly know anathar baavy eab that shakea ber Mra a htagi wrqois. nl c n cpa peciai attention gveu te sig by steaem ot conduot oursalves taward bier slight trame. whatitsi was ie given in "Prha Stary ai'a 81 ed wae. n t anîtany arrangements. withi the tiecoruin that 1 bave beau Her hieart seeme brokaul Clanissa, Lfe-Saving Station," hy Teresa A. Blrown. (0) Ce: Gorrie Block, Wbitby 43-ly taught ta helievae houid ha shawu ta who by ibis tireme iissalved lu tears, Ia "Betty Leicestan', i English Christmas,1ý the instructress ai oue's chiltiren. Naw, places lier arma round bier, aud presses Sarah Orna Jewett describas ber little the lat yauug worean ivas se diffrent, ner lips tealber checkr. '.'VaJ.AorTanti--" r"Try. try ta b. comiorted," antreats eoîaexpeniances in e faînous aidcatl Gentlemen's Clothes Made to Orderé Yug"ay Miss Peyton. ahe. "T1 wrd t1 aime ati The senials by J. T. Trowbridge, Willian ::Weil, aid, if you like it. 8h. certain- ai sorraw. Others bave sufared, too. O. Statidard, auJ Jam)es (hi., ail preseul ly. poor seul, tii ramind ana ai tha 'sera And nurse usad ta telmln ga neesîgisannnsi scn a ant yllo,'But this child la ail tira htoe wbo are unhappyln tbe aof'A Christmas White Elephant," hby W. T1 'D )1 Arr1lr~'~~ant ifhe;, anti really," sy the vieux, bginnmg ai thaîr livesaxar lucky ever A. Wilson, is printed. This telse whai JsY eli~I 1iU I l~ with a aigh that may be . rl, " tin atr. gemyb s ihw, we ail like h better ; eh. le quite e breakFu"h 0wt ,du it h hîta rawî ia upon aur mLonotony." " it may," eays Georgie, with a eva which a littia gie i feulu love. "A Postal DENTI~~~TO ~"'I amn sa glati yau ail lk. bier 1" says faitamile: yet somnehw e. elCadRcAcudheW i,"uwhc Clanissa, quita beaming wlth satisfar,- coiniarteti. ans carti weut aast anti ana waut wat and tion. "Sha waa such a dear littia ithiug bDo yeu thinir yau wili ha content bath arriveti et their stensîug.naiuî on the whan last 1 saw bier; se gautla, to,- 1are6" asks Clarisse, preeently, wheu saie day, je descriheti by Chriatopher like a smaîl mous.." SOlma minutas bave passati. Valentine. "How Jack came ta James- )FFIC E :-Rear Of MeSSrS. ."Oh, was ah. 1" saya the vicar, au- "I thinir se. I amn surea0of {ithe !Sthe "byaidC,"Jnan's abserve.o xiosly "Seis haned lttl, 1suc aPretty place, antie nik tethold." by nnayE. Tyonenis a hilra a thiuk. To me ah. la ratbar terriiying. 1h cornitte, anti ta whfrci' witb Hfigginbothami & Sonas 1Drug Now, for instance., this mrning at ,adt hc'(itaBejmnjead osrti htnspe Sbreakfast,elleaseati in, betra thecehil- beavy sigb,) "16t us hope. I shall never ejmnosa aasrto tai pt Stor, (own tais), dren, "'tf 1tiin'ît inri writing sermons raturu." a ail astronamical facts, the day bef an, Store (dow , stars), a bore.' Anti wheu 1 saiti-es 1î was inj "Neyer do," saya Clarisse,.giving ber Christma, is the lougasu day in ths whoi, tiuty boundtet say, my dear Clariss- rtcb encouragement. "It la aven so yeer. "lBy Rock on hy Crook," fl, e littîs, that I titi not, she iaugbad out quit. inuch nicer ber.."ý As se bas neyer argument for countentiment witb existing BOWM.A.NVILLE marriiy, anti saiti she 'didn't baliave me II seau the amoky towu in questian, this iconditions hy Virgînie Woodward Cloudi. Need 1 say the chiltiran were in rap- la a soewhat gratuitous reinark. "Ant inBt perhaps mas reders wili filet mmtorlt turcs?' but 1 caulti hava borne that, tha chiith'aa ara quit. aweet, anti very the repart concerning the priza campetition, ouly wben Mrs. Ratironti forsaok me Pretty; anti the wark won't ba very "einAietrs"Na lems than I,- anti actually laugia tete, I tait the antiluch; anti-anti I are anly juat an easy 1000 auswars were mciveti ironi ail parts af D-1% PE NTI S TIIof ait h iinga was coine..Clarisse" (aev- walkiug-distanca tram ,you."grtfcu arely), IIdo ti,1 o't se. you laugb- At this terminaion thay bath laugh. the worid, anti the winnen, have eaan for ing, tOO. 1nt-a mc.Georgie seems ta hava targottan ber gaiian et theïr 5uccess in sncb e bol " -no-not mue," aystears ai a moment ince, anti ber pas- cutest, Mis Pato, wa îaiîy njyin sonate burst ai grief. Rler lovely face--- -the situation ta !ts utmîost. "It le a ainil!ug, radiant; bier lips are parteti; ver bad o ya, a corse" er great blue eyes are shiuiug. She is Harper's Round Table, datd Dacember "Weil, it l," saye the vicar, with bis a warm impulsive lutie ereature, as 318 tat, nme ofvnygo broti ntiraier andomaemie, hatproue ta tears as ta laughtar, anti with' stoie., sncb a, "The Fate off La Salie," a brora ncrhr aesou thapanish ati ertcpbl ikowing a lave alinoat sketch ofaiatsirring scene frain American aoug tsh mirigaln h a loak an Otia dep for happinass, anti as surely hisiary, by Robant H. Fuller ; '"Row Harry hlmas thaioni paaopre woplooty. o capable of feeling a hatreti stroug anti Sowemhy Earned is Promotion," hy W. O. L. . s ~ uflcui fr ma tahoe t govaru laatiug. Ingli; "The Winniug off the Y," by S. is down bt orsaotman bis eara ni The traces oailber lata amnotion arae'S'avil)e, Jr. The issue aleo centaine an teareat turu hlm ia toopen ridicule. iustwat uponfberor Kinga.nd'Cruapryshe Graduai, cfthe Rya ollgeofDental Yu ita fin eawtb htknows ih not, but, "likesonsaine aw- is, mu f FrKigat onr, uReotanologe ebaîliwata wfih biar ich W spauglati tlower, ah.e shows mare iavaly sraie)stary by James Bannas; the ecoluai-. Vi'iICE ppo~s~ YPRES o~J<~ "Subinit ta bier," says Clarisse. in bar taure." She anti ClarLassa are a igcainofatopr sr niit VFFIE OPOSIT EXRESSOFFIE, "Whera la she? I want ta se. bier." wautenful cotrat. Clarisse isslight. I "The Revelleti Mittan," by Sophia Swetts. VITALIZED AIR. "Cissy will tint baer f or you. 1 tiare anti tali anti calin; ah,, ail life andti h. firt off a sanies -,)f article, on "MNagic; ________________bigbtnass, eagar, exciieti, anti uninnt- anti How his j Made," hy Reury Ratuon sar they are togathar, unleas your ta l oi the anti C'1~L 'M t in Quicirilver,' as I oeil bier, bas ' anti a paper on the city off Denver, hy N ew ýàflorSh l-% akenta hersait wings anti fiown Cissy Radinant, at this junictura, Julien Relph. away. umn p' ufc tcorageaooe Thenndnsiuedwbobasbeu crryng n H tuusastbogh a g wih br he door anticamlu iagain. She ignares busunerigndwobsba argo trnssas hug t g wthlir. the tact ai Georgie's rat eyee, anti1turne The firs-t nuihen of lb. naw volume of the ta'ioring bstressn conneculon wiîis "No, no," says Clarisse; I eh altllris. Se a is etus apr'seky ienmbrtaet e laon's Dry Good, tr forea number of years tint baer by myseli. Go, anti do httClrsa SebsMisPyo' rp' W ky(heumEdtdJun lia, commenceti business for bimseif -eatitbs you meant te ta bafore 1 sîappetiyou.' salal dag ilulber arms,-tba terrier, wihb uany 4, 1896) will contain the opening neid8ece, King St.wast, wbmer18i.Prepn Moving away tramnhum, ah. enter. the, long anti melanchoiy tace, that gain chapuers ai a naw serial off e Scotch feut af te usake went' aud boys* suit, iu ail tise =athlb hall, anti seing a servant, le con- by the naine ai Bill. the latter paru af the sixteenth century,b âtylas, and ai iowest prices. For uhose who ducaih a-t mî aa ieal Your dog," ah. aays ta Clarissa,"auti S.R. Crocketi, authar off TeRiir, wisb ta arden suite, ha wiii carry e fullin s utwn w iebrt iah koo inds Baka sucb a pet. Ha baseautan -several hae lTeRiea e oeil, -toa, le hem lun profusion, andt many o£tetable, ant ilhmy tingers. Ria tc J. rr ,%_lpana, anti numarous boutles afinik, anti a apptita las a cradit te hlm. How do yoai J.T LL N , Paîniarchal sofa ihat neyer aaw baîter provitie for hlm ai Gowrau ' Do yoa A BRO AD-MINDBD POOTOIR Feehionable Tailai, taya than it seas now, when ail the chil- havae auIax roastati whole occasioually, tran prunce.aven t, anti lovaei,anti for bisapecial benafit 'J mke mach ai it, as being their vary "Oh, hlai a worry," says Clarisse, Relates Sonma Experiences In His MON Y O OAN, Own. peniteutly. "Biliy, coma heme, yau lit- Own Praetice. Ou ibis anciaut triant a tiny tairy- ol reprobuta, anti tan'i iry ta look as $1 0,00 l1k., girl ia siîîing, smiling seetly et if Fou neyer dut anything bat lu your Belleva, i Rrcouenssdlng Amy Medietim $100000.Cissy Radinn, who i. ehattering ta bier lite. *isy. I wisb yau anti Gaorgie That haie nws Wli1<Care ls Pett gayiy ant isl plainly enchassieti ai bey- andt teachilanwaalt ail coma up tae et-Thînîss Br. WiliaÊms' PlikFi. A large suoinofMoneY bas beau Placed Inumy iug saine ana af ieba own aeate converse Gowran to-maorrow." a Great lscevery. bauds by a priva. Persan for Investment, ou with. 'We bagin lassons to-morrow," says "lAkron Pa., Apnil 24tb, '95. approvecd bans ou farcisescurîty far a ternm of The fairy la very lovaly, with rat- the new govaruass gravely, who looks r Wilas' Medicine Ca. VIVEs or TEN yeans, Fîvx AND ONE HIALl' PER golti hair, anti large lurninous bina aeyas, Iahwuys se utterly anti absurtily anlike aDr gatsfacita niion e skerdpayab eamil b, sait anti tark, thai enu express ahl ille ,gaverness, or auything -but a baby oran îGentlemen,-Whshe isi sa entsrely ~ar r y onito, orrpausu l t~ieons, tramn.deapasi lave ta bittareat 1watar-pixia, with lber yellow bain and contrary ta the custain aithe meducal D. B. SIMPSON scoru. Rer nase is pure Gr.ek; bier getijan ayea. "i will b. impassible for profession ta entorse or recammant Solicitor. Bawînanviîie. lips are tenter anti mobile; lier akin is me ta go." eny ai the so-calleti proprieiary pre- Dated Oct. ist. 1894. 40-tf. naither White lier brown, but cear anti1 -'Bai lassons wii ha ovar ai îwo parutions, 1 shahi, nevenihelea.s, giva warm, aeut aamewhai destitute ai colon a dlock," aays Clasy, wha likes gaing ta yu n accaunni aisaine aifiny wanter- OR. SALE OR RENT.-Rause andi Han amalheati is covereti with messei Gowrau, undi regards Clarisse as «'a We paiancinkwhi yau prfartia Pn, i èacres for sa&. leor tarenu. suuaue as luxrint, ,.-ie n g pfe. Thefaci la wahi k-aw--ihat-mati- wtsnew steaus heating, electric ig1înghaw glati 1 am ta have yaa near m~e 1 tare steain hammer, plaavh ic andtie most perfect sanitany arrangements ant--yau hava nat chenget a uitile anti ail weigbs bat hait a grain. The> Tý D.Alrgt M.D. tbrangisaut. lise new Concert Hall la ta bc ecrap." hammen anti anvil ara ai slît goit, iaatjeI, irai brolugista opre.scnibaDr. pravideti with a magnidoaeni pipe ongan, 8h. says ibis in a ralievadtitne.. 1 pulleys. German silver, eut the trrain.ýv- W il bn ears ýdnriven by electriclty, anti avaliable fon pnaco "Neiher bave you," says Georgie: work ai platinuons. A flea trainidby aiter baving seanan ome or!')rk- fice lu ail waathen.ue t sinToais aM.Schumannu lai t~, tewrdofcoin- Ths Itrstdi teeuctor fthî ouaejusi aMntwhleta .,a i blreuls ra tei ue.Haba Thae ntnaia l tse duatonof tsarea inDfant in ibai thougbtIf îî1bat menti, balitithéhammam ta the top oflIiaaero ai auti,î Pa., was al daugiers ana raspactiuiy -requesit t b a ~ke roreatcolicag aieetii rytefae hr i satfovr o o edn wa eaîyapliato fn alendar, on, for, raomn,ta ouniyncagd- imti n ietae hr tl uomuiically set,È aîuai cntracin ati buler wa-y,-ht shoulti 1 have doua 'J? i teýq, Irea§,7enting lu pnacisely l.sin hiesrltning cth ,wor a Ri~V. J. HASeý, "Ph, I, wheu I aaw oustnding ftaîl ant i aightimannen ats tb. monsien fl bc ie'ciga ag uhn uigcl 3a-tf Principalin luiha oowa, asif tne bt out s motielet. etbrhocnraet w iwa ~i1denCr fr fthe'sCatra 1"B lta 's' Dut at 's ity In- )h oU' ian [n t' le se s' J.- decline nuay ha rrested befor' eca strengtb may ha restoret; powariswhi Lapoveishet hy youthisrekcsouda Mnay ho rein1vigo aîti hy aur hanse ureat- ment neyer bas its citap- cilur.t!se brouets of thode avho have'weuký, abrunken, iudelopati ou tiseaset organe. Tise cvii tisai men do tbrougli ignorance in boyo ianem rrns --i) eaniy aanliood 1bavas waating.t to vigoýrous vita7hty yomiLthe succ3sf-iol lu businiess, ferventlupnt.Orcaiv niethois are unfailing. Wiein<n ok "ÏPERFECT MNHCi,"snt fiee seaieti, F:"-TABPL -SHED 185 iHAVE MŽAN' -EI)O E E T NOTFOUND 'N RMAKES THAT WILL WELL REPAYAN NqVESTIGATIO"N SY THOSE WHO T EUR~ T H EB EST S -Irý3A FE J & J TA YL OR,. TORON TO SAFE WQRF<S, TORON TO. MON TRE'AL VA NCOU VER WlNIIPEG VICTORIA Sewer and Culvert Pipes AUl Sises freus 4 lu. te, 24 lae. Alke Conenections. VVRI TE FOR FRIQES. THE ONTARIO SLEY[R PIPE MD 60k ADELAIDE 6T. E.» FAOTORY AT MIMIOO. TORONTO, POSITIVELY Toit Power, Nervane nebility, Faiiing Manhooti, Secret i sases, canant hy tise err anti exeessasoyoths.I Yauuig, middle ageti or aid 'idea siesTe fmensnffeningfrom tiseaffects offoîes anti ercesses, restoret ta heautis, ua, lisooaaadvigor.. Price $1.00, 6 boxe, for $s.00. Sent byusa!,, securely sealet, Write for our hook, " Startlie Facle," fan Men ouiy, tells you haw ta gel ae'i Addrm. QUEEN MEDICINE CO-, ROX 94T MONTREAL DRZ. WOD'S 'Norwvay 'ýPinel prpicis o tise r pectraln vrtes ofhs i nda s ombneti it tse sooti;ga and expectorant A PERFECT CURE FOR" COU QHS AND COLDLS iCroup anti al THROAT, BRONCHi-AL zni LUODSAE.Obsti- nat c cughýs isu'b, nesisi o t nise eedies yieLd rm tly t tut ceunot be matie ont of herses that are out ai condition. Mereiy la test planly ofnets i nut enougli. A horsee gais rmn dowu tise semaj as a nan e 3 * eut needes.a generai tauiug îup. *ls a scientifle preperetianflu the farma epowtier. hI purifies thse bicot_, srengtb. *ens tha digestion, tonus a rough coat int a smaath anti glossy ana anti puustie * animal lun condition." 'He then bas "lgoat lufe"Ileutdteels like holding up hi, Shaut anti lifting hie feet. Ml1 LC H-I OWS- are gneatly benefitieti hy il. Thae wba). system s te ud * up. Tise digestive organe being sîrengtheuet, mare nutriment is dreeme tram h food anti the flow ai milk increasat.i * Dick'a Rload Purifier aili pay for itseli ten tins s ven. Fer sais by drugglsa,, at geiseral stores or sent pos palti oe recelpi cf 50 cis. of tisangisita b. sciatica, ha h-vinug ftia 52 uaiicet h aone marning-nelunot baing ahi, ta arisatamh'bis -bed. Aiten thé usuel treaiment for ibis diseuse b.e tailedti t improve, but on tha contrany ,,s graw napitly wanue, tisa case davelop- of sng inia hemipislagia, or partial panaly- ais aitis eanimanigisi site ai tise 8 hady. Eeericiiy, taules anti massage, )yetc., warealal given a trial, but nais- ipg gave any henefit andtihis parulv- s is continuai. lIn tespair lie was coi- Spalladto aer uts physicien announce that bis case was bopalesa. About ibat e tintebis wite noticoti ana ai youn at- eo veriisemennis anti ceuclutadtot try t -your Pink Ila, li 1 ha bu given ap hope anti it ne- vw quinat a greuat teai of begginýg on tisa h uia is wita ta persuade hum lia tn1ýaka ',thernregularly, Ha'1l, haweven, titi as sha tiesiret, '1 anti if appeunences intiiceheait in Le ibis man, one wault thinir ha was bat- .' ten thun before bis paralysis., 8 "Wy,' says hae,'U beýgun ta lin- f prove lu iwo tays, ant inlufour on f ive ky weeks I was entinaiy well anti ai Swork. "Rýýavin.g sean tisese neaulis I con- clatat that sucli a remiey la sumly wortb a trial aitisae bande ai any physicien, anti consequentiy wban Et eshort in. laier 1 wes cailet apon ta inmeut a lady sutining with palpita- it tSars aithe heurt ent greut nervaus rt prostraion, a tan -the usuel ramatiies rfaiiedti t reiieve, h ontenet Dr. Wil- st lisons' Pink Pis, The. rasait was àSimplY astouisising. Her atteka be- lcame less traquent anti aiea iass lu se- ýveity, until by thair use ton a peniat t~u F of halth, rsy-cheeket and lbnight-ayad, as wall as evar, antiashe br as continueti so until ta-day, mare 3than ana yean since ase taok any met- îf cine. I have faundti ibse pills e spa- .crifoic on chorea, an as more commonly eknown, St. Vitus' dane, as heneticiai e rulis have lu ail casas inanlet heir use. Asa spnag taule any one who, [e ng a long winian bus become, pale anti ýlanguit, tise Pink Pille wiil do woutiane lu in ighteniug tisa coanteanuce anti in 1buaying the spirits, bninging rosas ta oite palilid lips anti newiug tisefton- tain ai youtb. "Yanna respacifuliy, "J. D. Alîniglit, M. D." A MOTI'ER'S DEVOTION. The 'zna t efugeg se Let OthergNs are The Ozarine bas untientakan -a ne- spausibility unknown lu tb. bisiory ai Czaninas. Againaitishe ativice ai phy- siciens anti the Czar sha je nursing lit- île Princes. Olga henseli. Batana the dociors bat finally conclutati that ai iai ail thea nursing woulti not injure Rer Majesty's bealth so ranch as tb. shock ai absolai. refusai ta, acceata a loving Young mother'. naqs'est, the peasunt women ativertiseti for bat bagun ta ar- rive. They were as nusierons anti eacb was as certain ai the superianity ai ber qualifications as tise applicants ton the Position ai a pnize heaaty lu a cincus Parade. For centuries the sans anti daugistars of the Czars. ap ta the teaili- ing tinte, bave badtihair sustenuncetram peasant wamen. "A woman wbo bat not beau the mather ai fiewer than two anti more -than tour chiltren, tank com- plexion pretannet," was the message that iiev tram village ta village, anti there bhaut tintly lu the heurt ai avany queifiat wornan bpethat tam. anti rubles migisi be bers h making blot .anti bon. far a princess. Al ihewo- mean of Russie are dalightati that their Crarina la ta tao ail uh. ait-tashianati maternai tuty harsli-al axcepi the almost makes up tor thea tact thai Olga wa not e boy. Mn. Reupeci (unxiousiy>-Can 1 brng pnocaeding iu court, Mn. Bluokstana, ta, set sitie rey wife's wil? Lawyen- Wby, your avf. is'it est, mua is se,? Mn. Raunpeci-No; tisa'. matthie-trou- bla. AWELL I4NOWN CI-4!.IMIT WH A P1E 1~'IEKS OFTSWOR.TIt, My bain isat been falilu out very freely for soins tinie. Becomning enrios about tise niatier 1 tisougist 1 would ezpernient upon tisa properties of Ramrena, aud oeeapplication aetually stoppeti it tonce, 1 appiied ih afterwards, using tr i ~l caot a quarter of oue isttia, sud hava not required to use it ince. Il seeme to have given renes eti aud ieairisy vigorte tise scalp, aud 1 cen necansuend it lu ail confidence. W. B. FULsEaRTO, Cisemist, Gananoque, Ont., Jan., 18,1t794. Hainee aCres Dailnrufl aud Sean!', Stops Paiiing anit make,, t5ieHein grow - ail dealers. Solditnu amnville hy Sioti & Jury. Dn. TAFT'S ASTHMALEN E 9 suffocation, Sent your nana anti ,1 FE atidres, ave ailli mail triai hoitieFP g),l, TAFT GROS., 186 ADEUAIDE ST..WL iVl ueCONS MPrIN Ln10 dTio' eMe lie T. A, icuChiîcal jCe. LW., TrntCeî.i

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