., ~- "Sevralyeas ao, caghta severe, cold Uftndd îr aterribldýe cough that allowed 1n ret, eýither day o ni 11l1,. The doe learingcf y touble sent Mse a bottie ci Ayer' herry Pectoral. fly the â~me I had lised the bo oUe, I was comple tely cueadIbelieve it saved mny iife."'W. AyrsCherry Pectoral Hlghest Awa Le rld'e pair. TOWN9 PROPE'-RTY FOR SALE. Thlrce gooci brick dýxelliDgs or 8 and 9 room enacl li'ith ood gardens eituate in goo't pal of 15e of o!BowmanvIlle, dclirwel i.nd othrvcei noces. Fat mers or Othe, wanfltigt boy hmes Ain town should se thsi ProPerties. ,TLsey will b e old cheap on eae ten.AïPplY 1or 1further particulars to MiE E. WHITEt, Wligo tEB.owmanvclle. .4 The UntedStaes [if DIs UBc Coffipalli, Head Offie- lu New York -Oi; lu 187 ......50 ,2 lu 189210,001, 695 1894....... 1 80,3 .uuýcalý Agents wanted in ail unrepre sented districts, Address RD1. STANLECY9 inispector of Agentýé, Rooms 6 and 7, Queb;ec B3ank ]3uildir& Geo. shurticif, Bowmanv11le, General Agenýt for Durhami. ORHRi8rTM~AS ARN NEW TEÂR'l HOLIDAys - WILL mAKX SPEONAL RATES FOR ALL SINCLI FIRST CLASS PARE Geieg Dec. 24th and 25th, Returnng Dec. 2th, 189 ongDec. 314t and Jan. ist, Returning J an. mnd, 19 SUiNLE FIRST OLASS PARE AND ONE.TrHIRD 21'gtcSt t. 25tht} Returning unti Gon e.28th to Jan. lite Jan. lth, 1896 PEALATETýFOR STUDENTS ANimTEAciEERl SIOL IRTLASO PARE AND ONrE-THIRD CGoing D'e- . 11h ýto4hReturning util Ja.131h, 1896 sïPEciAI RÂTsps lPOP.COMMERCIAL SINGLE FIR8T CLASO PARE Golng Dec. 201h 1 251h, Beturnilag until Jan~. th. '96 Pur Clean HEAL IBROS' Cash Grocery9 BOU WMN VILLE. ta' Bake ithree, layers. ii1n iFALSE VOCKS. 'About the House. One-fourth cake Baker s oiooate mix- ed wlth the whifes of two eggs well- ThIngs Worth Knowing. beaten; 0onfectioners' sugar sufficient uablaaehad WhItte li i rings tha ileavi- Stisao abeMxwiigadto tiffen it. est Prie@. 1ý Staus ponMarîn-ix hitng nd Composition Cake (an old-fashioned Nearly ail the false hair used in Amn- chioride off soda inte a pante, thon iay recipe>-Three.fourths pound butter, erica cornes fromu Paris, or att basf ls on and lot it romain three heurs, and One and One-fourth pounds sugar, onemd pthr.Teappyi rw thon wsh off and On-fourth pounds fleur, four eggs., Stains. Mildew-Mix soft -seap with eepÎnt sweet milk, a level teaspoonfui fom ail ovor the worid, but Germany starch, powdered, haif as mucis sait, Of salratus, fwo pounds raisins, one- and France furnish the most. Paris haff pound cironttonetheale.spoonfuls wig-makers are the mnt akiliful ithe partd t sie of lemena layifn t uhe innaenoelre bopofn fworld, and the beat sPecimens find their et tiste stained materiai lie on the grass glass Of Wine or, brandy, one nutmeg. way te thé, Prisian market t.eb.o..,ad daY~ and night, f iii the tain cornes out, Orange Cake-Two oranges, twe cups Up into, scalp ceveringa for thosewi 'Staîr Roda -May ho cleaned by rub- sugar, twe clps fleur, one-haîf ciip but- jnoed them and can afford te pay tise bn in t hem quikly wdth wolle ScleSter, eue feaspouf nicream of tartar, price&a sked. There are mauy Paris Su iul owderMay rte-tn.IOne-haif teaspoonful sod-a ,u-ialf oup.heuses which dealinl wigs and the like__ - d4ron-ma -se---uckl---la rhter Stir the yoHke into thse butter tat-ooep Men censtantlytraveling over ebyunga paste censisting of paraf- and sugar. Add the gratod rmd and Europe buying Sair from antynne that fin, brickdust, and whiting. iRub on about three-fourtiss of fthe.uice of one cares te Sli. Thse blonode iocks Of tise witS an old elefS or wasis-loathei'. orange, the wafor. fleur, and the whites German girls are most, souglit after,' This will give a brilliant appearance, Of four eggsq. Bake in f bree layera, adsmtmsbgpie r adt n sud leare ne marks. and apread between f hem the following adcoe te tbpaig rifhte pir crowlu- Steel, Hsty-steel, when rusty, May filling. To the white of oe egg add gbory. The poor pensant women of the b6 cleaned isy g iving the article a good .luio and rind of onaeorange and the continent are gonerally very ready f0 s' cOtn f sweet oul, lea ving if fer '3111S e rmsining from the other oue; senu, and some of thoni make a practice abot w asan hnrbing w itsgar enoughi to make a atif f frostiug. of selling te fhe agents of Paris f irms Uaute day ndthneub.n w- Ginger Drop Cakes-Boat ona cup of whenever thoir isair is long eneugis teJ Sf ings of Insecs-Let the part ho butter te cra-am, add gradualiy on cp mkeif worf h huying. Each clipping ef row suar;the thae ellbeseuis securely wrapped and shipped wif h - bathed ina a wesk solution of ordinary o rw uate he ela e t hers in a large bale fo tise worksisops spirits of smmonla or sal-rolatile, two aggs, two cups cf milk, one tahiespeen- at Paris. Unbleached whsite hair brings d teaspoonfuls te i1 oz. of water. Tisa f uiof ginge, one-half uutmeg, grstod. the Sighest price if of a length of 15 r d bathbing shonld ho frequently repeatad. Dissolve oe teasoofu. f oaluatches or more. If la Sard to get, and Stocing-A oodwayof pesevin Ilaspon u ofsod-, aSas seid fer as much as $35 te $40 an Stekigs- god ayof reorvngtabieSPOO-nfuî of wsrm wstem, and add ounce. Black or brown is more cern- ftise cler of black atockings la te wssh te if a pint cfNo Orenmoass mon, thSe former bringing $ e$0 url theem in soap free of soda, and in tise Stir fthe other'mixture infe tisis and ounce and fthe latter $3 te $ 80aedho lqst rinsing watem add a teaspeontul of tison add grsdually about one quart isair la rarely wanted except for stage vinegar. Nover iron black stockinga. and eue pint cf fleur; ,if pasfry fleur purpoes, altisougis fhere- is on record Dry tisem in the sisade. la used twe quarts wii hoc about rigist. au offer of $1,000 fora shock of red issir, Stores, to Poiah-A mixture of black In adding raisins ho camef ut not te mako scalp and ail. A wealfhy Wesern man varnisis sud turpenfine will produce a yeur baffer Seavy. Beat thoroughly, whese mustache was ef a brick hue and goed polisis. hake in greased pans luin ioderate oven wiso had lest scalp sud isair iu an acci- Sty in tise Eye.-Should yen desire abutfifen Or twent y minutes. et a h uhro oo eA fo sasen isedarlemeu ofthi tru- Marbie Cake-Firat. Cream together Impecunieus Englishmnan witis an su- bbehseethé-,rder, appiabed am)Oe Uofwieurndoe-haif htro- urntep accepted ftSe offer, but wif S- bleomedisrde, aplyabead(wam) ne uP f witesugr ad oe-hlfdrow when the surgeons were alnsest peultice lu a linon bag. Apply two or cup of butter, thon sdd ftho whites of ready te operafe. If is nof f nid whether A three times a day, and batho frequeufly four eggs well-beaten, one-haîf cupfnl any otiser applicaut ever appoarnd. witis warm milk-aud-wafem. Of sweef milk, two oups of fleur, one M ns Table sud Bed Linon-Shoota that are teaspoouful cream cf tartar, one> haîf del:, 511 roigti8 aol h o in fwo teaspeeniful cf soda. Second. Creamn "'rOe FfyYas1 rs down thse centre, tise cuter edges sewed together eue cup of bmowu augar sud "o vrFfyYas se togetisor, tus bringing thSa parts wheme, ona-issîf cup cf butter, add the boafen lisy Seretofore, iffin wear Sas coma ,into yoika cf four eggs, one-haif cupfnl of For over fifty years Mnta WINSLOW'S seur milk, lu wici a teaspoonf ni of SOOTHING SyRuF has been used by mil. OfC tise centre ef tise sheef, where ftSe great- sosda Sas tenu disselved, two cups of lions of niothers for fiseir chiidrou while est strain la. If pileow-slips are made f lOur, one-SsIf cupful of molasses and feehîng. 1if -disturbed at night aud serersi incises longer tissu the piliow j ee-quarter of a teaspeonuniescis. of bro e f orrest by a slck chillcitf- witis a deep hem aftishe end, if will psy grouud aflapice, cinamon, sud cloras. kuofor te ri1P ont the hem and sew up that) Grosse woli a deep baking-pau. sud put faring and crying wîth pain of Cutting Mng, ippihnthey otiar eud as a fSe dough us alteruately, commencing Peetis seud af once sud get a bottle of mtgeifwha cresn th gatof thslip. with a layer of ftSe dark mixture. "Mrs, Wiuiow's Soothing Syrup" for A thin place in a goed fable-clefS may WahntnCk-Beat one-Saif of s Chiidreîs Teething. It will relieve the ho se caefully darned tisaf whan welb Pound of butter te a cream, add gradu- poor lit fie sufferer inimediateiy. Depend irened if wili scarcely show at ail, yet aliy oua peund cf augar, basting ail upon lt,niotbarr,thera 15 no mistake about it wibl prevent a break in the dlot the whIsie. Dsov n-afo e-i.I ue ieSoi th" Prolonging ifs days and lucres isleoe-afo e- t tcrsDiarrhoea,reguiatesth o. (s ing ifs usefuineas. If a tabla-dlotS s poonful cf soda in a iffin warma water acit sud Bowels, cures Wîud Colle, soffeus ne longer useful in ifs original state, sud add te, one-Sal! f fa cup of sour tise <tuns, reducas Inflamimation, and 9-dd, arery-day napkins may be made cmosam. fleaftiseyls fie eggs givestone aud nrytthwolss6m from tise test parts. From tise naiîîgt eex ffr ueg ets woessei best parts sef f washcloths may ho utlig , dd te tisa butter and sugar with "Mrs- Winalow'$ Sootfiig Syrap" ferrm- y wiie the parts that are fit fer nething oh sour creaim. Tisan add part of a childreu teething is p1easait te tise faste Y lse -May et -do- god -service -by ha e--Pund of fleur, mlx wpiI,-add ithe-grated--aud ;s thse prescription of -one of the oldeat ing Plsced in tise -od linen" ol, that ind* of fwe lamons. Seed Oeuneud Of and hast feniale pisysiclans and nurses i should ho found in erery bouse for use raisins, cut in smali piecea one-isaîf tha United States, Pricefweuty-five cents in case of emorgeucies. Pound cf citron. Flour thema well witis Throat, to Strengthensemaicf the moeo termainiug flour, sud, add a bottie. Sold hy ail druggists throughout Throt, e SmongiseSymuge tise thie cake wifh tise flour. Beat well.- the world, Be sure and ask for Il Rs. WiT nostrils, and gargia tise throat moriug Tison add csefully tise wisites of tise WiNsi.ew's SOOTHIN'G SYRuP." and night witis glycerine scid tanuici aggs, hoatet a stif f. dry fretS; tomn 3> dracisss, glyceine f0 3 oz. On teas- lto a greased fin sud bake forty-fireAn motatPi. 8POenful in a wineglascf wamm water. Minutes in a rat hem moderat ovorn. If nIpratPit i-eep this up fer sommrai meutha, ls always wiser te take semae cf tise Mms. Blifkius (roading>-Tho points ef Timedess-Jf rery tired pisysicaliy, lie qnsntity of fleur giron lu fleumiug tise fine soal fur are, first, the texture-.- frmutthet thora may ho ne danger cf Mm. ]lifkins-Hurnph 1 Seenis fo me Cn the back, kuees drawn up, the Sand skiug the cake tee atift. Tisa fruits the first peint iâ tisa price. ois.sped orer tisa head, or resting ou the hail'ud alwaYs ha added, just betore put- e- ebbows, tise femearm at right angles, sud ting in tise whitea etftisa eggs, sud if tise Sandas augîug orer tise hond cf the Weil f loured wili nef sink te tise bof- wrists. Great. relief wil he ounud. tom, Tenic, S!mple-(1) 1-2 oz. Peruvian We aywsscw aauruto's bark, Powdemad, luto oen lt et water; TEGASOEFML. W-enshewasCsii, 5e caved fr astria. A sf ain sud add a littie licenice te teste. TEGASOEFML. We h a hd h re o atra (2) Quinine is a geed tonic sud au ex- They itepresent the lest Typa or Enuilsh When she becanse Miss, she clumg te Cnstonia. g excel lent emed~y fer neuralgia, Iboinest Lite. When she had Cldren, she gave thieni Casionsa. Happy sud contented old ae inrari- Winter Breakfasts on the Far". ahly bringa in ifs train s daveiopmeut Serrod ns fhey must ho very aarly, ef ore sud regard for childreu. Old poe e eemtoeanjey theisebume sud tise A n10emidecument was flled in the of- *- offen before dsyligisf, if la necesssry repose requisite te the afudies et ail fthe fice of f5e ceuuty recerder at Sedalia, I tsatheaty eodhoprcide. Matbeutis o th ciiliai naurehefreMo., s few dsys age. If la a paper thatheary fod b prvide. Mat, eautes f th chldis naureis e heeiu Mrs. Belle Asher apprentices *potatees sud griddle cakes form -the it Ses Sad time te becoma cenfamiuated Ser daugister, LetSs Asisewr, 9 yesrs isasiS ef mauy of tisese meals. Sturdy sud tarnishied by contact with the oid te Mary Jaue Love, "te beamu the E i mou sud beys may always rolis f hase wrd esdo Sc iose whee rade and art ef dressmaking." 08rbticl e but cegirosa cuireotise ha- course Of lite la neariug ifs end ustur- Do you know a good farm cofefe an stîgn o a ouplearogally'feel a paiticular sympathy sud lu- coffa su a dugisnt o a ouple tétrest in the fate of tisoso who are enly paper when you see if? ceokies. Tison cornes au heur deoteed at tise uleoth ie long, daugereus sud nd iouhe1ura tediSs udlssns iwnkL tise wearisomie struggie for existence. If la Let us sen o Th Rua fro.Sty air, and three heurs oer booksa theretere enly ustural that a mlan ON hotore tise noxf meal, sud circumstaucas thorougisly imbued witis genarous senti- w-x orker this week. Send COMPel1f lis, in tise majority cf cases, meute ns Mm, Gladstoe, tise verv large- ti te h a coid oue. Canet semetising'inassa et wisse heart bas lad hlm'into tise your address; no money. be hoprorided that tisese girls sud tiseir eniy pelitical mistakes that can be re- mether man reliaS. the mast of the family cemrdeld agains.t hi-, shonld in tise even- The Rural New-Yorke, an1joy, sud yot tise werk of tise eue whe o o0f hla 1-pn lita find pleasure 409PealSree,_NwYrk 96 must peaebekathnfgeansd satisfaction in the cempauiousi f______ lyinrdaed fTise meat can ho, variedhssnylttegaduger Dorotby 5 ~ ~ i luknpu h~otatoes cooked lu dit- Dre w wse ules hem illustrions grauu- 96 may take the place ot the griddle cakes lm lie w" wosut lutieasa o hspoli- Vuj -gmahani or whole wheat ficur gema tical camer te maniteat lu direct îug Sos joisnuy cake sud muffins, grains iý 1party wlieu lu tise opposition, sud in o c t' msny ariet les, rebled eas, the uew sud governîng tise empire rhSen lu office. approve of________ q.ickly propared granules, rîce, wheatl MucheOf Mr. Glad.sfo>ne's marvelousEniuIso. or ho ?Fr M flakes sud aveu plain gmaisam muas ?, success lu lite, tise gcod which hae Sas E_______Fr_____Fo' As fer toast, its forma are counufes s rnPlisised for Sis country, adts and toehaeeek h Poacised egga, escis ou butfemed rounds iSeld wisich hoe Sas obtained ou tisa af- ie n oinwIlo aewaw of toast, botS louS sud faste weil. Milk foctiens of Sis countrymen la due te when1 they should be Strong; toast, wltis a lberai dasis of creso n sd hebappinesa of bis home lite sund de- serrad witis jam, la a breakfast tom aun I estic summunding Neyer was tami- for babies and chidren wlio pe. Slces oet eated bead dîppad: ly more truiy uinite than tisat efthtie 1 -'uoiugwstem, but tored sud'covred Gladstones. Tisey constitute tise Mest are thib, when they sliould be wihcanued temates heted sud well whoesOme type et the Englashceuntry fat fo l wh ge no oui - semoed, msy ha new te some. Or lu t amiy, wiselese'Me lu mmd sud wisolo- ;fraijh etn onrs-Nic Place Of tisa tomateesuse a Lgramy made , somie lu body, ud1n m- ahf dse- -mn-4o-ter oi Po c ouasgar, whites cf asix eggS, oee r' OR COUGHS, COLDS, itry of hait teaspoon soda, eetaponcemAnther Thlng. SHAsda <UGAFCINCi-,cago tartu, treecupsfl(ur, lle (ji miI-, a vi rwhichl fr, tisea dupoa futr, uecp ilGooisf-mmay oces are thora li1 oneamil ocanu, d o eionen lutiat hor t yeuir cisurclis I 50years asud the verdict of the peoplela thýat but hk0 Sime CseolteCake-Ouae-Sait 1cup jBze-hu e~.if is the heefremedy knownV. 25C. sud soc. Surely1 butter, ceue suad eue-hall colpa sugar, Gozzis-WishyIia s mresoWprbffedol vfyhr.Abo wliiteaSOf fe'ur oggs, thrue-teulrthsscup:tisat it id fomty eo' tiff y mmes CRYWTO ~c. RPTAboutce SOi -s ut yuese e RYWT-C o. RP5t0r l. e teaspeent n fLU od,3,atwo et cream tar- isoW 'MY vreices. tS o'a.k. Ch~~'enCryf~ Pte~îer8 Catora 01-N TAYLOR & C0., Manufactuers, TOronto. 1a.tEnd -Gi;a in epot he'nndersigued desire to thauik the farmers of West L)urham 'or the liberai patrenage extended te, us durine the past season, aiseo to remind theon that we are stili in the market and prepared te pay the HIGHEST MARKEfT PRICE L 1 KND0S 0 F CCA, EGAI HSE lvered at our sterehouse cor. King and George sitreetss., or at Po)rt Darlington. We have aiso on hand a. large stock NEW AND FRESH, Canadian and Liverpool Coarse Salt in Bago. Rock Sait for cattie and herses, and Fresh Ground Grey Piaster in Barrels which we are preparad teo el Ail kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY OLEAN SCIREENEI> OOAL vays in stock. We invite inspection and guarantee satisfaction. McOLELLAN & UO lill be pleased once la Q.uanqtity, twice împ, Quality, and three imes la Price who !aspect the unequalleti assortient ot 3oels, and kloes, SIlippers, Rubbers, Trunks, Valises, &c., Our Store, w' BEAVER BLOCK,-a llowanaille BIQGEST STORE, BIGGKEST VARJETY, BIGGEST VALUE, erybody invited to cali aud see oiw miew Ébîoowetr ID -A-TS THIE SROW V ~riShol ntil Socarli êfFh W re osentf KING STREET, BOWMANVILLE ere will be found an assortment of presents usef well as orîîarental, Panay Rockers $1.00. Fancy Tables ae Secretary $5.50. Fasels at ail prices. 'eens. Fine Couches and the largest line of 1 .niture in the conntry, comprising ail the Iatest the lowest prices ; also Bed Room Furniture vn.' We waut you to cali and see our goods, as Uudertaking is a special branch' of our business always couducted under our personral supervision. VMAN VILLE. A CREAT NEW BOOK BY J081AR ALLEN'S WIFE. "A A N T HA iNEUi r.fOPE."1 Dents *Wantedl oves' 100 IlutationS Agens a te by 8Bron De G rm m , t tS W a t ýthat IR Jeclal Allen .Wifea@sIta e nop.Jstt en tg)lonan Baron U imm, thefamous artista"nd caricaturitt followe hei he en eEx anlîrelaiRd, %ad and Wse ,at eFrace, ~ray lTersleaet ehv o of theïr adventures lus,,Ira,.ge cterylpalaces, and 111o0t1!-th-ile " iw aypce They isltcd the Duke of! rerganlaQeandi Qliers tiley Lad 1met at the Wrlds Fair ir go. Baron De Grinim lias made ovor 100 illustrations o! the ovcents f ithew trp, ah of Swill apnear' lu the book. With ifs profoienui lnterest, idepîh (Pt'it, Cgelbînlisp .u and souÇd phllosophiy, verily this book will sweep ail heore ct. Nowoly Amnpricans, nglîsh, Gernian, French and other folks are nager fo read itý. As mtany copies vill be sold as were of all Saimanthas, other books combined. mie thaIn haîf a illion. âwake agetsknow what this anniouncenient meanl-1, bananza ohoe \%ho 700 PaeLr e Otavp. scr trîor And l !for the llîîays,; by ail or AgeLnt, Cl-oth, WrtfotensaderirytOc. fiafor Ittssa,4$4,00. )n 'ni as -50c. Pire Parlor styles a way it is ý2Be as natural and as easy a8 - you can-above ali reineni- ber the golden ruse and order - -oP on--rer There is no soap like it, It wiII pay you to find this out by a trial.,