Dr' . . Ho" Ný"o 0Other odcin 80 THOROUGH As statoment or a Well ICuown Doctar *'Ne ethor blood mcdcine that 1 have @ver uséd and I have trled tbemn ail, i8s s therough in Its action, aud effets se many erate nt cures as rs Sarsaparilla.".- e r61LL =guta, Me. Aye'sntSaîsaprilli AdmItted et the World's pair. Ajier'a Pilafor lifver ansd bowe&"B. -,,,I ra i b *,,d ott,,f meii-an t Fr, to "y, Bufrr ieE Pres .nd Pos l ff , ,ddr.... H. e. AN IlIPflRTa1 C ASEI A Victoria County (Ont.), Ped- ler Before the Courts. laseedhiselling a Plak çoIored PII, Which ne ltepresenteeî 60 Re Dr. 'WiI- liaine'Pink PIIIS-The court (Grants a p Peptéal Injunettea Ilestratntnglt Fron Offering au Imlitation of' This Great >e<lilteîîe5M@FAcla tie Publie W11l DO Weille10 Iear la Min,!, In the High Court of Justice yester.. daY meruiug, before Mr. J ustice Mere.. dith, the case of Fulford V.McGaboy dith, the case ef Fulford v. McGaboy was heard. It cOnsisted ef a motion for au injunetion te restraiu Fred McGahey frein.aelling a pill wbîcbh e ciaimad te ho Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla for Pale PeeOple. Mr Douglas E, Armour ap- peared for the plaintiffsanad statad that the defendaut bad been peddling.these gd about Victoria Ceunty, claiming them b haDr. Williams' gennine 1Pink Pilla. It was impossible, however, on the face ef t, that tbey could be genuine, as hoe sold tbem greatly below w bat 11hey coat ut wheiesale price. The de-. fenidant had given o3-eut. Mr. Armour said, that the motion sbonld bc chang ed te eue for judgmeut agaiust himi. No defeuce was effered, and bis Lerdship gave au erder for judgment restraiu.. ilg McGahey frem cetinning te vend thle article as Dr. Williamsa' Pink Pis for Pale People. The aboya paragrapb. taken from the legal commua of the Toronto Globe ef the li5th mast., contalus a wvaruing which every person iu Canada lu need of a medicine wivll do well te heed, an d ,hows the care sud pains tbe Dr. Will- iams' Medicine Company takos te pro- tact the publie freen imposition, and te preserve the reputation of their famions Pink Pilla.- It la only a medicine that possesses more than usual merit that La worth imitation. Ordinary medicinas are net subjeet to that kind ef treatroant, as thora is net sufficiaut demand for sncb madicina worth while. Dr. Williams' Pink Pilîsg for Pale Peo- pie bave acbieved a reputation for ster- ling menit uuparalleled lu the blstory of medical science, lu avary part ef tbe Dominion the reuîarkable curas wrought by the, use of this great medicîne bave given it a namne and a faute which ha made the sale of Pink Pilla simply won- darful. lti l becanse ef this great mentf, and the cous-'queut anormous denand for the medicinc, that it ia haing imitated soe unserupulons dealer te cenvince by unuscrupulous persons lu varions parts et th,- country. Tbe imitation is1 ceap, usually worthiess, anud la ouly pusbed bacausa tbe imitator ean make mucli more mouey by its sale than hae cau by tihe sale ef the genulue Pinki Pil. Heuce tbe pains hie takas te sel the imitation. The Dr. Williams' Medicine Company4 auuually speuds thonsauds of dollars en-1 deuvorng te iinmrs upon the public that tbe genuine Pink Pisaeaui ouiy bha purchased iluoee form-uameiy in pack- ages euclosed lu a wrapper (or label), w-hich heurs the tfnil trade mark, "Dr.i Williams' Pink Pilla for Pale People." No oee au bny tbem lu any otber fortu net aven if tbey offered many times their weigbtinl gold for thein. And yet iu tbe faceef these continuons waruings thera are people confident'eneugh to permitt tbem that lie eau snpply them with tbe genulue Pink Pilu loose form by the dozen or huudred, or ounice,' or lu soins other kîud ef a box. Any eue wbo pre-t tends te ha able te de tItis la telling an untrutb. Bear this lu mmid sud refuse ail pilla that de net bear the full trada mark, ne mattar if tbýey are colored piuk,i and ne matter wbat the dealer says. Ploase bear lu mmid aise that the formula frein whicb Dr. Williams' Pink9 Pil is eompouudad is a secret kuowu ouly te the company, sud any euewhobe clamrahaie, au spply yen sitb sema other pili "just as good" is guiity et mrtsrepresentation, for hae dees net knowx- the ingredieuts of tbe genuine Pink Pilla sud is oniy trying te salliyen some3 other pili, because hae makes morec moey on its sale.L The Dr. Williams' Medicine Companyi ia dterminad te sare ne expeuse ru protacting, both the publie aud tbem- sel0as, aguinst these uiîscrupnlons imi- taqtors-. sudi il aiways ha tan4ut The Canadian Statesman WEDNESDAY, JAN. 29, 1896. NOTES AND COMMENTS. The chiot cause of danger whieh con- fronts the Boers of the Transvaal i theïr inability te inaintain their isola tion. The first white settiers in South Africa, the colony founded by them. at the Cape was transferred te Englaud by the Netherlandsa s the resuit of a Eu- ropean war; and refused adequate re- cognition in the new governmeut, thous. ands sold or abandoned their farina and pushed eaatward into Natal. But Brit- ishi settiement soon overran them, Natal became a crown eolony, and the Boer, again took up their march, this tins goig north into the Transvaal, wherE they formed what is now knowu a.s thE South Af rican republie. The Britia] followed, and although the -proces, which they had applied. to Natal was s( stoutly resisted in the Trainsaal thaý England acknowledged the independeneý of the state, other means ha-ee in receni years promised to accomplish the sam( end. For not only have the two Dutcl republics been surrounded on three sideg by British territory, but the influx oi British, minera inte the Transvaal, at. tracted by the diseevery of gold, bas be. corne so, great as to enable thorm at an3 time to enforce recognition of their poli. tical rights; and the Boers themselveï are emigrating te Mashonaland, tempt ed thither by the offers of the Britisl 1South Af rica Company. It has becom( a serious question. therefore, whetbei they can long maintain their politicaý autonomay and within the past fev moutbs it bas been made stili more seri. ous by the practical refusai of the "uit. lander," or foreigu, population to aub, mit longer te the exclusive governmeni of the Boers. This population, located chiefly in thE industrial districts of the republie. iý said to already outnuxAber the Boers in 'a proportion of th.ree to one, and la in- creasing at a ratio of frein 600 to 1,00( per week, yet uearly every coucosaioul demanded by the new conditions of the atate is deuied by th.e Transvaal gov- ernuient. This governmeut la exclusive- ly in the banda of the Boers, and ias s jealousiy guarded that no alien la allow- ed to vote or hold office eueh executive ability aýs la necessary for the purposeE of admiistration being ixnported fron Holland, rather than drawn fromn the resideut foreigu population. The result la that iu the lack of skilled off icera the industrial districts are inadequately pol- iced, the miniug regulatieux for thes pro- tection of 11f e and property are not car- ried out, and ne sufficient provision i-ý made for schools, thougli the uitlanders have offered te provide for these need by voluntary subseription, i addition tc payment of regular taxes. No goveru. ment whioh net only dienies to the mn jority of its taxpayers-the -foreigners contribute nine.-tenths of the revenue of the state-a voice i the control of af- fairs, but actually discriminates againsi thens, eau expect, to give satisfactiou,auI that the nitiandera have at last demand- ed efficient goverumeut ani a ahare jr administration will not be a-matter of surprise. Thus far the demand bas been opposed by the Boer government, in the oertainty that if it yields, it wiii la swamped la the British mornas; though latest deapatches state that Presideni Kruger, while determ.iued net te yiebf te tbreata, promises that the requesta of the nitlauders will, if preseuted te the legisiature through regular channels, have a caref ni aud considerate beariug. lIn thé, appointment of Mr. Alfred Ausa- tin a-, poat la ureate. the tradition te wbicb the Britisb nation bas reverted, that the laurel wreath must be given to the poe-t who, la popular judgment, possesses the divine gift iu its complet- est form, has been ignered. Lord Salis- bury wonld have but foilowed the pro- codent set'by Sir Robert Peel and other illustrious atatesmen, had he given Mr. Swinburne the opportunity te accept the houer, and, failing bis aocceptance, offer- ed it in turu te Mr. William Morris. For there la littie doubt that were a plebiacite. taken, these two men wonld be designated as having best proved by the acope, and qnaiity of their achieve- monta, their right te rank witb the im- mortais. Mr. Sw inburue la a past mas- ter of the peetic, art, and iun many off icar, the lanreateship now involvea ne attendance on the part of its bolder, and ne service agait bis will. But aven with eretic and erratic gan- twoortheeofth arstcrti m os hrunltsn,tunted condition le naturol strengthsanS -aism z'..ic, xvli,s.Vt's..e tw- ortbao t he risocrti myon ize. 1 wanî every yenng croîS man ta kueirabout 105e o Pwer, .rem,,,e ,ea.,nesand. rres-ainlty figure amog thie sbraw-dest plitical h. I1take a rersoai inrerest lu nsi cases and ne TIare ase ow 97'0,524 pensons on thesud ait Diseases caisseS sy Bad iutoed dSitted4 000neeibosîtete s-tem a ai cnsmniaîins.1 Nerves. Skina ieautifier. One trial proves fi. ln manaers u Prliaeutay hsîor. iTOneareestaricte conhideniaseonS iatîp 0n pnson rolla. 0f tIsa 3,826 are w-- large boxes, ise.; 6 for .25. Tise Dr. How manaersin Pxlimentry istibishe reed siiey fr0ental oIs, ndrcpeoir an sd 21 surviviug soldiers efthie aMedicine Co., Brookville, Ont., and Morrisiowss predaaa.ssor oe.t hi eaorl etLouaScale, off butwriîe uie flliy st once, yen wiii 51way0 bias war et 1812, 3,911 are widow-s, aud 3,012 BAnIS 0W-N TAuLiETs cure ever, aTm,, mayr t Wiiburnw-as the msitiseday yenuddse. Adîtress, ana survivers efthîe Indian w-ors, 7,868 TsiuDasheEc ots. powertul anuS eorrupt aristocratie a- THIOMAS SLATER, Box 205 ara wiSow-,an sd 12,536 are survivons ______ liaenan bssetth emha'th10 par-ret Fmsos namoofelry thîe Mexieanuw-ar. Turing the lest li aingoing me Venezuela. Yooi may liaentrybos o th eght",.thel- Siper f a ju aMAZO, iGH. elr3 year 39,1863 naines w-are aSSeS tote e ner ses me again. Tien lauS me tee tury. Ha cotrolled lauoemambaîs, w-ho KLM ZO IHIpension rollsansd 42,411 w-ae ropped. do)lara 1 - Min Umm BME m Umm lus barred eut, titre was no occasion dld bis hidding hi Parliameut, aud when~ h ais nlrelDhnDndmDc Ite bang the wreatb ountewillewsand King Gorepropoedte make h hlm a adies'Journalle IIUUIUIIPl,,IHItI deehire that there waia ne eue wcrthy baron in retuxu for bis poculiar political NO 30-.R te waar it. No doubt the problein ef services, ha indignautly spurued the idea appolatmeut was more perplexing than Of entosring the peerage ou se low a A Valuable Lot ef Beauttful Prizes w-as that of a succss ot Wordsworth, orale.Howudbv auerdmo for Pain&-Taking, Fersevering People. for then Tennyson was the ouly pos- nothing, and hafere long hos get biseauri- Smtigitrsit ie rftbeP sible clamant, though hoehad net yet dom. As an eletioneeriug boas this te1po or he iWitrEol touebad is bigheat note. Moreover, ho eaurlet Lonsdale conld bave lalarued lit-. ns The very cordial way iu wbich the mnve thtie office wrth isncb distinction tic from adapta iu poliîreal managem,-nent revival of our Bible preblein plan was and associated it se eleaaily with ail that sncb as w-e bava in Ibis country. Ho raceivad, sItar sic a long silence. eu- ila greatest and moat worthy in liter- had, et course, amuallar alectorates te cour7ages ns, sy i uîaaae attie, hat venthe aweetest and bandia than preseut day poltialMan- ]The Ladies' Journal, te effer another ikRachanrelv i- ature, that aven eui oe. The large pnîzos and the amaller Sfck Headachosa elir altsetoulsli- ystrengeat et the singera lef t behlud will agora, but ha was f amiliar with mauy et rew-nrds wore soattered pretty wol Dzies asa rwiea Uteatt nover bc te the public what ha w-sa. But the tricks and sharp practicoe f thîe ovar the w-bobeeuntry frein British eating, Pain iu tihe Side, &c. zWhiithimosil Columubia te Nova Scotla, and aveu into reanka be success hasissu son - ci i ,rîB the divine gif t did net polsa frei lni mouward politîcians, and wbo'ho'. 'ente'r- the Stat, with bis deatb, and there are a score ed on a centest ha stood at ne expense Haro are the questions for Ibis coin-F.> et peets stiil living and producing, in te gain bis and. In those days the petition. Whare are the folow g auy ef w-boebanda tise laureateshiP lauýdad arstecracy pushod tonevswra ia ouRuîl il -eHadacho, -et UCÀiRra6'sLnrLit, ,vreaPrii w-euld net ho dlagracad. In this clasa mb omunicipal pelitica for thoir owu Heurh; ud, Day rd, Wo.4 lr euîyrial n osiajn uit Month 5tbYaar.and prerentLng tis aneng comiplaint, whi are Edwin Arnold, William Watson, self ish anda. THE FIHST IIEWARDS. tisey aise correct ail disorderq et tise stoimaci ~ ews-_____ stimulate tise liror vand rogu1atro tire beweit LwsMorris, Fredanîck Locirr and 1-A handsomely fiished -jpnîght Pi- Eren if thoy -ouly cu-red Austin Dobson, al et whom, a century Until rocitl the campaigu in Cuba ane. ag , w oleb v b aligrd d as b e au et the usual desult ry sort, 2- O ne beautiful Q ar upe ilv r Plt- great ponts. Watson, Loeko-r aud Dob- aveu despatea by the way e Ky 0t 12-Tan handsome ludividual Sait son are daiuty w-rkera in rbyme and West, alw-ays favorable te the inaur- and Papper Casters. Ache they wouid he aimost priceleis te eon Srhythm, w-ile Sir Edw-in Arnold bas in gants, failing te make auy apparent do- li3 te 32-Twenty Testasmants, beauti- whso suffer from ibis -distressinà cemplal ut' twe groat poens sud maiymincier ees, cidad gain for the patniot cause. Ail f nily hound iu morocce. h rtu naetise r odoouoneudt - n~ 33 t 7 v ecgMahns o- dselte, pi ethosawho one0 ry emwillfin proved lis equallty witb the kreat that could ho justly claimed for It Was plate atiachinents. they 'Ii ueh willing te de witheut thons it aiesin itraure tatits detendera bad divided honora 38 te S7-Iw-euty pairs Silver Sugar Utetr ail sicit head Le witb the Spanianda lu the skirmishing, Touga. 58 te 77-Twenty Souvenir Speens et -h Witb seaniany available candidates test thoy bad beau atriaugthaned by se- Toronto. Silver Plated - (Gold >8 psessiug, in pepular estlnsate, the true cessions et racruita and munitions, and Bow-l).iste a esemnlistriboelwh. Sgift inlutbeugbt and melody, the sil -thnt pepuliar sympatby witb thoi. n lu 8 -Six bundsone Quadrupla Sil- wo make cor great battî. Our ville cure It tienet r. lfrd Asti astheofficil prts t te ilau supoad t hodi~- 8 ve Plted EggCasters, Gold-linad. wiile others do net. tion ofMr. Alred Autin as he offcial prts of hetesand-Sixtean t preditct-y8 arv9ed Su-ttCy RaEed Sil- CrRTERLrLITTE PnrEsPiare reeve' ormai -bard et tien ation bas uaturally axcited ly under Spanish contrai, lad become ver Thbubles. anS rery easy tetake. One ar two piseani Ssente regret and net a littho ridicule, more openiy manifest. Surmmad np, lO-Oue complote set et Mayne Reid , net gripeyr pre bitby tbeirgetieactioe 1Fer bis naine, bas scarecely beau maen- the eutlook for te inaurgeuts w-as net 18 volumes, beautifnlly bonnd. Reeaiwhuse tisem. In riais St 25 cents,, 58101 te 150-Forty-uine haif dozen Si- ve f or $1. Seld everywhere, or sent by mnail, 5tioued in theo ilt oet tise deemed wotby bopea n. But the, avents et the_ pat ver Plated Fonks. 0ABTB MEDICflT3 00., lSîw York. -of e the place. Indeed, few- levers et three weeks have put a new face on the The sonder et the tirai correct an-*~ i~a hpoetry, nnwilliug te aubjacitteir judg- situation, sud show net alene an un- aw-er te alirie questions wiil gat te n M I Ds. al ro lemont te linpechmnentwould tin'f' ac ie fletfthe p.--'ri-'-ftrces. Piano. The second île Silver TeaSet, ____________ iplu ua mmiit.H hsben adbu expantmecreas sperorio f the and seoununtil sltise firat rew-ards r inludug lm u il Hobasbea, sd bu depit th rui ananinît ettheare distnibutad. LI stili la, a working jourualisi ou the Spaulsb army in number sud eqnipment Tien follow the Middle raw-ards, w-bau BElON!] TUE IEILMS OFFRS 1 Conservative aide; and aitbongl be bas it bas been steadily foiced t retreat, the souder ot the Middle set et correct bee a airy sccesfu tolerin evealandÎtsleaersoutemealld ad otauaw-ers will ho given the Piano, the No hurricanes, rse cyclones, ne thuna - beu afaily uccsafl tile insevralsuditsleaersouterrraied ud nt-secnd tee Gold Wath and se on. stori, ne drontir, ne frinlre, - deartnena o litratre hisessaa mueavre aievar tiru. StstuigTHEMIDLE ISICALIFORNIAI lMatchlesesud narvelous deparnient of lteratre hi essas Maneuvrd at very urn. tartig THEMeDDLtLIS.saneen sensandacres$12perperczcee in verse have attractad little attention, lu the extrema easteru end o et l - 1-A handsoinely tinlsbed Upright Pi- Ninety-six hundred acres $12.50 ser it would, thereforo, ho unjust te Lord liaud, the8 insurgent terce had pusbed anue. Tweuty-six bundred acres $10.00 par actrI Salisbury te, supposa that tris appoint- ita w-ny westward tlrongh the. provin- 2-One Gants' bundseme Hunling Case it hundre.d acr $1eve00hpnre acre,, S1J Men lasben mde o te cor o cs f antag d, -àba ndPurt g Geld Watch. huSsed acres, Tiree huudred and twen eutlsba ad ntesoe tcae auig eCb sdPet 17-Fitteen Silvar Ton Services, acres.,&ny etiser qrsentity down te tât peetical mnit alone, or that bis usatul- Principe far luto tînt et Sauta Clana, QarpePae(orpae> ce.OieOags etieFj nnasa as a Cousrvativa leader w-iter had thus occupying more than half tle il. 18 te 37-Twenty 1-2 doz. Fonka, 811- Lemons, Almends, Grapes sude.al eher cfru t 1- ot omehin todo n dterinig hs lndwith te, xcetio ofa fw sa- ver Platad, (Superior qnality). graWn ru a country wisere dco. Opinion ilalikely te ho strong ports sud fortifiad towua. More thon 38tra 2fnihvauozndesrah vs x rll#6.0RE0.N SPEI thai the laureataabip lad btter bave thai, leaving Sauta Clara a tew weeks 43 te l42-One hundnpd Testaments, Write for particulars. bea let acat uti sone oe apear ao, enealGomez broke threugl the hiaudaomeiy fluishýed, merocco bounu. ADES beanlaf vaant nti sem poa apear-ugo Genral143 te 162-Twenty complete Copie ad withi a divine rigît te t, the more Spaulal line formed te pui the insur- Chambers' Journal. isK .KLE that the office ila an anachronism ah gants back tb tise aastw-srd, advanced 163 te, 172-Tan dozan Desart Kuivea, WILLOW, CAtà, hast, sud honorable onîy in eue w-bm into the province et Muntauzas, sud Superlor qnality, valued at $6.00. Populr jugmen has rownd mater. aa snS oerrun thatprovnce, 173 13teo118--Twel1-2 oz1-2 doze Pla- ArecerleisPlatt At pplsejudMutinlas co-ot mserluaane varn ît rvic, STeanSpoona, extra quality ferY'ou r Teeth Are very uset ei AtsityMr Astn a etîiey te gether with paris et the provinces etof commen use. writa anything btter teen lelias al- Hlavana sud Pinar doal Rie, sud aven 185 te 194-Tan Ladies' pretir GelS Preserve theml WTH ...~ Sready written, and il w-uld lave beau a hhratencd tic capital itsolf. 195 cheýs, atest dsn. GelSCeouîî t ieO ORO ,dallante compliment te those w-le stand Eaybr h ~a însin Watcbeis, Lde'Baîî THE PERFEOT TIen coma îlehLestuLiailortCouse- AUlDrugglare. TOOTH POWDf R aboya lins, but w-bose. appointmanmt was fremin bcb Spa in danives lbar revenues, ITien Prizetheu atLth odr et tb impossible, hadthie place tilied by Dry- have beau destroyed, a hywr r-lat or riet se tthsersreved i ORTWNT-theEAS 1den anS Tannyson beau permithed ho viouaîy lu île ensteru hliotei islaud, tbe Journal office w-ilho given thela" 4remain unfilieS. Nevertbeless, Mn, tha patniet as-m y Iai notîing lu ita Piane nained la this ilt. Austin ila a fuir peet and an induatin linoet march save smoking fields anS THE LAST LIST.o literary worker, net unwonthy ho su--- biackenad sud ruined villages. Witb 1 te 20-Twauty 1-2 dozan Table Spous, supermen quaity. ceed Tateansd Sladw-ell and Pya, sudanu amry et 100,000 mon ah 11is commalnd 21 ho 25-Five handsýoMe Goid Leekets. it would ho, churlisih o euvy hlm any Genarul Campos bas beau practically 26 te 30-Five hundaomne Silver Tihu- loor tle succession maay brlug lins. Ha e werlasa thus far te stop the uLdvauce hies. w-ih nt qa t l ak sp t h ane ec e 600mnudr31 ho 35-Five Paris Individual Sali -plying "blihle hasaoe weicome ' _ Gmz, and witbhi e exception efthle 36 te 60-Tw-enty-five Testaments, Me- Sroyal infant or an ode on île occasion et western hait et the provineaet Matan- roeco bonS.TH C O 'BETFI D royl ariaesudasauoficaizas anS ilose etf Havan anS Pinar 61 ho 65-Five dozen Nickel Plated Tea LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. troubadour may ho trustod net te faîl del Rio, tle whole Island, save a score 66 te 75-Tan complete Volumes Chamn- ,below maiy et lis predaceasors. etfs-Ports anS, fortitied towns, umay bers' Journal. O T R O B N ci - - - be aid o biafirmy in hé hnds o the75 te, 100-T wenty-f ire bandsoine Sou- O T R O B N Atte-o-o horinCir he isridnte ho tnylhépe bnd t le - venir SponuaoetToronto.B B iat tleosqryu eritn Cure tiaeisrot. A h rsu ieH-101 te 110-Ten Beys' Nickel Watches.etîonne&te do aa<ouerai Banktugusinage 1.1 amoinayuîa it br a vansaud Pinar Sel Rie are tle scene 111 te, 120-Tan bandsoni Beund Bowman'vtle.Agency. ,tw-een six and igît thoussud Mohain- et active operations; and as hie insun- Volumes, History efthîe Bible. DEPOSITS amdnstudenrta are assemnbleS forth gent forces hava appresehed te witbin 121 te 123-Tîrea Sewluig Machines, lu I Savings Bank t)epantu*ent aud on mupedo c lg h nesar rie-a znml-so h aComioeattachinuts. cai andînterestalieweS ateurrýent rates Ne puroseetrecivng ieuecsary ram adezn ile e îl cpital City et Ha- 124 te 127-F<our dezen Tunner Kuivas, notice o! withdrawal uecesisary. Ail dSosiot, eing pralbmnary te tencbiug the, Moea vaun, sud ti strengîth a teasiy extra quality valueS at $6.00. payable on Sernand, taitl lu Alla and Africa As a part oft 128 te 160-Thirty-tbree 1-2 dozan Silver à irhniungi nreasid, 1h la viSent tlot more et- PlateS Forks. EXCHINGE thpr tainngthase studants etter the feetive messuras must ho taken by Spain 161 te 199-Thistv-niine Testamients,. B nubtand soiS aud Oraftissued nisonEuropiû t ollowing prayor oacI eveuug: if lbar hl i pnthe isiaud ilate bc Morocco houaS. United States andCanada, aiseGold,sliver and ~ ~~ ilcratre iî îi ti No. 200, A haniomely tinlabed Tip- VelteSSîtes Green backsbeuzit sud soid, Loiof ll reaurel Alahlmaitaied AginnighitrbaPiano valueS ai four bundreà dol-COlC IN desiroy thelut iSolsa nuS the polythelsta etofthe final suceasa etf the patniota Must, lan,.O LCIN p bhila en-amiesl, the enemies oet hy rail- bfw,-ever, ho placeS the daterminstion Everyoue competing muai sonS eue Prstmptly madie at carrent rates upo ail psitt gion O lla I air tbir hilrenet te Sunli Gvermau teaxhnatdollar for a year's subscniption te the cf Great Bittain, the lUnited States aud tie gon ah et ie b boies.Causde fteSaihGvrmn eehutLadies' Journal, (aise six cents lu shamp Domnso-n oflCanada, trhir tat tefslip, give bodiusCaue very nesource te eual ,ont the7rebel- or coin for postage on speon), w-bicb ila thi fe t ligiathn adtheir lion, the sucosa tle boknding w-al wotl the luvestinant spart from Telegrapli Tr'ansfrar families, theïr boasalold anS thair w-o-I aquadron in prevantingtelag th a ries. MaSs for large or small sumns on ail part ot men, tlair ciildrLaunuSndtheir relations ifiiusea eu spinS e nt ndiso - AHADOMeOL AUINM Canada. This ià especially advaeiLig- U>S ii by murriagerthand brotliesanSandaiscpositionsAet toopa wbicb roay proveUet-persous living in Maonitoba or tisa Nrceawest, by arrage thir roher an thir ostios o tropswh,ýhmayproe, f-SPOON, imakes tie funds avaliabie ai once ab rie friands. theïr possessions anS d er race,, tplace Otofpanienias a ts thai waltlnuSbiai lada sinotylu hmng in the lasurgants f ull aise, w-ll ha sont trac ho everyoue placero!payot, laaCaiat teank. thpr w an thir and asbü sud, compeîîing aneas engage nt as. sen as possible, afthr mouey ilane- B. L. FORTT, GRO. McGJLL, te bie Mosiems, O Lord et ah creutures. mn.Ceivad whether tliasuw-ers ara cor- AcutnManager, lthe latter event, tbe lacir et urtillary rect ornont. This spoon ila maSo by au This savage invocation, -wbicb islua anS inadequste equipinent muai hll entisoaly uaw proceas anS ilsoethhe saine 7 suh mrkedconraitoe spirit etfbenvily againsh th-, insurgents, anS m iteralal tlhreugl sud wiil couse- universa1 brotherhood whicl ciaracter- Spain mny ho able te make good hien saintl e a bngitsmode et gehl the izes the Chrisian prayer, suaggests twoe Seclaratiou lIat civill un doesanet ex- spcon would retail at about eue dollar. cousideratiens: Frsat, ihat the 'basîs et rat iîn Cuba. A SIL VER TEA SET 0F FOUR the Moslein taitb ila hIesamne new as PIECES, I H wheuMohamedspred aroadhis My buaband anS 1 are te lave our oayprnsedqsidlas w-he Mohnxma spr'sS broa bisportraits painheci liy s battie painer? T nvpro edn i olr doctrines witb tise and sword, unS tint w iti their auaw-ers (w-ihtan correct on hiatred et al unheliavera la its principal F! n, t> -ih otte ais ora sud nfleibleattnbuta sud secnd I rAd or Oua year, sud s heautitul Quadruple -TcO II andinfexile ttrbut; adle*Sîlver PlateS Tes Service et tour places that thie horrible massacres iu Armoui .z.n TIUw an or Cet tee Pot, Sugan Bowi, Cnesm ~1 are insiîy thie savag-e spirit w-ihciPîteber sud SpoouHolden. . Sets ne bat- ? 4A