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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jan 1896, p. 3

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10e lxia euthr. -'"A tailtinLudanlt san, iu the Guarda, i Uss ntarested inusthe aducationen o 55r -the Coldstrems or the Grenadiers, I1 çjauightoLrs are respectfully requestedt teaa quita forget whicb. Ha taike ot"Le m earis' applicatieton ouleudar, or fer neese, te ail thaeroxining; and, indeed, se did Sir- itEV. J. J. HARE, Ph, D John, Lady Lsncoin's son; but I likedti 1 Mn. Kennedy bes" 30-f PrinciPal "Poor Six John 1"h GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. THE VI CARS B1WAKFAST-SUPPER. CHAPTER XVI. s La horeongh kisowtedgle e1 the naturel FTbere, waa a sound o? revebry by n!bgt." Pu nutitinsd by a carafut application ot Byron. tha fluapropenile et et-saîdCooM" -My love, n'y PearlIl y1' 5iL was ~ adtseoyfl -'rd barrgewich omsy sure Very pnetty seng, and bauxits one semoe- ns mey isary detor, bitt, hi s les tis heiv but ne doulet a good night' iP 'osttulonmayha radustIl but -0up utîl will killIiL. Held up, you bruta,"-th!5 =9oiganuisbreaiet avers'tun'ttee to in an ptintmar; helado- dIsesse. Rundreds et sublie maladiesare oteknadptitmr;wh floati 11 aronnd us reasds to attack wherever ing honr good nise miles an heur, and tisere. se weak point. We mas' escape a sy >who bas miidlly objected Le a sharp? & fatal sisaft by kaepiisg ourselves watt f ortified wtth Pure blood snd a proearls' nourished atone. "«Wby didn't Clarissu ititrtduce trame.-"utevil Service Gazette." me te bier? I wish te gooduoss 1 hadn't Made aii' iry itisboiliisg iater or milk, Sold Onîs' in paokets, by Grocers. lsbelled îisus: to go back to town te-morrow il Anid JAltjES EPPS I& Ce., femeSopathie Chemn- so on, untîl ho ranches Sur'tonis, and iRt Loindon. ItXgiaxid. flilgs hineseif, witb semas impatience, Dut o? the trap, te the amazoment 01 bis eroom, wbe 15 accustomad te thiuk o? bis master as a yonng sean to whom e~4__ xortion is impossible. 'rn h WEDNESDAY, JAN. 29, l6. Thon lho ges te bad, and c henda tse ____________________next four bours raiseniibly, us h al DE. ~ 5 ~ iLe a heary sînniher, and drounia that 'BR J.PE 0. OLEGE PHYSCIÂ oysters, peani-ladiei, are rusbiug beist' andSurgon, Onri, Coroner, etc. Ously ovexr bis body. 0ffice and Residence, Plnektt7.4. S oinrtrstLwis. and stayi there until the annuai bunt bull, o? A.MoLAREN DENTIST wbicbh o 15 a steward, saseseens bise 243 yonge S., TORONTO. buck Le Pnlilnghumn. J'rtc$a 10 Set of Teets for $4 It la, o? course, the oyant ofttise ieu 1>DIIK son, this hall, and oceurs ounhy in March. fA ?1 ~T"., SOLICITOR, &0. MORsChuissa, going down te the ricanuge, Bý10rjX, luPetaire, King Street. Bowmuan. wbore now, îideod, eho spends a good rlJ oltor fer the Ontari Bank deal o? baer time,-speaks to the girls k SIvate _lei oV5tanesi ut te towet i'555 about IL. IiORT. YOUTNG, V.IS, "I se se giad Georgie Ls la imne for OFFICE IN THIE WEST DURHAM 1iL" gays Cissy' wbo is a warnirhearted 'JNaes Block, . irea imseel or assistant littie seul, and who desiras good f ôr Iv.1h1 be feund frein 9in. Nlght catie e'ery o i reoidence,dirictis' opposite Dril Sed. Osile e 0 n. "Thora 15semetbiig 50ni 1 y telegrapis or talaphona mu lrecetre promptabua uiigal" StSSie 71-s'r "A bail 1" said Georgie, grewing a de- A, A. O N T, icate pink, w tb excierti it. I n ver Il was ut a roui bailun ylio Oh ARCEITECT. Plansansd Specîfica' Cinrissa, wili yen take nie?" AL3 tiens prepared for avery otese of building, "GOrgis 1 As if t isn't a rani joy te speiat attention given te esutiug hy seasi $ I~ o Star.,sud tesanitars' rrangemettntina tehave yen,," anys Chuissa, reproach- Cesc: Gorie Block, Whitby 43-IY f ully. I ca't bear geing auywbere by --a-7r myseif, and Mrs. eYawyisst1 IPE è.LTm-li i"-a lor on taking Cissy." Genleen' Ooths Welh. sho ta rory kind, yen know," Genlemn'SClOhesMade to Orderi suys Cisay, wlth sonie regret. "«But I do se wbsh sha would let me, go with yen. 'li r~r-s However, miamma would net like me te 51 iVs RI A u Iv t E refusa baer, and, uftor ai, I shalMe yen beth in the roose. I wisb wo couid DEiTJS15.manage te arrive just ut thse sasie mo- DIEIN IST.ment." "Weil, lh sttie thut wlth Mns. Gney", says Chrissa. "«Dorian wili geL OFFIE :- ear f Mesrs.iri a ticket for Georgie." 0FW E -Rea' o Mesrs. Who la fenian t" aaked Georgie, Uiggnboham & So's rug ly. Litarally, sh-, canas nothing about1 lfiginboham Soes Dug hlmc, neganding biseilu Lisainstance as mrly a meaus te an end,-a perffis Store, (down stairs),It n wbeacu obtain for baer an outrancelet a deired huron. She bas, indoed, for-1: BOWMANVILJU gotten that once bafore abc usked this - sainie question and eceived ban an- swer. Tri'klm'v- Wby, 1 Lold yen," suys Cianissa. "Ho laI Lord Sarterta's napbiew,-the Lall hunds-,ome yeung mais who spoke te me ut the concert." I did't ueobMse. Wheu 15 this bail! o be?' "On the 5th. And now, about your drosses V' "Mine gees witbout tohiing," says Cissy, in a resigned toue. "The wbohe couuty knows îLtsy heurt by this ima. C, HA NDEN L. . S. After ail, thora ta a sot o? conifonti C. H RNPE , L.D. arerytbîng, aven In ene's msfortuno, Graduate Oftisa Royal Cllage of DonbaA New, ail my yeung mon won't have the surgeons. Ontario. --I troubla o? looking for me, they will O)FFICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS 0OFFIOE.ýý know me direatly, the instant thoir eyea light upon my gown, wbich la fast ba- VJTALIZED AIR. ceming an heirloose." _____________ "IfiL lu the gowxi yen wore the other cli.,,nigbt ut tise Behiewa', yen look rary N ew rL"ail r S "' sweet un it," says Clarissu, looking very N ew ~ ra1or "'~> P sweet hersai? as she utters this cosefont- Tise undeaimnsd irisabasiseen carrs'lng on "«Yen are a-n angel, ukow"ss fhe talloriig business in connectie n utsay Mtason's Drs, Gonds Store for a numbarot yearessy bammylttl a ."e h~as commenosod business for himeofat! litsueo evanybedy Lreugh rose-celored spec- rasidence, King St.,wesî, wireaho Io prepareel taches.", ýo taake gant' sud boys' suite lu ailtLes lateet "Isn's' il rude V" says Clunissa. "Oue 5tys'eg, sud ait Owast prices, For thooe iho woald Link I wns an aid fogy oft ninaty- maste order suite, h liewl carry a fu linaoo five. Spectacles, indeed 1" in5~ l ail tise newast patterns. Gîra hlm "I must rni," sua s miss CIss. I on- ~ cs., r Ar'rv-1-,-r tirely ferget ail about the dinuer, and1 -J- T. m~iEl-'% sasema le? t iLte me, as she bond Le go Fasihionabie Tiler and saseId Mns. Martin. Goed-hy, dean, _______________________deanest Clanissa. Heu I wish I could go wlth yen te this horely bui I" MONEY TO LOAN. "Nover mid; people alwuys meet," suys Clurissa, con-)isoingly. $100,000. -aPhuli)pp," rturns the irre- vantshes, Alarge aina of moe aiss been pl aced un ins Geongieallu1s as fanuqs the'entrunice- aadsls'5prirate person fer investmant, ongauta wvith Cina. Wbeu thare, abe 'sProved bcans ou feam secuits' for a tarino, et sat the imen bara wistfuily, ai flys Or TEN s'aune, 5'svEAN) <ONE xiALse s'athon euays, in lbar ptychildisis way, m ar lîtereetst 11hoasaked Payable s'aariy, "Lot rua gpo a ittie w vay uitis yen batisfaclors' conditions for nasasment willi beclns, slyn" arranged. Cniswl oe DB.- SIMPSON. M21iss Peyton, whlo la wulking, la do-t Sotioitor. Bemmanviîîe. é igbtd. Dsted Oct.t, f,1,9 40-t!. "As rfans ever yen will. Indead, I wauýtoL speak te yen. Wha-wbat 's' VOR SALE OR RENT-Rouseansd Yonr', dress like, GoongýieVt" FL lî acres e seo erai iui n Georgie besitutes. lunissa, misuundai'- fogos reet at e remîsët.a ctonteTsnigbrslncuygty,"o atiiy. "I tbeugh happy. I tboughto ferget this nigbt." "Ah, neithor sba Broughton, very tï -an artificisi obse theugbt semewhute .'De yen mean bepefniiy, if curien Otil utt ofnothmg il-The Truth Of' IL. of yen u sa nover Willoy-I teluye, it's betten in the ýal I P' euys Miss end te ho honest, f id yen ever know: ernestly indeed. Dy a rogne wbe wasn't unbappy ? errer, it migbt ha Sballey-No; bnt, thon, one wouhd irliere ONSUPN m S-EEndTra ssess sentlmentally. bandly exp ecL a rogna te ho happy wben 5 ile oure NSfr OS O anThmIeEe s that f" says ferlais, ha ta knowis. It's the naguag t Ptar tr Onle Âdd es,. ualy. "Arn I te un- net 1known that are happy. Tiie T. A. Slocum Ciemicsi Co. Ltd., Toronto, Cas. idren Ory forPoeruCstra GOVE11 r "Oh, ne. 0f cou Wbon I left, Mr. K and Aunt Eliza Ihome with me; ar cross,-the, men,1 homie I found onec sing, and Aunt I very careless; anc where was the crin besoin wben start apologetic-ally,-"l Kennedy, becanse but wben 1 telld b vory forward 1 D a ivurd ?" uys Mis indignation luin e ward to- give a dea Lbad been very kin evening t >"U"1rtainly fnet," t'ay. "Il would Who was'kind te i It. Did you. ev again SI. "'Yes; ho cahotd me my glove, wbi6 kept by mistako. geL that glove ag took it away witt 'Il Suppose se, Dorian for your "Porhaps 'forý great botherý." ILet bise, Baya as yet sho ha n speech (so mach1 cert. Tho 5th bas as dawned, ]ivod, gr and thon sunk, as arms, of Death.U with sound of musi flowers, and the flowing fountains. The rooms are faces smile, and& fîgure.ý, round an ewn, sway -with t] witb the trong. The bail ùsaut it issa, seeing Dorlur, ber fan. It is av to ber sie, but on ".Keop one dance she says, earnestIyý "Let me keep oi "That, too, if y a littie, friond h-1 knows nobody, and wen't like it" (cali supposed disparagi cert>, "stili, fri ber." "I shall be.sect,ý tre-at me i that "Weil, she is en gins Clarissa, beat sbe is quite doer that Geergie shall left out in the ce bull. "Agoverness 1" igly. '«Oh, Clark for thut. I don'tr l'mn afraid of thei me if 1 don't thinl tbe most artfuily, world, and I sha'n in reply." "Yon need net b( noss," says Ciarb ilii not troubley bis Grarnmar." "0Of course, if y< wltb ber, I must with a heavy sigli. *Il see ber new,- duce yen to ber." "But not for thi ed-I am. 1 éive pretticat girlis ti chlld, I should s "'You can dane course; but at lee yon to my friend." With a faint ai shrug ho submaits1 goes wbore Chari biseef presently.a room, neur wbor8 robed figure stan& fore ber, ail evit4 an overpoweringj(1 numes, upen tbe gilded papor shel h Hler largehi nee witb excitement; and, hike, Herrie "rubies," soft andj up, in a littie p tail fuir man Who w.,Mat going tbroui "Myhave thei -Well, wbere la says Dorian, at t. imputiently; ha i and the fair muan suvuge. ":Why, here," sa 'Here f Net th tuikiug to IBellow1 "Yes; that is yo, "Oh, look bore, ubsurd," says Dori 1I have danced t-v and amn enguged t, "She 15 your 'ch:l i-su oening bere '"Yes,; but a goVE issu?"I "Sho is toaching dron. I tehd yen .11 quite forgot, one tbmnk of ber aA "Now, pieffle, do 'y, breaks iu Ge tivoly. "Up to th able to read pasir curd." "l'Il do my best, man. "ls that loi "Beliew, is it f _e1tn you nieun te ketitis par ticen- iiiîiiIIuIiiifIîIiIiIIIIIî1îIliîI lar bull ferever in mimd t' ' E SI "Yen may, indeed." "But why t'-witb manch animation. E 1111 and an ever-increasing show of hope. = esoCi ".Becauso iLtismy first," says Miss K e urse ha cared netbing.' Breughton, confidentiuhly,- witb a littie E5 Kennedy, and Sir John, quick-drawn sigb of utter content, and abeth's muid, waiked a seft, if rathor too general, smsle. in ,nd~ ~ ~~ I bn bywr see".-disappeintedly. "Is -Jbat = In moan When Igot enr 5ýreasen ? What a curious one 1" E ef my gioves was mis- "Yn think it ridicuhous, don't yeu?" Elizabeth said 1 was says Georgie, faintly, ashamed of ber- d thon she asked mne self, "but h ta quito truc, and I can't lenr insin osaI hd o myhelp it. 1 was eightoen iast mantb, and tin rodse an sa,-neyer before was I at any bail. 1 shah =ilt h nad given it te Mr.! nover ferget this room,-I know tht,- in oo 3ble asced me fer it; or the lights, or the flowers, or the maisn ber se, she said 1 was over thero beating tume fer the band, or S is net al êxtractcd fromt the food becî id Yeu over heur sncb' -or anything." is Broughton, tears of III think 'the mais over thera' bas r oyos. "Was it for- mnch the best of it," says Doan Ilsî k s B o .ad rose ta a mean wbo wish 1 sias the leader of that band.I Md to me for a whole there auy chance that yeur partisans of will strengthen the digestion and malt 'sas Canisa, this levening will be rememberad by but fifty cents te try it on the poorest giearose to n n Wel, I u pose I sb'n't quite forget your money with interest lu a few we, me.-f a hy askan orye."sas rIelseMill, ftr l lFor sale by Dniggists, et generai etores or sent post vr ses Mr. Kneymement's carefun refiection. iii, h dec?' ret l' Iil take jolly good care yen don't," ~ImII!jl~IUuIIILIIIiiIJIihII noxt duy, to etr says M.Bas me ahrlosing bs sl1I N1Iî1111LýI l[lýII.IQ1111)111111 eleelared, ho bad bead, becanise of bier intense calums, But somebow I neiser and speaking with more esephasis than ' ,gain, se 1 supposa ho as a mile belones te hlm. "Yen are It Pays. i hlm .wben hoe left."» staying Iat the vicarage, aren't yen I py e era mingfc Weill. Ishah write te leYs, suys Georgie. I ast erasiigfc ticket.", "And 1-lire just threo miles froe And langh our troubles dowis, ian' will tbink me a that-." Here lie panses, as tboueh Fer ail our ittie trials wait afraid te make bis insinuation r oo plain. Our laughter or our frown. s Clarissa, impatienthy; "At Surtoris, isn't IL?" asks Georgie, Beneath the magie of a smile lot fergivon hlm that sivoethy, "Yes t Carissa sbewed me the Our denbts will fada away maistaken)at the con- entrunce-gate te itlhast week. It looks As meits the frost lu early spring pretty." Beneuth the sunny ray. * o "Se day will you coma up and ses Irived. The day bas iL iY" asks be. witb more ournestiss thaxi It pays te make a wentby cause, rewn te' its funil size, ho ackuewhodges aven Le bimsaif; "and," By helpiug it, enr own; wo, ail muet, mnte the with a happy tbengbt, "bring the chil-. Ta give the current of our ives The nigbt bas coma, dren. It will ho a nice wahk fer tbam ." A true and noble toue. ic und breatb of dyiug "But yen are ahways i London, are1 IL pays te cosefent heavy heurts, drip, dnip of aoftly- yeunont 1" aays Georgie. Opprossed witb duli despair, 1. "Oh, ne, net alwuys; 1 sba'n't go there 'And leuva lu serew-darkened lires e Iooking loveiy; fuir aguin for ever se long. Se promise, A ghoam of higbtnoss there. soit ayas glease; and wîll yen t" md svelte us Veuus's "Ilil ask Mrs. Redmnond. But I know It pays-,te give a heiping band the music and mingle woe an. She naver refuses- me any- Ta euger, earnost yeutb, tbing," says this meost umorthodex gev- To note, wit ai their waywurdnefss, Ls beight, when Char- erneas. Their courage and their truth; a, beckons ta hlm wltb "I'm sure I'm net surprisod ut that," Ta stnira witb sympatby and love T very slight invitation suys Brunscomba. "Who could t" Their confidence te wiu; Ine imtuntly oeed. "Aunt Elizabeth could," says Miss It pays te open wide the heurts for a friend of mina," Brouhton. And "lot the sunsbine in." Y. 1ý"I baven't the misfortune te kuew ne dance for yen." yonn aunt Elizabeth, fer which I1uam tooeJ Place to Shop. nu wisb IL; but I have deventhy gratef ni, hecanse if she 'conid,' re to-nigbt, and sha as yen suy, she must bo tee geed fer Mrs. Longdebt-I' ballera l'Il rais Id, theugh 1 kuew yen hangig By the bye. this is net ry anound te that naw drug store and buy ling Le mind again bis f Jit ul; yet yen bave novur taken the saime toilet articles and things. ing tons ut the con- trouble te ask me (thougb I usked'yen) Mr. Longdebt-I buven't any money. my sake, ha kind te wby I intend kaeping this nigbt as a Oh, Lhey give me trust. 1 heard the white spot in my memory." proprieor tell bis cierk ta charge a soda ur te bier, if yen on- "*Wehi, I ask yen now," says Georgie, feuntuin, fashion. Who is penitently. ,nly a govoruess," be- 1"doye re e nwl IIor Over Fifty Years." ting about the bush: "Thon it la- because te-n'igbt I met ,mined, noverthehess, Yen -for the first time." For oror fifty years Mas, WINSLOw's Il net bo negiected or Ho bonds bis bead a littie, and looksSenseSnrbs enue ymi Dod ut this bier first jute ber eys,-the beantiful eyes thut len smilo back se calmiy into bis, and are se ios f metiers for their childran while t says Dorian, untbink- coid te hlm, and yet se funl of fire-oyes teaîhing. If disturbed at night aud ïssu, don't lot me lu thut soehow have power te charin him! broken ofyeur regt by a sick child suf- mind these a bit; but as ne others bave yet beau able te. fe su ad ' gwîth pain of Cutting m. She 15 safo te usk Ho is stnungoiy aurions te kuow bewfrîg cyn k Murray's Grammar bis werds wil ho eceived, and is proper- Teeth send et once aud get a bottie of compied book in the tienatahy aggrieved lu that as takes " Mn,, Wiulew's Soothing Syrup"Ilfor n't know wbat te say them. as a matter o? course. Chlldren Teething. It wilh relieve the "Aften ail, my reason 's btter than poor ittie sufferer immediately. Depend be ufruid o? my gaver- yenrs,"Ishe says, un lber sweet, petuhant' upen l,mothers,Lhere is ne mistake about issu, earnsestly: "she veic. "«Cae, lot us dance: we araeL LcrsDaroeeuae h Lm you about Mumrray or oniy wasting time." d B.It cur s, rceargltith om Branscombe 15 ut firat surpnisod i ach and oelcres Wind Colle, éoftens rou Say I must dance thon puzzled, thon fascinated. Aimest~ the Gums, reduceu Jnflammation, sud t," suys Brunscembe, any other womun of bis acquaintunce! gîresione and euergy te the whohe sysjtei. would hure accoptdd bis nemark as a' IlMn. Wiisshow's Seetbing Syrup " for Coma, lot me intre- challeng,-would bave smiled, or deubt- ohiîdren eething le pheasant te the taste cd, on answered hlmi witb se speech is dance. I us enegag- that would have been a leuding question. and is the prescription of eue o? the oldest Yen my word-te the Bi- witb bis girl ail is different. She sud hast female physietans sud nurses ia he noom,-tbe prettiest te bis werds litorally, and, wbiio bc- the Uuited States. Pricetwenty-five cents y." ieving theni, shows hersai? uttenhy cane- e bott]e. Seld by ail druggists throughout se wltb your cbihd, of bs eofthe belle?. Iast lot me introdnce Denian, passing bis arn anouud lber the world. Bs sure and arik for IlMus. waist, beads ber ont into the rooni, and WISIsow's SOOTHnYe SYuRIJ." nd carefully suhdued again tbey waitz, in silence-be havig Go eouinCuhe r ra te the inevitable, and nething te suy te bier, she being se f iliitbng on the firat of the new yeur. issu leads. Ha fseds ed îvîth jey ut the bure motion that she Yes, I kuow, jack; but they geL te he ut the ether end of the cures ne more for converse. At hast, au eld stery on the second. a littia dinty black- "'Like saine tired boa, thut flugs 1, witb tbree mon ho- 'Mid roses orer-h]ewn," iently possessad witb lesire ta inscribe their shoe grews hanguid in bis anses, and stops morsel of tinted and befere a doon thut ieacds inte a conserva- holds in lber baud, tory. It bas beau exquisitely fitted up1 Whan Paby was sick, we gave ber castor!a, eyes ana almeat hlack for the occasion, and 's eue gliwing mass When see ias a Cbild, she criod for Casteria, bier iips are parted, of greon and white and cnimnson aweet-c ck's '"Julia," are like ness. IL 15 cool, and faiutly lit. A lit- W heu she beceme Diss8, she clung te Casterja. n ichb-- sho15gîuncing Lie sud fountain, semewhene in the dis- Whez sha bad Cblldrena, she gave tbem Castoria, îzzlad fushien, at the tance, ta meurning swoetly, plaintirely, o is bending oeonlben -perhups fr soealest uymph. sgb the -muai formula, 'ou wi 1 gira me anothen dancet" Pleaune," etc. sy ranscmel taking ber card. thi drul weman" I Ihvaea.Iuti fnsytI aesman-De Yen want ta have yeurTL his moment, ulmoat feared when cmng I sbould net geL a goods sent hy any particalar expressi s watcbing Ge-orgie dance at ahi, hecanse, of course, I knaw Customer-Certainly, if You can finda T i, and feais dtatinctly nebody; yet I haro hud more part nons partieular- express, I can't. thun I want, and amn enjeying mysaif-se FAOI nys lartsamucb.", h,-tse irin b ck "Youn curd 15 full," saysBrncm , Do you know a good farm - ia toise thut suggests a national cal- oun dneadful wosean." aseity. "Wolnld you-weuld you Lhnit. aper when you see ie Iyen know, IL is tee oer eoe thesa fellows for met" axi, iith a low haugh, I weuld, in a minuta," says Mis,_ Let us send you The Rural ue wt br heay Boughton, nairaly; "bhut, if ho found à tlero for ttUs 11 me ont aftoerward, wonld ho be angryt New-Yorker this week. Send îld,' ~ ~ ~ . tot"ssChr "He sb'n't find yen out. l'Il take eyes. curaeo that. The creird is intense. 0f your address-; no money. ornes. my dean Clan- conrffl"-slwiy-"I won't usk yen te do it, uniess yen wisb iL. Do you t" The Rural Nuv Yorker, ig th-, Radmond chul- "Thora is oee namne on that curd I: 409 Pearl Street, New York. se~~~ utt cncr. an't boar," says Miss -Bnoughton, w At A -n t te co ct.d hon eyes fi xed upon a flowor she hold. 1At igonu, Kossuth Ce.,ý la., there is a utt, yen knw cul Hem dark lashes bava fuhlexi upon ber: a nroanîng" iieli, 45 foot deep, which 9 tr an wrieplin-cbooks, und lie there like twin shadoovs. bas hoiling bot water at the bottose of try aud wieplain- He cuis sec netbing but ber mobile lips it. ooi's hve o, plain nd deiicatehy penciled brows. leie l Courage frose heurts and net frein isge n ae n ea watching bier chesealy; anid now woudors'nubers gro.-Drydlen. Fail uglenam upo myvaý,ueIy if ase i a baby or a coquette. 1s____-__> __> ____________ seas "suys the fuir Young ' Show me the mean yen wouid dis-'- d gibleV" card," hae says, rnnniug bis peucil down - Yes, I cen moud that, bierpoame h CowsI iloodflealýtli IT PAYS.-It je uselesa to expect a rn-Ôown cow to have a geod flow of tough she wiil eat more than an animal )d flesh. The difficulty je the nutriment cause her digestion Le out of order. d Purifier i re the food preduce milk. it will coat ecow yen have and you wilI get back eeks.i spaid on receiptof 5o ets. DOck & CO-, P. 0. BOX 482, Mont.real. A Happy, Fruilfful ii XNOW the GRAND TRUTHS; the Plalig Facts; the Old Secreti and the New Discover-' les of Medical Science as appiied to Married Life, should write for Our woffderful littie booke called idPER- 5«Ufa5S~f FECT MANHOOD.1 Tco any earnest man we will mail one copy 3ntlrely Free, lin plain sealed cover. 'A refuge froin the quacks." 1Addresg ERIE MEDICAL COII Buffalo§ N'Y,( The 6; BICYCLE is the finest high - grade wheel on the Canadian market. Perrect in design, in finish and in quality. For particulars write J. J. TAYLOR, Toronto. Toronto Safe Works, )ewer and wulvert Pipes AUl Sizas freu 4 lu, te 24 In., AIs* Connectionse. WRITE uFOR FRIQES. HE ONTARIO SBL'[B PIPE Co. 601 A&DELAIDE ST.E,.. ToRY AT MIMIGO. TORONT06 dss asud 10r tics $1-00), 6 boxes for5.00. Senl by inail, srelY scalati, Wrjit for oui' book, " Starti'nz its," for men only, tells yen isow te gel i'net dsay vael. Ir&Sa, QiJEEN MFDICINE CO., Prie 94:e MONTuISAL.

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