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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jan 1896, p. 6

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àÀa.>ty jok..son 111 have taken Ayer'e Pills fer many Yearsan~d always deriveci the best re. sr om tîîeir use. For Stomach and Liver troubles, anj for the cure of headache caused Dy these derang elnents, Ayer's Plis cannot be equaied. Tley are easy to take, and Are the Best ail-round family medicirie I have ever known."1-Mrs. MAY JoxsNsoŽN, 368 Rider Ave, New York City. AYERS PILLS XlIlhest Awards at World's Faîr. At;er'a &rsaParillafor the64. Che [United States collpany, Eead Office- In New York City ïew Insurance Witn~ In 1882... $ 2,803,517 In 1887...... 5,502,820 In 1892 ...10,001,695 In 1894 .... 14,880,333 Local Agents wanted in ail unrepre- sented districts. Address R. D. STANLEY, Inspecter of Agents, 1 îooms 6 and 7, Quebec Bank iBuilding Geo. Shurticif, Bowmanville, Geocral Agent for Durham. 'jRRIS TRIA AND NEW !EiiR' HOLIDAYS - WILI MARE - .PEOIAL RATrES FOR ALL SINGLE FIRST CLASS FARE icàg Dec. 24tii and 2th, Returning D)ec. 26t1,, 1895 o cng Dec. 31st and Jan. 1A, Retur-nî,g Jan. 2md, 1896 SINGLE FIRST CLASS FARE AND ONE-THIRD Geing Dec. 21u te 2 itIýRetur ~ng until oeg De.2tht eu o Jan. 7ti, 186 SPEiCIAL RATES FOR STUDENTS AND TEAcriERI SINGLE FIRST CLASS FARE AND ONE-THIRD ýoing Dec. 13th to 241h, ftetcirning until Jan. 1itb, 1896 PEIIAL RATES FOR COMMERCIAL TRAvELLERs. SINGLE FIRST CLASS FARE ,oing Dec. 201hto 251h. Retucning unatiL J. 7tbh'96 Cash Grcery, BU WMAN VLLE. The newest thîing under the tha thse rcard ar bcooing50AnonIew1îisten ta the, Ion' ji aiovuiithae Duko tif Peragua, Eulalie, end others they Ced imet etlite W orndeFair"ina numerous. Numerous orcimard.s, boxv- Fond cooing oftif ibdore, i Chic ago. Baron 5)e Grimm in caiue eoveî 100 illustrations of thîle nts cf ttetrip, al of evor, do nol uocoasaiiy assure ploubi- Anald mcunuoi'l o bti'Aading In,;ult to J1njury n'Iicii wîiappoa' in thte book. '\itis prfeî,îîI mles-est, ilepili o1 uit, geneice huc e myselfto knoc o,, anal sounrd plut oïopiuy, verily thus book viii swecp al hefore it. Not ooiy Aii,-ric<tns lui supplies tif good oloie fruits, or, I stil u iuovoalanal love. Old al dy--Th'st parrot I boughi of buL Rugi sh, German, French an-d oî'or folks are eager lu red i,. "As cnanopeo, avi1i you uses drcadfni langnago.i sureiî be soie as woîe tif ali Samanahas othea' boits cembiocd, m ,re thiao hit a oiCliion, wh at are bnownnas commercial fruit s. 'W Lymonhcod kcops the dwon'tf nnî, Bird Dealer-Ab, mn, you shonlalh Iîies a emSig% keon'what ibis aoicemenl mcan'-u, ianmuns b those- who le a cammoniy observoal fact amoog tir- 'Anci what f have I give; vrycoref n i fai you soz afore it; i About 7C0 Pages, Large Octavo. secture territory. Andl lia' fer ih- Hoiidays chardisis that to sou their appi'es to Beisg n ixgîa l abat I nos lbosi, vgrhon qiel theinhirds lPrc biailorAgntR~ inth *\racloir t' ries selndtoîîitery A Om<e advatagoiheyenatt hotbootgiy Aal tinicol bat lîv np invttugFUNK & IMACINALLS IGOMPAI4ý Phhc, Il ilichmonenS't., IV., Torot m, Ot. AU RI CU LTU RA L aorted orer. In tbis way the good ones LteayN es ~~~ ,tban the whoio would bring as a mnixedl-~ .~ - Home Tanning~ of Skins. l lot. We speak of ibis matter in tbis Major-Geneval Nelaon A. Miles will Ini regard ta preparing a bear bide an connection te show the demand for mer-, Ontribute. to Harper's Weekly for Jan- atoiysy:Saktebd iechanitablo fruit. New while we would uary 25tb a valuable pa orX on the E c lip se1 and result.s of the Civil War. days ini water, then add a good quan- net be understood to underestimate the1 b tity of lime; take it out as soon as the value of this sorting out proc.ess as aý The nuruber of Harper's Bazar tab h op hs rse h haîr slips; remove the bair by rubbing, factor ini getting the, farmer's crop of issuod on January 25th will bo rich in opla cisd t thon soak in cloar wator until the lime aPPles On tho market, yet this sbould matoriai. appropriato to tho, soaon. Evening gowns and wraps, from designs bar of pubieOpinion is ail out, Put one Pound Of alumi t naturally ho, considered as a last re- drawn by Sandos and Chapuis, and a. tbroo, of sait and dissolve ini a vesse1 sort. By this we mean ta suggest that bautif ul toilot for a belle at her first adtosnsaehp large enougli ta hold the bide. Soak ebr ohc known device should b, ball, by Bande. wiil appoar. Thore wjll adtosnsaehp. fou dys;tae ot ad honhat ougm aketoboar provions -to this urne hoc&,striking inisallint of Miss Pool'5 I J33inflhaving a perfect fordy;tk totadwe ii Olkthis sùrtinýg ont procoss as littîsl rje "r.Gerald," and Mr. Howells' ,. dry rub till the akin gets pliable and Cao o sposbe hn h r riceo oe eroiscent adf, op a nur~ sof."Ths s et eahe tnnd, nd1 haditsof a hundred years bonce, in oritical, will appear in this nuniber;( sof." hisis iotlether anod ad harit of scienco, and extonded prac- also, we may add, a trngarie.o Wbe.n il is desired ta tan a beef bide la' tice, know more acdurately what var- "Rea.ýýons for Woman's Suffrage nndor Tyalreo m l mlake leather it can <ly ho doue pro- ieties do best under ail our varied con-aPpurGvrnnt, fo th pe eryiiatney"additions as ta climate and soils, and know a o Flrne o'e Hall.rmth e Tyalag r ml. pel natney"btter as t protection needed, and a fFoec lw al bar from your grocer. For sheepskin matsan saddleý CovPrs to what kind of culture to give, how M. ýStanley, in an article on and amail furs an exchange best ta keep up fertiiity of the land Her recommends the following plan: "Lay that the trees may always have a beai- thef"evelapm.ent of Af ric," whieh is the skia, haîr side down, on a round thy growtb, how ta prune and bow teo appeart lt Ibe eruryletry, te- o n a lr,&C gpray ta combat insect pests, wben Utl isthue ha robeswtht e SMooth log, and witb a hlunt and rath- aPpy dy riBsohersl b e~ in Soutbomn Africa firsi induced 3 , J h Ta lr& C or duil knife, scrape off ail the fat. room for an assortment of appls b- Davidi Livingstone ta Iravel to IbeTUERS Whoci the akin bas heem seraped per- fore taking ta market. Good practice norlb, and so led the way to the openingi _____________________________ fectly elean and smoolli take the brama in ail theff respects is what makes a of Equatoriai Africa. Livingstone, wlo~ ofa ecntykile aimlan m adlargo proportion of soucid fruit, fruit was8 a missonary aI Kolobeng, aecused im bsBoer noighbors of erueity tb the na- R work them Ihoroughly mbt the bide. the troc untîl matured. But knowing i tves. Tbey reseateil his interference, Il ndt eaeEndt dGrainnif Depot 04 Takre one spoonfui of alumi and two of tbese tbings and atually praetisingasdtbrEannod(idrve>bmeIrm th salipotre, purverize, mix rnd * themaeratlon. country. Ho pubiished Iboir înisdoeds 1 salpete, ulvriz, mx fndsprînkle1 In our opinion there is no departmnent in th, Cape newspapers, and bis bouse on the flesh side of tbe skin. 1mb in of farm affais that stands so rancb in was burned in rovonge. This lead. t The undersigned desire to thank the tarmers of West Ouirham what yon eau. hrusb off tbe rest and neod of reformiation as tbat of the care his leaviuig southorci Africa and goingM your skin le done. Yeliow ochre mixed Of tbe orehard. If tbe practice were ta a reeion whore ho could follow in for the liberal patronage extended to us during the Ipast season, anywhere no-ar np to what it shouid 1pence bas Vocation as a missionary, un- alooreid he thtw aestiinhe akead with the brains gîves a fine calor tbth bch, eonsidering the very accurate kow- molested by the, Boer farmers. lotreidhmta w aesilin he aktad under side. The wbites Of several eggs ledge now at comnmand, we sbould net rpedt pa th or the soaking of the skin for hiait a hol as mueb surprised. Ini practice the In Tho American Journal of Sociolog peae t a h day lu oul or lard is said ta produce the average ferraorchardleî is away bebind for January, 1896 (University of Chi- G-{E ST ]L ..> IDTP I E same effect as brains. This process s 1 ________c P rýsessan aricesornATheonWSmo Oan good for aheepskin mats and saddie m- mnlvr Semi-Public Corporationrs, ail c<ýor Sm1 " ITV ail takes the position 'ta lcr -covers and for tanning ail small furs." 811011 îll fi BE"W RIprtoiJretlat"SeiPblr"i jj , Sm À writer ici the Rural New Yorker nature, hecause their business affects sy "Iarn a tanner and carrier and -thse genoral interesi, Ho shows that dis-I4LLI INDS 0F ýCO -ARSE GRAINSEE this le the wuy I would tan a sbeepskin: WHAT MIGHT BE DONE IN CASE 0F trust of eapitalistic conibinations as delivered at our etorehouse cor. King and George streetss., or at Port A fresh skin le the easiest ta handle. WAR WITH THE STATES. sncb is a sign of defective intelligence Put ho kinmb harel f feshabout inclsiriat onomay. He shoDwson ~ Darlington. We have also on hand a large stock, Put theInsg Editorlai rrom toe Thun- the other bandi that we are now pussing spring water if it is newly taken off, A l-le]dtra rn h hn thronýgb the "benevolent despot stage"-W A D F E H say witbin twenty-four hours., Soak for deres' On totkading Atlanitic en in the managemnent of corporations. Hie N E~A ND F E iwonty-four hours, thon iay over the Porgs and theo (reat Lakees, conclusion le that three things are noces- of Canadian and Liverpool Coarse Sait in Bagps. Rock Sal.t for cattie OnJauay7,182 te odo Tm sary: (1) persistent instruction of young 1 side of a harrel with the flash aide out. OnJnay7 82 h ednTmsad old lu the prlnciples of industrial and horses, and Fresh Ground Grey Plaster in Barrelsý An old scythe, wbicb will fit aval around prinied an editorial on the War 'power organization, sa Ibat uses and abuses wihw rpeae osl the skin on the barrel, is excellent for a of England, tbe substance of wbich le of captalletic combinations wilh bchw r peaedt d seraper. Stand ai the end of the bar- given berewitb. It speaks of tbe inerease understoo)d,( 2) legisiation wbieb will set .~-..-' 1 1~~ roi, on whieb one endi of tbe skin bangs of the North Arneriean and WesI Indienand enlorce, more definite and; ationai O . E L\.P f .J.t over, raLiso the end of the barrel so ase fcet ta seven line-of-batie shîps, 33 gre.ssivo public rosumplion of right ta te coine- up ta the lower part of the frîgates, 25 sloops and corveites,mounî- central rnany propertiýs wxhicb bave been Ail kînds of Lumber, Wood and DRY OIE AN SCREENED COAL abdomen, press the body firiy against 12in ciail 1850 guns. farm2ed onttab private nterprise ut always in stock, the skin, so as ta lnold ià firmily, and The, Thunderer gave lit opinion that enormous public, sacrifice. We invite inspection and guarantee satisfaction. scrape wîtb the scythe blade, till ailtbb, Federal Ports conid be blockaded ini The New Year'gs nuilier of The Elco,-pg the ballon', f lasb and hiuud are seraped a single week; that bbc war-sbips could trio-al Wiorld, of New York, -thbe pion- off; then tarn the other end of th~e desÉroy bt Frh Hmlo dSae eer journal of ils class iu America," 1 M eC I E I L .'Ai 4 &(R G O aki luthesao psiton ndwor illuIsland batteries witbout risk; ta a publication of extraordinary size for wlee. If the skin bas beeorne dry n ha a technical journal, consistîng of no Places, as ofteci happons, scrane a uitIle single vessel couid close BQqion, uand an- le&as alan 136 pages, and, as we learn ofiener, porhaps seven or eight limas Or other Portland; tbat two off Cape May frO l thé pLllishers' auinouncement re- stros. If tbc skîpe n is erft ec ondfrshWould blockade thme Delaware and sto quiring over 10 tons of paper for tho it sonldho crapd al ovr te seondedition prîuted, 18,600 copies. The con- and third day, after ït bas beýen put Pbiladelphia's Irade. tents, aq usual, are varied ici character, into the water, allowing about fifteen The n'oret part of bbe sbmuggle, the and appeal t ail classes of intelligent to thirty minutes eacb day. If il bas limes s aid, would ho on the grt lakes. Americaus. An article of interest t aViLI be ipIeffed onCe ilà rtuality, twice in O Quality, heeome dry a lutile more scraping would Ta ' gea er or-,,cnmlra.r g n osh do btter and a day or so more soak tindanmauoo s t cebre map- mauy striking electrical processes that u the ti sinP c w o map tte ing. If the akin is dirty on the wool tiidada ona h c rleu have beon doveloped at Niagara tbrougb nhhe i e nPiew oiajc h sîde tramp it lu tho barrel or pound a fleet Oif gunhoats and corvettes could the cheap electrical current furnisbed uenie ~otnmt. witb a piank before baking out for tbe ho Enlleh t tha plac. Annher i on ae doc second day's scraping; aiso serape on carry th nls flag freon Montreal by the grea eloctrie generabing plant 9the n'ooi aide. dashicio water on it oc- to Detroit. The canai aystem for over- trio lighting of tie Capital et Wasblug- casionally. Do netal alon iron ta corne comiug bbe St. Law'rence rapide is de- ton, and the conclusion, wilh a summing in contact witb the n'ool, as ilblbas Y'acrb2l teneny t clorlb Afertheskn scrbd andl tbc passage of 21-gun fri- Up, as givora of a controvers- carried -ready for bbe tannage lay it ont flat, gaies, bbe limes thinks, la quite feas- on lu the columuns of The Electrical leshsideup, nd pplythe ollw*ng 1 ile.World for same months ou the "Inven- Mix together pulverîzed alum one-baif WHAT SHIPS COULD DO. part in which bas been taken by autb- Poundl, common sait about tone poundfrom ail over Ihe world. ElValisectr. sater ne-baif pound and bout A corvette or tn'o on Lake St. Clair orities - pperailRub erstTrunksValises, &c, tlîpethý quautity i uko rna would stop bbe cor-n and provision brade c'am11 ul ho iuterested lu a series Of you have of the above ebemicals. Mix anda a Sarnia a ton' gunboats could be practieni articles begun lu abis issue Ou Ai ouir Stoire, soeW-BE&VIER B#AtCl,-ffl 0Owsmaavil le therm together andl spainkie a nieeven eaeiiy buili ,and would final open pas- Central-Station Worklug, as weli as in layer over thme skin, folding the akin sage toa uch btowns as Chicago anal Mil- articles On a storege battory central-T rT edges over lime backbone; lbthon rol aukee. lime Uniteal States could not statio t orie thie amtesn 'î f s ale I G ST S brmteha inyn oli igbt. Put Possibly builal vossels -on the li T (as btteriesT" XTA amateus wi 'T" V into a o, col place for a weck; keep fast as Englianal could social ahein up directions for making a -mnail dynamoB G- .  > .. darnp. Af ber a week openi up anal put thrtiug- the canais and blockade al adnotr neoIDccrinnal on t ho ollior baîf of the bran andcernm the-AmericanPorbs. lThe article cou- features ofThIe Elecbrical WVorld is a icals afaer scrapiug off theo îirst appui: t-iudes: fo osppsd o'eebtneekly digest of the curreut tochuical B I '-G 3E Su 'V A\.LU JE . ed- beave about another n'eek. It would It ms o e upod owvrta letrical literalure of bbe entire n'orld,B Il ho advisabio ba darnpen by spri.ikiingl the Federala n'iîî quiebuy acquiesce in n'hich enables readers ta keep pace w ith a uitile n'ater, say a plut bhOore the our suprernacy. Ini lie lime that would electrical advances lu every section of 5second application. After the second intervene bebn'een a delaration of war the globe. A list of more tbian 68 jour- Evei'ybody învited to cau an.d see oua' mewto ïotwelIP 6week bang over a seantliug, bolal bbc anal aie thawing Of the canaison bho nais is given frorn nhicb abstracts are-4 skin on one side af the scantliug îvîth Si. Lawrence, lime Federais would be rogulariy made, whic'h lacludes 9 Eng- --%N -r--"T 1the flesb side out, bimnu stauraai the masters of lthe situation, anal would bo lisb, 14 French andl 12 German publi VJJ- L.-.Mp 6scantling anal serape downn onard lime certain to fit out sometbing like bhe entions; the-re are besides Italien andy gro1uud 'iah a mincemeat cboppiug mosquito fÉcot tbat sn'armed over the Japanese journals andal'aI the les ding THE 5110E MAN koife bill thc akin la softened ou the West lucha station n'hon the "sensa- Arnericaia techuicai anal college periodi- whole flésb surface, thon do aime saine tion" as balime slaver right of searcb cals. The Elecbricai World is publishoal with the other enal of lime skici. Do, rau higb. Sucb vesols, honever ridicu- n'eekly at 253 Broadnway, Nen York, anal Ibis a day or, l'o later, as bbc skîn loua n'hen opposeal to steain frigates, oosbs $3.00 a yoar, bwcluding postage lu dries . Ihen bake a borse-mane combi ol ovr oîndbenbuteethe Unitedl Stabes, Canada or M[exico anal combý out the n'ool anal lb will makie nas nothing tb rosistbem, anal weorlcacpyfnn'dirs fine e or mug." ce nuot moot thein ici the lakos beforeti il SrefF e e t o~x Ari. blgabnwinib or Hl arper's Magazine for Fobrnary, --Henry, and al es alil more formidable R Caton NVoodvijle's strîking picturo, Uatories, a fleur d'eau, can bake care tif "Peasant Rebols," itîdicates bbc selient Mdanagement of Mbanure. laseif, anda a ouple tif guns ou the long feai ure tif Poultuey Bigeiow's story tif Ve11C7-iýer1 i ade pt of lacin'hîcb ahuts in bbe spienal al"The Germen Struggle for Liberty," as Should not l'ail to cail at the Ware IRooms'of tJuessver caefl poviionis od harbour of Hamiltoni would sblelal that l story Of a PeOPle's War. "The forcosevin îe eriiit u farm ma-' fine ton'n. Non' Baltirnore" is conbributeal Wr Ste- nursil e ar oter undor ordinary WHAI MIGHT BE DONE. hosl rnb ruslt oa eirounnubnuceso en' tbem directly But Wiîtby, Cobourg, Belleville, even relief bh', social aspects tf if11e in tinoi m R5 Le might e laid inashes byof bbe most attractive of chfie'- . Nu- 7C M S fro bie tabesduriug ,wn tor on pas- lTironto itsoif, magm oli uaie y erons illustrations' for the article, medxsor fielda n'hicb n'lll he a couple of ferry boats carrying long ri drawiugs by Henry Fonu, ably tu ,) ont - o' range guns, if irumedjate sbeps are. not frorenl d the wriioer's vigortins de- K ING STREEAT, BO-wVM I L devtea b ori to cmig year. Spread, taken to dofenal bbrn n'ibb earthwork's srpiii boooRtsvl ei thiniy froi the wagon. Cacumsbances1 when it le irst seen that n'ar 15 in- story tif "St Clair's Defeut," a co- hr wilb fon an sotm tofpe nsaeu 8 anal kinds of crops raisel, imust ba al evîtable. Hon'ever, as the Cana dian îuiy go. Tbe author bas 'macle a w ee wl efud a so'mn fpeet sfla limiboal itn dicate w bore 1Govorruneut have uer belegrapbic coin- ruisdyoIbsdasrscr- jxbnt nie, unicablOn witim Lord Lyons, ab Wasb- crflsuyo hsdssru a-wl sonnetl anal hon' toapply manuro, ,but a good ig ~w aybub byaentlR-paagîî evailino' bim'udf of material notwelaoîannal rule ~ ~ ~ ~ l toae nulisr pcdtii be tabou by surprise on tIb int.bitherbo useal or wlach' aI beast bas anal evonly ounrimesurface ici fan anal iButo poiaent, mensofca '9not iefore recaîveal sroper attention, Fancy Rockers $100 Fa cy Tables 50c. Btther ar o ther en o ary0n'îThepaper is illaîstrateal by R. F. Zog- ±C 15 yw n atu hreslnthsare g th iesn'r by theuemy'a berrltory be- baum. Casoar NV. W hibuey's thîrd pa- Nice Secretary $5.50., Easels at al prices. Pire n'itor wereplnts grn'-sies y bc eiand anal St, Law'rence f isserios, "On Snow-Shoes tb iug. Ibis sntrsmho of uilîz- canais. Lake Ontario cac h rec e o i inglir ase egbale~ ~ Grunls" esriesa har S rens Fne Oochs nd helaget neofPalo

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