TERS $,0PER ANNUYML OUR TOWN ANI)OUT FR T ili' WORLD AlETERW\AIDSM A. JAMES, Editor and Propietor. NEw ERES BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDINES:DAY, F"EBRIJARY 12, 1896. VOLUJME XLII. NL'o. 7. Butwe are anxious to reduce the Stock to the lowest point before making our inventory and will give great bargains in Dress Goods, Blaiikets, Over Coats, Shawls and ail Winter Goeds. Ail Purs sell ing off at Açtual Coste BOWMN VLLE. Furniture and m m House Furnishings. Otligle opie everything found la a finst cI ass fumaiaure ware- roýin and belicving il only cloing justice teo or business andt lat car ellstomners may benofi by !t,xve have added more vaniefies te car already large lines, andi aur pnices cannet be boni. We bay as low as the lowesi aai-d are saîisfiedwitl sinail profits., anti ye willi be covinced cf the sineùw whea yca have seen our gootis anti exaumineti our prices. Parlor Suites, Bed Boom Suites, EtninTables, Window ShAdes, Mirror Glass, Sideboards, Hall Racks, Centre Tables,, Mattresses, Chairs cf every description, Curtain Peles, Picture and Roem Mouldings, %Nr11 nany otier linos yen xiii find in greai vaniety and at ail pnices at Gieusan eau wliea wanting nnything in aurlino andi sec how weil we eau suit yen. Undeâr.,rta-mking. i= Special attention given to this department. Be wmANVILLE. L. Morris. Bounsall's Bloek. eross eut Sw- We have the Racer, Leader and Boston this season, which we are selhing ýat very low prices. ALL FJJLLY GUARANTEED. Our stock is well assorted. We are selling the Daisy, Victoria and Crown JeweIl. Special value. Call and see theni. We have a fulil assortmnent of Blue Oak and 2nd Growth Hickory at right prices. Telepio-ne No.616. Opposite Ontario Banik,Bowmanville. ENNISKILLEN. Ready for tock, Trhat is Why the cures by lloi'a Barsaparilla are CuRrs. *That jis Why Ilood's Sarsapanfîla pcsitively dols cure ltme severest cases of Sorofuala, SaIt Rioum anti ail othor blooti diseases, even wlîen aIl other prepamations anti prescriptions fail. That is Why the testimonials ini behaîf of Iiood's Sarsaparilla are soliti facts, ant ill iistandth îe closesit investigatio.. That is Wîhy the people bave con- Èdence lnit u' Sar-siparilla, a-i know thint xvhatevprapponta lu its advertising im,!,,ritly truc. That is Why-1îoeti's Snnail Is reogilized by ail as the standcard building-u1p 1ntilcine. That is- Why il overconies Thal Tired Feeling, gi vos energy in placeý ,cf exTrIostieni, life r.stead of langiten. That is Why tue sales cf Heod's1 sarsapariilia have increaseti ranUti-r yenn, wie allier preparaiiotis of less3 mciei have coiue, bhld a l11111e tein. pomnry favor, anti are heard cf ne more. That is Why Ilood's SarsaVailla requires fen ils produîction the largesi; Laboratory in tic voxid. That is Why il la a true ne-rve tonic, cun"8 eruaes by footing the nervez m t ure biceti, anti buildsý up aliltie ci gans ati tissues cf the bodiy. That i sWhy aood's Sarsaparillai Is the. QnIy Truc Lrvd Purifùoer 'ror-ninertly in tthe publïic eye teday. 1'1 mure te ,et Hoodsa ad only Elood's. st 0 M, li. heartitma, -or navrs. IHood's Filus nonse the liver, cure biliousness, restons propen digestion, expel accumulated L-taunimes, cure constipation. 25 cents. prepareti ly by C. 1.. Bood & Co., Lcwell, Maso, iU, S. Â. TAUýNTON. SIIAWS' SCILOOL HOUSE., M r. S,:t ' S young popte entertaineil Mr. -.nd Mrs. Benj. Ashton have re- a goodily namber of ,teir young friends turned home to Haimpton .Mr. J. the o)ther niglt.. . . Qaarterly services at Elliott and son Newton of Manitoba eall Zion iweýre, attended bv several momnbers ed ounfrieadshere receatly.'*Miss Fira ere ýic rom Ilamptoni and SoiaGalbraith met witb a painfal accident; Tr sa movenient bore to f orm a beef white disembnrkin- from the cutter shîe rin mongst thirty or forty families to slipped and broke r thigli. May she snupplv beef for sunmmer montis encli la soon recover.M..iss Mande Clemnence tarn to kili a beef weekly.-Vin. Cor... is visiting her sister Mrs. Wnl, Jewell, TUEi SýTÂTESMAN wants a good corres- Orono..Mr. and'Mrs. Jno. Penn arden p)onden (,t t Taunton. and daugîter of Newtonville and Miss Morton of Port Hope visited Mr. Jas EBENEZER. Rickard's recently. . .. Mr. nndMrs. Jno. Bath or British Columbia and Mrs. D. 7'ýýs Geo. Morrow is visiting lier par- Gilbert, Bow'manville, n ere guests at ents ia Oakville.... .Miss Mnnie Martin Mr. Samuel Rickard's last -week ..Our and cousin visited Miss Littiojolins re- Sîînday SOhool is prog-ressing nicelv an- cenly.. .r.S. S. Brooks is sending der the leadership cf Mr. Geo. Richzard. anothler shipinentof hogs toTorontothis Mr. Findley of Hope was onanday wek_ English bayers bavebouglit 'i ouest of Mr. C. Osborae.... .The wife cf few 1irrses for the London market,arounit %r. Tbomas Clemence presented bim horeý.. . .Miss Sarahi Scott, Moorefield, is with a bonaciag baby boy on Jan. Otli. visit'ing frieads bore ..,.Rev. G. W. Mc- motier and cbild are baýth doing well. Col B. D., Osbawn . reaclies missionary Milbnrn's Cod liver 0i1 Emulsion with sermion at E)ei ,,.r Suuday morning Wild Cherry and 'Hypopliosphites of nextA ... .Mr.fhus. Clarke, Coutrgt Lime and Sida and pure Norwegiau 1visiting bis brother, Mr. D. Clrkeh. Ccd Liver 011 lu perfectly paîntable *.M.and Mrs. J. Littiejohas visited form. It is tbe best for ceu'gls, colds, friendsin Pickering receatly. and ail luag troubles. Many visited our tobag'gan slide Sat- urdavy Excellentsport.. . .Miss Lottie Lockhart, town, was guest of Mrs. Dr. Mitchell.... .Messrs W. iRobbins and W. Oke spent Iast week in Toronto. . ... Mrs. H. J. Werry is delegate to the Belle- ville League convention. A young man lain elMass.,troub- lect for years with a constant Succession of bouls on bis necký,was completely cur- cd by taking only three botties of Aver's Sarsaparilla. Another resuit of' the treatmnent was greatly improved diges, tion with ireas-ed avoirdupois. COLINMBUS. Mrs. P. WV. Grass is visiting friends at Exeter. Miss Maad Wilcockson and Miss Louie Moore are staying with Alice and Artliur Grass during' their inother's absence.... .Miss M. A. Stili is giving excellent satisfaction as înistress cf our Public School. . .. Mr. John McCllough has sold ont lis drug business in Whit4v to a Mr. Allia. Ho found the confine- ment exhaasting...,.There has been mach sickness aroand here and a few cases of fever. Influnza is most preval- eut .. .. After a long series of meetings at Kedroni no conversions are reported. THOUaIIT IT WAS CONSUn'TrON. -Dear Sirs,-Iwas troubled wlth a nasty cougli and 1 reallv thought'I was gcing îinto coufumption. I took two' bottles. of Ilag.yard's Pectoral Balsani and can say that it not only cured me at once bat thnt I have nover had a cougli sýnce,. It is the best remedy la the world. GRACE WHITE. Black Cape, Bonaventure Co., Quebec. SOLINÂ. Mr. Edwn Revuiolds bas a ftew organ. ...Mr. R. L. WerrY bas been elected on the Board1 of Education lat Port Staiiley... .Mr. and Mrs. J. VanNest, jr., and Mrs. W. Werry visited at Brie- sie recently . ... Miss Laura Hogarth is again Wortby Commander- of Loyal Crasaders. Next meeting Saturday, Feb). 22nd....Mrs. Frank Wilbur of Tyrone visited here recenfj1y...Mi ss Mary Vice is L.ome froni'V'isitiig lier sister lu Western Ontario. .Miss Ennice Awde lias been visitag in Bowmanville. ...Patrons are hanling over 20 tons of Salt from Bowmanville station. Patrons annual meeting hore Saturdav noxt.... Mrs. Wm. Asb ton visited lier 'daugliter Mrs. -Moerey noar Enfield ...Our Division iaay visit Mt.Carswell brethroa next week. 13 the oraono the Wondci.tilC,.rci by 1111 VV .lx. ( K T,,s' nv resineooe, .J8- bwa. barsI and Ithe cil, as it1 stroamed On Tuesdny eveuino- Feb. 411, the frcm the lamp igaiitod and set tire te the omornf Mn. and Mrsilobt. 'Mcrrow', Cýarpet. Mrs. Luke and lier sistor Mrs. "Sunay Side," wns the scene cf a most Smithi covercd the carpet with n muo' aaimaîed and latenesting gatbcring. and wrapped a pioce cf carpol abot lTbe occasion wns the marriao-e cf Iheir the laînp and la ibis wny srneîhered the yoan'-est dano.iter, Mary lulia, and flameis Mn. Prank 1. 9verson cf "Early Suu- Hoýýod's Sansapanilla, laken aIIbis son- ise. " At about five o'clock, nmid son~~~~~~~~ -ilmk e elsra n ently falling sncw, storm, which ý;ûiwil iakeyo fel trog n i-seerned .1te add more tlinthe usual eneaý-s and keop you from siçkýness later ameunIcf romance te tbe occasion, the menny jingle cf the sleigh bous was beard appronching frein eoy direc- HAMPTON.tien. ,Tic gnests liaving anrniî d the bridai panty made its ap'pearance and Mn. F. T. Aluin and Mr. Chas. Kers- forrned into lino ander a veny prettv lakeý spont Sunday at Gronbak.... arcli which spanned tie spacions hall Mn. Jabez- Elliott, Brandon, Manitoba, andi joined tic parler and drawing is visiting Mn. Tics. Elliett .. .. Deati ncom. The cerenon)îy 'as porformed las again entered car -village laîming at jsî the appeinteti heur, 6.30, by 11ev. for its cwn Mr. William Joîl who died G. W. MarvIn, B. D., ph. D.' The on Wednesday aften a lino-enino- illne,,ss. bride mvns gvea awa by bier brother, He n-as buried on Friday at Uowmaa- Mn. John corrow. 'Hon sistor, Miss ville cerneteny. Tbe relations have thc Minenva Morw, was bridesrnaid; hien sympathy cf the ontine viciniWr la this neice, Miss Mornomv, acted as mnid cf thein snd beronvement. Mrs. El! Rob- honon. The gneom n'as supporteti by, bins las retnmned fnom a visit with bier bis cousin, Mn. W. R. Coanice. The brother at Pickering.. The Aaxiliany bride anti bridesmaid wone very prettilv cf tic Wcmen's %7issinary Society attired i la Ivention timm)ed nnîh pmnk spent a vory pleasanti time at the home satin and wfite lace. Eacb carrîed n cf euesdcf itseens n. E asgs, bouquet cf roses as did aise the maid cf on uesayaftraen.honon. Tic cenemcany being over, the Scbool neoet for Jaaay. Namos in Company nepaired, te the elange dinino' orden cf nment, Clnss 5th-Eva Clat- rocm Whene n most sumptucus ropast wortby, Ella Rogers; Sr. 4th-Ada bad been prcvided cf fowl anti otien Crydemýman, Gertie Creeper, Herbent most seasonable edibles. Dr. Manvin Stevens, Bort Stevens; Jr. 4th-Lonie thon propcsed a toast toe be enly mar- Elliott, Frank Hannam, Willie Clarke, ied couple, and Mn. Jas. Cearitice te Effle Rcbbins, Ewarî Creepen, Herbent the hest and hcstess. After the usua Rogers, Mabel Colwil,Rassell Tiomnp replies, the nemninder cf the evening S'ln, Frank Cowling Sr. 3rd-Poll.v 'was speat la musie, games and general Horan,Rassell Tbompsoný,Nelson Browvnconversation. ýTue bride was the recip- Beatie Colîvili, Winie Penninglton, lent cf a venY langc namber cf aseful Clarence Rose, Anale Wilcox, Ethel anti decorative prescrits. Among tic Stev eus, Lillie Rami ; Jr~. 3rd-Miaulie guoss i ere Mn.anad Mrs. G. S. Mornow Bonii, Norman Hannamn, Frank Clarhe, and fnm»ilv; Mn., W, Morrow; Mr. Mrs. Lita Rluse, Robinia Johns,, Anale Johns: anti Miss Libby Squelci, Ragýlan»; Miss Nomîe Bor, Russell Cooledge, Harrv E. White, Toroato;M. and Mrs. Jas, PenitËoa; -Sr. 2nd- Ella Noble, Courtice; Mn. and Mrs. S. Evenson, Mn. Wlaifire< fl>-ters, Willie Tbciapson, and Mn',. W. Sliowden; Mrs. T. R-. Ev- Loloe Clanke-, Arthur Ellicît, Ethel orson, Mrs. S. Bannris, Misses Wianie CooedeIii Cryder ma, Battie ai-d" Millie Eversoîî, Oshawa; Dr. and Cooledge ,-cod "Stevens, Herbert Mrs. G. W Mania, Mn. W. J. Gibson, Tbompson, -H-ilda Williams, Aibiine Mn. and Mys. W. S. Oke, Mn. aiiâ ns. Clem-ieiis, Ettie Oliver; Jr. 2nd-Nellie A. J. Okc, Mr. and Mrs. R. Oic, Mn. D Cnln-Walten Elliott, Boîvard Stott, Clarke, Miss Maud Oie. Mr,. 'J. anud Olive ý>iver,' Bon'ard 'Stevens, Mabel Mn. A. Pîclel, Mr. andi Mrs. H-. Salter, Hannarn, Lenma Pennùîngton, Clifford Mnr. and Mn,,. 1. Salter, Mr. anti Mrt,. J. Peters; Pt. Oni-d-Louis Ci-vderiti Balsain, Mr. Gus. Toolev, Mrs. Cornisi. Harry Wilcox, Herbent Whnsett, Rus- Mr 1 . Troll, Miss E. Ceochanue, Mns! soul Rowe, Clifford Colwill. Bentha'Tay- Gee, Batchison, Mn. W. R. andi MisS Ion, Willis Blannamn. Fie. Courtice-Reformer. TendionsÇ F. J. GiIOAT, The re-vand cf the failliful advertisen ýAmnv L. AiîMOUR. là Certain. l1AYDON-. Rnmoi*s cf a nredding.... ýMr.' Fred. Marks and wif e visited friends lu Cart- wright recently . . ..Miss Lockhnrt cf Bowmanville is visiting at Mr. T. Gild- ers.... Miss Annie Brimacombe bas re- turned from visiting frieads in Bow- mauville._...Miss E. Broad cf Toronto is visitiag friends*here ..Miss Kate McNeil is calliag on friends in Clarke ...Wbnt is the matter with haviuù- an Epwortli League?. Mr. F. Brima- combe thlnks cf starting a tonsorial parler la Broolin..._ Mr. R. Washiag,ý ton and Mr. Duncan McNeil are sick.. Mr. R. Mlaines attended the f uneral cf bis mother Moadav at Pontypool... Glad te see Mr. J. Huandie around again .... Mr. Richard Ashton lias bouglît froni Mr. W. H-. Creeper, agent cfi the McLaughlin Carniage Works, Oshawa, a new cutter. It is a dalsy..A sigh. load cf young- people frein the Sanît at- tended prayor meeting- bore Wednes- day nigt ... . Mr. W. 1. Creeper, car genial blacksmitb, is kept very busy soei g herses .... Our milîs are conÏ- statly kept busy grinding at present and un-der theo manageinent cf -Mr D. Brokeashire ndd mach te the stir cf car village... Services on Sunday wore net vory well attend ed.. . Miss Maud Asi- ton is visiting friends in Betbanv... Revival services bave closed bore; great geod bas beon doue oer 50 havingl profossed conversion_... Mr. J. Hocin preprietor cf oeeof car saw ii, libas had fixod te lis residence kýitdhien steea stoam pipe wliidhcounects witi a boiling buse in i uCbidns 13Ymeacfti pi h bousate coarse feedhoreqa ires.Itsaget savinigcf labeur and des net require an'; more, fuel thon was neessary bo- fore. it wouldble well for tic 9rrcnd- in- farmors te sec this new invention. AN EXTENDED ExPERitECE,-Writes a well known cbemist, pormits me te sny that Pntnnm's Painless Cern Extractor neyer faits. lt makes ne soro spots in the flesh, and censequeatly is painless. Don 't yen for get te get Putnarn s Cern Extractor, ncw for sale lv medical denI- ers everywhere. Substitûtes are every- whoro offered as just as geed. Take "Putnam's " cnlv. COURTICE. B Suppementary Meetin-,in cenneet- ion wîi tith West Durem Farmerýs' Institute -will bho bld as follows: BLACKSTOCK, TH IJRSDAY. FER 20. Commenciag at 1.30 p. nm. Addnesses will bo delivered bv Prof. G, H-Irconrt c f St. AnUn's, oun'"Dairy Fanmigg," Mn. D. W. lBeadle, M. A-, cf Torovi-15 "'Farmers' FruCit Gardon." Mn. W. J. Hlayeraf t, Agincourt, f"Breetiiag and Management of Swine."l HAYDON, THURSDAY, FEB. 20. Comînencing ai 7.3D1 p. m. Prof. G. Harcourt, "The Future Farmer." Mn. D. W. Bondie, "Insect Fees-Il- l.ustnated. " Mr. W. J. Hayeraft, "Pcultry Bree&i ing" fer the Fanm." SOLINA, FRIDAY, FEB. 21. Cormnmocing ai 1.30 P. M. Prof. G. Hancout-' Rotation cf Crnops", "Rnisiag Calves". Mn. Bondie 'Injuries te Fruit Trees.' Mn. W. J. Baycmaft "Cultivation cf Field Roots." ORONO, FRIDAY, FER. 21. Ccmmencing at 7.30 p. m, Prof. G. B-arceunt -"lLeakages on the Fanm." Mr. Beadle-"'Insect Foes and Pro- vontien cf Dîsense." Illustratefi. Mn. W. J. Haycnaft-"Poultry and Swine. " Mr. Bondie is expectett ilL.î5trat bis cveniing lectures with a Magie Lau- ten makiug bis subjects doubÎy inîter- ostiag. Discussion on eaoh subjeet amnd- a full attendance cf farmers and pensons lu- terested is desirod. WM. WEuav, B. C. HOAR, Presitient. Secretany. Mrs. Wîn. Tnmblyîi and Miss Lillian bave retunned borne te Zion aftem a pleasant visit with relatives here ... The Juniors Longue will deliver a "Temper- ance Sermon "lin the Metiodist chuncit Su.nday evening, Feb. 12trd. AUlcrn, Sevene attacks cf la grippe are commea Farmen's institute meeting at Haydcn, Tbunsday ovening, Feb. 20. See bills. Rev, CaÏeb Pnrker's address te l E. 'L. C. E. on Fridnay eveaing was l 1istea- ed 10 with close attent(ionin g very Our eaguns prpos senIaHg lwo eeatest Belleville ecnvintien.... Mn. Jas. Sfirnpson is reevering;atid Mrs, ýR. Hotige is sufferng frem pueumenia .... Mr. J. Ceagdon's 11111e daugliten is convaiesciag. . .. Mn. Alexander Staplos is on lie jury aI Cobcarg..Mn. John Mutton bas rccently been slaughteng oxtcnsivel. . .. MisJeanie Barris, To- route Jancion, is visiîing hon motion.. .Mn. S. M. Clemens received a wel- corne firom olti fnientis. Maitine with Cod Liver 011 and -Hypop- lîospites-A4 Palatable, Nourisiin- FVriend Jonathan will ncw dlean the trche's trnded the grey and got the bîe.... Mr. Jonsathan Prier las ne- tnrnedi from Hartford, Coni., fi. S.... Thie maniy friends cf Mrs. Sarah Murley ýI0Cmm, relict cf the late Jobn.Coram, heaid witb sorroiw et ber decease. She 11,14 been ailiag for some tirne. After (the deýath cf ber life partner six mentis agshe went te re.slde with 1her dlauiglter. She died ou Sunidav Feb. 2 and( was buriedý at Betbesda on Tuesdav 4t ntRev. XVi. Jolliffe preacbiing thefanraisermon .... Junior Leazu-e gives ant ontertainîint Tharsdlay l4th iast.. . M.ýr. S. iNortbcott cf Solina visited old friends bore recentIv. MAPLE GROVE. i nred that oeeof car ycung mea ha,, boughit a fnrm. WIiat next ?.... Mr. Wîlson Adains visited friends in Hlope last week.. . Miss Gentie Stevens lis een vislting lu Oshawa for a week. Ou4r iE'pworth Longue Social was n islenidi( success, aithougli the weathen ia tratendisag-neeable. Thec durci was ccmfortàblY fllled. A gccd pro- gramm wnsgiven and a social timo sPenit. - .Our Division pays a fraternal vîs-i't.te the Newca stle bretîren Friday e1voning ...Open Division Tuesday ov'Nemnllgiext week. Ap gcod program- erydvwelcon ... . MissBertie Mua- dIay aInd Miss GentieS*m son are visitingl at AmIpten .. . Mr. H.. evens and Iss.n-es rI. Steve n s aai d E. Power visitod lai Osbawa ov-er Sanda .Vsiors r, C. W. 5ou.'h, _MLl. Venn, and Mis, OSHAWA. M r. T. H-. Everson is at the " Soc "on bniý,îess . .. Mrs. Oliver Hlezzlewood is thie guosî cof Mrs. (Rev. ) Licdd*y. Keene Miss Watson, cf Kingston, is visit- ing Miss Mongan, Sincee St..Mr. Mns. Pugli spent n'oek with Mrs. Pugh's fathier, Mr. Aadrew Anis .... 11ev. Dr. Jeýffersq, a fermer pastor cf the Simce St. Methodist chanch here, is lyiag dan- gooal iiat bis home inBel eile.... TleBLowninnville curions plnyed the Oshawa rlnks on the beome ic,Satnnday but the score was net recended. Nefith- or silde daim a victrv.. .. A hall lamp LESKARD. .Consumption-tiat, drend disease- toc often arises frem neglect. Colds not serions iu themselves, by deprossing theý vital forces, play an imÏportant prt in prevoking conditions thnt rende bluing disintegratien almost certain. To obvi- ate this deplenable sequence cf neg.. lected colds the bedy sbould ho fortified, strengtbened, nourislied, and Ibis mny n'itlî certninty be. accomplished by the use b fMaltine xith Ced -Liver Ou aund Hy pophesphites. Its mode cf action is plain-the cil rendered palatablo and cf easy digestion, dees net irritate the stomadli and anfit it fer the digestion cf food; but Ibis proparation serves; a mach bigber'purpose tban this, for by its action upon starce foods it affords for the replacement ocf the waste cf the bed'y an abundance cf fresh stnsLong hlod. The patient gains weighlt, imni tation cf the brouchial tubes disappeairs, sleep is restcred and the -goneral li- prevemoat is inmmediate and pexrmaý?nent. cIo seu nformation GIMEN FREE O HOW O jC ~me-cmgNovember, books are, ail given, pur- A COPY citasersof3 package-sor9 bar s Of SUNLIGHT SeA? ,Wili reee f-rum iheir grocer, i SU.NLIGHT AIANORt . .. .. ....... The book contains complete Caiendar Imatter, Biography, Litcraure, Homne Managemen, Langunage of Flux ers Fasi o.s CGaules and Amuse menis, Recîpes iDreamo c d the r stg-stficanee, Po1hy tc.t