NEý1WCASTLE. lo' 5 ODRU. oIs hani wneflare the cures aeoplse ';B1,tt r u re o. b arsaparill, even aftr Jte S~li om l<O<o partaitesnsand iysici o' pescri t'Tehaefale.Th rasnhoevî Mi~ T~b ITX, ~ Nu-tov'le Iisinle heu he 1ooi jger~v;à il ~ 't-~ -~ '2,t o 1 - r - -'V t -U "à,-- à.. - --t r - - ~ -- -tt r , O,., o-l, jnM T_ UMM_ ___ ~-t __o" ott ~ _ ïï l 1 1 M M MYl w-----------------------------------------------------_.. F Ir 17kikiISJS7 T .JP ,V 'A--sr ---- --- - ______ _________________________ -=-=----=-- -------==- -=- -=-- t 1 A )IIni, )VI w oLi t3 à)i/ý ý A 3-- ~i~-'-'~ ~ ~ -- -_ _- - - viii rne h ods it i iato a.-lyco vic-,b th pw lîttlei ie t.o.b. toigetaMaast ný oa einand uth tatemei½' -Men'slnen yeas fo r 4ea piIro7 woeae30 gus fteMse na,,Bowman- Glad to see Miss Annie Moore w 1Wes your goods are ruined; Colorinc snaleprinernd ythestadt.,mnsylnslnncfsfr2ewrh3e ~ guest of the isses Dino'man ith Diamond Dyes means success and Of n arsinritntetom Men's and boy's fubberine Collar for 10e or 3 for 25c. ville.. . .Miss Sarah Mc rath is visitilg lias beeni ii for sorne time, resnming lier lovely colors. care, that the celebrated medicine Boy's Woollen Gloves from 5c np. at Mr. R. Morton's, Gardenhuli .... Mr. office as president of Epwortli League. Paine 's Celery Compoand deserves a Alex. Henry, snr., sold a span of liorses This village needs one good hotel t Ministers, Lawyers, Teachers, and high recommendation. I'therefore wil- Tweeds Suit ends, Scotch and Canadian, part ait stock t to Mr. Moffatt, Mil]rook- . .. Mr. Wm. to bankruptto gve bthaf ri Lane lias engag-ed witli Mr.'Gog afford accommodation to the travelliiio other osocîatogiebu littie lingly indorse the testimonials alreadyhafpie Gerg ublic. More than one xvould be super exercise, should use Carter's Little Liv given in its behlaf. lasoefrbrgiawy bet u nbglt,-hvg PanBvovle,.ýr .Wld uons. er Pis for torpid liver and biliousness. i son and 'vile are no-w comfortably set- One is a dose. Try fliem. flbisaleswavoe o agis ]wy be to buy hayndc gthe in ig lots, ha Vi b tleuriy reiene,hm n h lodge room. Where is the goat sfabled ~E I ~ Sugar, Coal Oil and Sait by the car. Just received thle eeiebratied Her'orwnas hecremated? No one san'TT Windsor Sait in barrels and bags,said to be the purest sait ai the world; CaoonuD CREEIK.-Patrons here re-huubugfon.aB ros iicUL URIsT our prices are right for Sait and our store house is very conveniient for cevdnlag hpeu fgod srm t e r, thehe i stole, Block the LT IS loading. Our premnises are without a doubt the mstconvenient, on a TrfU.. .Te prevailing epidemie sabl or.atr1levilg s cremat- infineuza lias many victims. . .. Mr. ed provide tire protection. Wisdom WA Ewhl, oralagebuiesIleous.tob fun1nyhee and Mrs. A. Sharp have the1 sympafhy comes late to sele. the large -stocks and the cheapîîes5 anid convenience. ý-iîý wl of thesection in the Ioss of their littie Farmers' Institut e meeting at Orono fnh i~rlP~QIiwnnn To extend its usefulness and mnie i a cor centrate here as a natural resuit. True ehap-' i P dan'itr esie. . Mr. W. 1H. Reid, ria'eeinFeb. 2 Sepotes tJLJ IUUUIU IJUI!lIIIuIIUrtlcal necessîty to e et-y progressive uians stefudt~ dau-terJesie ridy eenig, ee ostrs.rand his familihlteÂmERic&N ACRit- of Our iÙîffnense sales; large sales means constantly f-esh stoc)ks, anid new M.,iP. P., goos on Týuesday f0 Toront o Mr. Norman Aluni is 4fh vice-president CULTUIST i8 now PUb dwekly (instead oscntualaraneredng trcin. ewsht to attend the Leoislature. . .. Mr. Adam of West Durham brandi. f monthly) at nI $Ia year. odcntualrea ev nigataton W %sht m Friek is expecteN back shortly f0 aQsist AIl from her ho tfededth rs n $ hzetead Ugsofalgechbuissyiakgorptos Mr, Sid Knightinl a job of cutting cord- ta een0auetecy-Ail the Leadin-Fecattre that haveaephzste dîtgsofalrechbuissy madieou a~s Cobleic i ito hebuc1r ieddiug' at Mr. John Otton's report the monthi3 so popoTar are retained anoîmany interests our own, and we will always give our custouleils the best en busnes good time. They say fiat Ciarlie iaegt htthy aVe new features taddie:s olas emmerasin e and vr bargain. Mr. Gdckilsberto Dek er da obuee Cawler is a instler af n'eddings. be frfr oetheir Season. CondenildFarrÎn News, ..mî...GletDce aa od e The gemerai opinion h lere is fiat THE ee looking fr ors m nd Letters Amoflg the Farmers. Ried hot competition for produce wilL continue WVe have Ied peetl.Sape lu fli the best ail round nen's- time in the shapeof Baking ISFR ETRS very vatuable connection n a ips fayqait obs pape inthecounty. (Only 30 cents for T AMFAUEosadcn ipsefayquii.-t bta- OROxo.-Visitors: Miss E. McPherso n five montis f0 nen' snbs. Try if.) Powder. It is only a Roast- Snha letc.arisotC1uevantg-es. Top prices for new laid Eggs, Butter, Poultry. &c. at Trenton; Mrs. M. L. Travelie af ra rdti core u ePuty Market Garulening, and ther Grea crditis acored ur nw ig Pn tht rtais fo $1tpopiuestrwritten b)y Practical aud Successfni Wesleyville; Miss Lucy Aluin at Mrs. reeve, Mr. W. Rickard, for hils 51su 5'c ig anha rtais or Falrmers, Supplemented with Illustrations W. Boddy's, Toronto; Miss Belle Irn'in, ful efforts in seenring a rebat e of $100 each, but o can have tabloe ilwo ambietum it fo invinl Port lloýe. guest of Mrs. W. Joues: Jr. on our couuty-rThe.icelectors n'iîî lyTOUbyble artisis, coinetomaitinalub ad Mrs. Frenchi, Castieton, ad MissrmebrflnetJayths TiseLatest Markets and Commercial Aggie Campbell, Cobourg, at Mr. J. A. wa[culure are Leadlng Pentures,.i -Kr. Alex. and Miss Isabella Lan'rie, n'îtli our old chnm, Mayor- F. W. Eddy ~ Miss E. E. Ha veraft, Bon'mauville, Miss0 eîat.WT h er isin WUiS FIVE EDITIONS. Laurie, Tliedford, guests of Mr. Ors n'ith conventional dignity. We ailT etra tteA(IIýLTITt h J. A. Lan'rie, of flhe Corner Store, Mr .sncerelY sympathîze niti him in tfi ee To betsts fmdaptiectonc,marmmsr tionthe Tis.MatnPrstn a u oss of ils respected father. 1 lb Bai, -Poder,Mayell'S, ae issued, for- five different setions of the Roal tvn rstn a i uce' ory. They are know.,n as EASTERN, eT sm Mr. Wm. Batten; 1ev. J RaI o lTemp i aoasiîng Pan for 50t.eS1TIHERN.CENTRAL, WESTERN, Whifevale SundaY n'eek preacing an- RovZ Daisies ca')tained by Miss AIan 1 osigPnfr5c UTEN niversary sermon S; Messrs. Tios. and meda Conci and ýÀr. A. Pîckard and Eachi Edition contains specimi Local Feat- Ruer ielding, Bowmanville, at John flic Prohibition Liilies eaptaincd b Y Z4-1L iaanL te istiof iý tionas, Pe ofet1To B u y Fuilrn tu rp, t Rickaby's; Miss Mazgie Climie, Bow Miss 0. Warren and Mr. B. Wiimot r e- iiv o vlilu bl -frn tates in tlatsection. Tios cadi cdi- .-.. manville, gncst of M.iss Fannie Honev; sulted lu a victory for fhelicLllies by Ra msay Tea ? For isa l i b'n'e aciluresttefarers as tmugh thubr Mis ose, arlam, Miss Gertrude over 500 poimnts. d f ho e riiJs t,1as n Dent, Toronto, guests of Mrs. J. R. The late Jas. T. Eddy n'as buried atliedttei ____ We have on hand the largest stock of Furnitu-re ob Real; Mr. Jas, O 'Dea, Cadiilac, Midi,, Wednesday. lie lad been a member II H AIYFAUEse naywrrosi h onrada tla l and sister Mrs. Jas. Bedion', Oshanwa, of Orono Division, Sons of Teînperancc, IShorAntHE FAMIsL sFARES, F seyen i anyforerpotcsh indhe o utiiyond ait (Io' à;Il and Mrs. Chas. Dancaster, Bon'man- 43 years and n'as fie flrst License I-n'I ÈI n i~. SoThSe-es e s CotFasi an bee boohfrsntchan som honhedi ville, at Mrs. Gibson's; Mrs. Afrcd E. sector ilu New'castle. The Sous of Rea Uil 'A S U Wrte od oPzl okTis th aeij-psto o elcepe hnte haet Ciapmau at lher sister's in Manilla... he Da n RylTepas t obyCorn uer a C onetg aei oiint elceprta h haet Attendamîce ut Orono Public Sehool for tcnded fie funeral. Ilorscy's i3ock, Bon'manvile. F os' Page. fasmc The lare uantities that we hiave sent out testifist. Januarv n'as 107 ..Miss Muid Andrus Tic foliowing lire insurance cdaims __value__________and____ cm in a tuas Ibst oDe pit large wil learin nillinery at Lindsay. . Wol- have beca adjusted: Lancas ieWi ain u itrs a osto ie pc iFmi our prices. Ask our customers if they have been sati ed. veiaxlto mmbrs .. M. . ; ~QUESTIONS answered o11 Law, Med- We keep cheap Furniture for those -Who require it aii e es aout 70smmnaersof flicTas.mA.McClung & Son $964.28. Irnperial- cir~.ER.E~ su also have some lines that cannot be seen ini iv hr. of he em Mclung & Son, $1.225.72; F. ennett, 1THýjeMAGAZINE O . ahIsu Manfg. Co., Toronto, ecmploving «over Wnso,965 ;R e,$2. ~ JCL ce ouiesont bonLa nemi cover, the number nf vy 20 ad.Wnderwatn'r r,95;RLe,$2. S et ce Olver pages varying from 28 ro 3M. Severe Ldeyd eshcases under ordiinary fi eafrnemtf scarsasowasfeo'et_____Easityih Thuiadsofsffreshave p5ubulcy arc leit n'ien tic sores are healed. Theîse BICYCLES Mt Lasic Syls testificd to th fli-cuY Of Chase'$ Kid" action of Burdoclk Blood Bitters is assis- oel IahDrbe ney-Liver Pil'. They are the baSt, BO ted by appiying if extttrnally as wxell as yeaJ odeLAtechDrbeJ use the best. 01- Pili a dose; lee lt erually. Tiere is no cnLt ting, n I\ KNoDABatRCESeTte it il fihae cen adoe ets a box. nfeis iaua Ç' pwe îe RAWFORD and SP2CIALS lu es0t sc hps Fo anenlcers aildalsn esr asess, o teulcers, sores, etc., fiat leuves NEW AND bONO Extra fhick bal Ora'tm_________ Kecp mouey ioî iug, frienids. Don't BwAVL Getourrricese.ndsavemoley, and heel. Use husss Lneed ana Ttirpeatine for f lesi sreradsnda acs acmir evir&Otca esi vrwe Vieles'sDt a cent lie lu yonr pociefs wlile ybPINNG£50 I0eILN filthroat autd lu-ngtroubles. Lurge ou-c if. If is fie many lif fe a yut eCal 550 aingMchîoSodeu:Pree hy er ie rn bote mul dýowe. small pririe, 9,5«- fiat maies tic bulk ef amounts We sdi Q 5.O SwngMcie___.wOV&so 5ldvewer TyWarikIo t-I j r ~~tR- t,3