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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Feb 1896, p. 6

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- - --- - - - - - - - I d"n ia bil'u ,e-e i-.ssen nf. bineiness, NE ea 1.tions--,Dites. 'egPain i ti. i. & whleieîr n; fleadaChe, yot CARirEaS Lrr'rtLivRare im 'ara oqually valrable in Constipation. cuîii -,d pueveý,ntj ing iis ar v- ing conlai rt, wliilf i bey asecorect ait disorders of t e stornîsc es ilîulate tire liver snd regulate the bovvehe Evera if they only cIret"j lAhethey wuldbhaalnîotprcleito thoqa w-lia suffer f roui Iis istr,1essin comp;int; lit fortunately tflirgoodnel IlDo l d slere, and those w-ho ont-e try tiheur al l id the littie pilis valîîable in 510 many wýys t bat 'I'bey ILi howillin.- te do wthout tisero., l te r 72ail sicit head te the base ofqoinany livos t1uat here hI -br I-e m'rie our rea boast. Our pilla cure it w-hiltherIld> nor. Cre.aRs L iT vLEf,îvER Pitis are ve ry surail ad voy as tak-e. Oieor tN o pilis nak3 Sds.They are stiictly vegetable auî do -ot gripe or pýurge, but l'y their genti" acil'i Pleass ail evl,,o use themn.In vials et '15 centi- veor$.Sold ererywhere, or sent by mil. BEYON5 IME E[1LMS OF FROST NeIliurriclno-, DO cycelones, no thunde slarmen droubh, no failure. CALIFORNIA! Matclîle', andi ina-valons. Elevon thonesanli aecs $12.50J per. acre. Ninety ixhuedr-cd ,a roýSl2.;îe acre. TwentY-six hundî'eti acre, $10.09 pe'- acre Sixtes', hUndt"d s et ci13 0per acre. Twelve bundreti acres, Seven Ilîundr-ed Ce'res. iz, sx hundrod acres, . hree handreti anti twant acte-'., Any other riusutity down to ton acre..Olive-s, Ot-îîîges. N;ectaine-. Pigg. Isimonsý, Almondi. ttitp-s anti ail othes' fruits grown in a IIutrywh11r' SUM2MEPt REJGNS SUPRE.UE. oritftpartitular-. ADMIE-.S, K. E. KELLEY, WXILLOWS, CAL.- o r Teeth Are vr ,flt Preierve theinl I lL! bkenntheni! OD R A TH-E PERFECT Ail Druggistz, TOOTH POWDîaP FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS. Ilie Canadîan Statesman WEDNE'SDAV, FEB. 19, 1896. NOTES ANVD COMflILTS. If the repart that Russ4a andi Turkey bave entered inta an offensive andi de- fensive alliance on the line, of the Un- kiar-Skelessi agreement is true, a new situation w iii have ben createt ini Europe. The latter agreement wvas mateienc 1833 betwe osa the Czar Nichoiars I. anti the Sultan M&bmoud Il., at a time when the latter founti himself through th-- defeat of his armieG by Ibrahim Pýa3ha anti the vlirtual destruc- tion of his fieet uât Navarino,, in diffi- cultias almost as great as thoo which besaýt the prsent sultan. It bounti the two signatories to assisi each other both ln the case, of external aggressiou and internal, and considering ithe condition of Turkey at tbýe lime, amn- ounteti practically to ber reduction t0 the position of a vassai statýe. Indoed, iLn view of ber patent lnability to fui- fil ber part of thea mutual obligations, Ilussia w alved býer clamra to assistance on condition that the Dardanelles should ba closeti to the ývarsisips of ail nations whienever Russia should 'oat war. But Englanti andi France 4rotest eti 50vigor- otsly against this conversion of the Black Sea luto a Russian L.ake, with an outiet for Russia ships, but no entrance for the vessels of other powers, that the agreement w ns abandoneti, anti the old Ottoman ruleclosing the Dardanelles tot the warships of ail nations w-as again ac-1 cepteti. That an alliance on the lines1 of tbis agreement bas iaow been made la improbable, andi, intieed. is discredit- eti at the varions forelg-u offices, tbough it remains to be saiti that if it were truc, it would not ho admnitteti by eitherf of tise parties to it. The chief reason for tiaubt is the fact that the sultan lias haff led. the six powers a t every point, that he sits saféo la Yildiz, masterP of ail around hlmn, and able to defy thosen w ho senti hlm instructions, w ith im- C punity. a He, bas found alisolute safety in bis ahlity te play off tbe powers against each other, lu their inability to agree uponj a common policy ugaiast hlm, and. th'hr feur to aet save in concert; antih thlere is wje apparent tesson why he abouiti now- abandon a po1iry that bas9 proveti so useful, anti put himself ina charge of a single pow-er, anti that onea thc' rnost hostile to 'hlm' of thes all Possession of Constantinople anti of -an tutiet train th-, Black cea 10 the 1'7edi- service. If il liaefpecteti that he shahl preacl w itis spiritual energy, anti lav- ish thb, w lu of the spirit lu foilow ship witli bis people, lie must lie treateti otherwise than as a mere hireling. "The liard, comm'rcial way of looking at the pastorats-," says the Watchman, wich. i3 a Baptist organ, 'reacts nfavoralily bobli upon ministers anti churches; it ruina tise more delicate aspects of tho pastoral' relation." We feel sure that this remark must lie true; anti it le more satisfactory ce us than many other remiarls upon the sulijeoct presenteti by religious papers. In any ovont, the min- ister must live if leie l to prenai; anti it is tbe tiuty of thse people who engage bis services tc aste lb that lie is fair- ly paiti for them. -How much pay ." That la a question w-blch must ho de- bermineti by the parties. lu interest. The clergyman of one of the churclies of a large city recently tieliveretl a ser- mon in w-hidi ho scoldeti bis congroga- tion. for their failuro te support lim ia proper style. lie arguoti that bis sal- ary of $5,000 a year titi not represent the value of bis services, anti that it ought to 1)0 at least twice as much as that. lI-I tolti bis people that be coulti make. more mo'noy if ho were to tuke up some other business, and be spoke words of w-arning to, thein which. are saiti to have, lad an effect upon the authorities of bis churcli. This partie- ular preachler belongs to the, class known as *'scnsationalists," antiw-e in- fer fiýom what we bave houard about bis sermons that it -woult ho wehl for hlm te, look for a jobi outside of the pulpit, more especially if hliecan get higbier ps,' olsowhere. Withiu a few montha w-e have bat liews of two cases lu wbicb ministers1 lef t their churces bocauso of titesatis- faction w ith thcir salaries. There w-as one minister w-be gav e up preaching Co start a teer sahoon, lu whieb, as -we learn. frein tbe reports, he bas found prcsperity; andi there -%vas the other mînister who, gave up preaching 10oes- tuhuial, an undertaker's shop, lu w bhich, as the reports bave toit, he is ti-oing a Lirof itale business. But neither of Iliese minisiers hati an income of ý5,UUU a year, Ia truth, the salary of the first aman w as only $500, w hile. that of the other mnuw-as not any larger; aud lot h of I hein. "omplaineti that they w ccc hardly ever able 10 collect the amounit due. It w oulti le îoo rougi, as things go, t0 censure these tmon for in king a change. which they Lalieveti nouitibe stivantageous for them. iThe first, for example, deelareti that ha coulci not inaintain bis grow iag family upon tha suais w hi 'b w sa taken ut. at the col- atits b'at to every coatroversy. As wehave saiti, the linager is not a nexv oea, but tisat at the latter euti of the ninete,th ceneury international rela- tiens shoulti be greatly affecteti by the frenzy whidi tiominateti tha buccan- eers of the sixteenffh century ha not creditablB te civilization. The5 fact, iowever, must ho recognizeti, anti the C'hristian palpita of sîl countries cannot too urgentiy present to their bearers the dangers tiat meý-nace- those w-ho haste to lia rîch, anti the tiuty w-hicb the possession of riches imposas. The cirpense, deiay, anti vexation at- tendant upon proceedings ln the Eng- lish courts of law- bave long- been the theme of poets, isatirists, anti novel wnitera. 0f Jute years the evil bas ho- corne so intolerable that Englishmen, baving rlghbs te assert or wrongs to redress, nsually avoiti the tribunals andi seeli justice in arbibration or comprom- ise. Theý English law-yers, fiuding thoir busi ness falling off in consequence, are casting about them for a remedy. One of theai, w riting upon lie subjeet in thse Fortn!ghtly Review, ascerîs that il a eahofounti only lu appointiug more competent jutiges than thcsse w-ho now cccnpy the hench. Tbis w-iter instances a case w bore soe bankors w ere sueti by a castomer for money w hicli tboy allogedti ley bati paiti upon one of hic checlis. lie claimeti that the check hati been "raiseti," anti tlioy denieti it. On the trial, the jutige bimaself, liaving pxamineti the clieck witls a magnifying glass. liecame satis- fiedti nat il lad bceau aitereti, ns the plaintiff contendeti. In spite of tihe prote.csts of tise counset for the defenti- a ho, hantieti both chieck- anti magnify- ing glass to the jury, anti thoy prompt- ly founti for Iie plaintif f. The defenti- sots appeatoti, anti the verdict w ns set acide, w iti tihe resait that on a second anti properly conducteti trial one Nvs fisunti for the tiefendants, -ho, nover- i belass, hadti te har the great addition- ai expease anti trouble of tise apposi, n.s neli as the {ioiay it occasioneti. In anothor case, the wnIter. saye, a Masler <f the Queens Beach Division insistita ngranting a commission to take testtimn~y abroati, w bici w oulti bave blic o itis cuponive anti tedious, anti hic octier w as reverseti only atter a troujliiesomac appeal te t lihe Court of Appoal, sxbieh decitiedti at tise order oughlt nover te have lieu matie. Again, tise jutiges of tise Lavl Courts, ln 18P2, closeci their sittiags for t hreo tiays, ln ortior to trame a ne a set of rulos. Wben. their w crk -%vas coin- i.~~~~~~ . --~P î" Tise French w-omen w-ho are members of tise International Women's League of Peuce have sent te German w omenaa noble appeal, tful ut the trus spirit of Cbistiunity. Our reaclors w ii le glati te C-ee a portion of it: "The xvomea of France, to tieir sisters la Gernany, German mothers, sisters, anti women. The character of w-ar lu its brus nature le being dally more fully recognizeti. It la murder ou masse, w hich becomes more anti more barbarous by the terrible ef- feet of the new weapons. The buman spirit ut tact revoîts against the thons- ai-year-ott terrible conception of mil- ibary giory. Every lirmy figbting anether isaves behinti' torrents of blouti anti tours. Together w ibl Engtant's wo- men, w-e ask bbe w-omoa of ail nations bo jolu in an international loea b, av- ing for its plrrpox' pea'e anti generat dis,- armament. iMay the women of Germany jein that longue. Yeur interests anti ours are the saine. Unite wibh us te achieve the fluest vietory ever won-the gînemal disrminent." This enlîgliten- eti sentiment lias alreatiy foant a ne- in the hearts of German women, vso hbave formet inl Berlin a commibtee of co-operablon., 7 MILLIONS 0F MEALS IN TIN. o hAseicn parsII- Statoment of a Wei! non ý ot- No other blont d uiiielai ever used, si I1 hsyt ir tin aail, 1, thioroligl i i i s SctiiOn, a:i:] tetsse011 You Can Rave a Course DInner En- h tlrely ln Canned Goods O'S01 yasp-iI -- I ~~Admittea et theWrhs a. !t* d Nle1lgadiy Neail Strie Nowîidsyii- Piar"'ima1311Sioreîl Eîîorritoîîs Quanitt4i .yrs 't fi, et ' l'aielm, En ugi ed tCi 11 '1 '59h'eef t a11 ,4The Meai Wall Keep* j < tleo, aîîy iengtî or Tisser. 1 %G wU B E FIT S c That gnon test terrer of w-ar, a star-vlu etr-ti -l-iS -f -ti,- , ing garrison anti a starving f R CC Me- ne Clrroundet by n hostile camp, _________ ________ Yet able bo see far-of f fieltis of grain antidM- plenbY, ceaýldti ne orepeateti in bile age gl j of canneti good, meats, vogetables, pu li E dirige anti fruits, ail ineasat inl tiny jas or boxes of fin. It needti ble easy te beleaguer a Citp anti starve lb into snbmaission wibis bard- ay n ounce of shot, for it w-as a fore- - ge conclusion that if 'ail avenues of foodi suPPIY w-are chut off onlp a f 0w lveks w-eOuld elapse betere both garrison ; anti Citizens ,veuitihave te caplîniabe, " Ü110ug91 thep might est1 ratfleeli anti herseflesis first. But now, s0 clevenly - - are provisions compreeseti and pscked 0- a'vay inte tins, anti se long w 111 even ~ -- thle foots that most usually spoil quick- e IY keep-for pears la most cases-that n'3 City or tow-a coalti b2estanveti ont if lb Onlp had hait a chance te pr o- vision itsett preperlp. Él K' The citY et Paris lias storeti aw-ay Paîling Sexual Strangth la aid or young mon cati bundretis et thousantis of packages con- bequiciely and permaieutîy curai hymne tonaliettthn bining canneti anti comroressee foot ou- ýYvi 1gorcusstat1e. Suiferers rom... t, 'c r actes, thse Walchman et Boston, a150 tho terrilory lu dispute. Among al nankes some remarlis apon this subjeet. nations the- hunger, not for potentiel,' This paper says that a minister sboalti bat for actual, visiblewelthisla apiti- never lie speken ot as a "hiret man," ly suparcetiing aleblier kintis of greet' which promises a ebanga-for the btter. * * * Wle have nover believeti that Wben iBaby was slck, ire gave het catotia. the w orld wvas popuatet bai ondthebb cap- WIThen she was a Chili, sah" ecieti for C'astoria, aclbty ef tisa landt t support every one. WhLe' she becine ic'sS, abe clung te an-o aper when you see t Let us send you- The( - ~ i.- -~ -~ - - ~oe~e~eme~- i ------ -~ 51e.y 4epiisaeUlc Uic uciccun, 1555-i mentis ef our ow-n sîlver senators beîng emîe-s te Oc comeat's5, ana tise acivers- il 5 ote ba amearerewar fo hc o il, or desire for i poss,ssion, fui sb-l ferz mskiug ignorance learn."' your ades no mone Th, Rural New YorkLer, --4ug. Pertl e, a ,1u,,,s ,,,.S ïàïïîil

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