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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Mar 1896, p. 4

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or beo- (licent statisties indicate a I (1'.jL±.markeq*movement of population from ~flV flh 111 N~~flj the urban to the rural districts of the U. JIJ mU~jJJS, during the last depression there). vu To obtain a shure of the fariers' sur- plus being the incentive for production lu villages, towns and ities. a partial cessation of the usual averagee product- ion on the farni iust necssar~iy checkpro- duction ail along the lune, and thus cause ~N>a1 P .p rthe trude depr essieu with allisgasl a lP p rsuff ering. ________ Chc~i-u~'+lcrn ~ fyliTHAT J)IPUTÂTIO N. uJlt4tj9'.1 U(,mal t'i Season. No excuse for shabby look- ing rooins 110w. You cau have siver or gold papers, at old kitchen paper prices. A uice silver decorated papeir for 6cts. A gold for' lOcts. Au extra large stock to select fron, -If you ca't corne yourself, seud for sarn- pIes, stating kiud of rooms. Crokinole again in stock. P. Trebilcock, Tlhe Arcade, Townc Hall Block. grht (taitaffiat fiatoun BOWMAINVILLE. MAR CH 18, 1896. NÇATIONAL PIRICY. Well underotood causes for partial cessation of production on the farm are drougli, stormis, pestilence and war, over whicýli lttie or no control eau be exer- eised. The main cause (flot so well un- derstood) lu ail ages lias been corrnpt goverumneut(over which we in Cauadta .have control) who have neyer scrupled on oie prutence or another to rob the farmers for wliose sucurity in the peace- fui pursuit of their honorable calling, and the secure possession of the fruits of their labor, ail governmeuts exist, and who in turn puy, or are the cause of them h-eing-paid,---l -tlie--expulses-of -the --vCernmcnt-, under-,"iy-systemn--af tax- EDITOR STATESMAN.-It may neot bu geuerally kuomu to your readers that somëweirre about a yuar ugo, Ministers Daly, Metague aud Putterson appuar- cd lu this tomn for thu purposu of dig- ging about and manuring the Tory plant, and undeavoring to inake it flour- ish and grow inte a great tree that mould spread its xining branches ovur West Durham and induce tic oid Lib- eral Co anty to suud to Ottawa a support- er of the uo-%v cuiubrated '4nust of trait- ors." To this end the Presideut cf the Conservutive Association of West Dur- hum lun lis speech ut the meetinig ad- dressud bY tiro of these Ministcrs, suggested that the Govrumeut sliould bu ruquestcd to m-ake a grant for the purpese of erecting a building fer tic accommodation of bÙer Majcsty's Post Officu and Customn's Office ini this town. To carry ont this little gume it becaîne uecessai y that the Townî Conucil should move lu the miatter, and accordiugly about a -Ycar ugo a depiutation -%vas up- poiuted te go te Ottawa and irait upon the Goverumeut and urge the dlaims cf tic tomn. Onu cf the deputution, if 1 am correctly infermed, irrote Sir Mac- kenzie Boireli for an uppiutment. But this gentleman, wxho scems te bold a mouopoly cf the houesty cf the Cabinet, irrote Uck, that lu the condition ef the finances cf the couutry it iras useless te make un appeiutment, for ne grant could bu mude, and tIe deputation like ,MacBeth'sw'itches ianished into thin air. A year bas rolled round, and Canîada fiuds herself on the year 's financial transactions face te face -%ith a deficît of $4 000,000. Onu w'ould think tuis cegite eter irise men from nkiug dm ds upon an emptied trcasury: but ne. The oid, thougli somembat honest fogy irli led the Goverument iast year is srupiug second flddle nioirut the capital, and there is a iiei king upon thc tirenie-Sir Ceunies "ticeiman of promiseswiviout fulfilmeuts ". "He mili give a promise." 0f course lic will; lie almua.y did and wiili accommodate auyv deputation, tiat wili boom thc Tupper race. Once more the Tow n Fathers get together and thrce Tories by the Tory elemeut cf the Council atrc appointe(d, and $100 of the peoplc's taxes approp- rited for hils Tory jaunt. Just hure a brilliant idea stikes some cf tic worthies: "We xiii drop thc ieast im- portant of the tirce and w-e iili secure thc sericles of Colonel John Hughbes. merdhant, citizen cf the towvnship of Clarke',--and-Pre;,id-ent -cf -tire -LTlrral- Uonservatfve Assýoio of West Dur-- 'i Uile, 1 INGLISH LETTER. MISS COURTIcE VIsITs PLYMOUTH AND1 VICINITY. (Continueclfrem weeJkx)i As 'vu bave been lu a position to read, leuru and sec a great deal lu refercuce te Eugiaud's power and Englaud's sur- rouiiding difficulties, me mere iuterest- cd thec other day lu rcading the follow- ing hunes: They thougit that Englind w." afraid,. They tried to shake ber, mniglit and main, T_ Lion imply 8hook bis imane, And roared and roared and roared again, And quickly was his roar obeyed. "Hani off" was sinîply ail lie said, .Once more lie sbool ii kingiy malie, We mie flhc seas, we ride thec main We treat your threats withi proud cisdain, Is this how friendship is reîîaid ? On thie Saturday previons to our leuv- iug Plymouth, me aceepted an invita- tien to speud Sunda y mith Mr. and Mrs. P. Allun ut Burraton, a little village 5 miles ont, passing un route Stonhouse, I)evonport and Saltusi bridge, a ma- niicent structure crossiug the Taumar, aud by the village of Sltusli. We very mueli enjoyed our visit there and listen- cd with pleasuire on Sunday înoruing to a sermon front our friend Mr. P. Allini foi merly of Solina, and lute of Little Britain, Canada. lu the evuning M'r. and Mrs. Allun and I took tua mith Mr. and Mrs. Bridgemau and mihthem at- tendcd the Weslevy memorial churel at Sltash. On Mondav we iveut ont w ith tliem to East Town and enjoyced the trip aud sccuery very mucli, iudecd. Hure me wure on the borders of Cornwall. Along by thec river banks about 8 or 9 miles fromn Saltasb, you eau sec Cote- licle, a vcry listorical old castie, and frorm tie style of architecture it is sup- posud to have buen bultinl the ruigui of Henry VII by Sir Richard Edgcumbe. Charles 11, tfien Prince of Wales, slcpt thereilu1645. Maly of royaltyire are told have lionored i'îis quaint old castle. Coteicle was visited by Quecu Victoria and Prince Consort lu 1816. We wcrc very muchiniterest- ed ou learuing tliât it mas hure ut Cote- hle it is alleged that onu or two of the old stories we have listunud to with sucli uarnustnuss rually took place. I -wli relate them as othurs muy bave huard tiemt too. The mother of Richi- ade dcmuo h as' century iras sinululy coed fomdeuth. She iad il bu n uid apparetyepr n Ind l ie odyhdbc dpstdl the family vanit. The inturmunt was )ver and the suxton -%vho kueir tiat a gold ring of muchi value was on lier finguo;r wiut into the xault and opcuiing the coffini lie proceeded to get the ring. After bruising the fluger for- some tînie ail ut oncu lie obsurved the body inove and lie became so terrer stricen lie luft the lanteru aud ring and ficd. Tic lady soon recovered suficiently to get out of lier coffin and returued home. SIc reguined lier huuith aud raiscd a son five vears aftur tlîis siingulitr ceut. The ofiier is that in the days of persecu- tion a boy w-us pursued and lu ordur hio oîb- errg it he -naragedz ery sucz c'msffulxzluO hltin' va't-escape- house about 11 miles ont, securely rest- in- amid the waves but appcaring from the IIoe like as it lias been described "A sali upon the horizon." The boats go to and from there twice everylday in summer. The old liglithouse hus been rcmoved to the shore and stands a littie to the riglit of the Hoe. By payiug a penny and aseeuding a fliglit of stairs you eau sec the interior of thec old liglit house and the old relies helongiug to it. We aise visited the cemetery, just a nîce wulk out of the busY part of the town. It is beeoming xvell filled and it would be with great difflculty a stranger c«ald flud a fricud's grave were it not for tlie officer iu charge ut the gate office. If you can give him date of interment and whither it be lu Dissenters, Euglisli or R. C. ground, the clerk bY looking to the register will soon give you a ticket and send a guide -with you. It will soon be fouud. In this way and bing in company with an old resid eut, Rev. M~r. Mayuard, wlio lias a sister living lu Oshawa, ire vîsited the graves of suveral whose history iras of interest to us,' one of the oreatcst to nie being tliat of in'v uncle ÏZev. Wm. Cory îueutioued innmy first lutter. A great muuny grave murkers in Engiaud are of slate with the inscription thiereon, sonie of murbie, a fewv cf granite and quite a number of vaults. 1 do îîot tiuk there is so inucli money spent lu toinb stouies here as in Canada, gener- ally speaking.* I iras iuvîted ont to Mutley to take tea with mv frieud and lis kind lady, a native of Gurnsey Island,and the even- ing iras spent very pleasautly there fin listening to the history of lier girlhood home, an islaud belonging to England and irlere the B. C. denomination have a gond cause nuder the supervision of tlie Euglisli conifereuce. lust a feir hours' sali from here. Tliey have a goverumeut of their own and Englaud does not interfere. A great many speak Frenchi but tlie English lauguage is beuuring universal. Emîîrx A. COURTICE. Milton Damereli, Eug., Feb. 10, 1896. (To be Continued.) AUCTION SALE. FRIDAY Mardi 27.-The N. 12 lot 4, cou. 9,DarliDgton, 100 acres, mil be offer- ed at Royal Hotel, Blaekstock, at il a.m. Sec advertisement iu this pap- er. SATUIDAY, MNardi 28-Mr. Robt. Won- nacott, lot 20, con 3. Cartwright, îill seli ail of bis farm stock, implemneuts, etc. Sale ut 1 o'clock. Sec large posters. L. A. W. TOLE, auctioncer. MONDAY, Mardli 80 Mr. Luke Potter, lot 21, con. 8, Durliugton, wil seli liorses, cttie sbeep and cedar poles. Sec posters. Sale ut 1 p. m. LA. W. '1OLE, anctioneer. WEDNESDAY, April 8-The farmn of the lute Andreir Motgomery, lot 18, con. -,Darliagten 0- aQe.Secadvt. taped, 45c per pair. 4442 in. wide, 75e pr. " 40 Il 75c Pr. 42 4c $1.00Pr. 47 " $1.00 Pr. 46 " $1.25 Pr. 50 " $1.,25 pr. 52 si$. 50-pr. 52 "$2.00 Pr. " 52 " $2.75 PIr. aches wide, 25c per yard. nches wide, 35e per yard. 19-36 inches wide, 7e per yd. 40 juches wide, 14c yer yd. MIJSLINS-choice patterns, 5c, 9el 10e, 124-c, 15e, 18c, andi 30e per' yard. VN4'S4 fl*4>4 4-~.fl4-.fli44 tfl4C.IY. are sut îwcs' ut, HO il iIttlll, tJ4t JIUUU>'- 4-- . To obtain this relief from fumiers and Customs office, ufter puyinn expen- buildin'g '"d the eue greut ana aun imuny schemes iad their day lu the 5~, were last ycar $5,089 78. hent ak is ui, the îveck te prepure eourse cof tirne. frnm smeecoîn,- down on e armng of these tire offices lu Oshawa, their preduce 'and be lu their places on thein iiti aun rmed force and carryi ng a-ter uenuctiug expeuses, ivere 2,o. naktd' . lCCwi I bic tc off everrthiug lu sigit, greatiy iii xeogue 1an u sawutiere arce 0noUma nrket gatheri ngs irlîre the biutehers, Ï-ion H,. ~.;d~ .4th o 'V4 etc ., (oyoa ian1]lv This qwha -----------î 1,- xire-mllers expect us te be sufficentlv1 I ireucralîv calied erc a îair. la smiaiI vl-b.-s _ aiea,, eoasstortbel ~-..&orr ~'~dou ~'~ i stu nd _ gaîuoîa lo'oiuxe tba o- nd --e scustolwrIl. cuLet. ir ui fe tIcve îîîeîtioa of axing - .--.-t-. " tJ 4i["t 4-4 4- - - original Eidney remedy in pili fouïn, the cures they have made, and tie fame they have attained have opeued tie may for a iost of imitations and substitutes, but tbose wiro have been cured 01 tne low pries îat WI1Rwee Sn!Ifg roercs Groceries more than any other article you buy re- quîre to rie pure, fresh ant i ean because you eat them. A peck of dirt is the -erscribed arnmouut that ee ni West End House. BOWMANVI LLE. Lae u tins a n~ Wehae ae xarin n efrt t-av n Lace . e iprtainursk ao n l irc n we have patterns that you will not see' elsewhere and values that are startling. The following list of priceswill give sorne idea of the stock but inspection is the ouly sure test.-WE INVITE INSPECTION. ) 4-44-j~II j ) Lace Curtains. 2 yï 21 3 Special Values. 3 3 Lovely Patterns. 3-1 31- 31- Madras Muslin 45 in' Newest thing in SCR] the Market. See them. ART ezrum Prints ------- --- ,ads,

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