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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Mar 1896, p. 7

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Ayer's Puis 1I hava taken Aya'rs PUIS for manu yalars, ont lwaysuievthte hast ne- sulîs rom thein use. For Stomach and Liver troulasand ou ta ure of headaclue cansei y tii,,ere eangements, Ayer's Puis cannot be aqualed. Tley are easy te take, anti Are the Best ail1-round fanilu meicfiea 1 hava avar kuon."Mus'M a ,oiNsoN, 365 lRtder AVe'., New Yîlu C îý, ,AVERS r ýý-'LS Hlghe9t Awrd utWo!c's Fair. Comnpanly. In New York City la 1887 ..... 5,502,8 20 In 1892-.10,001>695 Inu18ü4..... 141,880,033 L.ocal Agent -,> ïi~ n ail unrepre. sented dielrmts. Address R1). STANLEY, i1ômspîector of Agyents, G îl ,l 7, Quebec Bamkil dn Geo. Shurtleif, foravle Genonal.Agent for D)u bain. CH EAP LOT 0F SPOILS. Thse SeC tm' ouglt iack fiii'em shlu Not Wauable. A taspatch bnom tonton enys :-Tbe Ashanfti spoile bave anivei aI the, Col- onial Office, anti ave veny disappoinîlul The tahohe lot is saidtole hanetuotk îimoro ihan £2,000. A number of the arti es" ara of boîheta golti, insteati of souî g oit, ike f bosa captureti os a resal i tfha previeus Britishi expodti on tc .bai.The inleence is ibai the sup- ply (0' Ashantil gelt bas gnoathy dimiu, Lshîet ecely The three chiaI objecti ara KigPrempeh's enotan, moteo! gazelle skin, linet i tityelboxv plusI ecdi ite f the lappab of the crewn bu ing onnamencîteti wth pure, soft gobti, re presentinig sTale anti jaithoneso. I hu ios ie holo sarmounteti by lu golden goals' bons; the excationen' gruiesoma badge of office, ornamentei svtb glden repraeutaiions of heatias boe, s.anti #tb the exacutionen bold ng a ,dmatwn sWort in the centre; orý the exocuionr's swond, dacpby biood stint,andti hthe hihi ending lu huge goît b ail. A 1 LEI) PISCi PAL D'iNl 15ev. Jo n Lausyr. w. A. . 1. of.,ai routa basU~nDr.u Ages t arnia pimWiOr.acu ¶4t htitEx'pérence. Aniong,,bomauy tictingisiat citi zen whxvo have secureti relief by ibeun ofDr'. Agïuew's Catarnhal Pewteri thae wal-kniown Episcopal lengyma anid cntovheas , faRat. Jol tanglgtah sfailler signature ha beein appeied te many abe nawspape qrticleýs. Eaving neat the nemady hor n ared for ,colt lu the beati ontcalai rhal troubolas, ha las ikotaisa otan lu leiN signtuLre spoken in fovorabl t ts l is maLidicine. lu the casa -coddin tfia beati, thervoiefaisjesospead tcat if les appreciateti by al wbe suff in Ibis marineron. lhby lever if oui like maigie-, roleving in ton minutas. A druggists, prîce 60 cents. Samphe bu, tl ant blowver sent ou veceipt of t-,, tnre cent tps S. G. Detchon, A TILAMP'S LAMENT. Penny Patef tic-I suef bey air t ryi w 'c, e gaifoty-eigbt heurs ie K;. aytaorn Watson-Oh, sure. The erporofiens ouit maTa a mou wci e) heurs a day ejf tbey couit. -Tb va be oty-egbt s .jst a starter. TH ER VIC17IM 0F BRIGHT "calice lie 1had ,ot Leanared of South Ai erieau Kuutney Cure, Lockiug iba stsable tleen aller È njjse 15 estolan le disap)poiing,andtiy inhle part icuhar mtter ofl Tmne.y iro 1te il is donc lu manycass. ve l, jy the nowspapeuic aaetaliig oft ---eaitb of people froua Bnrigbf'e tiisew ut ndBrigt's disease is only a tevelc meut of idnay tiseasa,,wtaiclicou po wtively ha cunet hy Southi Amre :gKitnaly Cure. t is not nacassary 'watt unt il oua blas Briglte disease taTe Ibis mediciiu,, Why nettfaTe ':twben soeaof uth, aralier symptome i ciduey troublebave becomo manifsE Thorais ely oeeway te taiT of t] mnedicine, anti that is te coul a spate 1 -pnde, anti say that it positively ant i solufte1y cures al features of kidneyd ease. If's mueaot dangarous anti it's ni Lean yen cap pionce casily with a, strata, bayent the narnow ring of sause? Whý f0 thon cnt lu thin pic thaout ain inch shoulti wo kuot wbo lounge about fi f0 long » eut itha oranges ie hlvas a,!nti bouse we dweil iu, nor finl utu, maski 3it ecrapa ont thab pulp anti ibe juica, by a walb, the secret caîl, tabare Il 101 ihnowingaxvay the pith. TaTeaosiimy soul's piasis in hitiing tiwall ? TI si pounte of sugon as yen bLave o (ronges, xinding stair thaf steals aioof to chaý this put it into ftha waier you cooket the el unystaries 'neaf b the roof?,-Loxve, e0-a rints in, anti bell tan minutes, skim ah- anti atit the intis anti pulp, cok all An itler is a watch that wamnie bol dis- an heur, thon tip lu tumblons anti set baud, a ,5005i 5 if i f stauts ost aýway te cool l be asaaliug. Cpe aiftsan CIidreCry forï Ptoh sCatra iz HOME a Orange rlii for Cak.Put half Y UN OKS pintofi i a double holer, moist- à. ~ ~~en two tablespoons ofcornstarch wth Ub u a littie cold milk, acld it to the scalded LIFE. milk, stir constanuly until smootb and MAY'S SUNDAY-SCHIOOL tESSON. tbîek, beat the yülks of two eggs with A littie work, a little play, four tablespoons of sugar, until light, May stood by the window, poutîng, To keep us going-and so, good-day! add it to the cornstarch, ùtike froua the and drumming on the pane. fire, andi when cool adthet grated y~eh tikitstobd" h adt A littie warmuth, a littie liglit, low flnd of one orange andt wo table- 0f love bestowing-and so, good-night 1 spoons of orange juice, f lavor with Mamma, w hù sat sewing. vanilla if you choose. "I hlad rather you would mind Dot A littie f un to match the sorrow Orange Ieirg -P'ior the top of one for a tine, while 1 finish this," answer- 0f each day's growing-and so, good- gooti sized cake use bal£ a pound of con- ed ilmima, Who looked tired. morrow 1 tectionrs XXX sugar and one spoon- 1 fui boiling water, gratad rind of oua -But you said yon always wanted me Alittie trust thatt when we ia orange - put sugar in (about a bowl>, te study rny Sunday Schooi lesson he- lWýe reap our ,suing i ,Anti so, gocd- add the orange peel, and stir until the fore Sunday, and now 1 want to, and by. sugar is yellow; add-the spoon of boil- -Du Maurier. ing watar, and slowly atid enougli Ye on 't let me, and Ida wilii Wonder' orange juice to mloisten the sugar so why 1 do not corne over. Dot's al ELOWERS FOR THE WINDOXV. it will spread easily. right, Playing with bar blocks. I Should tbink Yeu would want me to go The roomru nwhicb 1 am writing bas NEW SOURCE 0F WEALTH. and study, and Ida will be se disaa- a lar~ge bow window, facing south, in otiy whapointed, whan 1 saiti I would corne." which are over 90 plants; it is the, mid- CIiIIed Beef, 3 gtnan oquifo he."el, atrnedMyto,"her w o th-r dia, of Fabruary andi 1 hava uaarly 30 British qlirkct. itYantuedtlerwkwth buds andi blossoms, writes Frances obto's hO out a nother word. May looketi at her Rlarris. This does net include tone- Fromn ProfesserRbrssor- te sea if sha really meant it; for sha crop, creoping Cbarley and a quauîity ing befora the Commiittea ou Agricul- cudhrl elv h a aemm Of swaet alyssum and mignonette xvicb ture, it is manifest that by loading the a condhedl balay she ha mate And hasjus cole p. gie aout15 in-way, into the British market for drass- sm a sete tg surea sallt. An ha jstcoaUp igie buts 5mi ed beaf, mutton, anti poultry tha Gov-sh antquesrehaadwei Uites a day to my plants, anti an hour runigb h idw h oie extr onc ortwic a wak. Eacb rument would unlock a new and large Ufin bytawtosantie source ofncalor twour farmrs. Frommamma had droppat i er work and had yeaurIelearu how toecare for them mOTtI taknDc h a ]etn,1i e yeas Il s o w t Isend neor hmor'me the moment the idea was first put for- aken DBut ho was fra th tingiiiad now YsthaItîd thendnyaare ago, ward by nmembars of tha GovernmentarsBushrntiwtastetni now han1 dd treeyeas ao, ithits value must have beau recognizeti. gayly trilled by Ida's bouse, as she haif tha number of plants, and have On aIl hands it is agreeti that co1ltill;n up the path. The door openad, chiaran, ye ucst gîePla thae i firstorage, poel ple, lotaanti a bright-eyed littie girl stooti thare 7 f alren botter mucss. Planits aralikapopryap.ed sasot asmli ng, clat in ua long sleeved apron. shreofyor aat ndyor om Aperfect preservative. That thora IS "IVs you, May" sha said glancing lit mhar ous noat andy givehe.bAygreat scopa for ifs benaficial Opration the quartevly May helti. 'I am se sor- mothr des et nlygiv th baY isappren teanyne ho ompresry to disappoint you, but mamma asked cradie roomn, or aven a nursery; the saprettnnyi h cmaa e to dlean the silvar tbis afternoon, baby bas ifs rights and privilages iu the net returns realized on cattle sOlti as Maria is away. Just look at My ever rom. n awaythogh n afor exprt anti the priées that vule in bauds! i1 knaw y ou would ba tiisap- dgeEngland for prime beef. Thora is a pointed, toc, but1 though lt you would lecsdére this must be truc of youGr ieglbtwnths.Tu ter undevstand why I wanteàteto blp mare- plants. t wiliînt do to stick a pot ide ewe hea hsteema; you have sncb a daar oua of yonr here andthrbus tbe y i tasu-i a big margin frorn wbich profit may own. So we will have te wait tili uaxt rouning, 'ithut egad t su orbe reclaimad for the fariner, and oolti w ek. And mamma saîd sha wouldA roudins, itbut egad f Su orstoraga is an efficient mecans for the va- help me herseif to-nigbt, andt tat will water. be pay anougb. I must not sa u B3egin with threa or four plants, and camn fi.Taetovr oou o~rnow. comae in, on't you 1" do not tako any printeti wovtis as gos- codtoswrrnjh xetaino vadelined, and as th oor closed , grat esuts. ut rofsserRobrt-on Ida's bright face, sha walked slowly pal truf h about your pts-try for getrsis u rfso oei toward home, rolling baer lasson quar- yourself . For instance: I bad a beauti- son does net leave us te vague, indefin- tonly, andti tinking very bard. As she ful nasturtium, about ight f cet high, able axpactations. HIe gives us a cave- turnati into the yard she beard Dot onesumer l fil iom u Sptm-fui estimafe, in whichbcho soams te moka arying, and going past the window, she 01 onesumner inful blom n Sptei-liberal llowance for unfavorable saw roamma's work still on the floor, ber. The f loral authorities said if wias andi tha baby in bier arma. no ue t tae u snb aplat; oxvchances. According to this, the couver- "Back ogoin se sooa1" soiti mamma, fresb secd. I thought ]'t try an 1 x sien of the ive cattie exprt trade luian My utrd. Dot stopped crying to péietadý itedi eto e be xor rd b n look at ber. paimot ed ifet i vry earefully a o e dee epotaraiawo«l- Ye," she faltered, pnttiig off hen and put if ila ry bow wiutiow. Aftev crease the farmers' proceedsbya bat. "Ida coldn't study just now." the first week J! picketi frein 20 to 130 amount varying frorn $16 to $30) Pcv "Wýhy 1" asked1 mamma. blooms f roma thai xvina overy week tilî beati. The data ou whichbch makles thiS '"'Cause she was-belpOing---er- culaionareallactal act, b i mama " burst out May, tand running& the next May! Agnin, xve ave tol t lcluainaealata otbig'to bier moiher, she bunietid her bead on le no use~ wintering olti géraniums, as tae froua the case of a sbipmanf of ber shoultier, while the isobs cama fast. they must reef. This year 1 was nt 2and vcaftle slaughiered la Englanti, 1O, is thai it ?" sait motýheir cfovt- abl t ris sip, ntiluOcobr anpll froua the curont quotations ofib igytrkg the yallw hal -'Wll - sips ad i Otobr pul-Britisb market for prime beef. After SMay, you eau do that as well as Ida. cd op a couple of tioZea large graniumse making ample allowance for the proba- Fiera is Dot, who stili ats sister; froua a neighbbo' oter, cu ibr Ibiltthat Canadian fresb beef would anti by-and-by wben tbe sewing is donc, down j no~~~~~'m t bng se bigh priées as British beef at o sa]eyo niIwl ae' donauaost te the -voofs, and 1 catch lie brînge cat a Jearbelance ofth lsontete" sÎght of a dozen butis by jmet giancmng $6T 3 IA May raiset iber heai. at the wintiow 1 One writer sayJ Zar- 1 ,1ô$" IÀ)'Tbat's .inst what Ida a1nti ber mamma nations nocti sun, another acivïses in favour of marketing in the forua of are goîng to do," shesaiti surprisetiî eleny o uaistrebutnotmuc su; tead meat, ail of uhtoh balance woulti "Is it nol a gooti way uen Ida is tue ireny oothwas.ue u e ubsn go info the farmner'spokt Last ycav busy to sfutiy with yon 1l" LYBthto atuatoor nt lnt.!we shippedti t he Uniteti KingtiOua "O, mamma," saitiMacoloring. "I But e rtarnte ur irstplats.nearly 100,000 bond of catte. If thora diti not mean teo1ho- 50 salfisb. Yon 0" Give a few moments every morning bati been an etablisheti market for know 'I'd rathor You wuli elpme anti evening to thom. Nover lot a beal Canadian chilleti beef thoera, the aggro- ihan any one aise. AnY ti porbops it was or loo da o th pant if~t gaie amount; recaiveti hy our larmoya bocause I1 wantai te se Ida more than or loo di, oÏte pant ifitbagîins for these oattie-hoti they beru slaugh- it was the tesson." Co tura, et it off anti wasb the ras t fereti bore andti ar produer shippeti in "I do'not wonder you wantad tb sea -of the, 'baves towartis nigbtfail. No coiti eîoruge-woulti probably bave been a lutile girl like Ida," soiti mamuaawifb mauotif om oli adywh ba wn-two million dollars more than tha sume a kisa; "I arn glati yon titi." derll scca.s ith iowrs oossayactuolly nealized. By çOuang dOwa to sefuba s bobs l bersxes onany figures Prof. Robertson brinigs the adi- ATTEDNE TBL il e dranehosrner bohaesanoin ol'vanta geofolthea d aiment rado into a ATTEDN RTBL SO 0finaebroksu roeyhaan nchcoimore or esexact expression. lHa shows ae thot boke rbowib es fnd0 lo f sur-just what il means f0 the formons. To Patiently await the coming of your le the waot or xwih off Yte mey take itr-ffect ibis greantanti beneficial change turu; do nef follow witb the oyes the als o mbthat snot-sYeume tanis in our heef n ode le more thon dan bc footi servedtetoothers. Never,,unoeces- as arul tht sft-temed lans-,,p,,,(. ofpriateentrprse>at hi8sarily bondie the dishes, or in auy other b. nes, anti amosi a enjoy beiug e b Jstage of progress. Here the Govrnu- manner cobibif narvousnees or urupa- a pnsandof at once la a wbe, tosedrink mnt con befrieud the fanming iudustry fianc,. Do not féel obligeti te ,clpa f pan ofe waier ocbnas moisteetiikop ntithe, whole country' by a service of up the plate ;" especioliy do not make a id ~substantial anti lastiug banefit, 1l tu woabou ions display of toiug se. tearfb.. or tbnee years if dan do more fowards - of If youv plants are kept belthy, in- th rnun faBiihdmand for oe sects witl not attack thom la sncb nnm- thec ieg f aBiihd EEfIGSE OAOS ~- brs batyoucanot pck hamoff IfCanadian be han private 'ugencies coualCiN EDPOAOS p- aer pl-ct yis i nfeteticih enof.Ifdo lu a quarter of o century. Five Vanieties of potatoas, te ho prefitabiy n- aplat i ineste wih geenavhes ra- utdreti cattle a week, bouglit, siough- qucuslae tlyanIf yo posibhyeonava ci e- taet, dressati, shippati, sioreti, anti scldý grown, muet be of vacant enigin. Even bf cluent.Ieryour ssbx a, hav en J -on the British market untien Goveru our newer vonuties are not se produc- shclotner a owaîoxesc, fes enth ty. meut auspices andt hrough Goverumauf tiva as wbou firet infrotucat. The ile a Dusyaplant r inge diniy chî ncis, will 500W mo-kea aclearing on o n ie ait a ensot ne hutpavtsae sihîtycas drpc- thaf nmarket for Conodian epibleti beef, o n ia oit a eusot of attractive only te the ownor. I bave anti put the expert troteienl sucb a cou- oued matarialiy sinco tha coming of the vo tiun m plnsaneti othbonsking t-be dticul that if cou solelY hb c ct fe lai- potato bug andtfha, poisonous namedies edin luboxes. Not oniy do many ne fuse te Jvoita enferprise te extenl aud devalop.apleifrlsdtucon Frtes se lom ubrot-outibu ~co cane The establishment of o tend md iotle neasons peinfees do net nipen perfocfly. t j.. tblooms fhol sa ut e1i f Ascr-Jis the truc neuiedy for tbe il] cifects .Mark the strongest hilis, white gnw- id li ati inkgarnina hve booiet of the British -embargo on our lv a-iag, anti select the pototoas wbicar ad leidanb daj, zfai "swoan i i cdile, and s the way ýte increase te ro hst froua these hiliq S .1i bseegouiti aother, as the French say, but as ubey I f ifs on ctule viigatiev'n areý in pots, the pluT one chaný ges places Jpneductiveaoss of if.- xvlea whie carnation, hanti hmony- le nsioneti. EEADTE AGM D)) o[ettbiuk it is 1to laiîe wiosat aa ELEADTEEA E. f ewv uhlan1fs. A Bermuýjý da or Easten rlily 2ý,n be plonteti, set lu the cliar for The moral law is xvnîftan on the ta I bree weeks andthobn bronghf te the lots o eteuernify. l'or every false wo ro ligbi; theugh if wilb not bloom lunf ime of unrighteous deed, fer cnucliy a î.q for Ensior, yen will anioy if in May.J Oppression,, for lust or vanity, the pri Nasturtiums will bloomn eigbt on ton bas te be paiti aI lasf.-Frontie. i- weeks, anti thora is ne pretutar w indow Sbl e he dominion of the mi le sumu anti mignonetie xiii flower inlsi" make flash anti nervo impraguoble, ai an or ighft eTks, wbile yen con bny a string tbe sinows ike steel, -se tbý ln Chinese pnimnosa, for a quarter, f bati the ueak hecome se migbty. - Mi os will bloom f lii nexi surmon anti hbO aowe anr daily joy anti intorest. ýSoe ne If someone who lesota anti îonely IOntier is tbe saulfy of the mind, fi of ry h cae f afawplnts iey e- icoceuof mou, s fp e ace tof t 0A..SI8L AI ' kindsofet Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEA.N SCREENEL) OQÂL c'ways in stock, einieinspection andgurtesasaci, -j n e pzased on,-ce iýi 0quantit,-y, twice ii jaiy and thuaee lin1es ini rice who inspect (lie unequialeda@@Ortmýeà1t Slippers, RÈ_ubbers, Truniks, Valises, &c., AI, Our tre a-EAVE IlBILOCK,-ý»R lluw lnuvilie BIGGEST STORE, BI&-ET VAAIETY> BIGQEST VALUE. Everyboidy îiytet o èb atl and see Our newiv owe PERSO1NAL POINTERS. J Lortsbip wos lu Canada, anti the 1- tiibed Englishman frequeutly remem- Iheli of ]W mc posot Sanie af the Greoat bers the Freucbman lu thîs pleasont a4of he u'-aoiway, Carrier is veny prout If the souvenir. Ex-Emprse Engenia, in bier intact "Emponor William." tantes a io-rne- taili, bas coueituteti hensoîf thegti spontient of London Trutb, "boTe oun mether of al the maie chiltinen bnuJhîmself os the heati of the tabohe kmn- iu France ou the birtbday of bier son. 1trot, Ha faucies, taithout kuowing ha The number omounts te 3,834, al Of: toos, flutai s dhe Queen's ebteef grand- whom she bas remiembareti in hanr will. cou -ha ought te bcelber hein. This Lord Salisbury was a gelti miner in 'notion oozes ouftawhenaver hae is in flue Ausinahia, foriy-foun yoore Cge, anti company of the Prince of Wales. The the hovai hae occupiet is teilîl te ha Quecu tees not exoctly humour him seau. On the place baiug poinfet ouf but sha shows deep respect, whicb ne to a lady recanthy, she le repotedtot doubi she feehs, for bis rauT." bave vemarketi: " Oh, thedtaron oItEuglanti's anvoy f0 Argeutina, IHon, man!1 1 suppose ift as eb tigging Francis Pajcenbam, a napheta of Sir ihaf matie him 50 rount-sboultei'Ot." Etwant Pakanbam, tabe was kihhat inl By bis election as a memben of the the bottle of New Orleans, bas just Orter Pour le Menite for Science ont beau transferredtot Stockholm. Ho is Art, says a German jounal, Price the senior British tiphomatcinl active Bismarck now pessessos ail the Prus- service, lias spant over twenty-live years sian teconafions, anti bas exhaustat in South Amenîca, anti was for a time ahi the houons fhat h les possible for the amployet at the legation iu Washing- Emperor te couler upon hlm. ton. Viscount Cross, Lord Privy Sea, is Paul Kruger recoives a saiany of the oltiasi Cabinet Minlfser iu Eng- 840,000 a year as Presiteuf of the land. Ha le 72. The youngest is Wab- Southi Afnican Republe. IHis way of tan Long, Presitent of tbe Boardi of ile, bowever, is tistiucfly plebalan. A Agriculture, agat 41. The obtesi merm- siery is toit of semas fashionabla ladies anrcofQucon Vicioria's Pvivy Couliciltho cIledt teleave 'chir carte tait b u s Chbarbas Pelbam Villiers, ageti 94 ; 1tha Preitent tale, Tbay tiscover- the youugest, Walter Gorton-Lennex, et the distinguishati lady standing on -go agti3- the toonstep witb a hatf-devouned or- The iota Hugli 'C. E. Chiones W-s auge batween bar lips, Oua aria was fha only public mon iu fils genera- immetiaiely piacat akimbo, the orange jtien tabo tret ai the saine time a canafl ly balanceti, ahule the free baud j colonial anti a British pension. Ha was stretcheti out for the cards. jreceivet $5,000 a year for being logis- Edison cau ramain awake a week if let out of the office of Autiiton-GeÙu b is mind le trappet up in a nota dis- anal of Victoria early iu biscacrear; anti1 covery. Thora le a famous toctor lu also helti the pension of a British ex-JNota York city tabo sheepe only forty *Minister, $6,000 a year. winks at a time. -Dr. Josephi Howe, of The Ex-Emprese Engenie neceutiY Jthe saine City, siopf ftho hast iwouty ipn a few tays lu paris on bier way years of bis 111e lu a Turkish bath. lie sp er Villa at Cape Mont lui the,. couit siaap notabere aise. Dr. Depawr sont b of France. She took han meals bas lataly acquinedt ha habit of fakiug in ftho public tining-noemn at the Hotelal siesf a, anti fintis if beneoficial. Web- Continental. She speut au, aftertioil. star coult nover stay aake lofer thon j at the magulficeni nota housa, of Ro- nine o'clock. Mauy a trne ha was l aud Bonaparte, taheoctet as hon e-1 caught standing bhbndtihle door fast cont turing ber entire stay lu Paris. j aaleep. JDr. Botidea sait that thora was a jdistinct relation beiween man's pur-j jsuite andthe color of man's bain. Anj PECULIAR MANIA. Junusual proportion of mcanvîltb tankj sfnaight bain enfer the miuisiry; reti A haw'yer of Bititeforti, Maine, le ai- whskere i mnnare apt te ba givan te îcci al ecla aia.ncl sporilug anti borsef besh; tabîle the tlf lce ouapclirmnafrcl vigorous, blonde mau, lineal descen- lacting lampe of ail sorts. 1111e ouse i tant of the Vikings, siilb contnibutes filîboti-!th overy kinti of bateru he bas a large contingent to travellors ont beaun able te boy, iucluting a full linu emîgrnmts.j of bicycle lampe. Ha visits Boston frequ- j aiiCarrier, a Lewislon, (Me.) eutly,aut olwanys bringe bock witb hlm ceýaim!nrecved a valantina front a new' lot of lqamps. Ris craze Costa hlm jLent Duffoin, nota English Ambasso- a gooti deal Of money, anti haoteclarci tor lu Paris. Carrier was the Duffer- that he is aware of tie foliy oi il, bu UL and contentedl are users of EZIp, ~) that they wear a broad smnile every day. Keep cheerful and use Eclipse Soap and you will be happy. Buy it from your - ~- ~/>\ John Taylor Co., Manufacturers, Toronto. East End>Grain D,, ]epiot Fhe tindersigned desire îo ch ank the farmers of West D)urhamn for the liberal patronage extended te us durinog the past season, aioeto remind them that we are stillinl the market and prepared te pay the IIGHEST MARKET PRICB ]FOR ILL KINUS 0F CASEf' EE lelivered at oun storehouse cor. King and George streetos,, or at Port Darlington. We have ise on ha-ad a large stock, NEW ANHDIFRSH, of Canadian and Liverpool Coarse Sait in Bagrs. RucSalt for cattle and herses, -and Freshi Ground Grey Piaster iunlBarrois wnhich wej are prepared teo el

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