Unole Samfl's Tobacco Cu're8, If you really desire to stop the use of tobacco you can do so by the use of the above iy medy which tones up the ýýrvous system an d dcstroys the ap petite for tobacco. We wil], not charge you a cent for the remedy if it [ails to cure. TRY liTe Stott &Ju ryl, Sole Agents. Let us eSýplai. The usual price of Brown Windsor Soap such as we are selling is 25e .a dozen, -but we -are giving 2 m Dozen to 24e -or exactly lc flot miss it. a cake. Do1 .STOTT & JURY, N. B,-There is onlyon Post Gradu-ate Opticiani in Bowmanville, consuit hlm frep of ehai-e,ud g, spect- au 'lijs that are) absolutely gi-iairanteed at haif th e price others charge. Our Hot Water Bott les Should command your atten- tion as we are off ering ex- eellent value having just re- ~ceivedl a large consignment -direct from the factory. We are selling a f ull size ilf (Gatllon Bottle fôýr $1.00. Also see oui' Combination Syrin-ges (Hot Water Bottles ~and Syringes combined.) ,Stott & Jury. N. B.- We are still selling Spectaceles of the very best quality at prîces that will surprise y ouq. E YES TESTED FREE. BOW-MANVILLE, IIARCH I25, 1896 Br own Windsor Soap 1 cent a cake atStott & Jury's. The only Post Graduate Optician hfi town is at Stott & Jury's.-Eyes 'te-sted free. If your eyes trouble you there is %onc in the County as competent tgive you satisfaction a t J. H. H. Jury, the only Post Graduate in town. Spectacles at hait price this inonth. Solid Gold.-Our Gold Spectacles are bouglit direct from the factury and are ail guaranteod. Prices will surprise you. Stott & Jury. Pink Pis Fresh from the manutacturers at Stott & J11rY'S. If you 1whîý Dyspepsia Stott& Jury will give yen a package to try free. It hias cured hundreds. Excelsior Couigh Syrup 'is the vldest, saIfest and surest remedyN for coughs, tolds, croup, etc. Stott &K Jury, sole nmanuafacturers. Local and Otherwise. Miss Beatrice J. Hockia, bas been vsiting at Mi. R. C. Hoar's., Dr. Parkyn's lecture ln lie Higi School Friday aight at 8 o'ciock, The D. O. & P. Ce sent theu fist ship - ment of pianos tlenBglanti lasi îveek. Lecture linte Rio.h Scheel Fîitiay niigit 28th ai 8 o'clocI. Silveî collect- len. Port Hope is, lryiag lie experirnent ot a 10 cent concert with a fir:st cîas pregram. Mi. Short will offer 1 50 a cre faim boy auctien at lie big stocký saue April 1. See ativt. anti posters. Messrs. S. W. Mason anti W. A. Todgiam atteadeti Grand Council et Home Cirdles at Ramilton. Mi. Jos. iRnebotham has leasedth le station hotel. Mn. Gootiwin has moeot liet lie Rn.ebottorn block. Don't forget the Antipional services la Triaity churci nexi Snnday evening. Collection la aid ot choir funti. Cows for sale-foui îeaewed cows anti 2 boitera te coei n aApili. See notice et Mn. Sbort's sale April 1. Ail Ladies' Wateipreefs selliag off at reduceti puces,1 anti some linos at-haIt price aI Couci, Joinston & Ciytieimian's Oui et woakness cornes streagli whon lie bloti bas been purifieti, en- richeti anti vilalizeti boy od's Saisa- pailîla., Full stock et seetis, vegelablo anti grass,ftorild anti gardon lu large or saal quantifies ai J. B. Martyal's. Lowest puices. Tic Bowmiaaville STATESMAN since moviag lie oils new promises, is oeeoe lie best papens on oui excango lils.- Cannington Gleaner. "lOui Ocean Empire" is tis thome et Dr. Parkyn's le nie ia lie Higih Schoi on Friadv nigit aext. Den't tail te boni tus eloquent ecturen., 1 An auctien sale lu THE STATEsmAN la worth moto, than 100 sale bills tnom any office, because ahi lie people la West Durhamn rend this papor. Il gees directly lie o hem bornes. Clyde va .Hodgson, a breaci et promeise case belweea Ellea Hannah Clyde, oet Greenbanlç, 'anti Joseph Hotigcu, eto Whilby towýnship, bas been setthety boy paymont et $475 anti cosis. Mn. F. W. Rotison, Supernteatiant Fnimei's Institute toi Ontario wiIi meet lie officens et West Durham and nigi boing Institutes, aI lteBennett Rouse BowmanvIlie, on Thursday April 2. prornplly at 1.30 p.m. THPE STATE SMAN w ants lt 500 the Queen 's Biîlhdny ioyaiiy anti pneperly celebralet inlaBowmanville. What society wiii gel up a gond pregnam of sports ton the day? The ÎMthodist choir concert in the ening. Messrs. G. A. Farnai antiWrn. Miller offor le start a caaaiag tacteîy aI Pont Hope. Thev onhY asklithe wn ton a site anti exemption trom taxes. Boiv- mnanville ovihi yield such a moderato con- cession te n score et industries. Tic Anliplional Service tint was te have been heit inluTiinitv churci on Suatiay last bas been posîponeti unlil Suntiay eveniag noxi, March 291b, as 11ev. E. E. Braiiiwaithe coulti net gel bore on accouaI et the sleîm. Canada's Glony is a pnomium engnav- iag et igit herses jusl issueti by lie Farmer's Ativocale, Firsi on tic lisi et lie famous Hlackneys, "Jubiiee Chiot" the propeîty et R. Beili & Ce. Bowrn- ville. Il is a magnificent piclure., Noew Dress Gootis aI Coaci, Joinston & Cry~deraîan's-biack anti coloreti Lustres, Mohair Sicilians, Serges, Cie- poas, Soliels, Mohair *acquartis a number et Frenchu antidGerman Dress patteras. Ne boîter value anywhore. Farmers and tieos desiring tfroc sampleofe nain, polnloes,otc., trom lie Dominion Êxperimeatal Faim toi seeti shoulti sendt heir eiders aI once te Mi. WM, SAUNDERS,ý Directer, Contrai Ex- permenntl Faim, Otawa, Ont. Mon. tien, THE STATESMAN. S-tf, The Ladies' Aid et St. Paul's Chanci invite te public le a House Concert aI Dr. McLaughhia's, Beeci Avenue, on Wedaosday, March 251h, aI 8 p.m. Tic Choir efthle Chanci, aitietiboy tli musical trientis, will. give the pi tgraîn anti a pleasent social ovenîng is beiag arnangeti fer. Collection for tuatis et Ladies' Aid.' No DîsAPIu'1,xrsîaxT-r.-Disappoint- monts et cao kiati anti anotier ciop up ail aioag lites patbva.y, for unfontua- ately it is the anexpecte tIal alwavs happons. Tiere 18 ai lensi one article cf ncknowledgeti moiltinht nover dis- appoints. Pninam's Painless Cern Ex- tracter is sure to e ove tie werst ceins la a few tinys, anti as ne dlaim la mtadee liaI il will cage atîythîag ose, il cannot tilsappoint. If yen bave bard on sett coins jusi lry il. Beware oethle article just asgýootI." N."'C., Pelsomi & Ce., prepriotors, Kingston. An exceeding-ly sati tale is told boy oui On Wetinestiay anti TFurstiay Apnil Ist. anti 2nd, Mis. Dinigman willI eîîen icr ie ovstock oet S-prng Milhwinnu-1 lai town-she 'wili sdcA heap toi- cash. Elveîyr *v ladyhinviteciti unspocl. No' trouble te show geods. Rats rsaei ChiIctren cryfop Address..............'Hans Egede." Mil. C. JONESS. Àddress......."Henry Mainl." Addrss......."eo.MeDougali." MISS A. Mc DO WELL. Mizpah Beniediction. onlv tbree mninutes will be given te each aper. 11. ~ mm feMsMAT ALL-z, Secretary. Presîdeiat.1 Pltahdo%.sleOast~io-r&mw Seme news letters crowded eut with many local descriptions ot the itr. Flour is down to $2 and $.2.This is the enly chanige iii the locail markets. Geo. E. Algeer, Pickeringý, has gone to penlitentiary for Iseven vý,ears for traffickingon his wife's lite. This should stop more life inisurance frauds. Mis. M. say s: "My daughiter was pale, languid and unablo te stand any exertion. Miller's Compound Ir'on Pis miade hier stîong and gave ber color. 50 doses, 25 cents." Mr. -Benj. Scott, Van llorn,Ont., says. "My heart caused mie uneasiness, My appetite tailed, ang 1 became very weak and discouraged. Miller's Coin- p ound Iron .Pis made me alright; I tee well and strong." Mr. Albert, Tamblyn, of Orono, is dis- cussing- the' services and pay of town- ship councillors and dlaims that Clarke ratepayers have paid $4524.49 the past 20 years in oxcess of the proper amount, HP, says the councillers drew 60 cents an houir while the laborer for shevelling, § ravel is ground down to 10 cents an Mrs. T. W. Edwards, Victoria B.C., writes a Baltimore friend: "The people here have been ýmakinu. gardons silice the first et February. 5.Ll garden flow- ers, such as crôcuises hyacînths. snow- drops, etc., are in full fioom, while curi- ant, îaspberry and wild rose bushes are ail ont in leat." Whati cântrast to Ontario where seme gardens are bnried under 10 'teet of snow: The Poterboro local train that killed John Wickett here killed another man at Whitby, Monday moraino' John Tremeer, a toamster for E.ih Blow, coal merchant, while driving over the Grand Trunk rallway crossing west et the statb)n, was struck boy the local ex-. pîess and almost iastaatly killed. One erse Was killedý. Mr. Tremeer was a member of the Masonic Order and a Son et Englaad. 11e was insnred for $1,000 la the S.O.E. Ris wit e is in delicate health. Mr. Norman Rule, et the Colliao'wood Litie et Ste amships: bas been s endiag a briet holiday wîth his aunt M rs. A. Buckler, Wellington St. Mr. Rille is an enthusiast on the advantages et the Upper Lake routes for tonrists and health seekers and thinks maayv more, Canadians should avail themselves et the facilities the superb. Collingwood steamers-The,, Majestic and Pacifie- off er tor a splendid holiday outiag at moderato cost. We certainly a-ree wth hlm. We have greatest pleasure in d irect- ing attention ef Oui readers in West Durham to Mi. Relyaî's Spîing an-' neunicement. 11e has very appropriate- ly namned bis shop the Palace Sho e Store. It is certainly a very attractive place and contains oné' et the finest col- lections et fine and heavv foot wear ever seen in Bowmanvi]le. Mr. Hellyar' is eajoying a reputation for keepiag the bcdt goods, lu the mar'ket. This season to copo with coinpetition hie bas bought, some cheaper linos but hie iili Bot de- ceive bis customors by offeiag theni for first-lass articles. Whea a pair of shoes are wanteà cal At the Palace Shoe Store and yýou can depend on honost treatment aad satisfaction every trne., Mr. John Hllllar Jr.,is now in charge. As a salesman ho fias few superiors la this district. Men's RHats, the latest Eno'lisht and American styles just opoeiieuolt, at Couch, Jolinston & Cryderman's. BRICKS-J. B. Martyn bas a quantitv et second-hand bricks as good as now ones for some purposes ai hait price. Dominion Organ nearly now for sale, very cheap. Apply te T11B STATESMMN or box 13. Bowmariville P. O. 12-.lw*. TINtsITr1ING.-Every tlîing la Tin- ware, Galvanized Iroa, Copper and Granite Iron ropairod at J. B. Maîtyp's., Now is the time te beave youî eider at Coech, Jofraston & Crydorman for a aew Suit et clothes. Satisfaction guar- anteed. Send this paper te an absent triend- 30 cents pays for 20 weeks. Special Baîgains in Groceries, Crock- ery and Hardware at J. B. lVartvn's Couch, Jobonston & Crydorman are daily openiug eut their new Suoing Gods. Temperance Rally. Childron's Crusado day iilibe beld under the auspices of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union Sunnday at ternoon Marc h 29th at o'clock la the Metlîodist churcb. An interesting pro- gram will bo previdod. Seats will lie la reserve for parents and visitors in the -ahlanes. Ail are invitod. Mrs. E. M. CÏZYDEiM AN, Press Cor. W.C.T.U. LOCAL UNION MEETING. The regular quartcrlv mceting et the Local Union et the Y. P. S. C. E. wil be hold in Trinity cburcb, Monday even- inS'March 120. at 8 o'elock wheii an la- DIED. Mark- oit Sunldovy ardi ,186 erret Harie iiitl,;taloveti ife-o1 r I.F. Bragg aget 26year, o iiilanmato f the brain,ý MCFAHRLÀN V.- Ill TorioI,oî Strdy,3ar 1 4t1î, M ospineMFaln, oîgear . n t 1er of 1fLitIeJolîim Fraîeagt 4yas Reniiauz-AtPojrt Graihy, 3se 5h i Uam Roinson, ageti 68 yer% PERSONAL. Mr. J. B. Mitchol was at Ottawa at week, Mr. D. B. Simipson las îeturned frem Ottawa. Mr. R. B. Andîew was home over Sunday. Mr.,A. J. Lockhart recently visited Pontypool. - Mr. Noman Souch bas been visiting at Clarke Union. Mis. Robt. Hicks reconily visited trienids at Clarke Union. Miss 'Mattie Brown has gene te visit her brothers, ln Buffalo. Mis. John Brewer, Oshawa, visited Mrs.J. E. McWain î>econtly. Mi, K J. Saunders ef The Guardian office, Toronto, is home for, a tew days. Miss S. S. Werîy, has retnrned home te Solinia atter a fortnight's visit la tOwn, Mis, W. Brittaîîî et Toronto is -ouest et ber brother, Mr. Chas. Young, leaple Villa. SMiss Enîma White visited trîends at Newcastle, Welcome and Port Hope re- cently. Misses Lena, Fie and Inez Masea visited reatly at Mis. W. Chapple's, Clarke. 1Mr. W. R. Courtice et Ceurtice was ,nes t et bis brother, Mr. L. T. Courtice, ~Snaday. SMis, Flloyd, Mis. Rose, Mi. and Miss Adains, Oshawa, Word gnests et Mis. J. B. Mitchel, lasi weok. SMr. and Mrs. Samuel Mayhood et Calgary visitedlMrs. John Penkîn and I¶,rs.F. J. Manning recenily. Mi. Geo. M. Stewart representing Miller & Richaîd's Type Fonndry, Toi- enteü, gave usa cali on Fridny. 1Mr.i.and Mirs. John Hotkin Port Perry and Mr. and Mis. John Bnckley ef Oronto gave ns a caîl last week. -. Mrs. Jamnes, Waîsh, Orono, accompan- led Ily hor son, Mr. Howard Walsh, was guest et beur neice, Mis. C. Kelly, Balti- more. Mi. W. P.. Brock, Toronto, bas been elected directer et Dominian Bank ln plaece etMr. James Scott, de- ceas(ýd. Miss Effie Glover, soprano soloisi, is te qia- at MViss A. L. Singleton's con- co onight in the Opera R.use, Port jMi.r. R. Ihoî formerly piopricteî' oet the Mllbr)iook Reporter, lias moved te Port 1-ope where ho will reside for the Messis. J., W. Archibold and A. Mitchel are attending Chosen Friends' Grand Counici. Mi. Mitchel is Grand Sentinel. Miss Patty Brittain et Toronto glad- deaed the beaits o e hnaumorons ne- quaintances bore boy ber cheenful pres- dace last week. Rev. A. McWilliams, B. A., of St. Andîew's Presbyterian cburch, Peter- bore, has accepted an unaminous eall te Wentworth cbnîcb, Hamilton. Mis. David Davis, Miss Marinlanad Miss BoeyBrowmnv!lle Word la Orono Marei 17. Miss Martinanad Miss Don- caster talk et open a Dress and Mante maing usinss here.-Xt-îcs. Rey. Alfred H. Mo ment D.D., lfti Oîoo l~.t wekfor Newv 'Yok. Dr. Momen.,it's exteýnded visit bore has been hig 1lynipp)reci ated,tfor bis splendid palpit e tdrs' nnd for his geai ai social qualities We bad a caîl from Dr. Mitchell et Enniskillea, on Thnrsday. He is iveil pleased witlî the resaît *et bis visit te New York and ceurse et instruction at the Post Graduate Medical School and Hospital,. Ho took a special course on throat andi nose disenses besicles the courselu suîgery. Se woll pleaseti wns Dr. J. W. Me- Lnuo.hlin efthiis iewn wth the resuit et Dr. ?Àitchell's course at the Post-Grad- uie Medical School ai New Yoik, that ho lett for thore lasi woek and is îîow taking a course ia the same institution and getting aIl the new ideas ho cau pertaiaing 10 lus prof ession. Mi.. Jas. W. Archbold, Secretnrv of Flerence ,ýNigbhiiagalo Lotige etOdd fellewv , was Bgivea a coînplimontarv banquet aitue Bennett Rouse Tnosday aight on the ove et bis departure te Rochester, N. Y., wbeie ho oili reside. Dnring the evoniag a Pasi Noble Gîaad's jewel was prosoateti to hlm and a pregîam ef speeches and son- mado the sad occasion jyn.Mr. Archbeld and wite boni wiothI, theiie gooti wisb- os of oui itizoas. Mi. Brirami W. Long loft bore con Wedaesday toi Portlandi, te take the Allna Lino steamer 3Mon go/ian for Liv- erpoe]. Ho goes homne te lEnglandt t roside. atfter a rosidence et six years witli Mr. Wm. Marinl, farmer, Bni Newc-ýastle. Mi. Martia intorms as tiat LBertram bas been a mosi falîtul boy and ho coulti net feel worse ever bis 42-if LOCKHART BROS. Bewmanville and NeNvcasile-. C -OWS FOR SALE. Two cows one %-Yjust reniewed, the other coming iu in April- two heifers risiug thee years, conngIi iX month. Also a quantitîv 'f Cedar Posts and Poles. 2HENRIY ARIGUE" Aclina. 13-tf. F ARM FOR SALE.-150 acres in -ood state of cultivation, having thereon erame lieuse andi barn, atone stables under barn, three wells, good orclbard, situated on Lot 29 con 3 Darlington. Wt be offered ai uction,W«ednes: day Aý)rj1 1, on the premise. Sece sale notices. R. OSHORT, eXeCutor, Courtice. 13-1w. AUCTION SALE. Of valuable Paria Property in the Township of Darligton in the .County of Durham, There will be offered 1cr saleby public, Auctioil at the Roy ai Hotel lu the Village of Blackstock o11 FRIDAY, MARCI{2ti 86 at il o'clock lu the forenoon, by virtue of pow. ers of sale eontained iin a certain mortgage whlcbh will be produceti at the sale, the fotlowing property: TheiÇorth Half of lot four in the 'th concession of the Townshiip of Darlington afore- said, eontaining 108 acres more or iess. 1 The following improvements are said to b e on the prenîlses-About 40 acres cleared liav-ing ereeted thereon au unfliis]îed framestable. Terms 15 per cent of the purchase moiiey to be paid down on the day of sale. For balance terms will be madie knovwn at the sale. Foîr further particulars apply to JoxiE5, MýAcicENziE and LEONÂnD, Solicitors, ToYonto St. Toronito. Or to JA"MES PARE, FSQ., Blackstcck. û6-5w. In! the, High Court of Justice. Chancery Divisîon. In the )matter of the East la/fcf Lot nuimber Seven in thte TMirCones- sof ithe Tuwnship of Cartwrighît i t flue Ceuuty cf Durham. Notice la bereby given tbat MxNAny Fnî-Enroan cf the townsiptp cCar-twight iai hue Counity oh Durham, ivido-w, James Alexandier Freeborr. nf thîe saidtotw-nship cf Cartwrigfit, farmer, Eliza- beth Iforriscu of Alameia lunlie District of As- sinabola in the North WVest Territories, inarriedl -oman, IRobert Johnî Freebcrui cf the saiti tow-n- alhîp cf Cartw-îight, farmer, Mar'y Frechuoru of tht saidt hwîislip cf Cartwrielîit, alîlluter. Isa- belia Frceborn cf the sait iotwiip cf Cart- w-right, ahinster, Williamu Thomnas Freeboru cf theý -a.i.t!nà u o Cartwright, farmer, auti A ndrewPtý Fre ofoSAlamneda aforesaiti farr have Matie application te the 111gh Court oý Justice for Onutari o fer a dertîtît att of titie ho tic above menhiciietiproperhy uider the Quiet* g Tities Act anti have produeetievidenew-hcrety tbey appear te be the cw-ner thereof in Sec simple frce f roniaial ineumabrances. Wierefore any other peracu havmng, or pre- tentinug tc have any title to or interest lu sai lanti ou auy paît thereofcias ieqireti cn otbefore FRIDAY, APRIL iOtb, 1896. niow-next.euusuiig to filt a statement of his cr ticir Cdaim tr"Iiied by affidavitsa aI îuy Chambers lu the Cou"'rt House lu the town cf Ccbcurg iii the CounhyoS Ncthumbcrland, andt o serve a copy on B B.Slmpoîîas Soicitor for the saiti appli- ianh anti in 'defanît sncb dlaim wli be barreti a~t i11- ue oSthe saiti applilauits w-lit betome ,lt 1 indofeail a a adl-eut (!bjet 0111V ho thei eevtos nni di te 26uhh Seet on cf tesb dAt Date ttis ixth day fMrh 86 D. B. SIMPSON,»H. DUMBLE, Sol etcr fSe Applicn3 àtrtCbug Have got' wha"t they have been looking for for somle time, in the shape of Baking Powder. It is onlv a IRoast- ing Pan that retails for $1 each, but you can ,have it this way 1 lb Baking PowderLlayell's, and 1 Roasting~ Pan for 50c. Have you eVer tried the Ramsaiy Tea? For sale only at Hdeal Br",os, Hoisey's Block, Bowrnanî lle. liow Wise Wemnen Economnise in A Ten Cent 1lnvestment Saves Dollars Wbon business mon, tarmers andi mechanics complain et bard limes, the womea ofthle country realize the tact as quickly as the mon. When trnes are- renhly bard, tle wornen are lie flîst te study tino economy. This work bezins rio'ht in the hiome circle. Instead of bnying a new dress ton herseit and ii uw clothîng for the child- ion, the tiltyand economizin- wo- mani uses the biamond Dyes te re-color eld and taded dresses and suits, which are muade iô look as good ns new, The Diamonti Dyes are tino nids te eonomny; ihey are specially pîepared for hom;e use, *andi are guaranteeTti he stroao-est andi tastesl t falknowa dyes. Whex" a gaîment is colored wihî tic Dlamoati Dves, the celer is Ihero te stay,nnd will net wasb,wear or fade oui. See tint yonî denier souls yen the Diamend Dyes ; refuse ahl imitation and crudo dves, and se nvoid baving your miateriais and garmonts ruîaed. Manitoba Fleur. The undersigned keep eanstaatly on hanti toi sale, cash onlY,I1 paie Manitoba No. 1 Raid Whent Fleur; aise besi pastry fleur. Baîrel Sai tfoi sale. JUDICIAL SALE FÂRl-M PROPERTY IN DARLINGTON. Peu-encrA t'e ,utIlg ment an thetua- lu of Heron Vs. Tîst=.ipsonlehtQneî'uî's BensIl ivision cf tht~~~~~ Hi or SJsiedateti 4G-Chuday cf Deecnhe 184, n ,ilauordri o- immetiiate sale~ ~ ~i Iii hlcadcîî, efil uli f ojanuary' 186 hew 111lie oflreti f, Isvew iith ey 1,;robtlcu cf .3. H. Duii,ei, E. 1 r, Master cf tic SelîrtintCourt at Cchenrg by lu i A. 1V. Toit. tieicuerat GALL4G\tE1. - HOEL inii, ueILLAGE COF BURK1 N, hc-wz uuxiip cf Darlla-.gtoîi, et the hîcur cf two s Ick,.M.n.on Wedllesdayl APRIL 81h, 1896J the foilon ing lands anti prtmise, he ne tst hll cf lot eigiheeuî lli t'le niratlai:-sioriofthe iowuusblî etf arliiigtouî, thie fiifthe late- Thue faim eontaiiîs about elle hri s acr~t tles of w-udt abolit niiiety acres sarc r(sd îite rtuaiuidtr tiiiereti hartiall y n-: isecond grewivteet-lancuti îue. Tii isu<Jcfaboutt tw euity atrea is saldt,)hobce anid,[ ,As1o treïn1 ilacres cday loam antiahbout seS i'ity acrer, ta îiy oam. Tue premusta are ilia fair shatt tof altivation. Tht rear ef the lot is wlthiu chu s: ilf a mile cf tht village of iiurlieheu, a s cii cii the Canadian Pacifie Riw iNluhItue ika tiîrebl, pu>office anti sellool a goti rsrket for sale cf pîctince. On1 tise piieîrty lare trctet t-a-nii-isings eoiîsting cf iweliinghliuse Oxîfite.152 ft. aiîltwc barlOxs f.cai Tleue is aioreiri oul 1weprnises"",8uistin,- cf abolit tweur dlpiet i-ts e -ol betriug, Tue talc îvýi! i tslje o eec ît o ie TEmlCi: Tue î,uu ehas li t iL--tiuiuc cf aqi pa douî c te hieIluii ,ol ttra de- dcîI s tiiereuIifter w t ietît Intat htpr jsh ans- abstractetflorîrd-îanht Ibe upoise cf erifyiuî lic astn t , sr oh wijse. fui all ether resiiecis h ie erma cuticont- diioiis of sle w-l he the t atcuduîg idi tocf tht, UiLuli CouIrt cf JuÏstice,. Fiii iiiarieeiarseur ail l;d wromJamiesi Datei t].M3iîday of ac, 86 12 Pliif 's, Seîltior Local Mat3tm., ï.J Ï231V. 1Biy %manvlile Co>ul!xz Look At Vour -How much nicer they would look with somne bright new paper on them. It need flot cost much- even our clleapest papers at four and five cents are ai'- tistie. I See our new ýdesigns, in Curtain Poles at 25c. W. T. Allen. BOWMANVILLE. ITAIR O K-Ladies wishing hair .ALoeo, eýall at MEs. DedîuNsOrç, King street, W., B manville. 28-tf. MARRJAGE LICENSES.-Issued by ÂJA. J.LOCKHADT, Bowmauviile. Only $2.00. 47-tf. T-10 POUWANT A 1OME.-If you do F ~ARM TO RENT.-50 acres, just out- 12 ade rown of llowmanviile. 'Possession !i'~ medietely. Apply to W.V F. ALLEN, BOWMan..- ville. i-f PATM TO RENT Fo;r a term of yearS, .L2"Glendhu"-300 acres 2miles from W Nýhitby, goed buildings andi soli: admiralle f,,r; stock or dalry, Chafnee for going etnieymnTo- r0t mille business or stock raiaing forie- êan muarket. men with capital only need uppj4y, J. H. Dow, Whitby. T O1I1 CHAPLIN.-Bowmanville, deal- Jer inFruit andOrnamental Trees of aIl kinds, Dont p lace your order until y ou have accu me. Noue but the best cf stock will be soli. Ail stock wjll be solti at the lowest possible price andguanetcreo nae Bx 58, Bcwman. ville. anee trct an Bl 49-tf. IEED RAIN.-Sprinig wheat, oats k)anihaly for seed, for sale. A pure bred Durham Bull ts kept. Terms-$1.00 et time cf servi"t, $1.50 if charged, W. H. WVaIIMS, Orc.hardale Farm, Bowmanville. 7 if. FARM FOR SALE-A firtit class tarm F ot 125 acres or 14.5 acre«(s situated.inl the TcWnship Of East Whitby, lsît Con, lots j5 andi 16.Il othBase Lie, a bout 11, miles from Oshawa stto,2miles from W \hitby and 60 rods from the, cioibouse. 1LaIrge, r0Ô6mybuildiîîgs, main býaru tlx hft lnty of fru'Iit, sou d Cay l 1m1a- toehrone (of tbebet ranfarms onIte Lakýe Shore; nuo huis and satones. About 10 acres of wood, 75 acres lu pi-ture- ani,- freali seedetid. Terms easy; flirst i plowing due. For further particulars apply to A ANt<îs, Oshawa , 7 ti nANARY BIRD)S.-Èha t have ceased %_- toe cirp c)itiier from iliness, exposure or nîculting eau be matie toe vartle tunef'ul nielodies by usiug Brock's Bird Seed. Iu each lue 1 lb. pkzt. there is a be cake of "Bi3rd Treat" to be îtIaced h4etwen the wir,.s of the cage alîlcît arts liea charni lu restcring them eapadsa absolute necessity tothe health and cmfort of canaries. Solt by alleadiug grocers, druggists anti flour antifeeti mcii.'JOHN MeMi ici ,I, CGroce,Bcwmanvilie, A. NîCnots, Feue1 G'Coods Bowmianville, TiiE MASON CO., lBoWMan1ville. NiCeIOLSea & Bacca, 81 Cclbcri sta., Toronto. 7- lyr. "The Swoid of Islain or Suffering Ar- mlenlit, ý" at thilliin'- bo -k. Graphie acecuîît cf lic Qrîru estionî thtTurk, Armeuiuat Mi\ohammnedtiîisnî wiÎh its liorrihle massacres. Numerous startliîg illustrationîs t.,ken ou the sIpot. 448 pages, only i. Seîîd 60e for eau- vcssing'ý bock. Agents make s1500to te nO O weekly. Tue: BaAt.av GCARRETSON'Cc. ,Ltcd., Bi'rthord Ont.