rn nls, sud et limes was alnsost dis-. ahlei. I tietiù erytîiug, as I f ughu,ý anti toctoreti fer years, wiihout mach boudui. flicugI 1 lad lest confidence in madicinas, I svas inducedt l usa Seuil American RhliumatiliCare. To my de- lighf the lirai dose gave me more re- lief flan I bava lad i yeaas, andtfo bot tleslave eoncbeiaiy carrati me. Yen cau publiaI this lefler." At druggisf s. HIEALTII NOTES. WVe cannot too chIen tel car readars1 10w important il k teo air hodtiing, lied- cloîbes, andte lcccbes lal ae u se evary day bIef if is possilile. Eey eule lueosswhat reshuios mwconl anti ccii on naferials gathar sylcu exposeti to the sunshice andthîe s;luths of s uic- k i~ 'sHEALTII.- IN THE 51C R IOUM. H airSicku-Ss is semething ne oua cares te ë think about or prepare for bleor ne- cessi ty cmcs Still it cemnes soonter V IG O R or later int every liousehold, sud xery esatores natural often there is grent need cf goed nurs- celer to the hair, iug. First and mosl important is a and also prevents liit, suuny, airy reom. If need net it falilng out. Mirs. nccssariiy ie large, but if of ample H. W Feniclt cf Proportion se iultebte. I #..5i . Digy, ~shoatd be remeved as far away frein "A itIle niore noise as possiblîe, preferabiy near flic ~cr~. hanIwoyeas ao top cf the lieuse. Thlere should lie1ne my lanir rpet facked down, a rug or uwc whieh te founeau lie easily sliook frecfrein dust prov- g r a Y 111g sufficieuf. As littie f urniture as and faflcanuliecenvenicntly used, and fliat nef ........t. ti ,npllstercd, is ail, besidas flic led, that useof te rooin naed centain. Single iron lieds one liottie of z1er's T'air Vigor in are cf the greatest conv;enience, ha- hair was resto3red to its originil sides being more (sanitary t han flic celer and c',ased faliing cut. -An w-eoden cnes; but as every family dees eccasional application has since kertnt tpsesten e h arws e the liair in good conditioni." V.r S. ess thm o h nroetle El. F. T'Es.W1CE, Dig-by, N. S, in flie liuse lie used. flie value cf flic "I haVe USed Ayer's Ilair Vigr sinallied cannot lie overestinated. Tli- f or tliree vears. and if lias restored lumnshings cf il are more easily baud- liair, wbicii was fast becoining grav, led =andwashed, aud the invalid eau lic bnck te ifs nîfurai ceior."-ll. yw mcved and reacled wif less trouble. liASiuLIIOFF, Paterson, IN. J. Feather mattresses sloiud flud ne place t1ai a sick roin, and where blankel s are caailahle I liey arc always preferalile te r.. [1ýî là M Goh quilts, or wadded comforf s. Feaf ler 'i PnREAREDnv pllc of differeut isizes are alw ays comfortable, rest f i, aud attractive. ~~~~~R. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I t.heV &f1. D~ELMS. J.5 , i lcdisease sheuld lie a contagions Avcres euf'otrc 3U,'LL- -eudrcke > eue aIl clofbing slienld bce remnoved rens thliccloseIs l ic eroimnsd fhey may lie converfed loto t emporary cuplicards Th U itd taesfor medicines, (,lasses, cups, towe, W / louud very useful sud cf feu very essenr- tial. If lampa, are used tlay sliould he carefully attended te, lu order fo have thein froc freia mke and siel. Any ithe light vil nef be, uncornfortalily eurog. 1Thc air in a sick rcim sliould alw ays Hlead Ofrili e kepu fresli. If ftle roin is occupied Office-'onftnuousiy il is impossible t eopen In New York City wid s or doors tîcre, but lu ethler rocins this eau lib dn and flic fresli air gradually admit ted. Iu au adjoin- làÏew IIsurall(e 1Writteiî- ing roin a w indow caulie opcncd a lit- tic at the tep and hof foin willoul auy lu QQ. 1 2,03,17 draugîhtsor discomiort teteccu 1880...... , 810), 17 pants cf tue prcmises. Sunlight shouid ii1887 ...... 5,502,9820 always lie admitted. If is assurcdly lu 192. 10001695 lifc-giviug, aud if there is eue place lu 1892 ..... 10,flic69lies, e le>bemade liglif sud cheer- 18 ..... 14,880,333 tun, it is fIat wliere a -%eak erganisin is struggling for sîreugîl. Toc aI rong a light cau lic dut off by a curtain or LoalA ct wanted iu ail unrepre- screen, and bqiecause il ks neeessary le aented dîstrifs. Address darken a portion of the roin, flic hole need nef lie madie ike a du.ugecn. Damk- ,es,, tee, ta apt te makpe ubep invabiti R. SA LEYgloomy, snd thus retard lis recoery. ,R. ýý TAN EYAn apar-ment cannol lie kept sw ccl Ilispectoî' of Agents, adneatýwher,- iarknebss reins.Never Rocins Gasud 7, Quebcc Bank B}iuiidiug thiug cean, and flic atmosphere Pur'i- lied by seme deodorizer. 4Geo. Shiirtleff, BOwmanville, Sru efre r e lvy o sîrahle, sud s very simple eue is aý' lit- General Agent for Durhamn. tic coffîe blinet over a flame or on fLic Ifth llnbess is serions enougli te re- OUR AGED SOVEREIGN. quire flic serv ices of a physician, lis mrandates shoubd lie rigidly carr-ieti out Sho ln Iicrose< Sin~ f Febino,,-by the patient and nurse, for flic elifh Skoling111eresed Sius f» eebeues- îlte invalid lias licou placed in his sire, ing ,Mark o r rln ect ln .1.lands, sud aisy disobedieuce or negîece Spo~iallIar cfFranl, espet. of lita orders may resuit serieusly. Thc A despatdli frein London say -Tesck onos dIteu have a longing fer sudh ý--y -- ihings that îvould rot Lie good for 11cm, departureocf tle Qucen on Mlouday for andi lu flic desime te indulge Ilicir evcry thec sonîli cf France lias drawn fort h a wvish mauchilarm is donc. Toc mucli paflietie account cf île increasing facile- eompany tluring ilbness sheuld neftlic nes ofherMaest. I i sad tstPc mittei, sud w hon it is if sliould lic nesacf ler ajesy. I issaidt oa the scusisblc, quiet kiud, flic con- she is ovidently grieving greafly aI the versation necti net abwrays converge te loas cf Prince Henry of Battenberg, tliheue point-fliC iliness cf flic in- wlio ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t wsnvrtrdowa±gupnvaiid -but lic_ cf a cîcerful, easy, hope- whowasnevr tre ofwaiingupo jfui nature, sud tIen nef much aI a lis mother-in-law, sud whliene doulil fume. Al uews which is cf a disfurbing had sincore love for flic ageti Sovereigu. nature sleuld lie forliidden entirely. In view cf flic state of lier Majesty's Very often long, exciting visits cf thoughlbcs persons have been fclloxvcd helsfl mucli cf fhe usual stata vas ab- liy daugerous, sud sometimes fatal, re- andoned, nd sIc vas carcfnlby whecl- suîts. Miake neouunecessary noise in cd on 1 L-Ird thie royal yacht in a speci- dressing the roin, or moviug about it; ally consîrucfed chair. Upen arriving yeti h us bef ber te niake a little noise aI her bourg there wvas a dense f eg, ulan te bec distressingby caeful te avoid whidli did noftond te imrprove fleic a. Trained nurses nover step about on Qucen's condition. The gangw vays, it tipfoe, but wcar light, warmm aippers, nvas cect, were decerafed wifih back and nover whisper, liai -Peak in a low sud whufe f lags, sud by lier Msajesty's v0ice. Unless a patient is lielplessly cemmauiiti ail i foral sud ether decora- ill if is btter for hlm if the attendant fionsý were reusoved, sund se she w as does net aunoy him evcry fexv minutes esorto'd aslicre, a palleic piclureocf liy asking if somthing caunet lic donc xvo, au almesb lieartrlimoken 1nemran, for Ibm. iueurning lier deati, sud seomiug te 'fli invabid's appetite musI aiways lie talkebut uttle inîcrest inulier surreunti- eattred te cvhen le is able toest, sud inga tise funeral aspect cf w hicli added tie more c astefubly sud neafly a ser- censderhiyte flic deprassing nature of vice of foodi eau bo presenîed, other fli ena As a speciai mark cf respecit thitgs beïug equal, the btter wil lie le flic Qucen, flic baudmaster cf oe e tceffecf sud flic more hearty sud cif f lie French iufautry regimouts in heltifuti wilblLie flic relisb. Wlieu tle garris on, aI Cherbourg composet iece ~ropusu is fiiished everyihiug sloubd lie in lie or. But sIc would net al_ removed, unless flic patient may wish bow~~~~~~~~~ ifolepacfiegiseddnf have pari cf il later wheune one fogfthe bantimaster's tlicughîfulness, k areuud te -waii ou lin. aýs a nkice u lttle prosont, talen te 1dmi Every siel person lias dreade theli 1iNy eue c f flicgeniiemenrin-waiting, comnig cf nighi, as flieusest uncoin- festiied.fertalile aud lengeast part of the twen- t y-four lieurs. Sec that flic bet i la e- - imade -with i resh, sired sheets sud pil- PrEcOIZED lip AT ONxCE. jlow slis t oeeeset for day sud oe i rY morning. Wben tliey are Lrought ý QUEp 'INV in 'they fi the resu wih absoIute- ~ ~ ~~f N EfIi5 fragrance, a sense of purity wxhich make3 its presence fcIt i the impure i- and heated atmospliere of our apart- NEW DEVICES THAT PUZZLE A ments in a most remarkable mrinner. PE1NT OEAE Try lu every clear daiy, and do, not for-RO O P AE get tha[ the mati raes ed hefethr Led-s, bolters and pillow s il1 part w ith u- iaerci4 i Cide l their peculiar body odors, and bring i I .111,Canoll. - n,îe, >'a 14) va an abundance of oxygen and vivifî ing Chair Cannoià~co n itiai ozone, if you il oniy bang them ont of thle window for a couple of heurs in w indy w eatli r every few day s. One Of the us.eful articles on whicl patent w as issued reeentiy is an electri- GOLDN LOKS.cal oven. It is composed of nainetalliei GOLDN LOKS.Lox-ikestructure wound about -with Thcugli wom-en do not at present Up- w -ires, asbestes being interposed betweer. beister their heads w ili lock.s that ob- the oven and the f irst layer cf wjres vioesly graw somewhere else, hair 15 and between the successive layer f StiR an important feature of commerce.-u ires. The w hole is surreunded by a In f act one of the great Ne-%N York in- Protecting casing-a suitaile op(nn le porters say that the trade is as largeig fterhenrouincfails 110w as it (ver wias. 'of food. The inventer daims that if ,a " I suppose it is due to the growth of turkey or any other article of food were the country," asid lie, -and the exten- pl~ l h vnan h lcrecr Sion of fashionable luxuries into thli' rent turned luto the -,ires the turkey byways and hedges, but on the wliole 'would cook f romn the center outward. our business is as valuable now as %vhcn u o rwrs h ooigwol e the women wore chignons. The theat- mence within the body of the turkeyl rical world is bigger 'than it nsed to' andI proceed gradually outward until be, and after aliltlaey are the great the skin would brown. The only cx- hair-huyers. Planation given is that tlie oven is s0 "New York imnports tour or f ive tons w'~un xitli electrie coils that the lines cf haîr annually, and London tw-ice thaï; cf the different magnatie fields ail cou- arnount. English women have neyer verge at the center, tlieraliy se disturli- depended upon their own liair for adorn- ment as Americalis do. Tliey have. îng the normal conditions as to genr fimer suits geuerally, but like te sec ate heat at that point. The heat is aIse the hcad overloaded with puffs, braids, generated by the usual resistance cf the buns, etc. irtetepsaeothclcicu- -Thse big haîr crops come f rein Gar- wir otepsaefteclti u- oauy and France. It is handled by the rent. gants of a fluteli eompany w ho visit 0f a new-ly patented comibination plow &ierica annuully for orders. and camion the inventors say: -"This -"Black hair is fashionable just new, plowr is constrneted in tlie usual man- it there are certain golden tints that ilways briug the higliest, price; for ex- ner, except that the heara, wvhich is cf impie, certain shades cf light liair fIat metaI, is bored and forîned into a dan- !etdh as mucli as a dollar an ounce. The noil. As a ic -fliglit ordance ifs peasant women cf Brittany and Soufh- caPecît a vary froin a projectile of -ru France supplsy most of the dark que te one cf tlirce ponnds. Its utility lair in the msarket, and frein one teI in the fw ofold capacity is unquestion- j age weighf cf a single growtli is one califies. As a means of defense in re- pound and agents refuse as a rule to pelling surprises and skirmishing af- handîn less than f liat amount unless tacks on thGse' engaged iu peacef ni ave- fhe hair is nafurally curly or of a rare cations rcolor. The peasants are obiged to IT 15 UNRIV ThED. wash it liefore the Seale, and incteed as as it con lie immediately lirought into hair-grcwinig ta a bus3iness w ith thein action by disengaging the teain. In tliey learn thaf if pays te keep it clean. limes cf danger it may bo used linfthe The dealers are caref ni te attend ail field, ready charged witb its dcadly the fairs and merry-maki.ugs in flicffaîl missiles of hall or grape." of the year, in foilewing np the trade. The principal feature of "an ccen- JI atteuded one sucli sale when vis- trie bicycle" is the rear wlieel. This, if ing ini France lately. The girls corne te gain, leverage, flie inventer cdaims, ap te lie shear-ed just ns tliey would te iS journaled eccentrically-that is, wif h peddie cabhage,ePach cnes hair lianging its axie ont cf flie conter cf the ' wheal. Jownlier back. By the sida of every The consequence cf this ijeculiar con- shearer was a long basket. inte whicli struction is th su the rider riscs and faits was thrown every. successive crop cf as lie rides, witli a sweeping, gliding hair, tied up in a sheaf liy itself. Tlie motion similar te flie ocean's s*eli. If wotnen w ear close caps, shorn or un- lie tires of flic long steady swell lie eau sliorn, se thare is net muchl lst or gain- get a short ehoppy sea by increasîng ed in their personal appearance. his speed. - lie most beautiful hair, the long, Thore is aise a dog bicyxcle, whici, in silky, curly fints cf n rare celer, go construction is slighitly larger than generaliy inte flseafrical %wigs. Miss usual. The rider 's seat is placed over Rehan, hy flic way. is said te possess the rear whl. flie front wvheel is of the f inest collection cf wigs in this sufficient size te accommodate two geod country. hirsized dega, and is built on theoerder of -"Cnrly ain s a higli value of ts a treadmili. If mucli resembles the own as ne w'ay lias been found te treat whelo f a sqnîrrel's cage. Tlie dogs if se that it wîll stay curled. A for- are cliained wlithin ibis wlieei, and in tune wails for the man Iliaf eau do it. their endeavcrs te mrn forward turu And yct if k only twenf y years or the wvheel, at leasi se flie inventer cx- mor-e since dealings in nsturally curly Plains. hair deveioped as a cýpecial feature cf People whli now tclerate mica or rats the trade. This evolutien had the cor- in the lieuse cerfainly must ba hind tc ionls effect cf briging continental Jews. the flad that a luminous cal, w hicli costs into theliair-growing business. Tliey littie te securo and nothing te keep, are the oniy people xvlic can bc looked lias beau invcnted, and eau be placed in te -with any confidence te supply the any dark corner or nook te seare axvay nsarket. sucli pesfs., Tbis cat is stmnck or _______________stamped frein sheet metai or other like matoriai. Ih is painted over witl plies- YOUNGEST MXAN IN PARLIAJVENT pliorus, se f bat if shi.,s lu the dark like a cat cf f lame. IPeopl nlp a. y pectin thefuture, nn- ular useggtth Wiii save you money- helav 1' withi to buy eggs. -Don' b rnis led with soi't tales a'iu toistat (1o the soa1,w wash]ing' aind irolliîio'witb i hiiniaxi agenîcy. B y a giu ine, îreliaL -sapECLIPF-- and d <li't- rin iyour eote, JOHN TA.YLOR & CO., M'frs, Toron>ýtc. The undersigned desire Io tiiank the farmers of West ùnyami for the liberal patronage extendcd to us durinz the 1past season, also to reinind themn that we are stili in the mnarket andi prepared to pay the HIG-HEST MARKET PRICE Fort ALL KINDS OFcASAI& delivered at 01W storehouse cor. King andi George streetss ., oa IOr& Darlinglton. We have also on haad a largea stoct~ NEW AND FRESH, of Canadian and Liverpool Coarse Saltinj Bagi. Rock Salt forc caUJgp. and hot-ses, and Fresh Ground Grey Plaster in Barreis which we are prepared to seli1 Ail kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEAN SCREENED COAI a, ways in stock. We invite inspection and guarantee satisfactio~n. MoCLE'LLAN &7 V,7111be jpIeased once ùiii Quan lti 1Y,, twie iiiE _u ildi and thrce times ini Price wlio igiSI)pcL lue tinequuailed assortineit of Sli*ppers, Rubbers, Trunks, Valises, &., AI our Store, soe-BEA&VIZ BLI)CK,-ý-âu o wma I&iuil'Ir Lord IM11ton au M. P. lit misolos go enteriug a friend's parleur aud laI- .tnecetors' Ucoistapaiý. 1 ing a seat, te lic greeteti wifl flicG E ST ST R E The William Pitcf ftle Britishi Rousa aIrains cf soe popular opera. Af lIe,-t, ilis is made possible hy a recenf-T cf Couinons is Lord MilIeu, wlio w as ]y paîenfed invention for 13 I 3-G -E ST V.A R ~ I E"iY ciecteti te parliameut ai îhe age cf 22. A. MUSICAL CHAIR.> His extrema yonth fer sucb an import- flaThis ,air lias flic appearance cf au I G ST VL E aut position stands ouf ail the~ more pro- ordinary eue, andt e ail intcnts anti pur- B C G /Vk.~IJ.z miuently liccausa cf the feef 11sf ibis poses is, except fIat under ithe seaf 15 biody lias heen ealled "flic middbe-ageicoucealeti a music box. flic seat properLVel'.%'ocî#' illivitelto h> eu 3and steour mnew t491 vivea Parliameut .- Tfli contrast hetweeu hlm i flexible, se lIaI, whensast upon, if sud lic"fahercf he Ruse lamar- will lie simpiy depresseti. fluistepres- and he fater f te Huse, i rurk-sidaoi perates a catch anti releases the cd. Cliarles Pelîbaus Villiers is nef leas drain cf flic musiecliox. '> ~..L S flan 70 yeams cf age. A af eaa man is au intricabo picce Lord Milon, as a aieu cf fIe Fit z- cf macinery. Ilis legs are opemafetiby TaEESOEM suitabie levers, craiîks andi steaiiicyýlin- william faîmiiy, sîcuiti net feel strauge tiers se Ihai wheu idtbea carniage in liaviug b'cu mreturueti aI sncb a yeutli- lie las cvemy appearance cf an ortiinery TH SOURCE 0F MALARIA. witli s favorable temperature, Fur- fui cga. Ris fafler was cxartly lis uman drawing s coidli bebinti lin. Hae--i muutiddly tle proper ccil cenuin age when lie ol lis seat as a Cemmon- is sulîported i n an upriglit position by ..t l soîenrfpaprolozea passes firin ce stur5 cm in a epreseutabive capacity te Wesf- the shafts cf a coac' A pipe pretrudes Au !îîvsowsli s Oteller hife in to enculer wih couaiderau, î e miniaf cm. Net cuuy is ibis truc, bul truc freibis umouth aud the sinoke sud l lew/tar ihan liiithAr. idity; se that in the presentsae f alsisl the more remarîebie coincident- steain are discliargedti treugb bbe sainc, The investigation on the source cf ina- our oxperbueutal knox; letigo if ali i election cf lis grautifather, tle Esmi making il appear bIfha h a seujoying a psile toîednfify ï,o , Fitzwililliain, au prediscly tle saine Cge. sineke while draggiug lis heavy hurden ln lsla hewitrs tenin o oy cultur iî,nc ll -ai)peiit flic graudfather was matie an M. P. aioug tise sumeof. fTic levers, cracks over two years, anti iu fIat lime a large duce ulie aco-,p, tl Laveran gerlieut for Maltou lu 1837. The singular lis- aud ofler parus are, cf course, hititicu ly amount cf elinical tasubmeuy bas lio id fth'lnia yses tory cftfIls bamily does nef stop hore. suifabie dolhiug or iivery. colectet ren al known malaria dis- Asqa raie flic potable water frîintis fIe great-grantifablier cf blis youug A cannon motor, tee i md of oee ala rial districts is deniveti frein drivera-zý-ý, bord was a m-mber o'ith? Roaa cf Coininvenftor, is 'flic ideal meeti c f gener-1 trcsl NrsAerc;îe ia e cls net over tlwenîY-t',ofebft mgri mous et uthe unusually early age cf 21. atîng poere. Tbis mouer consista cfu port, bowever, wilb hardly lie reatiy for ccii wif b c1ay or corne ofler implerias flic Fitznilliaius, Ibus fron csire to son, entileas chaîn carying ucculi anti lre- publication fer semae moullis, but f roin sulictrafa, whicb wafer is, geuerall esn4 have the record for early alection te, the jeef ions, fhe cdam being supporteti ounflic w rk elready compîcîtid certain facts anti palatable coue sperkliug chc-Ilr.. lieuse. suitalile whlicls for tranismittiug ioxv- niore frequeutly Lord Milton la a briglit yonng inan cr. Tle powver is deriveti frein uwe dan- have licou olbainati which nl lie oi-A LITILE TURBID. anti lis fInnda predief a geeti record nous arraugeti on. opposite aides cf fhe liodietiinlu flîshobrt notice.Ths-,atri ledwhanimz for hlm. machiieuansd fireti aluernately againsi Th,,,,introduction of arlesisu wclbs,firtatle anaier iofilleti xvmiainl i l devicca thaf engage ftle projections on h hallao nueswo eiu fdeeome cfandbesegerm a i lgs JUSI WRAT lIE WANTED. tise cdamn, 0e canucu tîcing rcloatied lyfemira1cmais loteioc ivbpnet nii st sept xvbile tht' ether la disdliargeti. a larger supply cf vater Ihan lad hitu- able wafer ubcy nalumaliy indti hira flie cumate in charge cf a small cunu- An aulomnatie gallon la is e sulijeel crIe been availalile, andtihtecaccidentalintamyhclannal. ls rohteo a ofa recent paient. W itl t lis teiavce use cf tlaf wauer by tle people in i i ole se may fel.Ti ro tzae ti try panish was instructeti yhy b par- ne special person cen lic poinleti ont as hogsemnflrsortas isbicners te pîrocurc a harmonium for thecmin who spmung flic Irap sentiîug Immediete viciuiuy, accu produceti a thai in coîne stages it ha lightangi ibeir use. lHe diii ce, telliug theia mnu- tlie unforfunate convict te bis deaf h. inarlati diminution of malanisi trouble te fleai anti li transpiorieti hy l factrerte hare te bll or ir teTise device is cal anti the tnap is sprung in tbose localiîhea. Thc arfesian su- metat air cf low grounds,, but loin i&- facture leDchraa tb 1)1caforhliePte caie it is comparathvcly harmIlesa cx- thepais acout.Whe te ill Ibebody cf a ccxv toy ccw is fomaet I lies scoere, on the sviole, se saliafacfory cept under mosi cxtreertiiuary ren.- amountoti te £7, tIe pariaI lieing unahla cf iller wocd or motel ant isl an exact t tlise railmoada flat uheir introduction tiens; il is net until flic surface Wtv f0 îay l, Ie mnufctuer dnuei îepmîîesenftien cf an crîlinary .eseys b'ecame very rapiti, sud in a fcw yeans sustfIfliindiifbgn.wr0 enraie for the mouey, tclling hlm fIat aIe stands whlii beîcg milleti. A suit- Most cf île Seth Atlantic lices depenti- iy easen cf higler teeciet lhs le assumeti tIe rospcnsibliity. The lat- able tank is amnangeti witlin tle lbody [cd upen thia source cf wsier aupply. TIhelecome mucb more vruethlentiî ton ropliedti iat le caver assumedthefI anti can lic f illedti hf mill frem tfeleevideuce flaiafl the exclusive use cf île fleating lu the air. A very Vshor1ri7A mospnsility liviugalule cult do eIoufaide, fTbis tank ta previtietiwitb deep-saed wasiens tîcro was oti cf incubation is sulfficieuf ted-ei rpsy lis own bllIs, n lireupcu the manu- suitable nipples, wbicb are operaitdinl EN'TIRE IMMUNITY. op a cavera cas,, cf nli al baver intb facturer tîrcateucti te sua hm.A cxactly the saine menuer as in milliug £rwom mer wli uscrofisc sîsfsce n ,'iter short lime aller car fnieuti receiveti a fIe real cveryday article, flua moe- fenmlPa rubewsaprni rein persenal oliservaicua Ikur1 letton frein a Birmuingham delif colleel- mu fmîtu ieJre ieta se50incontesibule ibai 1deterinnotiupon tsIfi'xlsveuec ue ep fo-mils motion to lhem pivofti jawa, ccnd ~cii xmnte fail waters seauti w ateýr affertis enrilie Immuni1ty, loing ency, to icateio verani tecowîî te produco malaria sud tb.iso agaical malaria li cllnnf enr lowug ic ah neatbutinuntl tc.il tlos appoars fliat she ha chexving lier tisatinlu aîsnial districts wre poo ;lere no whitc macntiereti lire nsi feîloving short bal definite letton came: cuti while being milketi. wr r againaf it; ibis examination la net cnly the surface water. Nomrmi il li Te wbiie oroplieti: dhemicai, but biebogical anti pathologie- octienstoo t ual the exclusz1Viv usa c "Gentlemen: Ever aince I enfemati TRE HOR$SE IS CAREFU L. ai.lulcpeelaaac u nwî~~ pure ater aimply fort ifies and fise micictry 1 lave liqn strugglîng ber I h ro ssae forknvldetreugîbeus lIa systenginaf t1i ut-. île dogree cf D. D. UoaliostiiRespect- An olti cavalmyman says fliat a heorse we do nset expac e e laballe tetinsseac teck of tIse germ. flche tm a i-, fuîîy youra, - w ii caver stop on a mac iuîouîiouaîîv. sharp lice betwoen waters f bat prcdu,,c pnimeny danse cf infection. n wheuctai ________________ haa sandng ntir ithcavlryuliimalaria anti those preef againsti hi lY [as the'direct carrier cfiîlie gem ntst-"ý> It i a taningordr wih cvaly tatpuroly cisemîcal analysis, ner. on theth lie syston tismugî flinltestinal trueLt A Rernedy for Black Eye. shoulti a mac becene dismeanfeti, lie tfler band, eau wc hope te identif y iy The impreasion ihai malaria is cmis Tisera la nething te compare with tle must lie down anti keop perfectîy atill. hiOogical examinatien the pretozea pro- liy purely aimespherie influences lins bs-. If lie doss heetrtiopwlips uciug fIat troublc; but Ive may by the tome se fîxeti in caur mintis tbhct, unleas. tinefuna or sireng infusien of capsicun e eîeaia mo ilP5 former succeeti in isolatiog certain textc e s coma in actual contact in the cviii- aunun mixeti wif I an laquai bull cf ovar linn ifisouf his being injuroti. A, produets peculiar te ilose waters only, eucesproduceti lu tle use cf pure waer- muclag ongunaraieant wih hohrsa notices w hoeeha is goiug, sud anti ly tIc latter a certain ine cf tbau- as againsi fIat liereofere usedti, h addition cf a bewv drops ogycnn i uf tlcokout Ion a firin foumdafinmu iai ucuuionon ibiephysician will, ln al preliabiiity, levr flu aouli ic aiîct e yoerintise put isis foot ou. It la an instinct dlienical investigation, wilî yield vany slowv te shlow iiseif te lia convi-nre, bruiseti surface witli s camei's hein j1with him, therefere, te stop ever a pros- vaull aut.fawr Isfrlesta I odmlra(ald ra penil ud îloetite ry n. seondtrate mac. flic injuries causedti blu- provoti satisfa.dfory hayonti oxpoctation, air) is a mianemer, andtihls esu necciliaidga liy ateruryonvay hersadare , ren hewcrk already dounc mad;au, wanrd s Ie wordt, ai or itidcotigbeîug applîcti as sceeumn enaws y anlicteti ly theoaniale (amtraniaon o vdn a ollie d aueti tcney ficho neluca as tbe inai la tdry. If donc as scocu as nal lasifitdb h nmltecaatradaon flvdnesol cue ocne h el île injury is luflictedti 15reafinulkuockiug tiewn, sud coutliy ctcpping ou liefore me, I ain juatifieti in aiating ilaf effecta kuowu untierficcaehema- willinvaîabl preentblacenin fîlem.long curent lielief fliat tle source anial baver. wilbiuvriaily revnt iacaniu cfilin.of malaria is in tle air is lu omrrer. the bnuise tilie. fIa camie rcmeti Thfli germ, n hicl islaof sou origin, ta has noe equal ln r lieama ttiecensor-stf11 Do Iyou -daime s ou te tau1nt me Nw ilsh strictl y aprofezea, snd rosclies lus hi1gb h- Ledon les fniýY raanna cecI. mny hem ndeformity ?-, iou. est tievelopmeet in iow,, meisf gronuiý, w.'rvhicî ey vegeLabebdlasrei f- -',r1, ,ry fom ', 1 's Ca 11 Ila- N ý -J ý-k