___________________________________________________________________________________________ i Un ATEFIL-COM F0RTING. BREAKFAST-SUPPEPL. Py a thorouýgh knuowede of. the natural laa-s a-li3hgov ern the opratios o1 digestion1 andI nutrition, end by a careful applicaio o îMe fi ne propr s o0'wel-select'd Cocoa. Mr. Enpsbas povf e orbreakfast and supp£-r 1a deieately flavorei5. beverage which may save nsnan heavy doctors, bis. h is by the ~ndiioususe f scb articles of diet that a contitton 1ay be gradually buit Up until strong enough t0 resiat every tendency te digease. Ilundreds or' subtie maladies are floatiag arounli us ready le attack wherever Ibere 1. a Vveak point. We may escape many a fatal shaf t by keeping ourselves a-el fortifiud wth p-îrp blond and a properly nosurished trane.'-"Civil Service Gazetfte." 1 Mla de simply wi h boiling waner or mille, Scelé only in packets. by Groeers. lab8lled thus: .3.. lîES ErIls & Co., I Ukon.eoatIitec hein - J«8. Landon. Englanê WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 18Ù6 Dit. J. V. MITCHELL*. MEIMPR0F COLLRGE 0F PH YSICIAN and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner. etc.: Offi ie and Itesldence. Enniskill. 74. A. MoLAREN DENTIST 243 Yonge St., TORONTO. fir8t-claîa $10 Set of Teeth for U~ BAIIRI8TXR.- SOLICITOR, km. MOPRIS BI OCK, npstairs, Kiuir Streit. Bow'fl&- Ville. elicitor for the Ontari Bank WlTfte Ionevsê toan8i t s"thq cll, -it ,8t DOBT. YOIUNG, V. S. .O~FFICE IN THE WEST DURHAMs J News Block, where himself or assistant m ili te founid fi-uni a.m. te 9 pn. Night calis ,et esidence.direcily opposite Drill Shed. Cails 1. tel< gsaph Gr telephone will receive prompt tertion 171-yr A. A. 1posNT, A CHITECT. Plans and Specifica- ..tlions Prepared for every clasa of building. thjeica1 attention gven te heating by steam ïeLd bttwater. andito sanitary arrangements. (e:Gorrie Block. Whitby 43 ly R. PEATE, Tailor Gentlemen's Clothes Made to Order. DEINTIST. OFFICE :-llear Of Messrs. lligginbotham & Son's Drug Store, (down stairs), -BO WMAN VILLE DEMNTI STRY. C. HARNDEN, L. D. S Gi-sduaie ofi-he Royal Gollege of Dantal Surgeons. Ontaio. VFFICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFICE. VITALIZED AIR. New Tailor Shop Trhe undersiigne3da-ho bas beeu cairying ou the tailoricg basins-s in cunnectien aith Mason's Dry Geoda Store for a numberof yuars bas commeuced business for imýeaf ai -bis Keiene ing St.,îvest, a-here be la preoai-ad to niaie gets' and boys' suits in ail thte laiest etyles, and ai- lowset pr-ice3. Fer these a-ho a-eh to order sujts, he will carry a fuît line ot amples mnail the nus-est pattean. Give hlm a cai, J. T. A L N Fasîsionahle Taîlor MONEY TO LOAN. $ 100,00. A large sum eof meney bas bean planeS loto y baeds by a private persan fori investm"nt, oui aproedjeans on tarinsecurity for aierni Of FivE Or TaN.vaarp, aivE AND oNa: itj il CE c'îý'NT!iierest 's-i bu a"kud payable ,eatily. eatisfactircnuditions foi-repaymient a-lu be arrangeS.__._- i Dated Oct. 18t, 1511. iolicitor, Bowmnarivjle. L ~40-tf. F ORSALEOR RENT-L1ouse and Scs*o 5eet nort. 'The premuises cons;st of 1-Eot hu, e wiiîh every eeuvcnienee, driving tubefite, etc. 'l'ne garden containus a lot of be cbo'cusifruit et ail varieties. Immedjae posseslen eau be given. For partieniars app'y W .FîsIEsnson BOWamavillO Ont 49t THE CANADIANSTATESMAN ESTABLISHED 18531 !l per anula in advauca, otherfflise 0.) Subcriptionsalwiys paya5lo aItte olf-iri publication. Adv,3rtizsin,i ns'ei onleis by c) 1 raet., 10cents per le, oes'eItIist ia-Ic an, aud 5 cents p3r liteu eaci sb lea i. teetion. Lecalsi, 10 cents par lin. M. A. JAMES, Pubiish3r ON~TARIO JÀLADIE' aOLLEGE, WIIITBY, ONT., lias already made the best educational re- cnord of any LadiesCollege je the Dominion of Canada With fsith in God sud ije the future of oui- ceuntry, the Director8 have eutered upon a sehemue extension and improvement that marks an urinl the hig hest education of Young ladie'. Two new buildings ai-e iu pro- eess of eiectien, 130 x 50 f t., aud 50 x 40 ft., aI-b cea- steam heating, lecrie ligbtingl and the most ppet feet sitaî'y airangements througbent. thu ne- Concet Hall je te bu pr 1ddwth saniagificeet pipecigan, driven b, loctric"ty, andi available for prac- ice je al weattiýr. Those interested inj the educatien of their dassghters ai-e ru-pectfiily requeted te make early application toi- cakijua, or for rootu, to 11EV. J. J. IIIllE, Plh. D, 30-t f Principal TBF VIGAR'S CDVERN PE.SS Hee la not ali-egether nnknowu te ber, CHAPTER XXVIII. (Contîined). I At chnrch shu bas seun hlm twicu, ard Derian gi-mss moody and irritable Iý once lu the village, i-bengb ahe hasý and nurses bis wrengs is sullun mer- neyer en îtoudt hmba bid~~~~~~~~ sieceei wl hotwel as l;intercbanged a single word wl-b bid ilece.He wll hoo whoe dYs im;it is Lord Sarterîs. without a companieu, or go tor long Hle gazes ai-lber inteutly. Peshaps Lie pnrpeseluss rides acress ceuni-iy, only tee knows who she la, but, if se. Lu to, etun e nigtfal wary nà ickmakus ne igu. At last, unablu te beari te ntur atnighfal wery sd s-ckthe silence any longer, she says, naiv- at huart. eiy sud very gentiy,- "'Grief la a atone that bears ene "I thongbt yen were ln Paris." down." Te Deria.n, ail the world seema , At this extraordinary remark frem awoman bu bas neyer spoken te bu- going wreng; bis wbole lite la a tai- fore, Satonis liftst bis bnows, and i- i-e. Thei-wo e binga he loved Most- ou gards lber, i-t possibly, mreucrîously. ear-th-Lord Satons sund bis wife- dis- "So ewsa;' b'gays. "bulI Cam2borne trus hi, ad wllinly endan penyestenday." Then, "'And yen are Bei-- tarust iensd williuglty n an p"nan's wlfe?" usi-te isashamles stry nlucy ler brows grow clencled. Fate bas coinud for hlm. "Yes," sbesasys, sud ne more, sud As for Georgie, she growe pale sud tnrning aside, pulls te places the f low- thin, sud altogether unlike hersuif. ering grasses i-bai- grow on bier rigLi- band. Fnom bing a gay, merry, happy uitile I suppose I ar n uweîceme in yeur girl, witb "the sun upen lber Leani," sigbt."saxys i-be eld man, neting bier as Bailey se sweuily expresses t, she rusenve. "Yut, if, ai- i-e lime ot your mariage, I beld alooet, h was net bu- bas cbanged inte a weman, cold and cause yo exeeti-e bride." self contained, sitb a manner fnll ot "Did- yen bold aloof?"' aays Georgie, cuttled rusai-vu. -svýiih wendeing eyes. "Did oui-mai-- Now sud again smaîl scenes occnn bc- nage displease 3OU? I neyer kuew; Beorian neyer tl e" Thun, sviih i-ween ihem i-bai- only rander mati-ens sndden unexpeci-ed biternesa, "Hait more ini-lerablu. For instance, cern- measunes are et ne use. Wby did yon ingint th brakfstreom one mrnu- nei- foibd i-be wedding alteguthur? ing ui-ei-bebreafastThat would bave been i-be wiaesi- sud ing, Georgie, Meeting the mau who kindesi- i-ing, bei-b for hlmn and me." hi-lgei-be lui-i-es, Cakes ihem f rom "f do't tbink 1 qui-e tellow yen," bien, aud, div iding ihum, cornes upon says Lord Sari-ens, lu a tneuibled toeu "'Amn 1 ie uuderstuud yen already ne- onu dii-cted te Doren, lu an unmi-s- gi-et your marriage? De oi-i-nill mu takablu woman's baud, bearing i-bei-bai.-" Loudon posi-mark,wbich shu, throws ac- "Wby sbeuld I net?" eays Georgie, de- i-osi-be table i-e bar busbaud. tiani-ly. lis toe bas augerud ber, Soiethngin he uiknes o ler c-thougb wby, chu weuld ha-vu fouud 1a Somthig l th qickusset ui-acdifticnltin u xplainiug.-Yen arle bis tien rnakes hlm i-aise bis bead te look unulu," she sys, wl-h soe warmi-b; ai-lber. Catchiug i-be expression et ber "wby sbeu]d yen not know? WbVy arn eyes hosec tha thy ae ful o pa-I1always i-e prei-eud bappinesi-batI eyes busue i-at -be ar f il t ~ neyer fuel?" alouate distrnst, aud ai- once ruade bier "'De yeu nou% what your words euiý- tbougbi-s arigbi-. Hi-s brew dankens, vey?" gays Satonis, more shocked i-bau and riing li gos verto ier a beclan express. sud, lsin, bu ous ven io be, -1 "i -bk I do," saye i-be girl, halt pas- takes bier hand in bis. net wl-b a de- sionatuly; sud ti- he h turnes aside, sud ire te conciliai-e, Lui- mosi- untendunly. meves us theugh chu w'ould leave hlm. "hti l impossible yen can accuse me "This is terrible," sys Satonýs, _in of thi thin»'I le say, bisvoie a low 1 vois funl et pain. "And yet1 et -bi i-in," e eysbi veue eWcannot believe heole ukîd te yen." sud augny. "Unkind? No," wl-h a li-ile scoýre- "Few ihiugs are impossible," rutunne fui arnile: I bear ne bai-ah vords, miy she, wl-h eld disdain. "Rentove yenr ligLi-usi wish le law, yet i-be s'iest beggar Chbat crawvls t e i-oaci is happier1 b ands, Beiian; i-bey hi-et me." tan 'l ar." "Ai- leusi- yen shail hacenvinccd that "Lt seeme impossible," eays1 Satonis, tuni-lis instance, as iu ali-be othens, quietly, !eoking inteni-iy eai er tlowe- like face and lovely -Wisttul ayes,_-ua- yen bve wiougedme."ing yenu t seerne impessible te me tiat Sil holding bier bauds, bue cempul ebucati de auything but love yen." bier i-o liai-eu to hlm rWhile Le neada "Do net profane the werds," chue sys, aloud a ltter fi-cm i-be vife etfonuet quickly. Then she pauses, as i-bough afrald iCo continue, sud pruseni-ly says, bis tenants who Las gene te town on11 lu a broken voice, "Arn 1-the oniy ive- law business and wbo bas wriiten i-o man Le has-leved?" hi-m ouni-be mati-en. Something in i-be auppnussed passion Sncbà scunes only hlp i-o make more et ber toe tells Lord Sartrisi-bai- she wide i-be breach betaue i-hum. Pur- tee la lu possession etfi-bu secret i-bat Laps, bad Gergie luarned te love baer forn moni-ba bas ernbii-iered bis lite. This husband hfore ber mariage, ail migbt discoveny te bei-rible i-e bit. have been well; but the vague feeling "Who bas been cruel ueugb te make ot regard chu had euiertaiuud fer ien yen wise on i-at aubjectiebuasys, !ina- (i-bei-, dnning i-be early days oet iheur pulsively, sud therefor e u-visuly. svudded lite, lied been slowly ripening Georgie i-ns upon him uyes bi-ýil- li-e bhonesi- love, net baving had time liant xvth despain sud grief. "Sc,,"- i-o perfect i-self) ai- i-etii-si- check Lad chu says vuhemenily-"ii- is i-ha world'e given in, and fallen-hn-t i-o deaih- ialk. Yeu no ueis'; t la, induud, cern- beueatb i-bu terrible sitank i- had sus- mon pnoeri-y, i-is disgi-acei-nl sîory. " tained. Sornetbing wl-bm bler chekes bier wors:ý Shu figb-s ;and bai-iles wl-b berself chu can say ne more. Passsionov- ai- tirnes, aud, withi- passionate esi-nesi-- cernes bier, sud want et hop, sud ,it ness, iries te, livu, down the guawhtlg tee dmep fer expression. The geni-le emptines et beari- i-at le withening a-cis i-bat nature supplies are dead ber yonng lite. Al uigbt long, corne- witbin lber, bier eyas, bot ant i uriuýiig, tirnus chu lies awake, waiting -wuanily conceal ne water whenawi-h i-e cool i-bu - fer i-bu dawu, sud lenging pnayerftilly tever i-bat consumes i-hum. for anme change i-n ber pi-sant si-cg- " Yen are a siranger te me," chu as-ys nation. pneseutly. "Yet to yen 1 bava laid bai-e And, uven if chu eau curnenen sluep rny thougbta. Yen thiuk, perbapa,, I i-o bier aid, amail is i-be benetit ehe de- arn onuei-o panade my griefs, bnut te rives from t. Bad druarne, sud sad as net se; I wonld bave yen-" laid, bai-as sud perpiex lber, uni-il chu '"l believeue," haiei-eri-upts ber la ihanktnl wbeu bier lids unclose sud hastýtiy. lie eau bardly do oi-burwisu, chu fuels ai- luasi- chu is fi-eueofthi-e she is iooking s li-ile, se ,fragile, ',xiib berers, tbat i-bneaienud lhen a me- ber quivuning lips. sud lber chili-sh, ment ceese. pleadsug eyea, sud plaintive voice. "Thon hast been called, Osleepl i-be "Take courage," Le saye 1set-y, "yenu f riend et wou; si-e youg;geeci days may be in store But, 'Lis the happy i-bat have called i-bue for yen; but witb me it i-a diffenuni-. I soi" Iarn On i-be verge efthi-e grave,r-ami go- ing dowu int i- ai-h ne onu tosoothýe or comfort my ducliuing years. Dra svas my oee ihougbi-; you eaunyiver CHAPTER XIX.kuow bew I plauned, sud lived, sud CHAPER XIX.dreamed for hlm aloeu; sud se how hali "The wavec et a mighi-y Sorrow bas esanded mu! For yeui-b ihre is Have wbelmed i-be peani etfruy lite; a fu"uru, sud ini-bat i-ought alonehu;e And i-bre comei-h te mu ne merroîv hope; fer age i-bei-e is uothing buithi-e Shah selace i-is desolsie sirite. flyiug preseut, sud evun i-bai- ferme * i e * - bas lesti, ts sweei-nuse. I bava sîakied "Gene are the lasi- taint- flashes, my ail, sud-lest, suruly. oft ive two, 1 Setin lti-e sun et many yuars, should buci-bu most miserabie." And ever a fuis poor aches "Is i-bat your blief?" asys 'ne. 1 sit le darkness sud tuars. Branscombe, monrntuily. «'Forgive m Guiaid Massey. if I say 1 think yena wreng, Yen haýve bnut a li-ilu timu i-e endura yenr gilt., AIl nighi- i-e nain had fallun ueeua- I have my lite, sud pe-rbapa"-pa-hut- ingly; noix' i-e sun chines foi-ih agaten, ically-"ii- all 1bu a long eue. To as thengh fongetting i-lai- excessi-vu knew I mnuai- live under bis roof, and moisi-une bas inundai-ed i-be quiet unu- fuel myself indebi-ed i-e hlm fer every- complaining eani-h. The "wiudy nigL-" i-ing I May wani-,ior msey yeýars, le basneut produced a "riay mori-ew, 1 seybitet.oi e ' i-bucori a,andi-beîeld cenli s-u-t Sartis i cnt ttebehear-; i-bat t fordrik aain su isleoiugpale sud sbenld have gene se fan that she should lanuid bucause it cornes net. shrnk trorn accuPti-ig anyti-ing aet Ber- "Moisi-, bnigîsi, sud green, i-bu land- ian's banda gai-s hlm, sorely. And ispelughsaraiud: sybat a geni-le, tende,, bey bie used i-o Fl xeleWoscapubc, sud bois'incapable cet q, dishoneat Evenythiesg is richur ft ei-li elcorne i-ought on action! Aý l1astsi- erne- dros Cat ellles niht."Th vey tig-g hold bc doue ton bis îîite,-this eai-baetfeu l&strnighi-. wThe vry -girl îsho bas growu iired sud caddunud racri-b, -bu theamy airis al ii h tiansd oui- et ail huart aince lier luck- ranc rie;" -butloers it - ni thsi- mariage, leie eka ai- ber again beads and f ling ihein paýrfume broadcasi- Ienly, sud tells himslt abu lasîvweet Upon the flying wsind enougb te keep auy man ai- ber, sidu, "And i-bat sarne dew' , i ie someiime se daîuty abu shows in ber simple lînen wii-hin buds gown, wl-h ts seft-Qnakunish trillinge \Vas w-eti-e swell, like round aud at i-beihi-est sud wnisi-s. A snddun Oren- parstonffghi- ci-lasi- strik4ea hlm.- wl-b au old man, ial sud lean, îvbo i n tbe etn tisei"mdm-1 i-h standing by a pool, planted by nature bis unclu. sn a iiece oetgrnisite. - I . - -9 - e "You ,ýnbure?" bie say's te ber, after hae basakowleîlged Lord iSarturiss pies- une y the celdest, sud hau.htiust of sasutations. Sess,"Yus," in a Iow tenu, with- ontu raising bier eyes. nIwsfot aware that yen aud Lord Sartoriîs wure on sncb niae em. _-Wu met by chance last Ive-nday for- nhe f irst timu," returns she, sti-i with- Out troubiing bersuif to i-ni er eyes lu bis direction, "Yen wil ait dewn?" says Sartoris nervously pnshiug a chair towar-d hi. Dorian is looking se pale aud haggard., se unlike blmsuif, that the old man's huart dies wjthin hlm. What "evil days" bas bue net fallen on! "No, thank yen; I prufer standing. I must, howevur, remind you ef yourî promise net te dtain me longer thani yen can belp." "Nor shall 1. I have sent for you to- day te lut yen kne',vof my dtermina- tîeu te settie upen your wife thbe surn of twenty tbeusand ponnds, te he usud for bier own exclusive bpefit, te, be bers absolutely te do xitb as may seem best te ber."' "May I ask what bas put this quixotie, idea inte your head?" asks Dorian, in a curions tene. Geergie, wbe, up to this, bas been se sstounded at the disciosure of the uarl's scbeme as te be unable te collect bier ideas, new feels a sudden ligbt break lu upon bier. She rises te. ber feet, and comes a littie ferward, and, for the first tinte since bis entrance, turns te contrent bier husband. "Let me tell yen," she says, silenoing Lord Sarteris by a qnick motien of the band, "On Monday I told your uncle how-bow I hated being indebted te yen fer everything 1 rnay require. And bue bas tbougbt et this plats, eut et bis great kindness," turning eyes dark witb tears upon Lord Sartoris,-"te i-en- der me more independent. I tbankS yen," -,ie asys, geîng np to Satonisl and slipping bier icy cold littie banda jute bis, "but it is far-far tee mnch." "S youn bave beenu sgaling Lord Sar- tonis (an utter strauger te you) witb a history ef al -i- privai-e griefs and weesl" says Denian, slewly, utter con- tempi in bis toue snd an eminons ligbt iu bis eyes. "Yen wreng ber. Dorian," says bis uncle, gently. "Lt is net as yen repre- sent it. It was hy the menet chance j I discovered yonr sife would fuel bap- pier if more bier ewn mistress."1 "lAud by wbat rigbt, may I inquire, de yen seek te corne betweeu my wife and me ?" says Doian, wbite wl-b ang- un, standing, taîl and streng, witb bis anms folded and bis eyes f ixed up- on bis tmcle. "Is it net my part te sup- port and kecp lber? Wbose dnty is it, if net mine? I wisb te know why yen, i of ail men, have daned te interfere," I bave net corne between yen; I seek ne sncb ungracieus part," replies Sartoris, witb quiet dignity. I arn enly do'ng new what I should bave done tl on bier marriage moruing had - Lad things been different." "It seerns te me that I arn breugbt up bere ns a criminal befere my jndge and accuser," says Branscombe, very bitterly. "Let me at leasi- have the small satisfaction ef knowing et what it la I arn accused, -4wberein lies my crime. Speais," be says, tnrning sud- denly te bis wife, She is awed more than she cares te contus by bis mannen. whicb la dif fur- ent f nom anytbing she bas ever seen in hi-rn hefore. The kind-bearted, easy- geing Derian la gone, leavînga steru, pessionate, disappoîni-ed man lu bis place. "«Have I ill-used yen?" Lie gees on, veienently. "Have I apoken barsb words te yeno, or i-bwari-ed yen lu any9 way? Ever since the firsi- Leur that saw yen rny wife have I refnsed te grant yonr lightesi- wisb? Speak, aud letui- nshear the trui-b ot thi rnatter. [ amn a bad busband, yen say ,-se le- fanions i-bat it la impossible for'yen te1 receive even the cemmen necessaries of life at rny bands! Heow bave I failed in my dnty tea-ard yen?" _In none of the ontward observances," shu, says, faintly, "And yet yen have brokun my beant!" Thure is a panse. And thun Bei-ian laugbs aleud,--a terrible, sneering, emi- bttterýe'l laugb, that strikes cold on the huarts of the huai-crs. "Youn huarti" lbu says, witberiugly. "Why, suppesing for conrtesy's sake yeu did pessess snob an inconvenieni- sudunufashionable appendage, it wenld bc stili absurd te accuse me et baving broken it, as it bas neyer been fer five minutes ine my possession," 'I'aking eut bis w atch, lbu examines hluisurýely. Then with an utter -change of marnue,addressing Lord Sar- tonis, bie says, with celd and stndied plitenua- "If yen have qui-e doue with me, I shaîl bc glad, as I bave ano1ýher ap- pointment at three." I b ave quitu doue," says bis nuele, wistfully, leeking earnestly at i-be handsomie face bera hlm that shows ne sige eof feeling wbatsever. I tbank yen much fer haviug se far oblig- ed mu," "Pray do net mention it. Geed-mern- ig,"I *"Geod-morning," says Sartoris, wear- ily. And Branscombe, bewing'caruless- ly, leaves the reom witbont anothen word. When bu bas gene, Geoigie, pale and trmuntnrns te Sarteris and laye bier banu uon bis arm. "Iliebai-es me. Hie wlll net even look ai- mue," she says, passienatuly. "W hat %vs it bu said, i-bat I had ne huart? Ah! what xveld I net give te je able to prove bis words tru?" She bursts li-etueai-s, and sobs long snd bitterly. Lt la nice te have yeur advertiseenents qnoted as "brlght saylugs," but it ha muneb btter te haxe- ihem drasv custom- ers xith meney te speud. A rot-on cause abides no handling.- Shakspeare. Vt~iIdrefl Cry fo~ ~tchers ~astoria, Suit ou q-exactLy, ir 1 picked him Up fi-cm « k a man who knew notbîng i ~ , about a ei-se. The neîgh- <~5 ~ - bers said heca-as "bard- *//,~f~ '~'3~ 'te keep." I knewa-uie - - 'J. ~ ~ >$~/1-4 ~ the trouble was. 1-ES hair stood on end bike tefeatbers on a POIa-id- 4'b en. Hisb ide wns s 1' tight that tbe clap of ycur -~ baud on hlm sounded lik e I ~~the beat of adrum. le- a-as so tbiu you cot'ld se hlm only a-heu bce sas « "broadside on." 'ies Sir! l3rcught hilhomne un der n hiauket -as ashamed to bc sVen M wiîbhlmr-gave hlmn Dick's Blood Purifier aud nea- after six weelks just sce bue. E es Sir--lest six weeks-Tou cau't beat tlick's, it simply pots an auima-1 ightv, EIts worîb dollars where it costs cents. Yen eau get it from druggists or lit gell'eral E Estores but if tbuy don't have it don't Jet them palmoffsomethiug else on yen becanar E yon can scud 5o cents to Dick & Ce., P. 0, Box 482, Montreal and they wilsendE Eyou a trial package-post pald. We have on hand the largest stock of Furniture to be s-,en in any wareroorns in the country, and as it has al been bought for sput cash and 50 mucli on the dollar, we are in a position to seli cheaper than the cheapest. The large quantities that we have sent out testifles to- Dur prices. Ask our customers if they have been satisfled. We keep cheap Furniture for those who require it anvwe also have sorne lines that cannot- be seen in anv other- w arerooms. We quote a few figures: Parlor Suites Bcd Room Suites Lounges Side Boards $25.00 10.00 5.00 8.00 Diiiingc Room Suites $lS.00- Centre Tables 3.00 Mattrasses 3.00 Secretaries 4.75 WTe keep everything- in the furniture hune necessary to f urnish a home. Do not buy until you sec our goods, as it is a pleasure to show thern. 1UNDiL 'tTAKJXG is a special branch of our business- and alwa-vs conidncted under our personal supervision. MD. WILLIAMS & SON. Prower's iBlock, Bowmanville. Turnsa Bad Blood Rich IRed Blood. àMn Sprinq Time got Purs Blood by using B.B.BU No ether remedy pessesses such perfect cleansing, hesling sud purifying preperties as Burdock Blood Bitters. Il net only cleanses internally, but it heals, when applied externally, sali seres, ulcers, abscesses, sci-ofulens soi-es, bletches, eruptions, etc., leaving i-he- skie dlean snd pure as a babe's. Taken inter- naliy ut removes ail morbid effete or waste mfalter from the cystem, sud thoroughly regulates ail the organs of the body, necîerieg the stomsch, liver, bowels aiud bleod te heali-hy aciton. In this wsy i-be sick become well, i-he weak si-i-eg, sud those a-ho have i-la- iired, wern out feeling receive new viger, aud buoyant health sud spirite, se that i-bey feel like work. If youn appetite is paon, yeur energy gene, yout' ambition lest, B.BB.# -ill restai-e yen te the full enjeymnent of happy vigereus life. IIE IIAD iER. Mre. Newwie-You pnomiaed i-bat whun a-e a-une married yen îvouid grant my lghtest wiian sd nea- yen refuse me a-$50 bonnet. Mn. Nea-îvue-Remembun, niy deax, 1 sýaid sigliteat. S EVELE KIDNEY TROUBLE COM PLlELY fCURRLI. T-o BEi-iles of S:)ath Ananican Kidney Cure DOrt ut. The ides i-bat disease o et -bLidneya cannet bu curud ila amstk. True, many se-callud kîIdney cures do not cura, but in i-bat gi-est discevery, Southl Americen Kidney Cnre, i-bei-e is feuud an unfailiug numedy. This le whai- Mn. David.liogg,. et Sunnyrnead, N.W.T., says: "I was grestly sttlicted xitb sevene kidney irouble, euffering i-be.many annoyances and pain i-Lai- fol- le- i-is disease. Thuru ivas Lsrdly any numedy i-bat I did net use, ie bepus et securng relief, but t ivas net uni-il I bougbt a bei-ile et South Amienican Kidnuy Cure i-bat relief came. The eue boei-l immediai-ely nelievud imu, sud i-îs' bei-iles pi-odnced a complete cure," PRESUMPTIVE. Thosu photographe muai- flatter lier. Why. Sbe's erderud anether dozen frmiL came negative. SEXUAL decline may Le eirested beferec çca-- Strength suay Le eesiorcd; pour. O iuspovenlshed by yeîth's recklsinc-c xney be rrinvigorated b>' oui- h-n t ment neyer hha tscii-zu, 'i ie La h X' b u e v.'ý h ave a-eak,shruuken, nndeve'orui- dibeasedeorgans.'The e-vis ismeo thro-nhii-ance ii bLoybocd ui1 -re otcny rnianhood levs wast,. i-o vigorous vitality'yeunmigLi-be srrs lu business, fervent lu spirit. Ouic-nuie mnethods are nnfailing. Write foreurht} 64PERFECT MANHOOD," Sent ,- BUFFALO. N.Y, A MVarvelleus Staient by a Protu - ment asuadusu- A Rixeneatto Ru medy Which isO urng i-he Vorld. Mn. e. W. Sherman, propriator etfi-bu WE MAKE,ý,. . Sherman lieuse, Morricburg, Ont., is known by tousalds of CanadinsSew er and Sherman a-lll ha ruadwa-hbgi-est lu- iv r i e turesi- sud pluasure: "I1 Lave bee u v r l cured of rhenmaism oetoi-n yuams' .-4.1PSies freu in t0te24 le. Ilse standing lin-bruu days. One bei-ile eof ~înrîes South Amreican Rhenrnatic Cure pur-WIT PICS fonmed i-hie muai- rumankable cure. I had snftared freen ihie diseasu, as I1 y I "fhTfl rdrinn'"v fer i-en yusns, sud I did pot evei- TpHEi ONTARJIO g LKL PIPE -J i- bu eutirely cnred. The uffucta t of. 5~ i-bu tirai-desuetfSoui-hiAmunican libon 60ý ADELAIOE 6T. E._ ruatic Cure a-ene truly w ouduriul. 1 ýrc T rZCv v fMce 'O RONTO. have only takun eue bei-ile efthile ru- i____________________ rnady, and nea- havent auy igu et rhenrnatisr i-n my syctum. ut dud me She-"Did yen sei-ha Latin quarter more gond i-bau ali-bu doci-oing 1 uven sx'ilu, in Parla?" 1-e-"No; but 1 gel. did in my lite." 1 - so-venal lcad francs passnd on i-e."i