hi '\~ ~'~1 'di A L. SAVED or The XoiIG lrleai e1-cliii ici Se C t t it, t lla d -ir . nît1i Ieîsu i '-is iriï Ie OOwmallvÎilO oll i AND) Mý,ACHINE WORKS. Al l iais et casetngs ma-unacturci. An iknds ûo -macinery nepaireil. Engine repa-ring and Miil worl a- opecia-ty. Agric uilunai ma-huîîery a-nilid e inents of al l iais repaired and soud. Saga-r Ketiesina-de aaid kupi (o lianinlathrce cics. iliglesi price pail fon aid iroulii ai- Change for castinge, e r points. Peints for ail ma-Les et ploavs keptinl stock'. Cîîltivaiot feet repiata ani steelci, S-teve Ca'iiugs ma-de te orlon. E. J. Saunders & Bros, Portr'sidtuadEa-st Eni. 13-4w. Boavmanville. Head Office-. In New York City Iu 1882... ,8 00,5 17 lu 1887 ..... 5,502,820 In 1894.... 14,880,333 Local Agents wanted in all unrepre sented districts. Address R.1). STANLEPY9 Inspector of Aeîs Rooms 6 a-ad 7,Quebec B.aak B uilding Geocrai Agent fer Durhbam. SpectaclesI Spectacles 1Ile No more comiplete stock been More,,,1an d Toronto than is kept by T. Ný. Rickard, Jeirelier a-nd picaBowma-uville. No superior Optician in Callada thani T. N. Iliekard. Solid Gold Spectacles a specialiy. Goods ail new, no old stock te t run ofî' and n r itnred or latest styles in spectacle, fa- others are askiîîg for old styles an stock and calling ihem "Bargains." Do flot miîn your eyesight by wearincý jusýt auytiing fia-t la called ens and i hiyoies iL they would learna f play flic banjo, se tLhat tiey couli cane- PRETTY WýELL WORN OUT. i na-de lien at aight, inompany wtl fie coaciman, wio was lcanmg flic cornet. Wea-iness a ili eeie al Witlial, Mre. Wellmau \\a-a enjoig ma-a go lamýe.t hife mmeuety, ut i dieurbei YiiJcd tuhe ma-i(en, Uncle Rufus ? as coul te tliink -that fie chiclens, hers«esIoibr id&iil aeiaia a-ad doge abonLiÈthflicplace avere nef fan- ldMa-n came imptng il. -Geltt iug as well as sic. Tiey ouglit1to hava goutt a-li c comatns eornoe, fieço le de- No,4sa-. i. 'e go] de bih for t cihel;c sic- poydaforce et car- whitewashin' wmat I dit for yen 1 t peanteneSa-il ha-i stables put yeah." Childrn Crtf liU jandl a row oe, s-ritary hencoaps ini tle, --coaservaËtry, as apera tien ftanrn- tertaiatng 'ha livp ste-ýk in style. Fier 30l -CG1~G W2CS2 0 Aj ideas expanded wiirOCrnerae- GFyrLEIIN D FAT4c-LY. ing she contided ta th, coaacrnaii îh' i ,hlie didn't hoera eintheb.prev-ailing tacli- LZire i of n et angbîig fnttviire. A grt ce- ii oCtt riii heittn t~t'U~ u fu a-au on ,as w bhat suited lier, she tiiil -n~ a a iTipt, sa~,a s-ii Wth the aid. of two ather mee. i~"tiattek a-v.g , SI E tz îhi cd for the purposo, lhe Irans ort cd ~t cîeit St a-uai Ou ~ tet~iui ail tb' downn 5i1s turaitur" ta the up- S' t w'k' 'gaPriaintA. A. iNe hall iiitbh lie,-i ofthIe big sicirway. ltaeï~ a ba axten Cntri n-il lDy w-ay et atiainin; ber graui a acc- - don, Mrs. Wellmnau ciii lte ulky arti- ceaSstar~ S aia lag ripibrough l eSs dowa i'le clairs'andd ropped the ih Satic-, îLag~ cf nd fan ia-h ones ûauýr tlebba iers. Tbere- -uit vw7as a brilllaï su i"particular- l'ywllib:. oenthtg a ai ~a- ceg-rds ciitretr asfit- -oaac c I pl-ï Kea, t thecar ai tonu hall looked lite f a ailw aywrc ~bî 'rxnt~clae, r. a] Sre.Rob nlafull blaira whea Sie iraban lbad friandet uaav kwas jusi 'i n he ,o ailworked out icaa' taning taoc-thes" ebler owu satisfat"ion and' as cuytiuîgîe, r ~sne ie about ta enter upon xork atlber sccbme e,ý,limanpramptly ccpe h x tre moving the se-oud floor ani substi- a 1îg ianaýing garien that thlicRob- 1-tien.iu'o-i returneil. Ilumors et somethiug "Anl yn ae e td prt'1tY free rnyha-ilreacheil ibeca. Eîey went inh ia"said SI's. Robinn , _,slse direcefote h- hanse, v aotbywr baie1h"vl'-mîcr"s etth mnsin rgreiteil by SiJre. Wellman, who was su-k go ý ed-b. it eouiwtr tao nthe nin, npeinteuding the unloaainofatwe dozan goodby."If ou ant o eterLinfiltets jusi arriveS froin New York. by ail means do sa. Everythinig bore te "Coe r igb. la," dia ccrihospita-bly. J'vcbail a gterions urne, l'ai sure ai youn ilupasal. You are te acf juitf yau'il like the~ arrangements. Ihere are as if the bouse were your owu."j a few bille for carpenter werk and sncb Tbis le exactly whai is Welhman. thiage, but yen won't mind those ubea dii, wiili tic result ibat flic Robinson, You sec w-lai I've doue." nonc isaowproablyeneet he osi They diii't. Ail thonghts of bills hous isnowproablyoneof he ostor anythina- aise were forgetItr> when extraorilinary dweillhng places in the tiay behehi the wreck of their parlar, coutry Vry shorily afier thdear-thear min lhe front hall, the renîrins tur ettheowers Sie. e lo f irgininnthelicdnîng roran sd ýuïeo, he fWnes, rs.Výelman iheir fiery-noseil ancestor leoking ouf began ïte de-velop ideas etlber own bit b- nier a vistia et imprevi talsan) ai ente lte,-nt. bci tunneil ber at- tary ebieken coope. Whaî they said lias tention te lie parler, whieli was car- net tranepiral, but Sire. Wellman de- peîed witli a very bandeemie carpet et clareil iniignantly tht' che wouli floral design. Tbis failed to coincide go hr'me wliere she wa-s appreciat- witb lier idea-o etfi fitaes et thinge. ed. The Robiasons are now lu a Sha went dowîî iown fer twe carpiet boariing bouse xaiiug for tbeir homei men. To fhem she proceadeil te ex- te bie maie inhabitable. Mrs. \Veli- pounn i er theories. man is in the insane asylura. "Flowers Nwere neyer meani te a bc___ trodilan on. They should net lbe put in a carpet. Betng there, wa bave fwo A., DOUBL R ES n-eedies. Eiher :, e ca-n eut ftheunt E~U fl ocr ut and give tbem a chance te - grow, or fa-be the carpai up and t ix it Tiro Younig Ladies Brouglit Back to wliere it wen'i ha, tredilen on under îrd Srcrgth. foot. Go te work." But the carpef mca didn'f like the job, a-nilthey sail se. Oite Wiîs Tîtret(eild Sh ot(pte IN GREAT WRATH Fltivi igau :stttach oramai i W RETWR'fT#eolic eî' iwas jStaua Avne Staige Mrs. Wetlmau dlismîssed ihcm anilsent of Anat-nila-Or5î. iitan'tii 't f or ibrea carpeatars, who, unadirlier Resiorc Helstît fter Ott.er 31edicîaas supervision, taok up the flower-sireu n carpet anil nailed il finmly toe lc ci- îug. rom the Truro, N.S., NcWs, "Wee"sa,'d Mrs. Wellman, trium- Among the resiients et Trura ibere -pbantiy, "I ion'i ihink anyhaiy xiii are none buffer kuownv or more highlyj ireailon it unlees flic buman f ly ceescteamieil flan Mr. and Sire. Jas,. mm- arouni ibis wa-y." cri lMr. 'Turner is an elier int fha In the big Rlobinsoun lbra-ry bang Preby tartan cnnrcn, a-nil a man wiose the Robinsoit anceters ionscinielis, a word la- as goeoi as bis bond. lu lits hlai doznof ethiei. Te these Mrs. tamily recule two young ladies, Miss WVellmian nexi turneS bier attention. Christie, tin adoptai danglitan, andiL Reterm a na- ceseary, and she was Mfiss Jessie Hall, a sîsten et Mna. Turn- juet flic woman te brng il about. Sha er; lloib young ladibes are kuewiate cent for a trame maker andl an umpacu- have lia-il rying illnesc"es, sud were nions painfer et signe, sud solt te work aaid te bave beau restoeil f e eaif h tp brng thora ancesiers npete flic mark. by a popular mediine, th" nameneoft "New tbere's fthe great-greaf-grnai- whicli is a household word froua flic Af-t ft-ibr," seil shete flic tramer, "F rom lentie to the' Pacifie. Judgieg f lai alt 1 bear et lira liewae a pirafical their story woulil h ofetpopular inter- old scalawag. Ile oughfte b ave been est, a reporter calied upon thora and c behinil the bars. Maîybe hoe wae for ail a-a-bai for snicb information as thieyc I kuow. Any wa-y, we'il put hlm thons migbt choose te mals public. Bathc new. 1 wa-at a trong iron gratiug younig ladiesý were averse te publiciiy,v ma-de to covrntflicwbolc front etfflic but wlian if wýas pointecd oui thaft theirf pi-mmre." expeniencae ight be huiptul w Es'.,er Ifw as donc as encerai. othar sutterer gave a- statement for "A ni ol Aniraw liobînson," sic publicat ion. Miss Christ ie, whose ca-ca contiua, turning te f be painler. ia per-ha-ps fthe muet rem ankableý, is 'Jusf lk ha- thaft 1,-i ii an antiet givan precedencîe. She sii: "I arm bas maie ef him. I1avant »that r.ecýe now 19 yaa-ra et age ani bave neyer paindtai ih retnd you've got ta ben very sfnong. O)n fie 26th ot July yerlox." lasf I avas atta-eei wif h pneu- SîLe'ae ut Xirsw avas isceraicil monta,, brought on hy a a-vare cod. wia- piobcc, sthat tainly f brewav a1Iwaa-conafinai d te bei for almos-,ti glexte ever f hao resi et the portraits. aight neeks, when I1ives a-hie ta get np Aiieflier'a-noce ,sor uppealeil te the ceuser oee"more. During thora neels 1h a E a-s posseesing potentialities et beauly if union frea-imeaf by oun physictan, ani b"e avare '-ha-van, so bis beautitul 'Van stili centmaued ialtng bis mnedicitue.1i Dyke bea-ni disappearai tnuilr a bloh et did ne t appear te recexer my strcngfh paint. Still auccier didn',i appeal te boeven, a-nil on the l4tl et Nov. 3as ber at ail, a-uS a- faw lîreailspiashes et a blac nea~atS hm teau bsen' again torcîtifto a-ke' te ay bei, ibis blak rleate hî t anObsurtyty uneenuftening tram great wea-knesa-nil deuen hanaatquty Isat. et uenervous prostration. Thle idon ci et the lot ecaeS frac. 1Rare if 'wa5 cine aoav reeil te de me ne goiland a-n eyahreav, therýa a ock ef bain, ibaf nw r-nal1cre bc-es. tha-ilotenhonehagel, bloed preeateoeletow tbat it seemeil handiy possible that leti otcnt 1uyloli ie o- coulil liva long. The docten caithai leetion tI wae in consumpiion a-nil thal medicine TEA-STORE CHIROMOS w as et ne more use te me. At ibis f ime an at-lIe -,na-s puhiisheil in the paper wlien Mne. \Vc,ë,llraa got ihnougb with coucerning thie cure et a-yonng lady ta thern. Toroute by the usc et Dr. W _illiams' Wl lb' ibhis wa-e gotug on nohoiy eut- Pink Pille, a-nilMn. Turner a-f once sida knîv anyihing about if. but sceeu rliglif corn, Aft"n ha-ilucei'i bout afIer thae n-a a public scauia-l. It six boxeýs I began te get gràdiîally bat-È afrinm ns. Wellman's eclieme ton fer, my streng ibh1 egan te ratura, my, momnnag batbtug_ . At lber 4encens tflic --improva ',i, ni t bau ini c- gnastcliamertav , fîfed e t wt a a sîc" a-tee ig . i ave ,noasi baniging bath tub 'wung evar Le bcded ftiea- buoixcet lflinI ille a-ad ýu wii-ob coni h;,tilleil a-ailovenfurneil bave no ebstaLn iitayitg tht f be by a- meclipuicaidevice operafei fromt bava affýctdai -wn"tîcr nm witbeut, lia id-a- beiag te gîve the cas". '-leeper Ëfi" moraing a-blutions betoeo In tfliccase et Miss Fi-hi!ifl inI-' rsn.Whbýn bwac alil tixeil sic tilleil jPille have aise a-compltehei mavels. ihe tub anS iaxi'il ai atcieni aiaiden jSaw- tali vt i~nssvr lady et h1gh reptle for geilinees, clean- baacas a-ntack ii;'zg spahis, foloeilr lituse. ani gencral excellence et charac- edcsanfiýi"- ,1s olwd ter te spend tie nigit ticre. Ai bei- la-fer hy savaliug cetthic feet a-nil linibs, lime the an'curt maiden lady was tegien uttwiothensymp tomns et au- canducîcte ta at ebamben. Ai 7 acacia-. Atter lha-ving bý een treatail by ocleel on flic tollowing monng flic a- phiysiciaia fer soea bie without ne-- ani' ieni, maiden lady, looltng like Aph- ticeafle npreveimeît she decici te radite aew isea from tfha seau2 usheil guve Dr. \Villia-nîs' Pink Pis a tria-i. f o-île trom tic Robinson ma-nsion, po-Atter using a tcw boxes efthetc pille claimiiag ta a louil veice that Mme. We'I- there ivas a iccideil improvementinl man bail aitemp ted te mnier lier. bier couilîfion, andl wifb the cotauci lia-i harely oseapeit bcîug a police case. use et th-- madiiua full strngîli, Nor -va-s the damage te the visiter a-t anl cfvty mtuei, nl ai.VH aeesyth einre isla-l l saew feeling as neil as er- 'haI na-mim ai basltheliail sgeri teorf' i n lir lt. B fl n -i prov.ile or te drIae tf1 atv-fr1ie 1rnrneeprsaudntg!h DANGER.. IN %ýFUNERA"LS. Bujla-i in the avintar a-n aa prolitia sourd" t -if dis'ase. To ride severat maiesLia- old carniage ,dnning mc- ment aveather; te stand, penhape banc- ieaded, beside un open grave nier the influence et deprecsiag emotiens, is car- tainly net conincive te bea-Iti. Ihisj a loviîg sentiment w hieli bais as te t oiiowv flicmental remaine et a dcailj frindilte ils tact rccting place.-But in- va-lils andlielicate people chenulfa-ke a more pracîlcal vtaa ofi the subjeet, es- p',Cally wlian their etvn bea-li nay ha in serions danger. <CU#YE FOR FATIGUE. Tb" bief cure fuor fa-figue, sa-ys Prof. Slipse, ce a bot bath fa-len a-s bot as il ca-n haeborna. If Oaanernûes ia tircil, dîsmobe qnickiy,jump, intoa ot bath fer a vemy feas minutes, rub doua, a-nil gel itic' for tnanty minutes. By ibis simp ea" neuuill hx-se restaS that a waoiilà cvening's dissipation wiii ca-ne- ly ho, nofîcai. hanaany ca-ses et dys- p-p--ia great relief is touail by a very boi battu quickiy talon. CIDER. AS A REMEDY. ta-o ren" phyiins, Drs. Camrion a Sn Ca ucatata ucertain fornie o iyp'sinera flic precess et di- g etioni is tee burrici, fiai aide-r is a * lalle remedy, For flic gonty if is p"ciaiiy recommandai as a corrective o*the unie a-cild uiatiasis. Gontise bli rsoslefor se lange a attacer et a-il- -'uta-nuîataays that eider shouli ha o0a hnlifa-von. MILLIONS,0F BILILLIANT SUNS. Within tic taveuty-foun bonne avhieli 'laps" troaoee eunisa ,unt il anethar, es ilian 20,000,000 sa s v t e ange of thair pots enfi icsoeic e-daiy point oun l irecto:1ion foands carfi." Th)s brigbt, shilling, silverY dîsîs anecnacf infinitésimal points et ligif. a-s tbcy wene tormenly supposai te be. but ca-ch is uosv îewa t e ha a bwrning central sua, surnouici with it Oîvu coiony ef pia-nets, oaci et thee 20,000,000 'commuaîties oethfe skias" baving their ailotteil part te perferm1in tic economy et nature. When ave con-.. eider tha t the nea-rest oet fheso is 250, 0100 limas as fa-r a-tvay from. ns as our cava lighf aud lite giver, a-ni that ec- et thosa planetamy colonies ta from. 10,- W00,000 te 50,000,00o mles trem soeaouh- an ta-miiy eofan inging worilds, mc hagin te get some liglit conception et iM. grandeur a-tdimagnificence oethflacuni- verse. Anoiber tiengit'in this-coineç.,, tien :Eachi et these 20.000000 -alis ' Inoava to bo movtng someavhene fîrouga illimitable spacc, fa-lig ifs breooi et aFonhld wth t ii, cerneeofthem traveýling uIpwands et 200,000 miles aau -r. JIf le sccistupendous tacts as fiese fia-t have ca-useil tieavniter te et tan remank that no lrinaca-n conceive et wha-t le mnca-nt hy 'space," *"niverse" on "star- nlty."' bit ougue ofila footle ie ey et bfihs conewhih in a,- wise man n îsdem ha-fi Ln epii.-orte Sillppôrs, Rubbers, Trunks, Valises, &o., Ai our uoe DAE lloCK,m BowgIneaville BIGGEST ST'ORE, B1IGG-EST VARIETY, B1GGEST VALUE. Evér3'Lody inviteil to caf igiîd see our new footwear ID -ID A TI8 THE SHOE MAN Furniturre and m m SU1- ur n ish in gs. Our Une comprises cvevbg found in a first elass furniture ware- rooni, andi belieî ing it onlyIng justie f0 our business and that oui' custorners may heeft y i ,we have added more varieties teour already large liues, and our 1price(s cannof be beat. We buy as low as the lowest -4- are sa,,sfied -with srnall profits, anti you will be convinced of the sane when yen have ci our goods and examined our prices. Parloi Stiltes-,Sideboards, lied liocînSites-, Hall Racks, Extension Table Centre Tables, Lounges, Mattresses,' Secretaries, Chairs of every description Wintlow Shades, Curtain Poles, Mirror Glass, Picture and iRoom Mouldings with many other lines you will find li great variety and at ail prices at our store. Give us a eaul when wanting anything in our line and see how weil ire eaun suit you. UNDERTiAKINGIà Special attention given to thisdpatet BO 'V M ANVIL LE.' La Bounsa-l]'s Block CHANGED RIS COUR SE. REVIVAL IN SHIPBU-ILDING, Hoax-I undersiand. yen ran awayto The Clyde trade shows a wonierful sea- when yen were a boy? expansion. Orders fer 40,000 ions et Joax-No!I1 star ted ont te put my new shipping were placei there ia April. faiher caught me, sud I wrent on a Steel vessels are espec4ally la demanil. wbaling expediti1 on with hlm. The' greatesi ef the Japanese shipping _______________cempanies, the Nippon Ynsen Kaisha, intends te stan 'a une ef steamers te ADVERTISING IN LONDON. Europe. fithas ordered six vessels ihat rare te he h ujît ai Belfast andl on the It je estimateil thai £4,000,000 is spyent Clyde. The contra-ais cal for their ia %idvertÉisements andl tint something completien hy tibe endl et the year. like 1,500,000,000 copies et uewspapers are seudinlaLondon every Jear. hi i aexîhudrfnlga witb e-y.-&;te a certain size andl ma.ke, The father cf Spohr, the great vieln a- t jue t mah igbt is aeecsary andl ne ici, was a coutjiry docior with small more. Wbaieeverte hyond bringe practice. drae nlconfusion.-Sbhaftesbuxy. Plasiers, accorInga tetx-books onha tîgoupi( so- m diiine, ar~e so~limpounds intended inig exlierienice whleni ou for extertaal app aicin, adhesive at the use te-mPe-rature of the body, and ot such 1cOfsistancY as te, render the aid of heat f Most plasiers have as their lxmss a .7~~ -- COMPOLIJuciet olive-ail an ead, whil ' -ýhrs loie thedr consisten'- ul il jK iveness ta restas or a mixture ot thleseI op nfA.N W~ wit I wax and fats. fl0ad .,O_ç1W_\q1 Pla sers art, mainly einployed on sound(INl DE. ~oliu WOrry 'j scouitrirrtarts ta drawin flaulation to îh- surface, or open cuts, [-bat e~r e uCi etc., te (ýaxv the edges of the wound te- (1 I help it Trv a -bar of E p se oap and a paec- Rareiy, if e'ver, are Piaster ada .-- prsetn~nueeaeasrface"s, silice age o' 1-avona Washing0 Lh,2Y have hein found te interfere with Fxdr che cessg t heuaing . N& O., an facurr Alit mdicatea plasters which are t exert a local effeet ehould be made par- ons, to prevent excessive irr th y G - A L 1M n fcu es skia._____________ __ Aithougl aitout seventeen lande et ---- plasier are ljeted ia medicine, only aiM ilhese are usually kept prepared by thei druggjst.p t Probably the kind \vhich is mosi etten résorted te is the belladoniaa plast-! 'lr In many cases etf tttscular Pain and weakness, especially in that [he itidersig-ned desire te îlîaiik the farmers of W1est I)turharn forni ot rheumatism or neuralgia which for the liberal'Datronaige extended tr> neý duting the ps season, attacks the lions, a plaster made of e- as ormn h ntatw r tl ntemre n ladonna, eiher vwith or wjthoit the ad-ir as oriidte htw r tl ntemre n diin o cayenne pepper, je ot decide lI prepared to pay th e Plasters ot -uni ammoniac were St1 one tineme 1uch in se as3 a r.pmedy for HG K R swollen! gadsadenlargail joints. The action et the drug is sligily stimulat-FO I ing. Capsicum, or cayenne pepper, plasters are ot great value as counter-irritants, ALL fKISO0F C[7] Q RA1ÇI;&S E ED) as the action of the drug is proleaged,' and yet sutficiently milil to eneure only deiiîvered at our storehouse cor. Y;inoe and George streetss., or at Port, a heaiihy result. eha noo hada sck Of the othtr plasiers in common use, Darlincton. W aens nhn large sok we may mention thosa made et opiumI and tar. For blistering, soap plasier, ast it is called il, vi be found sata.E fW A ND FR E S H Tesurgeen's plaster, used te draw of Canadian and Liverpool Coarsa Salti in Bao's. , 110, Salt for le 'tle togeiher thle edgec eofivounl, is made ,71atri upwte a rpeiies ba slightly antis.. and, horses, and Fresh Groutd Grey Patri arl epic wuh leaieshih a hiclh we are prepared to sali It is neediess tea ad( that a correct recognition et the nature et the trou ble ~- n A must ha arriveil at hefore' the properi !,..i1 3 .dJ..E .i. form et, plaster can be applicil. KEEPYOURMOU SHU. J Al inds of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEA.N SCREENED OÂL, s-a ways in si ock. Dr. Footsof t says that ibis is the W fe invite inspection and guarantee satisfaction. cret et avoiding colds. The man or woman who comaerout. et an over-lieaied!TT room, especially tate at nighi, aad C CM ~EIL j cAIN n& JO breailas through the mouth, -wiil either catch a bail cold or irritate the lunge r sutficiently te causa anaoyaace andl un-'w1 ,E rl pleasaniness. If people wonid jusi keep theîr mouths shut and brcathe through.7 their aiises, this ditficulîy and danger %vould ba avoided. Chilis are otten the î be esdon ce ji q a fii twice iii uail recuit ef people ialking freesy whille eut W I peaeQ aniyQuIt et deors just afier ieaving a room ful ot bot air, and theatre-goars who dis- and three thfle§ iii >riCe Who inspeet the cnes and liaugh oer the play on thair way home are inviting ili nase. Ihisl, in iitqtlelasrm n tact, dnring youth that the greater aeu Ied:sot nt t numbý,r ot mankinil coniract hakiits or J inflammation xrhich make iheir whole lite a tissue et disorders.- 1~