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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jun 1896, p. 8

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s A Stongand HiappyAslrlo Paine's Celery Compound Positively and Permanently Cures. lIEN AND WOMAN I IADE STRONG FOR THE HOT WEATHER. If the Doctors Have Faiied to Give You Health, Paine's Celery Compound WHi Meet Your Case-Your Blood WilI Be Thoroughly Cleansed- Your Nervous System WiII Be Strengthened-You WilI Feel BLACKSTOCK. Mr. C. J. Thorutosi, Patroni candidate,i, eld four meetings in Cartwrighc last IVek. The one here was a very good one... Snccessful S.S. Anniversary services were hield lu the Method- jet church May 24 and 25. Sunday a. me. Mr. J. L. Hughes addressed the gatbering on the train- i f children. In the evening he delivered a Soda ddress to the Sons o lEaand.Mna R .1ev. Mr. ftorke of, Euniskillen gave an exeeedingly instructive lecture on the Holy Lands. Proceeds reportetf air....Mr. W.Mont- gomery, Solina, speut a few days in our village last week .... Three excursions ui) the back Iake.s are se f ar booketi for Juîie ... Presbyterian S.S. outiug wlll Ilkely be held this month.. . Mr.Wjl. son Nesbitt met %vlth a serions accident last week-the resuit of a runaway. He was pain- fnlly but not dangerously wounded. Tbe borses were uninjnred. . -Misses Williamson andParks wcrc borne from UTxbidge for the 24th. Miss Essie Watson, of Toronto, wvas renewing acquaintauces Lu onr village réently .... Mr. Green is not expeted te live many days ; Mrs. Ksrrigan is stll very il11... .No damage was done in our viinity by the great storm of the 2th..Mr. James Bailey bas relurned te town ... Mrs. 1ev. Drew anti family are visiting lier sister in Cobecouk while Mr. Dewis ai Confer- sen... .The new Schlouse la beiug pusheti ralidly forward ..Steps are being taken te resurreet the Loyal, Crusaders. ne meeting lîavsng been belti since our sclîool bouse wss burnt. MR. CHAS, SMITII, Dawn Milis, Ont., says :'"For several years I was troubled with pains in rny limbs, whichi contin- ued getting worse until I thougit_ I NEWCASTLE. Mr. J,,se pbi Barfett bas returneti from Toron- te. ... Miss Almeda Ceuch bas been visitinýg frientis near Newtonville ..Mr. Thos. Rice is at Whitby attending tise weddinf of bis sister., .Miss Ettie Law visited friends il Newtenvi1le S;nnday.ý.. .Messars. Walter Douglas Stanley Uglow Miss Amy and Mr. Herbert Allin were werp guesis lit Mr. W. C. Ashtou's Suuday.. Pedestrians give a wide berth wheu Mr. Nec- masl Pickard appears on tisat Hyslop. ...Miss Ethel Copelanti and Mr. Harry Tuer sang "Depth cof Mercy"1'iu thse Methedist churcb Sun- day night witb munch acceptaue.... Mrs McCoy bas recovered from lber recent Ilîness.. .mar. C. Ceembe aud mr, C. W. Barrett wlll preacl ins the methedisi ebureli next Sunday.... .ar. Gco. Warren bas purclisseti a iiew trombone .... r Ahf. Cewan, Oshiawa, spent Sunlday lu town... m. Thos. me0clung Fave a very cempreblensive reprt f tbe inancial standing of the atethedisi -curioSounday evening Asa Wilmnot is recovering frote bis recent streke. 9n1nJZ i4ASOuN Go. The Things -Y ou Want At this season of the year are here in endless variety; -you should knrîw too that prices are very niuch in your favor and will give you a chance to save money. We are showîn~,. some very special values in the following: 3:- Ail orders promptly filled in -a satisf actory mIanner, ad atreaofal riePr1ee16tf Igt maiauIt*9 BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 3, 180-. ENFIELD. lOnt auiversary is Suîs;day sud Monday Jue 14su ul.Grn Concet Meuday ight after thec tea. Particolars next week. H-ood's Pis are pureiy vegetable, perfectly harnless, always reliable and beneficial. HAMPTON.. Mrs. E. Itagitbi, Woedsteck, is visitîng ber mother ..ev. E. E. HEward isatatendiug Con- fers-ncecai Trenton .... Our yeuug people intcud takiug i tbe excursion te Bobesygeon, on thse 13t1î... Mesrs. . N. Ruse and F. T. A lin ai- tentied District Divisioni at Enflelti Fiday... Prospects of a Liserai i ictecy are increasing. Pure, rich blood is the true cure for nervousneSS, and Hood's Sarsaparîlla is thse One True Blood Purifier and nerve tonie. COUI Mr. S. J. Courtice, V ont%, is spending bob.ý, Brookls bas madie a coi anti bogs te Montres!i l nlow in fulli riniflitm nlew manager, laafs Mr. C. W Lent liai iýr aitti Mss. W. Salt-i i Wyboriu lait xi ccl Sunday sud NMoud .J Courie, M. A., B. 1 te ireach ou Sund; ed tes meeting MYu arrange tobe thîe. Mr. C.,a 1]( cçMiler's Coms cured mne of nj' ness." soni bas eî W. H.Mcr tise 11mesialu -ville, b iîî Mcc. W atteudodi b wriglit, ti i Mss. S. Dom in, is r x EHelly a, , boti meint Carter's f i the bleod, MAPLE GROVE. M. R. ID. Snowden isad a very succesaful bee, Saturday, isauliug stoues-98 erds were drawu.. -.The meney sharks wiso were in our neighbbr- booti a short time age, worked thir seheme on an elderly farmer nr Cornwall swindliug hlm eut cf.91000... .Mrs. Wnî. Foley is visitiug relat- ives ln Camray anti Peterboro ..A number frein bere atiendeti District Division at Enflelti Friday... Visiiers : Mr. sud Mcs. Samuel Bar- ker, Toronte; Mr. Fred Brimacombe Toronto; Miss Mary Alun, Newcastle ; Miss llie Seucb, tewn ... . Ameug tise mauy orber very previens ci cnts. that have ciaracterized ibis ycac cf grace, 1896, was tise nunsual occurrence that bappenetl ai Mr. Ricbi. Snowden's Monday mernissg, luno isi wben tbey isat new potatoes fer breakfast. Wlsere are Mr. Sam. A Inluasd Corp. Hobbs? Iu tbe seup this year ? ..Mrs. Dr. BriLoacosuhe, Miss Brimacembe sud Miss* Eva Cryderman, town, were guests, cf Mss. R. Snowden on Moday. Smart Weed and Balladonria, com- bined with the other ingredients used in the best orous plasters,make Carter's S. W. & B. Backache Plasters the best in thse market. Price 25 cents. ENNISKJLLEN. Visiten ra:M. sud Mca. E. N. Goult, i. Bswn- FITICE. ville, ai Mr. G. L. Stevens'; Mc. anti Mca, Robin-1 sou, Cartwright, at Mr. F. Rogers'; Msr. C. Joues1 of Oshsawa at Mrs. H. Sylvetr's......Rev. E A. 'bî toia niversity, Toc- W. Dove, Pickering, accompaiti 1ev. S. G. Sy nt homne..--. Mr. S. S. Rocks te Coufereuce. No services attise Meth- a le cf 8shipmcîita Of cattle ediai cisurcis sext Sunday. ...It la reportedthtia iey ...Tise D.U.C.F. is a youug man lu the employ cf Mcr. C. W. Soucis i , Mc. VanCamp, tise bas decampedt aking ail ise meu y bc eculti . .lev. Dr. Marvln sud f di lutisebouse. fie leavesa numberto meure se) -oîstereuce.c . M. ...The gracions anti uucis ucedeti raie de- r '0, ircncasOf Mc. scendeti entîfîlly upon the parched cartis 1.beuezac auniveniiry, -while Rex - C. 0. Jolînston delivered is lecture 14 sud15 Rev. A. C. on "Influeuces." Tise lecture la overflowisig liter of teG-ardian, lîîîgeodti iouglisaant islagrssdly uplifi- o,îcam and old fashies.i-iu g in ils tcacbing. Whcu teiîveceti wih tise as usual. Evessybedy vimn anti loqucueteof Mr. Joistson il furnished a rare treat te tisose pris ilegcd te attend. The u.'poisitiin, sayS- choir rendeccil twe choies selectiosailugot Iron Pus havestyle, Mr. Joisten aise fax oreti us witis twe ex- IronPill h ellenut solos, Miss Laura Rauton accomîsuieti ness and waý)kefUl- by Miss Maris Roger§ outise orgais gave a verv îrstty violin solo. Tke pastor, presided tuiis uscal acuti style .... . CharlesSwart's bouse was struek by bigbtiig turing tise iocte of 0 E Mouday ci eniug <amage liglit. Do0 NOT BELIEVE rT-DO flot believe i.a itrof Mca. Wii- that Nerviline will cure neuraigia ai- e prsilge -.1ev. most instantlv. If youc teeth ache il heue cpuîptin'i console yourself -wýith the reflection that e(-r1filau, Bowusau ar canIt last forever. Don't use H sîlay .....Mr. and atMc.S. Pollard Ne1riifle ; it might stop tihe pain. sJobun Bret, C-ici- Rheumnatismn is often difficuit to cure. S. Biuo1l0D -i ay....- Keep ou rubbuîg the old, fashioned -h Plt i.. .Mcc.j. iniments as a matter of respect tb yoar i >iriîl eetly. -rastdPther'8 aunt. Nervilime is a new I --Sfaeeswho Iciscosery tlisa in irseif oughtto coni- w -J ei Il 1eceixe demn it. Therefore cling to thse old ; h- igor by using spffes- pain ;îsxoid thse use of Ner-iline. -,ihai-e ]tuade for that rnost powerf ui, penietrating-, and compleieuon. certain pain remedy lu tihe world. -c-retLaincLcoLng gooLt-woril- ---n LLîîot-l Uo5 witbout sayiug a well deserved word for the ex- cellent behiavieur of the se holars, wiii waa as near1l' perfect as we have ever seen on sacb occasion. It may be rcmarked aise ibat tîsece were about 40 infants in arms lu the audience sud by actual ceuni 33 were carried ont, for oe cause and anotiser, durilig tbe reLîdition of the grogratelver-yoeLeof tbem wass"a blessed lutile dar liTng et"' tue "the prettiest aud best baby in the wor?Éd." Tiiere tas certaînly a premiing prospect in numnbers ai least fer Eldad Sabbaih Sebool. The tea was sncb as the gooci ladies of the section always previde aud tbe walters were prompt and attentive in sers ing ibe same. Proeeeds os er $70. CLARKE NEWS. (Condensed from theNe2ts.) LESitAin.-Mrs. Walker aud fsily bave goee te Devil's Lake N. D-..Mr. Retiburu. hiaeksiitb cf Mengolia, sud Mr. James Lawson public Scîsool teacher, cf Whitcbnrch Town- shiip, visitedlîcre reesîtly-..Mc. Jerry Cuis. canon, Petecboi-o,celebri*aet tise Qtuecus birili- day with bis fsnily bei n. Kssniy.-Ilr. and Mrs. Gee. Gain i Welcomc, vislted frientis bere receutly - - -.Mr. John Birch, cf "sex, svisitlug friends bers .... Chasîman Bres. les'ta cy fiue maie recently, by blood- Weisone.- aster Bect Powers, sou cf Mr. Melvý'in Poýwcs,, lias been vecy i11.... Rev. D. M. lillinga was visiing frienda lu Mîllbrook, te- cenily. AscTIOCs.-Mr. Albsert Semerville, Oakweod, la boee... .Mrs. Thos. Vickers is visitsng ber sister, Mrs. John Chester,, Toronit. .....Miss Young, Peterboro, is visiting ber sister, Mca. S. B. Dobson. .....Mr. Thes, Litie and dangbters, Misses May anti Annie, bave been visiting lu tihe eity. ... -Mc. anti Mrs. John Hall, Newcastle, visited ihec father, Mr. R. McLeod-..M. John S- ]Robertson and bride, were marriet ai tise cesideuice cf the bride's fstlîerjas. Stark Esq., on Wediiesday of st week. the ra -Sod-as -andthe- Pine Apple Wafers ? We, have some very fine, fresh M4aple Syrup, just arrived. Cash paid for Produce. Telephone No. 57. ALLANmmmUNE, Royal Mail Steamshlps. Liverpool, eal- ing at Movllle. Montres! Quebee. "Laurentian . My 30..,. May 30, 3 pte Mongoian.. ..... un June6, 3p m Sardinian....... .... June 13. June 14, 9 a se Numdia........ June 20 .June 20, 3pm Parisian ue7........ ln 7 June 28,9 a me Passengera eau embark at Montreal the pre. viens eveniug after 7. .The Laurentian carrnes ±rst cabin passengers only from ibis ide. SS. Nebraska, New York te Glasgow, May 29, California June 12. RATES OF PASSAGE. First cabin Derry and Liverpool, $5 and p wards returu $100 andi npwards. Second cabin Liverpool, Derry, f30, reins n $63. Steerage at lowesi rates. Onozo.-Mcs. J L.Rowe visitet inlths city Suis M. A. JAMES, day wsek .... Mrs.W. W.Trnil visiteti friendalu Allan Line Agent. Bowmanville. Toconto. reeutly... Misa Lillis WillissWhiiby, was guesi cf Misa Mauti Miller. ..-. Mrs. J. B Moat, Toronto, vîsiteti ber faiber, -Mr. N. F.Hall nth -uroae or R 1ev. J. H. Sisoulis preacisedin tise Chisitian eburceisou Suutiay. , ..Mr. aud Mca. Tises. Smeiths0 Tl -anti daugiser Neya, Bownauville,visitsd finsO R bers lasi week .... Missesa Lulu Senîcais, Neilie Biggs anti Ettie Moiti, of Mytle visiteti ai Mc. lnth Iutnin rrtmnin nIf,.h, Mugis Siipseus rcestly .... Mr. à'olin Mepier- UiIi UIIiOU IIURNi 01IIU UIIU IJUund UIIII. ssWoodville, visitet ils sister iscre. Iass week ... Mr. C. E.Cutile sud daugisier, Edutis, of Toc- ente, visitet i s faiber, Mc. John Cutle.... Mca. In th e matter of the Guardianshi» f ýuh eh lshsolse sd twoe îiltiren, cf Toronsto, ' L-R vitcti ler sister, Mca. D. T. Allin.....11ev. W the ifant chitdren of Mary IJlz Down Nswtonvllle, precestilu tise Methodisi abethuilbert, late of the township of cisncch Sunday mornisg-...M.auti Mca. Foster, Darlinto inttCuyof u- Port Hope, visituti Mca. Kirklanti, Suutiay ... tü,i-te -yofD r Mc. W. W. Truil spenitishe 24tis in Ltiîdsay .. ham, deceased.- Messs. Joalîca McCocssack, Harcy asîd Thoemas Applcaine si ematie to the Surre",ate Arnolti, anti Mc. Toma, Toronto, apeni Quesa's C of thse Unitedi Counnues cf Nortbumberi'and bictitay s . ieTwssisc lcSi- ad Durbain befere tise Jutige in Chsambesata bath 0cioo animal convention ln Noecastls on tise Court Houslu tise town cf Cobourcg afier Frlday lune 27tb ... Mr. T. A. Beus 'Il Lake- tise expiration cf tweîîty tisys from tise dii fiel anti Mc. S. Fersythe, cf MeGNlI ollegeè, publicationu issiof On behaif cf James Glbert, Mnracegue&ta5 ofMrJsLito',ccn f the sali tcwzj8lil cf Darlingion, hu.xbauti cf ly.. - -Mescai, R. Momenti sud Wm. McCormaci. tise ald dsceasd for au order appointin. tise arc dlgtromus Orono circuit te tise Bay cf satd James Glîbeci guardian cf Maggic Albserta Qucte Coel'rencg. . . Mr8. Gray snd 1111e Glieri, Chiarles Miotvard Glbert anti Frank daýugiîier of flaiieberoansd Messrs. W'll1ltams LeslieGilîbert, infanti chîltircu cf tbe saiti Mary- Aud Gccsr, Bowesaiville, wcre guesia cf Mr. A. Elizabeth Glbert, deceaset. tsen charge cf Dr. W. A. Grava extensive,189G aget zmi~ii thbe Falls.,..Mr. J. W. Odell,MaAD 9. ,aicala, Muter, sud Mc. L. NomSan, Cote- JAMES GILBER4T, suerccllMater, Cobourg Collegiate laistitsste, 13Y D. M. imp tu oile elnof Bewmaîsville5 -siated5t> er-1csu h iesoleicitor. 21-3v, Are you at Sea? Don't know what to buy for Kitchen utensils ? Don't know where to get them ? showi to be you see the following prices: 1 pt. Granite Sauce Pan 13e1 il ci Il l 15e 2 ' 18C 4 i l l l25e 5 "30e 6 1' 35e 1 " Pud. Dishesl3c 2 15e 3 Lt18e 4 I t20C 5 IL I L 25e Paris Green, Blue Stone an Fence Wire. at the GraniteVaWre we are ring. That will l'ikely provo ethe thing you want when 9 and 10 pt. Pie Plates 10o Large Basting Spoons 10e, Wash Basins 200 4 qrt. Granite P. Ketties 38e 3 Pt. 4 "I 6 e4 Tea Pot id Hellebore and ail kin( Duilstan & H-oa] The Shoe . *.That CrIpples je ethe shoe 1125f 1ure. BEadae Syoui'heaci urieveniy and tightly ~ you. do your fel and soon You -wouid'nt kno>w f12» dl'fenee be- J~~ tween tb ha hfiat defo rme ad 4he silqe tisaI ris. Beire le fD pam raney- shaeo4on týise nst rmder : -tilfhZeds. in A Trl WCan CT maciefrOM tije beet pluaWt4 nlf-atiia- 1,Mek oaii-by tise fajnocus GoodyeO'r*-eft PuOcess iw~ht easee-many Widkl4s-ampe$i ou12 fp- sôle 43-Q, 4,00,$&0 Pmr Pet. The"iater Shoe(fr Men. Sole agent for Bowmanville, JOHN 1Il: 1 . 1

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