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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jun 1896, p. 4

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I spring1 Sign t this1 Wall Paper Cheaper than ever Season- No excuse for shabby look- ing roorns now. You can have silver or gold papers, at old kitchen paper prices. A niee silver decorated paper for 6cts. A gold for lOcts. An extra large stock to select from. If you can't corne yourself, send for sarn- pies, stating kind of rooms. Crokinole again in stock. P. Trebilcock, The Arcade, Town Hall Block. BOWMANVII4LE, JUNE 10, 1896. MWR. BELTIS MEETINGS. Public meetings in the interest of Mr. Robt. Beith*s candidature will be heid as follows: NElWTONVILLE .--Wednesday, June 10, at Temperance Hall, at 8 p. m. address- ed by Mr. E. J. Davis, M. P. P., North York, and Mr. D. B. Simipson, Bow- manville. LESitAD.-Thursdav, dune il, at Tomperance Hall, at 8 p. m., addressed by Mr. W. N. Ilowell, Toronto, and D. B. Simpson. MT. CARSW ELL. ---Tliursday, dune il, at Son'sHlll,at 8 p.nî. addressed by Mr. Jos Tait,ex-M.P.P.Toronto,and Messrs. Fred L. Fowke, and Geo. MeLaughlin, Oshawa. HAMPToN'.-Friday,June 12, at 8 p. m. lu Town iali, addressed hy Hon, S. H. Blake, Q. C., Toronto, and Dr. J. W. McLaughlin. Bowmanville. Every elector invited. FRIEER TRÂDE. A typographical error occured in the Liboral Platform as published by us last weo,' .Thie orig-inàl states that the tariff "sihouid be se arranged as to pro- mote freer (flot froe) trade with the whole worid, "etc. TULlE 18 RIPE. Electors of West Durhiam are you not tired of the manner in which the public affairs of thîs Dominion have been ad- ministered by the men uow in power at Ottawa ? Do you not think it fair that the Liberals should ho given a chaRce tû make things better, and brighter, and more prosperous ? If yes, then vote for Beith ,helpito sweli the majority for Laurier and Mowat. Tried for 18 years and found want- ing. Surely during this period the Tory government have had ample op- portunities for proving their fitness te oovern, and what lias been the resut ? Ihrough their mischievous poiicy ef iegislating for the classes as against the masses, and of setting creed against creed, and race against race, the whole Dominion, fromn the Atlantic te the Pa- cifie, is lu danger of being rent asnnd- er by internai dissensions, and ail for wht? Simpiy that the present incoin- petent, blundering, and corrupt govern- ment, led by that seif-appointod, aute- cratic Premier, Sir Charles Tupper, may retain the reins of gevernment. Vote for Robt. Beith and help te turn the rascals out. ThY A LIBERÂL N. P. The avowed objeet of the National Peiicv-was to stimulate our manufact- ing- industries. Under its influence Bowvmanville was te grow to ho aireat manfactnring centre, Tali chimnies were te rise in every direction; ex erv one was te have empleyment and the exodus te the UJnited States was te be stopped. Have these promises been fui- filed? We ask our mechanics, onr mercliants, our manufacturers this question, and wehlold ourselves ready te publish their replies. Is it net a faët that manufacturing industries instead oficraio- have declined under the National Picy ? Are net our yonng men forced te go abroad te seek fer werk, which thev are unabie te obtain at home? Vote *fer Beith and a Liherai policy. BRINQ BJACK PROSPIE1ITY. When Liherals get inte power, and the Manitoba Sehool question is settled by peaceful arrangement and net by corcion, there is everv reason te helieve that, under a Liheral government hion- estly administering our affairs, Canada would have an oppertunity te recuper- ate. A ceuntry 'wvith rich, fertile fields, with vast forest wealth, witli splendid fisheries and valuable minerai deposits, ought net te siuk deeper, year by year, in the sieugli of deht, lier sturdy sens leaving her, ler resources censumed by extravagant andunifaithful public men, and lier fame injured by tlie disclosiires of dishonestv and corruption which have 50 comimon. Lnder a -wise and patrietic administration these ex ils would cease te exist, and a new impet- us wenld hoc -iven te the progress and prosperity et our country. Voe for Boit and hasteu the happy day. IPOLITICAL UNIOIN. The spirit efunuion lias over taken the Toron te Globe. Heur what it says: XVe helieve the great body of Patrons heart- ily approve of the alliance witli the Liberals,- and tliat the great bodly ef Liberals lieartiiy reciprecate the feeling. By ahl means lot there ho an alliance. Bv ail means let arraneonts bc made 1 rTiHE doctor may be a good old mnan, but even so, nedical ex- amnations and the "local -application"I treatmnent are abhor- rent to every inodest ~ twoman. They are -ýembarrassing-often 0-e uelesa. They should not be *submitted to untilecv erything else lias been tried.* In fine cases ()ut of ten, tliere is j'.. no reason for tliem. In nine cases out of -ten, the doctor iu I general practice isn't I coinpetent to treat I female diseases. They make abranch of medicine by theniselves. Thle y are distinct from other aliments. rhey ean be prop- ely understood and dq treated only by oee who bas had years of actual practice and experience in this particular line. 'This is true of Dr. R. V. Pierce, chef con- snlting physician of tlie Invalid's Hotel and Surgical Institute, at Buffalo, N. Y. Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription, for ail derangenients of the reproductive or- gaus of womeu, bas been ini actual use for inore than thirty y'I was originaglly -odwthi n-asolute guarantee that it would cureaeverycase, or that the rnoney paid for it wouid be refunded. Its success has been se universal that this guarautee is no longer uecessary. The "Favorite Pre- scription"I relies now upoil the thousands of testimonials froni grateful and happy women, in ail parts of the land, wbose lives have been made worth living by its use. "Favorite Prescription" is seld by druggists. Complete information regarding it, and testimonials from bundreds wbo have used it, are embodied in Dr. Pierces Conimon Seuse Medical Adviser, a standard miedical work of looS Page,,;,profuselY illustrated, whicli will be sent free ou receipt cf 31 one-cent stamps te cover cost of custonis and mailing onlv. This worli is a complote fauily doctor bookc and shonld ho road by b"th ycong and old. WORLD'S DISPEN- r .RY MEbDîC&L AssociATIoN. BUffalo, N.Y. Wanted any quantity of merchan- abie wool, for which the highest One Lionest JMan. WINE FOR CHANGE. The tme lias ceme when a change lu the adminstration of public affairs is necessarY fer the welfare of this coun- try, and that change munst bc brQuglit about by and tlireugh the great Lier ai. artv, under the leadership of Mr. Wilfrid 'Laurier. T ho prînciples upen which our party xviii adminster public affairs, give Canada honest and econe- mic government, and do justice te al -sectons o ed inion_and to-all- classes ef the peeple, are cloarly set forth in tlie prograin adopted at the Ot- tawa convention iu dune 1893, as pnb- lished in THE STATESMAN last week. Witli that pregram m-e are lu full ac- cord, helieving tliat Canada xviii become great anîd prospeon e n lir pubic aff airs are administered upon the linos of policy therein indîcated, and which, if effectivelv earried eut, -will strenthen the tios whiehi unite us te the mother countrv. Vote for Robert Beith and hasted the giad day. Take notice that, in the nlxtter of the eleetion cf a reprosentativo for the Electoral District cf The West riding ef the Couîîty cf Durham, Mr. Robert Bethone cf the candidates,has appoint- cd Thomnas Bing bain, cf the Town cof Bowman- ville, Insurance agenît, as bis financial agent in pursuaceocf Sectior.118 cf the Dominion Elections Datod tibis ninth day cf June, 1896. FRIANK Il. MASON 24-2w. Retcrning ôfficer. BOWMANYILLE BICYCLE - AND- General R EPAIR SHOP. W. FISHLEIGH, Practicai Nachinist, Tool 3Maker, Lock and Gunsmnith, Special Machinery for bandling Bicycle Re- paîrîng in ail its branches, and al Fine Machin- ery. CYCLISTS-Have yocr wh-eels put in triai by a thoroughly practical maehinist. Bicycles, Lawn mowers, Sewliog machines, Clocks, Typewriters, Rifles, Ctlery, Locks, Electrie Belîs, Dental andi Sorgical Instruments Safe Locks, Iron, Steel and Brass work of ail kinds. MARKET BUILDINGS, I3owmanville. Buy Yollr Wall Paper untîl yen see the haudsomae designs JoiN~ C. WEEKs eau show yen. Or- dors may ho lot t at R. Worth's hard, -Ware store. I have somne of the prottiost designs te ho seen any- wyhere and prices are awvay down. Painting, Kalsomining, Whitewash- ing, etc., as usual. À caîl solicited. finIgM 0. 1'V..q West End Hlouse, BOWMIAN VILLE. TUESDAY, JUNE i DEAR EDITOn :-Please inform your readers, that if written te confidentally I xiii mail in a sealed letter, particulars 0' a gonuine, lionest homo clure, by ýwhichI wçis permunently restored te lieaith and nianly vigor, ufter years ef sufferîng from nervous debility, sexual weukness, nlight losses unîd weak shrunken parts. I wus robhed and swindled by tlie quacks until I nearly lest faith in mankind, but tliank heaven T un no we, vîeros ad strong, and -wisli te muke tliis certain means et cure known te ail suflerers. I have nothing te soul, and want ne money, but being a fin hbeliever lu tlie universal brotlierhood of man, 1 am desirous ef lielping the unfortunate te regain their health and liappiness, I promise yen perfect seerecy and as I do net wisi te expose myseif eitlier, please address simply : P. O. Box 388, London, Ont. Not Much UiseY In enlarging on our anulouncement of Bargains to our ond friends who have saved many a dolla-r on former L Bargain Days with us and will nDo b b with us ýý'ain on the l8th. perchaîîce sorneone Who has flot favored us would like to have a few particulars, conseqnently here we are and re- member this is flot all-justsome. Corne early and avoid the crush of the afternoon. Dry %Goods. Dress Goeds, ail wo ol Crepon in creui, it. bine-, pink, reg. 45e, Tlinrsday 35e y& Dress Geods, Brown Lustre, 42 incli gods, werti 20e, Thursday 25c yd. Black,- Fizured Lustre, regulur price 50c, Thursday 36c per yard. Sllk Strip Crinkie Cioth, lutest things eut, regular 20e, Thnrsday 15e yd. Fanc «y Crinkie Cloth, fast celer, spocial, 5c yd. 3 FinýeZ Zepivr nghams, fast colors, regulur 12e yd. Thursday 9e. 32 min Crym's hest Engiisli Prints, regular 121,i Thursday lic per yd. 32 inch Canadian Piints, fast celors, worth 121,c, Thuî'sday &j per yd. Lama Cleth, something new fer Blouses, werth iSu, Tlursdîay 10e per yd.- Blouse Sîlks, pure Jupari Silk, special 25e yer yd.. White Victoria Lawn re-ular lOc, fer 71,c per yard. Haudkerchiefs, with borçi7rs, le oaci. Handkerehiefs, white luwu, 7 for 25c, worth 5e eaeh, Hundkerchiets, fine liomestitched pure linon, worth 25ceoaci,. for 16e. Colored Spot Swiss Muslil, regular price 20c, for 121,e yer-yd. Best Cotton Shirting, fast colors, regular 121w, fer lic per yd. 'Ieavy Regattu Shirting, regular 10c. for 8c per yd. Shirtin - Gingliani, special 5e yer yard. Apron ningrum, eue yd. wide, 2 pieces durk patterns, rogular l0e for 8ýc, yd., Fiannelette, very wide, special 8e per yd. Flannelette, two pieces euh', regulur price 7c, for 521e yd. Faetory Cotton, a geed heavy cotten, special 4e per yd. for Thnrsduy. Art Muslil, threo pattorns, rogular prîce 9c, Thnrsduày 6c yd. Art Mnslin, special 4c yd. Towelling, pure linon, regular 7c, Thnrsday 5e per yd. Hose, ladies cotton seamless fast bluck.,, 3 pair for 25e. 1M. per cent. discount off ail Lace Curtains, whieh means Curtuins1 regular prive, 81.50, Tliursday for $1.31. Ladies' Spring, Capes at less than wholesaie prices. Table Linen 56 inch wide, regulur price 30e, Thnrsduy 24e yd. Table Linon, 58 inhl wide, regular price 35e, Thnrsday 28e per yd, Meu's Neek Tics, a lot et sumple ties, none worth less than 25e your choice on '1hursduy 2 fer 25e. Men's ' icycle and Golf Caps, regulur 25e and 30e, Thursduy 20e oaeh. Men's Peuh Caps, navy bine,' re gular 35c, Thnrsday 20e oaci.. Men's Heavy Kuit Cotton Socles 4 pair fer 25c. Men's iRegatta Shirts with cellars attuclied or with two collars separate, regmlar prico $1.00, Thnrsday 75e oaci. .Boots and Sus Ladies' Dono- Oxford, Turned Soles, Put faeed and Tip'd, 30 pair oniy-worth $1.40, T hursdaV $1.10 per pair. Ladies' Dong'. Oxford, Tip'd jnst a few pair ieft, special. 90e. " Tan Oxford, Tip'd, round or pointed toe, spcil,90c. s~ I 8j1896.HO

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