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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jun 1896, p. 7

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e. î Bestores natural color ta the hair, and aiea prev7ents îý it falling out. XVrs. H. W. Prenwick, of D figby, X. B., àays. ; "Alittie more ý;thýan tWo. years ago -- myhiair and fali ............... 0 oit. Af- ter the use of e: oae bottie of Ayer*s Ha'n Vigor rny hair w as restored to its original color and ceased falling out. An occasionaI application bas since kçept the, hair in good condition." -Mrs. IL F. 1E ICDigby, IN. S. "J have uscd Ayer's Hair Vigor far hro v~r~,and it has restored arwhich was fast becoming gray, hack to its naturai color."-j. W 1IASELIIOrF, Paterson, N. J. PnEPED DY Oý R. J. VC. AYE.9 & Ce., L91WELL, MASS., U.S. A. A-4,erls PIS ce Sicî ReaaZaci4e 7HE RE LI ANCE Loali and Sayillgs Companly, O f Ontario.' I'CORPORAT7O UNDER CliAP-IER 169, R. Sý M, 1887. BOWMANVILLE LOCAL EOARD. DIPECTOR.5: M.AJAMES, ESq., ............. PRFSTDENT, Edt and Proprictor CAN ADIAX STAT EAN. J.i.H. JURY, E.nq.....VCPRSDT R, D. DAVIDSON ESqý,.......... SECIETARY (Prin ipat PubliecSehool.) Mit ss,î,.MACD0UGALL & JONES. SOiLIITORS GAU,LEsq...........* B3oARnInMeetS for the Ponsideration of Loans WOEWIRE FENCINQ marnufactiid and Sold by T,4! ONTARIO WIRE FENCING CO.. Lro. Picton. Ontarlo.1 The McMullen Fenicings anid Poultry Nettîngs, Arc the very best ever made or sold iuýCanada. You want ouiy the bcst for your money. Don't wrastc it on poor imitations and cheap substitutes but ask for and buy the McMullen Goods. They are unequalled for Farut, Lawn or Poultry Fceings. No snowqrifts with MeMuilen feue- EýeFor sale by Ha rdw are ar d G'eneral Mrhns Generai sales agents for Ontario & WVestern Provinces, THE B. GuEu- iNG WmERF Co., Hamnilton, Ont. ; for Quebec & Eastern Provinces, JAMES Co-opEu,,Montreal. 18tf Spectacles!1 Spectacles !. Spec tacles!!! No moore, compflete stock betwe,n nDioýern pair MfSetce at, a price, T.NRICARDI Watchmaker, Jeweier & 0puetan, We sli 'a $55>00 Sewing macîiîîe: for $25.00.1 1OrTT1Tfl tl mTÎ1 CITTfst inieil the Redeemers merits, 1 Change anddecay on ail around I see, 1YIU~U U.E mmi iWILi~ hGpe that I shall be fotmd at Ris feet. Oh, Thou,,;wha changest flot, abiewjl 1 ilîl thank you for a word at your me! TRIIIVIHAN PiON VERTHEleisure. My deor is bolted ai the time The, s'uth wind of mild Providene A TRUMPHNT PEON VER HE Tamrn wrting this, for 1 arn funlOf maires us throw off the cloak of Chris- BLASTING EAST WIND. tears." . tian character and we catch cold, but What was the matter with the dean the sharp eass wiud of trouble maires A(ieri~¶as TecRl' ~ît Elîn Gîi 0of Carlisle? HaS lie got ta be a worse us w rap around us the w varmi promises. A(Iegit aa TnelerSekt rin, wltoman? No. The physician said tht the The best thing that ever happeus ta us Tench t1àr Les-,S O, f raitis, liîîpe andu state of bis pulse w;%ould flot war- is trouble. '[bat is a hard thing, per- cuttseiie inast as au1 idu- rant bis liv ing a minute. Oh, if the haps ta say, Lut 1 rapiat it, for GoS cadte. east wiuid affects the spleen and. af- armnaun's it again and again, the besi Washington, June 13-fn hiis dig- fects the lungs and affects the liver, ihing that bappens ta us is trouble. couse o-dy fer.Dr.Talage . t will affect your inimortal soul. AP- Oh, my friends, have you evîr coure z ay ev. r. alm.-epoint- pealiog ta GoS for help, brace yoilr- calculated wihat trouble did far id ont the consolations w hich the rn- esf against these ailhering blasts and Davidfit made hlm tha sacred miin-. ligiou cfChrist extends ta ail who are de stroying influences, itrai for ail agis. Wbat did trouble But notice lin my text that the-LorddofrJspM e i tkeei spcially ta such as are conri h as id Lord o rJsp lJd u tekee in trouble andspenrl teîl -id Th fte corueries of Egypt. W Vht diS in deep misfertune or snffening froml bron/glt the east -xind." Hie brînge i it do for Paul? Mfade hlm the great bereavenent. lHe chose as his text for especial'purpose: it mnust some- apo.-aie of the Gentilîs Wbat did it do Erods ,1,'n h ad brought urnes blow f rom that quarter. The for Samuel Rutberford? Made his ini- east wind ie just as important as the validism maore illustrions than robust an east wind upan the at alta nortb wind, or the soutli wind, ortehai. What did it do for Richard day sud ail that night.' west wiud, but not so pleasant. Trial BaxiLer ? Gave hlm capacity ta write 1h efeen' lae i ne tea c cln ust came. The text does not say You of the "Saint's Everlasting Rest." What Thereerechae i ut t acYlon' twill escape the cutting blast. Who ever did it do for John Bunyan? Showed but ta the lon., continueS b Olo luof did escape iii Especially who that hlm the shining gates of the city. What th- wind f rom an unhealtîf ci quart er. accamplisheti anything for churdli or lias it doue fer you? Since the loss Of Thi north \vin.i is bracing, the sent b staie ever escaped iii I was in thi that chiuS your spirit bas been purer. wid s elxigbut the castin ls pulpît of John Wesley in Landau, a Sînce the loss of thtË property You f eh cfthreat.Eighteo pulpit svhere lie eiaod eue day and have found ont tht earthly invest- irritathng and ulo tra.Eihei said, "I have been chargeS with ail ments are insadire. since yon lest times dees the, Bible speair agaiusi the crimes in tle catalogue except one your kéeatb yeu feel as neyer before a the east w lui. moses describes tle drunkenness,," and a woman rapt anticipation of eternal relia-se. thin ears blastîd by the aast wind. The aros2 lu the audience and sa, "Johne Trouble bas humbled yen, lias en-' - who -wîrp drunir last night." Sa John larged you, bas multiplied your r- pesa-ImisL descnibes ihe breakiig Of the Wesley passed under thi fiait, sources, bas equipped you, bas lrOOeen- sh1ipe of Tarshisb by the east Wind. 1 saw lu a foreigu journal a report ed your grasp froni this world and The locuis that plagueS Egyp,(t were of one of Geerge Whitefield's sermons tigbteaed yonr grip on the next. Oh, bonAluoutheai m. h eud-a sermo biS fhd 2J) or 13U years blese GoS fLr ibe east wind! It lias bore i o th est in- 'li gordaga. It sAîmeti that the reporter driven yau ieîlthe harbor of Gotis that sheltereti Jonab was slittered by stoi ta taire the sermon, anti lis Syrnpatby, îlhe easi -lad, sud lu ail tle 6,000 sanm- chef idea w-as ta caricature it, anti Noibhing lire trouble ta show us that, tliese are sema of the raportoria1lu- ibis worldt is au insufficient portion. mers, autdmins, winters, sprlngs of îtheterlinings of tle sermon of George Hogarth was about doue with life, and worid's existence the worst witi tht Nhitefield. After calliig hlm by a le waniti to paint the end ofait ever biew lse e asi xvlnd. Now,- if ilickuame indicative of a physical de- things. Hie put ou canras a shattereti GoS %vou-IS ouly give us a climiate of fel ini île eyes, it gais oauto suy: "Rire bottb', a cracired bell, au unstrung peretul ur'xesir low enil a h- preacher claps hie chu ou the pal- bagrp, a siguboard of a taveru called perptua no'-,e indust niaaCdirie-pt cushion. iere he elevatis his "The Wanid's End" falling down, a kind, anti placid andtindsr s b -voici. Here lie lowers hie voici; hlds ehipwreck, île horses of Phoîbus lysng Cians we would ail ho! But it takes' bis arrms extentied; bawls alouti; stands dead in tle cleuds, the moon lu lier almighty grace ta hi xshat w-e ought tremhbiîng; maires a frighiful face; last quarter, anti the world on fin.- turne uip"Chi -ites of bis eyee; clasps "Ou tbing mora," said Hogarth, "andi ta be under the east wiud. bis bande' behiud brnt; ciasps hie arme my icinre is doue." Then i atdeti Under thi chillîng anS w-et wiug cf arotind hlm anti hugs hirnself; roare tb" broken palette of a painter. TIen tle east w luS the mýOst of the w orld's aloud, halloos, lumips, cries, changes hae did. But trouble with hanS miglit- fromn cryîng, lloos anti jumpe a-gain." er and more skiliful iban Heýgarth's, villainies, fraude, outrages, suicides Wehl, myv brther, if that geati man Pictures the falliug, failiig, mouldering and murdîrs bave bien haiched ont. I weut i liough ail thai prociss, ini yonr dying ýwenId. AnS we w ant eeomethiug thinir if you shoulti miii a mieorolag- aCCUpatiln, ln your profession, lu yorur Permanent ta lay hld of, anS w-e graep ical histary of tle days cf the year andstoe nyu hp, ut tbe bar, lu some With bath bande after GoS aud say, sickroo-m, lu the editorial chair, soma- "The Lord is my light; the Lord is -Y put iglit baside ih a criminal record of where, yen -w ii bave to go throagî love -îte Lord le my fortress; the Lard the country y ou would finS that thase a simîlar precese. Yen canuat -escapi e rny GoS." w-ire île lest days for public morale .-ICý o oryu ral.Om hichxvii uder he orti orw-et Rais w rote bis fumons poem, anS Christian frieuti, keep your spirit up w77 ereuiidr te noth r wetite lard criiicismn of the poeer killeti by the power of Christ's gospel. Do wind, anS that tliae were thi worst bim-literaîîy mileShlm.' Tasse wrte nlot surrender. Do you nat knaw- that days for publie' marais w-bld weri hic po-. enîjîti "Jerusa-lema Delirer- when you gire upetIers will give UP i urader the îa-st wind. 'Thi pinte of id. andi hI hati snch a colS reciptiOn You bave courage, and aithers wiila-ve hturneS hlm into a ruving maniaC, courage.Th cnswetiate The mp-av-mreta do witI the The Rrarns went inta th word'smaris ndthechuch' pityenemies. TIe f rawn of Henry -\iII. an inclination of the standard. The1 than you have yît suspecteS. Rer. slew Cardinal Wolsey. The Duke of standard upright meant forw-ard Dr. Ardhibald Alexauder, erinent for Wellington refuseS ta bave the fence ilarch; tle inclination of the standard around bis bouse, wbîcl baS hein de- maint surrender. liarning anti for consecration, w-lin stroyeti by au exciteS mob, rebuilt, be- Tîraugli île regligence cf the ma-n asireti y oui of his stutients ai Prince- cause i w-anieS the fence ta nemain hbo carried the standard andtei ecli- ton whether hoeain aye liaSt fullasun- Es it wae, a remhnden of the muta-bu- natian Of il the armny surrendereti. Oh, anceof aiÈl, rplie, "es, xe t iy anti uncertaiuty ofîle popular eit ns keep île standard up, whether ane f aili npied "ec ecetfaror. O h le hlawn doiri n by the na-et wind or w-heu the w-n loti s f rom île iast." And you will have trial of conesert, the naril w hnd, or the sotl wind. No Dr. Fraucia, dictator of Paraguay, Yon have hat ili already. Wby neS J1inclination ta saurrentier. Forwarti who th Wnd.wasfrm te, as, mdePropbesy ?î mihtbýýter mention a juta île cotflict. whîatIiniaI ns fom le met ma i stonicai factinl your hietory. You Thiere le near Bomba-y a triethat oppressive enactrnînts for the people, ara a marchant. Wliat a tirna you lad bhey eall the "sorrow,.ing trie," tle pe- but wheu the weather cbauged, n- witb that aid bulsiness, partuer 1 Rï-,x culiariîy of wbicl is it neyer puts forth penteS hlm of tue cru-elties, riplid bard it wa ta gît riS af 1dm! Biforp any loi ln the Saytime, lut lu the île inactrments and w-as in goti humear you bougbi hlm ont or le ruineS both nîght pute out ilhits bloomn, anti ail uts nulh ail the svorld. Of Yau w-bat magnitude of annoyance!1 redolince. Anti J have ta tell yen that, Before 1 ovetake tle main thought hîn. afier yau ladt pait imn down a thougl Christian characier puiýs forth of Mny subject I wnt te tell Christian certa-n cuti of rneney te have hlm go its swetet bleosvus lu tii S-arkuess peoplei tl'ey onghitaoha observant Of oui andt prmisei wauîd net oen of sicknes.île dayknese of financlal clirnatical changes. Be on your guai'd a store of tit icane kinS of business istrese, île darkrues of hereavîmnent, w-in - thie-w-ld-I-nsfromn-île --east. -lu- -your-st~-retdidlie ha ý apîn _ the e darnuo ýaSsth,-'xxeepuîg - niay Thera are certain styles cf temptations rery sie- kinS af bulsiness as near ta endure for a nîgît. but joy comeili in that you cannot endure under certain yau as possible anti taire ail yaur aue- îhe morniug."- Acroas the lardh dis- styles af-xx e4ther. ,W' len the w-mS tome as far as le cnîdtki tle m? corde of tiis wo;ld rails île music of lonsfraîn thleîa-st, if ion are of a Andti ibm mown g ail your irailities the skiis-mnsic ilat breaks froni the nervons t empira-ment, go net ameng anti weaknisees afier being inan lips, music ibai breaks from îlhe harpe exasprailu peaple, tîy net ta settle business frrn forcomay -er anh sd rustles fror île pýalme, music lirea baS tilts, do Rot iry to seutle aid le not non vspeordugso un e la-k- siig vtrae okme lk dispuýtcsde not tali w itl a- bigot on iug a- commentary au w-hat yon fan- wauderng w-mSs ameong leaves, musc religion,' de ual go amen; thOse Pe- nishet a-s a tixi ? Yen are a plyci- iecaroltng birds amang foresis, masc pewodeliglit in saying lrnitatiug clan. ant inl your sicirnese, or su your lie Ocean hi laws starming tIe Atlantic AlligeSu oc ry -cecolentfonds -for- ab&anct- Y-ou--geiat igboîgSd a- charitable inst .itution, do fiai mv tetor on tataeyour plat- i n th-i sccineitil im-ce ny more, neither chall answer ail însuliîg latter. If thîsi, roat. anti ha ingratiates himseaf ie îlte sun lighi on them uer suy lest, thinge mauet hi doue, do then w-heu the favor of that fanuly, se ilat yen f or île La-mb w-hicb is lu île midSaiof tle xind is from the uortl, or île ferever ]os eier patronage . Or ,lsh throne sîsîl icaS themtat living coulh, or tihi nest, but net w-lui île ta-ie a pte- yruh h sau foanîsîns of w-aler, anti Got cia-Il wipe ivinti le fraimîleeîa-st. stages of a fever, anti cerne day île aw-ay ail ie-ars from their eyes" J cee Yon say Chat min anti wamen ought impatient faiher or lusbauti of île sîcir agreas ChrisËian fleet approa-ehing that nat ta ha se sensitive anti nirvana. 1 one rushes eut anti gais another meS- barber. Saie of the slips corne in admit it, but J amnont taiking about ical practioner w-ha cones ln usmt lun hI salIs reni anti buin-arirs kuocketi w-la-t the w-enS ought ta le; 1 arn lime ta g't îlhe craSh aof theecure. Or er tle shinl- g shoe. Neaner antinia-r- taiking about wla-t tle w-anti is. White yen ara a lin yen, anti yo cerne, lu an île shiulng sIoe. eNarer sud near- Ihîne are persans w-sei disposition contact nulh a ticirsian in your pro- an eternîl anchorage. Rani aw-ay, my dois uot ceci to hi affecteS ly changes feccion, ant inluyaur absence, anS cou- lads, ha al a-way 1 Sanie of tle slips ha-S ln île atrnecphene, fine out of uen -uni mary to agreement, lie mnoves a non- iighty tonnage, anS otîters w-are siali rightily playeti upen by sacl inlflu- suit or tle dismissai of the case, an shialiope easily listaS of the w-luS and endes, O Christian maii, entier such tle jutige on île bînch, reemîreing an w-ave, Some un emin-cf-w-ar andi anr- circutistauces, Sa net write lardtinge aidrpoliticalhgnudgî, raies agahusi you id of tle thuudters of Christian latte, againsi yoursilf, do neti gît wornieS îveny t rneale gtesa chance, anti sa-ys sudatbirs w-re uuprîtendlng luge, about yaur fluctuating ixpvience. Yen ta icI a sua-r!,"-if yaa dont ie my tarin; othirstîneugli the Narrow-s, anti a-ne te ernember uhat the înornetin Seciion, ta-rean exception." Cr you cae -ena oa aster5 tîmînever ventuneS ini youn coul le oniy answeingn;tîe are a farmer, andtihîe curculio stings outinto e ldeep sexe af Chnigtian ex- liarorniter of thele na-ib. Instea-t of the fruit, an île neevil gîte ite ler'iiiici, buthey are ail coring near- sitting dow-n anS hecu; disconnaged nbe-at, an th- drougbi stouts île cern, an tle w-ha rf-lnigantine, galleon, hune anti saying, "J ar nont a Chiclian hi- or the, long continueS ralus giva you of, bailla slip, laingboat, pinnuc, w-ar causa f dan'i feol exhilanrant," gît up na OPPoriuniîy for gaiherng the bar- frîgate --surd as they cameia îlte lan- a-nS leonot th îe indaw- anti se veet. Xour bîst conws gîte thi hollo-w bar J finS ibsi they are dniven by ,tuie theniadlier vane pointlsg in the wrang boru your lest hanse gais loundietid. long, toguS, terrifia bisai of the' east quarter, anSdîtesacy, "Gîtt be e b- A French praverl suiS tha-t trouble w-mS. Ih je tîroagh mieatch ltit linS me, satan, ibmD prince of tb paw-- cornes in on horseba-ci andi gae a-w-a-y ilai yen are te, enter ie the kiugtiom an of tle a-r gai eut of rny bouse; gît on foot. Sa trouble SasheS lun auyoU. of Goa. oui of my Coni hon deition af Surir- saddeniy, lut, Oh, how- laug; nuvs in Yoa bave blffe-deSGct for île nortb nesliorsetionauha-leîast w-luS. w-ay!"' getiing away 1 Came, on borsýebacir, goes w-juS, sud blesseS Hîn for île sdnil flan-inn goati sud groat yen nia-y hia-na-y on foot. RaptS in comîng, slow- ainti, and blesseS lHins for tle west in île Christian lifra, youn coult 111luingaiug, TIai is île histary of nearly w-lsd. Ca yeu'nr tithîllight of tîls neyer le indepentient of physical con- ail yonr troublas. ýAgalu anti mgam subjîci blassa Ru for îhe east w-rlS dition. J fiel f ara utterng a 'Most anti agalu you lava expînlîncedth îe Nearer, my GoS, ta ibie, practical, useful trulli lire, oau- chat po-war of ess i n d..fiü rnay le hlexv- Neanrr t lie, ma-i gine relief te a gneai uîauy Cîris- hue fromthtua direction now. Euiog il rc tiahe-f-"w-haaewonSat upnet~yIiuiGilùeithîe tou- lIat riil ite-,rf. of nepig u i seS a. y d-ysaremue na~ 0~~un tadria 15 lStaîle arg-Feehitieyes andS lips. ekcedîrglydar anddisresirg iii or f Gd'sprotection. Wî ail fiel axeeigî a-i- ni i hrs i e, e haormanage aur asyn alfa-ire. Wi Narrow-Eyebrows, Rosi anS fait. nic, lace,antid ingsiîe1ere ar hava, hlm antieompass und claandunS Snial-Ears, bauds unS lusi. Iy to ar -ny eunîy beingo I l1onof, lt quadrant. Gîve ns pleniy of cea- rooti, neck, urms, ankhles anS w-la-t limorne The"e. an e sii on, andscail ou, but alunw-as Soulihîse a gaiS Seul aI fbadiy afl - uyhile thora comes a Carlîhean w-il- RiTagelpschi. tien migîdwiiiiis, but Il li'not aiwMuS n p tlecoasi, antiw-e tire helpiecsE 1-ogelische. Go oS, th owcer, thut 3I -airer lu îe le ad-e cry out for hak-1-ben. Whe-Skls, teeil, globe oI the, eyî. lace itiorI îl cross, unS, though 1 Ail aur calculatians upsea, ave ca-y n Blci-fiair, îyabrows, lshes anti abuS li ýC,iÏtzout3eig a-ny per'sonal îepî uia East End Grai n Depot The undersio-ned des'ire to thank the farmers of West Durhamn fer the liberal patronagre extended to us during the past seao, a-go to remind them that we are stili in the market and prepared to pay the IIGHEST MARKET PRICE FV0OR ALL K!NOS 0F COARS,-E'GRAINq%& SEEDS delivered at our storehouse cor. King and George streetss,, or ab Port Darlington. We have aiso on hand a large stock, NEW AND FRESH, of Canadian and Liverpool Coarse Salt ini Bags. iRock Salt for catto and herses, anid Fresh Ground Grey Plaster in Barrels whicli we are prepared to sell a~it~ ~'o~ -A-SII AIl kindls of Lumber, Wood and DRY OLEAN SCREENED COUL a/ways in stock. We invite inspection and guarantee satisfaction. MOCu'LELLAN &,CO WiIu be pleased once iii Quantity, twice ini Quality andi three lies ini Price whioin et the uneqiïalled assortment of -Slippers, -Rubbers, Trunks, Valises, &c.., At our Store, We-BEAVER BLOCK,-M BfowmnanvUlle BIG-GEST STORE, BIOGESI VALUE. Everybody invited te cai andi see our new Iootwear TRE SHOE MAN Furniture and-- House Furnish-ingsc5c-ý Our -lne comprises cverything found lu 'a first class furniture ware- rooni, and beiieving it oniy doing justice to our business and that our custoniers nay benefit by it, we have added more varieties to our already large lines, andI our prices cannot be beat. We buy as kow as the lowest andI are satisficd with smalal profits, and you will be convinced of the saine wl en you have seen_ our _goodsand exarnined our priceBs-- Parlor Suites, Sideboards, Bcd Rooni Suites Hall Racks, Extension Tables Centre Tables, Lounges, Mattresses, Secretaries, Chairs of cvery description, Window Shades, Curtain Poles, Mirror Glass, Picture andI Roota Mouidings with rnany oiehr limes you will find ia great variety andI at ail prices at our store. Give us a calI when. wanting anything iu our line and sec how well we eau, suit you. muND§wE RTAKIlN-G Special attention given to this department. 1a MORRIS. Do'uÂ'îVýlkILu. Bounsail's Block NO US THE IE.- wrVe have on hand thýe la"gest stock of Furniture to be seen ini any wareroomns in the country, and as it lias al been bouglit for spot cash andi so mucli on the dollar, we are in a position to seli cheaper than the cheapest. The large quantities that -we have sent out testifies to our prices. Ask our customers if they have been satisfied, We keep cheap Furniture for those who require it and we also have sonee hues that cannot be seen in -uiy other w'areroorns. We quote a few figures: Parlor Suites Bcd Room Suites Lounges Side Boards $25.00 10.00 5.00 8.00 Dining Room Suites Centre Tables Mfattrasses Secretaries Wc keep everýything'-in the furniture line to furnish a home. Do 'not bny until you sec as it is a plea-sure to show' hcm. 3.00 4.75 necessary our goods, and alwaysý condncted under our personal supervision. M. D. WILLIAMS & SOà'N. Prowe ,'s Bio,19ABowrnanville. -Ça.-a t

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