HARD AI WORK EVERY DAY!l Paine's Celery Compound Renewed Hi*sLife. Farfier Sinye says: I Arn a Living Witness.Y) Mr. George .1 Smye-. farmor, cfi Sheffield, Ont., writes as f ollows: "it is xith great pleasure that I tesff vte the v aine cf your great mediciiie, Faite's Clery Conmponnd. For lioarly twe vears I suffered frei,,n inI'sin. kidexau lxer troubls Afi et tringsoi erali edicine that did net effeet a cure, I decided te try your Co 2îid -o r- -u- it b waýs seol Smvu îad mîade a triai of thc majority of these advertised remedies before he heard of Faines Celery Compound, and they failed te cure im. The nmerai taught by Mr. Smye's experience, and the past testimonv of thousand s cf otner people is, that kîdney and liver trouble an~d indigestion can eniy be cured effectnallv by Faine's Ceiery pain in my hacDRws nyb rsig us; edrmdisau rte a ie oni eihois and knees 1 was enabied te is he-m whute, In the Judgemient cf ebtai a siight deoî'ee cf ease, Before ablie phY sicians, the great medicine is 1 had fuiivý takeJi one bottle cf your the triumph cof ihe century. They inedîcine f begau te improve. I have iiias,nervines and pis that are present- now taken lu ail fourteen botties with prescribe it fer their patients, and grand resuits. I an a farmer and amn carry it home te their own familles. no-w werking every day. Any ene may Fainie's Celery Compound is au able refer te me lun reg-ard te these state- medical scientist's prescription; it is a ments. or te auiy cf mx' ueighbers preparation that cnbines all the most around Sheffield, where I amn well approv ed ingredients that se necessary known. I arn a living -%itness te the for the making cf pure and healthy wort'u cf Paine's Celer.y Compound." blood and strong neri os. It keeps up The proprietor cf Faines Celery perfect digestive action and vigor, Compound have on file thousands cf thereby giviuig continueci good health such streng and ceux inciug testimnonials and strength cf body. froinituhe tt people in-Canada. If yen are ceux incod that your con- Neo ot her m edi cine ln the worldclcoul d 1ditioncf -he alTth Em-d-and -heuse 0cf- have mevit the rpn,îiîmments of Mr.Smye. Paino's Celerv Compound, avoid substi- SOLINA. Mi. M. W. Paseoc le home from Brightoni... Me'sss. J. H. Wilîllaîss, H. Rey nolds, Franîk anC Chai-ce Shortridge viited the Model Faiem ast we(k.. Miss Lena Clarke is visitiug ier sister at Cesaea ..Electiosi of offices at Dv isioni tîse eeck... Me. Thos. Baker iad e barn raisiug Mondav.. . .Me. Trimble is ivino-- lie haroi ovehihauled asid eepaircd ..Misse'Etta Jnnies aund 'liesses. Frank Wright anC Franîk rebilcock wiheeleC ont froi town Satus day amu-,Isietikei eiun agt-Roselind(vale..-.-. ur trusees are id-iertisluseg for a teacher, Me. MOUNT VERNON. N isitors: Miss iaggle Gray, New castle, ai Mr. Alex. Rose'; Mr. Arthur 0ornisi, Mr. Jamnes Goard, Bowmnanville, at Mr. James1letilie's; Mies Edith Argue at Me. Thomas Bradley's; A number feom liere attended te,<e oveet Pascoe à)ienie ai Mr. Edward Pascoe'e, -X,ýhitby, Satur- day IvMes. John Gilbert, town, at Mr. William .oudeh's: Mes. MeCnilloch, Mancheeter, et Mes. Wm. Gilbert's ..Mr. snd Mre. James Heathie, sen.are slowiy ilîproviîîg ini health. COFFING LEADS TO COFFIN un- less stopped bv Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. The sa-fest and best cure for Couglis, Colds and Lung Troubles. Frice 25 cents, ail druggists. NO REMEDY cures Coughs, Colds, Croup, Hoarsness, Asthmia, Bronchîtis, Sore Throat, etc., se well as Dr.Wood's Norwa 'y Fine, Syrnp. It heals. soothes and stueugthens the lungs and throat. ENFIELD. Visilors:Mr. and Mes.J. Staîke at Toronto; Miss Nanicy erinistois, Bowmau'-ille 1 ai Me. G. Ormaiston's; Mes. (Dr.) Archer and Mise Purdy, Poet Perry; Mrs. W. Hezzl exood and Messes. G. andC A. Hezzicwood, Oshawa, ai Me. J. E. Dyes; Mes. Macdoniald, Brookln, et Mr. Thes. Bradîcy's. Mes. Bartley. Maniebester, at Me. B. Powell e; Miss A. Asheosi. Hampton, -Mr. J. S. Ashtoii's:Mr.andMs.Jmad Mies E .E. Haycraft,at Mi.S.flrea 's;Mel.J.P. Goard anC Me. A. B. Cornisli. Bomamnvillc. at Me. R. Pa scoe ...Me. G. Oristou Lad a bec moving hie barn lest s, ek ... The anuiversary here was a dccid- cd suees the proccede anmumniîg to about cii Me, ýNr'w 1. Ormison and Mr. Oco. Gray have 0111 ped a car loaC of horses to England... Me. ails Mes. J. F. ilurlbot seet Smiday at Port Perry.T... The ad have au engagesuent ai Portt Perry Friday Jonc 26t1î..Our foot ball tcami have ecomnmiccd pracrice again. Men whio sufer frein mental worry and overu ork mvilfiudp rompt relief lu Milbnrn's Compound Iron Fulis. 50 doses, 25 cents. CLARKE NEWS. (Condensed from theNezs) Kiai.-Mr. anC Mes. F. M. Bimacombe visited tricu de iinDarlungon .. Mjr.Jas,Moi-ron, Bos, saisille, vs iicd his brothce, Mr. Aîîdrew Morrow, on Suîîday iveek... Me. ChasCoopecr and sister of Kendall, were the guets of Miss Neilie Htendeeson rccceiily.. Rev. R. S. Fealick occnpied the pulpit in the chîurclî Suuday wcck. TEE MÂSON eL Go, u t%.U '"BOTJND TO GO" PRICES. BE DTHEMAND SAVE XONâ*EY. We'announeed last week that we meant to make things hum ini every departrnent this week if superatively low prices would do it We are bound te keep the bail rolling over every obstacle. Free and. easy go the prices and the sales keep ime te a faster tune than these hard times seem to warrant. Look at quotationýi which are for Bran,I iNew, Fresh Goods. DZRDY G-OO)IDS.. 0ur Parasol stock lias been large this season; values great, the balance gees eut at 25 per ct. off. Many lines of Hosiery te show, oee hue fast black~ going at roc. Hot Weather Vests for wemnen and chiîdren 5c. and ioc. A special line Ladies' Blouses, new and pretty patterns 45c. The Prirnts for' Blouses-&c., here-ut abundance- Se.