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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jul 1896, p. 7

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c. ,' //6 4, r, ~ -~ $ o I r 1e __ _ _e__e---a-- - - -, - îh Youug, i, îddfe-a"ed c-o n iidTIRa mQN'n inPrairie Farter. Ibis may hbtueIaa i(.;,,tin(brng o aca' tvnLeer drta' e cnt h acan yznin mpriswaaCam smggdbi halar lt reis.ce reof:eees Icertain kintis 1uf pastura, but il cnt - 'ieTnna) an immenseabous-e calic i "Fr;- hoak bo nthairlvas witb satisîne- prasenteti xitb chîppinge aI mambla andtiLIe anti weat ont, cf fel îs acii iexccýýsds rneswr..d ta eth i at ha rTthapsue L-ias"Iis colossal buildinig bise 131 iotic an' ha 'intet ont tam the naigh- xith rich gold-emhroidercd chthe con- IAt Lb; next store Lb; came zaspoas; hroaiî.d1).,bas ex a sca an' ai because tbey taining aarth, the abject la both cases xvas mdMniuClaerge ;A ,e,$-.0,6bussfr$0.Seth al gLe h estr hut oa ýcurt yard, 1srae, ati A2,112 int- jas' keaps onan eworkin' an' a-workin'." ce in a Roman triumph andtihLb base- his shoulders stili higber, antiwent ta 5 r r ~. et a bai'S/anthgg very hast kinti. Sbap xiiido beL- I a t ss otaati "btsslta.Btteesueceo um bug nEyt-tetdsoe I ~ ~ ~ " t.u ti :naL a ow ta gît *"' tam on pasture mitia cattie than tha est itioI.n, i îby unîtb-ranch, theiir trit a hamataroutL;h;n.ta"aqutn albigt rmnite Thora Lb; ambrella was waiting an( ~.cîs~xva. msi earLb;Chrstin, ou la' dwlt n,"Czar that aven la that moment of bis was pmamptly tamneti avez ta bhlm. MEDICýE CO- E ýx 47@vteygrase esweeter sorts. whilp. thea tressea, _tha na-Mber of bis zoo,I staizr- "Ha ton'L 'iow nobotiy Lez siLtiown on i-bi s olt's chorhe la net huit Mort- 1rniRtýk s-ass ,n- - I~~RACI~CL FARMING* .,,mplled to work hrder oe u-V UN O ~ ~ __________________ ficient for the sheep. Thiere is s'ri( CHEAPLST FOOD FOR, COWS. gain in pasturing sh'eep with cattie in CATCIIING IHE ILIIEF. "Tefarmer as a producer is sub- soute places and on some kinds of pas- CalPer xa aai by birth, Tedisea ses Ofc nns ject ta the laws of competition, and turc, andi white this is true, iL an Cti beugr asaon adfarmh a are sc-rofiula in chde, must learn ta produce nxost cheaplY if also ha said that there is oftensan1 ulyLdagrtloefrgic- lie wouid succeed. ln nothing is this loss. Sheep wiil graze close and xiiitrlyhiagetlvetrarcl Consu pinngro n mr ata ndiyn. Pr fasogaeweecw aeaodtbtturc, and espeially horticulture. pepe ovr mr rcta n arig 'ar fas rz weecw ae viebt Wben about ten years o'dldie was peoplc' po-vey of1 DIODO.'il the problemn of cheap production .thtey are slow to graze after their own seized wnitb ra eir a amr either.-. 'Tey thrive on be soived by improving the stock sa voidings if distributeti in profusion. radei (sfmr'1 Ieann es'e. Fat is the best as ta get a larger product fro mr the i \hen sheep are kept with cattia the os uuly ac o "as u ti g Same foodi. But this is not ail. The become accustomed ta staying witb that lie migbt cati his on n. Upon mak- mnean s of ovcrcoming thcrr. kinti of foodi is also important, for if it theim andwill net ty a fenetias emuch 1 igs a tslnoi?ývet bis father salfriefn~ n Chlrn Everybody knowvs cod-liver be eithier too costly or net af the rigbt keep dogs andi wolves front sheep and ing, "I xil give you a place iu my ou ake th heltlies fa. cmpuitin i wil mke rofit able epectally is this the case wbere there b et field inf which youu uay îlanL what- oin Sacotthse muelsion ft mlk a'n t butter productio nid-arle cows xxttb oisves. There te oneHE Do VK w poil ndbuteWor dctn i.iftedanger in pasturing borneti catie with lee r i ouwish anti iL shah ail ba yours." Otatargro sbee-the ofen cuseaborionby Atera grat eai f ratiig ad st- Iateman's Drops, Godfrey's Cordial, nsany so-calted Sootliing Syrups, andi cod-liver ou the tate jS food bel not suitable, h xxii diminish booeking or bunting the e"es wben dyîng, tor Cr ,ei oto i p hiden te u s dgete, hecapcîy I on fo mlkprdu tio tey are beavy wlth lambs. Ti alspn otofb2saemuet remedies for children are compused of opium or moie2 hiden'të Ol s ig(stdby dix ercing what they eat ta the Pro- woult seem to be falacious, but it moments in reading, hie finally decideti Do on KRo that opium and morphine are stupefying narcotie poisons? it i r~dyt mae ft, uctan o bef ati at, sas Aer-shoulti be remrembereti that the sbe at raise melons. Fromt that ime, on it s rad tomae ft. ucionofbee an ft,"Sas A r-soon become accustometi ta the ontCLe Carl -%vas very busy preparing for the Do Ton Know that ia most couatries druggists are not permnitted te, seli narcotics When yon ask for Scott's Entulsion and ican Cultivator. anti they do not geL out of their way ocmngwr.We icsigte -çtütlbln hmpios yeur druggist gives yeu a package iii a "I is an aid belief of farmers that as threy would do if tbey wera placeti onjcmngworks. Wben iscuing t]ea om aein th p ouiso pri n mden e egvnyorci sama ored wrapper wiîh he icpct-1 together only occasionally. Sheep pPre-sbjcwibbsftrhaai: are of th c manl and lieu on it-yen cati fresh grass ithe heigbt of the season erpasturage that is short anti sweet "Don't you tbink that fieldi xould uDo Tynor yKow hcat ynw fhatld nuL perioaysedicnoh le orcit 50 cents md si.oo is the hast possible foodi for milk pro- ratlxer than long anud luxurianL. Cate raisa gooti melons?" uis Oio orpyiinko fca ecmoai ducion Wegatthi ida fromt Eng- thrive bcst where a full bite onu bc 50 T&&w.cens nst,$1.00 leOui lati xx ara tetpaturseao siogdh, t htms.Ctad er"al I thlik tbe grountivery fertile,"J ]Do Tou Kinow that Castorlia eaurely vegetahie preparation, anti that a list cf ScrT lýwNE, elerile Ot anwirthan b tbreati consequant- s ee done do suaell on saitibis father, 'anti it would raise very iLs ingredients le pulilisheti with every uttle? __________________ad_______________s_____on guod melons, god elosbutwe av a ew oy a mnh mra mpotantpar Ithew 111 boove on choyer anti so will 'sheap, btwebv-afw osDo TonKno«w that OC) hria le the prescription of the famous Dr. Samuel Pitcher. cow ration. lu our climate the prime andt thre is greater danger with seP 1in unrbasben iomemuniLyry xx ho aread alxvays tak-aisilo sld ha dune pasture haste oniy tbree or four than with cattle. Sa there' le only ing their neighbors' mclons, anti soute- Ta Lhshe auefrnal hryyas aita oeCsosl o odt u ne codtini whîch cattla andtiLimes tiestraiîng the vines. This is cf ail other reniadias for childrez conîbineti R-1PA.LSweeks. Betora that the grass Î u-sbeep shoulti ho pastureti togethar, anti the only objection I bave, but youDoTuK wthttaPenOfieeprmt ft TitdSteadf mature. Af ter tlsat data summar that is whea they bave plenty of pas- adoa o lae M'FuK wth heDenOfieeprmtofheUiedStsndI heas dy he ras atiinaa t hase tore. There le not sa mach danger a modfa yuplae, thas. confties, have lesueti exclusiveight te Dr. Fitchar and his assîglis tg use me Word - The odem sand-than h ssned rrtakefrmîkthe cattla estarving the sheiep out as Carl fait bimnself perfectly able ta pro- ThIoen tn- succulent t týed ab o ikther inlathe s1heep starving the ont- tact 'bis melons, anti replieti: "If 1 eau atra niisfruladta aiiaetei eacaepio lese. Jar Fa iy M d- production. White grass is at iLs hast tle out. There have haea Manty blootiy nyrietemls1amo aadKSrth neoteraosfrgati hs no gainratonlviiiha eetet11InbactbatieshatweInh efanitciLlaatloaisrasetteemlon I ca nL aarad D TouKno tht oa cbthereaunsforgraningthi goaramnt otcuinw# cire Cues the if giva iL wll ialost ltvis-ribly haers on the plains whare sheep have pas- btwa a rto bm"becausti Castcnia had heen pruven ta he absolutelyhames ratset. utCefre nt alerheonetures over the short anti acanity pa Ris father îaughed but saiti no more, tnre ued Bt ý-foe ndafer smetues utterly starving out hartis af tbiaking I o let the lad bava camne ex- Do Toun'Xw hat 35 average dosas af Castoria are funnisheti for 3 U1common every-day grain meal, bran or xvbeat mititiings cattie. On the tamle grasses this ie not perience in "raising" anti "proîeoîing" ems roecn oe >wiil be catan hy coxyvs, anti will great- ahways the case exoept in Overlàtockig. bis melons. cns ruecn oe - lls of humanity. ]y increase the, miik flow, From these Sheap are supposedtato h poison ta tpas- Wlhan w arm n eathar came Carl wae D)o You Know that when possesseti o.:thle perfect preparation, your chriidrez May facte iL l î_d- n thatgrass alune oari- Lune, but this is not the case. They are very busy preparing bis lad for the D etwl adttynia hvubrk es? greai feeders andti tey are aiso noteti long alsîreti maina patch. Af tar con- ekpwelanihtyumyhveuroenet1 nuL, ln this oountry, at leat, l:B con- tor intiustry, anti they wiil get anough sitierable bard labo the grounti was lel-,toe*'Îg r et nwný hyaefcs sidereti the hast c0W foodi except for a Lu eat if they bave Lu keep "pickiag" reatiy for the seeti, anti wbaa the de- ~ lnet~g r ct nwn~Te r at veryshot prioi. Fr a leat aiy l the tinte. There le room t 1r a few siratitain cama Carl coulti bave been veysot1-ro.Fra es lvnsheep on every farma anti they may ha caca preparitig thaehbis, puttisîg saine The fue-sirnile soovr mýnths la the year coain other ration pasturat i wth the cattia to a vary guuti fertilizar ia aacb bili, thoroughly mi- ____ muet ectber suipplament iL, or for six ativantaga. If not pastureti too cioschy ing iL xitb the soit, anti plaating tbe sii2natire of ____P__ LA- ~monthe cof that ima, taka ils place an- 1 baliave- the pasture will ha the better seeti. timeiy. It le truc we eut anti dry by the shcap heig theze. Ina plants soon bagan to appear grass, makîng baY Out OfitL, but the aboya the grounti ant ineyer was tbere Chhdi[îren (Cry for Pitcher's Cérastoala.,1 exerane f moisi farmers 15 that as a melon patch mare closcly watched stape fatihay ver faRineziz 55l4 anti teatieti han xvas Cam's. No xveeds ta cora staiks for cuws that arc gîving xvaze permitteti ta grow betwean tire mik anti making buttar. The quaity bls hn h iemahons appeareti of mik anti butter matie hy feting hay Dr. Agnewil' Cule for the Heart Carl was very liberai xith Lbemi anti CIPRE li dSeassf iieBlotiao arvep, 1heu. ns te superiomity of cornstaike you ivd it isprngsfrande \Jmaufin antiailiPain. Female Begla to, Booit oivar hay is aven greater than iL L'x dent of the £Ço.ýthwest- r n it.,ad au on red biSrLarge boxes, 51.Full saux1e ox,3c nqaiy.Tea il ftncret iithm seil teitp i. r.icardMedi îoe C0..iaoîvile Ont~ h muto uasak ~cintli Amrian iL couiti not ha genieaaiy grown anti Wben hîant faihura oxrtakas a par- eaîag bis fathar saiti: "Carl, the boys Agny ffrwe a Isth pasibleatoonwama. 0cm tyson, unlestbe action of the heazt oaai visiteti Mr. ---'e melon patcbh ast uwn cuntr basa boter sli ati aha lmetiateiy accelerateti, thevey atIxoudnLhsrpstil hattonr y c asmate for I sticutan awozst -resulte miay îoîîow. 'Ibis is your patali wouhd lhe visitati to-nigbî." '=id6M aayaibr a eqal xtet l th woltiwb'era we hear ot sa many casas ut sud- Cr at o vz u vn n. .U r S~~~~ayoatima ftiuletegvnt stititi en eahe ramhert ldase The witb bis book vmy suberly, but hie avataga in protiuoing heef £anti Par. lements that costîtute Dr. Agew'e s a nta eo acuo Butca, vnwa feixih L riiCure for thea Reamt'ara sncb as ta give vbc1haokei xih riie CAVKATS le nua perfect ration for lmiik Pro- relief in this particular imnxediatehy, " L' not lot the osatdroy w n F u n sh n s T~Ao MAUCS, ducion L l tuaiamaiy ambnacenewltbout protiucing any burttui affects, eos"h at, sh a ixnt T~iGN A E MTRS, dantion.Ihamikilti lih hY abae fsc-T han, continuati with a littIe patience caier. iSemae anaknockad at the douz, Forlntnn'tin ati OPY zCTS etcs. cantheor dry fiecotainiag mre ofthe disease. becomas banishat fronttiea anitupon inivitation, Jim. Simpson anti MUNt i a., re liotboo culeeonitrnus odsubstas ore prsyLmorrseJ LoHfier'o\Nit - Wh Joues steppati inLo the zooma. Havino a large stock of Christy Stîff and Feit Hats NEuxkx ÇW voiut, af the ration. Claver is ant excellant wooti, N. _W. T., says vemy plily that Ias-;ýe amans t' of Chu, neaz tei Oldesi bureau. non aemen saped ues lu An ehicLa 1verptrn tlin n C a' roug1. t ai e supplemeat ta coma la fee4ing9, as it l tis rmd'aeiba ie h ai anme 1Ygame antisielaiCalanipseofatici 1 adIaidtrie oîu hl i tate ed tis aunragleureotane~th La the -o acop mtation. heen mach aflacteti witb haart faihure, ttstWorcoma1t50bend hlm00lit 9s5caIna sotil ithtfndn t lot mosil a lol r faIbis melons; in fact Lhay Ladti dscount. H t orh$.5 n 2.Oslln t 5 n shouIti propaziy go with ioma fatitier lie tiown for fear oI suffocation. I[bc, se ~aresc, uaOnos coepaenn ,b~at can ha available whcre vr hatciocars kih l thseNotbwsAhe finaa issupar bi*It rod.Spenuiy 'trtei o nill et cannai vieil ha gzuxvn. Wheiifbrant lerritoisas no uavait. Sire ny- qe ta t he bay r.Pe a ccumaîyhlm B coi. ýpriidlyiiiou i a W el. O is one ot the hast of these. IL je a "A loaltiuggist recommentiet a but- ' haveutîcat that arl xvandeihig abou man Sieuionie Addres gmatifyil. fact that the proportion tla aI Dr. Agaaw's Cura, for the oieth Crwstlinabu lIirsc,E S 2 'G L adivay 7, Yok C,î o ur ubeat expurteti that goe out as I trieti it anti with the recuit that Cta'Iratnaimeo pth flurleyeaziy iaczreasing. Ibat leaves immatiiately seoureti anse, anti alter tk Idlk ase'ma l hl er the greater part aI iLs manariai valua ing further dosas af the medicine the hem," saiti Wil. Ifat iveL whuile wa'ret ee rparilg at L., hre i gol on he lnd toubl, let me The fac isknow "Tht'thatht- eed Jrepairingsta A CLOSE SHAVE again xvbeulad ta stock. The caarser ing bow serions vas my condition, this b y nu.,,ai nsta is the time to hring them un. parte ufte whoha, grain fnmnisb ce- remady saveti my lIfe.' "l'i11 tell you," saiti Ce m. "Wa'lh go actyhy do urto htis I ol c nsaetaspoeta u hr net melons anti watch." TALK IT H H A H E-nee asapplement theaeiiece Dr. Agnaw's Catarrhah Pou dem wihh Sncb xveme the expressions of the PERIENCD IT. o commonfeedingfor miik produiction. only cura the miez fermas of catnrrh. trp on osa hywne hi Thi fctmaeswbent bran xorth It wil ortainiy do this, anti with won- Lbey oung boystas eyatie.Tihei Peuplemoe frfedngi this country than tiarful expadition. But, as la the case aIo ytfmita eo ac. Ia P e p e r a l d o n v o w o t n tFna r y s a u b e , t i h a n e n f M m . e s o n in t h a p a t c b , a n ti C a r l s a iti: AYR angel aoftieath hovans uvar thorai. Mr. R. narys- aubea tl he a Bridge, N. S., iL wihh cura the worct xve'hl go avez in the cura thare anti aat P. Wtkis, 73 ay s., s abarer y wih crn r ohegrainotairiing n cases oI catarrh. Ibis gentleman caf- tI tade, ad aeorrprsnaicti arqpooto farn in ILs tCo'nfareti fmom catarrhal tiaafness, but af- AlLer tbey Lh at n tILCari sait ho Bý3wmANviLLE. Practical Furier. hie~~~ ~~ grverM. ntinsl nableulani tang o esieg, hnasba tione he.Pan-l aw aman rnacrose the melon ____ adrtiergeohensilagewhich bsdn in tan minutas, ant inta a httia tima bage Chat Ladi been planted tih ej, b sitie experienced man, anti isrîow enahieti ta daiÉyiag possible. Lt bas donc more Forsl yalDugt.-TethesidCl ud wy exarcse bs Li brui ~ ~ ~ than this, or by praîonging ant inl- o aeh i r~it."h~a hr, dCrat wy~S o e xseebeoeh wsuehet eghnycreasing the wlater mni oflttwhei me temtns. lbW-,U11 caxe er harngthir yung, tho eDECEIVED. "Stop, lhait, or l'ilshoot! You nma a os wer err hi ont ea ll stop now, for xëveyagot youq _____________________________________ foihow bis chosen caiing. Thý*sis leMr. ioppet in la nh sping, iL bas m~creans- Wby titi Constance refuse young De Soma on, bîoys." Sucb woeathecra ___________________________ Wntkias'stoeyvasleeatet by1bLnîcc-.cedcuwanant thaîrpro- Riche? Liantmat the cars oI tac thiaf. Ha Wtissoya cae -ygcay as milkers ila nvemy remarkabla Haetieceivat iber. Ha talt ieha s ' ws steby olisealh rw "For aven ibrea ycans I havac been tiegrea. The large yicitis aI mllk anti worth an million, when la reaity hae is ma, but the bays noie nuL la for stop-T - trouuhlad witb Nhat the doctors saitisnsbuiLer that are commaly attrihuteti warLb xvo million%. ping. Tt' thief wcs soain distance aheati st opned our new Spring stock of Cloths for Over- Brg1',Dseslvsgttn apdy wboihy ta braatiing ara la part due ta > seorse, anti coniti scencely attend *a my îimprovat iemtai Ibainfrwiho tebybtte aegîîga coats, Suits and Pantinrs, the choicesi and iags lto hhIio s ilyrsonal.IL xvouid Lh. JESrapitihy, lien, on maching a dcepaget o busineïss, My amLles were swoilenD, L;thebiasile taaiy resp--ý,ais aa ble BfLY EfT BIE E ravine, tht' boys hast sight of huma, but Lyoods ever shown in this village. Now is the time to order pnir adie tsine w ascf a ark neoaIyicltilag large, rich meii-,sses -aI mihkasî smonghteynwlews- unerblte rn wso aGt nalbteeti' ea fthey cur ,nat ba awny thkwie rough nl'lott farr yared y r. yu. pr -gSuit, Sec our Pants made to order for $2.50. colon, anti it asedtat dribble away continu- or thair dames wero lad whaiiy an dry C edbDr genews Great Heart "I baieve he's up this wny," eniti1« ally. I hadtaLu ise 9 or Co timas enchi night footi turing siE monthEsiii every yenr. Remedy-MVany Lives Saveti. Cari. "Yon watch haera until I rua Op Suits to order for $8.O-no equal anywhere. ta voiti the firne, and con saquantiy lost IL shoalti ha the ait aI thefe rmer ta The sac'r<t efSuceass or obi". lgtetv's Cal-and soea nearly ail my slacp. Tisa scalding beat glva hie cuxys such ratioýns n s wlll kecp arrisal Poxer. xshen ha bos bugat a sot i.t"Hoe and. pain in passing the urine v'are peinful ap their milk pruduct ta the bîghest w areh bosIL nata tl] 'Hre anidsrsîgbyn ylal erate tacaxv le capable ofaf all sea- ba r eS Curehere, here lhe s." The man 'hati laid jeVG roMri S and diesn eoha ebo it no pow snsathe ya. Ii viirqiafor tha Raart wil give relief witbia downrila a deep ditch, but an be-ing dis-In ' r ta describextraopleatiingiduringzmosttaaIetha sudu-ithirtyiiiutes cIter the lirai, dosa bas ouv ett, quic-khyarase anti starteti town snytrobl astita auh e m trqunt ie moth xvcntha00 leatpas- heen taken wa woahti not rend aof suthavnheyCari, Who brought up the we still lead. Having bouglit a lot of Sugar before the visile Lo the urinal. My bentis anti foot Lame. Soine coma lotider, millet or may1vsbigsvt yti a-rar haaiteby sta a vi weene alsenys colti anti clnmmy, anti I sol- Hangarlen grass shiouiti ha drihîcti or edi., William Cherry, of OvaaSount -i, cis of "Duxyvn 'imn, boys! DoLwn '11111" advance in price, we are offering something special. A benati saverehy from palpitation, ebornusesogwyi as a co liigcrop ta ha ouitxxhan Ont., enys-"I xxas greatly toui T hebboys sycre nearly tireti ont whcn t r

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