BOWMANVILLE, JULY 8, 1869. .IIAYDON. Auuivc'tsary a grea t suicoesbu every wey; pro cee chabout i65 .. . .\t eiors: 1Mr. Snell, Mer- mora : Aifrs. Drittian cuti femiiy, Toronto; Mcs. W. J. Haycraft, Agi1i tour,:ý Mrs. Hlooper anti fecîuly, Toronito ;tMis Trexiin, Miss Fhemilng, tbe isses Younandcui r. cuti 11fc. Bauîury, Bowmnaîiville ; Msse Cossliuug, Toronîto. If you >once try Cartcr'ci Little Liveit Pis for sîcît leâaîchc, bilieusncss anti contstipatiotou \Of cii i oyer ho witheut thin.T e'I'ie art' hmlctly vegeta.ble, ,malt and easy te tiuîc. Dent ferget thîs. TYRO'NE. 15 ttc' cl of Mr.,'S. Bu"l ,m'e stables bo the hear of hie ,gcotuusN!P ctiiiroveent... Tbe -F. L. of C. E. fe, ion, e rrivai of the Jueniort iýo r, Mc. (, : brvvberries xiith aceesodies cîdetidaci ie lctashocu cnjoy- aei.. Wl îr' flu uilep ,lepic iicket inlu Mr. Jco . Mutloioiuesrot ii eci.chv hi iewes'patent swigscc - c l"'i'cc eof ttraction... bhyc ut m, .tculiO .1rop'nlOOklng exceecti laga- s Il ut cr 'ii dot art est is aecifeipat- cd. ..I. 1 - fi r. sik"alcls, rccently tisit- cd Mu. _W. Mihly c A iare: cise m. Sherin, Bouieeti. ctsc.W .Cleinuus; xiss L. Cadu (", o , k c. -. Ca te's; v.-Nr xuervui af.liaSOtt"_ .. arR A' Plilp lice flace t ot clsite teein'f-uîntofbihereeideunce ... cuse l. 'nt, xiilliooh,husrefumuietihome frocut c fcs 40fs it ci ifh ,sie l Breuur. Hacsh~u;gtieeremëdies are fast givîng 4v ayu, f0 thegeetie action anti Milti 'effee .ts of Carter's Lttle Liver Pis. If yen try tiem,tbey will certain- ly please ýson. MAPLE GROVE. Mr. Nocusu n T> llcuBecrliiim is eeuîng et hiome anti Mr. W li Tlerelihns goc.cfo Bcciin .. .Master Lyuîu Cales, Brumttord, le t miting iis granti father, Mr. S. Cl ... Rtv. H.f.Alleýn,Cohnmuibs, preei e cael,. e lcc asf Sehbuth.. .Mr. Wfil Suosei le peu hart etiuu... Mcs. J. Weaher. cati Ire. J. liyde, Berlin, are vliting cf Mrs. Clark Tylrs ..11f.nutilure Wm. Folcy elelteti friocîde cf Port Ferry ast week... Mies Ehuze Shucridan, Oshawa, la mcclt of Misesliester Pow- er. auitiMcc. John Cole ant isus Ashton, flamptoi, visit"ti et McdS. Coe'e Sanday. _The Suose ten famihy jiemulketi cf Relis Mareb, Montiay afternioon. ,, If yen bati takcen two of Carter's Little. Liver PIS before aetiring -yen would net have hati that ceafeti tongue or bad.,taste in the monili tus cneaning,. Keep a vial witi yen for occasienal use. ENFIELD. Rî'oent vst M: ~" iaclcey, KucsaeMus H.Pascoe cuti chitdicn,Tanitou,Mrs.D.flogertli anti Mr. candi Mc. S. H4ogarthu, Soline. Mr. J. Hogart ti, Fheeluetou, Mr. cuti Mrs. Gcrrow, 0shesu; lMr. J. MeCulloci', Kinecle, aend Mr 11. Bratilev, Uxbridge.teat lie-e, et ihonte ....hlMessrs. J. S. Ashîtoi anti b. Nidticcy tiettedTi foronto receul ....11Miss L. Fcsece visite iniciKicscie hast weei,..M1r. J. E. Dycc 1- baviuig lis bouse newhy pauttî.... Vii. Broe., Saiuta. are tiug tîce ston 'Uor of Mc. O. Ormistouu's berm.... Newi of',:ce of Lumooilt i Dvision b. of T.-W.P.- , if-Iyto\V; . A.-Mise M. Woftt; R. S.- AR. S. Miss J. Ashton; F. S.-B. Poeci rca -Mies E Wotfoi ; Cical.-J. Cenuh il Cou n. oss'eht, jr.: A. C.-Miss E. lir S-cE'0. . Pascoe;' .S.-Miss TIRcynoltie; F. .P.lHîbifOcatt fleL.Faseoo. Fe,, ,medicines have 1,cîti their grennd s0 successfully as Ayer's Cherry Pector- ah. During' the liasît ifiy yoars, it lias been the nuosi pplar of al (ongih cures andth le d1n, iti'or it to-d_ ay is greater than ever 1before, Promýp1tot act antisutre te cure.ý NEWýVCASTLE- A les! it i fu îtcctean rtiOcam te-eh ho beldthe lo ieiteouMuÏs.W. B. Aliîu, -Netw- ceetle, lh'o'st i y oy th. Newcastle lemper- cocu' bi'd im i -uî e,îo.Und'c thie cuspicfe of Nesec"lhe Due , eof lenîperacîce. Shîen- titip g mlu iaIut Aiitiseior,15,c bfld- M1': o W cL utt tattistela 'utcettu, Bowuncu fi -ti rcSutd.iy. Mc.W îie D&ougla S spent Sbîuuitiy at Mi.SRickarti's,Sbew's .Si ,Fi 'bard assist tid orceon's Orchcetra et lfcuuipt ocuDomuuîlout Day ... . Mlce S. lMarnung, Bowmuîvfle vustei cflfc. W ni. Riekartis rereîtly If..C. W . B rreit preached ou Ccittn ci circt'bomI . Jas. Ri kcrd' littie t. mi oy licol c ht ccr hoyfahiîîg froî in Mu'u 0 1 M- eA 'iteA Orct itactiretuditioui of "i lbyLoe-"wce tintAi epîreclateti by the larg' ' anSI.iccie Merlu, titi llurrht Sucttiy nighît ._A. Mc. b.iiof he cfC'fae.W1t Mis. D., savs . "For yea-s 1Ihave been ners, us anti wealx-.. I took eue dol- laî-'s wortii of Mileî's Comnponnd Iron iPillsand am now quite well anti strong." EX NISKILLEN. Violtoc s blia cxPt hue .Xhberi*t, guet of etc N. Bversccc' enitolt oucanoccl on olti Ir en mrcus. A. B. eeLcoti actirco eblitreci, Brandton, Mari., cf ier fathere, suci. J. yeau.A. _N. Mifitel et homne hae-og pie-en ui i si ol lu attendtiti e Unilerc sty; M. J. J. sccbaughfhliue cndtde uîghufr, Oshaav,visiting frbeutis . ... DavidftlRogetrs, "'uet of bus brottier, Mr. F. Rogers, precebi euea excellenît ,ermont boue buuetiy nigliîf... Roc. S. G. Rorke, wl f ancut faniiy hicse gonul'asvay for c fecv weels, iuc. Fred Howardti wl i shpy foicluei. siethoit Sf . b. picitie et W ihiow Poit, Hanlîfoui, qabuutiay, eîaq tnuhecjoyeti. Ifleacalovely spot forae picucuandcuti opton peoople laiete he calte for iiuicuse anti cortiity. Tlice iophle Scre felel t %ccinfrbte o t 0 icn.... A Young teaut race ca'ey sethu Mr. Dcviid Cherry, June 30. fbrotriug lufuti froun flue wagon. Heris cepicketi up uncocsefoos luf'ait i os erceoverirug .... The report oftfle entiten deafb of ea nehu reepecteti yong m.ii, ir. Wmn. J. Porter, cideel son of m. lobaFtern ec a great sluock loue. Ap ering quite tseli cuntiay but was fouci d eati i bcd Tueetiay nioclciug et the home of ars H.Webb r weherelme teas tvorking. Heacf dîsease lesuppos- ed bu o btit u' ae of deablu. Great sympetby is feit foc hflilîly in fluer lîecavemeuel. A large concourse of frieuîds atteuctedt he frouerai on Tbureiay , thec iuuermeîtt being flamptonu cemeelry. HAMPTON. COUGHS ANI)CO id ltQ o-ou sumption if he-etî .Woo'd's Nocesayv Piîae S. rup cur y uîclat is pesn otk, sîau-' remicy for 'ail thrai-ini tobe SOLINA. Mr. M. W. Pacoe ieturned to Brighton on Mofnda y .... Mr. Win. Monetgmery lies danger- ouly î11 ii t phohd fever et bis grantfaîhers Mr ' ýohni an~ est. .Our euergefîc teacher, Mr. Fi erett Brownu, bas resigneti his situatfion. Previous to leavino lie ceas preseeued w ith an adtiress by the echoîcrs andi a gentlemn'sic rom pion ...Loyal Crusetiers meet Tttsay citernioon uiext ail3 o'elock.. . ,.Rev. J lionipsoil of Toronto preaches at Adenechurh, Sua next, 10:30 a. in.._Patrons bav e losi d. tbj mueetings here subjecttu t 110 OgI 0f fteProsÎi. ,tient... Mr, Jamlel S'ctiton l l home fiom h Ontario Aggricultural Colege...Mc-.Abef Hilis was at Woodstock on business.. ..Me Hlelena Clarke is home q-ain Mr.J. C.Wecks. the licstlliug Bowmiii iie pinter; bias iely paluteti Mrs. 'Trimble's cottae., N~O COLD OR COUGIIH is te severe to vield to the cur-ativ e ýower of Dr. Wood's Norway Fine Syîup. It lias cured thousands of cases, BLACKSTOCK. Visitors: Mr. andt Mrs. Sissoii, Betlicny, isitici,, Messrs Freeboru 'nid Quin , Mr. Cart- w riglit of Quebec t 11fr. Cowilsi'; 11r. T. Freec botu et Mrs. D. Greenîs;Dr. Frank Howe of Newimarkct r t lits'inoters; Mr. Robt. W ilsonî, Excield et Mr., D. _ciîeMiss flurst et Miss J. Milie; Miss Wood et Mrs. G. Suggti's; Mre. Quackeiibusli, Toronto, et fMr. R. Crawf ord'c:.. .On W Aeduiieseay June 24Ch at 1:30 p. m. a large gafbcrmng0f rioiids eand cquaiiitances mcit î thie Methodisi ehurch to wîfîcees flic weddig of Miss Lily Prust and tiMr.W m. Swaiu. Mce.Win. F'orderpla'y od ibe M'edding Maccliand wlon the lest fonc .edie icl a ay ftie bride leaîiing oin tlie acm ofler father merei ( uîi lieteisietf0 lic citer checo 3fr. Swinanîd liebest inan wcre ici waitiuig. 'lure was a hushiand t en the fiev Mrf. Drew' conîneîîced the ccrnony, lestiig about cetcn minutes, wlh ch made them niatn moti wife. lTe bride was drcessedtinl crccm witb customary veil cati carrieti e large bouquet of Caruationis and roses. On ber leff crinseh wore e golti ehain bracelet the gift of tiLe groom. The bridesmaiti aleci wore Occam anti wore e golti ebaiue bracelet elso thce il flte groom. M1iss Lila Taylor assisted the fbride wile Mr. Josephi Furguisoti essistedth ie groom. Affor tbe ceremony flic wcdding pcrt praecdtici flie boute of te bide's ta itr whece tlîey lier- f ook of ýbe wedding suppeî' iffer wbicb thec bride anti groom ieff, aemit a shower of ricc anti olti eloes, 0on tlec6:51 frain for e trifp casf. lice gresents wbicb sIte receiveti were iolt nurnerous cati eoefiy. Mr. cati Mrs.Swailiiie fibe gooti wislies of ftbc eomunity for c happîy macriet ihf e. IbTe Sous of lemccretue excur- sio00t0 Rocbesfer was a decided suocesse... Mr. Georg e 11eLugbliit wbo ias hurt ey fallittg fromn the roof of fhic ncw scitool bouse, te tic- pro iîig, Tbe scicool bouse, notwiflîsfantiing f hie drawback, ie bing r.cpidly puslîcti abeati, .. Mr. Audrew Riuîsmnatu teimpros iîîn lefoî of bis dwielliig lios ... .Miss Woodto fKirk. fieli i eistinglber chut Mrs. Suggit ..Miss Witudel of Ponitypool visiting ai tbe Mafnse recentiy .. Montly coneecration meefinîg of fbe C. E. iii Prcsbylcciati eburclu was wcl t- tentiet. Four iiew meînbers werc receiveti.. Sunday evcning, Julv 12t b, Ifev. R. M. Phelen prer cites the annuel1 germon 10 fbe orangemen in the driilshteti, bcgiuiniiug p. m ..Miss Gussie Armistrong of Bafh Is visitiniglber siefer Mcs. Piselen...lxwi euty six candidates wrote at eitfaceo examunefuons pii Blcckstock. 11r. F. J. Groat of Hamptont lresidc . Mr. I. Barclay presideticf Millbrook.ffeieing cf Mr. Law Beacock s Tucsilay, et M1r. Win. Barbonls, Wediucsdztv.., .ienîamliton lsecrectiug a dcxi~ shedi..Visitore: 11fils Mable Power, Ca dinsauti Mis Miltceti Taylor Bowmeîivilie, et Mrs. J. floî1nie'. 11r. Fred. Bycre visiteti wlfli Mise T. Wiiliamesoi. Mcs. Collier cuti sou, Tocoto, et lier ucotîers 11 c. M1oore. Miss M. May ai lier grandmnother's. 11rs. Bailey. M1rs. 0cr, Toronto, at Mrs. G. Nesbitý,s. Mc. Grge Deacout Brise, oonto. cf hie par- ete,11ract 1fs.D.Dcc con.îblocupson le orkiiig cf McGcocge Laiighiu.carjieiter Wile firs. E. Jobitoicati ber tieugbfer Mr. ce. S Beacock ivere goiiig to Port Port, fteir hcorse wes fîiglîceîced ancd cati wayF. pifeiting fhlictis out; focluuîtely lic y wera uot hurt.. .Mc. Fced M1oore seni.rDominiion day at Lind- say..M1r. Morley Prust, Pot P prry, i ent MWcYdneday ai houle.. . . 11s. Kecigan le stil cýry iow Miesary AcuCortîý,ieiisc,. Mr, ut Mrf-. Swah iuchc u, nt afrticeir Wiiiipg. . 11fes Job g'xoc art y ini Foaiîîgin.vorîne Whiteîîs the Teeth. Ivoîjîce is a decntifrice as delightfal andi fra-grant as it is cieansing. It strengQeýens the -nims, -whitens and polisices the feett, and impacts a sweetness fo the biceatit. Iveritie neyer injures the teeth, and lias received the higlinat cumn edatiouc.,fi oru profession and public., Druggists have if, 25 cents per bottie. T'he Canadiail Statesman Alit Page, Foc ly-Eigh4t Columu Neevepaper, it publislîcti EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING, AT IRE OFFICE 26 STATESMAN BLOCK, KING STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONT., BY M.L A. JAM~ES, Edîtor & Proprietor. Subscîîpbîoîc t O per ainîîm, or $1.00 if paiti strîctly lu advance., ADVERTISING RATES Transient Atvcrtieing. Toa Conte lier Lino, firsi insertioni Fie Cents per LUe eechb u sequecentusertimon. CONIRACI 15ATES. SIZE 0F An'ERiTSEMENT IiINET . 1 Mtb mscibe6mtfis 1iYr. One Columa.. .........f20 OO0.f40 ,60 100 finît Coiumn ......... 13 00126 40 60 ýuaner rColumu ... 8 te0 16 26 40 igbthî Cohuma......... 500 10 16 26 lieenty-fie-e Litue, .- 4 50 9 12 18 Twenty LUes.......... 4 00 6 8 13 Fificen Lines.......... 3 50 5 7 50 12 Ton Linos. ....... ..... 2 501 4 50 6e50e i Fie-e Linos .............i1 25 3 50 6 10 The ahovo arc couffeet rates, anti cpply onhy bo cegular business adertifere. Translent ad- vcctfscmciuis Ton cents a licce iret insertion, anti Fieoceurs a line ecci subeequent insertion. Changes of conircet atieetisemouts muat lhe lianteii ot laber thai one o'ehock on Safurday -ibis cule willi ho strict ly enfocceti. Pacegraîîh adeertiscmcuts amnoug rews items 10e a ine cachuicnserfionu. Notice of Bicihe, 25c; hfarriagee anti Deatbs, 50C. Diephayoti atieertisemenis are meesureti hy a ecale of solit i iopaceil cuit chargeti accordung y. Orduers for tiscontinuing atierisemenîs MUSÉ bc lu se-ifig, otlierwise flic puhbiher se-ilnet be cespoîsie . Double ceguhar rate 're ecirgeti turing Machl, April anti May anti Octobec, Novenîher anti Dec eniler for tisplay atieertuefug nof con- tracteti for by tue yec, Al hintis of Job Priuîfing donc eifhi neatiiese anti teepetuuh anti on recsouch terns. 'Tho office is suppiedti xir i vceteaiefy of the laet anti mosf fasliuioneble sty los of rype. Business inotices fut local or n'e e ct hmus firsi insertion 10 renis ecr lino Noupaceil; .5 cents peu' linoeceh euequcut insertion. Notices ofmeet- mxof euey kini et which an admission foc le elrgei or c collectionu s tabou inost ho paid foc. To SerpstutîlurRs No piar orssll Se ufoppeti unfil cli acrearagee rc raid, Lx- tentthle optioun of fthe pubheri. A potsfofico no tuceto tisootu- fittue le no, eufficiecut. Al cornî,tcic- hionîl e Ldîceeci M. A. JAMES, Every nman sionîti reati the ativerikse- ment of Tics. Slater ou inside page o tuis paper, DARLINGT014 COUNQIL Town Hall, Hampton, Jue 27ch 1896. Council met pursuant to acjourn- mient,members ail present. Minutes eati andi con5irmed. A number of ac- couruta were preaenteti and laid on the table. A p titioru wag preEenteti franc R. ]3, Mitdhell and eipbt other@ eamplaining of Mr. Truil building a fence on the road between lots 30 and 31 in the 4th concession. Referreti to a committee of the Reeve, Messrs Coortice and Pascoe, who wore alao instructed to examine the pond between lots 32 and 33 in the 7th concession. A petition wss presenteti from W. S. Law and 66 others praying the council to open for public travel at once al that part of the 4bh concession line not already openeti west of the Scugog roati. Laid over bill the next meeting. Statements were presenteti front the Lic,înse Inspector relicense fond se- coont for past year. iceceiveti andi filed. A communication was presenteti fromn the county dclr advising the council that the som of $3180 will be reqoired îo be levieti from the township as coonty raie for cura-cnt year. Recciveti and filed. A communication was presentcd from B. Baer & Co. tender for erection of bridge or. Scugog rosd ai $22000 the tender was accepted. Tenders wcre alto recciveti from Joseph latworthy and John Gand for crection of abut- mente for said bridge. The tender of J. ClaLworbhy was accepteti, a t $58.00, council supplyïng the material. The clerk was instructeti to gend a bill to the Cartwright counicil for $6 50, half the cost of work on the town line bctwecn the two municipalitiesj. Tho Reeve anti Messrs Clemans anti Courtice were appointeti a committee to examine a proposition for a change in the location of the roati, bstween lots 10 andi il in the lOth concession; alto to examine a water course in the village of Tyrone. The committee appointeti to examine the water course at Maple Grove, re- porteti that a satisfactory arrangement hati been arrived at by aIl the parties concerned. The report was adopted in order te be entered on the minutes, 1The Clcrk was instrncted îo prepare a for the appoiniment of an arbitration to determine the price to be paiti for grave! on the landi of R. Collacott,lot 10 in 4bh (toncession. On motion the Ruseve was instructeti to grant orders on the Treasurer for the followlng sums: .Iames Gallsgher 52 loatis of gravel $2.60; L. M. Courtice 110 do $5 50; John Stainton grave! and damage ho landi $6.90; John iRanton, do $7.90; John Hllier, damage to landi $2 00; Henry Argue, 269 loatis grave! $ 13.45; R. Windatt,pobtage and Regis- tration ocn Voter%'sLbista $240; M. . James, Printing $6780; James Gale, Advertising $2,00. Indigent-Ben Wilsoa $700; Janef Wilson. Mrs. Curtis and Thom. Ward, $5 00 each; Mrs. L'are anti Mrs. Staples $3.00 each, \Ira. Campbell anti Thoumas Wilcox $2 each. On motion Concil adjournedti t Saturday, July 25th at 10 a m. R. WIN-DATT, T. C. Nervous Prostration. Is -a deplorable condition of body, to vshidi themind to some dcgree rcsponds: the sufferer becomnes a victim to a legion of disagreeable sensations, aî'ising froîn flic impairîceent or exîcaustion, et nerve or ital force. Sleeplessness, too,comnes te roh the sufferer of nafnre's sweetest solace, and restorer; and a disordered ditive funiction contributes ifs quota toe healeady full cup of miserv. Cure is possible in eue way only--the nervous systcm miust be strengthened: the di- gestive andi assimilative function nMust be aestored. Maltîne with Cocea Wine, more than any paeparation k7nown te science, comibines the two essentitels required in these cares. Maltine with Cocea Wîne possesses tonic properties that are directed ini a yery special way te the nere e centres, giving themn toue -or' andthe tcstaying power se munchi nec ed, whle just as efficacionsly dees it aid and .trengtien ahi the proçesses of digestion. Tins we have the production of ail the elements of adequate nutrition, which, inevitably, is certain te give healili, strength and vige-. Maltine. with Cocea Wine is sold by ail drngg-ists.. mAKE1S 0FYOR IME FOR TIME IS MONEY. Andthti way te procure geod tino is te purchase a Cleck, or a Wateh frem T. N. Riekard. Frices below Toronto every time. Seiti Gelti Watch,z which is selt inl Toronto fer $30, what iRiekart souls and guarantees for $18. Anti other gootis are lewer as well, ne blewing about this, but an actual ftact, The very newest things un Belts, Boît Pins, Blouse Sets, Brooches, IRiugs,Watches, etc. Every article the Market affords suitable for Birthday Presents. Bosîrnanville Souvenirs in Speens Siielîs and. FPins. Silver Plate fer Wedtiing Fresents. SOUCI Golti Wetiting Rings, Soliti Grlti Spectacles a specialtyysih Tested Froc. A $55 Sevwing MJ Ï1111for $25 Watchnialcer, Jcweller m nd O tcaBowmanville, Ontu. ECZEMA- '" eREMEDIES S Our baby'w'en tIhreeles=oldiwa lalyaI d i tet ifhE,eea. Her ed ra ellimbe, anti ucarla- eVeyJointlnh blouty wae raw and hieedn n e CftTICUR RE DO, Wsehegan wifh CurueIýllA (cht- ment) and CuTulc...t Cei',anS0./er Uic Ansi aîp leotio we couhd see a change., Aler we huit t nue thetu eue week tome et tbecs e baS Eeaied to-day lias as les'ely skin and icair as any chilul. ehe wae ahown aI lthe Grange Feir, and teck a g.etuuas lice p rotiei rab, s efen olluers, . t.PARK,1609 Betieview Ave., Kan. City. Ç d PoTEa Dace a Cuisu. Çoca, 035 Hoal ros0 We have a nice liue of Fresh 0-roceries which we offer cheap for cash, or pro- duce. Have you ever tried the Cream Sodas and. the Pine Apple Wafers ? We have some very fine, fresh Maple Syrup, just arrived. Cash paid for Produce. Telephone No. 57. The Most Eco-nornilu-I ..I-ouse Warniert 7n The " Kelsey' o~~ Warm Air Gofierato- Ï A or c rY 1iît' A r uroa(re stilttt,dce iheatiutyeu .d'uti aýlytsupphy uoio th tnt . S Kelsev-" tac voteal pct;î ,l Souu t features -but tutt i uptrant 'i, t it t csi4 gis-e more h zt it 2hle lete fuel Lu.i o L. hMcsi durable h cater maie. The -"Klsev" fiepot bolz -.0 0i itd of severaI uprghc, tilebu r. t ti (, -,t ires cu - ctios(- tc: t',ttd chit 1.tefît- passes -ud up clrouu4l w -a ic ro o ,utîam -oassI 1 ie Seluî ht ad, andtitic entire ect o being erapýpeti e-ti a Ie- e, 1ltauog ehiclu hecocues heaceti )y hy cite it mur h nivgtienc pascu.g towon ud.eî tuitit srt buts icwards suiuokm puipe, t lu tuirn veriu-. civ air ch at passes uop houxien uhss 'cirl.ndoeie galvanized iriincecasingct rofulauns siy tic IKelsey -,ha-. tire-. imcc.-.mctretraduauuo 'g *surface anti carmc air tapacite than an ordSi * ary Furnaire. lie I'Kelsey -' hmats e.-.ry roonu evenle-. whereoever locatei, wuhance, tutuS, heahlful warm air ticat ciii tuot injure yeer Iurnimre. The "-Kelsey "wili heat uooms 60 feet 1 distant. lhece" Kelsey ' does cet heat yocîr cellar. lie' Kelsey i' labalolu'ely gas andi dust proof. Seuti fer descriptive catalogue. THE JAMES SMA RT MFG. CORI BROCKVILLE, Ont. Exclusive Makers fer Canada. Ffo suie tDY RICHARD WORTIH, Bawmonviiig. Tmoi Slater bas a message for every man on inside page. Don't fail te rend it. Webster's International Ditionary The One Great Standard ÂAthorlty, 80 mîties Hotu. D. J. Breler Justuc U. S. Sutureiue Court. trWSend a Postal for specimen Pages, etc. Successor of he cStandard of thes EugishGoOv~Itlu 0Ing OnEce, tice U. S.- Su. A' reui Court, ail the rafute Sutretue Court@, fuuSjd of es.rly ahi utie mlba- State Superuntsuit- esiteof Scheols, anud other Educat ors alimosl THE BEST FOR EVERYBODY t la sasi t fInd thte Word wanted. it la easy t» ascrtajn fthe pronunciatloni it La easy tu t race fil- griowtfc a word. t is easy tollearn_ Whiat a Word means. WF!STEtR THV BTINDARD. ,,« qL<e :2roleato Globe sayA- The Iifr'natonalis ce teuuctnyeusumeuug cecognizedt 21t ueo :0t., , ' btstitpiladr dicieuary pauuisiuui u duu .i nlihgtheptrimuui-yfumetieuuf eec liouary, eIteu'natui coutelas a vetamoisut 0f geetrlufermalnof greef value.-Jau. . 1511. G-C. VZeRIAM CO., Publishers, sprin C4 ISS.,U.S.A, The Mlas.n Col Wonders Min our JuIy Sale S The public point the linger at us and say there's the store tnlat's doing the business. i'hey've poiiu ted Sat us for the past year and said there's the store which is going too fast but are doing thé bu2I-Iness! This has gone on so long we feel we've a daimi on the trade because when there is s0 mucli sroke there must be some fire and we believe you appre- .waek our' efforts. You can put us to the test this Suite, Pants -Boots & Shees Hats Neckwear Teas Dress Goode Underwear Sugars ffi Muslins Jewe]ry Baking Powder Light Ceaie and Vests. Present values are beyond precedent se much se that they will seen be cenverted inte cash. Nothing sua-passes the values we're giving as a regular thing and almest nothing approaching them., We aim te keep everything you are Iikely to want and we den't forget that yeu ve less mouey 110W than yeu had, Timnes are closer, Those granite preserving keties àt 45e. Those Tea- ketties at 20c. TheseJapan and Indian Teas at'20c and 9.5c. a Ca oCrn at c. Pint botties Temnate and Fruit Catsup, a 1 goeds, at 18c. Sardines at 5c and Inany ether liues in their wake should lead you teoeur gcerydprmn hc.i leader in the race en values. eerdcrtnthihsa Those who are not already our customers Scorne once or twice and test and compare our prices Sand values and we will be satisfied with the verdict. TEE .HASONC. B OWMÂNFI LLE. Isole agent for YAR. BOWMANVILLE, ONT. E. R. BOUNSALL, manufacturer of and dealer in Fine Monumental Work of evety de- scription, and ail kinds of Cemetery Work. E Ail orders promptly filied in a satisfactory E mauner, and at reasonable prices. 14 16t In the Surrogate Court' In the matter of the Guardianship cf, the infant. children of Mary Eliz- abetlh Gilbert, late of th e twnship cf Darlington, in flie Cotent y of Durham, cleceased. Appicitions wilh be mcdo f0 the Succogme CourMb fthe UnlitetiCounfies 0fNorthumberland anti Durhamn hefore the JutginluChambers cf the Courtfloeuse lu the town of Coboucg chIer the ertpircfioik oh lwenty ticys frointhte tiret publi ce- tioni becoof on Schah o h e Toronto Geniecal 1lerste Comnpany, for an ortier eppoiiccbing the dct The, Toronto Ceuccal Trusts Comîîeny, GuurIien of Meggle Albierta Gilbe rf. CMbaee chuýiltcef tIhoeciti Ma-ry Elizabeth GCubent, D eei cfBowmartvill' fuis 131h (ce- of Jouie. Aý D. 18 t. 1H12 TORONTO CENER_,L TRUSTS CO, By D. B. Suneteuit, of the ,toe-îii, BowiauvfIie, tbeir Solicitor 21-3w. Farmers Buy Your "TWI N E" BRANTFORD, ONT. Peter Murdoch, Forget Your Feet 1 Tou can do It by wearing the Miater shoe. It wlU Qt yeu se that you wli hose your cerns Inetead of Vonr temper. Me ~éafter Na- t1~e' frme0ffetby the fanaous G~oyea wft reesse, whch gives ehastlclty te the SOi-drailfty10the ehop. Made tronc the best ImPorted cull'-ekin. Twelvýé sbeaýes, any widths, three grades. Stamped on the soie».00 *4700» $5.00 per pair. The Sia-ter Shoe (for men.) ~ cud Gfoufs, Bowmuýïlllc,